Spoiler Alert! These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.
Heart Lock
After Manawydan is sealed away, Graphos's power becomes unbalanced, causing Sara to fall ill. When (Captain) and company visit her, they hear the castle staff bad-mouthing her and convince her to leave the island with them.
Sara is a young woman fated to sacrifice her life to seal away the primal beast Manawydan—a beast capable of bringing disaster to Sable Island in the form of a violent rainstorm.
But thanks to Lyria, she manages to cling to her life even as she seals away Manawydan.
Sara's health fails some time after that, so (Captain) and company visit her to see how she's doing.
Lyria: Sara! We've come to see how you are!
Sara: Cough... Lyria, I'm glad you came.
Vyrn: You're actually looking better than I thought you would! Thanks for coming all the way from your room to the castle entrance to greet us.
Sara: Think nothing of it. I was really looking forward to seeing you, so I couldn't just wait in my room.
Sara: Besides, I'm doing better today than usual, so it wasn't a big deal.
Lyria: Thank you, Sara. But don't overdo it, okay?
Lyria: Let's go back to your room! We brought gifts for you!
Sara: Okay, Lyria. This way, (Captain).
Sara: My room is right around the corner.
As (Captain) and company approach Sara's room, they overhear the people of the castle talking.
Servant 1: Help me clean the priestess's chambers.
Servant 2: What? No way. Didn't I do it last time?
Servant 1: Yeah, but going alone gives me the chills. It feels like I'll be cursed.
Servant 2: Oh, I know what you mean. When a priestess of the sand god seals away Manawydan, she normally dies.
Servant 2: It's weird that the current priestess is still alive... There seems to be some sort of curse at play.
Vyrn: Listen to them shooting their mouths off!
Graphos: ...!
Sara: Aahh! Graphos, settle down.
Lyria: Graphos's power is surging! Sara, hang in there!
Sara: Ugh... Cough.
Vyrn: It's no good. She's as pale as a ghost! Let's get her to her room, (Captain)!
Lyria: Sara, are you okay?
Sara: Cough... Yeah, I'm fine now. I'm sorry for making you worry.
Graphos: ...
Sara: Graphos, don't be so sad.
Sara: I'll be all right. And no one in the castle was hurt.
Vyrn: Those jerks really need to stop running their mouths!
Lyria: Exactly! Don't they realize Sara risked her life to save Sable Island?
Sara: Well, it's my fault they're feeling uneasy.
Sara: So that puts me in the wrong. I need to pull myself together.
Vyrn: Whaddya mean it's your fault?
Sara: I think they fear that Graphos's power might go out of control.
Lyria: Really? But that's never happened before, has it?
Sara: No, but Graphos can't properly control its own power right now.
Sara: The power of Graphos's seal is tied to Manawydan's existence.
Sara: But because Manawydan was stripped of its power, the power of Graphos's seal no longer has anywhere to go.
Sara: And that means it's now more likely that Graphos could go out of control... Cough.
Lyria: I see. Is that maybe part of the reason you're sick?
Sara: Cough... Yes, probably.
Sara: If only I could contain all of Graphos's power. Then it wouldn't be able to run rampant...
Sara: And no one would fear me or Graphos.
Sara: I have to be strong... Cough.
- Don't try so hard.
- Let's just whoop 'em all!
Choose: Don't try so hard.Sara: Huh? But if I don't do the best I can—
Vyrn: Nope! (Captain)'s right!
Vyrn: If Graphos's power is making you sick, then, yeah, we gotta do something about that.
Vyrn: But there's no need for you to overdo it for people bad-mouthing you!
Sara: So I don't have to try so hard?
Lyria: Exactly! You already did plenty by sealing away Manawydan!
Lyria: From now on, just focus on the things that make you happy!
Choose: Let's just whoop 'em all!Sara: What?
Vyrn: All right, (Captain)! I'll back you up!
Sara: Hold it! Let's not do anything hasty!
Sara: I'll do everything I can to keep Graphos under control!
Lyria: Sara...
Vyrn: But you can't just let them say whatever they want about you. That's not kindness! It's just being a doormat!
Sara: A doormat?
Vyrn: That's right! And if you keep getting bad-mouthed like that, it might even annoy Graphos enough to send him on a rampage.
Sara: You may have a point. I suppose I do need to stand up for myself.
Continue 1Sara: What was that, (Captain)? You want me to travel with you?
Sara: Thank you for inviting me... But in my current condition, I would surely be a burden...
Lyria: But staying here and continuing to overdo it would be even worse for your health!
Vyrn: That's right! We need to get you out of this castle, Sara!
Sara: Lyria, Vyrn, (Captain)... Ugh...
Graphos: ...!
Vyrn: Are you okay, Sara? Does it hurt somewhere?
Sara: I just... I don't want to stay here!
Sara: I've been wanting to say that to someone for so long!
Sara: Take me with you! Please!
Lyria: Okay, let's go together! You've already done so much good here, Sara.
Sara: Cough... Cough... Thank you.
Thus Sara leaves the castle and its taint of ill will to set out on a journey with (Captain) and company.
Sara: Oh. Hello, (Captain).
Sara: What? You want to know what I was doing just now? Well, I was looking at Sable Island.
Sara: It looks so tiny from this far away.
Sara: That cramped little island has been the only world I've ever known.
Sara: ...
Sara: (Farewell, my hometown.)
Sara leaves her home to reexamine her strength and who she really is.
She hopes her journey will help her find a place in the world for herself and Graphos.
Kind World
(Captain) and company go shopping in a large shopping district and then visit a local restaurant. They hear about a shrine dedicated to a spirit that protects the town and decide to pay it a visit, but they end up pursuing a man who tries to run without paying for his meal.
(Captain) and company reach a town with a large shopping district.
Sara: Wow! There are so many people and shops!
Sara: Um... Is there some sort of festival going on today?
Vyrn: No, I heard it's always like this here! This town is the trading hub for all the surrounding islands.
Sara: So it's always this lively? Wow!
Lyria: Sara, let's check out the shops together!
Lyria: Oh! Those sweets look really good...
Sara: Wait, Lyria! (Captain), Vyrn. Let's go!
Lyria: Wow, this ribbon is so pretty. Ah, but it's expensive.
Sara: Hehe. This hair ornament would look really cute on you.
Lyria: Oh, which one?
Lyria and Sara have fun looking around the shopping district.
The crew gets tired of walking before long and heads to a nearby restaurant for a break.
Lyria: Whew, that was so fun!
Sara: After all that looking around, I can't believe we haven't even seen half the shops yet!
Sara: Hehe. There's just so much to do here. Right, Graphos?
Graphos: ...!
Vyrn: Glad you're having fun, Sara!
Lyria: Yeah! Graphos seems to be having fun too. I'm so glad.
Clerk: Thank you for waiting. Here's your tea and sweets. Ours are the best around here!
Sara: Wow! I've never seen treats like these before!
Clerk: Haha, is that so? Please, enjoy!
Lyria: Yum! So sweet! This is delicious!
Sara: Munch... Wow. It's so good!
Lyria: Here, Sara. Have some more! Open your mouth and say ah!
Sara: Wha! Okay... Ah.
Lyria: Hehe... It's nice to finally be able to do this together.
Lyria: I've always wanted us to hang out like this. What a fun day!
Sara: Lyria...
Lyria: Thanks for bringing us here, (Captain)!
Sara: I'd like to thank you as well... Oh! (Captain), you open your mouth too!
Lyria: Hey, no fair Sara! I want to feed the captain too! Here! Say ah, (Captain)!
(Captain) and company enjoy their time at the restaurant.
Lyria: Whew, I'm stuffed!
Vyrn: Let's do some more shopping after we rest a bit!
Lyria: Yes, there are still a lot of shops to check out!
Clerk: Oh, are you tourists? If so, you should stop by the shrine at the end of the shopping district.
Sara: The shrine?
Clerk: Yes. It's dedicated to the spirit that protects our town. It may be small, but it's splendid.
Sara: I see! Then maybe we ought to go pay our respects. What do you think, (Captain)?
???: ...
Clerk: Sir, your bill... Huh? He ran away? Th-thief!
Sara: Wha? Oh no! Let's go after him, (Captain)!
Sara: Stop! You shouldn't run away without paying!
Lyria: Yeah! You're causing a lot of trouble for that clerk!
Food Thief: Damn it! Leave me alone! All right, that's it!
Sara: ...!
Graphos, lend me your power!
Kind World: Scene 2
The spirit that protects the town begins rampaging, causing a sudden tremor. Sara learns from Graphos that the spirit is furious because its shrine was destroyed, so (Captain) and company battle it to calm it down.
Food Thief: Ugh! What's with these brats? Bunch of cheaters!
Sara: Food doesn't come easily. There are people who grow the ingredients, people who transport them, and people who prepare the food.
Sara: So many people have to work before the food finally reaches our plates.
Sara: That's why you have to show some gratitude and pay what you owe!
Food Thief: Why don't you make me!
Lyria: Hmm... So he won't listen to reason. That's too bad.
Vyrn: Yep. Let's just hand him over to the guards and let them deal with it!
The store clerk thanks (Captain) and company for turning in the food thief and lets them stay the night for free as a show of gratitude.
Vyrn: Whoa, I know you're trying to thank us, but it's awfully generous treating us to dinner too!
Clerk: Nonsense! You've been a great help. This is nothing!
Lyria: Wow! This dinner looks as good as the sweets!
Sara: Hehe. I'll dish out the food, Lyria.
Just as (Captain) and the others are about to happily begin their meal, they feel a sudden tremor.
Sara: Huh? What's happening?
Lyria: Such a strong tremor! And this presence... Could it be the spirit?
Vyrn: What's going on? We better go outside and check, (Captain)!
Spirit: ...!
Lyria: Oh! It really is the spirit!
Spirit: ...!
Sara: Why's it so angry? I thought the spirit protected this town.
Graphos: ...
Sara: Huh? Someone destroyed the spirit's shrine? No wonder it's gone berserk.
Sara: That's awful. Who would do such a thing?
Sara: (Captain). Graphos says we need to fight that spirit.
Sara: Once it vents its rage, it should calm down.
Vyrn: The town will be rubble and dust if we don't do something! We've got no choice, (Captain)!
Kind World: Scene 3
Sara and Graphos save a boy from falling debris. The food thief from earlier boasts that he destroyed the shrine because he hates the crew and the people of the town, so Sara decides to teach him a lesson.
Spirit: ...
Sara: It calmed down? Thank heavens.
Lyria: There was a lot of damage done to the town...
Sara: Yeah...
Boy: Sob...
The crew hears the crying voice of a boy who was injured during the spirit's rampage.
He doesn't seem to notice that the crumbling roof above him is about to collapse.
Sara: Oh no! Graphos!
Graphos: ...!
Graphos and Sara manage to shield the boy just before the debris comes crashing down.
Sara: It's okay now. Come on, let's go somewhere safe.
Boy: Sob... Th-thank you! I was so scared!
Lyria: Whew... I'm glad Sara and Graphos got there in time!
Food Thief: Damn! Still in one piece, huh?
Sara: You're that food thief from earlier!
Food Thief: Duh! Thanks to you idiots, I had to pay a fine!
Lyria: Grrr! Idiots? You're the one who was wrong!
Food Thief: Shut your mouth! I'm sick of you idiots and everyone in this shopping district!
Food Thief: That's why I smashed their precious little shrine. You shoulda seen how angry the spirit was!
Food Thief: I was sure it'd crush all of you morons, but you're all okay? Forget that!
Vyrn: Wha? You destroyed the shrine? What's wrong with you?
Sara: So you caused trouble for the townspeople, destroyed the shrine, and enraged the spirit... What do you have to say for yourself?
Food Thief: Nothing, kid! And you're not the only one with friends! We're gonna finish what the spirit started!
Kind World: Scene 4
The chairman thanks (Captain) and company for pacifying the spirit and for saving the boy, who turns out to be his son. When Sara learns that the chairman is not especially bothered by Graphos, she realizes that she has a lot to learn about the world.
(Captain) and company defeat the food thief, and the guards lock him up this time.
The chairman approaches (Captain) and company to thank them for stopping the food thief twice and calming the spirit.
Chairman: I don't know how to thank you... We never could have pacified the spirit on our own.
Vyrn: Really? Glad we happened to be in town!
Sara: But maybe if we hadn't been here, that food thief wouldn't have gotten angry enough to destroy the shrine...
Chairman: No, that guy was like a ticking time bomb. It's not your fault.
Sara: Are you sure?
Chairman: I'm certain of it! By the way, you saved a boy in the middle of all that commotion, right?
Chairman: He's actually my son. My wife and I were both working late that day... We owe you our deepest gratitude.
Sara: ...!
I see. I'm glad he was okay.
Lyria: Sara's the one who saved him!
Sara: Lyria! You don't have to tell him that!
Chairman: My goodness. Is this true, young lady?
Sara: Um... You see... Uh...
Graphos: ...
Sara: Aahh! G-Graphos, no! You'll startle them!
Chairman: Oh, so you helped this young lady save my son? You're a lifesaver. Thank you so much.
Sara: Um... Aren't you afraid of Graphos?
Chairman: Haha! Of course not! Trade is prosperous on this island.
Chairman: We get a lot of different folks here, so I'm used to unusual sights.
Sara: Really?
Chairman: It seems you have great power. I'm glad you happen to be so kindhearted.
Sara: ...!
Chairman: Now if you'll excuse me, I still have some tidying up to do in the town. I'll be back later with your reward. See you then!
Sara: ...
Lyria: Sara? What's with the blank expression?
Sara: Um... It's hard to explain. I guess I just realized that, even though I left my island, I've still been living in a pretty small world.
Sara: No one back home would accept me, so I thought no one outside ever would either.
Sara: But I see now that I was wrong. There are a lot of people in this world capable of accepting me.
Sara: I finally realize that I don't have to be scared. It's like my eyes are open at last.
Lyria: Sara...
Sara: Sorry, Lyria... I know you, (Captain), and the others accepted me from the beginning...
Sara: But I didn't see it until now!
Lyria: Sara.
Sara: Yeah?
Lyria: When I was locked up before, Katalina used to talk about how blue the skies were, but I didn't get it at all.
Lyria: I only understood how wide and blue the skies were when I stepped outside myself. Just like you, Sara!
Sara: Lyria...
Sara: Thank you, Lyria. And you too, (Captain)!
Sara: Thank you so much... for showing me the outside world!
Ever since departing on her journey with (Captain) and company, Sara's tightly locked heart has been opening up little by little.
Her little feet have carried her out into a big world waiting to accept her with open arms.
Small Yet Great Uncertainty
While staying at Kaz's home in Auguste, Sara opens up about her concerns for the future. Kaz advises her to speak with her seniors in the crew about the matter.
Sara: A man walks through a mine with a birdcage in hand. In the cage is a single canary.
Sara: The canary should have died—thereby fulfilling its purpose of alerting its owner to the mine's toxic fumes.
Sara: However...
Sara: The mine and the birdcage collapsed. Leaving its owner behind, the canary takes flight.
Sara: Freedom at last. The canary soaks in the vastness of the bright blue skies.
Sara: Where will it go next?
Sara: ...
Sara: Where does it belong?
Sara: Mng...
Stirred by noise from outside, Sara wakes up to the fresh scent of the ocean breeze in Kaz's home.
Sara, (Captain), and the crew have come to Auguste for a vacation.
Lyria: Yawn... Sara?
Good morning...
Sara: Good morning. Kaz must have returned from his morning fishing routine.
Kaz's Voice: Hope I didn't startle you girls. Got back just now.
Kaz's Voice: Caught some nice fish in today's haul. I'll have breakfast ready for us in a jiffy.
Lyria: Mm... Breakfast... I'll help...
Sara: Teehee... Let's help Kaz make breakfast together.
Kaz: Good, you've got the innards removed. Now you wanna split the fish open like this.
Lyria: Split it open... Okay.
Sara: Sorry you have to teach us how to do this, Kaz. As if you weren't already tired enough from fishing...
Kaz: Haha... I've been fishing at daybreak since I was a kid. Nothing to it really.
Sara: You did this as a child too?
Kaz: Yep. Seeing as my dad and granddad were fishermen too, I kinda took after 'em.
Kaz: Even back then, it'd been my dream to become a master angler.
Sara: Your... dream...
Sara: That's amazing.
Kaz: Haha, now you're just embarrassing me with your praise.
Kaz: All right, once you've taken out the bones, chop the fish into thin pieces, add seasoning, and mix.
Kaz: And there we have it: finely chopped fish with miso on rice! Learned this recipe when I was still just a runt.
Lyria: Yum... The fish is so chewy and flavorful.
Sara: I love it!
Kaz: Hah, that's the reaction I like to see. Go on, eat up.
Sara: ...
Sara: (Dreams...)
Sara: (As a priestess, the idea of growing up was something I never even thought about.)
Sara: (What kind of dreams do I envision for myself?)
Kaz: ...
Sara: ...
After breakfast, the crew gambols about on the beach.
Sara stands by the shore and gazes out at the sea.
Kaz: Looks like you've grown a bit taller since I last saw you, Sara.
Sara: Huh? Ah... I suppose you're right.
Kaz: All children grow up so fast. You're clearly well on your way to adulthood too, Sara.
Sara: ...
Kaz: Huh? Something bothering you?
Sara: Um...
Sara: I'm not sure what it means to be a grown-up... Or what the future holds.
Kaz: Hm.
Sara: Ever since I began traveling with (Captain)'s crew, my world has gotten a lot larger... So much so that I'm not sure where I'm headed anymore...
Kaz: At a loss on what to set your sights on, eh?
Sara: Mm-hm. It might be okay for now, but I want to settle on a clear goal eventually, the way you always have.
Kaz: That so...
Sara: ...
Kaz: Luck plays a big part too, you know? Consider how I come back from fishing some days without a single catch.
Sara: Because of bad luck?
Kaz: Bad luck for the day, that is.
Kaz: I go out there with a completely different outlook on some days. Depends on the tide and what my eyes are focused on.
Sara: Your eyes?
Kaz: Take yourself, for instance—now that you're taller, you're able to see so much farther into the distance.
Kaz: And you're opening up to me about your concerns.
Kaz: A younger you might have simply shrugged them off.
Sara: Ah...
Sara: You're thinking about the last time I came...
Kaz: You grow more mature by the day, Sara. What you don't notice today is something you might see tomorrow.
Sara: I see what you mean...
Kaz: Also, you may want to try asking those who came before you.
Kaz: After all, a fledgling seaman casting his net isn't likely to catch much of anything.
Kaz: Your seniors should be able to help you figure out what exactly to set your sights on.
Sara: My seniors... In the crew, you mean?
Kaz: Yep, you've got plenty of them in the crew. Turn to them for advice.
Sara: Thank you! I'll do that, Kaz.
Small Yet Great Uncertainty: Scene 2
Taking Kaz's advice, Sara consults Tyre about her uncertainties for the future. He is pleased to offer his guidance.
Sara: ...!
As much as she'd like to take Kaz's advice about talking to fellow crew members, Sara finds herself hesitant.
Sara: (Who should I speak to... I've never actually spoken to a lot of the crew members...)
Sara: (Maybe I should just call out to the next person who passes by!)
As an uncertain Sara surveys her surroundings, a pair of footsteps approach.
Tyre: La-di-doo!
Sara: Ah!
Tyre: Elmott! If I may please have your attention!
Sara: Er...
Elmott: Geez, would it kill ya to keep it down? Maybe try not shouting in my ear next time.
Tyre: I have finished sharpening your kitchen knife and saw fit to return it!
Elmott: Oh, that thing? 'Preciate it. Nice work. "Tres bien," as they say.
Tyre: Merci beacoup! It was an incredible honor!
Sara: ...
Graphos: ...
Elmott: Guess I might as well test it out in the kitchen.
Tyre: Godspeed!
Sara: Sigh... What should I do, Graphos? At this rate—
Tyre: By the way, Sara?
Sara: Eep!
Tyre: Did you, perchance, have something you wished to ask of me?
Sara: Erm... No, it's okay!
Tyre: My apologies for the intrusion. I am always happy to have a chat! Perhaps I'll see you around then!
Sara: Ah...
Sara: (Why did I turn down a chance to ask for his advice?)
Sara: (The first thing I need to work on is my courage!)
Sara: T... Tyre!
Tyre: Yes! What can I do for you?
Sara: Um, I...
Sara: I want to talk to you about the future!
Tyre: Whoa!
A babble of voices suddenly arises around them.
The sound of Elmott tripping over himself in surprise echoes across the Grandcypher's halls.
Sara: Um...
Elmott: Dude, Tyre! You'd better tell me what that's all about! And if I don't like your answer, I'm gonna roast you like a skewer.
Tyre: I-I-I have no idea myself! Let us hear what she has to say first!
Tyre: Well then, Sara... What do you mean by your future?
Sara: I just... I don't know what I'm going to do when I'm all grown-up... Should I be a fisherman? Or...
Sara: Kaz said I should ask my seniors in the crew for advice!
Sara: I'm sorry... I'm just so nervous that I have trouble expressing myself.
Elmott: Oh, so that's what you meant by the future...
Tyre: I take it you'd like to discuss possible career options then?
Sara: Erm, yeah... I suppose that's right...
Elmott: All right, makes sense. Asking for a career consultation from someone more experienced is common enough.
Elmott: My bad, Tyre. Guess I shouldn't jump to conclusions.
Tyre: Though to be fair, Sara, I would consider myself far from experienced. With that in mind, if you'd still like to talk...
Sara: Um...
Elmott: Sara's asking you. Cut the crap and give her the facts already.
Tyre: Yes, of course! I must prepare myself! Please give me a moment, Sara!
Sara: Prepare? Um, I was only asking a question...
Elmott: He takes things way too seriously. Welp, just give him a sec.
Elmott: Who knows, you might learn a thing or two—if you can stand him, that is.
Small Yet Great Uncertainty: Scene 3
Tyre describes what life is like at the Albion Military Academy, while Elmott does the same for the Mysteria Academy of Magic. Through their explanations, Sara realizes that it's okay for her to take some time finding something she's good at.
Tyre: Without further ado! Tyre, Albion student currently on leave, at your service!
Sara: Oh! Thank you!
Tyre launches into an explanation of the school pamphlet he's just handed out.
Tyre: Please refer to the first page to learn all about the academy!
Tyre: The Albion Military Academy is a place where youngsters from all over gather in hopes of becoming a knight!
Tyre: The enlistee is placed into either the elementary or junior curriculum depending on their age in the year of matriculation. Students make the most of every day!
Sara: Depending on their age?
Tyre: Yes. If you were to apply, I believe you would be placed in the elementary curriculum.
Sara: I'd get to pursue knighthood with those close to me in age?
Tyre: Indeed! Whether it be in merry laughter or deep sorrow, you will be beside those of like mind!
Sara: ...!
Sara: Um... How many people are enrolled in the elementary curriculum? Is it around ten? Or...
Tyre: My sincerest condolences! I was remiss in gathering a detailed member count!
Tyre: But as I recall, there are anywhere from a hundred to two hundred enlistees for each grade!
Sara: I-I'd be together with so many children!
Tyre: You most certainly would! Think about all the blood, sweat, and tears you might shed together in youthful exuberance!
Tyre: Please turn to the next page for details about school life.
Tyre: "Albion students must act as if they are always on the battlefield." In other words, despite being in town, you mustn't ever get too complacent.
Sara: ...?
Tyre: Monsters are regularly unleashed in various parts of the island to ensure that students are kept on their toes.
Sara: ...
Tyre: For that is Albion's true nature—to have students looking out for each other and bonding over the spilled blood of monsters.
Sara: ...
Elmott: Put simply, people who prefer to live by the sword are the type to gather at Albion.
Tyre: Verily! For I, myself, am one of them!
Tyre: Although I hail from a merchant family, my love of heroic tales and my parents' recommendation led me to Albion, where I met—
Tyre: V-Vi... Ahem. Where I met the most gracious Lord Commander on my journey to knighthood.
Sara: Knights... in school...
Elmott: Caught your interest, eh?
Sara: Uh-huh! I'm not sure if I want to be a knight though...
Elmott: Won't know if you're meant for it until you test the waters yourself. I'd keep my options open though...
Tyre: Albion is not the only place of learning! Isn't that right, Mr. Elmott!
Elmott: Tch... You've got that right.
Sara: ...!
Elmott: Wanna hear about Mysteria? I don't have anything prepped like Tyre, but—
Sara: Yes!
Elmott: Heh... Good answer.
Elmott: As if the place's name weren't a dead giveaway, the Mysteria Academy of Magic is a place where people come to learn magic. But it focuses on a broader education than Albion.
Elmott: The curriculum's not all magic. You get to learn what you want.
Elmott: And the graduates end up in all sorts of professions, ranging from skyfarers to merchants to whatever floats your boat.
Sara: Wow!
Elmott: You can read and write, yeah? Then you've got what it takes to enroll. Our lessons start from the most basic of basics.
Elmott: Pick up skills as you go along and figure out what vocation suits you best. That's one way to go about it.
Sara: Pick up skills and find my vocation...
Elmott: We've got some dumbasses who can't figure out what they wanna do and act out, but that definitely ain't a concern with you.
Elmott: Well, that about sums it up. You can sit in on a few classes to see what it's like. Just lemme know.
Sara: Thank you!
Tyre: And if you wish to embrace the path of knighthood, I will gladly accompany you with all my inexperience!
Sara: Goodness, you are certainly not inexperienced! The two of you are amazing!
Elmott: For the record, despite all my babbling, I'm only a part-time instructor at Mysteria.
Tyre: And I am still in training.
Sara: Yet... I find you to be a wonderful teacher and a lovely knight!
Tyre: ...!
Sara: I'm glad to learn so much from you. Thank you!
Elmott: You're welcome at Mysteria anytime. That goes for you too, Tyre.
Tyre: I...
Tyre: I shall continue to strive for greatness!
Sara: Um... What's wrong, Tyre? Your face is all red.
Elmott: Lettin' a bit of praise get to your head, Tyre? How pure and simpleminded.
Sara bows in thanks at Tyre and Elmott before turning away.
Sara: (Learning all sorts of skills to find the right thing for myself...)
Sara: (I'm glad I mustered the courage to speak to them!)
Sara takes off with a skip in her step.
Small Yet Great Uncertainty: Scene 4
Back at Kaz's place, Sara helps Volenna mend Kaz's clothes. She realizes her stitches are of uneven thickness and worries about the possibility of never being able to find something she's good at.
Sara: I'm back.
Volenna: Sara. You went to the beach house?
Sara: Mm-hm. I got to speak to Tyre and Elmott.
Volenna: I see...
Sara: How about you, Volenna?
Volenna: I was helping Kaz mend some cloth.
Sara: Can I help too?
Volenna: Sure. We could use another hand.
Sara: There... It seems mending Kaz's clothing requires quite a bit of strength.
Volenna: It's what he wears when going fishing. It uses dense fabric and goes with especially thick stitches to ensure sturdiness.
Sara: I hope I'm doing this okay...
Volenna: From what I can tell, you're doing fine so far. Nothing to worry about.
Sara: Really?
Volenna: Yeah. Your stitches are straight, and you're keeping a good pace. I think you've gotten better at this, Sara.
Sara: Would this count as "picking up a skill"?
Volenna: Huh? I suppose that's one way of looking at it.
Sara: Great...
Volenna: ...
Sara: Is needlework something I could do for a living in the future?
Volenna: Sure. You could work on tailoring clothing, fancy dresses, embroidering handicrafts, and so on... There's plenty to do.
Sara: You can do all that, Volenna?
Volenna: Unfortunately, no. What little I know is what I picked up as part of military duty.
Sara: Oh...
Volenna: Do you enjoy this sort of work, Sara?
Sara: Maybe... Haha, I'm not really sure.
Volenna: Well, you certainly seem to be enjoying it. Perhaps you're just a natural at this.
Sara: Thanks, Volenna.
Sara: Ah... Your stitches are pretty different from mine though.
Volenna: Huh?
Sara: My stitches are, how should I put this... uneven in thickness.
Volenna: That means you're applying a different level of pressure with each stitch. Fortunately, it shouldn't pose too much of a problem...
Sara: Hrm... I think it'd look better if they were a uniform thickness.
Volenna: It's okay. We can take this one step at a time.
Sara: Okay!
Sara continues with her needlework, paying careful attention to every little stitch.
Sara: (Steady hand, steady hand...)
Sara: (This is hard...)
Despite any difficulties, they finish up before long.
Kaz: Done already? You girls are quite skilled at this.
Sara: Erm... Do you think this is okay?
Kaz: What a graceful job you've done! I'll have to wear it proudly.
Kaz: Ahahaha!
Sara: Teehee...
Seeing the joy in Kaz's expression, Sara's hardened face breaks into a smile.
Sara: ...
However, an uncertainty lingers in her heart.
That night...
Sara: ...
Listening to Lyria and the others' steady breathing as they sleep, Sara stares at the ceiling.
Sara: (Kaz didn't seem to mind that my stitches weren't entirely even...)
Sara: (But I can't say the same for someone who wants tailored dresses or handicraft embroidering...)
Sara: ...
Sara: (There's no need to rush myself. I can take this one step at a time.)
Sara: (But what if I find I can't do it no matter how hard I try? Maybe I should look for another activity that suits me better...)
Sara: (What if I can't find any activity that suits me?)
Sara: (What kind of adult would that make me...)
Sara: ...
Sara: (I'm scared just thinking about it...)
It takes a long while before Sara finally dozes off to sleep.
Unbeknownst to others, she finds herself struggling, distraught with concern over her own future.
I Can Be Anything
While gutting fish for a feast at the beach house, Sara accidentally cuts her finger. Compared to herself, Elmott, Tyre, and Volenna seem so well suited to their assigned roles for this feast's preparation.
Sara: Look, Lyria! The ingredients are here!
Lyria: Wow... That's a lot of fish!
Kaz: Hahah! Thought I'd ask my fellow fishers for a favor, and they sure didn't hold back.
Tyre: What a fine feast this is going to be! Let us transport the food to the kitchen without delay!
On this Auguste vacation night...
The crew is preparing dinner at the beach house they've rented out.
Elmott: Holy smokes, this is one heck of a smorgasbord. I know we've got fast-growing kids with us; still feels like overkill though.
Volenna: I'll gut the fish. Elmott, can you handle the cooking?
Elmott: Yep, leave it to me! I'll make sure every morsel is scorched to a fine crisp.
Elmott: Seared, broiled, steamed, baked, or however you like your food, I'm your man!
Sara: Um... Volenna, is there anything Lyria and I can help with?
Volenna: Let's see... Why don't you two help me gut the fish?
Sara: Sure!
Lyria: Okay!
Despite the frantic pace in the kitchen, the liveliness more than makes up for it.
Sara: ...
Elmott: Hehe... Won't be a single scorch mark when I'm done... I'll take the time to roast you good!
Sara: (Elmott is continually adjusting the intensity of the flames depending on how well-cooked the food is...)
Tyre: Coming in with the vegetables! I'll place them on this side of the table!
Sara: (And Tyre heartily hauls in heavy crates of food that I couldn't hope to lift...)
Volenna: Considering how the cooking process goes, it's probably more efficient to prioritize the vegetables. Sara, Lyria, I'm leaving the fish to you two.
Sara: (While Volenna is looking at the big picture to decide who should do what...)
Sara: (They're each amazing in their own way...)
Sara: ...
Sara: (Meanwhile, I...)
Sara: (Sigh... I'm only putting myself down.)
Sara: (Best to just focus on what I can do!)
Sara: Ouch!
Lyria: Oh no! Did you cut your finger, Sara?
Sara: It's just a small cut! I'll go bandage it up.
Lyria: You do that! If it hurts too bad, then please take a break!
Sara: Thank you, Lyria.
Sara: Sigh...
Graphos: ...
I Can Be Anything: Scene 2
Sara and Tyre engage in a fava bean-shelling competition. While Sara loses out in speed, Elmott praises her for the exceptional neatness in which she does the job.
Sara: Um... Tyre, I finished preparing the fish for Elmott to cook. Is there anything you need help with?
Tyre: Well, I suppose I could use some assistance in peeling these fava beans.
The two begin shelling the large pile of fava beans before them.
Sara: Beans, beans...
Tyre: Oh my... Sara, are you hurt?
Sara: Ah, yes... I cut myself with a kitchen knife earlier, but it doesn't hurt anymore.
Tyre: There's a particularly effective healing salve that Lowain uses to stop bleeding. Maybe you can try it for yourself! Here!
Sara: Thank you.
Sara: Phew...
Tyre: Has fatigue overtaken you? Looking closely, I can see bags under your eyes.
Sara: No, that's not it... Ever since getting used to cooking, I was sure I'd never cut my hand again...
Tyre: It's simply part and parcel of the job. Even I... Nay, even Lowain hurts himself sometimes.
Sara: I didn't know that...
Tyre: That's what the salve earlier was for. In his words, "Can't whip up a gourmet meal without gettin' banged up a bit."
Tyre: He also said, "Put on some pain relief, and you're good to go in, like, no time flat. Get with the program, wahey!"
Sara: Teehee... That's funny.
Tyre: As you and I are still in training as cooks, let us tread the path toward chefdom together.
Tyre: The road is long and arduous, and our struggles will be many...
Tyre: Bearing that in mind, may our bean-shelling competition begin!
Sara: Wha?
Tyre: Whoever finishes up their pile first is the champion! Ready... go!
Sara: W-wait! That's no fair...
Seeing that Tyre already has a lead, Sara frantically resumes her bean-shelling.
And so the stacks of fava bean skins grow larger and larger.
Elmott: Looks like fun.
Tyre: I do not intend to lose!
Sara: Ah! I can't catch up...
Elmott: Tch... Drop your beans. We've got a winner.
Sara: Ngh...
Elmott: Way to go, Sara.
Sara: Huh?
Elmott: As the cook, I've gotta give Sara credit where credit's due. There's no damage to her beans, and look how neatly she's tossed her skins.
Sara: Oh... Now that you mention it...
Elmott: In your desperation, Tyre, you focused on speed and strength. Thing is, a little TLC goes a long way in food prep.
Tyre: Rgh! I have no words!
Elmott: I noticed you really upped your game halfway through, Sara. Figured it out as you went along, eh?
Sara: Um... I guess so. There's a certain method to removing the skin...
Elmott: I could tell you really got into it. That's what it's like to improve.
Sara: Oh...
Elmott: Being so conscious about it is proof that you're not used to the feeling yet.
Elmott: I learned to control the intensity of my flames when taking orders at a beach house one day. Just came to me naturally.
Elmott: Who woulda thought my noxious flames could serve a good purpose like this.
Sara: ...
Elmott: Tch, forget that last part. Anyhoo...
Elmott: Find something you can go all in on. That's basically the gist of what we tell the kids at Mysteria.
Elmott: I don't wanna be seen as shillin' for Mysteria though, so interpret that however you want.
Sara: Elmott...
Elmott: And Tyre, follow Sara's lead in peeling the remaining fava beans.
With those words, Elmott returns to the kitchen.
Tyre: Sara, if you would please offer me guidance in proper bean-shelling!
Sara: Ah, of course!
I Can Be Anything: Scene 3
Kaz guts blewfish with practiced hands as he looks back on all the kitchen skills his late wife taught him, remarking that there's no telling what's going to happen in life. Graphos is happy to watch over Sara, assuring her that one day she will find her true calling.
Fisherman: Hey, Kaz! Brought the thing you asked for!
Kaz: 'Preciate it! Just what I needed to make sashimi!
Volenna: A single fish in the crate... Is this a special fish?
Kaz: This one's a blewfish. It's got deadly poison in its organs, but it makes for one heck of a sashimi dish!
Placing the blewfish and knife on a chopping board, he puts his arms through tasuki sashes to hold up his long sleeves.
Kaz: First the mouth, then to peel off the skin...
With practiced hands, he inserts his knife and removes the blewfish's innards, revealing its white edible parts.
Kaz: All right, now to make sure I've taken out all the poison.
Fisherman: Never gets old seeing you doing this, Kaz! You handle those blewfish like a pro!
Kaz: Haha, my late wife taught me the ropes. I've been doing it so long now that it just comes naturally.
Kaz gradually does away with all the poisonous parts for his fisherman friend to discard.
Kaz: Okay, now to turn this into sashimi!
Next, he cuts the alabaster body of the blewfish into slices so thin that they're practically see-through.
Sara: Wow...
Kaz: Haha, this is quite different from the chopped fish with miso I made the other day.
Sara: So it was your wife that taught you your skills as a chef, I see.
Kaz: Yeah, she was really one of a kind. Made the little eatery she ran stand out.
Kaz: I picked up so many fancy, creative recipes from her ever since we got together.
Kaz: You wouldn't believe how bad I was when I first started out.
Kaz: In my old age, I can finally say I'm proud of my culinary skills.
Kaz: You just never know how life is gonna turn out.
Sara: That's a good point. There's no telling what lies ahead...
The scenery of Sable Island flashes through Sara's mind.
It was a place originally meant for her to be confined in for the entirety of her life.
Sara: Things can change...
Graphos: ...
Sara: Graphos?
Graphos: ...
Sara: I see...
Graphos—who has always watched over Sara—expresses joy at simply being by her side.
As long as life goes on, there is no telling what lies ahead. There is always the chance of something so profound happening that it can change your entire outlook on life.
Graphos is happy to continue watching over Sara until such a moment comes for her.
Sara: So you're worried for my sake too, huh...
Graphos: ...
Sara: Thank you, Graphos.
Comforted by the special bond she shares with the sand god, Sara breaks into a smile.
I Can Be Anything: Scene 4
Over dinner, Sara tells Volenna about the conclusion she's reached—that she's happy to take her time in finding something she truly enjoys. Thankful to everyone who's given her advice, Sara realizes she is not alone anymore as she gazes toward the future more optimistically.
Crew: Let's eat!
A sumptuous dinner begins for the crew.
Lyria: Teehee, I can't make up my mind on what to eat first.
Lyria: I see the sashimi's caught your attention, (Captain)! Let me get you a few slices!
Sara: Do you want some too, Volenna? I'll pass the dish to you.
Volenna: Oh, sure. Appreciate it.
Sara: Kaz was saying he learned how to make this from his wife.
Volenna: This is amazing... It's cut so thin that you can see right through it.
Sara: He had trouble making anything good at first, but through years and years of practice, he got good enough to call himself a chef.
Volenna: Yeah? From the look of this food, I believe it.
Sara: Haha. I wonder how it tastes. I can't wait to try a bite.
Volenna: Same here. Let's go for it.
Sara: Right!
Volenna: Mmm... It doesn't lose any texture despite being such a thin slice, yet it still seems to melt in your mouth...
Sara: I love it! Mm, I could go for more!
Volenna: As could I. It's a good thing there's plenty to go around.
Volenna: ...
Sara: Huh? Is something the matter, Volenna?
Volenna: I'm just happy to see you relieved of your worries.
Sara: Truth is... I haven't really found an answer yet.
Sara: I still don't know what it is I'm good at.
Sara: And I don't exactly have a clear vision for the future either. But...
Volenna: But?
Sara: I don't mind trying different things until I find something just right for me.
Volenna: That's a good attitude to have.
Sara: Thanks.
Sara: I got to talk with a lot of people about this.
Sara: I think everyone put themselves in my shoes to really see what I was thinking.
Sara: It's nice to know that I'm not alone.
Volenna: No, you certainly aren't.
Sara: So while I'm still hazy about my future, I know it's going to be okay.
Volenna: Hm... Even if it's hazy, I'm sure that deep in your heart, you have an image of what you want to be.
Sara: Um, for one thing, I want to be a protector like you, Volenna.
Sara: Also... I'd like to be an incredibly kind and caring person, like (Captain)...
Sara: That's not all... The image I have of my future self can change as I go to more places and meet more people.
Sara: I see the search for my true self as a sort of challenge.
Volenna: Fair enough. Take your time with it, and change yourself as you see fit.
Volenna: However things work out, I promise I'll always be by your side.
Volenna: I look forward to seeing how you evolve, Sara.
Sara: Really?
Volenna: Absolutely. Cooking and traveling with an ever-changing Sara... I'm sure it's going to be so much fun.
Sara: For me too. Thank you, Volenna.
Sara: No longer a captive on the island, the canary finds itself lost in the vastness of the skies.
Sara: Where should it go next? How should it fly?
Sara: Before long, the canary finds itself surrounded by fellow birds in flight.
Sara: Each has its own forte—some larger birds are leisurely gliding across the skies, while some are swimming on the water's surface.
Sara: Still uncertain of the best way to fly, the canary grows restless from seeing the other birds...
Sara: However, it eventually realizes that they're all reaching for the very same sky.
Sara: The canary knows that it isn't alone anymore.
From Fear to Faith
Sara and Scathacha venture out into town in search of items needed by the crew. A disgruntled customer terrorizes Sara causing Graphos to appear, and Sara flees in tears. Scathacha convinces Sara to have more confidence in herself and, if need be, to let others be afraid of her.
(Captain) and the crew are in the middle of resupplying on an island when they receive an urgent mission to take care of monsters elsewhere.
The captain speaks with each crew member, looking for volunteers to stay behind and keep shopping for provisions.
Vyrn: Oof... Looks like everyone's already got plans tomorrow.
Scathacha: What's gotten you in a flutter, my fellow dragon?
Vyrn: We're sorta having trouble finding people to go shopping tomorrow.
Scathacha: Oho... And what exactly needs to be bought?
Vyrn: The usual—groceries, medicine, stuff like that. Sara's rarin' to go, but...
Vyrn: We're a little worried about leaving her on her own. So we're tryin' to get her a buddy.
Scathacha: Hm... Sara... Ah, yes, the girl who travels with the sand god. I think I have a general idea of the situation.
Scathacha: In that case I shall accompany her on this shopping trip.
Vyrn: You sure? I thought you'd be busy with all the stuff happening on Alster...
Scathacha: That's already been resolved. A bit of shopping is just what I need to kill some time.
Vyrn: Gotcha! You're a lifesaver! I gotta go deal with takeoff prep, so I'll leave the rest to you!
And so the rest of the crew departs for other matters, leaving Scathacha and Sara to shop for supplies in the town.
Sara: ...
Scathacha: Sure is nice to take a stroll through a place like this. It's full of energy.
Sara: Hm? Oh. Yes, it is...
Sara: ...
Scathacha: Are you feeling nervous?
Sara: Um, a little... I was all excited to go into town before, but now it's like I'm always looking over my shoulders...
Scathacha: I see. Well, it's not as if you have to stress yourself out. I can tell at a glance this is a nice town.
Sara: Thanks for worrying about me. You're right. Stressing out doesn't help.
Sara: Oh, that store looks good. Can we go in?
Sara chooses a store from among the row of businesses and enters.
Pharmacist: Ooh, lucky me! I've got two cute customers today. Welcome.
Sara: Hello. Um, I need the medicine on this list...
Sara shows the pharmacist the wrinkled note that she'd been gripping tightly.
The pharmacist goes down the list, nodding to herself as she grabs each item off the counters.
Pharmacist: I think that's everything. It's kind of heavy, so try not to drop it, okay?
Sara: I'll be okay.
Whoa, this is heavy... Thank you very much.
Sara's relief blossoms into a beautiful smile as she receives the package from the pharmacist.
Scathacha: Well, well... Your stomach may be full of butterflies, but you handled that quite nicely.
Sara: Really? Hee-hee, thank you. You're too kind, Scathacha.
Scathacha: Haha. Hearing those words from a pure-hearted person like you puts my heart at ease.
Sara: You're really good at compliments, Scathacha.
Pharmacist: My, you two get along really well, don't you? It's like you're sisters or something.
Sara: Sisters? Us?
Customer: Excuse me. I'm sorry, but I'm in a hurry here...
Pharmacist: Hello, be with you in a second!
Sorry, I have another customer. Please come again!
Sara: Uh-huh. Thank you!
Sara and Scathacha exit the store.
Graphos: ...!
Sara: Geez, now you're saying stuff like that too, Graphos? That's not nice to Scathacha.
Scathacha: You two sound like you're hogging all the fun. Let me join in too.
Sara: Um, Graphos was just teasing me about the sister stuff from before...
Scathacha: So the sand god finds it agreeable as well. Interesting.
Sara: Huh? You're not mad?
Scathacha: Hehe, not at all. Me, an elder sister... Heles is one too...
Scathacha: Actually, what does an elder sister do anyway?
Sara: Hm... Well, Volenna gives me hugs and protects me. She carries my stuff too, I guess...
Scathacha: Very well. Then I shall carry that package for you.
Sara: Wha... Wait, that was just an example! There's no way I could ask someone like you to carry a plain old box!
Scathacha: I don't mind. I said I would carry it for you. Don't make me have to repeat myself.
Sara: O-okay... Thank you very much...
Scathacha: And quit being so formal with me. Pretend like you're talking to your sand god when you speak to me.
Sara: Huh? Oh, okay. From now I'll speak with you as if—I mean, you got it.
Scathacha: Hehe, that's more like it. I'm not a fan of formalities.
Scathacha and Sara enjoy window shopping as they make their way to the next shop.
All the while they are unaware of the other pedestrians who smile at the sight of such a jovial pair.
Sara: There's the grocery store that has a bunch of things we need.
Scathacha: Look at how busy it is. Time to go in.
They slip by the adults towering over them and head inside.
Rude Customer: Ow! What the! Who the hell just stepped on my foot?
Sara: Eek! I'm sorry. It was an accident...
Rude Customer: Tch...
Scathacha: What's wrong, Sara?
Sara: N-nothing... Let's go...
The store owner has already rung up his customers but is still engaging them in boisterous chitchat.
Sara: What should I do...
Sara looks for the right time to interject but keeps hesitating. Finally Scathacha steps in.
Scathacha: You there, owner. We'd like to make a purchase.
Grocer: Oh, terribly sorry, young patrons. How can I help you today?
Scathacha throws a wink at Sara and gives her a gentle push on her back.
Sara: Um, I need the things on this list. And could we maybe borrow a shopping cart to put everything in?
Grocer: Sure. We're gathering all the carts right now, but I'll get you one soon.
The owner calls out to another employee who brings in a shopping cart, and they begin to fill it up with items from Sara's shopping list.
Scathacha: I believe this is going to take a while with all the various items we asked for. Let's go take a look around until they're done.
Sara: Yeah. Ooh, these fruits are pretty. I bet they taste delicious!
Rude Customer: Nooo! N-not the eggs!
Grocer: Next, how many eggs does she—Gasp! What a mess! Did you do this?
Rude Customer: Huh? No way! I just came over to help clean up! That little devil's the one that knocked over the egg stand!
The man points to Sara who is still standing by the fruits with Scathacha.
Sara: Huh?
Rude Customer: Humph. Playing the I-don't-know-anything card, eh? Too bad I saw the whole thing!
Sara: That's not... I didn't... I...
Rude Customer: You denying it? Show me a liar, and I'll show you a thief! Didn't your mama ever teach you that saying?
Rude Customer: Listen, girlie. You think just 'cus you're small you can take stuff without paying?
Grocer: Wait. Is that true, miss?
Sara: Sob... I...
Graphos: ...!
Sara: No! Graphos! You can't come out!
Rude Customer: Wh-what the heck is that!
Other customers hear the commotion and crane their necks to get a better view. They gawk at Graphos.
Sara: Aaah!
Scathacha: Sara! Where are you going?
Unable to stand the countless stares from strangers, Sara covers her face and races outside with Graphos.
Rude Customer: Tch, she might be just a girl, but she's a menace.
Ow, ow, ow! What are you doing, stinking brat!
Scathacha: Owner, this is your store; use your head. Here's your egg smasher. Ask him what really happened.
Grocer: Well, that may be, but unless you have any proof it's pretty much your word against his.
Scathacha: I can't believe this. What do you think that gooey yellow stuff all over his shoes is?
Grocer: By gum, talk about egg on your face. Or shoes, I guess. Honestly, I had my thoughts that she couldn't have done that, but I still suspected her anyway. I feel terrible.
Scathacha: Humph. Well, as long as you've learned your lesson. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a friend to fetch. Watch over our things for us.
Placing the medicine package into the cart, Scathacha chases after Sara.
Sara: ...
Graphos: ...
Sara: Huh? Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks for coming out to protect me, Graphos.
Sara: Phew...
Scathacha: Huff... Huff... There you are.
Sara: Scathacha, I...
Scathacha: Forget it. You've been proven innocent.
Scathacha: But why did you run off like that when you didn't do anything wrong?
Sara: Oh, um...
Sara recounts her difficult past living with Graphos as the Priestess of the Dunes.
Scathacha: Hm... I never knew.
Sara: I thought people would only ever be afraid of me, but on this journey I've learned there are people who are understanding.
Sara: That's why I decided to live life without fear, but... Sob... I thought I'd made so much progress... Sniff...
Sara: It turns out I still lose my confidence when that many people stare at me... I can't help but think they're scared of me...
Scathacha: How kindhearted you are.
Scathacha: A little too much in fact. If I were you, I'd let those who fear me be afraid.
Sara: But if I do that, then no one will—
Scathacha: Wait. Let me finish. As a true dragon, I exist above the monsters who fear me. However, I don't feel alone.
Scathacha: They revere my strength, thus nipping any needless violence in the bud, allowing me to preside over eternal peace.
Sara: Huh?
Scathacha: Hm, you're still too young to understand difficult concepts. Let me try to break it down for you.
Scathacha: You have a power that no one else does. That's the undeniable truth. Are you with me so far?
Sara: Yes...
Scathacha: Now if you accept that fact, you should be the one to reach out to the people that fear you.
Scathacha: They will sense your power and realize that you're no ordinary person.
Sara: So then nothing changes...
Scathacha: That is change. Consider what happened before. If that man had known how powerful you are, he wouldn't have accused you of anything.
Sara: You're right! Because he would have been afraid of me...
Scathacha: Mm-hm. Then Graphos wouldn't need to come out and protect you from all the people scaring you, right?
Sara: Yeah, I guess so. I think I get it.
Scathacha: Listen, Sara. Uniqueness is nothing to be ashamed of. Don't mistake fear for evil.
Scathacha: Have faith in yourself. Everyone has high hopes for you. Right, Graphos?
Graphos: ...!
Sara: Yeah, that's why you're always worried about me, Graphos.
Sara: Thanks, Scathacha. I'm going to try to believe in myself and Graphos more often.
Sara: Because everyone else already does.
Scathacha: Excellent. That's what I want to hear.
Scathacha: Anyway, the store owner is waiting for us. Let's go back.
Sara: Okay! Let's go!
It may be a while before Sara can stand tall with the kind of confidence that others around her will come to appreciate.
Until that day arrives, Scathacha is content to play the part of big sister for a bit longer.