Lunalu (Light)/Lore

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Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy birthday. I figured since I was here anyway, I might as well say it.
I'm not one for giving gifts, so these words of well wishes are all you're going to get.
That's good enough for you?
Heh, a laudable attitude, exactly like... Sorry, just muttering to myself.
If I'm still around this time next year, I'll wish you a happy birthday again.
No promises though. I don't know what tomorrow will bring.


I see... So today's your birthday.
Happy birthday. Your special day is special to me too.
I'm glad I'm able to celebrate it with you again. I really mean it.
But I don't know what next year will bring. There's no guarantee I'll live to see tomorrow, after all...
Forgive me. I shouldn't be so negative on such a happy day.
Again, happy birthday. It's fine to say it more than once, right?
Heh... I hope this won't be the last of my birthday wishes to you.


Huff... Pant...
An injured and battered Lunalu approaches (Captain).
(Captain)... Heh, I hate to have you see me like this.
It's nothing to worry about. I merely had a bout with a demon, and suffered a few more scratches than expected.
But I knew I had to return to you before the end of the day.
It's your birthday, isn't it? Happy birthday.
Heh. I'm glad I made... it...
Lunalu's knees buckle, and the captain catches her just before she falls to the ground.
Sorry... I don't want to intrude on your special day, but... I appreciate it.

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Fancy seeing you here.
Come to watch the first sunrise of the year too?
I don't think it's a particularly special sight...
But the weather's nice, and I felt like enjoying the morning sun.
You get what I mean, don't you?


So you've come again.
I was just remembering how I met you here last year.
Is this the time when I'm supposed to say "Happy New Year"?
Heh... It's strange, isn't it? Why is only the first sunrise of the year considered to be so special?
You never know when your life will come to an end. No one can guarantee they'll live to see the sunrise every morning, can they?
But the dawn itself is innocent. It simply illuminates all living things equally.
I ended up running my mouth too much, but I hope we'll be able to watch the first sunrise next year as well, side by side.


Hey. It's you.
It seems meeting you here on this day has become tradition.
Being able to watch the first sunrise of the year with you again like this...
Heh. It's proof that both you and I have survived yet another year.
I hope I can spend the beginning of next year with you too.
But if you find me no longer by your side the next time the first sunrise comes around...
Don't make that face. I... shouldn't have said anything.
Let's indulge in what we have and enjoy the morning sun that's in front of us now.


Good grief... You've already seen the year's first sunrise. How much longer do you plan on sticking around?
Hm? Just watching the first sunrise together isn't enough for you this time?
Sorry, but today being New Year's doesn't necessarily mean I'll be doing anything you find entertaining.
I was thinking of doing some sword swings to increase my chances of survival...
Huh? You figured? So you'd planned on joining my training from the start, did you?
Hm, if you insist, then I have no reason to send you away.
Stick with my training to the end, and I'll visit the shrine with you and even give you a New Year's gift.
Don't expect me to hold back though... Give it your all!

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

What is this chocolate for?
Valentine's Day?
I see. You believe me to be someone you should give a gift to.
Well, it'd be a waste to reject a gift already prepared. I'll clear up this misunderstanding another day.
Thank you. I'll be sure to give you something in return.


Chocolate? For me?
Oh, I see. It completely slipped my mind that today is Valentine's Day.
No, don't worry. I'm not so cynical that I would refuse a kind gesture.
But it seems you're as strange as I am. Even after seeing my reaction last year, you decided to give me chocolate again...
Actually, there's something more important that I should be saying to you. Thank you, (Captain).


(Captain), I have something for you.
Here—chocolate. It's Valentine's Day today, right? You may not know, but... I'm supposed to be the one to give you something today.
What? You mean... you figured out I was a girl?
Heh, I wouldn't have expected any less from you.
Well, I wasn't planning on hiding it from you. It's just that I wanted to tell you myself, rather than having you find out another way.
Take this chocolate as proof of my trust.
Hey, stop clutching it that tightly. It's for eating, not hugging.

White Chocolate Cake
3rd year: Raspberry Chocolate Cake
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy White Day, (Captain).
This is thanks for Valentine's. Take it.
I'm not really well-versed in candy, so I don't know if it'll taste good...
At the very least, it'll serve as energy for practice.


This is in return for Valentine's. Go on, take it.
As always, I had no idea what would be good, so I just went with the candy that was supposed to be the best in the store.
Hopefully this year's will be more than just a source of energy...
What? You're happy to receive any gift that I put my heart into?
Heh... I'm not sure I have enough heart left for that, but I'm glad you're pleased either way.


Hah! Rrgh! Tah!
Lunalu is alone, swinging her sword. Her blade cuts through the air at a speed too fast for the naked eye to see.
Heh. I suppose I should call it a day.
Hm? Ah, (Captain). What's that you have in your hand?
A gift in return for Valentine's, you say?
Heh, perfect. I just wrapped up my training for the day and was craving for something sweet.
Knowing you, you must have been waiting for the right time to give it to me. Nothing escapes you, does it?
Thanks. I appreciate it.
Heh. It's... deliciously sweet.

Light Cookies
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Better stay away from me until Halloween's over.
The demon inside me has been howling all day...
Sensing evil spirits and screaming for them.
I'm going to head outside town and train with my blade. Hopefully that'll drown the howling out.
If you know what's good for you, you'll stay out of my swinging range.


"Happy Halloween," is it?
This is the day of that raucous celebration where people gather to scare each other and get candy, correct?
Meanwhile I'll be sitting on the outskirts of town, attempting to quell the evil within as I await the right moment to defeat the demons...
No, don't worry about me. This is simply the fate I bear.
You want to accompany me? I value your skill, but this is far too dangerous. If you know what's good for you, you'll stay away...
Good grief. Looks like there's no point in trying to stop you.
Fine. If you're just going to follow after me anyway, it's best if I take you along.
Well, we might as well make the most of it. I'll give you some personal sword training during the downtime.


Ah, (Captain). I'm on my way out to defeat the demons that the town's festivities have attracted.
This Halloween is mine. If you want to witness some action, then head on over to town.
What? You're coming with me to battle?
Brave, aren't you? I took you out with me last year—that wasn't enough for you, huh?
All right, all right. If that's what you want, then you can come with me again this year.
Let's have ourselves a bloody Halloween, shall we?


The day for demons to run wild has come upon us once more.
I won't try to stop you anymore. I can already tell you'll insist on following me as usual.
Huh? You think we should dress up this time?
Do you really think the demons will overlook us just because we're in Halloween costumes?
Besides, I can mask my magical presence without dressing up.
All right, all right, you win. I know firsthand just how stubborn you can be.
If dressing up will ease your worries about me even a little, then I guess I can go along with this charade.
Well? My hands are stained in blood. Any costume ideas that can make use of the idea?

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy holidays? How irritating... The holiday spirit is infecting every person.
Forget about me, and go back to your celebrating friends.
As for me, I'll be busy appeasing the demon inside that howls at the concept of a holy night.
The quiet of the snowy landscape outside town is calling to me...


Hey... Why exactly are you dragging me out like this?
What? You wanted to walk around town with me on this special night?
Heh... You're an odd one. You're only putting yourself in danger by being with me, you know.
The year end is filled with worldly desires, meaning demons are all the more powerful... but with your skill, I'm sure you can keep up.
It seems this moment of quiet will have to be put on hold, but no matter. Let us continue on our way into town to observe the festivities.


(Captain) and Lunalu walk through the decorated streets of town on a winter night.
Hey, don't go overboard just because it's the winter celebration.
What? You want a lollipop from that store before continuing on our way?
Don't you know that the power of demons is strongest on nights like these when worldly desires manifest themselves?
Still, I do like watching you enjoy yourself like this. All right, go get what you want.
But stay alert. We don't know when the demons will make their move.
I don't want the next lollipop I buy to be an offering for your grave.


My, my... Aren't you a strange one.
Spending the holy night with me in such a gloomy place?
Wouldn't you rather be strolling through the festive streets like last year, or enjoying the party on the airship?
Y-you'd have fun anywhere as long as you're with me?
Humph, don't get the wrong idea. Words like that don't unsettle me.
It's just...
I got a tiny bit sentimental because I remembered someone saying a very similar thing before.

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Square One for a Dreamer

Lunalu is spending her day off inside a storybook cafe when Vane happens to spot her, and the two begin to chat about Popol Saga, Lunalu's favorite storybook series. Lunalu lets Vane look at her idea notebook after noticing his enthusiasm for stories, where he discovers a character she created to appear in Popol Saga, based on an idealized version of herself.

Seated in a storybook cafe, Lunalu spends her day off absorbed in the Popol Saga.
Any version of Lunalu (SSR) is a crew member

Go to "Continue 1"

She is a well-known monster artist who is working hard to become a romance artist someday.
Continue 1
Lunalu (Mikhail): I'll stop here to catch my breath. You go on ahead.
Lunalu (Popol): I'm sorry we had to push ourselves so hard... I'll rest with you.
Lunalu (Mikhail): Heheh... You don't know how to take a hint, do you? This is the end of the line for me.
Lunalu (Popol): What... What are you saying? We promised we'd watch the sun set over the ocean once more!
Lunalu (Mikhail): I would love nothing more than to be able to, but look...
Lunalu (Popol): That wound! When did that happen?
Lunalu (Mikhail): It seems I didn't do a perfect job of repelling our pursuers.
Lunalu (Mikhail): But you still have a chance. Go.
Lunalu (Popol): I refuse.
Lunalu (Mikhail): Now's not the time to act childish. If you don't go, then we'll both die for nothing!
Lunalu (Popol): I'd rather stay a child forever than become an adult that abandons you!
Lunalu (Mikhail): Damn it... I'm trying to do right by you. I'll hold them off, so get going!
Lunalu (Popol): No... If I leave, how am I supposed to do right by you! I swore we'd get through this together! I'll never, ever abandon you!
Vane: ...
Lunalu & Vane: Noooooooo!
Lunalu and Vane just about leap out of their skins, startled by each other's screams.
Vane: I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you! Lunalu, right? Member of (Captain)'s crew?
Lunalu: Huh? Um... Yeah, that's me...
Vane: Phew, so I wasn't mistaken! I'm Vane, from the Order of the White Dragons!
Any version of Vane (SSR) is a crew member

Go to "Continue 2"

This friendly young man is actually vice-captain of the Order of the White Dragons, the group of knights who protect Feendrache.
Continue 2
Vane: I'm actually a part of (Captain)'s group of friends too...
Lunalu: (H-hold on, if he's here... Does that mean he heard me a moment ago?)
Lunalu: (If he did... Someone just end my suffering now!)
Vane: Now that I think about it, you went to the Cerulean Spa the other day too, yeah?
Vane: Man, I was so surprised to hear some crew members caused an uproar by turning into gorillas!
Vane: You... okay there, Lunalu?
Lunalu: Um... How long have you been here for?
Vane: Huh? Probably as long as you have, I guess?
Lunalu: Did you hear me say anything weird?
Vane: Anything weird, hm?
Vane: Well... Oh!
Vane (Mikhail): Damn it... I'm trying to do right by you. I'll hold them off, so get going!
Vane (Popol): No... If I leave, how am I supposed to do right by you! I swore we'd get through this together! I'll never, ever abandon you!
Lunalu: Ahhhhhh! Stop, no more!
Vane: Sorry! But I get it, I really do!
Lunalu: Wha?
Vane: You were reading the Popol Saga storybook, right?
Vane: When I get super into reading a storybook, I also start reading the dialogue out loud without meaning to!
Lunalu: Oh... Is that how it is? Thank goodness, it's an all-ages thing!
Vane: It's a what?
Lunalu: Nothing! Ignore that! So I take it you're a Popol Saga fan too then?
Vane: I've read almost every storybook! But I don't really know too much about all the lore and other details since I haven't touched the novels yet...
Lunalu: What matters is that you enjoy the series. The extra stuff isn't required.
Lunalu: Actually, an imperfect love can inspire others to dig deeper into what you're so interested in...
Lunalu: Driving newcomers away from calling themselves fans can only hurt a series.
Vane: When you put it that way, I feel like I can safely call myself a fan too then.
Vane: Hehe, it's cool to hear how a creator like you sees things!
Lunalu: I don't think my opinion is that special...
Vane: By the way, when you're done with that volume, could I borrow it?
Lunalu: Of course! Feel free to!
Lunalu: The highlight of this volume has got to be the scene with Prince Popol and Mikhail pouring their hearts out to each other!
Lunalu: And the way they managed to slip out of such a dangerous situation was crazy! After everything that happened, the distance between them—
Vane: Umm, this latest volume is actually the only one I haven't read yet, so if you could keep the spoilers to a minimum...
Lunalu: Ah! I'm so, so sorry! I didn't mean to ruin it for you!
Lunalu: Finding a fellow fan made me so happy I got carried away...
Vane: It's okay, I get it! I've totally done the same thing before!
Excited by their mutual love of Popol Saga, the two lose track of time discussing the series together.
Vane: I didn't know that you'd be reading all sorts of series as a storybook author.
Lunalu: I do my best to broaden my horizons, but it's also been a habit of mine since forever ago.
Vane: A habit to read... Sounds like you've had the makings of a creator since you were a kid.
Lunalu: Hmm... I'd say I was more a normal kid who just really liked to read.
Vane: Coming from someone who didn't really read at all when he was young, your childhood seems like it was pretty special.
Vane: Or at the very least, you were destined to become an author, but I probably don't know what I'm talking about...
Lunalu: I appreciate what you're trying to say, but honestly, my life has been super normal compared to the authors who write about their war experiences and such.
Vane: Now that you mention it, there are a lot of war-themed books...
Vane: But if that's the case, what got you wanting to create in the first place?
Lunalu: Huh?
Vane: Gah, sorry! I don't mean to pry into your past or anything! That was rude of me!
Lunalu: No, no, I'm not upset!
Lunalu: You just caught me by surprise. Now I'm also wondering why I started creating...
Vane: Phew, that's good then. I was sweating for a moment there!
Lunalu: Ahaha... I should say sorry too. If you're really curious, I wouldn't mind telling you about my past.
Vane: Huh... You sure?
Lunalu: Yeah, it's not like anything super interesting or important happened to me.
Lunarrator: (I felt comfortable enough to share my life story with him, perhaps because we both harbored a love for the same series.)
Lunarrator: This is the tale of a girl who liked to read books, back before she had any aspirations of becoming an author.
Lunarrator: She was awful at communicating with others, and wasn't very good at studying or exercising.
Lunarrator: Naturally, she found herself alone, so she spent most of her time in a secondhand bookstore.
Lunarrator: Once she hit puberty, she realized how ordinary she was...
Lunalu: Oh well... Not everyone gets to be the hero of the story.
Lunarrator: Except for when she was engrossed in a book.
Lunarrator: She'd read stories about heroes setting out on a journey to defeat the evil king and save their world.
Lunarrator: Tales about knights facing challenge after challenge to obtain the holy sword.
Lunarrator: Epics about princes finding true love and their happily ever after.
Lunarrator: And in them, even a plain girl like her could use her imagination to become a main character.
Lunarrator: The Popol Saga in particular stimulated her imagination like no other series, and it quickly became her favorite even though it was unfinished.
Lunarrator: Eventually she daydreamed about coming up with her own stories, absorbed in her imagination as she was.
Lunarrator: She began building worlds and creating characters, preparing for the day that she'd create her own tale.
Lunarrator: It was only a matter of time before she inserted herself into the world of Popol Saga.
Vane: Wow! That's completely different from the way I spent my childhood!
Vane: Sure, I daydreamed and stuff, but you authors are on a whole 'nother level!
Lunalu: Y-you think so?
Lunalu: (After that, I was heavily influenced by romance storybooks and became a monster artist, but talking about all that might take too long...)
Vane: Seriously, it's amazing! How do you come up with ideas for stuff?
Lunalu: Er... I don't really have a set process, but ideas just come to me sometimes.
Lunalu: That's why I carry a notebook around. I jot down new ideas right away whenever they strike.
Vane: Whoooa! So this is one of those secret idea notebooks!
Lunalu: It's not really a secret or anything though...
Vane: Still, these are the memos that eventually get turned into stories, right?
Lunalu: Sure? I guess sometimes staring at it helps me put ideas together to create something...
Vane: Wow, there are pages filled with neat writing... And other pages filled with drawings too!
Lunalu: Ah...
Vane: Hm? Ah! S-sorry, I didn't mean to look without permission!
Vane: It was super rude of me to go through your important stuff like I own it!
Lunalu: No, it's fine... Totally fine.
Vane: Wait, it is? You sure I can look?
Lunalu: Yeah... Go ahead. Honestly these memos are more cringe than important to me.
Lunalu: As long as you promise not to tell anyone else about them...
Vane: Swear I won't tell a soul!
Lunalu: Then go for it.
Vane: Woo-hoo! Thank you, Lunalu!
As Lunalu timidly flips through the notebook, Vane gazes at each page in awe and wonder.
Vane: Huh... Oooh! What's this series of knight Lunalu here?
Lunalu: Ah, that... Um... Well...
Lunalu: (Why'd he zero in on that of all things!)
Lunalu: It's part of a long series I came up with in my teens, back when I first started reading Popol Saga.
Vane: Sounds like it's got a decent bit of history to it!
Lunalu: Yeah... The cringiest of histories... It was the projection of a more perfect me that would show up in Popol Saga...
Vane: Putting yourself in that story sounds pretty fun, actually!
Lunalu: Y-you really think so?
Vane: Is it okay if I read it?
Lunalu: You can if you want...
Lunalu: (I'm about to die from embarrassment, but Vane doesn't seem like he'll be grossed out by it... Guess it should be fine?)
Vane: Awesome! Thank you, thank you! Hope you don't mind if I get started right away!
Lunalu: H-hold it! You have to let me read with you and censor anything that's too cringeworthy!
Vane: Sure! Let's go through it together then!
This is how Lunalu and Vane begin to read through a notebook filled with forbidden content.

Popol Saga Side Story

Lunalu and Vane start reading a story inside Lunalu's notebook about a mysterious fencer who possesses an evil eye. The fencer saves Prince Popol from a group of pursuers, and the two end up traveling together after the rescue. Vane excitedly expresses his adoration of the fencer's cool personality, which both embarrasses and pleases Lunalu. At Vane's insistence, they continue reading the story.

Popol Saga Side Story
The Stalwart Fencer with the Evil Eye
Popol: Pant... Wheeze... Gasp...
Bandit 1: Gyahahaha! What're you runnin' for, pip-squeak?
Bandit 2: No point tryin' ta book it! Just sit tight and give up!
Having left the Castile Empire behind to go on a journey through the skies, Prince Popol now finds himself fleeing from pursuers in a pitch-black forest.
Popol: Gasp... Wheeze... The land works against me...
Popol: They'll catch me eventually if I keep running blindly ahead...
Popol: Ah!
Bandit 1: Gyahahaha! Too bad, so sad! That's a cliff with a long fall to the bottom!
Bandit 2: You got two choices now: jump for it and off yourself, or have some fun with us and die... What'll it be?
Popol: Ugh... This is it then. Well, I choose...
Popol: To defeat you all and live!
Popol: Haaaaah!
Fighting as best as he can alone, Popol manages to defeat several of his pursuers before he is eventually overwhelmed by sheer numbers.
Bandit 1: Gasp... Pant... You little punk... You should really learn how to respect your elders.
Bandit 2: Hehe... Good try! Since you decided to mess with us, let's make your death nice and slow, eh?
Popol: Argh... Not like this...
Bandit 1: Cry and scream as much as you want! No one's comin' to save you!
Bandit 2: Hahahaha! That's right! Let's start with chopping off his legs. That way he can't run home crying for mommy.
Bandit 1: Good call! Hey, pip-squeak, I hope you're ready to say your last words.
Popol: No... There's still... so much of this world I have yet to see... I refuse to die here!
Moonlight glints ominously off the raised blade of the bandit.
???: Good grief...
???: How is anyone supposed to enjoy a bottle of sake under the night sky with all this commotion going on?
Bandit 1: Huh? Wh-where'd you come from!
Bandit 2: Who the heck're you!
???: What, you want to know my name?
???: There's no point telling it to fools who are going to die in the next three seconds.
Peeling back an eyepatch, Lunalu's exposed eye begins to glow.
???: Awaken... Evil Eye!
???: Eins...
???: Zwei...
???: Drei...
Lunalu's small form dashes through the group of bandits.
Bandits: Cough...
The power of the evil eye pierces through their vital points, robbing them of life in a flash.
Popol: They're all dead...
???: Yeah, I cleaned up the trash.
Popol: Thank you for saving me.
Popol: But... With how strong you are, did you have to kill them?
???: Hm? What do you mean?
Popol: You could've knocked them out... Incapacitated them.
???: You're a strange one. Aren't you glad to be alive?
Popol: Of course I am.
???: Then don't waste your concern on these lowlives. They'd just end up hurting others down the line if I spared them.
Popol: I suppose you're right...
???: More pressingly, the stench of all this blood is going to attract every monster in the forest.
???: Come with me if you don't want to waste your freshly spared life.
Popol: Please... Wait a moment!
???: What is it?
Popol: Would you tell me your name?
Lunalu: If you must know... It's Lunalu.
Popol: Lunalu...
Popol: Well, Lunalu, I'm Popol!
Popol: Popol Castile, prince of the Castile Empire.
Lunalu: Uh-huh. Maybe in the future, don't tell that to a stranger you just met.
Lunalu: Unless you enjoy inviting trouble into your life.
Popol: G-good point! I'll be more careful from now on!
Lunalu: Let's go then, and don't lag behind.
Popol: Wait for me!
Starstruck by Lunalu's impressive show of power, Prince Popol follows after.
This is how the stalwart fencer with the evil eye and the prince of Castile begin their travels together.
Vane: Wow... A mysterious fencer that appears in the nick of time and defeats all the bad guys in one go! That's so cool! Like, beyond cool!
Lunalu: Hehehe... You really think so?
Vane: Heck yeah! I wish I could have an evil eye like fencer Lunalu!
Lunalu: Shhh! I'd appreciate it if you didn't shout that for everyone to hear...
Vane: Ah... Sorry! It'd be awful if someone stole the idea, right?
Lunalu: Er... Yeah... That. That's why we should keep it to ourselves.
Lunalu: (And not because it's totally embarrassing or anything.)
Vane: Got it! Can we keep reading? I'm really curious about what happens next!
Lunalu: Sure!
Eager for more, Vane flips to the next page of the notebook.

Popol Saga Side Story: Scene 2

Inside the story's world, the fencer named Lunalu journeys through the skies with Prince Popol and becomes his teacher for swordplay. One day, Prince Popol accidentally discovers Lunalu is a woman and not a man like he originally thought. Back in the real world, Vane also expresses his surprise at the fencer's true gender, and Lunalu explains that she wanted to make the character easier for herself to relate with. With Vane completely engrossed in the story, the two continue reading on.

Popol: Haaaaah!
Lunalu: Exhale...
Popol: Rah! Yah! Hraaahh!
Lunalu: Hah...
Popol: Raaaagh!
Lunalu: Hngh!
Popol: Gasp... I can't... I surrender!
Lunalu: Your swordsmanship is getting better.
Popol: Truly?
Popol: Still, I'm not yet good enough to beat you...
Lunalu: Heh, it is far too soon for that.
Lunalu: For starters, you should try controlling your mana better.
Popol: My... mana?
Lunalu: Your movements and swordplay were sluggish because your mana ran wild.
Lunalu: The better you can control it, the better you'll be able to fight.
Popol: I see!
Lunalu: And once you've mastered control... You'll be able to hide your presence and sneak up on your foes like me.
The mana enveloping Lunalu's body begins to rarefy, its presence fading quickly and quietly.
Popol: Incredible, I can't sense your mana at all now!
Lunalu: All right, that's enough training for today.
Popol: Okay, thank you very much!
Prince Popol has continued to travel with Lunalu after the fencer rescued him from a sticky situation.
With their daily training out of the way, Popol and Lunalu sit down by the fire to chat.
Lunalu: Your skills are gradually improving, but one hit from a demon will be enough to end you.
Popol: A... demon? What's that?
Lunalu: The worst kind of evil existence to ever stain these skies.
Popol: I almost can't believe there's something out there that even you find threatening...
Popol: But with the Black Thunder Blade—one of the Dark Heaven weapons—in our grasp and your evil eye, I'm confident we can beat this foe!
Popol refers to a unique weapon capable of fending off evil creatures, one which they acquired after much effort.
Lunalu: I can put up a fight against a demon when the time comes, but you should run so you don't get in the way.
Popol: Right, I understand!
Lunalu: About time for us to turn in. We've got an early start tomorrow.
Popol: Yawn... Good night.
Lunalu: Good night.
They put the fire out and prepare for bed.
When Popol wakes in the middle of the night, Lunalu is nowhere to be seen. He shakes the sleep out of his eyes and gets up to search.
Popol: Nngh... I think I sense something this way.
Concealing his presence, he approaches the lake as stealthily as possible.
Popol: Ah...
Lunalu: ...
What the prince comes upon is a naked Lunalu, bathing in the lake's clear water.
Popol: Wha... Huh? Lunalu is... a woman?
His gaze is immediately drawn to the strange marks stretching across her body.
Popol: Are those... curse marks?
Lunalu: What is it, Popol? If you need something, hurry up and spit it out.
Popol: Ah! N-no, um... I wasn't... I'm sorry!
Lunalu: How troublesome...
Lunalu: Did I interrupt a midnight bathroom trip?
This is how Popol discovers Lunalu's true identity, under the gentle light of the moon.
Vane: No way! The gallant fencer Lunalu is actually a woman!
Lunalu: Ah, curious about that part? I could've made her a man, considering the setting is my own imagination.
Lunalu: Actually, it would've made more sense to have her be male, since most of the characters in Popol Saga are men.
Lunalu: A part of me is bothered by the inconsistency with the canon, but...
Lunalu: My own personal preference won out in the end.
Vane: There's a lot to consider in the creative process, huh?
Vane: If you ask me, putting in what you feel like is great for all sorts of crazy developments!
Vane: I can't wait to see what happens next! Can I flip to the next page?
Lunalu: Go for it! I'm starting to think it wasn't such a bad idea to keep this notebook around...
Unable to stop now, the two read forward.

Popol Saga Side Story: Scene 3

At the climax of the story, the fencer faces off against a demon, but is pushed to her limits. Prince Popol awakens the special weapon in his possession just when things seem bleak, and the two defeat the demon in a display of clever teamwork. Vane, completely moved by the amazing conclusion to the tale, asks to assist Lunalu in her future creative endeavors—an offer she happily accepts. For her part, Lunalu feels fired up to go back to creating after hearing Vane's enthusiastic feedback on her work.

Lunalu & Demon: Raaaaaaghh!
Demon: Gahaha! How long has it been since we last met, Lunalu?
Demon: Five hundred years? A thousand? Your swordplay is as sharp as ever!
Lunalu: Shut it. You talk too much, just like always.
Lunalu: (Stay calm... You'll only have one chance to catch him off guard.)
Demon: Hah... Cold as ice. Typical.
Demon: What's with the kid?
Popol: Eep...
Demon: Never took you for a mortal babysitter. He your new follower?
Lunalu: None of your business.
Lunalu: Popol, get out of here. This will be over fast.
Popol: O-okay!
Demon: Huh... Isn't that something. The cruel, terrifying, and mighty fencer with the evil eye has changed.
Demon: Don't tell me you actually care about the kid. How about I take care of him first?
Lunalu: Shut it. Take another step towards him, and I'll kill you.
Demon: Heh... I'd like to see you try.
Lunalu: Awaken... Evil Eye!
Demon: Awaken... Demon Eye!
Demon: You half-awake or what? Your time manipulation skills won't work on me!
Lunalu: Grah!
Demon: Hmph!
Popol: A real-life demon... His mana is astonishing.
Lunalu: I can put up a fight against a demon when the time comes, but you should run so you don't get in the way.
Popol: I probably won't be any help here... It's time to run.
Faced by the sheer difference in power between himself and the other two, Popol chooses to scramble away.
Lunalu: No more holding back.
Demon: You trying to say you were going easy on me? Hilarious.
Lunalu: Haaaaaah!
Demon: Gahahaha!
The fight between Lunalu and the demon rages on.
Lunalu: Pant...
Demon: Out of breath already? If that's all you've got, we may as well end this farce.
Lunalu: Fine by me... Let's end it.
Lunalu: Awaken... Evil Eye!
Demon: Awaken... Demon Eye!
Demon: Must we go over this again? I told you that won't work on me.
Lunalu & Demon: Hraaaah!
Lunalu: Argh!
Demon: Out of mana, hm?
Lunalu falls to her knees, exhausted from overusing her evil eye.
Demon: You really believed you could defeat me when your mana reserves are so pitiful.
Lunalu: Gasp... Wheeze...
Demon: Hmph!
Lunalu: Gah!
The brutal hit connects with Lunalu's body and sends her flying.
Demon: How disappointing. I thought you'd provide at least a little more entertainment.
Demon: Not enough mana for another evil eye, I assume.
Lunalu: Urgh...
Grabbing Lunalu by the neck and dangling her in the air, the demon draws his weapon.
The tip of his blade shines under the moonlight as it descends...
Popol: Stooop!
Lunalu: Po... pol... Why have you come...
Demon: Hahaha... Is this some kind of joke? Your life was spared, and now you've come to throw it away!
Popol: Lunalu saved this life of mine long before this!
Popol: It would only be right to use it to save her!
Lunalu: Idiot... Run... Get out of here!
Demon: How touching... Am I supposed to tear up now?
Popol: Shut up and get away from her!
Demon: I was going to start with Lunalu...
Demon: But I've changed my mind. Let's end your miserable life first, kid.
Lunalu: Stop! Leave him alone!
Demon: Be a good loser and behave.
Lunalu: Guh...
Demon: Hraaah!
The demon binds the weakened Lunalu with magic.
Demon: Relax. We'll watch the kid take his last breaths before I kill you.
Lunalu: Damn you...
Popol: When I defeat you, you'll let her go.
Demon: Sure, sure, pinky swear. Give me everything you've got.
Demon: Come on, I won't even use my demon eye. It'd be boring to finish the fun too early.
The fighting begins anew—this time between demon and prince.
Popol: Rahhh!
Demon: Hah...
Popol: Hrah! Yah! Raaah!
Demon: Haaaah!
Popol: Argh!
Demon: Not so tough now, are we?
Popol: Gah... I'm not done yet!
Demon: Wahahahaha!
The monster gleefully toys with Popol, relishing in the strength difference between them.
Demon: This is all you're capable of? Maybe I expected too much of you.
Lunalu: Enough...
Demon: Oh, shut your mouth. Now that the kid's starting to bore me, it's time to end this.
Popol: Gasp... Wheeze...
Popol: (Curses... What a pathetic showing. If I perish here, who will save Lunalu?)
Demon: So long, farewell. I'll send your precious fencer after you very soon.
Demon: Hraaaah!
Lunalu: Nooo!
Just as the demon swings to cleave the prince in two, something in Popol's grasp rises to deflect the blow.
Demon: What?
Popol: The Black Thunder Blade... Is it resonating with me?
Lunalu: Damn it... The Dark Heaven weapon was supposed to be our trump card, but we didn't awaken it in time.
Lunalu: Popol, you hold onto it.
Popol: But what about you?
Lunalu: Don't worry about me. I have my evil eye.
Lunalu: If worse comes to worst and I'm incapacitated, you take that and run—no hesitation.
Popol: But that's...
Lunalu: The Black Thunder Blade is one of our only hopes against demons. As long as somebody has it, there will come another chance at victory.
Popol: All right, I understand...
Demon: Impossible... How did you get your hands on a Dark Heaven weapon?
Popol: The Black Thunder Blade moved on its own...
Lunalu: It couldn't be... Or could it?
Lunalu: The blade has chosen Popol as its master...
Demon: Tch... Blade or no blade, I'll still kill you!
Popol: Haaaah!
Demon: Argh!
Popol: Rah! Yah! Taah!
Demon: Guh!
Demon: Such speed... Don't tell me that surge in mana also increased your physical prowess!
Popol: Pant... I can feel power welling up inside me!
Demon: (Fine, I didn't see this coming. But the kid hasn't fully utilized the Dark Heaven weapon yet.)
Demon: (I can finish this before he completely awakens the blade!)
Demon: Awaken... Demon Eye!
Popol: ...
Demon: Gahahaha! That'll teach you!
Demon: If only you had drawn out a little more power, things would've been different!
Lunalu: ...
Demon: Lunalu can't even muster the energy to use her evil eye.
Demon: Let's serve the stupid kid on a platter first then.
Demon: Diiiieee!
Demon: Haha... hahahaha!
Popol: ...
Demon: Victory is mine! And now...
Demon: Gah... Wh-what is this! I can't move...
Demon: Argh...
Popol: Pant... I can feel power welling up inside me!
Demon: (Fine, I didn't see this coming. But the kid hasn't fully utilized the Dark Heaven weapon yet.)
Demon: (I can finish this before he completely awakens the blade!)
Lunalu: Awaken... Evil Eye!
Demon: ...
A few moments before the demon had used his demon eye, Lunalu had secretly used her evil eye to conjure an illusion.
Popol: Raaaah!
Demon: Guh...
Demon: Lunalu, you bastard... You were hiding your reserves of mana...
Lunalu: Your fault for thinking I'm the same as I was the last time we met.
Demon: I hate you, I hate you, I hate youuu!
Black lightning surges through the blade piercing his body, burning him from the inside out.
Demon: ...
In the following silence, the wind gently blows his ashes away.
Popol: Is it truly finished?
Lunalu: Yeah... All traces of his mana are gone.
Popol: Ah! Are you okay, Lunalu?
Lunalu: Pant... Injuries of this degree... are nothing but flesh wounds...
Lunalu: I never thought the day would come where you'd be the one saving me...
Popol: Hehe! I still have a ways to go before I've repaid you for everything I owe!
Lunalu: Heh, I suppose...
Lunalu: Ugh... Argh... Gaaaah!
Popol: Wh-what's wrong?
Lunalu: Guh... Ahh... The consequence of overusing my evil eye...
Popol: Lunalu!
Lunalu: Stay away from me... Gah... My very being was cursed and tainted by demons long ago.
Lunalu: Inside me... is a demon.
Lunalu: No matter how long I've lived, I've never fully become that demon. No matter how many times I've tried to die, I still cling onto my humanity. I have lived in limbo...
Lunalu: Keep staying with me, Popol... And you'll only find misery.
Popol: I don't care!
Popol: Whatever you are... You're still the teacher who's saved and guided me!
The prince wraps Lunalu's injured body in a tight hug.
Lunalu: Popol...
Droplets of water begin to fall down Lunalu's cheeks.
Popol: It started raining, huh?
Lunalu: Yeah... I despise the rain.
Popol: Me too.
Popol: Take my hand. I'll help you walk.
Lunalu: Thanks, Popol.
Popol: Let's go, Lunalu.
Lunalu: Okay.
With Popol to guide her, Lunalu slowly walks forward.
A bond has formed between these two souls who have overcome a great trial.
But what about Lunalu's past? What of other demons and Dark Heaven weapons? And this newfound power within Popol?
Many puzzles remain to be solved as the tale of the prince and the fencer continues on.
Vane: Oh... Ohhh... I'm so glad they're both okay by the end...
Lunalu: Y-yeah...
Lunalu: (I didn't know I could feel this embarrassed and happy at the same time...)
Vane: You know, I... I think all the skies should read this story!
Lunalu: What... Huh?
Vane: Lunalu, if it's not a bother, would you let me be your assistant?
Lunalu: I'm not sure where this is coming from, but... I guess I don't have a reason to say no. Actually, I appreciate the offer.
Vane: Really? Wahoo! Yes!
Vane: I'll only be able to help when I'm off duty, but if you need any tea made, food cooked, shopping done, or places cleaned, just say the word!
Lunalu: Oh my gosh... That's more than enough! I've been blessed by an actual gift from the heavens!
Lunalu: It's such a relief to have someone I can lean on... Especially since my life always turns into a mess right before deadlines.
Lunalu: But... more than that, it's amazing to have someone tell me what they really think of my work.
Vane: I'm honored to be able to do so! I may just be a novice too, but I would love to help whenever you need a second opinion!
Lunalu: Hehe... Appreciate it. Thanks to you, Vane, I'm feeling fired up to create!
Lunalu: All right! Maybe I should try my hand at continuing the story where we left off!
Vane: Sweet! I'll get us some tea then!
By chance, Lunalu has not only found a stout ally in Vane, but also another candidate to join CtK4Life.
With the aid of her many friends, Lunalu's creative career will surely continue to flourish.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
ヤレヤレ、 面倒だぜ…… How troublesome...
オレの邪眼に 触れるなよ…… Stay away from my evil eye...
3秒あれば 全て片が付く I'll wrap this up in three seconds.
オレの中の悪魔が 囁いてきやがる…… The demon inside whispers to me...
悪魔達との決着は この手で必ず…… I'll settle matters with the demons one day...
騒がしいのは 性に合わないのさ I prefer peace and quiet.
ポポルは少々 人が良すぎるな Popol's too kind for his own good.
(主人公)、アンタも 不思議な目をしてるな Seems like you've got a good eye for things too, (Captain).
オレはただ、依頼を こなすだけだ I'm just here to get the job done.
(主人公)と夜の散歩に 繰り出すのも、悪くないな A midnight stroll with (Captain) doesn't sound half bad.
