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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age 14
Height 145 cm
Race Human
Hobbies Wild flights of fancy
Likes Herself with the mouse ears on, cheese
Dislikes Herself without the mouse ears on, the world
Character Release
普段はおとなしく、陰の世界の住人として生きるビカラですが…ネズ耳をひとたび付けることで夢の国 陽トピア(ゆ~とぴあ)の住人として立派にお役目を果たしています!
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 14歳
Height 145cm
Race ヒューマン
Hobbies 妄想
Likes ネズ耳をつけた自分、チーズ
Dislikes ネズ耳を外した自分、世の中
Character Release
普段はおとなしく、陰の世界の住人として生きるビカラですが…ネズ耳をひとたび付けることで夢の国 陽トピア(ゆ~とぴあ)の住人として立派にお役目を果たしています!
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3]





  • Like the other Divine Generals in Granblue Fantasy, her name is derived from the Twelve Heavenly Generals in Buddhism. Her English name is taken from her corresponding General's Sanskrit name, which is typically romanized as either Vikala or Vikarāla.[5][6]

Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Vikala (Yintopia): Um, (Captain)... Today is an auspicious day, so... Uhhh...
I... I'm sorry... I completely forgot what I was going to say...
I'm... really grateful that you and Lyria recognized me back at the Rat Temple...
No one ever had before... I wonder why that is... It's so weird...
But because you did, I'm a part of the crew now...
Thank you... for finding me...
Ah, I forgot the most important part! Happy birthday, (Captain)!


Vikala (Yangtopia): Your birthday parties are always such a grand affair.
Can you give me a second though? I've got something I'd like to say...
Vikala (Yintopia): U-um, so... Happy birthday, (Captain).
I'm really g-glad I'm here for another year of celebrations.
You know, I never thought I was cut out to be one of the Divine Generals... I felt more like a rat hanging on for dear life.
B-but I think traveling with you has made me a little more confident.
So thank you. I never would've grown without you.
I figured it'd be better to tell you that as me—not as Vicky... Ehehe...


Vikala (Yintopia): Oh, (Captain). I didn't know you were out here.
Um, are you going back inside? It is your birthday party after all.
Me? Yes, I'm heading over there too. S-so let's go back together...
Oh, but before we do, c-can I talk to you about something?
E-ever since I came aboard the Grandcypher, I got to celebrate your birthday every year.
It feels like... Um, sort of like... how a family would celebrate together.
I know firsthand that you can't really celebrate someone's birthday by yourself...
Th-that's why it'd fill me with joy if I could continue to wish you a happy birthday.
Um, I had to get that off my chest.
Please have a happy, happy birthday, (Captain).


Vikala (Yintopia): U-um, (Captain)! H-h...
Happy birthday! H-here's your p-present!
I also w-wanted to say... thanks for always looking out f-for a failure of a Divine General like me...
I don't know wh-what I'd do without you... I know I need to try harder...
Even though e-every time I do, I just make things worse...
At the very least, I-I hope you can laugh a-at my mistakes and think I'm funny or something...
Ah, s-sorry, that's hoping for too much, isn't it?
I'll just stick t-to trying even harder from now on...


Vikala (Yintopia): Um, (Captain)!
H-happy birthday!
I'm so happy for the opportunity to celebrate your birthday again...
Your birthday... Everyone's birthday... Even my birthday... It's always a special occasion.
I'm starting to get used to life on the ship, and I think it's changed a bit for the better...
I-I just want to thank you for inviting me into your crew, (Captain)...
I was thinking of things I could do for you to show my appreciation, and...
And there's not much I can do, but if you have any favors you'd like to ask of me, just let me know...
I-I'm here for you, (Captain)...

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy New Year, (Captain)!
The party last night was a real blast! Man, hanging with a skyfaring crew is the best!
Hm? What's up with that face? A-haaa... I know what you're after. A little New Year's present, am I right?
How can I say no to those puppy-dog eyes? Here ya go! Your own rat-ear headband! Now you're a bona fide citizen of Utopia!
What? You wanna see me without my rat ears?
Wh-whaddya want something like that for? Nothing... nothing fun about that...
Anyway... Uh... Let's make it a good year, (Captain)...


Ahaha! Did I scare you?
Sorry, sorry! I saw you heading out and couldn't resist.
Happy New Year though! Looking forward to spending it with you!
Huh? I seem like I'm in a good mood?
Well, you're the first person I got to see this year!
It's a sign that the next few months are going to be good ones!
Where are you going, by the way? Early morning walk?
Let me tag along!
Haha! This month is already starting out strong.


Oh, (Captain)! G-good morning... Thanks for yesterday.
The Eccentrical Parade was a s-success with your help...
Are you ready to party? We're going to go all night long! But first, it's time to count down!
Three, two, one...
Happy New Year! Wahoo!
It was so m-much fun... But we stayed up so late, I'm still super sleepy...
I can't wait to spend... another year together...


Eep! (Captain)?
H-happy New Year...
I-I don't have my ears on yet... I'm still getting them ready.
Huh? My resolution for the year?
I guess... it'd be to scrape by without getting into trouble...
Hey, (Captain)! Happy New Year!
My New Year's resolution this time around is to make everyone in all the skies as happy as can be!
Huh? What do you mean by "scrape by without getting into trouble"?
Haha, I wonder who'd have such a depressing goal like that! Couldn't be me!
It's a brand new year! You have to aim big and chase your dreams!


Hey, (Captain)! Happy New Year!
You're an early riser! That's a good thing!
And I'm a super happy girl for being the first person you saw this year, (Captain)!
So have you decided on a New Year's resolution yet?
Hahah! Me? My resolution is to entertain everyone more than I did last year!
I know I make the same resolution every year, but it's really, really important to me!
But guess what? I also have a second resolution this year!
It's to become better friends with you than ever before!
Let's make this year count, (Captain)!

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Oh, uh, hello there, (Captain)...
It's, um... You know what day it is, right? So...
I want you to... to...
To wait here a sec! I'll be right back!
Heya, thanks for waiting! Ready for your valentine? Then here ya go! Chocolaty goodness!
You're always looking out for me, so I thought this'd be a good chance to give you a token of my appreciation!
Oh, are you headed out somewhere? Look both ways before you cross the street, then! Later!
(Hurgh... That was harder than I thought...)


Okay... This year for sure... I'll give it to (Captain) as my true self!
Good day, (Captain). I hope this Valentine's celebration finds you well. Accordingly, I brought you a gift...
No, that's all wrong. There has to be a better, more Yangtopian way...
Wahey! What's good, (Captain)? I've got V-day chocolates for you!
Nuh-uh... Not happening.
Sigh... (Captain)! How long have you been standing there? D-did you s-see...
Ah... Um... V-Valentine's... Ch-choco... late...
H-here! Take it!
Since today's... V-Valen... You know... So... I made...
A-anyway, see you!


U-um, this is for you! I hope you d-don't mind!
T-today's the, um... Valentine's-iest day of the year so I wanted to get you something!
(What am I saying...)
It's not a-anything super special, so, um...
I'm not trying to fish for a White Day gift... and I'm definitely not trying to get any favors from you...
Promise, I've got no ulterior motives...
Pinky swear! I-it's perfectly safe...
A-anyway, I better get going!


(Oh, (Captain)'s alone on the deck... Talk about timing...)
(B-but I'm not ready yet... and I don't think I'll ever be... so I just have to get it over with.)
(Just need to act natural... and normal... That's not so hard, right?)
(N-no turning back!)
U-um, (Captain)... This is f-for you!
It's chocolate! Since, you know, it's Valentine's Day today...
And it's um... well... I don't mean anything by it, but... I also don't not mean anything by it?
J-just take it!
Anyway, see you l-later!
Pant... That was totally normal... right?


Um, (Captain)? Th-this is for you!
It's Valentine's chocolate... This is my way of saying thank you for all you do...
I'm definitely not doing this out of obligation...
Ah, wait, no! That doesn't mean I have feelings for... Ahem!
I-I'm just saying that there's no need to read too deeply into this... It doesn't necessarily mean our relationship has evolved or anything like that...
The important thing is...
I worked hard to make these, and I hope you like them!
Ahaha... There, I said it...

White Chocolate Cake
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

All right! Let's knock this mission outta the park! No matter what happens, (Captain), you can count on me!
Hm? What's this package?
A return gift for Valentine's Day? Is today... Wh-White Day?
Th-thank you! I didn't... I had no idea... you'd get me a gift in return...
Yeah, um! That was quite a surprise! Anyway, I guess I'll take this off your hands! Thanks!
Haha! White Day isn't half bad!


A g-gift for me?
I can't believe you got me something so nice... Th-thank you!
Before I joined your crew, I never celebrated Valentine's Day or White Day.
I always thought it was something only true Yangtopians could enjoy...
B-but now I know that was totally wrong! It's an amazing experience for anyone and everyone!
Thanks to you, I know how awesome it is to give and be given to!
Ehehe... Seriously, I'm glad I got to meet you...


H-hey... You're giving me a g-gift in return for Valentine's?
Oh gosh...
Thank you...
(Captain)! Appreciate the White Day present!
Haha, I figured I should give you a proper show of gratitude!
Want to eat this together? We can go outside and sit on the deck!
I'll even feed you, and you can feed me back!


Haha, yes! I got a present from (Captain)!
This is a return gift for Valentine's Day, right?
Thanks, (Captain)!
Just as the captain is about to leave as well, Vikala reappears.
U-um, s-sorry to bother you, but I opened the present...
A-are you sure you should give something so nice to someone like me?
Y-you got it especially for me? I'm sorry to make you go through the trouble...
You say you want to thank me, b-but I should be the one thanking you for all you do.
Really, I'm super thankful for your help, and your support, and everything...


Ooh! A White Day gift?
Hahah! Thanks, (Captain)!
I gave you something for Valentine's, and now I get something back for White Day...
This give-and-take relationship is a lot of fun! It makes me one happy rat!
As long as you're cool with it, (Captain), I hope we can continue to trade gifts for a long time to come!
Huh? You want to know exactly how long that'd be?
Hahah! What a silly question! How about "forever"?
After all, ending the tradition would just be sad! No reason to cut a happy thing short!

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Of course, I'm familiar with Halloween...
Kids get candy, and Yangtopians everywhere party it up...
Ah... I bet you're thinking I've never properly enjoyed Halloween, aren't you, (Captain)?
Don't underestimate me... I haven't been a complete stick in the mud...
After all, I always have my handmade rat-ears on...
They count as a costume... right? So I could party it up... if I felt like it...
(So there!)


Trick or treat! Better feed me or I'll eat you right up!
Haha! Did I scare you?
Are you heading into town? Mind if I join you then?
Thanks! I plan on spreading the good word of Utopia and showing everyone a fun time!
(All right... I invited myself along pretty smoothly, right?)
Let's go! Come on, come on! We're wasting time!


Hahaha! Did I make you jump, (Captain)?
That's Halloween for you! Just a small, harmless prank, wouldn't you agree?
Feel free to turn the tables on me today, (Captain)! Having fun is the name of the game!
Now let's go paint the town red! There's a bunch of candy with our names on them!
Vikala enthusiastically pulls the captain by the hand, which suddenly sends her tumbling forward.
Aaaah! N-noooo! Y-your hand! It... It...
Huh? It's a fake?
G-geez! Wh-who wouldn't be shocked by that?
I wasn't ready for you to get me back so quickly...
Well, that was a pretty good prank... So good in fact that maybe you can lay off for the rest of the day?


Haha, there are costumes and candies everywhere! Halloween's just the best!
Huh? I acted the exact opposite earlier?
Am I going out for Halloween? N-no, I think I'll stay on the ship...
Oh... You want me to come with you? If you're sure...
Did that happen? I already forgot! It's my policy to never reflect on the past!
Besides, it'd be a waste to stay cooped up for a celebration like this! Come on, (Captain)!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

It really is bustling today, isn't it, (Captain)?
This is my first time spending a holiday with friends, so I'm really looking forward to our party!
Hm? How did I celebrate before?
Hm... I think I just spent the night making the rat-ear headbands we sell at Utopia. I do those all by hand.
But while I was quietly working in my room, I'd listen to all the music and happy voices outside...
And I'd imagine how much fun they were having... And get jealous of all the merrymakers...
Whoa... Flashback city. Anyway, who cares what I was thinking about back then? It's in the past!
Let's get our shopping done and hurry back to the ship! Yep, that's what we should be doing, so chop-chop!


It's almost that time of year again... A special holy night for Yangtopia.
The feast is ready for the party... Cake and presents too. Just have to make sure I keep the good spirits up when it starts.
I've been looking forward to spending a fun time with (Captain).
Better get moving...
Ta-da! Happy holidays!
Come on, (Captain)! Hope you're ready to join me in Holytopia!
Tonight's party is going to blow you away!


Happy holidays! Welcome to the holy night special Eccentrical Parade!
Featuring the Grandcypher as today's stage!
Not my typical spot, but we'll definitely make it work! Let's get this show on the road!
Or... something like that. Wh-what do you think? Can I use the deck for a parade?
Ah... S-sorry, I don't mean to pressure you into it! Just forget I said anything...
Huh? You're fine with it?
Th-thank you so much... You're too kind, (Captain).
U-um... I'll do my best not to disappoint!
But maybe keep your expectations low...


(Someone please end meeee!)
(It's not like I planned to head home together with only (Captain) after the Eccentrical Parade finished...)
(Now we're surrounded by c-couples... I wonder if other people think we're a c-couple too?)
(I didn't ask for a holy night present like this...)
(Wait... I haven't said anything this whole time we've been walking... The captain must be super bored by now...)
(I have to strike up a conversation, but... what do I even say?)
(Probably something festive? But it's not like I know what people usually do for the holidays... I can barely handle a normal conversation besides...)
H-huh? You want to take the long way home? I-I don't mind, but...
You wanna see the town? O-oh! Yeah, that's a good idea since everything's all decorated...
(I'm happy to spend more time with (Captain), but... I still haven't figured out what to talk about! What do I doooo?)

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Guardian of the North

(Captain) and the crew visit the town where the Rat Temple is located. The bubbly year spirit Vikala puts on the extravagant Eccentrical Parade at her temple, but when the crew goes looking for her afterward, she is nowhere to be found. They are shocked to discover that a much gloomier girl they meet later is none other than Vikala, an introverted soul who uses her rat-ear headband to unleash her buried extroversion. The crew invites her along on their journey, and she refuses, but when they leave port the next day, Vikala's brighter half is aboard the Grandcypher, ready for adventure.

(Captain) and the crew visit the Rat Temple, which presides over this year's lucky direction: north.
They stop at a restaurant for a meal before making their New Year's prayers for health and good fortune at the miraculous temple.
Joy (Event) not in crew

Vyrn: The keeper of this temple is one of the Twelve Divine Generals, right?
Lyria: And the year spirit this time around. I wonder what she's like.
Vyrn: Me too! I'm sure she'll give us her blessings no matter what though.
Restaurateur Remy: Excuse me... You're travelers, aren't you? Are you here to visit the Rat Temple?
Vyrn: You bet we are! We just dropped in here to grab a bite first.
Restaurateur Remy: Thank you for your patronage. I am the owner of this little bistro.
Restaurateur Remy: I'm a huge fan of Lady Vikala. Utopia is a land of dreams even for adults such as myself.
Joy (Event) not in crew

Vyrn: I guess the year spirit's name is Vikala.
Lyria: Um... What did you say about a utopia?
Restaurateur Remy: That's what we call the Rat Temple. Spending time there is like a miraculous return to your youth.
Restaurateur Remy: Everyone calls it "Utopia" because it's like paradise here in the mortal realm. You won't find a more enjoyable time anywhere in the skies.
Lyria: Wow! I can't wait to get there!
Vyrn: Yeah, it sounds awesome!
Restaurateur Remy: Lady Vikala is a bright, vivacious person, always clowning around to make people laugh—you can't help but smile whenever you speak with her.
Restaurateur Remy: Haha... Oh, forgive me. I just remembered something funny she said the other day. She really is a wonderful person.
Lyria: Hehe. You really are a big fan!
Restaurateur Remy: Of course I am! Although no more than everyone else in town, I daresay. Oh, that reminds me.
Restaurateur Remy: Did you know that shaking hands with Lady Vikala will enhance your blessings?
Restaurateur Remy: There are always throngs of visitors around the new year, but I hope you'll have the chance to shake her hand.
Joy (Event) is a crew member

Vyrn: Aw, dang. We should've shaken her hand after we sorted out the whole Joya mess.
Restaurateur Remy: I beg your pardon?
Vyrn: Oh, nothing... Just talkin' to myself.
Restaurateur Remy: Oh, don't forget—the main event at the Rat Temple is in the evening. Utopia shines after dark.
Vyrn: After dark?
Just then, their conversation is interrupted.
Vyrn: What was that?
The sound of shattering porcelain rings out from the kitchen, followed by silence in the restaurant.
Restaurateur Remy: Not again!
I'm terribly sorry... If you'll excuse me.
Remy's Voice: Did you misread your job description? It's dishwasher, not dishsmasher. If you break all my plates, you won't have anything left to do here, you know!
Dishwasher: ...
Remy's Voice: I can't hear you! Even a rat could squeak louder than you!
Dishwasher: ...
Remy's Voice: Ugh... Just clean this mess up already.
Restaurateur Remy: Please forgive the commotion. The young person I hired to wash dishes has been a stunning disappointment from day one.
Vyrn: Hey, don't sweat it. The food's great, and you told us about the year spirit too. No complaints here!
Lyria: Right! So, um... No need to get so mad at your dishwasher, okay?
As an apology for the disturbance, the restaurateur offers the crew a round of hot beverages on the house. (Captain) and the others relax with their drinks, and are seen off by the owner a while later.
That night, the crew makes its way to the Rat Temple.
Lyria: Wow! It's really bustling!
Vyrn: Never expected this much of a crowd. I know that dude said things kicked off after dark, but this really looks like a party!
Restaurateur Remy: Good evening, travelers.
Lyria: Oh! Hello again!
Vyrn: Uh... Whatcha got on your head?
Restaurateur Remy: These are Lady Vikala's trademark. You can buy a set at the Rat Temple for three rupies. A must-have for any die-hard fan.
Vyrn: Wow, that's cheap... You guys wanna get some?
Restaurateur Remy: Unfortunately, you may not be able to tonight. The temple is already so thronged, it might be impossible to get in.
Lyria: Aww... What a shame...
Restaurateur Remy: But not to worry! Here she is now!
Lyria: Huh?
A buzz rises from the people around them, and everyone looks toward the forest where the Rat Temple is located.
Vyrn: What is it? What's goin' on?
Lyria: Oh, I hear music... And something big is coming this way!
???: ...!
A huge steel trap, seemingly moving under its own power, appears pulling a number of floats behind it on chains. Dancers weave in between the floats.
Restaurateur Remy: Ohhhh! Tonight's parade is even more impressive than usual!
Some of the women riding on the beautifully decorated floats dance, while others wave to the crowd.
Vyrn: Whoooa! What the heck is this giant parade for?
Restaurateur Remy: Pulling those floats in a procession around the temple is supposed to chase away evil.
Restaurateur Remy: Although to be honest, it's recently gained popularity as a spectacle, given how showy it is!
Lyria: Hee hee. I can see why! Just watching it puts a smile on my face!
Vyrn: But where's the year spirit? Is she somewhere in there?
Restaurateur Remy: The women dancing in the street and on the floats are all priestesses of the Rat Temple.
Restaurateur Remy: Lady Vikala is up above. Look at the very top of the biggest float.
Vikala: Hiya! I'm Vicky! Thanks for visiting the temple today, everybody!
Dancing far above all the others is one of the Twelve Divine Generals, the divine rat, Vikala.
Restaurateur Remy: Ohhh! Lady Vikalaaa!
Vikala: Thank yew, thank yew! Step right up and drink in the Eccentrical Parade!
Lyria: Ek... Ek-sen-what?
Restaurateur Remy: The Eccentrical Parade! That's the name of this fantastic procession! Isn't it marvelous?
Near (Captain) and the others, a little girl is eagerly reaching skyward.
Suzy: Vicky! Please... Please shake... my hand!
Suzy: Yeep!
Oh no! Are you okay?
Lyria tries to push through the crowd to get to the little girl who was knocked over in the press.
Vikala: ...!
Vikala: Hey there! You all right?
Suzy: Ahh! Vicky! Y-yeah, I'm fine!
Vikala: Aw, what a little trooper. Haha! And you're rockin' those rat ears! Look, we're twins!
Suzy: Hee hee!
Vikala: Whoa, check out that smile! It's blinding me! And you know the password that'll unlock even bigger smiles, right?
Vikala & Suzy: Lucky! Cookie! Vicky!
Vikala: Now put 'er there! We'll shake on it in front of the Rat Temple!
Suzy: Wow... This is the best day ever!
Vikala ruffles the girl's hair, then turns toward the crew and thrusts out her hand.
Joy (Event) not in crew

Vikala: You guys get a handshake too!
Lyria: Wow!
Vyrn: Sweet!

Joy (Event) is a crew member

Vikala: Welcome to Utopia, you guys! Glad you could make it! Now, put 'er there! Have a blessing on the house!
Lyria: Of course we came! You were nice enough to invite us!
Vikala: I'm pumped you're here! Hope you enjoy yourselves!
Continue 1
Once she's shaken hands with the crew, Vikala leaps back up to her perch atop the float as if she weighed no more than a feather.
Lyria: Hehe, we got our handshakes. I guess we can look forward to some good luck!
Vyrn: Yeesh, did you see that vertical leap? No wonder she's a Divine General.
(Captain) and the others have a great evening watching the Eccentrical Parade.
Even after the parade concludes and the crowds have largely dispersed, some people still remain in the area.
Restaurateur Remy: They must have stayed behind hoping for a glimpse of Lady Vikala, but I'm afraid they'll wait in vain.
Lyria: What do you mean?
Restaurateur Remy: Vikala's everyday life is shrouded in mystery.
Restaurateur Remy: We never see her around town, and the Rat Temple is usually deserted... We have no idea what she does with herself outside the parade.
Restaurateur Remy: But that mystery is part and parcel of her charm!
Vyrn: That handshake was good for health and safety in the new year... But we still need to ask her to pray for our journey, right?
Joy (Event) is a crew member

Lyria: That's right... Besides, we didn't get a chance to talk. I wanted to catch up after everything that happened...
Restaurateur Remy: What do you mean, "everything that happened"?
Vyrn: Oh, uh... Nothing.
The crew discusses it and decides to go looking for Vikala.

Guardian of the North: Scene 2

(Captain) and the crew visit the town where the Rat Temple is located. The bubbly year spirit Vikala puts on the extravagant Eccentrical Parade at her temple, but when the crew goes looking for her afterward, she is nowhere to be found. They are shocked to discover that a much gloomier girl they meet later is none other than Vikala, an introverted soul who uses her rat-ear headband to unleash her buried extroversion. The crew invites her along on their journey, and she refuses, but when they leave port the next day, Vikala's brighter half is aboard the Grandcypher, ready for adventure.

But there is no sign of the divine rat at the Rat Temple, and the grounds are nearly empty.
Lyria: Empty behind the temple too. It doesn't seem like anyone lives here at all...
Joy (Event) is a crew member

Vyrn: I wish we'd asked her when we took care of the Joya...
Lyria: Let's not give up yet. I'm sure we can find her!
Vyrn: Let's ask that kid over there. Say, have you seen Lady Vikala?
Vyrn calls out to the girl hanging around the temple grounds, figuring she must also be looking for Vikala.
The girl shakes her head at Vyrn's question, but points deeper into the forest.
Vyrn: Huh? You saw her go that way? All right, let's see if we can catch up!
  1. Slow your roll, Vyrn.
  2. Let's get moving!

Choose: Slow your roll, Vyrn.
Vyrn: Huh? Why?
(Captain) tells Vyrn and Lyria to look more closely at the girl in front of their eyes.
Lyria: Wait... You mean this girl is—

Choose: Let's get moving!
Lyria: Um... Wait a minute!
Vyrn: What's up, Lyria? If we don't hurry, we'll lose her!
Lyria: Yeah, but... Um...
Hearing the hesitation in Lyria's voice, (Captain) turns and takes a second, closer look at the stranger. All becomes clear.
Vyrn: What's wrong with the two of you? What're you starin' at?
Lyria: Vyrn, this is her!
Continue 1
Vyrn: Huh? Wait a minute now. You're not tryin' to tell me this is Vikala, are you?
Gloomy Girl: ...!
Vyrn: Hmmm?
Vyrn flaps his way slowly around the girl, peering at her with his brow furrowed.
Gloomy Girl: Nn... Ngh...
Lyria: Um, Vyrn? I think you're scaring Vikala.
Vyrn: Huh? O-oh. Sorry about that.
Vyrn: No, wait. There's no way this is Vikala! You saw Vikala dancing on the float during the parade—she's a born performer! No way is this the same person!
The cowering girl finally opens her mouth.
Gloomy Girl: N-no... I... I am... Vikala...
Vyrn: What! Are you serious?
Vikala: Sorry for lying to you... N-no one ever recognized me before... It was kind of a shock...
(Captain) and the others sit down to talk with the girl who claims to be the Divine General Vikala.
Vikala: I... live a normal life here in town... But no one spares a second glance for a nobody like me.
It turns out the year spirit everyone thought to be so elusive and mysterious is in fact living in plain sight among the townspeople.
The difference between her public and private personas is so drastic, however, that no one has put two and two together.
Vikala: I've... always been shy... Whenever anyone speaks to me, I get tongue-tied...
Vikala: But in my head... There was always this perfect version of me, who could respond the way I wanted to...
Vikala: When I was chosen as the year spirit, I thought I might finally be able to make a change...
Vikala: But it didn't work out that way... So it's only when I'm wearing my rat ears that I can... can...
Lyria: You cancan?
Vikala: Be someone bright and cheery! I used auto-suggestion to bring out the ideal me who's lived inside my head for so long...
Vyrn: So that's who "Vicky" is, huh? But why put yourself through all that?
Vikala: I mean... The other Divine Generals are all larger than life... They've got special talents, and famous families... ancient legacies to carry on...
Vikala: But I'm different... The only thing special about me is that Dorrie the dormouse appeared to me one day...
Dormouse: ...
The steel trap from before returns.
Vikala: It used to be a monster trap, but the story goes that the first keeper of the Rat Temple used divine power to breathe life into it.
Vikala: Ever since, the divine rat has been chosen by Dorrie here. And it chose me, even though I'm no one special, with no talents to speak of...
Vyrn: So that's how you got the job...
Vikala: I have no idea why it chose me... Just thinking about it... blues me out...
Lyria: But you were so great in the parade! You even swooped down to help that little girl!
Vyrn: Yeah, Lyria's right! That restaurant owner dude was losing his marbles over your performance. He's a huge fan of yours!
Vikala: Oh, that reminds me... Thank you for visiting our restaurant...
Vyrn & Lyria: ...?
Vyrn & Lyria: ...!
Vyrn: You mean the young dishwasher was... No way!
Joy (Event) not in crew

Vikala: Y-yes... It's me. I saw you all through the kitchen door...
Joy (Event) is a crew member

Vikala: Y-yes... It's me. I spotted you guys through the kitchen door...
Lyria: But the owner was saying what a huge Vikala fan he was!
Vikala: He... doesn't know it's me...
Vyrn: So he was reading the riot act to his idol without even knowing it, huh? Yeesh.
Vikala: W-well... I did break a lot of plates. I'm really clumsy, and kinda slow, and plain, and gloomy, and cowardly...
Vikala: But when I put on my rat ears, I become a Yangtopian. I walk on the sunny side of the street... The Rat Temple is my Yangtopia...
Lyria: Yangtopia? I thought it was Utopia.
Vikala: When I'm there, everyone loves me. Everyone wants to talk to me... Everyone's so impressed with me...
Vikala: It's my Yangtopia because when I'm there, I can embrace my sunnier self—my positivity!
Vyrn: I see... I mean, I don't, but sure, okay.
Vikala: But the real me is a citizen of Yintopia... Festival season is coming to an end... It's time for me to get back to my everyday life in the shadows.
Lyria: ...
Vikala: Oh, by the way... Did you guys need me for something?
Joy (Event) not in crew

Lyria: Oh, um... Well, we're skyfarers, you see...
Joy (Event) is a crew member

Lyria: Oh, um... Well, you know how we're on a journey with our crew?
Vikarala: R-right...
Vikarala: (A skyfaring crew sounds like a whole gaggle of Yangtopians to me. That's so scary... What do they want? Don't tell me they want to throw a party here or something?)
  1. We want you as a new recruit!
  2. Wanna visit Shiptopia?

Choose: We want you as a new recruit!
Vikala: Who, me?
Vyrn: Hehe! I figured that'd make you squeak!
Lyria: So did I!

Choose: Wanna visit Shiptopia?
Vikala: Sh-Shiptopia? What's that?
Vyrn: Don't you start too. Vikala, what (Captain)'s trying to do is invite you to join our crew.
Lyria: How about it, Vikala? Do you want to join us on our journey?
Vikala: Me? On an airship crew?
Continue 2
Vyrn: If you don't have anything much to do at the temple for a while, why not give it a shot?
Lyria: I'm not sure I understand what you meant about yin and yang, but seeing the wide open skies might take your mind off it a bit!
Vikala: (Here I was planning to go back to a life of peaceful cheese-nibbling in the shadows.)
Vikala: (And they're asking me to join up after seeing this side of me?)
Vikala: (I'm so... happy!)
Vikala is deeply moved, but what she says is...
Vikala: No... I'm sorry.
Lyria: ...
The crew's stay on the island comes to an end, and the Grandcypher leaves port.
Vyrn: We ended up leaving without her...
Lyria: Nngh... I still can't believe that's how we said goodbye.
Vyrn and Lyria gaze sadly over the rail as Vikala's island recedes into the distance, lamenting the Divine General's refusal to join the crew.
Vikala: Haha! Why the long faces!
Vyrn: Huuuhhh? Vikala!
Vikala: Yeah, I figured I'd tail you after all! Sailing around on an airship sounds like a good time!
Lyria: Oh, I'm so happy! But then, why did you say no before?
Vikala: Haha! It was no biggie. I was just worried about whether I'd be any use to you on your journey.
Vikala: But look, I've got my rat ears on, so I'm bursting with confidence!
Vikala: Which means I've got no reason not to come with you!
As... long as that still works for you.
Lyria: Of course it works for us! We're so glad to have you aboard!
Vikala: Thanks! From now on, this will be my Yangtopia! Speaking of which...
Vikala: Where's this rig heading, anyhow?
Vyrn: That's right, we never told you... And you came along anyway!
Vikala: Sweating the details isn't my style. All that matters to me is that you guys wanted me along. If I'm with you, I don't care where we're going!
  1. You can take the ears off, if you want.

Choose: You can take the ears off, if you want.
Vikala: Whuh?
Vikala: Wh-what're you saying? I can't just... take them off...
Lyria: Hehe, you sure can! We're glad to have you no matter how many ears you're wearing!
Vikala: Sniffle...
Qu-quit it, you're bluing me out...
Vikala, a girl whose personality vacillates between extremes of darkness and light, has joined (Captain)'s crew.
With modest hopes and much larger fears, the spirit of the new year takes her first step into the next twelve months.

Vikala's Long Day

Hoping for some alone time, Vikala volunteers to watch the ship while the rest of the crew leaves to complete a mission. Her solitude is interrupted by a burglar... who Vikala mistakes for a crew member. Vikala tries to escape the awkwardness of the conversation while the burglar fights not to let his witness out of his sight.

Vikala: ...
The Grandcypher is quiet but for the faint sound of footsteps.
The owner of those stepping feet is enjoying the peace and quiet, exploring wherever her curiosity takes her.
Vikala: (So this is what the inside of an airship looks like... I've always got my eyes on the ground, so I never really took it in before.)
Vikala: Ahh... It's so relaxing to finally be by myself.
Dormouse: ...!
Vikala: Oh, Dorrie. Sorry you got stuck watching the ship with me...
Vyrn: Well, we've got a job to take care of! You're in charge of guarding the ship, Vikala!
Vikala: Haha! Leave it to me! You guys be careful!
Lyria: Will you be all right on your own?
Vikala: You're such a worrywart, Lyria! Besides, from where I'm standing, I'm the one who should be worried about you!
Vyrn: Gyahaha! Good answer! Looks like the ship is in good hands!
Lyria: I think so! Thanks, Vikala!
Vikala: Remembering that blued me out... I talked big, but all I really wanted was some time to myself.
Vikala: I wonder if Lyria will be disappointed in me...
The Divine General Vikala alternates between cheer and gloom depending on whether she's wearing her rat-ear headband.
She has been aboard the Grandcypher for a while now but has yet to truly feel like part of the crew.
Vikala: But if I went with them, I might make things awkward... I'm better off alone in my room, eating cheese.
Vikala: Hm?
???: Tch... Nothin' but junk in this room...
???: Wargh!
Vikala: Yeek!
???: (No way! There's someone onboard!)
???: (In all my years as a sneak thief, I've never cased a joint and thought it was empty when it wasn't. How did I miss her?)
???: (And how did she get this close without me noticing? She must be some kinda genius of stealth...)
Vikala: Aaah... Um... Excuse me!
Sneak Thief Sully: !
Vikala: I thought I was the only one onboard! I... I'm so sorry for startling you!
Sneak Thief Sully: ...?
Vikala: M-my name is Vikala... I j-just joined the crew recently... I thought I was the only one on guard duty...
Vikala: (Aagh, I don't know his name... This is so awkward... There are so many people in the crew, and I'm always looking at my feet, so I can never put names to faces...)
Sneak Thief Sully: (Don't tell me this dipsy doodle thinks I'm one of her crewmates.)
Sneak Thief Sully: (What a nimrod! Still...)
Vikala: S-sorry for bothering you! Just ignore me! I'll be going now!
Sneak Thief Sully: Hey, what's your hurry? Stay and chat a while!
Sneak Thief Sully: (I can't just let her go now that she's seen my face!)
Vikala: Chat? M-me? With you?
Sneak Thief Sully: Uh, yeah. Who else is there? We're the only ones onboard.
Vikala: (We just happen to run into each other on an empty ship, and he wants to chat? Oh, no. Don't tell me... This man is...)
Vikala: (A total Yangtopian?)
Vikala: Oh, uh, no, I... I have... some homework I have to do...
Sneak Thief Sully: Homework? I'll help ya with it! Don't be shy! You'll finish faster that way!
Vikala: (Urgh, he's so pushy! Why won't he quit? I'm like a snowmouse in a blast furnace around extroverts like him!)
Vikala: I f-forgot... I did my homework yesterday... Oh, I remember! I was on my way to the bathroom!
Sneak Thief Sully: This is the way out on deck... The bathroom's further inside, isn't it?
(I mean, I assume...)
Vikala: Huh? Ohhh, uh, well...
Weird, I don't have to go anymore.
Vikala: (Why is it so hard to end conversations? What would be the most natural way to just... act as if I'd never come in here in the first place?)
Sneak Thief Sully: (She's tryin' to get away from me! I knew it! She does know I broke in here!)
Vikala: (This is really bluing me out... I wanna be alone... I don't have the stamina to go around talking with people I don't know!)
Sneak Thief Sully: Ha... Haha... Hahaha! False alarm, huh?
Vikala: Eheh... Eheh... heh... It sure was.
Vikala: Hehe... Hehehe...
Sneak Thief Sully: (No way am I leaving her alone! She's planning to jump ship! I've gotta grab her and tie her up somewhere!)
Vikala: (Ugh, I really need to be alone! The solitude of my room calls out to me! I'm a citizen of Yintopia—that's where I belong!)
Vikala: (I'd much rather be lonely than have to sit here feeling inferior to a Yangtopian!)
The burglar desperately tries to keep tabs on his witness, while the painfully introverted Vikala longs to escape.
An epic battle of wills unfolds aboard the deserted Grandcypher.

Vikala's Long Day: Scene 2

When Vikala remembers that she is supposed to be the only one aboard, the burglar claims he returned to repair the ship. Vikala buys his story and assumes the burglar is Rackam. The burglar uses this to his advantage as he plots his escape.

Vikala is guarding the ship while the crew completes a mission. Craving only solitude, she has been locked in a social tug-of-war with a man she takes for a crewmate, but who is in fact a sneak thief.
Vikala: (Wait... Something's off here...)
Vikala: Haha! Leave it to me! You guys be careful!
Lyria: Will you be all right on your own?
Vikala: (Lyria was saying I'd be alone if I stayed behind on the ship... And this morning...)
Vikala: (Mornin', (Captain)! Beautiful weather we're having! You headed out somewhere?)
Vyrn: We've got a mission to take care of, so we're gettin' ready.
Vikala: Haha! Nice!
Vyrn: Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as always, huh, Vikala?
Vikala: You think so? This is just how I am!
Vyrn: Like (Captain)'s been saying, you don't have to push yourself to wear the rat ears all the time.
Vikala: I-I'm not... pushing myself... And call me Vicky... I'm in Yangtopian mode...
Vyrn: Hehe, well, whatever makes ya happy. So, who's on guard duty, (Captain)?
Vikala: Guard duty?
Vyrn: Pretty much everybody's got business on the island today, so we need someone to watch the ship.
Vikala: Oh! Then, um! I'll take care of that!
Vikala: U-um... I was supposed to be... the only one on guard duty today... So, uh... What are you... doing here?
Sneak Thief Sully: I... I was going out, but when I stepped off the ship, I noticed a hole in the hull, so I came back to repair it!
Vikala: Ship repairs? O-oh... Are you Rackam, the helmsman?
Sneak Thief Sully: Hm? Oh, sure. Yeah! That's who I am! I'm Rackam, the helmsman!
Vikala: That makes sense...
Vikala: (I didn't realize Rackam was so tall. I usually only see him from the knee down, so I don't recognize his face.)
Sneak Thief Sully: (All right. All I have to do is act like this Rackam guy, then once this girl lets her guard down, I'll truss her up like a holiday turkey.)
Rackam (?): So, uh... How's it going? Have you adjusted to life on the ship? Gotten to know your crewmates?
Vikala: Oh... No, not really... I really... don't feel like I fit in...
Rackam (?): Oh, yeah? Well, the ones who do fit in are the ones who aren't trying to.
Vikala: Huh?
Rackam (?): They're just doing their own thing, and that happens to work for them. In other words, it's just a question of compatibility.
Vikala: B-but... What if just doing your own thing... doesn't help you fit in?
Rackam (?): Hm? Well, let's turn that question on its head. Do you really wanna stick around somewhere you can't be yourself?
Vikala: ...!
Rackam (?): There's no reason to stay with a crew that's suffocating you. What's keeping you? You can always run off on your own.
Rackam (?): (Even if running away from my problems is how I wound up leading a life of crime...)
Vikala: The scales have fallen from my eyes...
Rackam (?): Whassat now?
Vikala: You've opened my eyes! You're amazing, Rackam! I'm really grateful.
Vikala: I've been racking my brain to figure out how I need to change to fit in here...
Rackam (?): Ah...
Rackam (?): (How long has it been since I've had a normal conversation like this?)
Rackam (?): Well... I'm sure you'll be all right! Giving the whole thing up is always an option, so for now, why don't you give it another shot?
Vikala: Y-you're right... Thank you so much!
Rackam (?): And don't go sneaking up behind people like that. You're gonna give someone a heart attack.
Vikala: Actually I'm so unremarkable that people are always saying, "I didn't realize you were here!"
Rackam (?): Haha, hahaha! Is that a fact! Hahahaha!
Vikala: Eheh, ehehe... It is a fact. Ehehehehe...
Happy laughter fills the otherwise silent corridors of the Grandcypher.

Vikala's Long Day: Scene 3

Vikala begins to harbor doubts about this "Rackam," so she uses her rat-ear headband to introduce "Vicky," another crew member left behind on the ship. The burglar sticks to his story, and Vikala believes him, so she reveals the secret of her yin and yang sides. Touched by her faith in him, the burglar resolves to live his life as Rackam from then on. Just then, the crew returns.

Rackam (?): Hahaha! You? One of the Twelve Divine Generals? That's a good one!
Vikala: Eheh, ehehe... It's truuue!
Vikala: Oh, come to think of it, you've been on this crew a long time, haven't you, Rackam? How did you meet Lyria and the others?
Rackam (?): Hm? Oh, well...
Rackam (?): (Lyria is a woman's name, right? Okay, well... Where would any seasoned skyfarer meet women?)
Rackam (?): Lyria and I met at a bar. She was so drunk... If I recall, we got into quite an argument, and that's how it all started...
Vikala: Wh-what! Lyria drinks?
Rackam (?): (Crap. Is Lyria a teetotaler? Well, I can't take it back now...)
Rackam (?): Not usually, but I think she'd had a really bad day. Best not to ask her about it—probably a sore spot.
Vikala: (I don't believe it...)
Lyria: Bartendeeerrr! Gimme another! Hehehe—hic—hehe...
Vikala: I n-never realized Lyria had such a dark side... Then... What about Vyrn?
Vikala: Vyrn is so cute... D-don't tell me...
Rackam (?): (Cute? So we're talkin' about a younger woman this time, right?)
Rackam (?): Ah, Vyrn... Vyrn? Vyrn's gonna be a real heartbreaker when she grows up. No doubt about it.
Vikala: !
Vikala: (I didn't know Vyrn was a girl!)
The longer she talks with this man who claims to be Rackam, the less his stories seem to add up.
Vikala begins to harbor doubts.
Vikala: (Is this person... actually an intruder?)
Vikala: (I mean... When I came in here, he was rummaging through the cabinets... And what he's been saying about the crew just doesn't sound right...)
Vikala: (But what should I do? I'm the only crew member onboard!
Oh! I know!)
Rackam (?): You're awfully quiet all of a sudden. What's wrong?
Vikala: Oh, um, I just remembered, Rackam... There's one more crew member onboard...
Rackam (?): There is?
Vikala: I bet she's feeling lonely, so... I'm gonna go get her!
Rackam (?): H-hey, wait up! Come back!
Ignoring the thief's cries, Vikala disappears deeper into the ship.
Rackam (?): (Crap! What do I do? I should get outta here. No, wait. Should I go after her? But... I...)
The thief vacillates a moment too long.
Vikala: Hey there! You stayed onboard too, huh?
Rackam (?): Whuh?
Vikala: Haha! My name's Vicky! Looks like we're in it together. Nice to meetcha!
Rackam (?): Y-yeah, nice to meet you. What happened to that other girl? Why didn't she come with you?
Vikala: Oh, her? Just a sec!
Vikala: You... wanted to see me?
Rackam (?): Has that... weirdly upbeat girl been on the ship this whole time?
Vikala: Yes... She has... I'd completely forgotten.
Rackam (?): (Great... Now I've got twice as many witnesses... I should've gotten out while the gettin' was good.)
Rackam (?): Listen, kiddo... I just remembered an errand I hafta do in town...
The thief rises from his seat.
Vikala: Wait, Rackam, don't go! The other girl said she had something she wanted to ask you!
Vikala: Huff... Puff...
H-hey there...
Rackam (?): You're really outta breath... Are you okay?
Vikala: Haha! Don't you worry about me! There was something I wanted to ask you. I'd really like... to know your name.
Rackam (?): My... name?
Rackam (?): (Damn it, now what? Does this girl know what the real Rackam looks like?)
Rackam (?): (If she does, she'll see right through me!)
Vikala: (Is this the real Rackam? He was so nice to me...)
Vikala: (I want to know the truth. I'm really scared, but... I want to have faith in him!)
Rackam (?): M-my name...
Vikala: ...
Rackam (?): Is Rackam!
Vikala: !
Rackam (?): (I don't wanna hurt that other kid's feelings.)
Rackam (?): (She was the first one to sit down and chat with me like that in a long time. For her sake, I have to see this lie through to the end! I... I've gotta become Rackam!)
Vikala: (So he is Rackam! Oh, that's such a relief!)
Vikala: I see... So your name's Rackam. Nice to meet you! Put 'er there!
Rackam (?): (Oof, that's a relief. She doesn't know Rackam, either. No, wait. I'm Rackam now.)
After giving the thief a hearty handshake, Vikala withdraws, removes her rat ears, then returns to the room.
Vikala: U-um... That cheerful girl you just talked to... was me!
Rackam (?): What!
Haltingly, Vikala explains how she uses her rat-ear headband to change into a more cheerful and outgoing version of herself.
Rackam (?): Unbelievable... You're like a whole different person. That's quite a shock.
Vikala: I hear that a lot... I'd really like to get to a place where I don't have to rely on my rat ears anymore...
Rackam (?): Heh... What's the big deal if you do? That persona is still a part of you, no matter what you're wearing. Why should you have to distance yourself from her?
Vikala: That... really makes me happy, Rackam. Thank you so much.
Rackam (?): (That settles it. For this girl, I'm going to live my life as Rackam from now on.)
Rackam (?): (Wait a minute... What am I doing on this ship, again? Oh, I remember now... I'm the helmsman...)
Vyrn: Yooo! We're back! Vikala, you here?
Vikala: Oh, welcome back, everyone. I was just having a chat with Rackam.
Lyria: Did Rackam get back before us? He said he was heading to the neighboring town to buy some tools to repair the ship...
Vikala: Oh, he ended up not going.
Rackam! (Captain) and the others are back!
A man comes striding out when Vikala calls.
Rackam (?): Yo! It's me, Rackam!
Vyrn: The heck is this?
Rackam (?): !
Vikala: Huh? It's... Rackam. Don't you recognize him?
Vyrn: Recognize, shmecognize. This dude—
Rackam (?): It's me... Rackam!
Vyrn: Seriously, dude! Who are you?
Lyria: Um... Maybe someone who just happens to have the same name?
Vikala: N-no... This is the helmsman of the Grandcypher...
Rackam (?): It's... me... Rackam...
Vyrn: Yeah, no. You don't even look a thing like him.
Rackam (?): I... I'm telling you, I'm Rackam!
Lyria: Um... This room looks like it's been turned upside down...
Vyrn: You think he came to burgle the ship? Let's get 'im, (Captain)!
Vikala: Oh no... Rackam...
  1. It's time to face the truth, Vikala.
  2. You okay leaving things like this?

Choose: It's time to face the truth, Vikala.
Vikala: But... I can't handle the truth... My own truth is just a disappointing version of myself.
Vikala: That's why I created a fake version of me. Even if that man lied, I'm in no position to judge him for it...

Choose: You okay leaving things like this?
Vyrn: It sounds like you guys were getting along pretty well, but if he's really a thief, then we gotta nab 'im!
Vyrn: Do you want us to handle the fake Rackam on our own?
Vikala: A fake... But I'm a fake too... I have no right...
Continue 1
Lyria: That's not true! You're still Vikala, whether you're wearing your rat ears or not!
Vyrn: Trying to be a better version of yourself doesn't make you a fake. Both versions are still you.
Vikala: ...
Vyrn: But that dude is not Rackam! Even if that blues you out!
Vikala: I... I understand! I'll help you capture him!
Vyrn: Yeah! Come on!

Vikala's Long Day: Scene 4

(Captain) and Vikala defeat the intruder, who promises Vikala he will mend his ways. Vikala in turn promises to be brave and get to know her crewmates properly. (Captain), Lyria, and Vyrn, watching this odd scene, resolve never to tell Rackam about it.

Sneak Thief Sully: Glurgh...
Vikala: Rackam...
Sneak Thief Sully: Heh... Now you know, kid. I'm nothin' but a low-down, dirty thief... Looks like I couldn't make myself into Rackam...
Vyrn: (Captain Obvious over here.)
Sneak Thief Sully: Damn, though, kid... You're really strong. What you said about being a Divine General—was that for real?
Vikala: Y-yes... I'm... one of the Twelve Divine Generals... the divine rat Vikala.
Sneak Thief Sully: Listen, Lady Vikala. I swear to you, I'm gonna turn my life around, and make up for every crime I've committed.
Sneak Thief Sully: I'm really sorry I lied to you. Especially when you were being so open with me. You told me how you felt about the version of yourself who wears the rat ears, and I turned around and lied like that...
Vikala: Um... I'm... I'm going to turn my life around too! I'm going to stop saying this version of me is a fake!
Sneak Thief Sully: Good. And don't forget to look your crewmates in the face from now on, okay? You don't want any more cases of mistaken identity on your hands.
Vikala: Yes... I've learned my lesson. I'm going to be braver, starting now.
(Captain) and the others are watching this scene unfold from a little ways off.
Lyria: Case closed, I guess?
Vyrn: I guess? I'm completely lost here.
Vyrn: At any rate, let's... not tell Rackam about this.
Lyria: Ahaha... Good idea.
Vikala often struggles with her identity, caught between yin and yang, but she has grown a bit through her experiences today.
Evidence of that growth will no doubt shine through during her journey aboard the Grandcypher.

Vikala Begins

Due to having lost her parents at a very young age, Vikala grew up not knowing any of her relatives or even her own birthday. With no other facilities willing to take her in, Vikala ended up staying at an orphanage for Harvins. Though her earlier days at the orphanage did not pose any problems, as she grew bigger, it became harder for her to fit in with her surroundings. With no other choice, Vikala was forced to leave the orphanage and take up a job while living on her own.

Her oldest memory...
Surfacing in Vikala's mind are not her own parents, but the complicated faces of adults looking down on her.
Townsperson 1: All we have are her name and age. I tried asking the girl, but she doesn't know anything—not her relatives, or her birthday...
Townsperson 2: She's still so young, after all... Unfortunate, really. I wonder what'll happen to her now?
Girl: ...
The adults crowded around the frightened little girl, frowning down at her.
Townsperson 1: The accident happened so suddenly. If we can't find someone to take her in, she'll probably be put in the orphanage.
Townsperson 2: You mean she'll have to leave this island? Poor thing...
Girl: ...?
Townsperson 1: Nothing for it. The only orphanage we've got here is the one for Harvin children.
Townsperson 2: If only it had bigger facilities...
Townsperson 1: If we were a larger country or had some kind of support available, things might be different... but as it stands, we don't have many options.
Townsperson 2: Hopefully there'll be a place willing to take her in soon...
Girl: ...
Townsperson 1: This is bad... The orphanage she was set to go to suddenly said they can't take her.
Townsperson 1: All the paperwork was pretty much done. But when we told them about her condition, the orphanage just decided to reject the application...
Girl: ...?
Townsperson 2: By "condition," you mean... that thing? I didn't think it was much to worry about...
Townsperson 1: We discussed it, and I think we're going to have her stay here on this island. It's not like we don't have an orphanage at all.
Townsperson 2: That's true. It shouldn't be that different for her while she's still young, even if the facilities are meant for smaller folks.
Townsperson 1: Exactly. It won't be difficult for her at all. At least while she's still tiny.
Girl: ...
No one there dared to ask the question that was on all of their minds—of what would happen once she got bigger.
Director: From today, this is your home. Everyone here is your family. Let's get along, okay?
Vikala: ...?
Kid's Voice: Why aren't you saying anything?
Kid's Voice: Can you talk?
Kid's Voice: Where're you from?
Girl: Ah... Ngh... Aah...
Director: Feeling a bit nervous, are we?
Let's be kind to Vikala, okay, everyone?
Kids' Voices: Okaaay!
Kid's Voice: Hey, Vikala. Come play with us!
Vikala: Um... Okay...
Kid's Voice: What do you wanna do today, Vikala? Jump rope or hide-and-seek?
Vikala: Um, hide...
Kid's Voice: Hide-and-seek?
Vikala: Um, jum...
Kid's Voice: Jump rope?
Vikala: Um... B-both...
Kid's Voice: I like both too!
Kid's Voice: Okay, let's do both then!
Vikala: Hehe... Ahaha.
Despite the misfortune that befell in her childhood years, Vikala was able to find a meager peace in the time she spent with children of similar circumstances.
However, eventually an end to that peaceful time came.
Kid's Voice: Hey. What're you staring at? You looking down on us or something?
Vikala: Oh, um... No...
Kid's Voice: Tch... Get away from me. Go hide in a corner or something like you always do.
Vikala: Um, okay...
Though Vikala was the most docile of all the children at the orphanage, by that time, she was already taller than anyone else.
The children were at an age where their rebellious phase was beginning to kick in.
That day, Vikala was standing in the corner of a hallway as told when she felt something bump against her calf.
Kid's Voice: Owww! Why would you hang around in the corner like that?
Vikala: Um, I'm s-s-sorry...
Kid's Voice: Geez, now everything's all over the place! Don't you think you should be more careful since you're so big and all?
Vikala: I'm r-r-really sorry! I-I'll clean it up...
Kid's Voice: Don't touch them! You'll just make an even bigger mess! I mean, you're clumsy as heck!
Vikala: Oh, um... I'll go get some cleaning supplies then...
Kid's Voice: Eep!
Vikala: Um, sorry! A-a-are you oka—
Kid's Voice: Oh... My hair clip broke! That was a present from my mother...
Kid's Voice: You broke it, Vikala! I saw you step on it!
Vikala: Ah... I...
Kid's Voice: Are you all right? Let's go tell the director... Maybe it can still be fixed.
Kid's Voice: I'm okay... I'll go by myself...
Vikala: U-um... I'm... I'm really sorry... I'll come with y—
Kid's Voice: Stay away from us! You probably did it on purpose, for all we know!
Vikala: Um, I-I'd never do... something like...
Regardless of the fact that they had all grown up together, Vikala had come to be singled out—a target of criticism from the others every day.
Vikala had grown to a height where it was no longer possible for her to fit in with the other children, or move comfortably around the small facilities.
Then, one day.
Vikala: Huh? Um... what did you just...
Director: Right, like I was saying... how about you try leaving the orphanage and living by yourself? After all, it doesn't seem like you quite fit in here.
Director: I did try finding another place for you to go, but...
Finding an orphanage willing to take in a girl approaching the age of thirteen proved difficult.
Director: It seems places are quite full... so I discussed the matter with the town association.
Vikala: Wha? Um...
Director: The association has offered to arrange a place for you to live, as well as a job. That sounds pretty good to me—what do you think, Vikala? Why don't you give it a shot?
Vikala: Um... Um, okay... Thank you for everything...
That was how Vikala came to leave the orphanage she grew up in to live on her own.

Vikala Begins: Scene 2

Life wasn't easy for Vikala outside of the orphanage. One day, a steel trap by the name of Dormouse appeared in front of Vikala, telling her that she is the next Divine Rat. Despite Vikala's refusal to become a Divine General, Dormouse made itself at home at her house. When Delilah—Vikala's friend from the orphanage—visited her house, it became apparent that Delilah was unable to hear Dormouse's voice, misinterpreting their conversation as Vikala talking to an imaginary friend.

Store Manager: There's still a spot on this plate! I told you before, didn't I? Do you even listen?
Vikala: Um, I'm sorry!
Store Manager: Good grief... You can't even wash dishes properly.
Though Vikala was out of the orphanage that had become too small for her, she still found it hard to adapt to the outside world.
Vikala: ...
Vikala was heading home from work for the day, when suddenly she heard a sound from the bushes.
Mysterious Voice: Whew, there you are!
Vikala: Huh...
Mysterious Voice: I didn't expect to find you so fast. Guess I lucked out that you were still on this island.
Vikala: Huh? Um... Wh-who might you be?
Mysterious Voice: I'm here to get you.
Vikala: To... get me? Um, where are you talking from? Are you sure you don't have the wrong person...
Mysterious Voice: No way I'd get the wrong person. I know for sure...
Mysterious Voice: That you're the next Divine Rat of the Twelve Divine Generals!
Vikala: Um, I can't...
Mysterious Voice: ...
Vikala: So, um... goodbye...
Vikala shuffled away as fast as she could.
Vikala: Sigh... What in the skies was that?
???: Well, that's rude of you!
Vikala: Eek!
???: You can't just leave like that when someone came all the way to see you! Seriously, we were in the middle of a conversation there!
Vikala: H-huh? The voice from earlier... What... is this?
Dormouse: I suppose that's a normal reaction. I'm Dormouse—a steel trap for monsters.
Vikala: Dor... what? Um, what... do you want from me?
Dormouse: Like I just told you, you're the next Divine Rat. Set to be a full-fledged Divine General.
Vikala: Um... me? A Divine General? I-I can't...
???: Vikala, are you there?
Vikala: Y-y-yes, I am! R-right here!
???: What were you talking about? Is someone else here?
Vikala: Oh, well, um... there's this—
Dormouse: By the way, no one can hear my voice but you.
Vikala: Wha! R-really? Th-that's... a rather convenient feature...
???: Huh? Convenient feature?
Vikala: Oh, nothing... Um...
Dormouse: Maybe you should just stop talking about me. Our conversation can wait till after.
Vikala: Um, right... I was just talking to myself... Like to an imaginary friend, you know?
???: Okay... Well, anyway... maybe don't do that when you're in front of other people. It's pretty scary to see.
Dormouse: Who's this young lady?
Vikala: Um, Delilah grew up with me at the orphanage. Sometimes she comes to check up on me...
Dormouse & Delilah: Orphanage?
Delilah: That is so scary! Could you please not introduce me to your imaginary friend?
Dormouse: What do you mean you grew up at an orphanage? What about your parents!
Vikala: Um, I'm sorry! It gets overwhelming when you're both talking to me at the same time!
Delilah: You mean I'm talking to you at the same time as your imaginary friend?
Vikala: Um, well... Ah...
Delilah: Get a hold of yourself!
Delilah swung her right hand and slapped Vikala across the face.
Vikala: Gwah!
Delilah: I understand living by yourself can be tough... But you can't lose your sanity like this!
Vikala: R-right... Sorry...
Vikala: Um, about your brooch...
The hair clip Vikala had once broken in her earlier days at the orphanage now sat as a brooch on Delilah's chest.
Vikala: U-um... I'm really sorry I broke it... I-I...
Delilah: It's fine. It was a good chance to remodel it into something else anyway. I'm not really at an age where wearing hair clips is a thing anymore.
Seeing that Vikala was still doing well on her own, Delilah returned to the orphanage shortly after that.
Dormouse: The Harvin girl just now... She's rather tall, isn't she?
Vikala: Oh, Delilah is really amazing... Since a long time ago, she's been eating, sleeping, and doing jump squats a lot in order to grow taller.
Vikala: Now she has a job that involves hunting with a spear. She's kind of like everyone's big sister at the orphanage...
Dormouse: Oh yeah, about the orphanage! Explain!
As demanded, Vikala told Dormouse about her life at the orphanage and why she was living by herself.
Dormouse: Okay, I get the situation now. But how did you end up at an orphanage for Harvins in the first place?
Vikala: Um, well... I did hear that I was originally supposed to be sent to an orphanage on another island...
Vikala: At the time, sometimes my hair would turn white all of a sudden... The orphanage got scared when they heard about it and ended up rejecting my application...
Dormouse: ...!
Dormouse: (I don't believe it! She's the direct descendant of the very first Divine Rat...)
Dormouse: (But her lineage ended up causing such a tragic childhood... Even the incident with her hair is because of the blood flowing in her veins!)
Dormouse: (After all that crap she went through, is she going to throw a fit once she learns about where she comes from?)
Dormouse: (What if she asks why I didn't come to get her sooner? Oh no...)
Vikala: S-so, um... why are you so intent on getting me to become... a Divine General?
Dormouse: Just... Just because! As a shikigami partner, I kind of have that sixth sense. I can tell when someone looks up to the job!
Vikala: I-I'm not sure your sixth sense is working so well right now...
Dormouse: It's working just fine! Anyway, I've already decided! The next Divine Rat is gonna be you!
Vikala: Wha... No way... Now what am I going to do?
Vikala: Ooh... This blues me out...
And that was how Dormouse came to stay at Vikala's house from that day on.

Vikala Begins: Scene 3

Eventually accepting her role as the Divine Rat, Vikala began to think of how she could bring to reality the ideal self she pictured in her head. She carefully put together a new outfit and rat ears in hopes of being a positive Yangtopian who can bring smiles to all. The moment she put on the ears, the power of the Divine Rat awakened within Vikala.

Vikala's Voice: I-I-I'll be heading home now... G-good night...
Vikala: Oh, Dorrie... You're here today too.
Dormouse: Nice work. I could hear the manager yelling at you from outside.
Vikala: Um, yeah, I'm clumsy... so I don't do anything well...
Dormouse: (That's strange... With her lineage, she should be blessed with immense talent...)
Vikala: Um, so, um... I can be a... Divine General... if you want...
Dormouse: Huh! Really?
Vikala: Y-yeah... You're trying so hard and everything, so... if having an introverted Yintopian like me as a General is okay with you...
Dormouse: That's the spirit! Still, your power as the Divine Rat hasn't awoken yet.
Dormouse: The first Divine Rat was like a leader figure who guided the Twelve Divine Generals.
Dormouse: Such was the case for a lot of the Divine Rats up until now. That's why we're going to get you to that status too.
Dormouse: Let's make you into someone that can shine—a powerful existence loved by all!
Vikala: Um, that's...
Dormouse: What?
Vikala: Um, well... Since long ago, I've always had this ideal image of myself... where I'm an extroverted Yangtopian... Pretty much like what you described, Dorrie.
Dormouse: Oh? Tell me more.
Vikala: S-since I always end up a mess like this, I don't really fit in with others... so I end up fantasizing by myself a lot...
Vikala: I have this reflection time at night every time I do something wrong, where I think about what I would've done instead if I was my ideal self...
Vikala: B-but before I knew it... it was in my head all the time... doing what I would do if I was really my ideal self...
Vikala: I'd... I'd encourage people who were feeling down and brighten up their day... I'd be super energetic and have a really funny personality...
Dormouse: That might be a sign—you need to let that side of yourself come to the surface. Try letting it out of your head.
Vikala: But... I can't... Besides, it's just a fantasy and... completely different from my usual personality...
Vikala: M-my ideal self isn't boring like this... I'm wearing this huge ribbon... and a frilly skirt...
Dormouse: Then we'll get just that! Whatever it takes to help you become that person, we can arrange for it!
Vikala: I c-can't just waltz into a clothing store... Those kinds of places are for Yangtopians. I'm sure there's an unspoken rule that people like me can't be there...
Vikala: Oh...
Vikala's gaze stopped at a corner of the street where a pile of garbage sat.
Vikala: Rrgh... Oof. It's a bit old, but it'll do nicely...
Vikala brought home a torso mannequin that she found among the garbage, putting it in a corner of her room.
Dormouse: You're gonna make the outfit you picture your ideal self wearing? Can you?
Vikala: Um, yeah... It'd be easier to make it myself than to go into a clothing store, so...
Dormouse: (Pretty sure it's usually the other way around!)
And so Vikala began making the clothes she pictured her ideal self wearing.
Vikala: Sigh... I'm glad the cloth was on sale...
One day, Vikala was walking home in town after picking up some materials for her outfit-making.
Townswoman: Sob... Sooob...
Dormouse: What's with that lady? Why is she crying?
Dormouse hid in the shadows, following Vikala around while avoiding the attention of people in the streets.
Vikala: I-I heard that lady recently lost her partner... He was a soldier...
Dormouse: So he died on the battlefield, huh? Tale as old as time, unfortunately. And she's been crying ever since?
Vikala: Y-yeah... Everyone knows about her. Everywhere the lady goes she's reminded of him, whether it's in the house or outside, so she ends up crying...
Vikala: At f-first, everyone tried their best to comfort her, but she just couldn't bring herself to feel better, even after some time...
Dormouse: She must feel a sadness no one else can understand...
Dormouse: The outfit's progressing nicely.
Dormouse: You're really good at this. Have you always had this kind of skill?
Vikala: Oh, um... We used to have the occasional side job at the orphanage where we took in items from people and worked together to mend them... We saved up funds that way...
Vikala: B-but it was just a temporary thing, so we didn't make a whole lot, and it wasn't a stable job...
Delilah: Hey, how's it going?
Vikala: Oh, Delilah... H-h-hello...
Vikala: U-um, actually... I have a favor to ask you, Delilah, if... that's okay...
Vikala: Do y-you think you could t-teach me how to... g-g-get along with other people?
Dormouse: Oho! Fantastic idea!
Delilah: What's the matter all of a sudden? Did something happen?
Vikala: Oh, no, I was just thinking I should probably... grow up a bit. I-if it's too hard for you though, I totally understand...
Delilah: I don't mind.
Vikala: R-really?
Delilah: You know what, why don't we give it a try now? Pretend I'm someone you don't know and approach me in a cheerful way.
Vikala: Ch-cheerful way? Um... Okay...
Vikala: Y-yooo! You feelin'... the vibes?
Delilah: Gross!
Delilah: There's a difference between cheerful and plain obnoxious!
Vikala: Oh... Sorry... I don't really know how much distance to put between myself and others... I thought I'd just act all Yang...
Delilah: Other people aren't as scary as you think, so no need to be that nervous. Just talk to them naturally.
Vikala: O-okay...
As her outfit progressed, Vikala also began to undergo training from Delilah on effective interpersonal skills.
Townsperson 1: ...
Vikala: Um, hello... N-nice weather, huh?
Townsperson 1: Hm? Yeah, but I hear it's gonna start raining from the evening.
Vikala: Um, how are you today? I... I was born on this island, you know.
Vikala: What are your hobbies? I-I like to blow bubbles in the afternoon...
Townsperson 1: ...?
Delilah: Cut it out with the one-sided conversations!
Vikala: S-sorry! I, um, tried to say the lines like how you wrote them out for me...
Delilah: That's great and all, but did you also read what I wrote about listening and reacting to what the other person is saying too?
Just then, they heard a loud sob from nearby.
Townswoman: Sob... Aah...
Delilah: She's at it again... Let's go somewhere else.
Delilah: Why're you doing this all of a sudden anyway? What're you trying to accomplish?
Vikala: W-well... I just thought it would be nice if I could cheer people up and help them have a good time...
Delilah: You do realize we're orphans, right? Eventually we'll be out there all on our own—I mean, you're kind of like that already.
Delilah: It's hard enough just surviving in the skies. Generally, we don't have room in our lives to worry about other people.
Delilah: If you spend all your time and effort on others, how do you plan to take care of yourself?
Vikala: Well, u-um... I... h-haven't thought too much about it yet...
Delilah: I started living at the orphanage a little before you arrived, after my single mom passed away.
Delilah: I grew faster than all the other kids and couldn't fit in well with them... until you came.
Vikala: Huh? R-really?
Delilah: Anyway... We're all orphans—none of us blessed with homes or loving environments.
Delilah: Worrying about others isn't a bad thing in itself. But that should be left to people in better situations than us.
Delilah: Why should we be nice to other people anyway? What would we get out of it?
Vikala: Why should we...
Delilah: I don't know what happened, but I think it's okay for us to think more about ourselves first—only ourselves.
The training with Delilah ended for the day, and Vikala was left to think on her own at home.
Vikala: ...
Dormouse: What're you thinking about? Don't tell me you're actually taking what that Delilah told you seriously?
Dormouse: It's true that you're not blessed with the best environment, but you've come this far... You're almost there.
The torso mannequin in Vikala's room sat quietly, dressed from top to the bottom in the clothes designed for the Divine Rat.
Dormouse: Hm?
Mouse: ...!
Noticing a single little mouse huddled in the corner, their eyes met with it before the creature scuttled away and disappeared.
Vikala: Oh, a mouse...
Dormouse: Don't girls around your age usually squeal when they see mice?
Vikala: Y-yeah... Sometimes there were mice at the orphanage, and I was scared of them then. But that mouse just now didn't frighten me all that much.
Dormouse: That's because the mouse was a spirit you produced—something that answers to the beckoning of the Divine Rat.
Vikala: Huh?
Dormouse: The fact that the mouse spirit appeared means you must be close to awakening. You have the true talent of the Divine Rat.
Dormouse: I hope you won't change your mind about being a Divine General...
Vikala: I-I was only thinking about Delilah's question of why I should do something for other people. That's it...
Vikala: The ideal s-self I picture in my head is very concrete... I know it's not a lie.
Vikala: B-before I went to the orphanage, the adults all looked at me like I was a problem for them...
Vikala: Then when I s-started staying at the orphanage, I caused so much trouble for everyone... and they always got mad at me for it...
Vikala: I always felt... so b-bad about it...
Dormouse: What do you mean?
Vikala: I-if only I was better at what I did, I'm sure everyone would laugh a lot more... That's why I want to try and listen to people's feelings...
While mumbling these words, Vikala's gaze was fixed on something she was making with her hands.
Dormouse: Are those... ears?
Vikala: Yeah. I p-picture my ideal self listening to people's negative emotions... and turning them into laughter.
Vikala: S-so these big ears... are for listening to people. Kind of like... my vow to them.
Dormouse: (This girl's experienced so many hardships, I wouldn't blame her if she hated everyone... yet she still wants to dedicate herself to helping other people.)
Vikala: In th-the end, I'm not... doing it for other people...
Vikala: It's just that... I-I feel I can be a brighter person too if I help brighten up other people's days.
Vikala: A Yangtopian who always gives out p-positive energy... who's always smiling, and makes other people smile... Th-that's who I want to be.
Vikala: Someone who everyone wants to talk to... That's the kind of p-paradise I imagine...
Vikala: A "Utopia"!
When Vikala put the ears on her head, Dormouse grew dumbfounded.
Dormouse: Wh-what is this!

Vikala Begins: Scene 4

An event called the "Eccentrical Parade" was put on for Vikala to unveil herself as the new Divine Rat, ending with great success. However, except for Delilah, no one recognized Vikala for who she was. An unexpected encounter with (Captain) propelled Vikala to start her journey with the crew as a skyfarer. In the midst of their travels, one day, the crew receive a letter from the orphanage Vikala had grown up at.

Days later, Delilah visited Vikala's house only to find no one answering the door. As she began to walk back to the orphanage, she remembered something.
Delilah: Wait a minute...
Realizing that she hadn't seen the crying lady recently, Delilah found herself growing strangely worried.
Delilah: Um, excuse me! Do you know anything about the person who's usually crying around here?
Worst-case scenarios popping up in her head, Delilah decided to ask someone nearby.
Townsperson 1: Ah, her. She's gotten back up on her feet.
Townsperson 2: Boy am I relieved... There was nothing we could do to console her, so I was really worried what was going to happen...
Delilah: Huh? So what ended up happening?
Townsperson 2: As it turns out, the new Divine Rat's been decided.
Townsperson 1: Thanks to the Divine Rat, she's been able to pick herself back up. Now she's visiting the Rat Temple often to help out with things.
Townsperson 2: Rumors are that the Divine Rat's preparing something incredible for the big unveiling ceremony.
Townsperson 1: Well, looking at previous examples of the Divine Rat, I doubt the ceremony's gonna be anything above average though.
Delilah: Right...
Despite the low expectations of the townspeople, the unveiling of the new Divine Rat ended up going beyond everyone's imagination.
Store Manager: Wooow!
On the day of the ceremony, a procession of large floats and multitudes of dancers walked through the streets of town.
The townspeople stared with their mouths agape at this spectacle called the "Eccentrical Parade."
Delilah: W-wait, that's...
Townsperson 1: So that's the new Divine Rat... The one who will take on the mantle!
Vikala: Haha! Thank you, thank you!
Vikala: I'm Vikala, the new Divine Rat of the Twelve Divine Generals! Just call me Vicky!
Store Manager: Vickyyy!
Townsperson 2: Hm? Hey, look over there! Isn't that dancer...
Delilah: Oh!
Townswoman: ...!
Townsperson 2: Oh my, she certainly looks like she's enjoying herself! So she's become a dancer for the Rat Temple. What an elegant dance...
Townswoman: Hehe...
Delilah: She really has gotten back up on her feet... Did the Divine Rat do that? This Vikala is amazing...
Delilah: Hang on. Vikala?
Vikala: Thank you, thank you!
Delilah: Wait a minute... Waaait a minute!
Everyone in town found themselves smiling as Vikala danced cheerfully, swaying her hips left and right.
Aside from Delilah, no one in the entire town realized who Vikala was—not even the other children or the director at the orphanage.
Vikala: Nice work out there! That was the best parade ever! Looking forward to putting on another fantastic show with everyone!
Townswoman: Thanks, Lady Vikala! Nice work!
Vikala: Now's our chance!
Townswoman: Eep! Wh-what's going on?
Vikala: Happy birthday! It's today, isn't it?
Come on, everyone! Let's clap our hands and celebrate our friend's special day!
Townswoman: H-huh? Oh yeah, it is my birthday... Oh my goodness, I'm so happy... Thank you so much for arranging this for me...
Vikala: Don't worry about a thing! I love celebrating birthdays! Here, put this sticker on so everyone'll know it's your big day today!
Townswoman: Thanks to you, Lady Vikala, I've been feeling a lot better. I've even become friends with the other dancers...
Townswoman: I think I was really lonely. I lost my partner, and I felt like I was all alone in these skies... but it's different now.
Vikala: I'll always be right here next to you! All our friends are here too. You're not alone!
Townswoman: Yes... Thank you very much. I know that he would say the same to me if he were here now.
Vikala smiled, happy the relationship between herself and the dancers she asked for help from was growing. However...
Townswoman: Hm?
Vikala: Um, h-h-hello... I j-just wanted to say th-thanks for everythi—
Townswoman: Whatever is the matter, young lady? You've got quite the dark expression on your face. Something truly tragic must have happened to you.
Vikala: Huh? Um, no, nothing happened... I've always had this face...
Townswoman: Oh, you don't have to hide it... I know! Why don't you try dancing at the Rat Temple?
Townswoman: I'm sure that'll cheer you up—and Lady Vikala will be right there with you! How about giving it a try?
Vikala: Erm, well, you see... physically that's kind of... impossible for me...
Townswoman: You know, I used to do nothing but cry every single day. But then, one day, the new Divine Rat Lady Vikala called out to me in that cheerful voice of hers...
Townswoman: My tears didn't stop there, but Lady Vikala didn't give up. She kept talking to me, again and again, and thanks to her I feel a lot better now.
Vikala: Oh... Right... I'm glad to hear that...
Townswoman: If you need any help, just let me know, okay? I want to put a smile on someone else's face too, just like Lady Vikala!
Store Manager: Hey! Quit dawdling and wash these dishes! Just how long are you gonna stand around?
Vikala: Um, I-I-I'm sorry!
Store Manager: It's Lady Vikala's Eccentrical Parade today! If I end up late to it because of you, I'm never gonna let you hear the end of it!
Vikala: R-r-right! Um, I-I'll get these cleaned up straight away...
Store Manager: Good grief. Here I am all ready for the parade... Can't believe I'm still stuck here. Aah, I can't wait to see Lady Vikala!
Vikala: Oh, those ears...
Store Manager: Hm? Haha, aren't they nice? I lined up at the Rat Temple to get these for three rupies.
Store Manager: Hope I can get a handshake from Lady Vikala today... I might pass out if she takes my hand and smiles at me from up close!
Vikala: Oh, heh... Heh heh...
Store Manager: What's with that flimsy smile on your face? You want these ears for yourself, don't you! No can do! They're my treasure!
Despite Vikala having done nothing to hide her identity, nobody—not even her dancers or her fans—recognized Vikala in her usual form.
Dormouse: Well, that's only to be expected. You might have the same name, but you don't look anything like yourself post-transformation.
Vikala: Right... I know... Well, I don't think anyone I know from before even remembers my name, so... Haha...
Dormouse: Are you sure you're okay with this? Your parade events are coming to an end, aren't they?
Vikala: My mission's a-accomplished... I w-was able to turn myself into a Y-Yangtopian by putting on ears...
Vikala: B-besides, if I keep doing parades all the time, it'll cause trouble for the town...
Vikala: I didn't think word would spread so far that people from outside of the island would start coming too...
Vikala: A-all I want is for this to end peacefully... I mean, I-I've never been one to attract any attention anyway...
Townswoman: Lady Vikala, thank you for this wonderful experience! I'm so grateful you invited me to dance with you!
Vikala: Haha, I'm the one who should be thanking you! I wouldn't have been able to put on this parade without all of you helping me!
Townswoman: If you ever do another Eccentrical Parade, please let me know! I'll be there!
Vikala: Of course! All of you take care, okay? And before you go, let's say the magic words together!
Vikala & Dancers: Lucky! Cookie! Vicky!
After seeing the dancers off, Vikala was left all by herself at the Rat Temple. She quietly changed back into her usual attire.
Vikala: Time for home.
But just as she was about to head home, she heard footsteps and voices approaching.
Someone's Voice: Empty behind the temple too. It doesn't seem like anyone lives here at all...
Someone's Voice: Let's ask that kid over there. Say, have you seen Lady Vikala?
Vikala: Wha! Ah, u-um...
Vikala covered her face with her hands and nodded in the spur of the moment, pointing the strangers toward the forest.
A single person stood unmoving.
(Captain): ...
Vikala: Huh?
Timidly raising her head, Vikala and (Captain)'s eyes met for the first time, changing the Divine Rat's life forever.
The very next day.
Vikala: Huff... Huff... Huff...
Delilah: What's wrong?
Vikala: U-um, you see... Actually, I... um...
Vikala related (Captain) and company's invitation to join their crew to Delilah in great detail.
Delilah: Wha? Are you sure that skyfaring crew's not just some suspicious bunch?
Vikala: Th-they're not suspicious... I think. I-I'm sure they're... good people!
Delilah: Good people, huh? All right then.
So you came all the way here to tell me that?
Vikala: Um, well... You're p-probably the only person who knows me on this island, so...
Vikala: I w-wanted to see what you thought... even though I was so s-s-surprised last night, I just rejected their offer flat-out...
Delilah: ...
Delilah: I don't care where you go. Do what you want. If you go now, you can probably still catch them.
Vikala: O-okay! Ah, um... Th-th-thank you for e-everything, Delilah!
Vikala: S-s-see you!
Delilah: I...
Delilah opened her mouth to say something else, but Vikala was already running toward the port.
Some months have passed since then.
Vyrn: Hey, we got a new request... Isn't this the island you're from, Vikala?
Lyria: Seems like it's a letter from an orphanage!
Vikala: Huh? A letter from... an orphanage, you say?
One day, a letter from the orphanage Vikala once lived at arrives for the crew.
Upon reading that the orphanage is in danger, the crew decides to sail for the island.

Vicky Rises

(Captain) and company are asked to find the bandits who stole money meant for paying the orphanage's debts. Delilah appears to fill the crew in on the details, and expresses how worried she is that Vikala may feel uncomfortable helping the orphanage and island that had abandoned her. But to Delilah's surprise, Vikala tells her she does not think of herself as unfortunate nor does she harbor any hate whatsoever. The crew begins investigating into the bandits.

(Captain) and the crew suddenly find themselves with a letter from the orphanage Vikala once stayed at.
It turns out to be a request for them to find a thief who has stolen money from the orphanage.
Director: Thank you for coming. I heard that Lady Vikala's skyfaring crew was nearby and decided to try writing to you.
Vikala: No worries at all! We'll definitely get the money back!
  1. Let's hear more about this.
  2. What was the money for?

Choose: Let's hear more about this.
Choose: What was the money for?
Director: The money was for repaying our debt... When we looked into what happened, we learned the ones who stole it are likely professionals.
Vyrn: You guys borrowed money?
Director: Yes, it's quite normal. Orphanages are able to run through donations and fundraising.
Director: We have very limited financial resources. The children might get some side jobs, but the work we receive isn't stable.
Vikala: ...
Director: Meanwhile, our facility continues to deteriorate over the years. Holes start appearing in our roof and walls, and those become necessary expenses as well.
Director: That's why we decided to borrow a significant sum of money from someone with the resources. And now, the date to return the money is getting close...
Director: The orphanage and plot of land it sits on act as collateral, so they'll be seized if we can't repay our debt.
Lyria: So the orphanage will be gone? That's terrible... Could you talk it over and have the deadline pushed back?
Director: We tried talking to the person we borrowed the finances from, but it doesn't seem possible...
Vyrn: Wha, why? Pretty petty of 'em not to give you more time. I mean, they're rich already!
Director: To be honest, we've already had the deadline extended nine times... A tenth time would be rather impossible...
Vyrn: Okay, on second thought, maybe they're not that petty.
Vikala: Leave it to us! All of my friends are super dependable and will be sure to do their best to help!
Director: Thank you very much, Lady Vikala! I truly appreciate it!
The director of the orphanage prostrates himself, gripping Vikala's hand with both hands. (Captain) and the others look at him curiously.
Vyrn: (Wait... This is supposed to be the orphanage that Vikala stayed at, right?)
Lyria: (It doesn't seem like the director recognizes Vikala...)
Kid's Voice: Mr. Director! The wall over here's collapsing!
Director: What!
My apologies... You'll have to excuse me!
Vyrn: Must be hard bein' director of an orphanage...
After introducing the resident who had suggested asking (Captain)'s crew for help, the director hurries out of the room.
Delilah: I'm Delilah. Nice to meet you.
Lyria: It's nice to meet you, Delilah!
When it's (Captain)'s turn to say hello, Delilah smiles.
Delilah: I'm actually very interested in skyfarers and what they do. It's an honor to be able to meet an actual skyfarer like this.
Vyrn: Hey, I couldn't help but notice—compared to all the other kids around here...
Delilah: I'm pretty tall, right? I've worked on getting taller since I was really young.
Delilah: People tend to look down on you when you're small, you see. I can fight with a spear, so I don't need any protecting from others.
Vyrn: Ooh, you sound pretty dependable.
Vikala: Thanks for having us, Delilah!
Delilah: Lady Vikala... Or, I mean, Vikala...
Vikala: Haha! Sure takes me back to the old days!
If you don't mind, I'm gonna go take a walk around town, (Captain)!
Delilah: Huh? Wait!
Vyrn: But we're just about to talk about the job... What's gotten into her?
Dormouse: Why'd you run off like that? It's been a while since you saw each other.
Vikala: I know, but... Well...
Delilah: I see you're talking to your imaginary friend again.
Vikala: Eep! D-Delilah! H-h-how did you kn-know I'd be here?
Delilah: Where else would you be? I brought the captain and your crew too.
Lyria: So this is where you live, Vikala!
Vikala: Huh? Ah, um, yes... Welcome... I guess...
Delilah: Why did you run off like that all of a sudden?
Vikala: It felt incredibly embarrassing having someone I know from way back see me acting as a full-fledged Yangtopian...
Vikala: I'm s-sorry... I usually don't get that flustered when I have my rat ears on...
Vikala: Wait a second. Delilah, you recognized me when I had my ears on?
Delilah: Uh, of course... I've known you for quite a while now, after all.
Vikala: R-right... Well that in itself is embarrassing...
Delilah: But you're right. Not a single person at the orphanage but me has noticed that it's you.
Vyrn: Ooh, so this is your house, huh? It's pretty run-down!
Lyria: Vyrn! Be nice!
Vyrn: Oh, whoops... Sorry, I didn't mean it like that.
Vikala: Oh, no, it's okay... It's true that it's old...
Delilah: It's a storage shed that used to belong to someone in the area. Vikala got it pretty much for free since they were planning to demolish it anyway.
Vyrn: And that's how you started livin' here, huh? The draft comin' in through the cracks is pretty bad though... How about we fix 'em for ya?
Delilah: I saw a home and furniture shop on our way here—we can probably get anything else we might need there.
Lyria: Oh, I saw it too! Since we're going to fix some things up anyway, let's put up some decorations and make the place nice!
Vikala: Ah, um... Huh?
Despite just having met one another, the crew and Delilah find themselves getting along immediately.
Vikala: (E-even though they supposedly met through me, they're all friends already even without my help!)
Vikala: (Those are some true communication skills... I guess Yangtopians just call out to each other. Wouldn't really make a difference even if a Yintopian like me wasn't here...)
Vikala: (I don't want to interrupt their conversation, so I'll just do my best to get out of their way...)
Vikala: ...
Delilah: I know a shop that sells everything you'll need for stocking up for your journey too. I'll show you later.
Lyria: That would be wonderful!
Vyrn: I gotta restock my apples too!
(Captain) gently puts a hand on Vikala's shoulder.
Vikala: Oh! Um, (Captain)?
The captain redirects the conversation to resolving the incident they came here for.
Delilah: Right... We'd really appreciate your help in getting the money back.
Delilah: Except you, Vikala. No need for you to get involved.
Vikala: Huh? B-b-but... Um... D-did I do something to u-upset you?
Delilah: No... That's not what I meant. Sorry... I've always wanted to apologize to you, Vikala.
Vikala: To me?
Delilah: Back then, you came when I was having a hard time fitting in with the others at the orphanage.
Delilah: Since you came after me, you were easier to talk to compared to the other kids. And that's how I started getting along with everyone else.
Vikala: R-really?
Delilah: You were really young, so it's only natural that you wouldn't remember.
Delilah: I noticed early on that you weren't a Harvin like the rest of us.
Delilah: And I thought to myself how you'd eventually end up looking conspicuous once you started growing.
Delilah: That's why I wanted to grow taller. I thought if I was tall, maybe then you wouldn't stand out so much on your own.
Delilah: So I did a ton of jump squats and other things to try to make myself taller.
Vikala: Th-that's why you always did so many jump squats...
Vyrn: (I thought Vikala was pretty crazy already, but so's this girl...)
Delilah: But you ended up not being able to stay at the orphanage after all... I'm sorry, Vikala... I couldn't stop it.
Delilah: Honestly, I was worried when you said you were gonna join a skyfaring crew, but I thought it might be better for you than sticking around this island.
Delilah: This place hasn't given you the best memories... You had to deal with misfortune after misfortune—of course you'd hate us.
Lyria: Delilah...
Delilah: So I think you should just leave us behind. Then we won't be able to give you any more burdens to bear...
Delilah: But before that... I have a favor to ask. All that unhappiness and rage stored up inside you... Just let it out on me.
Delilah: Vent all your emotions in the form you're in right now—the Vikala I've always known! I'll listen to anything you have to say... so tell me...
Vikala: Um, sorry... Who exactly are you talking about?
Delilah: You!
Vikala: Whaaa!
Delilah: Were you not listening at all? Why would I be talking to you about all this if it wasn't about you!
Vikala: O-oh, it was about... m-me? You started talking about hate and misfortune, so I thought you'd moved on to someone else...
Delilah: Wha... What! You're the only one here who'd fit that description!
Vikala: Um, but I'm not that unfortunate... and I don't h-h-hate anyone, so...
Delilah: Huh?
Vikala: It's true my parents aren't alive anymore, but that g-goes for everyone at the o-orphanage too...
Vikala: I-I got too big for the orphanage, so it's only natural that I needed to leave...
Vikala: But they went out of their way to arrange a place for me to live, as well as a job... Not to mention...
Vikala: Y-you come to visit me sometimes too...
Delilah: ...!
Vikala: I th-think I've been pretty fortunate... to have all of those things.
Vyrn: ...
Lyria: ...
Delilah: Your...
Delilah: Your standards for happiness are way too low!
Vyrn: (The usual Vikala always looks really gloomy, but she's actually pretty positive inside!)
Vikala: Um, d-did I say something strange?
Delilah: Everything you said was strange...
Vyrn: Heheh, well, don't sweat it too much! If that's what Vikala is thinking, then it's all good! You wanna help save the orphanage, right, Vikala?
Vikala: Yeah... O-of course! If I-I can actually be of any help, that is... I'd be glad to...
Delilah: Sigh... Fine. Then we could use your help too.
Delilah: I don't believe it... I guess all that worrying I did on my own was for nothing.

Vicky Rises: Scene 2

The deadline for repaying the debt is set for the next day at sunset. The crew catches a thief who happens to sneak into the orphanage and hears about a suspicious group on the island from him. The following day, (Captain) and company split up to keep watch on the various possible locations the bandits may be hiding at. A member of the bandits shows up at the place Vikala is in charge of, and mistakes her for a candidate applying to join their group. She takes Vikala to the bandits' hideout.

While Vikala is changing in the back, Delilah turns to the crew.
Delilah: Actually, I noticed some suspicious-looking people hovering around the orphanage before.
Delilah: Now that I think about it, they must have been doing some poking around before committing the crime... If only I'd realized and done something about it then.
After thinking for some time, (Captain) tells Delilah there's a chance the culprits might return to the orphanage.
Delilah: But why? There's no more money at the orphanage.
Vyrn: But there's still the kids. (Captain)'s probably worried about them.
Delilah: ...!
Vyrn: The culprits might try to kidnap 'em. So you need all the help you can get to keep watch.
Delilah: You're right... I was so focused on finding the people responsible that I didn't even think about guarding the orphanage.
Vikala: I guess we'll look for clues during the day, and stand watch at night to make sure the orphanage is safe.
Delilah: We've already notified the port to keep a lookout, so the culprits shouldn't have left this island. There's a chance they'll show themselves again...
Dormouse: And this time, you've got us to help you.
Lyria: Oh! D-Dormouse... You can talk now?
Dormouse: I usually just make it so only Vikala can hear me.
Dormouse: But this seems like it's going to be a big task for Vikala, so I want in on it too.
Delilah: Wait, wasn't this the thing that pulled the floats at the Eccentrical Parade? Don't tell me...
Dormouse: That "imaginary friend" you refer to is none other than myself, the Divine Rat's shikigami. No need to be scared.
Delilah: So it was you...
Vyrn: If you could talk this whole time, you shoulda just talked to us... Don'tcha get bored stayin' quiet like that?
Dormouse: I'm not a living creature like all of you, so I don't think the way you do.
Vyrn: Okay... You're all business, aren'tcha?
Vikala: So when's the deadline for returning the money, Delilah?
Delilah: If we don't have the money by tomorrow sunset, the land and orphanage are gonna be put up for sale, and we'll probably be evicted the day after...
Delilah: The children will be left on their own. I should be fine since I can work, but there are a lot of kids that are still really young...
Vikala: The day after tomorrow...
Vikala: Don't you worry! I'll get the money back for sure! The orphanage is going to survive!
And so (Captain) and company spend the afternoon looking for information on the culprits until the night settles in.
???: Heh heh heh...
The orphanage grounds are dark when a single shadow sneaks in quietly.
Vikala: Gotcha!
Vyrn: Ya can't run now!
Delilah: It's time to catch some criminals!
Lyria: Please be careful!
(Captain) and company all throw themselves at the enemy at the same time.
Delilah: Who'd have thought you'd actually come back! You were planning to kidnap the children for ransom, weren't you?
???: Wh-what are you talking about?
The captive claims to be a thief who happened across the orphanage and decided to break in to steal some valuables.
Unsure of whether the man is the culprit who stole the money, the crew hesitates.
Petty Thief: This is my first time here... I didn't even know something had already been stolen from this place...
Delilah: Drop the act! Spill it, or this spear is going to poke some holes in you!
Petty Thief: Eeeek!
Vyrn: Hey, calm down! Let's just listen to what he has to say first.
Delilah: Sorry... I've only ever hunted animals or monsters, so I'm not sure how to deal with people...
Delilah: But I'm pretty good at dissecting. I've got a knack for skinning things with my knife too.
Petty Thief: I'm telling the truth! I haven't stolen anything yet! I thought I'd just snag something as a little present...
Delilah: Present?
Petty Thief: There's an infamous group of bandits lurking on this island right now. I'm trying to get 'em to let me join...
Petty Thief: Us baddies are all about results. If you want to join someone, you gotta bring 'em something to prove what you're capable of.
Petty Thief: So I decided to steal some money—and that's how I came across this orphanage.
Vikala: Where on the island are these bandits staying?
Petty Thief: I don't know that much... I only know when to meet, but the place isn't specified. There were hints to a few spots...
Petty Thief: But the letters we exchanged beforehand suggest there's only one right place... They made it so that if I find 'em, I find 'em.
Vyrn: It's probably so no one can track 'em. They seem to be taking quite a few precautions, so they must be hiding something big.
(Captain) and company all agree that there is a high possibility these bandits are the culprits who stole the money from the orphanage.
Delilah: Okay, then how about you tell us all the places they hinted at in the letters, hm? If you wanna keep your skin on, that is.
Petty Thief: Eeeek...
The next day.
Vikala: ...
(Captain) and the crew have split up to position themselves at each of the places the thief had mentioned the previous night.
Dormouse: Are you sure you're going to be okay all by yourself here?
Vikala: Haha! Not a problem at all! I just gotta let (Captain) and the others know if the bandits show up, right?
Store Manager: Lady Vikala?
Vikala: Huh?
Store Manager: Wow, who'd have thought I'd get to see you in a place like this! Lady Vikala! U-um, do you think... I could get a handshake?
Vikala: You got it! A handshake to remember, right on the streets!
Store Manager: Yaaay!
Oh, and if you don't mind, could I get your autograph on my chest right here?
Store Manager: I also have a pair of rat ears! They were a steal at three rupies—I feel kinda bad... Was it really okay to buy them at that price?
Vikala: Of course! Take good care of them!
Being the Divine Rat, Vikala can't help but attract attention in the town streets where residents come and go.
Dormouse: I told you... At this rate, we'll never be able to get close to the thieves.
Vikala: But all the places that thief yesterday mentioned were located in town, right? Would bandits actually come out into the open like this?
Dormouse: You know what they say—the best place to hide a leaf is in the forest. Bandits are people too, so they probably go unnoticed on a street like this in broad daylight.
Vikala: That's true... Okay, then I should get changed!
Vikala: ...
Dormouse: Now you'll be inconspicuous. No one's going to take a second look at you. It's like you're not even here.
Vikala: Um, right... Heh heh... No one bothers to look my way...
Vikala: But wh-what should I do? I accidentally snapped my rat ears when I hurried to change...
The rat ears lie broken in her bag.
Vikala: I-I've got extra at the Rat Temple, so maybe I can go get a pair... Oh, while I'm there, I should clean up and open the windows to let in some air...
???: You passed the first test.
Vikala: Huh?
???: I've been watching you for a while—your ability to hide your presence is extraordinary. You're practically transparent.
A woman suddenly appears and stands in front of Vikala, looking at her as if waiting for an answer.
Dormouse: Could this lady be...
Vikala: Um, are you... one of the... bandits?
???: Heh, looks like I was right after all. I was worried for a second that you were just a regular person, but I'm relieved to hear you know who I am.
???: I have to say, I didn't expect a little girl—though I shouldn't be one to judge. I did make it to being the boss.
Bandit Boss: Anyway, staying around here won't do. I'm going back to our hideout—come with me if you want to join us.
Vikala: (Wh-what should I do? She found me before I found her...)
Dormouse: Leave it to me! I'll go let the others know where you are! Stall for time and wait for my return!
Vikala: Huh? Dorrie?
Bandit Boss: What's the matter? Come on, let's get a move on.
Vikala: Huh? Ah, um, r-right... Coming...
Dormouse discreetly leaves the place to notify the crew, and Vikala follows the lady to the bandits' hideout on her own.

Vicky Rises: Scene 3

Vikala does her best to stall for time while she waits for (Captain) and the others to find her. She tries to convince the bandits to give up their criminal activities, but they misunderstand her words and begin to see her as a merciless villain who murdered the Divine General Vikala. Frightened, the bandits eventually ask her to leave. On her way out, Vikala spots the money the bandits had stolen from the orphanage and successfully sneaks it out of the hideout.

Vikala trails behind the bandit boss, following her into a thick forest.
Vikala: (I wonder if they're keeping the money at the hideout... I have to do my best here for the orphanage!)
Bandit Boss: We're here. It's this hut.
A single small cabin stands abandoned in the middle of the forest.
Bandit 1: Welcome back, Sis!
Bandit 2: That the new person who wants to join? She's still a kid.
Inside the hut are a crowd of men with threatening expressions on their faces. They all glare over at Vikala.
Vikala: (Oh... I don't know if I can do my best here...)
Bandit Boss: I know what I see. Her ability to completely snuff out her presence is that of a professional.
Bandit Boss: Besides, she managed to decipher the code in my letter and got to the correct location out of the ones I included as decoys.
Bandit 1: Whoa! She even deciphered your code, Sis? That's pretty impressive!
Vikala: (I-I-I'm sorry... I have no idea what that is... We just decided to split up!)
Bandit Boss: Hold your horses. She's only passed the first test.
Vikala: (O-oh no... Wh-what do I do? I have to stall until (Captain) and the others come...)
Bandit Boss: Now, let's have you answer a few questions.
Bandit Boss: So how much can you steal? What's your speciality? What kind of notable things have you done in the past?
Vikala: Oh, um... I can't really s-say I have... m-much to tell you...
Bandit Boss: Hm... Not gonna show your cards that easily, huh? Looks like you've got the basics down. That's good.
Bandit Boss: A bandit's gotta be cautious at all times. People who answer whatever they're asked are average at most—we don't let in that kind of riffraff here.
Vikala: (Okay... Sh-she seems happy with what I said, but it's still only a matter of time before she realizes I'm not the one...)
Vikala: (Wait... No. I have to convince these people... A-after all... I'm a Divine General!)
Bandit Boss: So what do you want to do by joining us? You wanna steal something big?
Vikala: U-um!
Bandit Boss: What is it?
Vikala: Wh-why don't we make society into something s-sustainable... in a more p-p-peaceful way? You know, without having to... steal...
Bandit Boss: ...!
Bandit Boss: By sustainable... you mean you want to find a single target we can continue taking from? Not killing them, but not quite keeping them alive...
Bandit 1: Damn, that's vicious...
Bandit 2: Even I wouldn't go that far...
Vikala: H-huh? Um, n-no, I meant...
Bandit Boss: Listen up, all right? Stealing is about taking from someone only once. That's our rule here.
Bandit Boss: We're bandits. Keeping someone hostage and continuously extracting money from them is cowardly and taboo.
Vikala: U-um, what I wanted to say was... why don't we all qu-quit stealing... and w-w-work like everyone else... fair and square?
Bandit Boss: You're telling me... you wanna live among normal society and base your jobs from there? That's a pretty risky grey zone...
Bandit 1: The audacity of that idea...
Bandit 2: Just how were you raised...
Vikala: N-no... I mean getting everyone together and creating a place where everyone can smile and have a good time...
Vikala: M-money isn't something meant to be stolen... Everyone only needs to contribute a little bit of it... Um, so—
Bandit Boss: Gathering people together and letting them have some fun, then taking a bit of money from everyone—you mean like a gambling den?
Bandit Boss: It's true that running a gambling den brings in more cash...
Vikala: Erm, no... I didn't mean it like that...
Bandit Boss: Hey, I know you're trying to live as a baddie, but you can't forget the thing most important in life. Something warm that sits inside you—your heart!
Vikala: Oh, um, right... Sorry...
Bandit 1: Hey Sis, I don't know about this girl... She's playing with fire on a totally different level...
The others peer at Vikala with disgust, now believing her to be a heartless villain.
Bandit 2: But wait... something's not right. How's a kid like her supposed to accomplish all those crazy things anyway? Pretty impossible, I'd say.
Bandit 2: Hey, kid! Give us some proof of what you can do!
Vikala: P-p-proof?
Bandit 1: Oh yeah, that's true! You wanna join us, right? Then you gotta bring us something to prove that you're worthy!
Vikala: (I-I-I don't have anything! Wh-what do I do now...)
Thoughts race through her head, but Vikala is unable to come up with a plan on the spot.
Vikala: (Ah... I guess... I'll just give up. I mean, there's nothing I can do here but apologize... I'll tell them the truth about who I really am...)
Vikala: S-sowwy... I'm n-not who you fink... I am...
As tears spill down her cheeks, Vikala reaches into her bag and pulls out something, holding it out to the bandits.
Bandit Boss: No way...
Vikala: The D-D-Diwine Genewal... W-Wigala... D-dat's who I—
Bandit Boss: The Divine General Vikala... You... You killed her?
Bandit 1: Holy crap... Hoooly crap...
Bandit 2: Th-this kid's a murderer...
Vikala: U-um...
Bandit Boss: Whoa, whoa! We're bandits here, and stealing's as far as we go! This kind of thing's outta our hands!
Bandit 1: What're we gonna do, Sis? This kid's trouble... Big trouble! She killed a Divine General!
Bandit Boss: I have no idea... She's new to the business and skilled, but with the kind of stuff she does, we can't take her in!
Bandit 2: She looks harmless at first sight, but this kid's dangerous! If we get involved, she's gonna pull us down with her!
The bandits furiously discuss among themselves before coming to a conclusion. They turn back to Vikala nervously.
Bandit Boss: Right, um... On behalf of all of us, I would like to thank you for your application to our... association.
Bandit 1: After careful consideration from our... association members, we regret to inform you... that...
Bandit 2: That we are unable to offer you a position in our team at this time...
Bandit Boss: We wish you the best... in your future endeavors...
Vikala: Um... Huh? I'm sorry, what... are we talking about?
Bandit 1: We believe that, surely, there's a more suitable workplace out there... that will allow you to shine to your fullest potential...
Bandit 2: Yes... And that will be all for today... Please be careful on your way out. The door's this way...
Vikala: (A-are they... telling me to leave? Oh, good... Looks like I can get out of this mess after all...)
Vikala: (Oh, but I can't just leave these bandits to do what they want either... They need to make up for what they did...)
Vikala: U-um... I'm sorry for being so persistent, b-but do you think you could reconsider your actions?
Bandit Boss: The decision was already very difficult for us...
Vikala: I-if you keep doing this kind of thing... someday y-you're going to get into... a lot of trouble...
Vikala: Like... th-this... See?
Vikala shows the bandits her rat ears once more.
Vikala: S-someday, you just might end up like these ears... All battered and broken...
The bandits begin to tremble, certain of the meaning behind Vikala's words...
That the next thing she breaks will be them.
Bandit Boss: Are you saying you're gonna finish us off?
Bandit 1: Is it 'cause you told us you killed off one of the Divine Generals? You wanna make sure the cat doesn't get outta the bag, huh?
Bandit 2: Mommyyy...
Bandit Boss: Please... Just go! Your secret's safe with us, we swear. I beg you, spare us!
Vikala: Huh? U-um, okay... Sorry...
Failing to convince the bandits to renounce their ways, Vikala is forced to leave the hideout as prompted.
Vikala: Um, well... G-goodbye then...
Vikala: ...
Standing near the door, Vikala notices a cloth bag carelessly tossed to one side.
Vikala: (Th-that's... the money! The name of the orphanage's written on the bag... I-I'm sure this is it!)
Bandit 1: Erm... Is something wrong?
Vikala: N-no, um... It's n-nothing! G-goodbye...
Vikala reaches out from behind, grabbing the bag of money without the bandits noticing. Concealing it behind her back, she backs out of the door and leaves.

Vicky Rises: Scene 4

Although (Captain) and company find Vikala and manage to take back the orphanage's money, the deadline for repaying the debt had already passed and the orphanage facilities are to be sold off. It is then that Vikala proposes the Rat Temple to be made into a new orphanage for the children, solving their problem. When Vikala tells everyone that today is, in fact, Delilah's birthday and tries to celebrate it, the captain and the others suggest Vikala's birthday be made the same day so they can celebrate for her as well. Vikala is overjoyed and makes a promise within herself to continue expanding her horizons from here on out.

Dormouse: Hurry! They're inside this forest! Straight ahead!
Delilah: Straight from here? I'll go on first then! I'll see you there, (Captain)!
Spear in hand, Delilah kicks off from the ground and the surrounding tree trunks, diving through a thicket and out of sight.
Lyria: D-Delilah's so fast! She disappeared just like that!
Vyrn: Oh yeah, didn't she say she goes huntin' sometimes? She probably knows the forest like the back of her hand!
Bandit 1: Wait! What happened to the money we stole from the orphanage? Pretty sure we put it right here...
Bandit 1: Don't tell me that... murderer took it? I can't believe she has the nerve to rob from robbers...
Bandit 2: Well... we could see it as a peace offering so she doesn't get involved with us anymore. What d'you say, Sis?
Bandit Boss: No, we're gonna go after her! I don't care if she's capable of murdering people—if we let her steal from us, we're going to be a laughingstock among bandits!
Bandit Boss: C'mon! We're gonna get that kid!
Vikala: Eep!
Bandit 1: Whoa, she's still here!
Vikala: Um, th-thanks for e-e-earlier... I was just about to... get going...
Bandit 2: How slow can you be...
Bandit Boss: Hey, girlie. You got anything you swiped from us just now?
Vikala: Huh? I-I-I have no idea what you're talking about...
Bandit 1: Drop the act already! You've got guts to steal our money, you murderer!
Bandit 2: You're a monster who kills for fun... Just what color is your blood!
Bandit Boss: No matter how much of a villain you are, we have our own pride to protect too! You really crossed the line when you stole what we'd already stolen!
Vikala: I-I'm not really sure what you mean, but I'm n-n-not returning this money to you! This belongs to the orphanage!
Delilah: Vikalaaa!
Vikala: Delilah?
Delilah: I'm here to save you! I can't believe you just dove right into a bandits' hideout all by yourself!
Vikala: Oh, well, it just turned out that way...
Bandit Boss: Don't piss your pants just 'cause we've got one more enemy to handle! Are we bandits or what? Show 'em what we're made of!
As the bandits gradually close in on them, Delilah raises her spear, ready to fight. However, Vikala steps in between them.
Vikala: N-no... I won't let you harm Delilah! I-I'll... I'll protect her!
Delilah: Vikala?
Vikala: I'm d-definitely going to bring the money back, a-and everything's going to be fine tomorrow!
Vikala: B-because tomorrow's a special day... It's Delilah's birthday!
Delilah: Wha...
Bandit Boss: Ha... Haha. Birthday? Please, you've gotta be kidding.
Bandit 1: Let's teach 'em a lesson, Sis! I was terrified at first when I found out what a psychopath she was, but I'm not so scared anymore!
Bandit 2: What a joke! You're telling me you've got friends even with those filthy, bloodstained hands?
Delilah: These guys are just spouting nonsense... They know nothing! I'm gonna hunt them all down!
Dormouse takes this opportunity to jump out from a thicket, throwing something over to Vikala.
Dormouse: Vikala! Here, new rat ears!
Vikala: Huh? O-oh, rat ears... Th-thanks... Did you go all the way to the Rat Temple to get them for me?
Dormouse: Don't worry about it! Just put them on!
Vikala hurriedly puts on the rat ears as prompted and changes as fast as she can.
Vikala: Ta-da! Say hello to Divine Rat Vikala of the Twelve Divine Generals! Thank you, thank you!
Bandit Boss: The Divine General Vikala? Impossible! Isn't she supposed to be dead?
Delilah: Wait, wha?
Vikala: Come on, bandits! It's time to stop doing bad things and give yourselves up!
Vikala: Haaah!
Bandit 1: Gwah!
Vikala does a flip in the air, landing on the head of a bandit. The man collapses onto the ground.
Bandit 2: Why you...
(Captain): ...!
Bandit 2: Gaaah!
Vikala: (Captain)! You're here too!
Lyria: Are you all right, Vikala?
Vyrn: So these are the bandits, huh? Let's put a stop to 'em!
Bandit Boss: Why're there suddenly so many people? And the Divine General Vikala's alive... Just where did we go wrong?
Unable to resist for long, the bandits are quickly subdued and captured by (Captain) and company.
Vikala: Here's the money, safe and sound! Let's head back to the orphanage immediately!
Vyrn: Sorry... We tried to convince 'em otherwise, but we couldn't make it in time...
Delilah: It's already been decided... They're seizing the orphanage. We have to leave the facilities tomorrow.
Vikala: What... No way...
The following day.
Vyrn: Sorry we couldn't get it back in time...
Director: Not at all. Thank you very much for your help. We can still use this money to support the children, wherever they go from here on.
Director: Now, I'm afraid I still have some things to wrap up, so you'll have to excuse me.
Delilah: (Captain). You guys. Thanks a lot for going through all that trouble to help us.
Vikala: U-um, Delilah... I'm sorry I couldn't... be of much help...
Delilah: Vikala...
Why do you remember my birthday?
Vikala: Well, I-I... don't have a birthday myself, s-so... I like to c-celebrate other people's birthdays instead...
Delilah: ...
Vikala: Oh, it's still really fun even if it's not my own birthday. Somehow it feels... refreshing.
Vikala: It g-gives me a kind of positive and happy feeling...
Vikala: Th-that's why I give out stickers to people on their birthdays in Utopia...
Vikala: Actually, I... like imagining all k-kinds of things when I'm celebrating others' birthdays... as if it's my own.
Delilah: So that's why you're always celebrating for other people, being considerate of them, and helping them out...
Vikala: Um, yes... Sorry... In the end, it's just about myself...
Delilah: What, no!
Delilah: You're so stupid! Stupid, stupid! You're always thinking about other people, when you should really look after yourself more!
Vikala: Delilah?
Delilah: Don't say "I don't have a birthday" like it's nothing... You're here right now—you must have a day when you were born!
Vikala: Oh... You think so?
Vikala: Anyway, I couldn't even protect the orphanage... It's your birthday, and I couldn't save the very place that you call home...
Delilah: I can live out there by myself just fine. But... some of the children are still really young, and I'm worried whether they can find places at other orphanages...
Vyrn: Yeah... (Captain) says we'll help out if there's anything we can do.
Vikala: Oh, um, but it's okay now... Sorry, I forgot to mention this earlier...
Lyria: What do you mean it's okay now?
Vikala: I-I have a place in mind, so, um... if you could follow me...
Delilah: What're you talking about?
Director: Erm... Lady Vikala! Isn't this...
Vikala: Haha! Yep, it sure is—the Rat Temple!
Vikala: This can be the new orphanage, starting today! Welcome to the "Rat Temple Children's Home"!
Director: Change the highly respected Rat Temple into an orphanage? But... is that even allowed?
Vikala: No problem at all! Nobody's living here, after all!
Delilah: A-are you sure?
Vikala: Yep, it's actually better this way! I've been cleaning the place all on my own and could really use some help from all of you!
Lyria: You mean you've been living at your current house even though you had the option of staying here at the Rat Temple all this time?
Vyrn: Come to think of it, the first time we met Vikala, we were talkin' about how it didn't look like anyone was livin' here.
Vikala: There's no reason for me to live in a place this big all by myself!
Vikala: We used the Rat Temple to rehearse for our dance at the parade, and I clean the place regularly. But I don't know what to do with it otherwise!
Dormouse: I wish you wouldn't just forget about me.
Vikala: Oops, sorry about that, Dormouse! Would that be all right with you?
Dormouse: If the Divine Rat says it's okay, I suppose I'll have to go along with it. I must say, this kind of thing is a first.
Delilah: Thank you, Vikala... How can we even begin to express our gratitude?
Vikala: That's not everything! I've got a favor to ask of all the children!
Vikala: You see these ears I'm wearing? How about you help me make more of them?
Delilah: Huh? Make... ears?
Vikala: The orphanage is going to need some form of revenue! If you could make some of these ears and sell them for three rupies each, that would be fantastic!
Delilah: You mean... as a side job?
Vikala: That's right! I can teach everyone how to make them. What do you say?
Delilah: Hehe... Of course. There's no reason to say no.
Vikala: Meanwhile, I'm going to go all around with (Captain) and the others and spread the word!
Vikala: That should get a lot of people coming to the Rat Temple, and create plenty of business for you!
Delilah: Thanks so much, Vikala... I never expected to receive so much on my birthday.
Vikala: Haha, my pleasure! I'm happy to do this!
  1. But that's not all.
  2. There's one more birthday girl here.

Choose: But that's not all.
Vikala: Huh? Was there something I missed?

Choose: There's one more birthday girl here.
Vikala: Another birthday girl?
Continue 1
Vyrn: We were just talkin' with (Captain), and we had the idea of makin' today your birthday too, Vikala.
Lyria: That's right! Will you let us celebrate your birthday with you?
Vikala: Wha! My... birthday?
Vyrn: Today's the day the Rat Temple gets reborn into a place with people livin' in it. That's pretty memorable and easy to remember, right?
Delilah: That's a wonderful idea! Both the Rat Temple and the orphanage are being reborn, after all!
Vyrn: Haha! I guess you're right!
Vikala: My birthday... Um, are you... sure about that? Y-you don't need a birth certificate or anything?
(Captain) smiles and tells Vikala that her presence is proof enough.
Lyria: And we're here with you!
Delilah: I'll be a witness too. I'll verify that we have the same birthday.
Vyrn: We're not about to let anyone say no!
Vikala: You guys...
Lyria: It's decided then! Let's have fun celebrating Delilah and Vikala's birthday today!
Vyrn: Yeah! We can start makin' some rat ears while we're at it too!
And so, (Captain) and the crew spend the rest of the day helping the children make rat ears at the temple as they commemorate Delilah and Vikala's special day.
The next day, the Grandcypher departs from the island once more.
Vikala: Um, (Captain)... Th-thank you for everything yesterday...
Vikala: I f-feel like Delilah and I got to know each other better... and that's all because of you...
Vikala: Huh? The orphanage and the director? Oh, right... I never told them my true identity...
Vikala: Oh, but I'm okay with that... I'll tell them one day, when I've grown up and can bring myself to talk about it...
Vikala: I-in any case... Thank you for giving me a birthday...
Vikala: You gave me a birthday as my birthday present... That m-makes me so happy...
Vikala: I'll t-treasure it forever... Um, I promise!
Vikala: (Captain)... Thank you so much for finding me that day.
Vikala: I was already b-blessed to have met you and everyone in the crew... And now, you've even given me my very own birthday...
Vikala: I h-hope I can celebrate... y-y-your birthday with you too from now on, (Captain)!
Vikala: Would that be... all right with you?
The Grandcypher soars into the skies with the Divine General Vikala onboard.
Glad to have taken another step forward from her past, Vikala makes a promise within herself to continue growing and expanding her horizons from here on out.

Closing the Distance

Kumbhira travels to the town where Vikala lives to discuss the duties of a year spirit. She talks to a girl on the street, not knowing that the girl is Vikala herself. Vikala finally reveals her identity, and the two Divine Generals slowly strengthen their bond over conversation and tea.

Kumbhira: Ngh... She's a lot stronger than I'd expected!
Kumbhira: Hngh!
Vikala: Haha! Whatcha runnin' away for? Things are just heatin' up here!
Kumbhira and Vikala are training at an old, deserted town whose residents have long abandoned it.
They chose the uninhabited town and its crumbling buildings as their training spot to prevent any unwanted accidents.
Kumbhira: Looks like we were right in coming way out here... Now we can go all out without having to worry about other people.
Kumbhira: Still...
Kumbhira ducks behind a slab of wall and peeks over at the figure approaching from beyond the clouds of dust.
Vikala: Kumbhira, where are yooou? Come out, come out, wherever you are! Let's play!
Kumbhira: Vikala is really pumped... I didn't think she'd break through an entire building and charge at me like that. A worthy opponent for the divine boar.
Kumbhira weaves through the rubble and leaps out from her hiding place to rush straight at Vikala from behind.
Kumbhira: Haaaah!
But before Kumbhira can reach her target, Vikala spins around in one swift movement.
Vikala: Haha! I found you!
Kumbhira: Gasp...
Kumbhira arrives at the town where the Rat Temple is located. She walks through the streets in search of Vikala, hoping to discuss the divine rat's duties as the next year spirit.
Kumbhira: Whew... The training the other day was really something.
Kumbhira: Vikala's a bright and honest girl, but at the same time...
Vikala: Training? With just the two of us?
Vikala: That sounds really fun! I'm so happy you asked! Thank you!
Kumbhira: She must be going to great lengths to train regularly. I'll have to put in more effort myself...
Kumbhira: But where could she be? And how is it that no one here has a clue?
The cheerful and carefree divine rat Vikala is the talk of the town. However...
It appears neither the priestesses at the Rat Temple nor the town's bustling residents know where their celebrated year spirit is.
How Vikala usually spends her days is also unclear to the other Divine Generals.
Kumbhira can't help but be concerned about Vikala's attempts to hide this aspect of herself.
Kumbhira: I was hoping we'd be able to get along while training together as Divine Generals...
Kumbhira: Ahh... But maybe that'd be too intrusive of me...
Amid the townspeople scurrying to and fro with last minute preparations for the new year, Kumbhira calls out to a girl sweeping the front of a restaurant.
Kumbhira: Excuse me, I'm looking for the Divine General Vikala. Do you know where...
Gloomy Girl: ...!
Ku-Kum... Kumbhi... ra...
Kumbhira: Ah, yes. I am the spirit for this year, Kumbhira. I'm flattered you recognize me.
Kumbhira: I was hoping to talk to Vikala about her duties... Do you happen to know where she is?
Kumbhira: I've been asking around town, but all I get is a "that's what I'd like to know."
Gloomy Girl: I-i... I-i-it's...
Kumbhira: It's?
Gloomy Girl: I-it's me... Vikala...
Kumbhira: Ohhh!
Gloomy Girl: (She finally recognized me...)
Kumbhira: So you're Vikala's fan! I see. You even have the same hairstyle.
Gloomy Girl: (She didn't recognize me...)
Kumbhira: Everyone in this town seems to love Vikala. That's really amazing.
The girl sweeping the store front is, in fact, Vikala herself. But Kumbhira gives no indication of recognizing Vikala for who she is.
Kumbhira enters the empty restaurant and takes a seat. The girl brews a cup of tea and sets it down in front of Kumbhira.
Kumbhira: Ahh, this tea is delicious. Thank you for letting me come in before opening.
Vikala: Th-the manager... won't be here for a while, so...
Kumbhira: So you work at this restaurant, huh? What kind of things do you do?
Vikala: I w-wash dishes... and stuff...
Kumbhira: That sounds like a tough job. With the place being this big, I expect the dishes pile up quite fast...
Vikala: U-um... U-u-um, um... Y-you know, I'm... V-Vikala...
Kumbhira: Yeah, I'm actually Vikala's fan too.
Vikala: Huh?
Kumbhira: Hehe, I'm the same as you. I really like Vikala too.
Vikala: (What did she just say!)
Kumbhira: Vikala's always so bright and cheerful... She's simply radiant.
Kumbhira: We're both Divine Generals, but she has so much that I lack, and I admire her for that.
Vikala: ...
Kumbhira: Oh, but I haven't been able to talk much with Vikala yet, so I haven't told her any of this.
Kumbhira: She always disappears before I get the chance to, you see. She can be a bit of a mystery...
Vikala: B-but... Y-you're even more... amazing, Kumbhira...
Kumbhira: Huh?
Vikala: All of the Twelve Divine Generals love you... Y-you're like a b-big sister to everyone, and I... really r-respect that...
Kumbhira: You think so? Thank you.
Kumbhira: Hmm... But the way you say that makes it sound like you've been there witnessing it.
Kumbhira: Hm? Could it be that you're...
Vikala: (She finally recognized me!)
Kumbhira: Vikala's friend?
Vikala: (She didn't recognize me!)
Kumbhira: Do you think you could tell me where Vikala is?
Vikala: W-well...
Seeing the girl shake her head, Kumbhira lets out a sigh.
Kumbhira: So you don't know either...
Vikala: (Now it's really hard to find the right time to say it... But I want to tell her that I'm her fan too...)
Vikala: (Still, that training session was an absolute disaster... And I only realized after I got home... Ahhh, it's all coming back to me...)
Once she got home after training with Kumbhira, Vikala lamented all night in her bed.
Vikala: Ahhh... It was just practice! Why did I go all out like that? She probably thought I was being a tryhard... I'm so sure that's what she was thinking!
Vikala: Ugh... I was so ecstatic that she invited me out for a training session, I ended up getting ahead of myself... I really blew it.
Vikala: Having just the right level of enthusiasm is hard...
Vikala: See, I just can't fit in with the Twelve Divine Generals... Ha, haha... This sucks...
Vikala: (I'm starting to tear up again just thinking back to it... Come on, don't cry!)
Kumbhira: W-what's the matter! Why are you crying?
Vikala: (Oh no, I couldn't hold it in...)
Vikala: I-I'm sorry! Don't worry about me! I was just reminded of something that didn't go so well...
Kumbhira: No, I'm the one who's sorry! I started prying too much, didn't I?
Vikala: N-no, it's not that! I just... wanted you to realize...
Kumbhira: Um, I'm really sorry I didn't realize. This is your place, after all. And I just forced myself into it...
Vikala: That's not what I meant... I-I wanted you to realize who I am!
Kumbhira: Hm? Who... you are?
Vikala: Th-that day we went out for training... I-I'm really sorry for getting out of line...
Vikala: I don't really have... friends or anything... So I was really happy when you invited me out. Then I got ahead of myself...
Vikala: But I wasn't used to training sessions like that and ended up treating it like it was a real fight... Then I went home... and felt terrible about everything...
Kumbhira: Training session?
Kumbhira: Wait a minute... Are you... Vikala?
Vikala: Y-yes... You recognized me!
Kumbhira: Whaaat!
Kumbhira's cry of surprise echoes across the quiet restaurant.
Kumbhira: I see... So your bright personality only comes out when you have your ears on, huh? You've really perfected that side of yourself...
Kumbhira: Anyway, to think I'd find you without realizing it! That really surprised me.
Vikala: I'm sorry... I couldn't find the right moment to tell you...
Vikala: U-um... I really admire you, Kumbhira...
Kumbhira: You do? But you're the amazing one!
Kumbhira: Now that I think about it, I was just gushing about you earlier, wasn't I?
Kumbhira: Ngh... Now I feel embarrassed...
Vikala: I-I really have nothing to admire... See, I'm just this regular, boring girl, and I feel like everything I do ends up being a disaster...
Kumbhira: Oh, but I'm like that too, you know. I can't help but compare myself to the year spirits before me, and I always feel awful for being so incompetent.
Vikala: R-really? No way... But you're incredible...
Kumbhira: Hmm... We just might be more similar than we think.
Vikala: Similar? Us?
Kumbhira: There's still so much I've yet to learn about you. I hope you'll share about yourself little by little—I'm sure the other Divine Generals would love to get to know you better too.
Kumbhira: After all, we all have the same duties as members of the Twelve Divine Generals. There's a lot we can discuss and help each other with.
Vikala: I-I'd always go home right away after meetings because... I didn't think I'd be able to fit in... Unlike you, Kumbhira...
Kumbhira: It's okay to take it slowly.
Kumbhira: I wasn't good at sharing about myself before too. But I've gotten better since...
Kumbhira: Though I still have a long way to go.
Kumbhira: But I know you'll be just fine, Vikala. There isn't anyone in the Twelve Divine Generals who isn't a kind soul. So let's do our best together, okay?
Vikala: Kumbhira...
Kumbhira and Vikala continue their conversation slowly but steadily until, before they know it, their tea cools to a pleasant temperature.
This precious bond that has sprouted between the two Divine Generals will surely blossom into something beautiful in the year to come.

A Pastoral Encounter

Vikala visits the Ox Temple at the end of the year to pass on her year spirit duties. However, due to an incident between the Divine Rat and Ox a long time ago, a herd of cows chases Vikala and takes away her rat ears. Catura finds Vikala in a nervous state, but thanks to Catura's easygoing personality, the two Divine Generals warm up to each other in no time.

One fine day, as the year comes to a close, the sun shines on a quiet ranch known as the Ox Temple.
Cow: Moooo!
Vikala: Why... Wh-wh-why are they chasing after meee!
Vikala runs around the field as fast as she can, a herd of cows stampeding after her.
A few hours earlier, Vikala had arrived on the island to pass on her duties as year spirit at the Ox Temple.
Vikala: Okay, it's time for me to hand over the year spirit duties! This is important, so I'm gonna go all out!
Dormouse: ...
Vikala: Yeah! I've seen Catura at the Divine General gatherings before, but this'll be my first time actually talking with her one-on-one!
Vikala: But there's nothing to worry about! After all, I've come a long way since I first started as year spirit!
Vikala: Now, let's see. Where is the Ox Temple...
Dormouse: ...!
Vikala: Oh, that's right! The main temple's a ranch, isn't it? Does that mean there's gonna be a lot of cows?
Vikala: Catura's such an easy-going girl. I'm sure the cows she's raised are just as nice and sweet as she is!
Cow: Mooooo!
Vikala: That's what I'd thought, but I was totally off! Why are they going after me like this?
Vikala: H-hey guys, I'm Vicky! I wanna be friends with all of you!
Cow: Mooooo!
Vikala: Boy, they're sure seeing red about something. But why? I didn't do anything!
Dormouse: ...!
Vikala: What! The Divine Rat pissed off the Divine Ox a long time ago, and that's where the bad blood comes from?
Vikala: I never heard anything about that!
Vikala: Eeek!
Unaccustomed to running on soft soil, Vikala's foot gets caught in the dirt and she falls over headfirst.
Cow: Mooooo!
Vikala: Aaah!
One cow takes the opportunity to snatch Vikala's ears from her head, running off with it between its teeth.
Vikala sits in the dirt, dazed, as she watches the cows retreat farther and farther away.
Vikala: O-oh no... H-h-how did this happen...
Robbed of both her ears and her confidence, Vikala's hair slowly turns back to black.
Vikala: O-ooh, what should I do? I-I can't possibly talk to Catura without my rat ears...
Vikala: I mean, w-we're totally different... Her family's always been part of the Divine Generals... If I talked to her now, I'd be so nervous I'd puke!
Vikala: Sigh... How did it end up like this... Why do the cows have to hate me so much? Hngh... This blues me out...
Vikala: Anyway... I guess I should go get my ears back—
Catura: What's that about... talking to me?
Vikala: Eeek!
Catura: You've been looking down... for a while now... Are you all right?
Vikala: (For a while? Does that mean she's been watching this whole time?)
Catura: ...?
Vikala: (H-huh? Could it be that... she hasn't realized who I am?)
Vikala: (Phew... Thank goodness.)
Vikala: (Agh, what am I saying? I came to talk to her! Okay, calm down... First, I need to introduce myself!)
Vikala: U-um, I... I-I...
Catura: Aye-aye?
Vikala: I-I-I... I-I'm...
Catura: ...
Vikala: (Oh no, the words aren't coming out right... And soon, it won't just be words coming out of my mouth...)
Catura: Um... Would you like... some milk?
Vikala: Huh?
Catura: Some delicious milk... might help calm you down...
Catura: Here you go! Let's drink this... together.
Vikala: ...!
Vikala reaches out with trembling hands to take the bottle of milk from Catura.
Catura: I see... So you're the Divine Rat, Vikala...
Vikala: Th-th-that's right... I-I'm Vikala... Sorry...
The two sit in the middle of the ranch, having a conversation over some milk.
Catura: I'm sorry I didn't notice...
Vikala: O-oh, no, not at all! I-it was my fault... I mean, I couldn't even introduce myself properly...
Catura: Gulp... Gulp...
Catura: Aaah!
Catura: Milk is just... so delicious!
Vikala: Huh? Oh, yes... This is really rich... and tasty...
Catura: The sky... It's so blue.
Vikala: Yes... We're lucky the weather's so nice today.
Vikala: (Catura... She really moves at her own pace, doesn't she?)
Vikala: (But it's kind of... relaxing, in a way.)
Catura: You're... in the middle of a journey... aren't you, Vikala?
Vikala: Y-yes. I'm traveling with (Captain)'s crew right now...
Catura: Is traveling... fun?
Vikala: U-um, yeah... There are a lot of people who are super cheerful, so that makes me nervous sometimes...
Vikala: But everyone's really nice... and I've had a lot of chances to do things I wouldn't have been able to do by myself.
Vikala: So... I guess it is fun.
Vikala: I-I'm really thankful that (Captain) invited me to join them on their journey...
Vikala: Eep! I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ramble on like that...
Catura: Moohoohoo! It seems you've found... your prince, haven't you?
Vikala: My p-prince?
Catura: Meeting this person named (Captain)... It must have been fate... don't you think?
Vikala: Fate...
Catura: That's so nice... I hope your journey together will be a long... and happy one.
Vikala: ...!
Blushing, Vikala hides her embarrassment by taking a drink from her bottle.
Vikala: Gulp... Gulp...
Vikala: Aaah!
Vikala: This really is tasty... It's so warm and not overpowering.
Catura: Yeah! It's all thanks... to our dear cows...
Catura takes another sip from her own bottle and lets out a soft sigh of satisfaction.
Catura: I just love... relaxing like this...
Vikala: Yes... Me too. Being surrounded by nature makes me feel that... maybe my problems aren't as big as I thought them to be after all.
Catura: ...
Vikala: ...
Vikala: (This... isn't awkward, actually. Not sure how to describe it...)
Catura: Look... at that cloud...
Catura: It's like... someone spilled some milk in the sky...
Vikala: Um... This is just how I see it, but... aren't all clouds kinda like that?
Catura: Oh? Hm... Maybe you're right...
Catura: Moohoohoo!
Vikala: Hehe. Hahaha!
Having warmed up to each other, the two Divine Generals continue lounging together in the field.
Some time later.
Vikala: And then, it turns out that the Rackam I'd been talking to was a fake!
Catura: Ooh! That's quite the plot twist... just like in the illustrated books...
Vikala: (Hehe... This might be my first time talking so much without my rat ears.)
Vikala: (I'm having so much fun! Maybe I'll stay here at the ranch with Catura...)
Vikala: No, wait a minute! I still have something I need to do...
Catura: ...?
Vikala: Huh? Wait... What did I come here for again? I was having such a good time that I forgot...
Vikala tilts her head thoughtfully, trying to remember what it is she's missing.
Vikala: Oh! That's right! I need to get my rat ears back!
Catura: Rat... ears?
Vikala explains to Catura how the cows had taken away her ears earlier.
After consulting the cows, Catura is able to locate where they had left Vikala's rat ears.
Cow: Moooo...
Catura: The cows say they're sorry... Will you forgive them?
Vikala: Oh, no, it's all right! It seems the Divine Rat messed things up for the Ox before, so...
Vikala: I'm just happy that I have my ears back. That's enough for me.
The moment Vikala puts her ears back on, her hair begins to change color.
Vikala: Haha! I gotta thank you and the cows for letting me try that delicious milk today!
Catura: Wow! The Vikala I just met today... turned into the Vikala I knew from before...
Vikala: Ahem! Allow me to introduce myself again...
Vikala: Hellooo! I'm Vicky! I'm the master of Utopia, bringing fun and smiles to all!
Vikala: Sorry if this came as a surprise! You see, these rat ears are an important trademark of mine!
Catura: I was... a little surprised...
Catura: But both Vikalas... are really lovely...
Vikala: ...!
Vikala: Oh, Catura! Thank you so much! You're such a sweet girl!
Vikala: I'm glad we became friends! Can we shake hands to mark this special moment?
Catura: Yay! A handshake... with Vicky...
Vikala and Catura smile as they grasp each other's hands in a warm handshake.
Vikala: Well then... Since I have my ears back now, it's about time for me to get going.
Catura: Okay... Do you think we can... meet again?
Vikala: Of course! I'll show you around the Rat Temple next time! If you'd like, I can even prepare a special seat for you to see the parade!
Catura: Wow! I'll definitely drop by... with Mama and Papa...
Vikala: Great, you're welcome anytime! It's unfortunate that I have to leave for today, but—
Catura: Oh... Wait...
Catura: I prepared something... for you, Vikala...
Vikala is back on the deck of an airship as she watches the island grow smaller and smaller behind her.
Vikala: I can't believe Catura gave me some cheese made from their delicious milk as a present!
Vikala: It's gotta be out of this world! I'll have to savor every bite of it!
Vikala looks down at the package from Catura, smiling happily.
Vikala: I'm so glad Catura and I became friends...
Vikala: Now all that's left to do is to wrap up my year spirit duties and prepare for...
Vikala: Hm? Year spirit duties?
It is then that Vikala finally realizes what she had forgotten.
Vikala: Ahhh! I forgot to pass on my duties as year spirit!
Vikala: W-wait! Turn back! I need to go back to the island!
Oblivious to Vikala's cries, the airship continues on its route across the sky.
Catura: Moohoohoo! I had a lucky handshake... with Vicky...
Catura: That must mean... I'll have good luck in romance too... I hope the luck doesn't go away... even after I wash my hands!
Catura's Dad: You're in a good mood today. Did something happen, Catura?
Catura's Mom: The Divine Rat Vikala came to visit her today.
Catura's Dad: Really now! She came all this way to our remote little island? She must be a nice girl.
Catura's Mom: Oh yes, she must be! Since the Ox Temple is different from the other temples, there isn't anything in particular that needs to be passed on to us.
Catura's Mom: If she had dropped by the house, I would've fixed us a nice dinner and made sure she enjoyed herself here...
Catura: Vikala's in the middle of traveling... with her prince... so she might be busy.
Catura: And I made sure... she had a good time today... as my friend.
Catura's Mom: Hehe. Well, judging by that look on your face, I'm sure you both had a wonderful day.
Catura: Moohoohoo! I'm excited... to see the parade someday!
Thus ends a beautiful day on which two Divine Generals were able to grow closer to one another.
Catura smiles as she remembers their handshake. She clutches her hand to her chest, keeping the memories from today close to her heart.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
盛り上がってる~? Everybody having fun?
行け! ドーマウス! Dormouse, go!
ハハッ!ちょろいもんだね! Haha! Piece o' cheesecake!
ぼくと握手したいでしょ? Bet you're lookin' for a handshake, huh?
かかってこい!やっつけてやる! Come at me, bro! Let's do this!
チーズ、食べたいな…… I've got a real Camembert craving...
騎空団って楽しいね!毎日がパーティーみたい! Being on an airship crew is the best! Every day's a party!
団長、このあと時間ある?ぼくと遊ばないかい? Are you free after this, (Captain)? Wanna go do something?
かしこみかしこみ~♪ Thank yew, thank yew!
(早く帰りたいな……) (Ngh... I wanna go home...)
