Age | 33 |
Height | 102 cm |
Race | Harvin |
Hobbies | Go |
Likes | Going against the odds |
Dislikes | Trendy things |
妹の仇を追って主人公達と旅するサビルバラは、今回のイベント「白詰草想話」で仇に関する情報をリュミエール聖騎士団から得て、とある島へ向かいます。 追い続けた宿敵との邂逅を前に、何を想い立ち向かっていくのでしょうか。 そのお話はイベント「白詰草想話」とフェイトエピソードにて語られます。 フェイトエピソードでは、シナリオイベント「待雪草祈譚」のその後が描かれます。 妖刀によってもたらされた悲劇と因縁に、ひとつの区切りをつけたサビルバラ。 果たして、長きに渡る復讐の旅を終えたサビルバラがこの先に進む道とは──? ぜひともサビルバラを仲間に加えて、シナリオイベント「待雪草祈譚」とあわせてお楽しみください! |
Game | Strategy | Lore | Voice |
This page is a Lore stub. Please help us expand it by contributing relevant data. See Meta:Manual of Style/Character Pages/Lore for more info. |
Official Profile
Age | 33歳 |
Height | 102cm |
Race | ハーヴィン |
Hobbies | 囲碁 |
Likes | 分の悪い賭け |
Dislikes | 流行りもの |
妹の仇を追って主人公達と旅するサビルバラは、今回のイベント「白詰草想話」で仇に関する情報をリュミエール聖騎士団から得て、とある島へ向かいます。 追い続けた宿敵との邂逅を前に、何を想い立ち向かっていくのでしょうか。 そのお話はイベント「白詰草想話」とフェイトエピソードにて語られます。 フェイトエピソードでは、シナリオイベント「待雪草祈譚」のその後が描かれます。 妖刀によってもたらされた悲劇と因縁に、ひとつの区切りをつけたサビルバラ。 果たして、長きに渡る復讐の旅を終えたサビルバラがこの先に進む道とは──? ぜひともサビルバラを仲間に加えて、シナリオイベント「待雪草祈譚」とあわせてお楽しみください! |
Sevilbarra came from a family that practiced sword arts in order to overcome the corruption of the demon blades. His parents passed away when he was still young, leaving his sister — Keralbarra — and their family's demon blade in his care. Deciding that the demon blade in their possession was too dangerous, Sevilbarra and his sister had planned to seal it away with the help of Krelkulkil — Sevilbarra's future brother-in-law. Their demon blade became a dowry that was carried by Keralbarra during her bridal procession, but it was unfortunately stolen by Corwell — a former knight of Lumiel Order of Holy Knights who had been driven mad by demon blades. Keralbarra and everyone with her were murdered in the process except for Sevilbarra, leaving him as the only survivor of the harrowing tragedy. While Krelkulkil searched for his bride's murderer in his own way, Sevilbarra began to travel with the Main Character's crew for the purpose of finding and destroying his family's demon blade.
This section contains spoilers. Continue reading at your own discretion. |
After some time had passed, the crew managed to track down and capture Corwell. However, the deranged man was beyond salvation due to the corruption of the demon blades. The crew brought him to Krelkulkil's grandfather for the purpose of removing the demon blade that belonged to Sevilbarra's family without harming him. But while he was being detained in the estate, Krelkulkil broke in and killed the man for his revenge. At this point of time, Krelkulkil had been slowly succumbing to the corruption of his own family's demon blade, which he had been using to chase after Corwell. Krelkulkil took the demon blade that belonged to Sevilbarra's family from Corwell, and claimed that the soul of his beloved bride was trapped inside.
After running away with the demon blade, Krelkulkil tried to free the soul of his beloved from the blade, but he failed. On his second attempt, he killed himself with the blade so that his soul could enter it. But his plan to offer his body as a vessel for his wife was rejected by Keralbarra herself, while Sevilbarra, who had also entered the blade, tried to offer his body as well so that the two of them could continue to live. In the end, Krelkulkil decided to stay with Keralbarra, as Sevilbarra returned with Galanthalus — a boy that had served as the X factor of the demon blade — to fulfill Krelkulkil's last wish. Galanthalus was a name that was given by Krelkulkil and Keralbarra, and his physical form was given to him by reconstructing Krelkulkil's flesh. He has endless gratitude for the Harvin couple and sees them as his parents. And now, Sevilbarra takes it upon himself to care for the boy, as he continues his journey alongside the crew with a renewed purpose.
End of spoilers.
Special Cutscenes
Spoiler Alert! These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts. View these tabs at your own discretion. |
Happy Birthday Cutscenes | ||||
# | Link | Text | ||
1 | ✔ |
So it's your birthday today. That's great! |
2 | ✔ |
(Captain), happy birthday. I'm really happy for you. I mean it! |
3 | ✔ |
(Captain), your birthday is a wonderful occasion for celebration! |
4 | ✔ |
How's the cake, (Captain)? |
5 | ✔ |
(Captain), happy birthday. |
Happy New Year Cutscenes | ||||
# | Link | Text | ||
1 | ✔ |
Hmm... Oh, it's you. So even the master has come to see the first sunrise of the year. |
2 | ✔ |
(Captain), happy New Year! |
3 | ✔ |
... |
4 | ✔ |
Hey, (Captain). What's with the brush? Ah, preparing for New Year's calligraphy, I see. |
5 | ✔ |
Hm? (Captain), is that a kite in your hand? |
Valentine's Day Cutscenes | ||||
# | Link | Text | ||
1 | ✔ |
Oh, you got that for me? What, for Valentine's? |
2 | ✔ |
You bought that for me? Ah, for Valentine's Day, I see. You have my gratitude, friend! |
3 | ✔ |
Mm? This is for me? Valentine's candy! I humbly accept. |
4 | ✔ |
Valentine's chocolates? For me? |
5 | ✔ |
Is it that time of the year again? I gladly accept your chocolate, (Captain). |
White Day Cutscenes | ||||
# | Link | Text | ||
1 | ✔ |
Hey, (Captain)! I hear it's White Day around these parts. |
2 | ✔ |
(Captain)! There you are! |
3 | ✔ |
Oh, there you are, (Captain). Looks like you're keeping busy today. |
4 | ✔ |
Take this, (Captain). It's thanks for Valentine's. |
5 | ✔ |
How did things end up like this? |
Gift |
Trick or Treat Cutscenes | ||||
# | Link | Text | ||
1 | ✔ |
Uh, happy Halloween? I'm not even familiar with what Halloween really is. |
2 | ✔ |
This is troubling. I can't tell the costumed revelers apart from the troublemakers. |
3 | ✔ |
This is quite the festive event. Seeing the little ones enjoying themselves brings peace to my soul. |
4 | ✔ |
That certainly is a lovingly crafted costume you're wearing, (Captain). |
5 | ✔ |
(Captain), is there anything I can help with? |
Happy Holidays Cutscenes | ||||
# | Link | Text | ||
1 | ✔ |
Oh, are the holidays here already? I never really used to celebrate them so I forget when they are. |
2 | ✔ |
Hmm? Oh, (Captain)! The guys in the kitchen just asked me to grab some ingredients from the pantry. |
3 | ✔ |
Today's a special day, isn't it? All of the crew members seem filled with joy. |
4 | ✔ |
It's getting chilly. Makes sense with the snowfall. |
5 | ✔ |
(Captain), I'll be stepping out for a bit. |
Fate Episodes
Spoiler Alert! These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion. |
The Reckless Ronin
Choose: That's enough!
Choose: What's wrong with you?
Fate in the Demon Blade
Fate in the Demon Blade: Scene 2
Fate in the Demon Blade: Scene 3
Side-scrolling Quotes
JapaneseThis is an official transcription. | EnglishThis is an official translation. |
家宝の妖刀…必ず折らねば…! | I must destroy my family's demon blade at all costs! |
カラクラキル……覚悟を決めねばな… | Krelkulkil... I'm ready for you... |
世の中、思うようにはいかないもんだ… | Things don't go so smoothly in this world... |
許せ、クラーバラ… | Forgive me, Keralbarra... |
やるべきことは決まっちょる…! | It's obvious what I need to do! |
妖刀は不幸を撒き散らす… | Demon blades spread misfortune... |
露払いは任せておくぜよ! | I'll let you clear the path! |
気を遣わせてすまんな、(主人公) | Always appreciate you looking out for me, (Captain). |
仕事の最中ぜよ、集中せねばな | We're in the middle of a job. Got to focus. |
(主人公)の優しさを歪めたくないもんだ | Wouldn't want to take advantage of (Captain)'s kindness. |
- ↑ Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, レジェンドフェス開催&新キャラクター「サビルバラ」「シャルロッテ」「ラスティナ」紹介!
- ↑ Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, レジェンドフェス開催中&新キャラクター「サビルバラ」「ウツセミ」紹介のお知らせ