Cassius (Event)/Voice

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Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Recruit 名はカシウスという。しばらく行動を共にさせてもらう I'm Cassius. For the time being, I'll be fighting alongside you.
Home Screen 俺の素性が気になるか?説明するのは合理的だと思えん。ここと向こうとでは文明のレベルが違いすぎて、理解できないだろうからな You're curious about my origins? I don't think it would be logical to explain it. The civilization where I come from is much more advanced than yours; you probably wouldn't understand if I told you.
本は好んで読む。合理的な戦術書も、非合理性の塊の小説も、どちらも嗜んでいる I enjoy reading books. Be it logical treatises on tactics, or novels that are little more than bundles of irrationality, I've taken an interest in both.
お前たちはとことん感情で動くのだな…感情論は非合理極まりなくて好まないが…だからこそ、興味深い It seems all of you are completely ruled by emotions. Sentimental arguments are highly illogical, so I'd prefer to avoid them myself... but perhaps that's exactly why I find you so fascinating.
Add to Party 了解だ Understood.
どこへ行く? Where are we headed?
フフッ、実に興味深い Heheh, truly fascinating.
Uncap 任務のために努力したまで。当然の成果だ I've put in the effort toward fulfilling my mission. This is just the natural outcome.
Journal 名はカシウスという。しばらく行動を共にさせてもらう I'm Cassius. For the time being, I'll be fighting alongside you. Same as Recruit.
フォッシルにある小説も、ぜひ読んでみたいと思う I think I'd like to try reading some novels from the Fossil world as well.
ノイン。お前にも意思はあるのか?…フッ…我ながら非合理極まりない問だな Yek, do you have a will of your own? ...Heh. A highly illogical query, coming from me.
EM Lvl Up フォッシルの民、まだまだ調べ甲斐がありそうだ It seems Fossildwellers may be worth investigating further.
EM Perk Lvl Up 悪くない Not bad.
次の任務に生かそう I'll put this to good use on my next mission.
合理的だ A logical decision.
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack はあっ Hah!
ふっ Huh!
ぬるい Too slow.
Enemy Defeated 掃討完了 Cleanup complete.
Skill 1 俺がやる I'll do it.
Skill 2 動くな Don't move.
Skill 3 攻勢に転じる Taking the offensive.
C.A. Ready 合わせられる者は、俺に続け Anyone who can keep pace with me, follow my lead.
Charge Attack ターゲット捕捉…排除する。ルナ・ルーラー・インベージョン Target apprehended. Now eliminating. Lunar Ruler Invasion.
Skip Charge Attack ルナ・ルーラー・インベージョン Lunar Ruler Invasion.
Damage Taken 油断した… I was careless...
Red HP 俺を追い詰めるとはな… To think I'd be cornered like this...
Knocked Out 血を流しすぎたか… Have I lost too much blood...?
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
A logical tactic.
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
If you're going to treat this, I won't stop you.
Healed 合理的な判断だ A logical decision.
Join Battle 任務開始 Commencing mission.
Victory 任務完了。帰投する Mission complete. Returning to base.
Turn Start 速やかに排除する I'll eliminate them promptly.
MC Defeats Enemy いい動きだ Excellent technique.
MC C.A. Ready この場は任せる I'll leave it to you this time.
MC Red HP 待機していろ Stand by.
MC Knocked Out 休め At ease.

Chain Burst

Chain Burst Voice Lines
Applicable Characters Zeta
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Cassius (Event)
Any version
Zeta and Vaseraga (Halloween)IsaacGwynne
Chain StartThis line only plays when the game language is set to Japanese. Japanese English Notes Play
排除する。 Eliminating the target.
Element Chain Japanese English Notes Play
Fire 2 レッドデトネーション! Red Detonation!
3 紅蓮のコラプション! Crimson Corruption!
4 プロミネンスフレア! Prominence Flare!
Water 2 ブルーデトネーション! Blue Detonation!
3 霧氷のイルミネート! Ice Illumination!
4 アブソリュート・ゼロ! Absolute Zero!
Earth 2 アースデトネーション! Earth Detonation!
3 地絶のパルヴァライズ! Quaking Pulverization!
4 ディアストロフィズム! Diastrofism!
Wind 2 エアロデトネーション! Air Detonation!
3 乱壊のテンペスト! Tempest!
4 バーストゲイル! Galeburst!
Light 2 アークデトネーション! Light Detonation!
3 雷電のエラディケート! Lightnic Eradication!
4 アセンション! Ascension!
Dark 2 カオスデトネーション! Chaos Detonation!
3 奈落のフォールダウン! Oblivion Fall!
4 ケイオスタイド! Tide of Chaos!

Character Banter


Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Skill 1 カシウス「ここが攻めどころだな。」
Cassius: Now's our chance to attack.
Zeta: Alright! Go wild!
Skill 2 カシウス「準備運動といくか。」
Cassius: Time for some warm-ups.
Zeta: Taking it nice and slow, aren't you?
Skill 3 カシウス「敵の出方を見よう。」
Cassius: Let's observe our opponent's movements.
Zeta: Oh? So it's up to no good, huh?
C.A. Ready カシウス「頃合いだ。やれるか?」
Cassius: It's time. Are you up to it?
Zeta: Naturally. What do you take me for?
Red HP カシウス「何っ…!?」
Cassius: What...!
Zeta: Huh... so our opponent's stronger than I had thought.
Knocked Out カシウス「戦闘続行…困難……。」
Cassius: It'll be... difficult... to continue... fighting...
Zeta: Rest up. I'll beat 'em up on your behalf.
Join Battle カシウス「敵の分析は完了した。」
Cassius: I've finished analyzing our opponent.
Zeta: Haha, then that seals the victory for us!
Victory ゼタ「片付いたね。そろそろご飯?」
Zeta: Looks like we're done. Hungry yet?
Cassius: Hm... I feel like having spaghetti with meat sauce right now.


Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Skill 1 カシウス「状況を打開する。」
Cassius: I'll break through the stalemate.
Vaseraga: Don't get too carried away.
Skill 2 カシウス「バザラガの戦うに習うか。」
Cassius: I suppose I'll learn a thing or two from your fighting style.
Vaseraga: I don't recall going that far.
Skill 3 カシウス「こちらの損害は、最小限にとどめる。」
Cassius: I'll keep the damages on our end to a minimum.
Vaseraga: Thanks, having to deal with getting yelled at all the time is a pain.
C.A. Ready カシウス「体が温まった。」
Cassius: I'm done with warming up.
Vaseraga: Nice timing. Let's proceed with our attack.
Red HP カシウス「…!厄介な相手だ…。」
Cassius: Ugh... this one's a tough one...
Vaseraga: Don't push yourself too hard. If anything were to happen to you, our babysitters will be complaining non-stop.
Knocked Out カシウス「くっ……。」
Cassius: Urgh...
Vaseraga: Both of us push ourselves hard even if we shouldn't, huh...
Join Battle カシウス「バザラガの攻撃にも耐える相手か。」
Cassius: So this opponent can stand even your attacks, Vaseraga?
Vaseraga: Yeah. It's so persistent, I'm stumped.
Victory カシウス「水分が必要だ。俺にもミルクを。」
Cassius: I need to replenish my fluids. Let me have some milk too.
Vaseraga: Sure, you can have half of mine.


Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Skill 1 カシウス「仕留める。」
Cassius: Proceeding with bringing down our opponent.
Beatrix: Finish 'em in one clean hit!
Skill 2 ベアトリクス「行けるか、カシウス?」
Beatrix: Cassius, you ready?
Cassius: Of course.
Skill 3 カシウス「作戦通りに行く。」
Cassius: We'll go according to plan.
Beatrix: Don't any of you dare think you can escape.
C.A. Ready カシウス「殲滅する。」
Cassius: Proceeding with wiping out our opponent.
Beatrix: Nice! Go get them!
Red HP カシウス「ぬう……援護を頼めるか……?」
Cassius: Ugh... can I count on you to provide cover?
Beatrix: Of course! Don't worry about it, go rest!
Knocked Out カシウス「馬鹿な……!」
Cassius: Impossible...
Beatrix: Cassius! You've gotta be kidding...
Join Battle カシウス「状況は?」
Cassius: What's the situation like?
Beatrix: Now that you're here, everything's in our favor!
Victory カシウス「上出来だ。ベアトリクス」
Cassius: You did a good job, Beatrix.
Beatrix: You've got that right! You did great too!


Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Skill 1 カシウス「俺がやる。」
Cassius: I'll do it.
Eustace: Don't mess up.
Skill 2 カシウス「活路を開く。」
Cassius: I'll pave the way.
Eustace: I'll give chase.
Skill 3 カシウス「ここが好機だ。」
Cassius: Now's our chance.
Eustace: Let's wipe them out.
C.A. Ready カシウス「目標捕捉。」
Cassius: Apprehending the target.
Eustace: I'll provide cover.
Red HP カシウス「この損傷は想定外だ……。」
Cassius: I didn't... foresee... getting this injury...
Eustace: Fall back. I'll take over.
Knocked Out カシウス「一時撤退する。」
Cassius: I'm withdrawing for the time being.
Eustace: Leave the rest to me.
Join Battle カシウス「任務開始。」
Cassius: Commencing our mission.
Eustace: Let's finish this promptly.
Victory カシウス&ユーステス「任務完了。」 Cassius & Eustace: Mission accomplished.


Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Skill 1 カシウス「少し前に出よう」
Cassius: I'm moving up front.
Ilsa: Avoid getting hit by the stray bullets.
Skill 2 カシウス「攻め時だな」
Cassius: Now is a good time to attack.
Ilsa: Understood! I'll provide cover fire!
Skill 3 カシウス「適性を見出す」
Ilsa: Hmph, I'll reward you later.
C.A. Ready カシウス「エスコートは必要か?」
Cassius: In need of someone to escort you?
Ilsa: Unfortunately for you, I'm fine walking by myself.
Red HP カシウス「戦闘継続は……可能だ」
Cassius: For me to continue... fighting...... is possible.
Ilsa: Where did all your rationality go?
Knocked Out カシウス「想定外の出血が……」
Cassius: I'm bleeding an unexpected... amount...
Ilsa: I'll make them pay the price for making you bleed!
Join Battle カシウス「成程……苦戦もするか」
Cassius: I see... so even you struggle sometimes.
Ilsa: Don't just stand and watch. Provide assistance.
Victory カシウス「想定より早い勝利だ」
Cassius: We finished faster than expected.
Ilsa: I'm not letting my teatime get interrupted.


Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Skill 1 アイザック「こ、こっちに来た…!」
Isaac: I-it's headed our way...!
Cassius: I'll deal with it.
Skill 2 カシウス「下がっていろ。」
Cassius: Stand back.
Isaac: Eep!
Skill 3 カシウス「何かあれば修復を頼む。」
Cassius: I'm counting on you for recovery if anything happens.
Isaac: Don't push yourself too hard, Cousin.
C.A. Ready カシウス「仕掛ける。どこを狙えばいい?」
Cassius: Commencing attack. Where should I aim?
Isaac: O-oh, I'll finish analyzing right away.
Red HP カシウス「想定よりも、強敵だ……」
Cassius: Our opponent's more formidable than expected......
Isaac: You've gotta be kidding! For you to be this injured... Show me your wounds!
Knocked Out カシウス「損傷……拡大……。」
Cassius: My injury... has gotten worse...
Isaac: I'll take it from here! Make a run for it, Cousin!
Join Battle カシウス「戦士が必要か」
Cassius: In need of a soldier?
Isaac: Great timing, Cousin!
Victory カシウス「エンジニア。お前の装備は優秀だな。」
Cassius: Engineer, your gear is excellent.
Isaac: Ahaha... It's highly outdated in comparison to what you have, though.


Happy Birthday

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
誕生日おめでとう。 Happy birthday.
当人が誕生日を特別視するのはともかく、周囲の者が手を尽くして祝おうとするのは理解不能だが、そこがフォッシルの民らしいな It's one thing for someone to view their own birthday as something special, but why others would put in effort to celebrate as well is beyond me. I suppose it's just Fossildweller culture.

Happy New Year

Home Page Voice Lines
Japanese EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
明けましておめでとう Happy new year.
餅という食べ物は、弾力が強すぎて食べ辛い。非合理極まりないが、どうにも食べてしまう。これで3つ目だ Mochi is so chewy that it's difficult to eat, but it's illogically addictive. I'm on my third piece.

Valentine's Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
ハッピーバレンタイン Happy Valentine.
このチョコレートとやらは、熱には弱いが良質な栄養源となり、ある程度保存も効く。貰えるだけ貰って損はない This thing's called chocolate, is it? Although it melts as it's sensitive to heat, it is a decent source of nutrients and lasts for a while. There's no harm in accepting as many as possible.

White Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
ハッピーホワイトデー Happy White Day.
バレンタインデーのお礼に菓子を渡す日か。フォッシルの民には、奇妙な習慣が多い。 A day to return the favor from Valentine's Day, huh? Fossildwellers have strange customs.

Trick or Treat

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

Happy Holidays

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
メリークリスマス Merry Christmas.
子供にプレゼントを無償で配り歩く老人がいると聞いた。それも親切シンゆえの行為か。興味深い I heard there's an old man going around offering gifts to children without asking for compensation. Is that what you call an act of kindness? Fascinating.


This character does not have any outfits.