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Official Profile

Age Unknown
Height 165 cm
Race Human(?)
(as Rosetta)
Unknown (looks like human)
(as Rosetta (Holiday/Grand))
Primal Beast (looks like human)
(as of Rosetta (Summer))
Hobbies Gardening
Likes Attractive people (regardless of gender)
Dislikes Machines
Granblue Fantasy Theater
A mysterious beauty who suddenly appears before you during your travels, Rosetta seems to know the truth about many mysteries pertinent to your quest. Despite that, she often speaks in generalities and largely acts as a mere bystander. Under her exterior, Rosetta is the incarnation of the primal beast Rose Queen, and is in contact with both you and the Black Knight. Aware but not accepting of the Black Knight's intentions, she acts according to her own beliefs to guide you.
Character Release
Character Release
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 不明
Height 165cm
Race ヒューマン?
(as Rosetta)
(as Rosetta (Holiday/Grand))
(as of Rosetta (Summer))
Hobbies 植物の手入れ
Likes 魅力を感じられる人間(男女は問わない)
Dislikes 機械
Granblue Fantasy Theater
Character Release
Character Release
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]



Main Quest


Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Many happy returns. It is your birthday, isn't it?
You're one step closer to adulthood.
My birthday? Hehe, well that's a secret.


When flowers bloom gloriously in spring, it's because they've survived the frigid chill of winter.
Covered by layers of cold snow, flowers are unable to know what's ahead, leaving them only in darkness.
But without worry and hardship, a beautiful flower will never bloom.
Hehe. When you bloom into the beautiful person you're meant to be, it will have been a long time coming.
But I know that you will be the most beautiful flower of all.


Hehe. What's wrong? Why the face?
Yes... It'll be a while until we get where we need to go.
But come on... Laugh a little.
Yes, like that. The flower inside you has yet to blossom.
But don't worry. You've overcome so many hardships that your flowering is soon to come.
Brave yourself for Estalucia. (Captain), the road ahead will require time to navigate, but we're steadily moving along.
Not just me, but Lyria, Vyrn, Katalina, Rackam, Io, Eugen... We're all here for you.
With all of these friends supporting you, there's nothing to fear.
We'll always be there for you.
A birthday is an important milestone. Once you've composed yourself, let's celebrate.
Look. Everyone's prepared a party, and they're waiting just for you.


Today marks a great point in your life, (Captain).
This day celebrates when you came into the world. Only a handful of years have passed since that time.
What have you learned, who have you met, what have you done?
(Captain), this day is one to honor the growth you've made. That is the meaning of a birthday.
So happy birthday, (Captain).
Even if you don't know how much you've changed, I do. After all, I've been by your side all this time.
And I will continue to do so for as long as I live.


Happy birthday, (Captain).
Today's a special day—not only for you, but for me as well.
To live is an accumulation of moments. To have an infinite collection of single moments, and letting it grow bigger and bigger like the rings of a tree...
The time you spend with me becomes a part of you. That makes me very glad.
There must be meaning to our encounters in life.
Let's treasure these encounters. I'm looking forward to spending more time with you, (Captain).

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

So another year has begun.
I wonder what kind of year this one will be.


(Captain), happy New Year! Have you already decided what your resolution will be?
If you just keep your goal in mind, then you can easily strive to attain it.
I suppose you could think of it like putting a support on a plant.
Even without one it will still grow. But with one it will grow majestically.
Hehe. Since it's the beginning of a new year, I thought I'd give you something interesting to think about.


Hehe. Look at that face. (Captain), you're like a fine wine that gets better with time. I really believe that.
You know... The road ahead will only grow more perilous.
But you'll get through it. I'll make sure of that.
What? Is that a hard pill for you to swallow?
Hehe. I suppose it would be... No one can blame you.
Yet, I... No... We're sure.
(Captain), no matter where life tries to take you, I know you'll make your own path.


(Captain), happy New Year.
Oh, you look tired. Hehe. Did you stay up late yesterday?
You know what they say about starting the new year in poor form; the remainder will follow suit.
No matter what you do, no matter how well you prepare for the days to come, time will just pass you by...
And then it will be the next year before you know it.
It's all right to indulge yourself every now and again, but I don't think you'll be able to be productive if you get sleepy by midday.
Let's make sure we bring out the best in one another this year, okay, (Captain)?


Happy New Year, (Captain).
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the start of a new one make you feel like you can accomplish anything you put your mind to?
Well, it's not just a feeling. Not in your case at least.
You've got so much hidden potential within you.
So don't be afraid to try whatever you like. It'll be good to expand your horizons.
I'll be watching over you every step of the way, just as I do every year.
Hehe, I’m looking forward to seeing you grow stronger and wiser as we enjoy another round of new adventures.

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Now I'll just wrap them tight, and...
There, all done.
Well, how long has it been since I worked this hard to make candy? Hehehe.
Why am I working so hard? Dear me, don't you know that I'm doing this all for you?
We've been adventuring together for so long now, I could never tell you in words how much you mean to me.
So would you be so kind as to accept this candy instead?
Hehehe. You might be interested to know why I'm presenting it to you like this.
You see, when I was making the chocolate, I burned my hand a little bit. A silly mistake.
Since it hurts as it does, I thought this might be the only way I could give the candy to you. Hehe.
Here you are then.


Hehe. You want chocolate that badly, do you? Or maybe you want something else...
Maybe there's something out there that's better than chocolate...
No, Captain. You shouldn't long after such things. You'll leave your heart exposed!
And you certainly won't get anything good if you can't ask nicely for it.
So until then, here. Have some tasty little chocolates.


(Captain), I finally found you! You've been so busy with all the girls stealing you away.
Which means... you probably won't be able to appreciate the chocolate I want to give you.
Really? You sure you want it from me? What to do... Maybe I'll give it to someone else.
Hehe. Just kidding. This chocolate belongs to you.
Happy Valentine's Day! Eat it all up.


(Captain), here are your chocolates. Happy Valentine's Day.
Hmm... I guess just giving you your chocolates wouldn't be very fun, would it?
I mean, you've already got so many from other girls, right?
I know what I can do to stand out! I'll watch you eat! Right here, right now! Take a bite. Let me know what you think of these.
Hehe. I'll even do something else. I'll feed them to you.
Okay... Open up.
Hehehe. You like that?


What's this? Shouldn't you be somewhere else, basking in your own popularity?
Or have you had enough chocolate from the other crew members?
That's quite the pile you've got. I'm feeling a bit jealous just from looking at it.
Hehe, but of course I don't plan on giving up without a fight.
Here you are. Happy Valentine's Day.
Now open wide and have a taste of my love-filled chocolate.

Rosetta's Chocolate
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Oh my... A White Day present for me? Thank you, (Captain). How darling of you.
But don't you know? You're supposed to give something three times bigger than what you got for Valentine's.
Hehehe... So what are you going to do now? Are you going to make up the rest to me somehow? Perhaps some type of payment could suffice...
Hehe. I'm kidding, of course. No need to fret. Oh, have I gotten you all excited now?


Oh... For me? Why, thank you, (Captain).
Hehe. You look so happy, even though I'm the one getting the present.
You truly are adorable.
With a face like that, you're sure to make others happy too. But then they'll want to look at you more!
Well, I suppose this means you can look forward to Valentine's Day again next year.
Hehe. Learning to enjoy the wait is something adults do, you know.


Hehe. Thank you, (Captain). Getting a gift from you warms me right up.
It's true. It's like you've stolen my heart with your small token of appreciation.
You really have a knack for putting people at ease, (Captain).
That's a quality that can't be learned. It's innate. You shine as the sun does...
Will you continue to light our way on this journey?
Hehe. Pinky swear, okay?


Oh my, looks like I've been found.
Hehe. That's right. I was hiding this whole time.
I knew you would find me no matter how long it took you, (Captain).
Why would I hide? You mean you don't know? Some things never change...
I wanted you to come look for me! I needed you to put in the work.
Hehe. You still have much to learn about me and our relationship.
But thank you for looking. I'm glad you found me, and I'm happy to receive a present from you.


Thank you, (Captain). This is my White Day gift, isn't it? I'm happy to receive it.
I have to say you're a bit late though. Did you give everyone else their presents first?
I see... I suppose I wasn't as high of a priority then.
Hehe, I'm sorry. I couldn't help but play a little joke on you.
You were more panicked than I expected you to be. Are you that concerned with being in my good graces?
Hehe, what a wonderfully rare sight it was. I almost feel like boasting a bit to my fellow crew members.
Or maybe I won't. Relax. It'll be a secret between only the two of us.
I'm not that fond of sharing, after all.

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Trick or treat!
So which do you prefer? Tricks or treats?
Now, now, there's no way you'll be able to play a trick on me! You're still far too young!


Oh? What are you doing, (Captain)?
Heh heh, it's a shame really. You're a little young for some of my Halloween pranks...
Although... Yes, that's right.
I suppose it should be all right if I play a little prank on you.
What kind of mischief strikes your fancy? Something scary? Or perhaps...


Everyone's having such a good time running from place to place. Even if you're an adult, it's okay to have a little fun on Halloween, right?
I can't be expected to just give my goodies away, can I? I want to really enjoy this day.
Hehe. It'd be a shame to let this day go to waste, so maybe I'll put on a costume of my own.
I'll even let you pick what I wear.
So... are you ready to lay something on me?


(Captain), would you lend me an ear?
The children in town threatened me. They said if I don't give them candy, they'll play a trick on me.
Of course, I didn't have anything to give them and I didn't want them to do anything to me, so I just stood there frozen...
Then I decided to scare them myself and they ran away like little spiders.
Hehehe. I must say they were cute though.
Now I'm in the mood to scare any little child who threatens me with trick-or-treat.
Hehe... So captain, to what do I owe the honor of your presence?
That outfit and that little bucket...
There wouldn't be something you'd like to ask me, is there?
Come on... Let me have it.


Trick or treat! Now, (Captain), take your pick. Would you like a trick or a treat from me?
But I'll let you in on a little secret... Actually, I've already decided that I'll be playing a trick on you this year.
In other words, I didn't plan to let you pick in the first place. It's trick or trick.
Haha, you're not getting away from me...
I've been preparing for this so I can see your distraught expression, (Captain).
Well then... Wouldn't you like to know what sort of trick I've reserved just for you?

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy holidays, Captain.
This is a special time of year, so let's make tonight a night we'll never forget!


Well now, you seem to be in good spirits, (Captain). Are you looking forward to seeing Santa?
Perhaps you think you're not a child anymore. But I think Santa will be the judge of that.
To Santa, anyone could still be a child.
Hehe. Just keep an ear out for him. His jolly laugh echoes through the snowy skies.
If you hear him, then he must be coming soon. Happy holidays!


(Captain), for you, what's the significance of this holiday? Is it a time to spend with a loved one? Or perhaps...
Hehe... For me, it's a day to spend with friends. Hmm... The cookies will be a while...
Would you like to take a walk with me?
Let's stroll down these dazzling streets together. I bet it'll be something you won't forget.


Io and the others went out. Apparently there was some event in town.
Wait... That means you and I are all alone, doesn't it?
Hehe... The holiest of nights is upon us, and it seems that my present has arrived a little early.
There's still time until the party, how about we have a nice cup of tea together?


Oh dear. I see you can't sleep either, (Captain).
Hehe, just remembering the wonderful party we had is enough to give me another boost of energy.
Io certainly got a little too excited, didn't she?
It didn't take long for the exhaustion to catch up to her, of course, but she looked absolutely adorable while drifting off.
I'm sure you're tired as well, but knowing you, you're forcing yourself to stay awake.
Perhaps Santa's taking a bit too long to stop by, so you decided to go seek him out instead?
Hehe, I'm only kidding. I know all too well how a festive night can keep you awake for hours.
Since we're both awake anyway, why don't we keep each other company for the rest of this short night?

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

The Language of the Forest

The crew visits a village of which Rosetta seems to have fond memories of. The place is buzzing with talk of monsters appearing in the forest. The crew heads into the woods to hunt the monsters and find a brave villager who went in alone.

During their journey, the crew decide to stop to rest in a certain village. It seems Rosetta has been to the area before and is actually rather fond of it.
Lyria: So this place we're going... What exactly do you like about it?
Rosetta: Hmm... It's very quiet, the air's clean, and monsters hardly ever show up. It's a wonderful forest.
Vyrn: A forest? I thought you said it was a village!
Rosetta: Well, the forest does surround a village.
Katalina: That must be the village up ahead. But something seems wrong...
Villager: Are you guys skyfarers? Rare to see you guys so far from civilization. I mean, it's been years!
Katalina: What's going on? Did something happen here?
Villager: Well, story is that one of the villagers apparently saw some monsters in the woods...
Villager: And then he headed off to hunt them on his own.
Vyrn: By himself! The guy trying to get himself killed?
Lyria: But Rosetta said there are hardly any monsters in that forest...
Villager: Which is true. There haven't been any large groups of monsters sighted in years.
Villager: But you can never really be sure, so I'm not about to go bumbling through the woods.
Rosetta: ...
Villager: I know you just got here—and I hate to impose—but do you think you could help us find out what's happened to our friend in the woods?
Io: Rosetta, are you sure this is the same forest you told us about?
Vyrn: It's kinda hard to breathe. I thought you said this was a peaceful place with nice, clean air?
Rosetta: This is definitely the right place...
Rosetta: But something has clearly changed.
Rackam: I see... We probably shouldn't dally for too long then. Let's beat down these monsters and move on, (Captain)!

The Language of the Forest: Scene 2

The once peaceful forest is now infested with monsters. Rackam laments not knowing where the villager is, but Rosetta's keen intuition points the way.

Katalina: Something about these woods suggests that there are more than just a couple monsters about. We better find that villager soon.
Rackam: That's all well and good, but how are we supposed to find him in this huge forest?
Rosetta: Easy. All we have to do is go... this way.
Rackam: How can you possibly know that?
Rosetta: Let's just call it a woman's intuition.
Rackam: Yeah, whatever you say. She's obviously off her rocker, eh, (Captain)?
  1. I think we should believe in Rosetta.
  2. You might be right...

Choose: I think we should believe in Rosetta.
Lyria: I was thinking the same thing, Rosetta!
Io: Yeah, me too! This is definitely female intuition! Not that I'd expect you to understand, Rackam.

Choose: You might be right...
Io: I think so! You know... about her intuition.
Lyria: Me too! I was just thinking the same thing, (Captain)!
Continue 1
Rackam: ...
Rosetta: Hehe. That settles it then. We'll go this way.
Vyrn: Look sharp! Here come more monsters!
Rosetta: Well, I can certainly see why some wild monsters like you would try to pick up a vamp like me...
Rosetta: But I don't have time for games like that right now. Step aside!

The Language of the Forest: Scene 3

Rosetta follows a mysterious voice to find the right way. The crew finds the villager and tries to bring him back, but he insists on protecting the forest. As Rosetta is telling him that his passion is clear to the forest, monsters attack.

Rackam: Now then... Which way next?
Rosetta: ...
Lyria: Rosetta?
Rosetta: Shh... I'm trying to listen to the voices.
Vyrn: What? I don't hear any voices...
Rosetta: This way.
Forest Protector: Who goes there? Monsters?
Katalina: Calm down. We're here to help you. You've got the villagers worried, so let's head back.
Forest Protector: No! There are still monsters about, and I have to protect the forest...
Forest Protector: I have to repay my debt!
Forest Protector: Eek!
Rosetta: Your determination is admirable. But I'm sure the forest would weep if it lost you.
Rosetta: The forest understands how you feel, and that's enough. Let us handle this.
Monster: Gwoooaaargh!
Rosetta: Come and get me. I'll give you all the loving you could ever need!

The Language of the Forest: Scene 4

The villager says (Captain) and company resemble a group of skyfarers who saved the village in the past. Rosetta seems to know something and hints that the crew will one day meet those skyfarers.

Forest Protector: Thanks...
Rosetta: The forest cared enough for you to tell me where you were.
Forest Protector: The forest? I see... So the forest saved me again.
Lyria: Again?
Forest Protector: Yeah. When I was a kid, I was attacked by monsters here. Some skyfarers saved me then, but...
Forest Protector: They said the exact same thing—that the forest guided them to me.
Forest Protector: That's why I wanted to protect the forest. I couldn't allow monsters to tear this place apart.
Rosetta: Haha... I know you want to show off how brave you are, but don't forget what happens to reckless heroes.
Forest Protector: You know, you remind me of one of the skyfarers who saved me.
Forest Protector: Actually, you could be her twin. I wonder... Were you ever—
Rosetta: Come now. That was when you were still a child.
Rosetta: Are you really going to tell me I look that old to you?
Forest Protector: Oh... O-of course not... How foolish of me...
Rosetta: Hee-hee... Look at the big man blush! How very endearing!
Rosetta: But the forest will get jealous at this rate. Let's return to the village.
Villager 1: Thank you so much—both for saving our friend and for defeating the monsters. How can we ever repay you?
Villager 2: Another group of skyfarers also hunted monsters for us long ago. This village owes them everything.
Villager 2: Speaking of which, I wonder whether they ever reached their destination... the legendary island of Estalucia.
Villager 1: You kind of resemble their captain. It'd be nice to see them again.
Vyrn: Hey, (Captain)! Hear that?
Vyrn: You think that might have been your dad and his crew?
Rackam: Hold it right there. Tons of skyfarers are trying to reach Estalucia. There's no way we can be sure.
Vyrn: Yeah, I guess you're right.
Rosetta: Hee-hee.
Vyrn: Whatcha giggling about?
Rosetta: Nothing in particular. It's just that I'm pretty sure we'll be seeing them someday.
Vyrn: Why's that?
Rosetta: Let's just call it a woman's intuition.
The crew takes a well-deserved respite in the village and then heads back out into the skies.
Estalucia is waiting for them somewhere out there, and Rosetta will be with them all the way, gently watching over them.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
こんな程度じゃ全然響かないわ I didn't even feel that.
これがオトナの戦い方よ This is how grown-ups do battle.
薔薇の香気に沈みなさい…! Bathe in the scent of roses!
残念…この程度なの? How unfortunate. Is that your best?
花と散りなさい… I'll scatter you like petals...
ふふふ…もっと、もっとよ… Hehe... Come now, you can do better than that.
そのまま眠りなさい… Sweet dreams...
可愛くっても、弱い子はだめよ? No use being cute if you're weak.
(主人公)…ふふ、なんでもないわ (Captain)... Hehe, it's nothing.
ふふふ…可愛いわね、(主人公)は You are simply adorable, (Captain).

Other Appearances

Granblue Fantasy The Animation

Rosetta appears as a main character in Season 1 of Granblue Fantasy The Animation.


  1. Granblue Fantasy Official Site, Rosetta - Theater - Granblue Fantasy
  2. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 03.
  3. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, キャラクター紹介!クリスマスバージョン「ロゼッタ」「ラカム」「ウェルダー」について
  4. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, 新キャラクター紹介!「ロゼッタ」(リミテッドシリーズ)
  5. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, グランデフェス開催&新キャラクター「ロゼッタ(水着バージョン)」「ユイシス(浴衣バージョン)」紹介!