Spoiler Alert! These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.
Invitation to Battle
After guiding a woman named Fraux around town, (Captain) finds an unusual card. A while after going to sleep that night, the captain comes to in a battlefield, which Fraux explains is the memory of a primal beast. The party battles the beast to prevent it from setting chaos upon the Sky Realm.
The crew visit an island to resupply for their journey.
Lyria: It sounds like we'll be ready to take off again tomorrow.
Vyrn: Sure does! Might as well just kick back and relax until then.
???: Hm?
A robed figure stops in her tracks as the crew passes by.
???: Them? They look like mere children, and yet...
???: Hm. Right. Understood.
Lyria: And then Katalina said—
???: Excuse me!
Vyrn: Huh? You need us for something?
(Captain) and the others aren't sure what to say following the hooded figure's sudden inquiry.
Lyria: Um...
???: Oh, I'm sorry! I should probably take this off.
Lyria: Wow, you're so pretty!
The crew is astounded at the beautiful Erune beneath the hood.
Apparently unmoved by the members' surprise, she beams a smile right back at them.
???: Hope I didn't startle you! I've got a little request, is all.
Vyrn: A request? For us?
???: I just got into town, so I have no idea where anything is.
???: Any idea where I can find good food and shelter?
Vyrn: Ask away, but we don't live here either! We know a few places, though.
???: It would really help me out if you could point me in the right direction. I get lost easily, so...
Vyrn: S-sure...
Fraux: Ah, how rude of me. My name's Fraux. Nice to meet you, and thanks for the help!
Fraux: Wow, I had a feeling you were skyfarers!
Lyria: Why?
Fraux: Call it a hunch based on the way you're dressed.
Fraux: I guess that means you're the captain of this crew, eh, (Captain)? Quite the feat considering how young you are!
Vyrn: Heh heh! Better believe it! If you're ever in a jam, (Captain) has your back!
Fraux: Hehe. Glad I can count on you if I get myself into trouble.
The crew have a lively conversation with Fraux as they walk through the town, eventually arriving in front of a local restaurant.
Lyria: Oh, here's a place to eat, Fraux!
Fraux: Thanks, Lyria. Mmm... Something sure smells good!
Vyrn: We ate here yesterday, and you better believe it got the Vyrn seal of approval!
Lyria: This place even has an inn too.
Fraux: That's great! Thanks so much!
Some grumblings from Lyria's stomach interrupt the conversation.
Lyria: Ah!
Vyrn: Whoa, Lyria...
Lyria: Sorry, I just... It smells so good I can't help it.
Fraux: I know exactly where you're coming from! I'm starved too!
Fraux: Oh, that's right! How about I treat you as thanks for showing me around town?
Lyria: Oh no, we couldn't!
Vyrn: Yeah, all we did was show you a place we went to yesterday! Don't worry about it!
Fraux: Really? Hm... How about sharing a meal with me, then? It'll be fun!
Vyrn: Sounds all right by me!
Lyria: Hooray! Let's eat!
Fraux: After you, Lyria!
Lyria: That was delicious! I'm in heaven...
After enjoying a meal with Fraux, the crew members return to the Grandcypher with contented looks on their faces.
Lyria: Fraux sure is fun to be around! There was so much I wanted to ask her about!
Vyrn: Yeah, she's a lot more easygoing than she looks!
Vyrn: Whew... And now that I've stuffed my face, I'm about ready to take a nap.
Suddenly (Captain) notices an unfamiliar object among some personal effects.
Vyrn: Hm? What's up, (Captain)?
Vyrn: Huh... Whatcha got there?
Vyrn gestures toward a grubby card.
Lyria: I've never seen that card before. It isn't yours, is it, (Captain)?
As if to say no, (Captain) gives a shake of the head.
Vyrn: It looks really old and—I dunno—dirty... I can't even make out the picture on it.
Lyria: There's something strange about that card... I can sense it.
Vyrn: You too, Lyria? I can feel somethin', but I can't say what.
Dark expressions fall over Lyria and Vyrn's faces. They both sense something off about the mysterious card.
Vyrn: When did this thing end up with the rest of our stuff, anyway? Talk about creepy...
Lyria: And it feels like something scary could happen if we were to throw it out.
Vyrn: Sure is... Anyway, it's late! We can figure out what to do about this thing tomorrow!
(Captain) and company decide to rest for now, deferring the matter of the mysterious card until the following day.
(Captain) dozes off... or so it seems.
Vyrn: What's going on?
The crew members are baffled, having awoken to find themselves in a place they've never seen before.
Lyria: Where are we? Is this a dream?
Vyrn: No idea! Hey, (Captain), over there!
Vyrn looks out from the plateau they're standing on. He can't believe his eyes.
Lyria: Huh? Is that... a battlefield?
Vyrn: I seriously have no idea what's happening anymore! We were on the Grandcypher one second and this battlefield the next!
Vyrn: Eep! Who's there?
Fraux: Oh, it's (Captain) and the rest of the crew!
Lyria: Fraux, is that you?
Vyrn: You're here too? I can't make heads or tails of what's going on anymore.
Fraux: Hm... Say, (Captain). Can you show me that card you're holding?
Lyria: Huh? What card?
Vyrn: You brought that creepy thing with you, (Captain)?
Despite having no memory of picking it up, (Captain) is gripping the card that eerily manifested.
Fraux: I knew it. You're not going to believe what I'm about to tell you, but I need you to stay calm and listen.
Fraux: I think we're inside a primal beast's memory of the War right now.
Lyria: What does that mean?
Vyrn: Easy there, Fraux! That's some crazy territory you're stepping into!
Fraux: I know how you feel, Vyrn, but I need you to listen.
Fraux: That card (Captain) is holding is imbued with a primal beast's memories. And right now we're inside one.
Lyria: Does that mean this isn't real?
Fraux: Hmm, tough to explain, but it's safe to say where we are now isn't located in reality.
Vyrn: Now I'm even more confused!
The crew is visibly perplexed, so Fraux continues to explain.
Fraux: We're currently standing in one of the fiercest battlegrounds from the War.
Fraux: Looks like skydwellers managed to capture a few primal beasts and resist. This was a knock-down, drag-out brawl from the look of things.
Vyrn: And that's what we're in the middle of right now?
Lyria: Um, why is a memory from the past reappearing now?
Fraux: The primal beast is trying to win against the skydwellers this time.
Vyrn: Uh... Huh? And what'll happen if it does?
Fraux: This primal beast is powerful enough to simulate entire realities; there's no telling what kind of effect a victory here would have on the real world.
Fraux: It would probably result in another catastrophe like the War. Or worse.
Lyria: Oh no!
Vyrn: This is some serious stuff, (Captain)!
- I don't fully understand.
- We have to do something!
Choose: I don't fully understand.Vyrn: Yeah, I have no idea what's going on either.
Vyrn: But if it's crazy enough to put the world in danger, we've gotta do something!
Lyria: That's right! We just have to do what we can!
Choose: We have to do something!Vyrn: You said it! We've gotta do something before it's too late!
Continue 1Fraux: I thought you'd say something like that.
Lyria: So what should we do?
Fraux: Good question. Your presence here should be outside the primal beast's expectations.
Lyria: So the primal beast might not be ready for us?
Fraux: Right. You should be able to mess up its plans by participating in the battle.
Vyrn: I don't really get it, but we gotta help if there's trouble going on!
Lyria: Right! Let's go!
On a wing and a prayer, (Captain) and company rush headlong into one of the War's fiercest battles.
All they know is that this strange place exists within the memory of a primal beast.
They have no way of knowing the full ramifications of the battle to come.
Ambition Revealed
Postbattle, the party returns to waking life and listens to how a group of primal beasts are collecting data to create a new world and possibly destroy this one. Fraux says that in order to obstruct the beasts' plans, she created the unusual card they found earlier. The party members continue battling the beast to obstruct its simulation.
Vyrn: Oh boy... What was that about?
Lyria: I can't believe that wasn't real. It was super hot, the ground was all shaky... and it smelled awful!
(Captain) and the crew have successfully won the battle within the primal beast's memory, but they still can't quite grasp the situation.
Vyrn: We were all there together, and we all remember it, so it wasn't a dream, right?
Lyria: Yeah, and Fraux was there, too.
Vyrn: Oh, that's right! I bet she knows what's going on! Let's go ask her!
The crew find Fraux waiting for them back at the inn they helped her find earlier.
Fraux: I thought you'd be coming.
Fraux leads the crew to her room.
Vyrn: If you were waiting for us, that means you really were back there, weren't you?
Fraux: Let me properly explain what's going on with the primal beast's memory. But first...
Fraux: Do you have the card, (Captain)?
(Captain) retrieves the card and hands it to Fraux.
Fraux: Thanks.
Fraux: As I explained earlier, a primal beast's memories reside within this card.
Vyrn: Yeah, we heard. That's where we were fighting earlier?
Fraux: Right. You were drawn into a memory thanks to the power of this card...
Fraux: Whose original owner... is me.
Vyrn: Say what? Then the whole reason this happened to us is because of you?
Fraux: Yes. It was all my doing! I'm sorry, but it was absolutely necessary, I assure you.
Lyria: But... why?
Fraux: I'd like you to help me out. The explanation might get a little long, but I'm going to properly cover everything.
Fraux places the card on a table where everyone can see it.
Fraux: I need to tell you about a certain primal beast.
Fraux: That beast trawls through the collective memory, amassing information from the time of the world's creation up to the present.
Vyrn: Trawl the... collective memory? Information? For what?
Fraux: To create a new world.
Fraux: The primal beast is attempting to create a world different from our own as we speak.
Vyrn: Create a new world? I'm not sure I can wrap my head around what's going on now. The scale's too big!
Lyria: What's going to happen if they create a new world? Something bad?
Fraux: I couldn't say. Creating a new world is too massive of an event to know what might happen afterwards.
Fraux: But if you want a worst-case scenario... it might just erase the world we live in.
Lyria: Oh no!
Vyrn: Isn't there anything we can do?
Fraux: Yes. That's why I created this.
Lyria: You made this, Fraux?
Fraux: That's right. It's infused with the residual energy of the primal beast in question.
Fraux: With this you can intervene.
Vyrn: So basically that lets us go inside the memory world we were in earlier and cause a ruckus?
Fraux: More or less.
Vyrn: This is crazy...
Fraux: I'm sorry I wasn't upfront before, but the fate of the entire world is at stake.
Lyria: You said it might get wiped out...
Fraux: That's why I needed to do everything in my power to ascertain whether you were up to the task.
Fraux: Honestly, you exceeded my expectations. So let me ask you again.
Fraux: Will you work with me to put an end to the primal beast's plans?
Vyrn: S-sure! If what you said is true, we can't just sit around and do nothing!
Vyrn: But how did you pick us out for the job in the first place? You just randomly bumped into us!
Fraux: Because I like you, (Captain). Nothing wrong with that, is there?
- Nothing wrong with that.
- Something's wrong with that.
Choose: Nothing wrong with that.Lyria: What are you saying, (Captain)!
Fraux: Heh heh! You're not just dependable but funny too!
Choose: Something's wrong with that.Fraux: Oh? I mean, it's not like I can't judge your qualities without knowing you for a long time.
Fraux: Your well-worn, yet carefully maintained equipment tells how experienced you are as an adventurer.
Fraux: Anyone could see that. And I had something else guiding me besides that...
Fraux touches the red stone around her neck and smiles.
Fraux: A woman's intuition, you might say.
Vyrn: This just got weird, (Captain).
Continue 1Lyria: Well, anyway! We've got work to do.
Vyrn: Right! Whatever the case, we can't let this beast get away!
Fraux: You're going to help? Wonderful!
Lyria: That's right! We have to do something, right, (Captain)?
Fraux: Thanks so much!
Vyrn: So? What's our first order of business?
Fraux: Take this card. It will transport whoever holds it into the world of memory.
Fraux: From there, all you have to do is participate in the War.
Vyrn: So we just have to keep fighting like we did back in the last battle?
Fraux: Correct. With your skill I'm sure you'll be able to—
???: Aarrgh!
Fraux: That came from the restaurant downstairs.
Lyria: Let's take a look, (Captain)!
Boy: Aaaaah!
Robber: All right, if you value this kid's life, I want all the money in your coffers out here now!
Shopkeep: No! Take me, not my son!
Robber: Shaddup! Now hurry up and do like I said!
Vyrn: This looks bad, all right!
Fraux: Probably a robbery.
Vyrn: You're awfully calm. We have to do something to help that kid, and—
Robber: Hey, what're you idiots blabbering about over there? If you care about the kid, then... Huh?
Fraux: ...
Robber: Yeah, now we're talking... Hey, you!
Fraux: Me?
Robber: Yeah, you! If you're willing to become a hostage, I'll free the kid, no strings attached.
Fraux: Sure.
Lyria: Fraux?
Robber: That's a good girl. Now get over here!
Fraux walks calmly towards the robber, who has an expression of utter insanity on his countenance.
Lyria: W-what should we do, (Captain)?
Vyrn: We just have to hold out and wait for an opening.
Boy: I'm so scared...
Fraux: ...
Robber: Okay, good! Just a little further.
Fraux: Got it...
Robber: Argh!
Boy: Whoa!
Lyria: Huh?
Her moves are too swift for (Captain) and company to catch.
Robber: Ow! Gwaaah!
Fraux: ...
Fraux pulls the child away at an almost imperceptible speed before slamming the robber into the floor and holding him there.
Fraux: ...
Fraux's expression remains hidden beneath the cowl.
Robber: Agh! S-stop! Stop! Aaaagh!
Fraux twists the robber's arm, digging a heel into his back as he screams.
Robber: Rrgghrraaaaah!
Vyrn: H-hold on, that's overdoing it!
Lyria: Fraux!
Fraux: Hm.
Fraux: Whew...
Fraux looks up at Lyria before loosening her grip on the robber.
Robber: Ngh...
Lyria: Um...
Fraux buries her gaze in the floor and just listens to (Captain) and the others breathe a sigh of relief.
Fraux: You're all... too kind.
The robber is handed over to the local patrol, and the situation ends peacefully.
Lyria: A lot sure has happened in the past couple of hours.
Vyrn: Right? I sure am beat!
The crew leaves Fraux and begins heading back to the Grandcypher.
Vyrn: Can you believe the grip on Fraux, though? What does she need our help for if she can do all that?
Lyria: We're going up against a primal beast. She probably can't handle it alone.
Vyrn: I guess you're right. And, I mean, if she says the world might get erased, we gotta do something, right?
Lyria: Right! Let's get ready for our next battle inside the primal beast's memory!
The crew prepares itself to defend the world from the sky-shattering ambitions of the primal beast.
(Captain) looks down at the card from Fraux.
Whatever lies ahead, the card—as dark and obscure as ever—betrays none of its secrets.
Red Stone and Smile
(Captain) and the others see Fraux looking down at the battlefield, saying to a figure who can't be seen that "It's all gone as predicted." As if thinking of someone far away, she then remarks, "What a strange child. Utterly pure."
Fraux looks out over the battlefield from on a plateau alone.
Fraux: Look. It's all gone as predicted, hasn't it?
The red stone hanging around Fraux's neck glows softly, almost as if it's responding to her words.
Fraux: They're really putting in overtime for us, aren't they?
Fraux: Putting them to use was definitely the right choice.
Fraux: Oh, that reminds me. How are things going on your end?
Fraux: It'll be just a little bit longer then.
There's something strangely cheery about the way Fraux is speaking to her invisible partner.
Fraux: Oh, they're fighting over there!
Fraux can't help but raise her voice as she turns her attention to a particular section of the battlefield.
Fraux: And yet...
She softly brushes the stone with a finger.
Fraux: I never sensed any fear, greed, or hostility from (Captain).
Fraux: What a strange child. Utterly pure. Not entirely unlike...
Fraux: Heh heh... Now then!
Fraux touches the red stone again.
Fraux: Yes. Seems like this one's just about over.
The battle under way below her draws to its conclusion.
Fraux: Pretty useful data from this one.
Fraux: Everything's looking good. You'll have to keep it up though. Can't have you slacking.
With her usual cheerful demeanor, Fraux leaves the battlefield with a spring in her step.
Silhouette Lost in the Light
Standing over the battlefield once again, Fraux incinerates a monster that draws too close. She thinks back to how she was once hated for her blinding brilliance, and how she only had a single voice of support. But she soon brushes that aside and smiles again.
Fraux: Yes. Things are looking good this time, too.
Fraux is once again looking out over the battlefield from a secluded plateau.
Fraux: Getting (Captain) to serve as a pawn in the simulation was a real lifesaver.
Fraux: We've amassed quite a bit of data. I wonder how many more times we have left to run though.
Fraux: But on that note...
Fraux places a finger on the red stone around her neck.
Fraux: I thought the awakening would be drawing near, but I haven't been able to hear your voice lately.
Fraux: Hm?
Monster: Groooar!
Fraux: Oh? Found your way off the battlefield, did you?
Fraux seems entirely unfazed as the monster charges at her.
Monster: Groooar!
Fraux: Heh.
An eruption of light ensues. When it dims, all that's left of the monster is charred ash.
Fraux: Sorry, but I've decided to stop holding back.
Fraux: And now... no one can challenge me.
Fraux: Not with this power...
Woman 1: What's wrong with her? She thinks she's better than us just because she's pretty?
Man 1: A lot of nerve coming from her!
Woman 2: If she wasn't here, everything would've gone over just fine!
Man 2: We have so many people here. Surely one of us can calm her down?
Man 3: Heh heh heh... Let me try to comfort her first.
Mother: I fear there's nothing we can do. She's out of control, and I'm scared...
Father: It's fine, dear... Just let her go.
Fraux was born with a light inside her, but its blinding brilliance was too much to control.
Her power was too strong, and her light too radiant. In their wake was born a black, ugly shadow.
Fraux: You don't have to understand. You don't have to love me. But still...
Fraux: I... I still love everyone so much.
Fraux: From the bottom of my heart...
???: It's okay, Fraux. Just seeing you smile makes me happy.
Fraux: Thanks. You're the only one who understands me...
Fraux: Heh heh.
Fraux: Brings back memories, doesn't it?
Fraux opens her eyes and smiles her usual smile.
The party members grow concerned about the seemingly endless nature of the battles only to learn that they unwittingly aided the beast's plan to destroy the world. When the party members announce their fresh intentions to stop the beast, Fraux—who has revealed herself as a pactbearer with the primal beast The Devil—stands before them and emits an intensely intimidating aura.
(Captain) and the crew have lost track of how many battles they've fought within the primal beast's memory.
Vyrn: Hey, Lyria! You okay?
Lyria: I'm fine, Vyrn!
Vyrn: Doesn't look like there are any bad guys nearby, so let's take a break!
Lyria: Sounds good.
Vyrn: I've been wondering, though. How many more times do we have to keep fighting?
Lyria: We've already fought an awful lot, I think.
While Lyria and Vyrn grow concerned, (Captain) pulls out the card.
Lyria: I'm still sensing something unpleasant from that card.
Vyrn: Makes sense. Fraux said the card is infused with the power of a primal beast.
Lyria: Yeah, but it feels like it's getting stronger and stronger. I'm starting to get scared.
The card maintains its eerie silence, which stirs further unease in the chests of the onlookers.
Vyrn: Hey, uh...
Vyrn: Is all this fighting we're doing really going to help stop the primal beast's plans?
Lyria: Fraux said it would, so...
Vyrn: Hm, let's ask her about it when we get back. And about the card, too!
(Captain) begins to put away the card. Suddenly...
???: Listen well, young skydweller...
A strange voice echoes within (Captain)'s head.
Vyrn: Hm? Something wrong, (Captain)?
- It's nothing.
- I hear a voice.
Choose: It's nothing.Vyrn: Oh yeah? You had this weird look on your face a second ago.
Lyria: Everything all right, (Captain)? Feeling a little tired?
Choose: I hear a voice.Vyrn: A voice? You hear anything, Lyria?
Lyria: Huh? No, I haven't heard anything out of the ordinary.
Continue 1The voice in (Captain)'s head continues speaking.
???: Don't you wish to know the truth?
???: If so...
Fraux: I can feel power welling up within the card.
Fraux touches the red stone around her neck. It glimmers faintly.
Fraux: Any minute now...
Fraux: Why? Why did my friend leave me?
Woman 1: It must have been something you did. You chased your own friend away!
Woman 2: Maybe you weren't even friends after all!
Fraux: You're wrong! The only one who understood—
Man 1: Anyway, who cares? We're here for you, sweetie!
Man 2: You'll forget about that friend soon enough!
Fraux: Why? Why leave me? Why can't I just...
???: It's not your fault. You did nothing wrong.
Fraux: That's right. I didn't. I mean, I loved everyone. They were precious to me.
???: Yes. You're a kind soul. Whatever horrible things they said, you tried to return them with kindness.
Fraux: But the way things are now... I can't...
???: You don't have to smile. You don't have to pretend. You've been hurt.
Fraux: Then... then what should I...
???: You're strong. Nobody can hurt you any longer.
???: So go ahead. Use your light. Burn everything away.
Fraux looks back on this turning point in her life.
Fraux: It'll be over soon. All of it.
Fraux opens her eyes and smiles.
Fraux: We've got enough data now, thanks to (Captain).
Fraux: All that's left is to revive The Devil. Once I do that, a new world will be created.
Fraux: And this world will end soon thereafter.
Lyria: Fraux?
Vyrn: What's going on!
(Captain), Lyria, and the rest of the crew are shocked at what they've just heard.
Fraux: Oh?
Fraux tilts her head. She doesn't appear to be particularly upset.
Fraux: What are you doing here?
Vyrn: Why do you think we're here?
Fraux: Ah, looks like it's time for the grand finale.
Vyrn: What are you talking about? What finale?
Lyria: Fraux, please! We just want an explanation for what you were talking about earlier!
Fraux: You heard me, didn't you? It's exactly what it sounds like.
Fraux: Your fights in the past haven't slowed the primal beast's plans in the slightest.
Fraux: Just the opposite. They've helped us collect the data we need to create a new world.
Lyria: Then... you deceived us?
Vyrn: We've been helping out with a plan to end the world this whole time?
Fraux: Yep! Gotta hand it to you guys. You really did us a huge favor.
Lyria: Does that mean you're friends with the primal beast that's trying to make a new world?
Fraux: Not quite friends. I formed a pact with the primal beast contained within this card: The Devil.
Vyrn: No way! What've you done!
Lyria: What should we do? At this rate the world's going to be destroyed!
Vyrn: It's too early to give up! Right, (Captain)?
Fraux: What can you possibly do at this point?
Vyrn: Ain't it obvious? We're gonna stop you and the primal beast's plans!
Fraux: I see...
Fraux's expression darkens momentarily, but she quickly returns to her usual smile.
Fraux: It's such a shame to have to say this, but if you're going to get in my way, I have no choice.
Fraux: ...!
Lyria: ...!
Vyrn: What's going on!
A sudden, bloodcurdling aura is loosed upon the crew.
Overwhelmed by Fraux's sheer power, the crew can do nothing but stare in disbelief.
Vyrn: We always knew she had crazy powers hidden away, but this is ridiculous!
Fraux: I've been watching you fight this whole time. You're strong, but I advise you not to underestimate me.
Fraux: My power is... Well, you'll see soon enough.
And with that warning, Fraux flashes an ever-so-beautiful smile.
Devilish Claws
Fraux snatches the card away from the party, and the primal beast The Devil is revived. While still coming to grips with the idea that they must contend against Fraux and The Devil simultaneously, (Captain) and company witness The Devil suddenly claw apart Fraux. He then turns on the stunned party.
The crew has learned the horrible truth. Their battles were all in service of the primal beast's plans.
Fraux now stands before them, her overwhelming power unleashed at last.
Vyrn: This is bad, guys! What should we do?
Lyria: Do we have no choice but to fight?
Vyrn: If we don't do anything, who knows what could happen?
Fraux: Ah, that's right!
Vyrn: What's right?
Fraux: That.
Fraux points at the card in (Captain)'s hand.
Fraux: I'll be taking that back now.
Lyria: Ah!
With a playful air, Fraux bounds over and retrieves the card from (Captain), who seems frozen in place.
Fraux: I asked for your help to revive the primal beast locked in this card as well.
Lyria: Does that mean the primal beast is... is going to...
Fraux: That's right. It's time.
At the very instant Fraux's finger makes contact with the card...
Vyrn: Whoa!
Primal Beast: The moment of my revival is at hand.
Lyria: The primal beast... Is it an Arcarum?
Primal Beast: I shall fill the world with chaos and discord.
Vyrn: Dealing with Fraux seemed impossible enough, and now we have to deal with an Arcarum primal beast on top of that?
Fraux: Now, then.
Fraux: Nghh!
Fraux is battered repeatedly by the primal beast's claws. She stops moving.
Lyria: Aaah!
Vyrn: Why did that thing attack her? What's going on?
Primal Beast: I bestow upon you a destiny of annihilation!
Lyria: It's coming for us!
Vyrn: No turning back now! Looks like we'll just have to fight!
Devilish Claws: Scene 2
Though Fraux seemed to be a lost cause after being clawed apart by The Devil, she regains consciousness while the party looks on. (Captain) and the others tell Fraux that since The Devil has been defeated, there is no need to fight anymore. Fraux expresses her desire to see the world destroyed and vanishes without ever reaching an understanding with the party.
Primal Beast: You fight back against temptation?
Vyrn: Did we do it?
Lyria: Yes! I can sense its power ebbing away!
Vyrn: Whew! I was worried about how that was gonna play out!
Lyria: L-look at Fraux!
The crew rushes over to Fraux's battered body.
Vyrn: This is horrible. There's nothing we can do...
Fraux: Rgh...
Lyria: Wait! She's alive!
Fraux slowly opens her eyes.
Fraux: (Captain)? And... the rest of you are here, too? Why?
Lyria: Oh, thank goodness you're all right, Fraux!
Vyrn: That's a relief! I thought you were a goner!
Fraux: Huh... So I couldn't even die...
Vyrn: What're you saying, Fraux? We're glad you're alive!
Fraux: What's wrong with you? Why do you worry about me? You're only giving me a chance to hurt you!
Lyria: That's not true!
Vyrn: We already beat the primal beast. What reason do we have to fight?
Fraux: That's honestly how you see this?
Fraux: I was completely willing to see the world destroyed. I wanted that. That was all me.
Lyria: Wait, really? Why would you want such a thing?
Fraux: I wanted to eliminate myself along with those who had done me harm. Nothing wrong with that, is there?
Fraux: This world did nothing but wound me with hatred, neglect, hostility, jealousy, greed...
Fraux: There was nothing left in this world for me to cling to. So I answered the primal beast's call.
(Captain) grows silent listening to Fraux's flat and emotionless words.
Fraux: The demon in the card told me there'd be nothing in the new world to do me harm.
Fraux: Probably just meaningless promises to earn my trust. But I didn't care.
Fraux slowly stands up while clasping a hand over the wounds she received from the Arcarum.
Fraux: You have the power of that primal beast now, don't you, Lyria?
Lyria: Yes.
Fraux: It deceives people. Tempts them with what they want to hear.
Fraux: Fight back against that temptation.
With the same smile she always wears, Fraux turns her back to the party.
Lyria: You're leaving, Fraux?
Fraux: How can I not? We can never understand each other.
Fraux: So long.
Vyrn: H-hey!
Fraux leaves without so much as turning around. (Captain) and the crew can think of nothing to say.
Lyria: Fraux...
Driven mad by the temptation of a primal beast with promises of a new world, Fraux found her life thrown into disarray.
Her radiant light and beauty should have been a blessing but have only cursed her.
A curse that led her to a doomed pact with an Arcarum primal beast.
They sought each other's help. And now their long, strange journey has come quietly to an end.
???: The new world will be created. A new vessel will be found. Our time will come.
???: We are the Arcarum. We wait for the promised time, undaunted.
The Coming Light
The Devil takes the crew to a space where they can see Fraux again. There Fraux explains that the Arcarum were created by The World; the Devil, however, was freed from his bonds and aims to crush his creator's designs for world domination. Moved by the sincere words of Lyria and (Captain), Fraux recovers her brilliant powers and decides of her own accord to travel with the crew.
Some time has passed since the party fought The Devil and parted ways with Fraux.
Vyrn: Lyria, you okay? Is that stuff gettin' too heavy for you?
Lyria: I'm fine!
(Captain) and the others are enjoying their walk back to the ship from a supply run.
Lyria: This is a cinch!
???: Huh? You mean to say that's my destiny?
???: Precisely. Take a look at this card.
Lyria: Card...
Lyria catches sight of a fortune-teller who's reading a customer's fate in a spread of cards.
Fortune-teller: Your past can be seen in this card. It is your present. And it signals your future.
As Lyria watches, her face clouds over.
Lyria: Fraux...
Vyrn: Cards, huh... That sure reminds me of that fight.
Lyria: What could she be doing now...
Vyrn: Lyria... I wonder that too, but anyhow...
Vyrn: Maybe it's like she said, and we'll never understand each other.
- That's right, Vyrn.
- I know how you feel, Lyria.
Choose: That's right, Vyrn.Vyrn: I know... I didn't even know what to say back to her after that.
Choose: I know how you feel, Lyria.Lyria: You can't help but wonder either?
Vyrn: But where's wondering gonna get us?
Continue 1Lyria: Well, uh...
Client: Huh? Is that what the card means?
As the fortune-teller and client begin speaking again, the party members stop and listen, dumbstruck.
Client: That's not what you'd imagine from the picture.
Fortune-teller: When the card is turned on its head, it means something different.
Client: Huh, really?
Fortune-teller: Yes. It means the polar opposite.
Client: Wow, who would've thought! It's the same card, just upside down!
Fortune-teller: Both meanings are true and valid.
Lyria: An upside-down card...
Lyria: I want to see Fraux again and have a real conversation with her...
Lyria brings up what the fortune-teller said earlier again after returning to the Grandcypher.
Lyria: About the fortune-teller...
Fortune-teller: When the card is turned on its head, it means something different.
Fortune-teller: Both meanings are true and valid.
Lyria: Maybe the way that Fraux feels will be turned on its head. Maybe she could feel some other way.
Vyrn: Cards are cards, and people are people. They can't flip their feelings just like that.
Lyria: I know that, but...
Lyria: When I met Fraux, and when I last said goodbye to her...
Lyria: She was always the same person, but... never quite herself.
Vyrn: Hm? What do you mean?
Lyria: I can't really explain it well... But I want to see her one more time to figure things out.
As Lyria speaks passionately, Vyrn and (Captain) look her in the face.
Vyrn: If you feel that strong, there's gotta be a reason. Something might really be going on here.
Vyrn: But we don't have any way to tell where she is now.
Lyria: Mmph... That's right...
Vyrn: And we don't know a lick about her either...
As the company stands in silence, (Captain) taps Lyria's shoulder and shares an idea.
Lyria: Huh, (Captain)?
Lyria: Oh, The Devil! That's right! If we ask about Fraux, we might be able to learn something.
Vyrn: Oh, wow! That might do it!
Vyrn: But do you think we'll be able to have a real chat?
Lyria: I think it should be fine... I'm going to call him forth now.
The Devil: ...
Vyrn: Ugh, that primal beast is just as spooky as ever...
The Devil: At long last you have summoned me, young skydwellers.
Vyrn: Huh? Whaddaya mean, "at last"?
The Devil: There is no time left...
Lyria: W-what are you talking about? We were trying to ask you about Fraux...
The Devil: The remnants of the pact... Our souls are bonded...
The Devil: Make haste. Follow my lead.
Fraux: Well now. You've all come...
The Devil takes the crew to a space that is simultaneously empty and dreary.
It is vaguely reminiscent of the battlefield that the party saw in the world of the primal beast's memories.
Lyria: Fraux...
Fraux: Heh heh... It's been a while, hasn't it?
Vyrn: We, uh...
Fraux: Huh?
Fraux smiles in the same way she previously did. But her eyes seem lifeless, as if they're not fully registering the surroundings.
This puts (Captain) and all of the others off balance.
Fraux: I don't know how you managed to find this place.
Fraux: Oh... It must have been The Devil who brought you here.
The Devil: ...
Fraux: Didn't I tell you to take care to avoid deception? Are you really going to just believe that beast?
Lyria: But... That's how we were able to find you, Fraux.
Fraux: You're all terribly kind.
Fraux: Let me explain.
Fraux turns toward (Captain) again.
Vyrn: Explain? What do you mean?
Fraux: About the truth of the Arcarum primal beasts.
Lyria: Truth?
She gives a firm nod and begins a calm exposition.
Fraux: The Devil and the other Arcarum were created by another primal beast.
Fraux: That beast was their master, The World.
Lyria: The World...
Fraux: It was none other than The World who attempted to create another cosmos for itself.
Vyrn: So that's who's behind all of this.
Fraux: Yes, I suppose you could say that.
Fraux: What's more, the Arcarum primal beasts can't oppose their creator, The World.
Vyrn: Hey, hold up! So what you're saying is this dude's—
Lyria: Still The World's ally?
Fraux: Exactly.
Lyria: But...
The Devil: That is not so.
Vyrn: Ha-Yikes!
(Captain) and the others recoil at the voice that suddenly booms out.
The Devil: The World can no longer restrain me.
The Devil: The pact we have made has ensured my freedom.
Vyrn: Is that really true?
Vyrn: Aren't you tryin' to make another world together with The World?
The Devil: In my heart there remains only hatred for that being.
Lyria: That being... You mean The World?
The Devil: My form now exists only to mete destruction upon it.
Vyrn: Are you trying to say that you'll help us beat The World?
The Devil: That is my wish.
The voice of The Devil—inscrutable as always—speaks decisively.
(Captain) and the others nod after hearing it.
Lyria: I don't think that's a lie.
Fraux: Oh... So that's why it needs me.
Lyria: Huh? What are you trying to say?
Fraux: If I weren't here, it couldn't keep on existing.
Vyrn: Couldn't keep on existing? What are you trying to say?
Fraux: The Arcarum primal beasts were created by The World.
Fraux: My understanding isn't all that deep, but it seems that they were designed in a way that's slightly special.
Fraux: They weren't the most stable things to begin with, so they need some sort of tangible form in this world—some sort of vessel.
Fraux: We Evokers are the ones who made a pact to fulfill that role.
Lyria: Fraux, you're a vessel of The Devil...
Fraux: Our pact is coming to its end.
Fraux: But since it still holds, we're connected. That's why he hasn't disappeared and how you were able to locate me.
Fraux: After this, well, it's probably just a matter of time though.
Vyrn: You're saying he's gonna disappear...
Fraux: (Captain).
Fraux: You and your friends want to stop The World's grand designs, don't you?
- We can't ignore it.
Choose: We can't ignore it.Fraux: I'm sure you can't. I'm going with you.
Vyrn: Huh!
Lyria: Are you sure that's what you want?
Fraux: Yeah. It doesn't matter anyway.
Lyria: Huh? Fraux?
Fraux: I couldn't care less what happens from here on out.
(Captain) and the others are taken aback when they hear Fraux speak these hopeless words so void of emotion.
Lyria: That isn't right!
Fraux: Huh?
Lyria steps close to Fraux and holds her hand tightly.
Lyria: I'm happy we can go together, Fraux.
Lyria: Not to defeat The World or anything like that!
Lyria: But because I want to know more about you, Fraux!
Lyria: I want to be your friend!
Fraux: ...
Lyria: What you said... Is that really how you're feeling?
Lyria: I want to see the real you, Fraux.
Fraux: That's...
Fraux: (Just a bunch of feel-good silliness...)
Fraux's hand brushes up against (Captain)'s as she begins to really speak her mind.
And she squeezes Lyria's hand.
Fraux: (Captain)...
There isn't a hint of agitation in (Captain)'s eyes.
Fraux: (Ah, that's right... Those eyes are a lot like that person's.)
Fraux: ...
Fraux: Lyria, (Captain)...
Lyria: Yes?
Fraux: There's someone that I want to meet once more. But I don't know where they are...
Fraux: There's nobody who's dearer to me.
Fraux: Would you help me look for them?
Lyria: Of course!
- It would be my pleasure.
- We'll do what we can.
Choose: It would be my pleasure.Fraux: Heh heh... You're so reliable. But it won't be that easy, you know?
Vyrn: Everything will be fine! If we just work together, we'll be able to do anything!
Fraux takes a breath and looks down.
Choose: We'll do what we can.Fraux: Okay. That's right. Together we'll find a way.
Fraux takes a breath and looks down.
Continue 2Fraux: The real me that you're after... probably doesn't want to give up for anything.
Fraux: That's why...
As she raises her head once again, (Captain) hears the sounds of heavy gears turning somewhere.
Fraux: I won't quit until I can meet that person again. I'll stay with you for as long as it takes!
Lyria: Fraux...
Though Fraux's smile is the same as ever, it seems more beautiful, as if its shimmer is originating from somewhere much deeper than before.
Fraux: Thank you, everyone.
In this way Fraux makes another pact with The Devil, and then goes on to accompany (Captain) and the others.
Her brightly shining fate is sure to be a light that leads the way for (Captain) and the others.
Indomitable Strength
As (Captain) and company prepare to face off against the Inchoate World, he deactivates all the Arcarum primals, then forces the replicated world to converge on him. Fraux and The Devil fail to escape with the rest of the crew.
After overcoming numerous trials, (Captain) and company finally reach the Inchoate World.
The being that appears before them exudes a far more menacing aura than the previous time the crew confronted him.
Lecia: That's... the Inchoate World? Why does he look so different from...
Inchoate World: Your resolve has brought you far, foreign elements of the new world.
Inchoate World: And foolish Evokers and Arcarum who dare rebel against your god.
The overpowering air about the Inchoate World almost seems to take physical form.
(Captain) and company are equal parts cautious and fearful.
Fraux: Don't worry, everyone. I'll protect you.
Fraux: No matter how strong The World may be, losing is out of the question. Because I have you all here by my side.
Fraux: All right, Devil. It's time to unleash all that hatred you've been harboring for so long.
The Devil: Ahh...
The Devil: At last, the moment has arrived to fulfill my greatest desire. My form trembles with joy.
The Devil: Hear me, false god. Having renewed the covenant with my pactbearer, I shall never again be subject to your control.
The Devil: Know my wrath by your destruction.
Inchoate World: How pitiful. The lowly beast has strayed far from the objective of its sublime maker.
Inchoate World: I will show you firsthand the difference in power between creator and created.
Inchoate World: As creator, I hereby issue a decree to the Arcarum.
Inchoate World: You shall all be disposed of. Never will you get in my way again.
The Devil: ...
Fraux: Devil?
The Devil: ...
Fraux: Hey, Devil! What's wrong!
There is no response. The Arcarum primal has come to a complete standstill, as if devoid of life.
Inchoate World: Do not expect it to answer. For I have cast out the Arcarum.
Inchoate World: It can no longer move and will lose shape soon enough.
Vyrn: Wh-what's that supposed to mean!
Vyrn: What exactly did ya do!
Inchoate World: I merely discarded my creation—nothing more, nothing less. It was but a thrall before its creator.
Inchoate World: I was the one who manufactured the Arcarum out of primal beast cores that saw their end during the time of the War.
Inchoate World: It may have developed a sense of self and betrayed me, but it is by my hand that it was given life.
Inchoate World: Never underestimate your maker. The Arcarum lack the means to resist my commands.
Inchoate World: From the very outset, each of their fates rested within the palms of my hands.
Lyria: But then, that means we...
Inchoate World: Yes. All the time you've spent, bonds you've forged—it was all for naught.
Fraux: Devil, you have to wake up! The enemy you despise so much is right in front of you! What happened to defeating him?
Fraux: You can't let things end here! We haven't accomplished anything yet!
Fraux: Devil! Answer me, please...
Fraux: Don't die and leave your vessel behind!
The Devil shows no sign of hearing Fraux's plaintive cries. The only sound is that of her ragged, frustrated breathing.
Inchoate World: I fear I am beginning to lose interest. Despite your immense power as an Evoker, you do naught but lament your circumstances.
Fraux: World... Why are you doing this?
Fraux: How can you toy with the lives of others as though they're your own? What could possibly make you think that's okay?
Inchoate World: Make no mistake—they are my own. The lives of the Arcarum have belonged to me, their creator, from the very beginning.
Fraux: ...!
Fraux: I just don't understand you.
Inchoate World: Know your place, fool. You dare seek to comprehend the infinite wisdom of your god? Such conduct is no less than blasphemy.
Inchoate World: Considering your Evoker has gone senile, that makes you just as worthless for forming a pact with her, wouldn't you agree?
The Devil: ...
Inchoate World: Ah, yes. Your time is already up.
Fraux: Ngh...
Fraux: It's all my fault. I wasn't strong enough.
Fraux: I'm so sorry, Devil...
Gently touching the arm of The Devil's silent, lifeless figure, Fraux hangs her head helplessly.
With his foes having seemingly lost all will to fight, the Inchoate World is confident of victory.
Inchoate World: Well, I suppose you're not entirely without merit. The data you've gathered has proven to be especially valuable.
Inchoate World: I'll make sure that none of it goes to waste.
Inchoate World: Be glad that your efforts will form a cornerstone of the new world long after you have been wiped out.
The replicated world trembles violently as he utters those words.
The fabric of reality twists and bends as the world around them begins dissipating into palish particles that converge on the Inchoate World.
Vyrn: What the—
- That's our cue to run!
Choose: That's our cue to run!Lyria: R-right!
Monika: Lecia, give the order to withdraw!
Lecia: On it!
Fraux: Don't worry, Devil. I won't give up. I'll bring you back, no matter what.
While (Captain) and company begin their hasty retreat, Fraux alone remains unmoving at The Devil's side.
Vyrn: Hey, Fraux! Hurry up and get over here!
Lyria: We have to escape! Together!
- Take my hand!
Choose: Take my hand!Fraux: ...
Seeing the captain's desperately outstretched hand, Fraux hesitates momentarily before quietly shaking her head.
Fraux: I'm sorry, (Captain). I can't leave. I don't want to leave The Devil all alone.
Fraux: Besides, if I stick around, I might be able to figure out a way to revive The Devil.
Fraux: Not that I can know for sure.
- Don't do this!
Choose: Don't do this!Prepared to take Fraux by force if necessary, (Captain) reaches out to grasp her shoulder. However...
The moment the captain makes contact, Fraux's shoulder turns to dust and begins to crumble.
Fraux: ...!
Vyrn: Fraux!
Fraux: I'm sorry, everyone...
(Captain) and company watch in horror as the bodies of both Evoker and primal transform into particles and meld with the Inchoate World.
Vyrn: This can't be happenin'...
Lyria: Fraux!
As Vyrn and Lyria fall into a stunned silence, unable to believe their eyes, (Captain) alone rushes forward.
Fraux must surely still be fighting. The fierce determination in her eyes remains burned into the captain's retinas.
Suddenly, a hand grabs (Captain)'s arm from behind.
Monika: What are you doing, (Captain)! We need to get away!
- No way am I leaving them behind!
Choose: No way am I leaving them behind!Vyrn: Yeah! What (Captain) said!
Lyria: Fraux puts everyone else before herself! She's always trying to protect others!
Lyria: So we want to protect her too.
Lyria: And besides, her dream hasn't come true yet! She said she wanted to meet someone again... someone dear to her!
Lyria: I want to make sure that happens!
Monika, looking conflicted, refuses to let the captain take another step toward the Inchoate World.
(Captain) brushes off Monika's hand and turns back around. However...
Monika: Sorry, (Captain).
Feeling a powerful impact from behind...
(Captain) slumps to the ground.
Monika: Hate me if you want, but I can't afford to lose you too.
Moments before losing consciousness...
The captain is able to make out Monika's apology.
Contending with some dizziness, (Captain) slowly gets up from bed.
- Where... is this...
Choose: Where... is this...Lyria: Thank goodness you're finally awake!
Vyrn: You sure had us worried, (Captain).
The captain turns to hear the relieved voices of trusted companions.
Monika: This is our frontline base.
Monika: I knocked you out cold earlier and had you brought here.
Now understanding what had happened, (Captain)'s expression is one of shock.
Lecia: Um... (Captain). Please don't hold a grudge against Monika.
Lecia: She was only trying to save you.
- I know...
Choose: I know...A pained expression overtakes the captain's face.
- What happened afterward?
Choose: What happened afterward?Monika: (Captain)... Follow me.
Monika: It's faster if I show you directly.
(Captain) and company follow Monika out of the room.
Having come outside, the crew looks above to find a giant sphere the size of a floating island.
- What... is that?
Choose: What... is that?Monika: That showed up all of a sudden after we escaped from the replicated world.
Monika: According to the survey team's report, there's an entire world nestled within the sphere. A world never seen before.
Monika: And the sphere has been getting larger over time.
Monika: It doesn't show signs of stopping either, which means it'll only be a matter of time before...
All turn pale as they imagine the worst possible outcome.
Lyria: I can sense the Inchoate World's presence from that sphere.
Vyrn: So you're sayin' that thing's basically the Inchoate World?
Lyria: Most likely...
- Fraux must be in there...
Choose: Fraux must be in there...Lyria's and Vyrn's expressions cloud at the thought.
Monika: Our world will be swallowed up by that thing sooner or later if we don't do something about it.
Monika: The situation's dire, but that's no reason to curl up and wait for death.
Monika: I realize you're probably still mad at me, but (Captain)... Won't you lend us your strength?
- Like you even need to ask!
Choose: Like you even need to ask!Vyrn: You said it! We'll do whatever it takes to save Fraux and The Devil!
Lyria: Yeah! There's still so much more I want to know about Fraux and her friend!
Monika: Thank you. We're indebted to you, (Captain).
They look up to the sphere once more.
Their resolve to save their dear friends burns bright.
Indomitable Strength: Scene 2
Awakening in her childhood home, Fraux is forced to relive her traumatizing past before witnessing a vision of her long-lost friend Rios in the present, which leaves her feeling hopeless. But thanks to The Devil revealing that the world is a fabrication and that she is not alone, the Evoker's spirits are restored.
Fraux: Ngh... Where am I?
Slowly regaining consciousness, Fraux surveys her surroundings, shaking her head in an attempt to clear the cobwebs from her mind.
Perhaps due to the sun setting outside, the dimly lit room appears somewhat hazy. Her eyes fall upon a familiar array of furniture.
A dresser stands against the wall, lined with cosmetics and a beautifully designed light fixture. The bed is covered in flowery sheets.
Fraux: Oh... Now this takes me back.
There can be no doubt in Fraux's mind—this is her childhood home.
Fraux: I wasn't planning on returning anytime soon, yet here I am. But why?
Suddenly recalling the events that had transpired, she is overcome with a sense of urgency.
Fraux: That's right... I faced off against The World. And then The Devil just...
Fraux: I shouldn't be here right now. Something is definitely wrong.
Fraux: Right, where's The Devil? I'd better go look around!
Her strange situation taking a back seat, she dashes out of the room in search of The Devil.
Fraux: Devil! Dev—
While searching the nostalgic house high and low for The Devil, she suddenly comes face-to-face with someone unexpected.
Fraux's Mother: Oh, there you are.
Fraux: ...!
Fraux: M... Mom...
The word unconsciously escapes her lips. As far as she can remember, it has been years since her mother last spoke to her—or even looked in her direction.
At that moment, a dense fog clouds her mind, causing her train of thought to come to a screeching halt.
Fraux: I remember now. This used to be my world. And my parents were like... this.
Fraux's Mother: ...
Fraux's Mother: What would you like for dinner, dear?
Fraux's Father: Hmm... Well, why don't we go out for a change? It's your birthday today, isn't it?
Fraux's Mother: Oh, I almost forgot! What a lovely idea. Goodness, what should I wear?
Fraux: ...
Watching as her mother disappears into the bedroom humming a song, Fraux makes no effort to call out to her.
If she so much as utters a sound, her parents will be forced to notice her. Their tranquil hearts will be thrown into disarray.
Refusing to acknowledge each other's presence had always been the most effective way to preserve peace in their household.
Fraux: (A birthday... When was the last time anyone celebrated one of mine?)
Fraux: (Well, whatever.)
Fraux: (I've had enough of seeing my parents worn and weary because of me.)
Fraux: (I don't want them to deny my existence.)
Fraux: (Being ignored is nothing compared to that. And it's easier for me too.)
All at once, her frame of mind reverts to its original nature—one of apathy.
The sensation had been an all-too-familiar companion during her childhood.
Before long, Fraux loses her last shred of willpower, and all memories of The Devil and the crew fade from her mind.
Woman 1: Why, if it isn't Fraux. You look just as beautiful as ever. Ugh, I'm so jealous, it's killing me.
Woman 2: Oh how I wish I could trade for that face of yours. But only for a day!
Woman 1: Why a day?
Woman 2: Because she's like a magnet for weirdos! Talk about scary!
Woman 1: Come to think of it, that's true! Hahaha!
Fraux: (Even when someone actually speaks to me, their intentions are nothing but malicious.)
Fraux: (No one even tries to talk to me normally. As an equal...)
Fraux: (Why...)
Man 1: Hey, Fraux. Would you believe I got dumped the other day? I'm so lonely... but you'll comfort me, won't you? You're a sweetheart like that.
Man 2: Hey, who said you could hog her for yourself!
Fraux, I need some comforting too! Not that I've been dumped or anything! Hahaha!
Fraux: (They want me... They need me... They're in trouble.)
Fraux: (I have to help them.)
Fraux: (If I do... maybe someday they'll see me for who I really am. Maybe someone will love me.)
Fraux: (And even if that never happens... Actually, I'm sure it won't. But even so, I...)
Fraux: I love everyone... so it's okay.
Man 1: Huh? What was that?
Fraux: Sorry, it's nothing. You said you're feeling lonely, right? Let's see, if I were in your shoes...
Fraux: I'd sing and dance together with a good friend. It's a lot of fun, and you don't have to worry about being alone!
Man 1: Come on, you know that's not what I meant. You're never any fun...
Man 1: And by "friend," you must mean Rios, right?
Fraux: ...!
Upon hearing the name, Fraux's eyes widen.
Man 2: Rios, huh? I want to get to know Fraux better, but she's always butting in!
Man 1: No matter how much I try to keep her away, she's just too good.
Fraux: (Rios...)
How could she have forgotten? The moment she mutters her precious friend's name, she is enveloped by a bright light.
Fraux: ...?
Fraux opens her eyes to find herself standing in a meadow.
Fraux: I know this place...
The scene before her is none other than a field of flowers that bloomed every spring, where she and Rios had spent much of their time.
???: Fraux? Look at you spacing out again. Are you tired or something?
Fraux: Rios!
Rios: ...?
What's up? Still half out of it?
Fraux: Wait... Huh? Did I doze off?
Rios: Nope, you were talking normally up until a second ago.
Fraux: Oh... right. I just suddenly had this feeling that I hadn't seen your face in a really long time...
Rios: Sounds like you really are tired. Did you get tangled up with some weirdo again? Or maybe you jumped into the fire yourself?
Fraux: No, no, don't worry!
Fraux: Anyway...
Fraux: Look at this!
Rios: Hmm? Is that a hairpin? It's really pretty! But what about it?
Fraux: You saved me again the other day, remember?
Rios: Did I?
Fraux: Yeah, you did! Someone asked me to hunt monsters in the forest, but I ended up getting swarmed.
Fraux: Thanks to you coming to my rescue, I made it out without a single scratch!
Rios: What're you talking about? You would've been perfectly fine even if I hadn't shown up.
Fraux: Well, maybe, but still! The two of us were able to get the job done faster, so it was a big help. This is my way of thanking you!
Rios: Sheesh... Like I always say, I don't need any thanks.
Rios: I'm just doing what I want to do.
Rios: I sing when I want to sing, dance when I want to dance, and eat when I want to eat.
Rios: And I wreak havoc when I want to wreak havoc! That's how I live my life without a care in the world!
Fraux: Hehehe. I love how much of a free spirit you are, Rios.
Fraux: But that's not relevant right now!
Fraux: Here, sit down and turn your head! I'll put it on for you.
Rios: Yes, ma'am. Thanks!
Fraux: This should be a good spot...
Fraux: Yeah, that's perfect! It looks great on you!
Rios: Really? Wish I could see it. Too bad we don't have a mirror.
Fraux: Guess you'll have to wait till you get home!
Fraux: Hey, Rios.
Rios: Yeah?
Fraux: We'll see each other tomorrow... right?
Rios: Huh? Where'd that come from?
Fraux: Don't worry about it! Come on, promise me!
Rios: Okay, okay.
Rios: I... pro... mise...
Rios's voice distorts and fades away. Before Fraux can react, she is already engulfed in darkness.
Fraux's Voice: Huh? Rios?
Fraux's Voice: What's going on? I can't see a thing! Rios? Riooos!
Fraux's Voice: Huh? Where... am I?
Though bewildered at first by the sudden change of scenery, Fraux is overcome with relief upon spotting her friend.
Rios: ...
Fraux's Voice: Oh, Rios!
Fraux's Voice: Hey, where are we?
Fraux's Voice: Rio—
Huh? That's weird. Her face looks different somehow...
The person standing before her is unmistakably her precious friend. However, something about her features strikes Fraux as odd.
There is no trace of the childlike innocence present only moments before, as though she has suddenly become an adult.
Fraux's Voice: It's like I'm looking at a grown-up Rios.
Fraux's Voice: ...!
Fraux's Voice: (That's right... What's going on? I gave her that hairpin in the flower field years ago. It didn't just happen.)
Fraux's Voice: (Rios disappeared soon afterward, and a lot of time passed. And yet... it's as though I'm reliving it...)
Rios: ...
Fraux's Voice: (Ah... Then what I'm seeing right now is...)
Fraux's Voice: (Not the Rios from back then... but the Rios of the present. I'm sure of it.)
As Fraux tries to make sense of the situation, a soothing song reaches her ears—one that Rios had often sung for her in the past.
Fraux's Voice: Rios... Rios!
Girl: Look, Madam! Rios is singing again!
Woman: Why, she certainly is. Her voice is as lovely as ever.
Man: Sure would be great if she could join us up on stage someday! I want everyone to hear her sing!
Woman: There's no need to rush things.
Isn't that right, Rios?
Rios: ...
Girl: Hey, she laughed!
Surrounded by peace and calm, Rios continues to sing, laughing softly.
As though Fraux's absence is of little consequence to Rios.
As though her absence is completely unrecognized.
As though... she had never existed in the first place.
Fraux: ...!
Fraux: No... It can't be! I'm special to Rios! I... know I am...
Woman 1: It must have been something you did. You chased your own friend away!
Woman 2: Maybe you weren't even friends after all!
Fraux: No... That's not true. Or... maybe it is?
Fraux: Hey, Rios. Were we really never friends?
Rios: ...
Fraux: I... wanted to see you. I wanted to find you again and make sure. I wanted to hear it from your own mouth.
Fraux: That we were... friends.
Fraux: But... we weren't? You really... didn't think of us as friends?
Fraux: Answer me... Rios!
Rios: ...
Fraux: ...!
Fraux: Please, Rios... Tell me it's not true...
Fraux casts her eyes downward, unaware that the scene has changed once again until she hears the familiar voices of her friends.
Vyrn: I hate to admit it, but it's too late.
Lyria: Yeah. There's nothing we can do.
Fraux: Vyrn? Lyria? (Captain)?
Fraux: This is... what happened after The Devil and I were absorbed by The World?
Vyrn: We've got our own goals to accomplish on our journey, so we gotta move on.
Lyria: Yeah. As for Fraux...
Vyrn & Lyria: Let's leave her.
Fraux: ...!
Fraux: No...
Fraux: Wait... Don't go.
Fraux: Please... Don't you abandon me too.
Fraux: I don't want to be alone.
Fraux: Please... I beg you.
Fraux: Ahh...
Fraux: I knew it...
Fraux: They're all leaving me behind...
The Devil: You are mistaken.
Having uttered the words in self-mockery, Fraux is surprised to receive a reply.
Fraux: Devil?
The Devil: If you fall here, my ambition of driving The World to ruin will not be realized.
The Devil: Thus, you must heed only my words henceforth.
Fraux: Okay...
The Devil: The words and actions of the young skydwellers just now were lies. They were naught but a fabrication created by The World.
Fraux: ...
The Devil: Remember. Remember the true words that the young skydwellers once spoke to you.
Fraux: The... true words?
The Devil: The girl in blue. She said that she wished to know more about you. That she wished to be your friend.
Fraux: Lyria...
The Devil: Her companion spoke little, but merely took your hand.
Fraux: (Captain)...
The Devil's plainspoken words slowly restore the light to Fraux's eyes, causing the fog clouding her mind to lift.
The Devil: The young skydwellers harbor no ill will toward you. Only genuine interest and concern.
Fraux: ...
I see.
The Devil: Furthermore, I am bound to you through our pact.
The Devil: Therefore... it is impossible for me to truly leave you alone.
Fraux: ...
The Devil: Lastly... you yourself made a declaration.
The Devil: That you did not wish to give up for anything.
Fraux: Yeah... You're right.
The corners of Fraux's mouth curl upward slightly. The Devil understands that this is not a languid smile of resignation.
Fraux: Hehe. You're not using that sweet tone to take advantage of me like you used to, Devil.
The Devil: I have determined that such behavior is no longer necessary.
Fraux: That's true. What you gave me weren't words of encouragement or comfort.
Fraux: They were just facts presented without even a hint of warmth. But...
Fraux: That's exactly why I can trust them.
Indomitable Strength: Scene 3
In breaking the illusion, Fraux seized a portion of The World's power, enabling her and The Devil to confront him again. In danger of being destroyed, The World ejects the two outside the spherical world, where they reunite with the crew aboard the Grandcypher.
Enveloped in light, Fraux's surroundings slowly begin to regain color. Her eyes immediately land on a familiar black figure.
Fraux: Morning, Devil.
The Devil: Indulging in slumber under such circumstances is the height of depravity. I ask that you put forth the utmost effort to make amends.
Fraux: Yeah, okay. But you know, you're the one who fell asleep first.
Fraux: I expect you to work just as hard—to make up for making me worry.
The Devil: ...
Fraux: Hehe... Thanks, Devil.
Fraux: You gave me the courage I needed. You reminded me... that I'm not alone anymore.
Placing her hand to her chest, Fraux suddenly realizes that her appearance has changed.
Fraux: Wait, what happened to my outfit? And it feels like I'm stronger too.
Fraux: Huh. Can't say I mind this.
The Devil: I sense a change within you.
Fraux: Yeah. There's a great power welling up inside me. I can't wait to try it out.
Her expression more bewitching than ever before, Fraux turns her gaze to the Inchoate World.
Fraux: Hehe. Something tells me that The Devil's wish is finally going to come true.
Inchoate World: You appear to have forgotten that this is my domain. Your lives are in my hands.
Inchoate World: Do you truly expect me to succumb to your fragile, twisted connection?
Fraux: I do, in fact. Sorry if that's not what you wanted to hear.
The Devil: My nemesis. You shall fall before this fragile, twisted connection of which you speak.
A burst of flame erupts beneath Fraux and The Devil, from which countless gargantuan hands emerge.
Inchoate World: What do you seek to achieve with those hands? No matter how far you extend them, you cannot even hope to touch—
Inchoate World: What!
Fraux: Guess you were wrong about that. And the fun is only just beginning. It's my turn now...
Fraux: I'll use my legs to drive the point home!
Inchoate World: Gaah!
Fraux: Looks like that one hit too. Sorry, I'm a little too strong for my own good. Strong enough to stave off your attacks, even.
Inchoate World: Impudence! You believe that you can rival me with that pathetic display?
The Inchoate World unleashes countless beams of light at Fraux, but each and every one is repelled by The Devil's hands before they can reach her.
Inchoate World: Ngh...
Fraux: Have you figured it out yet? Your strength is no match for mine. But that shouldn't come as a surprise.
Fraux: My power is... Well, you'll see soon enough.
Inchoate World: I see. So you've absorbed my power.
Fraux: Huh, you're surprisingly calm.
Inchoate World: To think my creation would use my own power against me, even going so far as to bestow it upon a mere skydweller through your connection.
Inchoate World: Accursed fiend! You are not worthy of commanding the power of a new-world god!
Inchoate World: I will not permit any more corrosion! You intruders will be eliminated!
With a bellowing roar, the Inchoate World transforms the power it had been charging into a wave of energy and fires it at Fraux and The Devil.
The impact lifts the pair with ease, sending them flying into the air.
Fraux: So he's finally getting serious.
Too bad. We almost had him, Devil.
The Devil: We were a hair's breadth away. However, at the very least, we have verified that we are able to hold our own against him.
The Devil: We should return to the young skyfarers' ship at once and make our preparations.
Fraux: The crew?
At that moment, the vision of the crew shown to Fraux by the Inchoate World flashes back into her mind.
Fraux: ...
Fraux: No... It'll be fine. That was just a lie created by The World.
As Fraux murmurs to herself, The Devil spots a shadow moving toward them.
The Devil: The truth soars in.
Fraux: Huh?
Fraux follows The Devil's gaze to see an enormous airship speeding through the skies.
Fraux: ...!
Fraux: It's (Captain) and the crew... They came for us?
Vyrn: Oh, I see 'em! They're over there!
Lyria: Really? Thank goodness they're both safe!
Vyrn: Hey, you guys okay? Hold tight—we're on our way!
The Devil's colossal arms tighten around Fraux as they hover in the air.
Catching sight of the pair, (Captain) and the crew race toward them.
Soon Fraux and The Devil are safely aboard the Grandcypher.
They fill the crew in on the events that had transpired within the sphere, as well as their conversation with The World.
Vyrn: Dang, all that was goin' on inside the sphere? Sounds rough, you two.
Lyria: I'm so glad you're okay...
Fraux: You were worried about us? About me?
Lyria: Of course we were! You're our precious friend!
Fraux: Friend...
Vyrn: Honestly, we weren't sure there was any hope when you guys disappeared...
Vyrn: But we don't like givin' up either!
Fraux: ...
Thanks, Vyrn, Lyria... and (Captain).
Fraux: Would you all be willing to see our battle through to the end... whatever that end may be?
Fraux: Actually, let me rephrase that—I want you to stay.
Lyria: Absolutely!
Seeing (Captain) and company nodding vigorously, Fraux's expression relaxes in relief.
Her smile—like a flower blooming—is exactly what the crew had wished to see ever since their unexpected parting.
Lyria: This is where the real battle begins!
Vyrn: Still, how're we supposed to get into that sphere?
Fraux: That won't be a problem.
Vyrn: Wait, seriously?
Fraux: You see, that's a manifestation of The World's psyche, originally created for us Evokers and Arcarum primal beasts.
Fraux: I know it sounds strange, but The Devil and I are inherently compatible with it.
Fraux: And now that we've absorbed The World's power, it's even easier for us to interfere with that sphere.
Vyrn: Does that mean we can get inside?
Fraux: Yeah. We should be able to square off against The World without being eliminated as foreign entities.
Fraux: Right, Devil?
The Devil: Without a doubt.
Sensing that The Devil seems to be in unusually high spirits, Fraux feels a twinge of joy.
Vyrn: Then all that's left is to get in there!
Fraux: Yep.
It's finally time, Devil.
The Devil: We meet on the field of battle once more. And this time, I shall lead my old enemy to his ruin.
Fraux: Devil... Up until now, the only emotion I could sense from you was hatred.
Fraux: But I've always thought that was sad.
The Devil: ...
Lyria: Fraux...
Fraux: Even after being released from The World's chains, your heart is still held captive by your hatred for him.
Fraux: I want to help you be free.
Fraux: That's my reason for fighting The World. I finally understand.
The Devil: Even under these circumstances, you still hold others above yourself. You truly never change.
Lyria: Yeah! That's our Fraux!
Vyrn: Don't worry! We'll be here with ya every step of the way!
Fraux: Lyria, Vyrn... Thank you so much.
Fraux: Come on, let's go. We'll take down The World. And after that...
- We'll come back here together!
Choose: We'll come back here together!Fraux: (Captain)... Yeah!
The connection between Fraux and The Devil has been disregarded by The World as being both frail and warped.
However, that very bond may serve as a powerful weapon against him.
Side by side, Fraux and the Devil stare boldly at The World's sphere, filled with a sense of something akin to confidence.
Indomitable Strength: Scene 4
The crew reenters the sphere to stop the Inchoate World once and for all. He sees the appearance of the crew as a trial to be overcome before world creation can happen and awaits their arrival at the center of the sphere.
The crew steps inside the floating sphere to settle matters with the Inchoate World.
Vyrn: Whoa... What's with this place...
Lyria: The many different colors mixed together is making my eyes go round...
The wild color scheme is extremely unsettling, violently distorting the captain's perceptions.
Fraux: Is everyone okay?
Vyrn: Urgh... I'm gonna be sick just standin' here. Are you really not fazed by this at all, Fraux?
Fraux: Nope, The Devil and I are perfectly fine.
Lyria: You are Fraux, right? Your clothes and aura have changed so much, it's almost like you're a completely different person.
Fraux: Oh, sorry about that. I can see why you'd be surprised.
Fraux: The power I share with The Devil seems to resonate with this space created by The World.
Fraux: In other words, the boost we've gained by reversing The World's power to control us is manifesting itself.
Fraux: Does that make sense?
Fraux: The Devil absorbing The World's power probably has something to do with it too though.
Vyrn: You sure you oughta be usin' that Inchoate guy's power? What if it's not safe?
Fraux: Hehe, I appreciate the concern. But don't worry. I know for a fact that I can go head-to-head with The World in this form.
Fraux: Right, Devil?
The Devil: While it is highly unpleasant to feel his power within me...
The Devil: When I consider that he will soon be defeated by his own power that has been siphoned off and transformed...
The Devil: The discomfort is a small price to pay.
Vyrn: Huh... Y'know, you're a lot more of a chatterbox than usual.
Fraux: Well, we're finally going to defeat The World. I'm sure The Devil's over the moon.
Vyrn: Ready and rarin' to go, are ya? Heh, then let's do this—together!
Lyria: We're counting on you! But you can count on us too, okay?
Fraux: Thanks, you two. That's just the encouragement I needed.
Fraux: Well, we'd better be going. The World's not going to kick the bucket on his own.
Fraux: We'll free The Devil from all that hatred... and then we'll return to the ship—each and every one of us.
Bracing themselves for what may come, the crew proceed onward to the center of the multicolored world.
Inchoate World: You lot again.
Vyrn: Gwah! You got us good last time, and now we're gonna get payback!
Inchoate World: What more could you want from me? I have no more business with you. You nuisances are a waste of time—
Inchoate World: No, wait... I see how it is. Defeating your group is the final trial I must overcome before the new world comes to fruition.
Fraux: That's a pretty reckless way of thinking. Sounds like The Devil's had more of an influence on you than on me.
Fraux: But you're the one who's wasting our time here. Don't think we're going to accommodate your schedule.
Fraux: We'll crush your dream of creating a new world, as well as this hapless fate that connects us.
Inchoate World: A birth becomes that much more meaningful after successful completion of a trial. And a trial exists to be overcome...
Inchoate World: Very well then. I welcome you all to be the final sacrifices to mark the true completion of my task.
The Inchoate World seems to disappear, blending into his multicolored surroundings.
- Let's go.
Choose: Let's go.The crew's march toward the center of the sphere continues.
Beyond the Trial
The Inchoate World unleashes his full power to overcome the trial that is the crew. A final showdown ensues.
Inchoate World: You've come.
By tracking the aura of the Inchoate World, the crew finally reaches the center of this realm.
The Inchoate World looks down on the crew as he speaks, a hint of surprise in his breath.
Inchoate World: How strangely comforting... Though you obstacles in my path normally fill me with disgust...
Inchoate World: Seeing you as a trial meant to be overcome fills me with pride and joy.
Inchoate World: The face of fate changes depending on your interpretation. And my interpretation has led me to birth a new world.
Inchoate World: You are nothing but nuisances now—stepping stones on my path to world creation... That is how I define your fates.
Fraux: You seem to be enjoying your little monologue. If I say I don't care, do I still have to listen to you blather on?
Inchoate World: Whether you comprehend my words or not, it makes little difference. Trials exist only to be overcome.
Inchoate World: That is what your existence—your value—amounts to in my eyes.
Fraux: Yeah, I'm starting to see that you and I will never see eye to eye.
Inchoate World: Trials such as yourselves are to be eliminated. You should abandon your ego and offer yourselves in service to the work of god.
Inchoate World: You put others on a pedestal, give them your time, mind, and body, and beg for their love in return.
Inchoate World: You appear devoted to others, but in reality, you are merely forcing all of your decisions onto them.
Inchoate World: And yet you selfishly persist. By your own will, you foolishly oppose me—the god of a new world.
Inchoate World: Words fail to describe the sordidness of your actions. You are a weak and incomprehensible being who can fully devote to neither service nor self-interest.
Inchoate World: The time has come to bury you all as wretched artifacts of the old world!
Fierce winds begin to blow around them, causing the various colors to converge on the Inchoate World.
As he is encased in what appears to be some sort of cocoon, Lyria audibly gasps.
Lyria: Watch out! The Inchoate World is getting stronger!
Inchoate World: You antiquated relics will become the cornerstone of the new world. For that is your fate; that is providence.
Inchoate World: You have no future beyond today. Your destinies end here. I shall wipe away your very souls from existence!
Beyond the Trial: Scene 2
The crew finally defeats the Inchoate World and returns to the Sky Realm. Realizing that their pact is no longer necessary, Fraux and The Devil nevertheless decide to renew their bond and continue their journey with the crew together.
Inchoate World: Rgh!
Inchoate World: Impossible! I should be the one who decides destiny!
Inchoate World: All trials succumb before me... Your defeat here was supposed to mark the celebration of the new world's creation...
Inchoate World: But yet... how is it that mortals of the old world have bested me!
Fraux: Old or new—none of that matters. You were simply no match for my power. That's all there is to it.
The Devil: I shall revel in the sight of you floundering against your certain doom.
The attack unleashed by the pair pierces through the Inchoate World.
Inchoate World: Gwaaah!
Inchoate World: Damn you... Damn you all! How could I lose...
Inchoate World: What of my new world!
His hands reach out, only to grasp at thin air. Cracks begin to form all over the Inchoate World's body.
Inchoate World: Guuuuh!
With a deafening roar, the Inchoate World lets out a flash of light followed by a harsh noise that stains the world white.
Fraux: Ngh... Where are we?
Vyrn: What happened to us? The Inchoate World's...
Now that the white light has subsided, the crew find themselves collapsed on the Grandcypher's deck.
The ominous sphere is no longer in sight, replaced by pristine blue skies stretching in every direction.
Lyria: I don't sense the Inchoate World anymore. And with the sphere gone, I guess it's all over?
Fraux: Yeah, it seems that way.
What about you, Devil? Do you sense anything?
The Devil: Not a single trace. At long last, my desire has been fulfilled.
Fraux: Huh... That must mean it's really over.
Murmuring to herself, Fraux gazes up at the clear, blue sky overhead.
Fraux: I'm so glad everyone made it out safe and sound. And I'm glad you got your wish too, Devil!
Fraux: So how is it? Does it feel like a weight's been lifted from your shoulders?
The Devil: It feels as though things are finally as they should be.
Fraux: I see... Hehe.
Lyria: Um... What are you going to do now, Devil?
Lyria: The two of you are together because of your pact, right?
Fraux: Hmm, good point. With The World defeated, there's no longer any need for me to act as The Devil's vessel.
Vyrn: What! Does that mean we gotta say goodbye now that you've taken down that Inchoate guy?
Vyrn: That's a real bummer...
The Devil: ...
Fraux: What do you want to do, Devil?
Fraux: I have to admit, I feel like this battle strengthened our connection. Thinking of parting ways makes me really sad.
Fraux: But I don't want to keep you on a leash. So I'll leave the decision to you.
The Devil: ...
The Devil: Our pact can indeed be broken without issue. However, I see no need to do so at present.
Lyria: Does that mean...
Fraux: Things will stay the same as they are.
Fraux: Hehe. Thanks, Devil.
The Devil: Such gratitude is unnecessary. I merely determined it to be the most logical course of action.
Lyria: I'm so happy for you, Fraux!
Vyrn: Hey, I just noticed—that Inchoate guy and the sphere are gone, right? So why do you still look like that?
Fraux: Now that you mention it... I guess the power that The Devil absorbed from The World just made itself right at home.
Vyrn: Huh, so basically you guys have seriously powered up! We'll be countin' on ya even more from here on out!
Fraux: From here on out...
Fraux: Yeah, that's right. We'll be together from now on, won't we?
- Together forever!
Choose: Together forever!Fraux: (Captain)... Sounds good to me!
Monika's Voice: Hey! Is everyone okay?
An echoing voice calls for the crew.
Turning to the voice reveals Monika and Lecia leaning over the deck railing of their approaching airship.
Vyrn: Guess those guys came to check things out now that the sphere's gone, huh.
Lyria: Mm-hm! We're all safe and sound!
(Captain) and the crew smile warmly, as though their life-or-death battle with The World had all been a dream.
Realizing that she will be continuing her journey with these precious companions, free of ill will or ulterior motives, Fraux's face reflexively breaks into a grin.
And this sense of utter joy is only heightened by the fact that The Devil remains by her side.
Fraux: Thanks, Devil.
The Devil: I recognize that you exerted great effort to bring my goal to fruition as well.
Fraux: So... can I interpret that as a "I should be the one thanking you"?
The Devil: ...
Fraux: Aw, I was just kidding! Come on, please don't give me the silent treatment!
The Devil: ...
With the Inchoate World gone for good, the crisis threatening the Sky Realm is no more.
Evoker and primal beast had formed a fragile, twisted connection for the sake of exacting revenge against a self-proclaimed god.
With their enemy defeated, the decision falls upon the pair to decide whether to sever their bond or protect and cherish it.
However, no matter how warped their relationship may be, their path will never end in sorrow.
Because together, they understand that the connection that binds them is now far from fragile.
An Unexpected Reunion
Following the battle with the Inchoate World, the crew resolves to help search for Fraux's friend Rios to find out why she disappeared. One day, Fraux happens upon Rios while on a mission, but a woman intervenes before she can call out to her.
Fraux and company have emerged victorious from their fierce battle against The World.
With the crew free from the threat of this fearsome enemy, peace begins to return to the Grandcypher.
Lyria: Munch... Mmm! Today's lunch is as delicious as ever!
Vyrn: And that appetite of yours is just as crazy as ever! Wouldn't be surprised if you ended up clearin' our plates too.
Lyria: Munch. Can I?
Vyrn: Heck no!
Fraux: Hehe.
Vyrn: This ain't a laughin' matter. You'll stop her if she tries anything, right?
Fraux: Don't worry. I will.
Fraux: But seeing Lyria eating so happily just drives it home how peaceful things have become.
Vyrn: That's true. It's like everything's finally back to normal!
Lyria: Yeah! Now we can finally collect ourselves and search for Fraux's friend!
Fraux: Huh?
Vyrn: That's right! Glad it looks like we'll be able to make good on our promise to ya!
Fraux: Lyria, Vyrn... Thank you.
Vyrn: So what kinda person is this friend of yours anyway?
Lyria: I was wondering that too! We haven't really heard anything about them, so it would be nice to know more!
Fraux: Come to think of it, I guess I never told you.
Vyrn: Yeah! But if we're gonna hunt for 'em, we'll need more info for starters!
Fraux: Okay. Then let's see... First off, her name is Rios. She was my one and only close friend.
Lyria: Mm-hm. Rios, got it.
Fraux: Back when I lived in my hometown, things were really... uncomfortable, to say the least.
Fraux: People were always hostile toward me, and I never could seem to relax.
Fraux: Growing up, I stuck out like a sore thumb. People said it was because I was "too pretty." Isn't that ridiculous?
Vyrn: What the heck! But you didn't do anything wrong!
Fraux: Hehe, thanks. But back then, I couldn't help but think that I had somehow brought it upon myself.
Fraux: After all, everyone was always telling me that it was my fault.
Fraux: I was deceived, hurt, verbally abused, and an object of greed...
Fraux: All because of the attention I attracted.
Fraux: Some people were blatantly jealous, others hid their true intentions behind a kindly facade, and still others wanted nothing to do with me.
Fraux: Whatever the case, my presence always had a negative effect on those around me.
Lyria: ...
Fraux: It was the same with my family. Even though we still lived together, at some point I stopped being able to communicate with them.
Fraux: My parents tried to protect me at first, but all the animosity and scheming was just too much for them, and they got sick of it.
Fraux: By the time I realized it, they had both started to treat me like I didn't exist.
Fraux: But if doing so made things easier on them, then I was okay with it.
Lyria: Fraux...
Fraux: But Rios... She was the only one who was different.
Fraux: She didn't see me as some chosen one. To her, I was just an ordinary girl who lived in the same town. Just... a friend.
Fraux: The only person I could ever feel at ease with... was Rios.
Fraux: We used to visit a flower field on the edge of town together. There weren't many people around, so it was a really soothing place for me.
Fraux: We'd talk there until the sun went down, and I'd listen to her sing...
Fraux: Oh, she's a really good singer!
Vyrn: That right? I'd like to hear her.
Fraux: There was nothing fancy about the time we spent together. It was just a lot of talking and laughing.
Fraux: But I can't even begin to tell you how much that buoyed me up back then... how much it helped me...
Lyria: But then... she disappeared.
Fraux: Yeah...
Fraux: The townspeople all said that she left because of me.
Lyria: Oh no!
Fraux: I couldn't deny their claims. After all, I had no evidence to the contrary.
Vyrn: So that's the reason you're so gung ho about seein' her again...
Fraux: Yeah. I want an answer. I need to know why she vanished out of the blue.
Fraux: Was it really my fault? And if it wasn't, was there anything I could have done?
Fraux: I want to see her... and learn the truth.
Lyria: ...
Fraux: There's actually another reason too. She has this pure, mysterious side to her that somehow reminds me of (Captain)!
Fraux: That's why I'd like to let you meet her.
Vyrn: She's like (Captain)? In that case, I wanna meet her too!
Lyria: Hehe. She must be a wonderful person!
Fraux: She is! And her skill is no joke either. She saved me countless times when I was selling myself short... or rather, when I was in danger.
Lyria: Considering how strong you are, she must be pretty amazing herself to be able to save you!
Vyrn: Yeah! If she's that powerful, maybe she can even travel with us here on the ship!
Fraux: Huh?
Lyria: That's a great idea! After your reunion, let's invite her to join us!
Fraux: (I'd never even considered traveling with Rios...)
Fraux: (They're always looking ahead. That's why I...)
Fraux: Hehehe. I sure hope that happens.
Fraux: Knowing you all, I wouldn't be surprised if you made a dream like that actually come true.
Though her childhood had left her with little to believe in, a renewed sense of hope takes root within Fraux's heart.
Some time later, (Captain) and the crew visit a certain town on a mission.
A troupe of traveling performers has just arrived, and there is a sense of excitement running through the air.
Vyrn: They're handin' out flyers all over the place! Look, over there too!
Lyria: They're the same as the one we got at the entrance to the town, right? The little sketches are so cute!
Fraux: The whole town is so lively with all the people distributing flyers and playing musical instruments! It's wonderful!
Vyrn: They're gonna set up a tent in the square and put on a show there with singin', dancin'—the works!
Vyrn: Let's go check it out once we've wrapped up our mission!
Lyria: The performance doesn't start until tonight anyway!
Fraux: I'm sure we'll be able to finish up in time. Ooh, I can't wait!
(Captain) and company find themselves caught up in the infectious mood of the town.
As they eagerly make plans for the evening, a sound weaves its way through the commotion of the crowd to reach their ears.
Singing Voice: Lalala...
Fraux: ...!
Lyria: Wow, what a beautiful song!
Fraux: This tune... This voice...
Vyrn: Wonder who's singin'? Let's take a peek!
Singing Voice: Lalala...
(Captain) and company find themselves drawn to a nearby tent being used as a dressing room, as though lured by the song.
Lyria: Oh, I think it might be her—the young lady near the entrance.
Vyrn: Yeah, looks like it! Wanna move a tad closer?
Fraux: Rios!
Lyria: Huh?
Vyrn: Fraux? What's up?
Seemingly oblivious to the baffled reactions of her companions, Fraux marches directly over to the singing woman.
Fraux: Finally... Finally, I found you...
Her cheeks flushed with surprise, the Evoker opens her mouth to speak in a trembling voice. But before she can call her friend's name...
???: Hold it right there.
An unfamiliar woman steps forward to stand between her and the girl Fraux deems her long-lost friend, Rios.
An Unexpected Reunion: Scene 2
Fraux: ...
Vyrn: She's just been sittin' there starin' at nothin'...
Lyria: It's no wonder. She finally found the friend she's been wanting to see again all this time, and yet...
Fraux has been sitting in the same spot for hours, her face pale.
(Captain) and company merely continue to watch over her, unsure of what to say.
The cause for Fraux's distress is a heartrending story about her friend that they had heard earlier that day...
Woman: Tell me... Do you know her?
Fraux: Huh? Well...
Fraux: (I feel like I've seen this person before... but where?)
Woman: ...?
Hey, are you all right?
Fraux: (It was... somewhere recently...)
The woman's quizzical expression gradually shifts to one of concern as Fraux fails to respond to her voice.
Seeing this, (Captain) and company rush over to their crewmate's side.
Lyria: Excuse us!
Woman: Oh? And who might you be?
Vyrn: Sorry for bargin' in like this. We're with her!
Lyria: Are you okay, Fraux?
Upon hearing Lyria's voice, Fraux suddenly snaps back to reality.
Fraux: Oh, er, sorry about that!
Fraux: Um, I'm a friend of that young lady over there. Who are you?
After studying Fraux for a moment, the woman gestures to a nearby tent.
Woman: ...
Come with me.
(Captain) and company follow the woman inside a dressing tent.
Woman: Tell security not to allow anyone in here for the time being.
Man: Yes, ma'am!
Increasingly wary of the woman's true intentions, the crew remains on guard.
Beside them, Fraux continues to frown in concentration.
Fraux: (Why does she seem so familiar... Oh!)
Suddenly, a memory flashes into Fraux's mind.
But just then, the woman turns around, interrupting her thoughts.
Woman: Let me start by introducing myself. I'm the leader of this troupe. They call me Madam.
Troupe Madam: Well, have a seat. I'll put on some tea. It's bound to be a long story.
The woman sits down, motioning for the others to join her.
Troupe Madam: Now then, where should I begin? First, that young woman's name is Rios. She's a member of this troupe—this family.
Fraux: What!
Troupe Madam: I met her at the scene of an accident on a distant island.
It happened on a night without a hint of rain or fog, with clear visibility and calm winds. A covered wagon tumbled over the side of a cliff.
A passing farmer discovered the scattered remains of the wagon at the base of the cliff the following morning.
Stumbling upon the wreckage, the troupe immediately set to work assisting in the rescue efforts, though the likelihood of finding survivors seemed slim.
Miraculously, however, Rios alone survived. The coachman, her parents, and another man and woman were confirmed dead on the spot.
Fraux: ...
Troupe Madam: I couldn't leave her all alone with no one left to look after her. I wanted to be there for her.
Troupe Madam: I'm used to caring for children who've lost their families, you see. And my cards told me it was the right thing to do.
Vyrn: Cards?
Troupe Madam: Yes. Fortune-telling with cards is part of this troupe's livelihood. My divinations are particularly accurate.
Thus, the orphaned Rios was taken in by the troupe, but reality proved to be too much for the girl to handle.
When Rios learned that her parents were gone forever, her heart was broken.
Troupe Madam: She basically stopped functioning, like a puppet whose strings were cut. But there are times when she sings as though she remembers.
Troupe Madam: Usually she just laughs absently though. It was miserable to see her like that, so I decided to make her part of the family.
Troupe Madam: I found her diary in one of the crates thrown from the wagon. That's how I learned her name.
Troupe Madam: And that she had a best friend named Fraux.
Fraux: Oh...
Vyrn: Fraux...
Troupe Madam: The diary also provided some insight into what happened before the accident.
Fraux: Wh-what... happened?
Troupe Madam: Apparently something terrified her parents, and they suddenly woke her up and loaded her into the carriage.
Troupe Madam: They packed only the essentials and told her that they were leaving town.
Fraux: Oh no... But why?
Lyria: What could have scared them like that?
Troupe Madam: Well, her parents said one more thing before they left...
Troupe Madam: "The devil has come."
Vyrn: The devil?
Nodding at the shocked crew, the woman lets out a small sigh before continuing.
Troupe Madam: I don't know the meaning behind those words or the truth of what happened. But after getting a clearer picture, I couldn't abandon her.
Troupe Madam: And anyway, she's like a baby now. Without someone to take care of her, she'll end up dead in a ditch somewhere.
Troupe Madam: I have the family's belongings in my possession. I plan to return them when the time comes.
Troupe Madam: But I have no idea how they might affect her at this point in time. So I want to be careful about who or what she encounters.
Troupe Madam: And that's why...
Pausing, she turns to Fraux.
Troupe Madam: Even if you are the best friend that she wrote about in her diary, I'd like you to refrain from speaking to her.
The troupe leader's voice is quiet but firm.
Her eyes, however, are filled with concern, seemingly directed toward Fraux as well.
But Fraux—her mind reeling—fails to notice.
Fraux: (I had no idea...)
Fraux: (I never imagined Rios had gone through something like that...)
Fraux: (Before she left town that day, what happened to her? To her family?)
Fraux: "The devil has come"...
Upon uttering this phrase, something in Fraux's mind clicks into place.
Fraux: Devil!
The Devil: ...
The Devil appears in the same manner as always. Even under Fraux's fierce gaze, the primal shows no sign of concern.
Fraux: I assume you already know what I want to ask you.
The Devil: ...
Fraux: The "devil" Rios's parents mentioned... Was that you?
The Devil replies, expression unchanging.
The Devil: Indeed.
Fraux: ...!
Fraux: What did you do... to her family! To Rios!
Even as Fraux raises her voice, The Devil maintains composure.
The Devil: I needed you to be completely alone.
Fraux: What?
The Devil: In order for your power to reach its zenith, it was necessary for you to know true solitude.
The Devil: Thus the presence of this "friend" was an obstacle—both to your isolation and my ambition.
Fraux: This can't be...
Fraux: Devil... It was your fault?
Fraux: Because of you, Rios...
- Use power.
- Use restraint.
Choose: Use power.Fraux: I'm glad we never had anything as silly as a bond between us.
Fraux: Thanks to that, I have no reason to hesitate.
Firing a glare at The Devil, Fraux slowly rises to her feet, swaying menacingly.
Before (Captain) and the crew have a chance to stop her, The Devil is hit with a ferocious blow.
The Devil: ...
Although the impact is powerful enough to send a shockwave rippling through the air, The Devil shockingly puts up no resistance.
But the next moment...
Fraux: ...!
An enormous hand appears suddenly, its fingers encircling Fraux, ready to crush her.
The scene is truly bizarre, as though a serpent has opened its mouth wide, preparing to swallow her whole.
The Devil: Your power is fearsome. If I were to engage with you directly, I would be in grave danger.
The Devil: Though it pains me to do so... I shall search for my next pactbearer.
Fraux: ...!
Crimson blood spurts out from the colossal hand's grasp as it crushes Fraux's body. But The Devil shows no interest.
The Devil: Evoker of power. My pactbearer, Fraux.
The Devil: It is true that your power allowed me to lead my enemy to his destruction. For that, I am grateful.
Muttering quietly, The Devil fades silently into the darkness.
Without even a moment to resist, Fraux is swallowed up by The Devil's hand, forced to bid farewell to her very existence.
However, despite this untimely end...
In her final moments, far from being distorted with anguish, her face appears aglow with a faint smile...
The End
Fraux has rejected The Devil's presence.
Withdrawing from quest.
Reassess their relationship and try placing your hope in different choices next time.
Choose: Use restraint.Fraux: So you tried to kill Rios because she was in the way? And you ended up killing her parents?
Though Fraux's words are more accusations than questions, the primal shakes its head in response.
The Devil: I played no part in their deaths.
The Devil: I merely advised them to depart from the town.
Fraux: But if you hadn't done that, the accident never would have happened...
The Devil: ...
Fraux: It's all because of you...
The Devil: ...
Fraux: No. No, it's not your fault.
The Devil: ...
Fraux: I understand you just like you understand me.
Fraux: You didn't have any interest in Rios's life. You just wanted her to leave me alone.
Fraux: In your eyes, I imagine it was nothing more than removing a stone blocking the road.
The Devil: ...
Fraux: The wagon accident, Rios's injuries, and the death of her parents...
Fraux: I'm sure they were all just unfortunate coincidences. But... at the same time...
Fraux: Summing it up with one pretty little word doesn't change what happened!
Lyria: Fraux!
Losing her composure, Fraux lets out an anguished cry. A shocked (Captain) and crew attempt to intervene, but...
Vyrn: You gotta calm down!
Vyrn: Wait, huh?
Fraux immediately regains her composure.
Fraux: Sorry... I know. I understand that The Devil was just trying to keep Rios away from me.
Fraux: The Devil wanted to strengthen my power as much as possible.
Lyria: Fraux?
Fraux: It's my fault. The Devil used my power... If I hadn't been around...
The Devil: ...
Fraux: In the end, it was all because of me.
Lyria: No, Fraux! You can't think that way!
Eyes downcast, Fraux merely shakes her head slowly.
Fraux: Sorry, Lyria. I'm going back to my room. I just... want to be alone right now.
Lyria: Fraux, wait!
Vyrn: Fraux...
Vyrn: Hey, Lyria. I'm worried about her too, but maybe we oughta give her some space for now.
Lyria: But I don't want to leave her all alone!
Vyrn: I know whatcha mean... but she probably needs some time to wrap her head around all this.
Lyria: ...
Lyria: Devil, what do you—
Lyria: ...
Never mind.
Lyria turns to address The Devil who stands quietly nearby, but unable to find the right words, she falls silent.
The Devil: ...
For the next several days, the door to Fraux's room remains tightly shut.
At long last, she emerges from her seclusion.
Fraux: ...
Lyria: Fraux! You hadn't come out in so long, we were starting to get really worried!
Lyria: And you didn't eat anything the whole time! You must be starving!
Vyrn: Yeah, I'll bet. C'mon, Fraux. Let's get some grub in ya!
Fraux: No, I'm fine. Before all that... there's something I want to say.
Lyria: Huh?
Vyrn: What's that?
Fraux: Well... I have a favor to ask Madam and (Captain). Will you come with me?
Seeing the steely resolve in Fraux's eyes, the captain nods solemnly.
Continue 1Continue 2
An Unexpected Reunion: Scene 3
Fraux announces that she is leaving the Grandcypher to take care of Rios, but the crew convinces her to bring her friend along instead. When Rios seemingly snaps back to her old self after having her hairpin returned, Fraux sobs tears of joy as The Devil looks on.
Troupe Madam: So what did you need to ask me? Somehow you look even more tense than you did the other day.
Vyrn: Seriously. You aren't thinkin' of doin' somethin' crazy, are ya?
Fraux: First of all, I want to apologize.
Fraux: I'm sorry, everyone.
Lyria: Huh?
Vyrn: But why? What're you apologizin' for?
Troupe Madam: ...?
Fraux: Everything that happened to Rios... was my fault.
Troupe Madam: What?
Fraux: Because of me, Rios and her family were forced to flee from the town. And that's what led to the accident.
Troupe Madam: Is that true?
Fraux: It is. And that's why...
Fraux: Sorry, (Captain). I'm... leaving the Grandcypher.
Vyrn: What!
Lyria: ...!
Fraux: I need to apologize to you too, Madam. And thank you. For protecting my dear friend.
Troupe Madam: ...
Fraux: I know I have no right to ask this of you... but I'd like you to let me take charge of Rios.
Troupe Madam: ...!
Fraux: I've been thinking. About what I can do for her, that is.
Troupe Madam: It's almost like you're trying to atone for something. Do you feel some sort of misplaced sense of responsibility about all this?
Fraux: Well... yes, I do feel responsible. But more than that, I want to be there for Rios.
Fraux: She's an indispensable part of my life. Because she was by my side, I was able to stay strong even when things were hard.
Fraux: I can't tell you how many times she saved me in the past. And now it's my turn to return the favor.
Vyrn: Fraux...
Fraux: I have no idea if Rios's condition will ever improve. But either way... I want to spend the rest of my life supporting her like she did me.
Troupe Madam: You must have put a lot of thought into this. But just so you know, caring for a living, breathing person is by no means an easy task.
Troupe Madam: Rios will sit and stare out the window for hours, then suddenly wander off to take a walk. It really scared me at first, actually.
Fraux: ...
Troupe Madam: Fortunately, she's light on her feet. I don't know if it's instinct or what, but she avoids danger on her own.
Troupe Madam: She's a mysterious young woman... like a fairy flitting about, freed from all her fetters.
Troupe Madam: But she still needs assistance eating even a single meal.
Troupe Madam: And on top of that, it's impossible to communicate with her. Won't that be especially painful for you?
Fraux: I appreciate your concern. But I'll be all right. I'm made of tougher stuff than I look!
Fraux: I'm not the type to lose a battle of endurance!
Troupe Madam: I see. But what if her memories come back?
Fraux: ...!
Troupe Madam: You said the accident was your fault. Are you going to tell her that?
Fraux: I mean... of course I am. She has to know the truth.
Troupe Madam: Even in a world belonging to just you and Rios, where there's no way out?
Fraux: Well...
Troupe Madam: My word, you really are a reckless one, aren't you?
Fraux: Sorry. But even so, I...
Troupe Madam: Sigh... All I'm trying to say is, don't take everything upon yourself.
Fraux: What?
Troupe Madam: We're a troupe of traveling performers. Nothing in our lives is ever stable.
Troupe Madam: So I've actually been thinking myself... It might be best for Rios to settle down somewhere.
Fraux: Does that mean...
Troupe Madam: I'll leave her to you.
Fraux: Madam... Thank you so much!
Troupe Madam: But I expect you to provide your location and contact information. I'll send you letters, so make sure to write back and let me know how things are going.
Fraux: Letters?
Troupe Madam: Why the hint of surprise? The two of you are like my daughters.
Fraux: The two of us? Me included?
Troupe Madam: I'm worried about you too, although in a different way from Rios.
Troupe Madam: So? Can you promise me?
Fraux: Y-yeah... Yeah, I promise! Thank you, Madam!
Troupe Madam: Now, now, there's no need for waterworks. A young lady ought to save her tears for when it really counts.
Fraux: Hehe... I'm sorry. I was just overwhelmed by your kindness.
Troupe Madam: I see... Goodness, you're just hopeless, aren't you?
Troupe Madam: If you're ever having trouble making ends meet, don't hesitate to visit. I'll teach you how to make a comfortable living with those good looks of yours.
Fraux: Okay!
Her eyes still red, Fraux turns to address (Captain).
Fraux: So that's the situation. I want to be with Rios.
Fraux: And that means... this is the end of my journey with the crew. I'm really sorry for being selfish.
Fraux: Thank you so much for everything. It's all because of you that I was able to reunite with my precious friend!
Fraux smiles brightly, as though the clouds covering her heart have been cleared away. However...
Lyria: No!
Fraux: What?
Lyria: I'm against this! I don't want to say goodbye to you, Fraux!
Vyrn: Same here!
Fraux: But still... I'm sorry. Please try to understand.
Lyria: I do understand! I understand how badly you want to be with Rios—so much that it hurts!
Lyria: But I still don't see any reason for you to leave the ship!
Lyria: Wh-why don't you... Why don't the two of you just live on the ship together?
Fraux: What?
Troupe Madam: Well, well...
Vyrn: Yeah, Fraux! Quit actin' like such a stranger!
Fraux: Vyrn...
Vyrn: With you right there on the ship, we can lend a hand if you run into trouble. And anyway, wouldn't it be easier if all of us looked after her together?
As Lyria gestures wildly in agreement beside him, Vyrn nods at Fraux with an encouraging expression on his face.
Her resolve seemingly beginning to waver, Fraux becomes visibly rattled.
Fraux: I can't do that. It would be a huge imposition—
Vyrn: What're you talkin' about! No it wouldn't!
Lyria: That's right! We'll do anything if it means being able to see your smiling face every day!
Lyria: And besides... even if you think it's an imposition, that's no reason to stop!
Lyria: Because we're friends, aren't we!
Fraux: Lyria... Vyrn... But I—
Vyrn: No buts!
Right, (Captain)?
Meeting the gazes of Vyrn and Fraux, (Captain) smiles and nods.
Fraux: You're going to let both of us stay with you, just like that? But why...
- You deserve a happy reunion.
Choose: You deserve a happy reunion.Fraux: (Captain)...
Fraux: Thank you, everyone... I'm really, really grateful!
(Captain) and the crew rush over to Fraux as she finally breaks down in tears.
Seeing this, the troupe leader heaves a sigh of relief.
Troupe Madam: If these two will be traveling with you, then I can feel confident about placing Rios in your care. I have full faith in you all.
Vyrn: You betcha! She'll be safe with us!
Troupe Madam: Heh... What a magnificent bond you all share. Take good care of it, now.
Fraux: Madam... I will.
Determined to support and protect Rios to the best of her ability, Fraux brushes away her tears and bows deeply before the woman.
Troupe Madam: Now then, here are Rios's things. Make sure to take good care of them until the time comes.
Fraux: I will!
Troupe Madam: And... here. This is for you.
Fraux: Is this... a card? And The Devil of all things...
Troupe Madam: It came up during my morning reading. In the reversed position, it means "recovery."
Lyria: Recovery...
Troupe Madam: Think of it as a good luck charm. It carries my wish that meeting you will bring a positive change to Rios's life.
Fraux: Thank you. I'll take good care of it.
Vyrn: That reminds me, did you and The Devil patch things up?
Fraux: What?
Surprised by the unexpected question, Fraux turns to look at Lyria, who nods her head.
Lyria: I was curious about that too. You seemed really angry at The Devil that day...
Fraux: Ah, so that's what this is about... I'm sorry for making you anxious. Don't worry, we weren't fighting.
Lyria: Huh? But...
Fraux: Hmm, how should I explain this...
Fraux: As a general rule, The Devil only ever tells the truth and isn't the type to offend me—the pactbearer—on purpose.
Fraux: Except for when it comes to The World, The Devil has no hard-and-fast principles and doesn't enjoy fighting meaningless battles.
Fraux: As such, The Devil can't be reasoned with using sentimental arguments, so there's no hope of having any sort of heart-to-heart exchange.
Fraux: In other words, even if I let my emotions get the better of me and end up snapping...
Fraux: As long as The Devil doesn't develop actual emotions, there's no way we can get into a fight.
Fraux: And that's why... I can't blame The Devil for what happened to Rios.
Fraux: I just have to accept the truth for what it is, come to terms with it in my own mind... and then do whatever I can for Rios.
Vyrn: Mm... That's kinda sad though, don'tcha think?
Lyria: Yeah... The Devil's the one closest to you, but your hearts are so far apart...
Fraux: Maybe. But you know, throughout my life, I've had to put up with people shoving all sorts of emotions in my face.
Fraux: Compared to that, my relationship with The Devil is way more effortless and comfortable than you might think.
Fraux: That being said, now that The Devil's been freed from hating The World, I'd like to find another emotion to explore.
Vyrn: Huh, guess that makes sense. Well, if you two are okay with it, then so are we!
Vyrn: Anyway, let's go pick up our new shipmate Rios! Where is she?
Lyria: I don't see her anywhere.
Troupe Madam: Oh, if you're looking for Rios, I know where you might be able to find her.
Vyrn: Where's that?
Troupe Madam: There's a field of flowers on the outskirts of town that she's fond of. She goes there almost every day at this time.
Fraux: A field of flowers...
Troupe Madam: And don't worry—one of the troupe members is keeping an eye on her. You all should head that way too.
Wearing a serious expression, Fraux nods and hugs Rios's things tightly.
(Captain) and the crew arrive at the field to find Rios there, just as the troupe leader had said.
Rios: Lalala...
Vyrn: Oh! Looks like she's singin' again!
Lyria: Her voice really is beautiful!
Vyrn: Let's head over!
Lyria: Yeah, I want to say hello!
Fraux: ...
Rios sings cheerfully among the flowers, a smile on her face. Upon seeing this familiar scene, Fraux falls speechless.
Vyrn: Hey, Fraux! What're you doin'?
Lyria: Come join us!
Fraux nods and walks up to Rios, with The Devil trailing silently behind her.
Fraux: ...
Just as she had done countless times in the past, Fraux sits down in front of Rios.
Fraux: Rios...
Rios: ...?
(Captain) and the crew look on as the two old friends are finally reunited.
Fraux: Madam gave me your things earlier. And among them I found... this.
Fraux takes out the beautiful hairpin that she had given Rios so long ago.
Although Rios shows no interest in the accessory, Fraux continues to smile, refusing to be discouraged.
Fraux: I'll put it on for you again.
The moment Fraux places the hairpin in her friend's hair...
The Devil: ...
Lyria: Huh?
Lyria: (It almost looked like that hairpin glowed just now...)
No one aside from Lyria appears to notice. Just as she is trying to figure out what the mysterious light could have been...
Vyrn: Holy cow! What's goin' on!
Lyria: Eek! What a strong gust of wind!
Fraux: ...!
Lyria: I think it stopped.
Vyrn: The heck was that?
Vyrn: Whoa! (Captain), your head!
Lyria & Fraux: Huh?
- Huh?
Choose: Huh?Vyrn: Hahaha! That blast of wind turned your hair into a total rat's nest!
Lyria: Oh my! It really did!
Fraux: Hehehe, it's true. A little nest complete with flower petals to make it nice and cozy.
As (Captain)'s hand desperately attempts to untangle the mess, Fraux lays her own hand upon it.
Fraux: Here, hold still. I'll fix it for you. Although I hate to ruin the fun... Hehehe.
Vyrn: Hahaha!
Lyria: Hehehe!
Rios: Haha!
Fraux: ...!
Vyrn: Huh?
Lyria: What?
Hearing the sound of nostalgic laughter mingled with the voices of her friends, Fraux freezes.
Fraux: ...
Rios: Hmm? What is it, Fraux?
Fraux: ...!
Fraux: No way...
Rios: Hey, you should smile, Fraux. Seeing you happy makes me happy too.
Rios: Long time no see.
Fraux: ...
I can only smile today thanks to (Captain) and all my friends.
Fraux: So we should all... smile together...
Fraux: Rios!
Through losing her friend and making a deal with The Devil, Fraux's life had been turned upside down.
No one can say what the future will hold now that she has been reunited with Rios.
But whatever happens, she will surely keep hold of those precious to her.
They will only serve to make her shine even brighter. And no matter how dazzling that radiance becomes...
The Devil: ...
The Devil will not look away.