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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age 22
Height 95 cm
Race Harvin
Hobbies Feeble jokes, comedies, interesting things such as street performances
Likes Seeing people smile
Dislikes Seeing people shed tears
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 22歳
Height 95cm
Race ハーヴィン
Hobbies 駄洒落、喜劇、大道芸など面白いもの全般
Likes 他人の笑顔
Dislikes 他人の涙
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

My tears are inappropriate for a such a joyous occasion.
And yet, my eccentric captain still invites me.
That's fine. I'd planned on declining but I can't, seeing how far you went for me.
Happy birthday, (Captain). My sincerest wish is for you is to never forget your smile.


My captain, what's wrong? You seem hesitant.
Hehehe. I know why. Because it's your birthday, correct?
Did you come here to formally invite me to your party?
You have my upmost thanks to your kindness.
But I must say...
You don't need to hesitate any longer.
I had said it was not becoming of me to cry at your party. I apologize.
Please don't let it bother you.
That is what you told me last year, and those words are what I want to tell you this year.
I will enjoy your celebration. So don't hesitate any longer. Simply ask me to come.
Thank you, (Captain). Through this long journey and the days I have spent with you, I have changed.
You have made me a better person with your kindness and words of the heart...
I am grateful that on this day a wonderful person—that you—came into this world. I wish you nothing but the best...
Happy birthday!


Happy birthday, (Captain).
I've always avoided celebrations like this because of my tears.
But ever since you invited me to your party, I've learned what it means to share in another's happiness during special times such as these.
I owe all of these experiences to you. You have my deepest gratitudes for giving me such wonderful gifts.
Allow me to say it one more time: Happy birthday, (Captain).


This is sudden, (Captain), but have you ever shed tears?
I know you have a strong spirit. So I wanted to pick your brain.
It's often said that tears are a sign of weakness, but I disagree.
To cry means you have come into contact with suffering, with helplessness...
And is that not what makes a person kind?
Heh, I didn't mean to start lecturing. You certainly don't need such a sermon.
It's a bit late to say it now, but happy birthday. May you never lose the kindness in your heart.


Today is your birthday, isn't it?
Since I met you, I've been able to see things in a more positive light.
Before, I may have been unconsciously using these endless tears as an excuse for my pessimism.
They say new encounters can change a person, and I believe that now.
I hope that our encounter has changed something inside you as well, (Captain). That would make me very happy indeed.
Allow me to wish you a happy birthday. I pray that our friendship will continue for many years to come.

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy New Year.
I hope the new year brings you much good fortune and I wish you safe passage on your journey.
Hm? You'd rather make my wish come true, instead of yours?
Hehe, I appreciate it, Captain, but that doesn't seem possible.
You see, my wish will come true when the time comes for me to leave this ship. But I don't want to leave just yet.


Wait... I must apologize in advance, but stop where you are.
Just for today I need you to keep away from me.
Even touching or talking to me would cause unspeakable evil to befall you.
I'm talking about what will happen to your wallet.
Don't you remember?
Any contact with me leads to money problems.
Not to mention that today is the first of a new year. I hear that some people give money on this holiday.
There can be no worse omen... So don't come near me.
Gasp! What are you—
Stop! Why would you... Even though I bring misfortune...
I can't believe you... (Captain), you really are different.
Don't say I didn't warn you, okay? I don't want you mad at me when bad things happen...


(Captain), happy New Year.
What are you doing? I warned you last year that when you get close to me, money problems ensue.
Or did you have no such difficulties last year? Didn't the crew want a New Year's gift that cost you a pretty rupie?
Hm. That may have been a silly question. You aren't the type to worry about such small things, are you...
I know that any price is a small one to see the smiling faces of the crew... Which in turn would put a smile on my face... I can see it now.


Happy New Year. Dawn is dazzling today, isn't it?
With the first day of the new year comes the first laugh of the new year. I thought I'd try my hand at stand-up comedy, you see.
To tell the truth, I have secretly been practicing every night for this performance.
Was it because I fear failure, you ask? Heh-heh. Not in the least.
Even if my performance were to fall short, I am certain the members of this crew would encourage me with their smiles.
I believe every person on this ship possesses a kind heart. Of course, that includes you as well, (Captain).


Ah, (Captain). Another year has begun.
Hm? I look rather elated, you say? Yes... perhaps I am.
You see, my stand-up comedy last year turned out to be quite the success, and I have received a request to do something similar this year as well.
That's why I've been looking forward to this day since a while ago.
I may be doing this for the crew's enjoyment, but the one enjoying this the most might, in fact, be me.
I must say, I am a fortunate man indeed.

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Er, is this for me?
Geez, this captain of mine. You're as eccentric as ever.
But please, don't do this again.
If I eat too much, my tears are going to turn sweet, and then my face will be covered in ants, hahaha.
Sorry, that was a lame joke. I can be a bit awkwa—No, I was just distracted, that's all.


Huh? Is this for me?
This looks so expensive...
Sigh... You never cease to amaze me.
Getting involved with me will cost you.
You know that I only bring misfortune...
You're just someone who likes to live life dangerously, aren't you?
I respect and am truly thankful for your courage and kindness.
Happy Valentine's Day.


Is this chocolate for me?
I'm very happy to receive it. I know this is an annual event, but I'm always moved to tears.
Well... I am always crying to begin with. Hehe. I only jest.
To be perfectly honest, I'm very happy.
Even though I weep, there is no reason to hide my smile. That is what you have taught me.


(Captain), this has puzzled me for quite a while...
Why do you bring me chocolates every year without fail?
Could it be you want something in return? Or do you find me, a wretched man drenched in his own tears, pitiable?
No. I owe you an apology. It was cruel to ask you such questions.
It's just that your smile was so ingenuous, I couldn't help but get up to some mischief.
I only hope that one day I can learn to accept these chocolates smiling from ear to ear as you do.


Ah, (Captain). Are you here to present me with chocolate?
Of course I already know. We've been together for quite some time now, after all.
Haha. Thanks to you, I've learned to gracefully accept things with a smile.
When we first met, I was unable to sincerely smile due to these tears brought on by my curse.
However, through my encounter with you, it's now clear to me that there is no need to suppress my joy.
It's not only chocolate I've received from you, but the warm kindness that you continue to bestow on me.
Was that a bit forced? Dear me, it seems I just can't help myself.

White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

I have some sweets that I want to give you, but there's one thing I'd like you to do.
Please finish them all as soon as I give them to you, (Captain)
No, it's not because I'm embarrassed. I'm worried that people will misinterpret the expression on my face and cause trouble for you.
They'll think that I'm crying because you turned down my sweets.
Ehehehe, that was a joke... Was is it really that unfunny?


Happy White Day, (Captain).
This is my gift to you. Please enjoy it.
Hehe. What do you think? This was a little out of my comfort zone.
Hm? It tastes a little salty?
Huh... I see...
Perhaps that is the taste of my tears.
Hehehe, just kidding.
I must have not put in enough sugar.
Sigh... My joke was a bit too much... Really?


Happy White Day, (Captain).
Here you are. This is for what you gave me on Valentine's Day.
Apparently adding a small amount of salt to a sweet cookie magnifies its taste.
So I tried that technique.
You could say the hidden ingredient in these cookies are my tears.
I only jest. I used regular salt.
Oh? It didn't sound like a joke you say? Some things never change...


(Captain), here. It's not much, but I'd like to thank you for your Valentine's gift.
By the way, have you heard that the taste of your tears is swayed by your emotions?
When you're suffering, they grow salty; when you're rejoicing, they become sweet. Tears are truly strange and wonderful things.
Heh-heh. What I mean to say is, those confections may be sweet, but that does not mean they aren't filled with my tears.
Oh, what a lackluster response... It seems that once again my jest was not well-received.
I only hope that, one day, my little jokes will bring a smile to your face.


(Captain), I have a gift for you in return for Valentine's.
I'm glad I can finally bring myself to give you gifts without dread or reservation.
Before, I hesitated in returning anything, as I was worried my tears would make it seem like I was insincere in my giving.
But now, I see these tears as that of happiness in being able to express my gratitude toward you.
Being able to thank someone from the bottom of your heart is a wonderful thing.
Heh... And I most definitely do not mean that as a joke.

Light Cookies
3rd year:
Crunchtastic Cookie
5th year:
Tasty Macaroons
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Ahh, so it's Halloween. No wonder everyone's in such a happy mood.
Hm? Even I can be happy too if I wear a costume?
Hehe, you may be right. It'd be good if I do it too.
Okay, for today, I'll give it a try. I need a smiling costume...


Trick or treat...
That's... That's what you say, is it not?
My mind does not work well when it comes to things of this sort...
As you can see, my tears only ruin these joyous occasions.
That's why I normally don't present myself to others during affairs of this nature...
Hehe... But there was no way I could resist your pleading eyes...
Hehe... That's enough. This year I too shall participate in the hunt for candy.
Let us begin this Halloween in splendid ensemble!


Trick or treat.
I've never been one for these kinds of events. But this year I've decided to put my fears aside and participate in the festivities.
The problem is everyone who sees my tears is so surprised they don't give me any candy.
Truly a tragedy... I only wanted to see what it was like to ask for treats once in my life...
Hm? Is that for me? You would give me a treat?
Hehe... I feel as if I gave you no other choice... I'm sorry.
Yes, you're right. Halloween is not a time to apologize.
Thank you, (Captain).


Oh, (Captain). Happy Halloween.
Heh, looks like I'm enjoying myself, you say? Perhaps I am.
Earlier, the crew took me on a jaunt through town. What's more, they wore makeup painted to look like tears.
I no longer seemed out of place—I was finally able to enjoy Halloween thanks to them.
Every member of the crew is not only clever, but considerate as well. I am nothing if not grateful. I must learn from their example.


Happy Halloween, (Captain). There's only one left, but please, take this treat.
I thought to challenge myself this year in playing a trick on some members of the crew I've gotten to know better, you see.
However, it appears the tricks were on me. Now I have no candy left.
Those who perform evil deeds will find evil deeds done to them... Heh, it's almost like a comedy.
But I am quite satisfied, as no one's ever thought to play a trick on me after seeing the tears flowing from my eye.
Perhaps I've always wished for friends who would be willing to do something like this for me.

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy holidays.
What is it? What's with that look on your face? You're saying I look like I'm not having any fun?
I see. It might look that way, but my chest is pounding with excitement. I'm having a lot of fun. But I wonder...
If my tears fall like a blanket of snow, then would it look like I'm having fun?
Ehehehe, that was a joke. Yes, telling jokes makes everything more festive.


Damn... Don't look at me!
A festive day such as this is not suited for tears...
Your words have touched me oh so...
You have my apologies, but I must leave here at once.
From the bottom of my heart... you have my thanks.
Perhaps beyond the pure white snow and these never-ending tears, I might find spring.
Sigh... I have only one wish... That a flower from the world beyond be with you and your happiness.
I wish nothing but the best for you on this journey...
Happy holidays.


Happy holidays, (Captain).
These never-ending tears have caused me to give up celebrating the holy night. I am not fit for the occasion.
But there is something I am fit for.
The church...
There are songs that are sung there that move others to tears. This I have seen...
That my tears and I have a place where we belong fills me with a most mysterious feeling.
(Captain), would you like to join in listening to the songs? You may find tears your eyes as well.


(Captain), are you enjoying the holidays?
Why yes, I certainly am. Just a bit earlier, a few children called out to me. They saw my tears, you see, and may have fancied me lonely.
So they invited me to build a snowman.
With everyone's cooperation, we ended up making a grand one, even taller than me. There was quite a bit of excitement.
It was extremely cold out, and we were all shivering... But I felt warm, as if a light had taken up residence in my heart.
A smile truly is a wonderful thing, isn't it? (Captain), may your future be filled with smiles and with joy.


A decorated tree... It's very beautiful.
It is as if I can feel everyone's dreams and wishes from the glowing lights...
I cannot stop my tears from flowing as I bathe in this light. It reminds me so much of the kindness I've received up until now.
Haha, my apologies—I cannot stop my tears regardless. That was just a little joke.
I must admit I'm feeling rather restless tonight, more so than usual. The holy night is truly a mysterious time of year.

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

The Sobbing Knight

While in town, the crew hear a cry coming from a restaurant and rush to the scene. There they meet Vermeil, a man whose right eye never stops crying. He explains that this is a condition he was born with. Touched by the crew's smiles, Vermeil decides to join them on their journey.

The crew is taking a stroll when a loud shriek suddenly pierces the calm.
???: Waaaaaah! It wasn't me, I didn't do anything!
Vyrn: Do you hear that? Sounds like somebody's in trouble.
Lyria: It's coming from that restaurant over there!
(Captain) and the crew rush toward the restaurant.
Sobbing Man: Hm?
Lyria: Huff, huff. What's wrong? Are you all right?
Sobbing Man: Who, me? I'm fine, why do you ask?
Lyria: Oh, but we heard someone cry just now. That wasn't you?
Sobbing Man: Cry? Me?
Sobbing Man: Ha, that's a good one, miss.
Sobbing Man: But it is unwise to insult a knight. Someone worthy enough to be a knight would never shed tears in public.
Vyrn: Wait a minute, what're you talking about? Tears are streaming from your right eye, you know.
Sobbing Man: Ah, this is simply a condition that I was born with. An everflowing river from my right eye...
Vyrn: Those are called tears!
Sobbing Man: My my, I suppose tragedy is too complex for a lizard to understand.
Vyrn: I ain't no lizard! I'm Vyrn! And I know what tragedy means!
Sobbing Man: Well that may be, but take a look over there. Isn't that young man the one you should be worried about?
Young Man: Sniff. I didn't steal any money, honest! You have to believe me!
Shopkeeper: Don't act like you didn't do it, you rotten punk! You're going to answer to my fist!
Vyrn: Whoa, chill out mister!
Lyria: Yes, please calm down. Can you tell us what happened?
Shopkeeper: Huh? You've got eyes, don't you? It's exactly what it looks like. Or maybe you're all in cahoots with this thief too!
Lyria: No sir, we just came over to see what the fuss was about. We wouldn't dare to steal anything.
Vyrn: Oh boy, this shopkeeper's a real pain in the butt.
Despite the false accusation, the crew continues to smile calmly.
This piques the man's interest.
Sobbing Man: (Hm, they're continuing to smile as they defuse the situation. I wonder if that will really work...)
Instead of calming down, the shopkeeper only grows angrier and more suspicious. The man decides that it's time to step in.
Sobbing Man: Good grief, did you perhaps get up on the wrong side of the bed today?
Sobbing Man: You accuse nearly anyone who even happens to glance at you. It's practically a witch hunt.
Shopkeeper: Oh yeah? And what're you gonna do about it?
Sobbing Man: I'm going to give the ones you should be accusing a stern warning.
The man draws his saber as he speaks.
Restaurant Customer: ...!
He approaches a group of rowdy ruffians drinking nearby and pierces one of their bags. A river of rupies spill out onto the floor.
Shopkeeper: Aha! That's my money! So it was you punks!
Shopkeeper: Wahaha, sorry about what happened earlier. Order whatever you like, this one's on me!
Accepting the gracious offer, the man named Vermeil and the crew sit down for a meal.
As the meal goes on, the crew can't help but be drawn to Vermeil's right eye.
Vermeil notices the curious glances and stops eating. Staring off into the distance, he begins to tell his tale.
Vermeil: Please don't get the wrong idea. It's not because I'm feeling sad or miserable.
Vermeil: I resent these tears that flow without reason. I am searching for their other half—for the sadness of these tears.
Vermeil: I was born with a right eye that produced a neverending flow of tears.
Vermeil: One day, I met a renowned fortune-teller and asked in hopes of curing my condition.
Fortune-teller: Ahh... I see you were given a heavy burden to carry in a previous life.
Fortune-teller: Yes... You caused a terrible tragedy to happen, and the soul you aggrieved also wanders in this lifetime.
Fortune-teller: Unless this soul is found and healed, your tears will never stop flowing.
Vermeil: Believing these words, I have been traveling from island to island ever since, in search of this suffering soul.
Lyria: What is the person you're looking for like?
Vermeil: I don't know. My only clue is that it's a woman whose left eye is always crying, just like mine.
Vyrn: Wow, that's a total mystery.
Vermeil: Well, I don't know about that. I think all of you are rather mysterious yourselves.
Vyrn: Hey, just what do you mean by that, crybaby?
Vermeil: That's exactly what I mean, Vyrn. How do all of you keep those smiles on your faces?
Vermeil: Even in the outrageous situation back there, you never once pulled a sour face.
Vermeil: Heh, you're the ones who are truly one of a kind. How can you smile like that?
The crew look at each other and laugh. (Captain) turns to Vermeil with a smile.
  1. Do you really want to know?
  2. It's because we're the same.

Choose: Do you really want to know?
Vermeil: Yes, please tell me your secret.
Lyria: Hee-hee, there's no secret to it. (Captain) is saying that if you follow along, you'll understand.
Vermeil: Follow along? What exactly—

Choose: It's because we're the same.
Vermeil: The same?
Lyria: Yep, that's right. (Captain) is saying that you're the same as us.
Vermeil: The same as you? You mean that you're also...
Continue 1
Vyrn: We're on a journey too. You're an interesting guy, so you might as well join us!
Vermeil's face brightens at Vyrn's words.
Vermeil: An interesting guy, you say? That's the first time anyone's ever said that about me.
Vermeil: Welcoming someone as tedious as myself...
Vermeil: Heh. You people really are one of a kind.
And with that, carrying his tragic burden, the teary knight joins the crew.

Enigmatic Tears

Rumors that a famous performer is in town turn out to be true. The performer sings of a tale that jars Vermeil's memory, offering a clue to his past. Just then, the ticket money from the show gets stolen.

The crew stops at an island for the night. Rumors are that a famous performer is in town.
Upon hearing the news, Vermeil's eyes light up like a child's. He makes a rare request.
Vermeil: I have a favor to ask. Would it be all right if we went to see this performance?
Vyrn: Huh? You want to go see something artsy?
Vermeil: Is that so strange? Go ahead and laugh if you want.
Vyrn: That's not what I mean. I just didn't think you'd be interested in that kind of stuff.
Vermeil: Hm, my teary right eye would certainly stand out a little amidst a cheering crowd.
Vermeil: But when I'm watching something compelling, strangely enough, I feel a warmth in my chest and it puts me at ease.
Vermeil: I know it's just my imagination, but it lets me forget about my eye for a while.
Lyria: Hey, don't worry about that. It sounds like fun. Let's go, (Captain).
The party reaches a bustling square. A cheerful, boisterous voice rings out over the din of the crowd.
Ulamnuran: Gather round! A fantastical, magical performance is about to begin!
His comical antics and light-hearted words draw in large audiences.
The Harvin performer commands the enthusiastic applause and cheers of the crowd.
Vermeil: Hahaha! Splendid. This is more than I had expected, bravo!
Ulamnuran is a crew member

Ulamnuran: Hey (Captain)! Hey everyone! Did you come to see me?
Lyria: Oh my, so the famous performer was you, Ulamnuran.
Ulamnuran: Ah, I guess I forgot to tell you. While I'm docked here I decided to promote myself.
Ulamnuran: Gather round! Let's get this show on the road!
Lyria: Huh? Look at that, Vermeil.
Vermeil: What is it, Lyria?
Lyria: Ulamnuran has a right eye that's crying just like yours. See?
The streak of a tear can be seen in Ulamnuran's makeup, just below his right eye.

Ulamnuran not in crew

Vyrn: Whoa, he's really popular. Now I get how crybaby Vermeil feels.
Lyria: You're certainly in high spirits, Vyrn.
Lyria: Huh? Look at that, Vermeil.
Vermeil: What is it, Lyria?
Lyria: He has a right eye that's crying just like yours. See?
The streak of a tear can be seen in the performer's makeup, just below his right eye.
Continue 1
With Lyria's words, a soft timbre of music starts to play, and the performer launches into a soliloquy.
There once was a legendary jester whose performances always sold out.
But none of the audience ever entered into his field of vision, with the exception of a single woman sitting in the corner.
He had fallen in love with her. In order to make her smile, he would do his best to act the fool.
One day, she went to speak with the jester. She wanted to confess her love—but alas, it was not to him.
What to do, what to do? His heart ached, but he smiled at her..
"Bring him to my show. I will fill him with laughter, and then surely, your confession of love will reach his heart."
The woman did as she was told, and sure enough, she and the man lived happily ever after.
Ever since that incident, no matter how much the jester dried his eyes, a tear would always remain.
Lyria: What a sad story...
Ulamnuran: Oh yes, it does seem tragic.
Ulamnuran: But you know, as performers, we have a different interpretation.
Vyrn: A different interpretation?
Ulamnuran: You see, a true entertainer brings happiness to others, even if it means sometimes sacrificing your own.
Vermeil: Sacrificing your own happiness...
Ulamnuran: Yes. I believe that he willingly and wholeheartedly sacrificed his own happiness so that she could continue smiling.
Vermeil: ...!
Ulamnuran's words hit Vermeil like a bolt of lightning.
A long forgotten memory comes racing back to Vermeil.
A beautiful woman I've never met before, but at the same time, seems so familiar...
She is the one to whom I've sworn my future. I know it.
Yet from her eyes that were as green as jade, tears continue to fall...
Lyria: Vermeil, are you okay? Hang in there!
Vermeil: That's it. It was your smile that I... Ah, how could this be?
Beside the shocked Vermeil, Ulamnuran lets out a shriek.
Ulamnuran: Oh my goodness! The box with all the ticket money is gone!
Vermeil mutters to himself amid the confusion.
Vermeil: It's always like this. Whenever I'm happy, something bad happens to someone else.
Vyrn: Did you say something?
Vermeil: It's nothing. We must hurry and catch the thief.
As he speaks, his gaze falls onto a suspcious man slowly slinking away.
Suspicious Man: What are you looking at? It wasn't me, go away!

Enigmatic Tears: Scene 2

After an interrogation, the man confesses the whereabouts of his gang's hideout. Vermeil thinks he should leave the crew, believing that misfortune followed his happiness. Lyria and Vyrn reassure him, and their concern leaves a deep impression on Vermeil.

(Captain) and the crew stop the suspicious man but don't find any money on him.
After some tough questioning, the man lets slip that he belonged to a gang of pickpockets.
The crew hurries to the gang's nearby hideout.
Vermeil: I'm sorry. This is all my fault.
Lyria: Why? You're not the bad guy, the bad guys are the pickpockets.
Vermeil: That's not what I mean.
Vermeil: Whether it's fate or karma, I've always been the harbinger of misfortune.
Vermeil: Whenever I laugh, someone always loses their money.
Lyria: It's just a coincidence. You shouldn't worry about that.
Vermeil: No, it's all right. This shall be my last stop as part of the crew.
Vermeil: I'd thought that this ever-smiling crew could finally change my fate.
Vermeil: Perhaps it was a little too much to ask for. I can't afford to cause any more trouble for you.
Lyria: It's not like that. No one thinks you're responsible for any of this.
Vyrn: That's right. Besides, small stuff like this is nothing to (Captain)!
Vermeil: What are you saying? Like I said, I'm causing trouble for all of you right now.
Lyria: When someone's in trouble, we should all bear the burden.
Vyrn: Lyria's right. A huge problem can be solved if we break it down into smaller pieces, right?
Vermeil: But...
Lyria: (Captain) wouldn't let you shoulder everything yourself. You're our friend now.
Vyrn: If there ever comes a day for you to leave the Grandcypher, it'll be when your tears stop and you have a big smile on your face.
Vermeil looks taken aback for an instant, but quickly recovers.
Vermeil: Heh. Like I said before, you are all truly one of a kind.
Vermeil's face suddenly turns grim as he knits his brows in concentration.
Vermeil: Be careful. It seems they know we're here.

Enigmatic Tears: Scene 3

The crew defeats the gang and returns to the Grandcypher. Vermeil decides to continue traveling with them after all. He sheds tears of joy, for he knows that, someday, his true smile will return.

The crew defeats the pickpockets. After returning the money to Ulamnuran, they return to the Grandcypher.
Vermeil, who had earlier vowed to leave the group, stands on the deck of the ship.
Vyrn: What's this? Didn't you say you were going to leave?
Vermeil: ...
Lyria: Vyrn! Don't tease him like that!
Vyrn: Come on, it was just a joke. He wasn't saying anything, so I wanted to wake him up.
Vermeil: I do not know what karma this is, but it seems my right eye is a liar.
Vermeil: I apologize for the change of mind, but I've decided to continue traveling with you.
Vyrn: That's the spirit!
Lyria: What made you change your mind?
Vermeil: Thanks to all of you, I was able to remember something from a long time ago.
Vermeil: The fact that you don't always have to be sad to cry.
Large drops of tears fall from his left eye as well as his right.
His smiling face shows no trace of sadness whatsoever, for these tears are tears of joy.
Lyria: Hee-hee, that's a wonderful smile, Vermeil.
Vermeil: I don't know when I'll be able to lift this curse.
Vermeil: But when that day comes, I have a feeling that all of you will be at my side.
Vermeil: Let me say it once more: I, the teary-eyed knight Vermeil, shall accompany you on your quest.
(Captain) and the crew no longer see Vermeil's tears as tears of sadness.
As for Vermeil, he no longer thinks of the crew's smiles as something only to be envied.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
もう慣れました涙を流すことに… I'm used to the tears.
残念ながら君の為の涙ではない No, I shan't shed a tear for you.
虚しさだけが募ってゆく… I feel the void within my heart...
運命には逆らえないのか… Am I powerless before fate?
(主人公)君、その笑顔、忘れるな Don't lose your smile, (Captain).
私にも、いつか滲まぬ世界が… I'll see the world unclouded by tears someday.
ふふ…すまないねどうにも辛気臭くて Hehe, sorry if I'm depressing you.
気にするな…怖くて泣いてる訳ではない Don't worry, these aren't tears of fear.
騎士たるもの人前で涙は見せぬ… A knight must not shed tears in presence of others.
(主人公)君、君は私みたいになるな… Don't become like me, (Captain).


  1. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, 新キャラクター紹介!「コルワ」「セン」「ヴェリトール」
  2. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, 新キャラクター紹介!「レ・フィーエ」「ヴェリトール」