Sarya (Event)/Lore

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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age 18
Height 132 cm
Race Draph
Hobbies Her journal
Likes Deduction, solving mysteries, puzzles, sweets
Dislikes Violent incidents, bloody events
Character Release
Source [1] [2]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 18歳
Height 132cm
Race ドラフ
Hobbies 日記
Likes 推理、謎解き、パズル、甘い物
Dislikes 暴力事件、流血沙汰
Character Release
Source [1] [2]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy birthday! It is your birthday today, right?
Looking at the clues, my deductions tell me it is!
Yes, I knew it! Hehe!
That's why I already have a present for you!


(Captain), could I speak with you for a moment? Oh, thank you!
Hehe. Today's your birthday, isn't it?
Well, I got you a present!
Here, please take it! It's the least I can do after all you've done for me!
Consider it a sign of gratitude. May you have another great year ahead of you!


Happy birthday, (Captain)!
This marks the third year I've celebrated your birthday with you. Amazing isn't it?
The only other people I've known for this long since I started this job are Detective Barawa and Chat Noir.
Hehe, I'm looking forward to throwing you a great birthday bash!
The detective's determined to do the same! I hope you enjoy!


Happy birthday, (Captain)!
Haha. I'd glad we get to celebrate this year too!
Just seeing all the great ideas that everyone came up with for today come to fruition like this...
It really brings a smile to my face.
Just goes to show how much we all care about you, (Captain). It's obviously tons.
Of course, that goes for me too. I mean, we've been traveling together for what—four years now? We might as well be family!
Haha. Let's make this a birthday party to remember!


Happy birthday, (Captain)!
Can you believe it's already been one whole year since your last birthday?
Time just keeps getting faster and faster, doesn't it? Hehe.
I bet that's because the time I spend together with you, (Captain), is so much fun!
I know I always depend on you for every little thing under the sun, but...
So this year I'm going to work even harder. Maybe I'll become just as capable as you!
There won't be a puzzle in the world—no matter how big or complicated—that I can't solve!

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy New Year, (Captain)!
Here's to many more solved mysteries in the year ahead!


Happy New Year, (Captain).
My goal this year is to solve ten mysteries in a day!
Huh? There aren't that many mysteries for me to solve?
I don't think so, (Captain)!
There's gotta be plenty of mysteries left in the skies that nobody's even found yet!
I've still got a lot to learn, but I'm going to work hard this year to become the best detective I can be!


Happy New Year, (Captain).
It's hardly been a day into the new year and already I have another shocking incident on my hands.
Detective Barawa gave me a new year bonus! I can't believe this!
I know funds are tight for the detective; how did he come up with the money? This is a case!
Hm? That aside, how will I use the money? Hmm, I wonder...
Maybe I'll get a swimsuit to celebrate... No, it's a little early in the year for that. I feel like it might be a waste just letting it sit in the piggy bank too.
I can't do it! I can't decide! Analysis paralysis is paralyzing me!
(Captain)! You have to help me! Help me think of a good way to use this money!


H-happy New Year, (Captain).
Ah, New Year's break is so nice... With no responsibilities to worry about, I can just take things easy...
It's nice to have times when you can just turn off your brain and relax... Hehehe...
How would you like some of that sweet alone time for yourself, (Captain)?
Of course, such a lifestyle naturally leads to greater love handles, but that's nothing a good diet and exercise can't fix...
Wha? There's a huge New Year's sale happening in town right now?
Let's go, (Captain)! We need to get out there and collect all the data we can if we're gonna get the best deals! It's time to put on our thinking caps!
Just running around out there should help cut down on all the yucky surplus around our waists! Let's do this!


(Captain)! There's been an accident!
I went to Detective Barawa's room to check up on him, and then, and then...
I saw a sight too cruel for words! Detective Barawa had fallen in a sea of mochi! I thought he was choking, so I punched him in the gut!
I was so shocked! How terrible it would be to start the new year with such a grim occurrence!
Mochi is delicious, but eating it takes due diligence.
Make sure you take your time and chew thoroughly, okay, (Captain)? I don't want to punch you too.

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

(Captain), do you know what day today is? That's right. It's Valentine's!
Hehe! I put all my powers of deduction to work to find the perfect box of chocolates for you!


Happy Valentine's, (Captain)!
Hrmmm... I'm assuming those boxes in your hands are chocolates you've received from the numerous other women.
Bedhead, loose shoelaces, untidy clothes... If one applies elementary deduction to the given clues...
There can be only one conclusion! The moment you woke up, you were assaulted by a barrage of Valentine chocolates.
You've tried to make your way back to your room but haven't had the chance. Am I correct?
Hehehe! Sure must be tough being everyone's favorite!


Hehe. There you are, (Captain). I thought you'd be here.
Judging from last year's situation when you were overrun by chocolate givers...
I deduced you might be here resting in the break room after all the excitement.
Well then, here you go. My chocolates.
Hm? Why did I wait? Well, I'm going through the trouble of giving you chocolates; It'd be a waste if I didn't stand out.
Hehe. After all, I'm a girl first and a detective's assistant second!


Ahaha... All that chocolate you got just goes to show how popular you are, (Captain).
Does the joy of getting all that at once tire you out?
I'm gonna give you a little something extra in addition to chocolates this year, (Captain). I'll teach you a special technique that'll pep you right up whenever you need a boost!
Pwinch-yor-cheeks-like-this-and—whee! Let go.
That should loosen up your nerves. Works for me at least.
One caveat would be that it's not really meant to be done in front of other people... Ahaha...
Ah... But I just did it in front of you!
I don't know how you do it, (Captain), but you give off such a relaxing aura that I put my guard down around you!


Wow! You got so many chocolates again, (Captain)!
Soon your room will be bursting with your stash! Hehe. Just proof of how much everyone loves you!
And now you can add my gift to that trove!
Here you go! Delicious, nutritious rice crackers!
I thought if you were full of sweets that you wouldn't mind something salty.
Haha. I'm glad you like them!
If you run out, let me know. You're not the only one with a stash!

White Chocolate Cake
5th year: Chocolate Biscuits
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Huh? This is for me? Ah, I see, because it's White Day...
But when did you prepare this?
Wha! That time you said you were in town on a job was just a ruse?
I've been had!


(Captain)! Welcome back! Hehe, let me just see if I can deduce where you went!
Hmmm. Mud on your shoes... The only muddy road nearby would be the one to the pastry shop.
The small bag you're holding is in the same design as the one used by that very shop... In other words—
Huh? Why're you holding it out like that? I-it's for me?
Wha! I-I'm sorry, (Captain)! I shouldn't have tried to—
Ohh, I can't believe I just did that! What else can I do wrong today! Th-thank you so much, (Captain)!


Ah! (Captain)! H-hey there! Sorry, I was just day dreaming!
Ahahaha. I've just had something on my mind lately and can't stop thinking about it. So I'm trying to clear my mind today.
Today's White Day, so... I mean, if last year was any indicator... Never mind, it's nothing.
This is for me? Thank you, (Captain).
Wha! How did you know I liked this? I thought I kept it a secret!
Mmgh... You got me good this time, (Captain)! Now that's what I call super sleuthing!
Well then, you better look forward to some really amazing chocolates next year!


Welcome back, (Captain)! A White Day gift for me? Thanks!
Wow! I can't believe I was totally myself as I took your gift!
The way you handed it over was so slick I didn't even have time to think about it...
And I actually felt happy without thinking about it! This is a breakthrough for me!
Haha... You planned this out, didn't you? Thank you, (Captain).


Ah, if it isn't (Captain)! You seem to be in high spirits!
Your chest is held high, you've got a spring in your step, and you're humming a tune... Hmmm...
A-hah! You've got a date, don't you!
Hehe, did I get it right? You look really excited, after all.
Now, now, you shouldn't hide that excitement. You should enjoy yourself to...
What! The date is w-w-with me?
You want to thank me for my Valentine's Day gift by treating me to something sweet?
I can't believe my intuition failed me. Such an unexpected turn of events, my heart won't stop pounding...
Here? B-but getting a reservation at this restaurant is supposed to take months!
I can't wait to try it!
Thank you so much, (Captain)!

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

I love looking at Halloween costumes!
It's fun trying to figure out how people made their elaborate outfits!
Sometimes I think about how funny it would be if real monsters mixed in with the costumes! Halloween is a blast!


Halloween sure is exciting! And all the spooky costumes really are convincing!
How do they make them? What materials are they made of? I wonder about things like that all the time.
It looks like lots of people are wearing masks this year. But wait a second...
Did that guy in the mask just take that girl's purse?
Oh, now she's saying her purse is gone! Another case reveals itself!
I won't allow anyone to spoil the fun tonight! Time for this detective to hit the scene!
(Captain)! Let's start looking for that masked man!


I've observed a bizarre coincidence every Halloween.
It has to do with Detective Barawa.
He always seems to be the target of all the children's mischief. So much so that one could almost call it eerie.
And they always seem to know just what he hates most. Why, last year they took his most hated insect in hand and chased him all around town.
In fact, this almost seems like Chat Noir had a hand in this. That's my pet theory at least.
The only piece that doesn't fit is the lack of the thief's signature calling card anywhere.
The truth... is still a mystery.


Maybe I should dress up too this year...
We don't get many chances to proudly strut about in town with a silly costume as if it's normal.
You know... when I was younger, I always wanted to be a cat.
The thought of putting on a black cat costume and going "meow, meow"...
Definitely occurred to me... But then I remembered Chat Noir's kind of a black cat himself. Wouldn't need two black cats, would we?
Oh, don't mind me.


Ah, (Captain)! Have you seen Detective Barawa?
Where could he have gone? I hope he realizes we've received another letter from Chat Noir.
For some reason a cute little pumpkin was drawn on this one. Maybe phantom thieves feel a little more festive during Halloween.
Anyway, I haven't seen the detective since this morning. I bet he's being terrorized by children again.
You don't remember? It's like he's cursed. Every year eerie coincidences seem to surround him, including swarms of candy-hungry kids...
You don't think this letter could mean... Oh no! I have to find Barawa quickly!
I'm sorry, (Captain)! Will you help me?

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Wow! Look at all that snow, (Captain)!
The way the lights of the city mingle with the snow is so beautiful!
It's super cold tonight, but seeing the smiles on everyone's faces as they walk through the city fills me with warmth.
Hee hee! Something tells me this is gonna be fun!


Hmm. Santa comes in the night to deliver presents to good little children doesn't he?
It's truly a mystery where all those presents come from, not to mention the motive behind why the culprit would do such a thing.
Don't tell me he steals them from somewhere. Hehe.
Wait... Appears and vanishes without a trace... Steals...
Santa must be Chat Noir!
Just kidding! I'd never jump to a conclusion like that. Especially when I've never met the guy.
Be extra careful not to tell Barawa I suggested that okay?
If you do, he might just try to catch Santa!


Sarya: Happy holidays... (Captain), I've uncovered a frightful mystery.
Look! It's a gift from Detective Barawa! A plushie named Mr. Fluffles!
While it might look adorable at first, observe what happens when I push his tummy...
Mr. Fluffles: Gack!
Sarya: Eek! L-look at his face! Disturbing, isn't it?
Why... Why in the skies would a toy maker want to have a toy do this...
And what in the world was the detective thinking when he got this for me! This should be a crime!
Oh, do you want to try squeezing Mr. Fluffles's tummy? Be my guest.
Mr. Fluffles: Gack!
Sarya: Eek!


Isn't the holy night such a mysterious thing? Just saying it out loud makes me feel all giddy inside.
It has such a gentle, peaceful ring to it... that it feels romantic in a way.
When I asked Siero, she said it's because this is the season for Santa to make his appearance, and my name kind of sounds like his.
I know that's a bit of a stretch—okay, a really big stretch—but oddly enough I was convinced!
Just the thought that people all over might be saying my name indirectly feels strange yet nice.
Detective Barawa saying my name gives me a jolt of optimism, and you saying my name makes me feel relaxed.
So feel free to call out my name more often, (Captain)—any time you want.


Oh, it's (Captain)! Happy holidays! I wasn't expecting to see you here!
It's very cold, so I thought everyone would stay inside. I've been waiting her for a while though.
Why? Well every year on this holy night, snow falls and covers the ground. But it hasn't started snowing yet, right?
I decided to watch the skies. It still looks awfully clear though.
Look for yourself. I guess the starry skies are just as romantic as fluffy white clouds!
Oh, that's right! I saw a shooting star a moment ago! Probably thanks to how clear it is.
Look! Look! There goes another one!
Wow! And another—there's so many!
Hurry, let's make a wish before they're all gone!
If you wish hard enough, I bet Santa will come grant it for you!

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Absent Teacher

(Captain) and company await repairs on the Grandcypher when Sarya, Detective Barawa's assistant, comes to speak with them. In order to find clues about Barawa's whereabouts, Sarya requests the crew's assistance.

One day (Captain) and the crew find themselves awaiting repairs on the Grandcypher.
As they discuss the condition of the ship with the mechanic, a girl appears and comes over to say hello.
Sarya: It's been a while, (Captain).
Lyria: Oh, Sarya! Thanks again for all your help at the Jewel Resort!
Sarya: Hee hee. That was quite an ordeal, having to deal with something like that.
Vyrn: Hmm? Hey, don't you normally travel around with that detective?
Sarya: Yes, well, about that... Detective Barawa has actually gone missing.
Vyrn: What! Did he get caught up in a case or something?
Sarya: I believe so.
Lyria: Oh no, that can't be good...
Sarya: The detective has been sort of distant lately... going around in secret as if he's hiding something from me.
Vyrn: Whoa, hey now. Do you think that guy'll be all right out there by himself?
Sarya: I tried investigating various clues, but information was just too cleverly hidden and cryptic to work with. Well, concerning the detective, that is.
Sarya: And yesterday he finally just disappeared.
Lyria: Oh no... That is worrying.
Sarya: He left behind a note saying to meet up with (Captain)'s crew, so here I am.
Sarya: I think he may have been involved with an even bigger crime syndicate than he realized. That's just speculation though.
Sarya: I really have no idea what he was thinking, but I have a feeling he may get in touch with you all again soon.
Sarya: That being the case, would you mind letting me travel along with you until we figure out his whereabouts?
Vyrn: Geez, that detective sure is lucky to have someone like you around.
Lyria: Of course you can come with us! Right, (Captain)?
Sarya: I won't put you in any danger. Please, just help me find Barawa.
  1. I guess we'd better help you.
  2. No way. Too dangerous.
  3. The life of a skyfarer is tough, you know.
  4. I've seen real danger!

Choose: I guess we'd better help you.
Sarya: Oh, good. That's a relief. Thank you, (Captain).

Choose: No way. Too dangerous.
Sarya: Oh. Uh, haha... Yes, I suppose it will be dangerous. I mean, you can find danger anywhere and everywhere...
Vyrn: H-hey! That doesn't sound like you! Show some guts!
  1. You can't win against those with power.
  2. Like I don't have enough on my plate...

Choose: You can't win against those with power.
Vyrn: Well... yeah, but...
Lyria: But... we can't just abandon her, can we?
Having completed various missions, (Captain) and the crew have earned not only funds, but the hearts of people across the sky.
Perhaps that is the reason the members of the crew want to help those in need.
With that in mind, (Captain) accepts Sarya's request, knowing otherwise may affect relations within the crew.
Sarya: Oh, good. That's a relief. Thank you, (Captain).

Choose: Like I don't have enough on my plate...
Lyria: But... But she's also taken our safety into consideration!
Sarya: Please... All I want is to find out where the detective is.
Vyrn: She went to all this trouble to find us and ask for this. We can help her out, can't we?
Lyria: That's right! And it's dangerous for Sarya to go alone. I don't want to abandon her!
(Captain) had originally turned down Sarya out of concern for the crew.
But in spite of that, the crew speaks out to try and help Sarya instead.
They say they'll do anything for her, even if she gets caught up in something dangerous. Seeing their steadfast will, (Captain) agrees to let Sarya join them.
Sarya: Oh, good. That's a relief. Thank you, (Captain).

Choose: The life of a skyfarer is tough, you know.
Vyrn: Yeah! You won't survive if you aren't ready!
Lyria: Hmm... That's true. Traveling through the skies can be relentless! Are you ready for that, Sarya?
Sarya: Heh heh... of course! The detective business can be pretty rough too, you know!
Sarya: Only those with enough strength and kindness can make it! I know I'll be fine!
Seeing the look in Sarya's eyes, (Captain) stops nodding and instead lightly raises a fist.
Sarya immediately responds by raises her own fist and bumps it with (Captain)'s. With that, Sarya is inducted into the crew.
Sarya: Oh, good. That's a relief. Thank you, (Captain).

Choose: I've seen real danger!
Sarya: Really? I had no idea. What would you consider dangerous, (Captain)?
  1. Overlooking somebody in trouble like you.
  2. There isn't such a thing.

Choose: Overlooking somebody in trouble like you.
Sarya: Eh? R-r-really?
Sarya: Wow... You really had me going there!
Lyria: Mmm... N-no fair! Say something like that to me too, (Captain)!
Vyrn: Hey now... I'm not sure what's going on anymore, but hold your horses there, Lyria.
Sarya: So then... it would be all right for me to join you?
Lyria: Yes! Of course it is! Right, (Captain)?
Sarya: Oh, good. That's a relief. Thank you, (Captain).

Choose: There isn't such a thing.
Lyria: Hahaha... I guess if you're brave enough to fight primal beasts, there isn't much left for you to fear.
Vyrn: Geez, (Captain)'s acting like a real big shot today...
Sarya: That's because (Captain) truly is powerful!
Sarya: Ah great, now I'm just thinking about Barawa.
Vyrn: Wahaha! I definitely know what you mean!
Sarya: Hehe. But I'm just kidding around, (Captain). I know you really are powerful.
Sarya: I'm just so relieved and wanted to say something silly. I was quite nervous, to be honest... I wasn't sure if you would really let me join you.
Sarya: I'm so glad now. Thank you, (Captain).
Continue 1
Lyria: That's great! We're looking forward to having you with us, Sarya.
Vyrn: Yeah!
Vyrn: A crime syndicate sounds pretty scary, but they're nothing compared to the empire or primal beasts, am I right?
Sarya: Hehe. And I'm sure (Captain) would never back out of a fight with a primal beast!
Vyrn: That's right! We're used to danger around here, so don't you worry!
Lyria: Hee hee... The more the merrier! Well then, let's get going!
Sarya: Yes! I'm looking forward to our adventures together!
As such, Sarya, loyal assistant to Barawa, joins (Captain)'s crew in search of the missing detective.
Whether or not she finds him someday, only time will tell.

Haunted House Investigation

Sarya receives a new quest from Sierokarte regarding rumors of strange voices coming from an old haunted mansion and shares it with (Captain)'s crew. Unable to come up with a theory as to what could be causing these rumors, they decide it'd be best to go there in person and investigate it themselves.

Sarya rushes to fill in (Captain) and the crew on a newly received job, courtesy of Sierokarte.
It involves investigating an abandoned mansion on the edge of town.
Sarya: Just to let you know... I took the job!
Vyrn: Wait, so what? A haunted mansion?
Sarya: From what I've heard, there seems to be some unusual phenomenon happening at this mansion.
Sarya: It's been abandoned for some time now with no known inhabitants to speak of.
Sarya: But recently there have been rumors going around... of voices coming from inside the mansion.
Lyria: Oh no... It's ghosts, isn't it? Why did it have to be ghosts?
Sarya: There have been cases in the past with ghosts and other spectral apparitions causing incidents, but...
Sarya: If it were a ghost inhabiting the mansion, I think it would have started haunting it a long time ago.
Vyrn: Hmm... Maybe someone put a curse on the house.
Sarya: Unlikely, methinks. It's not like anyone lives there, nor is there any talk of demolishing the place.
Sarya: Even if it were a curse, who would they be trying to curse? That's a real mystery.
Vyrn: Well... In any case, we're not gonna figure out the answer just twiddling our thumbs here.
Sarya: You're right. We have to go there and take a look ourselves!
Lyria: Oh... There better not be any ghosts.
Sarya: Hmm. So this mansion in question is supposed to be up ahead.
Lyria: Oh... Please don't let there be any ghosts...
Vyrn: Geez, Lyria, you sure you're gonna be okay?
Sarya: Heh... I'm not really fond of ghosts either. We'll just take a quick look at the place and call it a day!
Sarya: Ready? Let's go, (Captain)!

Haunted House Investigation: Scene 2

(Captain) searches inside the abandoned mansion. Using clues found around the house, Sarya deducts who, or what, the likely culprit may be.

Sarya: Hmm, interesting... So this is what it looks like on the inside.
Vyrn: Gulp... There's something in here for sure...
Sarya: I don't hear any voices yet. Perhaps they're asleep right now?
Sarya: Either way, I'm pretty sure there's something here. That's what my gut's telling me.
Vyrn: All right! Let's start looking for clues!
Lyria: Oh gosh, I really hope there aren't any ghosts...
The crew begins their search through the mansion. As a professional detective, Sarya knows just what to look for in each corner of the house.
Sarya: I see...
Vyrn: Well, did ya find anything yet?
Sarya: It doesn't seem to be ghosts.
Lyria: Oh, what a relief...
Sarya: The rust has come off the hinges on these doors, meaning someone's opened or closed it very recently.
Sarya: And the floors are too clean. For a house that's been supposedly unoccupied for so long, there should be lots of dust and dead bugs.
Vyrn: So what's it all mean?
Sarya: Someone, or something... has been secretly using this place as their home.
Sarya: Let's find out who these intruders are.
Sarya continues her search through the grand hall but is unable to find anything. She reaches for the door in the back.
Monster: Groooar!
Vyrn: Whoa! There's a monster in here! It's a huge one!
Sarya: I think we may have awoken it. It's really mad—watch out!
Sarya: I understand now... The sounds coming from the mansion were caused by this monster!
Sarya: I've found our culprit! Once we take care of this, it's case closed!

Haunted House Investigation: Scene 3

The monster in the mansion proves to be too tough for (Captain) and the crew to handle. As they make their escape, they run into a thug, who Sarya deducts is part of the crime syndicate going after Barawa.

Monster: Groooar!
Vyrn: What the? This monster isn't budging!
Sarya: Oof! I wasn't expecting this... I can't believe it's this strong!
Lyria: Um... I think we should run!
Vyrn: Looks like we've got no choice! Let's hightail it, (Captain)!
(Captain) and company turn to run. However...
Monster: Groooar!
Sarya: Oh, come on! Stop chasing us already!
Vyrn: Hngah!
Thug: Gah!
Vyrn: Hey... Don't scare me like that...
Thug: Huh? Who the hell are you? What are you doing here?
Sarya: We're detectives. I should be asking you what you're doing here! This place is off-limits! You're trespassing!
Thug: What's that? Detectives, you say? So you're partners with that detective then!
Thug: Damn! So you punks are the ones who let him escape! Where'd ya hide him?
Sarya: That detective? You mean... Detective Barawa is here?
Thug: Ha! You airheads must take me for some kind of idiot! But you're starting to look like our monster's dinner!
Sarya: Heh. Aren't you the airhead here? The monster you're talking about...
Sarya: You may want to take a look behind you!
Thug: Ha! I'm not falling for that one!
Monster: Groooar!
Thug: Uwaaah!
Sarya: So... it looks like the crime syndicate Barawa was investigating may be using this place as a hideout.
Sarya: What a crazy coincidence! But this is perfect!
Sarya: We can use that monster to destroy this entire place!
Vyrn: Wow, that's quite an, uh... idea you've got there, Miss Assistant.
Sarya: Come on! Let's go, (Captain)!

Haunted House Investigation: Scene 4

Sarya and the crew were successful in tearing down the syndicate's hideout with the enraged monster. While running away from the angry thug, they reunite with Barawa and together, they escape from the mansion. After telling Sierokarte about the whole story, they are told that the imperial army will be visiting to take a full report from her. They quickly leave the Knickknack Shack and head out to their ship.

Thug: Yo, stop right there! You punks think you can get away with destroying our hideout?
Sarya: Ha! That's payback for trying to hurt the detective!
Thug: Damn you! You're not gonna get away with this!
Sarya: We have to run! Everyone, go!
And so a game of chase begins between (Captain) and the thugs in the mansion while the monster runs amok.
Sarya: There's no point in chasing us! Barawa isn't the only one who can run fast!
Thug: Pant... Wheeze... Damn, I really can't catch up...
Sarya: Everyone! Let's keep it up until we lose them!
They continue running down the hallway at top speed, when a hand suddenly emerges in front of them.
Sarya: Aaahh!
In the middle of her stride, Sarya is suddenly grabbed and pulled into the shadows.
Vyrn: Whoa, hey! You okay there, assistant lady?
Lyria: Oh no, no, no! Sarya's been nabbed!
Barawa: Shh! Stop yelling! It's me!
Sarya: Detective! What are you doing here? Do you have any idea how worried I was? You dummy!
Barawa: Listen to me! I said, be quiet!
Barawa: I was wondering what was going on here. So it was you guys who let that thing loose...
Barawa: I suppose I should thank you all though, as I managed to sneak away during the commotion.
Sarya: Well, Detective?
Barawa: I'll explain later. For now let's just get outta here!
Sarya: Detective! Wait!
And so, though they hadn't planned on it, (Captain) and company rescue Barawa and a little girl. They then head to the Knickknack Shack to report their findings.
Sarya: And in conclusion... there were no ghosts in the mansion.
Sierokarte: I see. So it was the crime syndicate we've been hearing about lately...
Barawa: Curse those guys. I couldn't care less about myself, but how dare they kidnap such a small child...
Girl: Sob... Sniff... I was so scared...
Sarya: Huh? Young lady, this perfume...
Lyria: Hee hee. You may be a little young for that!
Sarya: No, it's... the Phantom Thief's scent!
Vyrn: Say what? So this little girl is the Phantom Thief in disguise?
Sarya: Well, no. Even Chat Noir can't change the size of his body with a disguise, as far as I know.
Sarya: Was the Phantom Thief inside that mansion? Did you know about this, Detective?
Barawa: Oh... yeah. I guess he was there. Maybe. Not quite sure what he was up to, but...
Sierokarte: Okay, everyone! I'll have to ask you all to wrap this up right now!
Vyrn: Huh? Why now? It's not like you to kick us out like this.
Sierokarte: Well, you see... that crime syndicate may have had some kind of quarrel with the Erste Empire.
Sierokarte: And when I spoke to them earlier, they said they'd be coming here to ask more about it.
Vyrn: Wait, what? The empire is coming here?
Vyrn: Then we gotta get outta here! (Captain)! Let's book it before those imperial guys arrive!
Sierokarte: All righty then! The imperial army should be taking care of the rest!
By completing the request from the Knickknack Shack, the crew was able to reunite Sarya with Detective Barawa.
As for what had happened with Barawa and the reason he disappeared in the first place... That's a story for another day.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
先生、大丈夫ですかね… I hope Barawa is okay...
なるほど…私、解っちゃいました! I get it now!
怪盗シャノワールは子供みたいな人です The Phantom Thief Chat Noir can be really childish.
先生、割と適当なので… Barawa can be really careless sometimes...
証拠はこれですね! This will be my proof!
犯人は…うーん… The culprit is... Hmm..
もう! 先生!どこ行ったんですか! Ugh, where did Barawa go now!
謎を見るとワクワクします! The mystery deepens!
(主人公)さんは先生より探偵向きかも (Captain) makes a better detective than Barawa!
(主人公)さんの推理見せてください! I'd love to see how you'd solve it, (Captain)!


  1. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 06.
  2. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, 新キャラクター紹介!「エゼクレイン」「サーヴァンツ ドロシー&クラウディア」「サーヤ」