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Menu Voice Lines |
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. |
EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. |
Notes |
Play |
Recruit |
Home Screen |
ウフフフ……なぁに? 明るい内は、まだだーめ |
Tehehe... What are you doing? Not during daytime! |
おいしそうな子が多くって……お姉さん嬉しいわぁ |
There are a lot of hot youngsters here... I'm so happy! |
今はまだ……今だけはまだ、穏やかな日々を楽しんでおきなさい |
For now... just for now, please enjoy the peaceful days while you still can. |
Add to Party |
わかってるじゃない |
You know what I'm talking about. |
いくわよ? |
Shall we go? |
まかせなさい? |
Can I leave it to you? |
Uncap |
いいわ、最高 |
That's nice, wonderful! |
Journal |
私はロゼッタ。うふふっ……あなたとっても、美味しそうね |
I am Rosetta. Tee-hee... You look awfully delicious! |
んもう、しっかりしなさい! |
Hmm, pull yourself together! |
薔薇の葬列で送ってあげるわ! |
I'll bid you farewell in a funeral parade of roses! |
EM Lvl Up |
綺麗な花には、棘があるの |
Beautiful flowers have thorns. |
EM Perk Lvl Up |
感謝してるわ |
I'm grateful. |
いいわぁ |
Nice. |
いいじゃない! |
Isn't it nice! |
Battle Voice Lines |
Action |
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. |
EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. |
Notes |
Play |
Normal Attack |
この程度? |
How about this? |
はあっ! |
Haa! |
ふっ! |
Ugh! |
Enemy Defeated |
ごめんなさぁい |
Pardon me! |
Skill 1 |
この香気に、沈みなさい |
Be drowned in this fragrance! |
Skill 2 |
こういうのはどうかしら? |
How about something like this? |
Skill 3 |
まだまだいけるわよね? |
Can you still go on? |
C.A. Ready |
決めちゃうわ |
It’s decided! |
Charge Attack |
薔薇の葬列で送ってあげるわ! ダーティ・ローズ! |
I'll bid you farewell in a funeral parade of roses! Sullen Rose! |
Skip Charge Attack |
ダーティ・ローズ! |
Sullen Rose! |
Damage Taken |
クッ… |
Khm... |
Red HP |
うそっ…?! |
No way!? |
Knocked Out |
くっ……やるじゃない |
Kmm, you're not bad at all. |
Debuffed |
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs: 面倒ねぇ |
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs: That's annoying... |
Under turn-based damage debuffs: - |
Under turn-based damage debuffs: - |
Healed |
感謝してるわ |
My thanks! |
Join Battle |
さぁ、楽しませて頂戴 |
Well, please enjoy it! |
Victory |
もう終わり? うふふ……情けない |
Already finished? Tehehe, pathetic. |
Turn Start |
ほら、こんなもんじゃないでしょう? |
Hey, this is no problem, right? |
MC Defeats Enemy |
やるじゃない |
You're not bad at all. |
MC C.A. Ready |
終わりにしましょう |
Let's finish it. |
MC Red HP |
弱気にならないで!私がついてるわ |
Don't get weak! I'm with you. |
MC Knocked Out |
お姉さんに任せなさい |
Leave it to me! |
Character Banter
Home Screen Voice Lines |
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. |
EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. |
Notes |
Play |
ハッピーバースデー! |
Happy birthday! |
Home Page Voice Lines |
Japanese |
EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. |
Notes |
Play |
Home Screen Voice Lines |
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. |
EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. |
Notes |
Play |
ハッピーバレンタイン! |
Happy Valentine's Day! |
Home Screen Voice Lines |
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. |
EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. |
Notes |
Play |
Oh my... A White Day present for me? Thank you, Captain. How darling of you. |
Same as her first White Day cutscene |
But don't you know? You're supposed to give something three times bigger than what you got for Valentine's. |
Same as her first White Day cutscene |
Home Screen Voice Lines |
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. |
EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. |
Notes |
Play |
ハッピーハロウィン! |
Happy Halloween! |
ハッピーハロウィン! |
Happy Halloween! |
Home Screen Voice Lines |
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. |
EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. |
Notes |
Play |
メリークリスマス! |
Merry Christmas! |