Conquest of the Dark Singularity

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Event Story Gallery

Event duration: 10:00 UTC, July 29, 202419:00 JST, July 29, 2024 - 11:59 UTC, August 6, 202420:59 JST, August 6, 2024
Displayed time is based on your local machine's clock.

Conquest of the Dark Singularity is a story event.

This event is part of the annual Summer Vacation series. Listed in order of premiere:

This event is part of the Accordants and Horoscopes series. Listed in order of premiere:

The following Fate Episodes are related to this event's story:

  • Hekate: "Surely an encounter with a magnificent goddess like myself is unforgettable. You haven't forgotten... right?"
I Long to Become One, The Goddess's Scheme
  • Cupitan (Summer): "I had such a great time at the beach with Hekate while she was Ris!"
A Vacation with Ris, Pure Devotion
  • Ragazzo: "Never thought the day would come when I'd actually enjoy the skyfarer life..."
What Is Freedom?, Freeeedooom!
  • Percival (Summer): "It may very well have been fate that I met the marmoks at the ocean that summer day."
Summer's Promise

The Auguste Isles.
Blessed by sunlight, abundant with water.
A myriad of flying sharks, zombie outbreaks,
and hardworking kappa.

Many a time, skyfarers visit Auguste
for a restful vacation,
only to discover the baffling mysteries
lurking within the ocean.

It all began with a single primal beast,
whose existence was enough to make
any fin tremble...

Witness the final Thunnus Blitz
as it pierces through the waves and clouds.

For new players

  • Complete each chapter, quest, and raid boss; each awards Crystal ×50 on first-time completion.
  • Obtain as many Over Mastery RingsOver Mastery Rings as you reasonably can from badge, honor, and token rewards.
  • Earn trophies for additional Crystals.
  • Damascus Crystals are a good long-term investment given their scarcity outside of events. Obtaining all three (and the Damascus Grain) is recommended if AP/Elixir consumption is not a concern.
  • Complete the daily mission every day.
  • The total amount of tokens needed to empty the first 20 drawboxes for the maximum amount of Crystals, and every Golden Gift and Silver Gift is 40,680 tokens. This assumes the first four drawboxes are fully emptied and are not reset early.

Notable Rewards

Golden Gifts and Silver Gifts

  • One Golden Gift per drawbox can be obtained from drawboxes #1 through #4 of the token draw.
  • One Silver Gift per drawbox can be obtained from drawboxes #5 through #20 of the token draw.
  • Gifts can be used from the Tickets tab under Items in the supplies.

Items Received from Gifts

Golden Gift
Sunlight Stone ×1
Damascus Ingot ×1
Damascus Grain ×1
Crystal ×1,000
Premium Draw Ticket ×3
Ruby Awakening Orb ×1
Sapphire Awakening Orb ×1
Citrine Awakening Orb ×1
Brimstone Earrings ×1
Permafrost Earrings ×1
Brickearth Earrings ×1
Jetstream Earrings ×1
Sunbeam Earrings ×1
Nightshade Earrings ×1
Gold Moon ×1
Silver Moon ×2
Bronze Moon ×3
Weapon Plus Mark ×5
Summon Plus Mark ×5
Lazuline Vessel ×3
Scarlet Vessel ×3
Half Elixir ×15
Soul Berry ×45
Silver Gift
Damascus Grain ×1
Shiva Anima ×3
Europa Anima ×3
Alexiel Anima ×3
Grimnir Anima ×3
Metatron Anima ×3
Avatar Anima ×3
Sephira Stone ×2
Flameborne Astra ×2
Aquaborne Astra ×2
Earthborne Astra ×2
Windborne Astra ×2
Lightborne Astra ×2
Darkborne Astra ×2
Justice Idean ×1
Hanged Man Idean ×1
Death Idean ×1
Temperance Idean ×1
Devil Idean ×1
Tower Idean ×1
Star Idean ×1
Moon Idean ×1
Sun Idean ×1
Judgement Idean ×1
Aurora Haze ×1
Chaotic Haze ×1
Lineage Ring ×1
Coronation Ring ×3

New Character

This event has no recruitable character.

Simplified drop table

Difficulty Type Item Silver Gold Weapon Quartz Urn Grain
Very Hard Raid 0-7 1-7 0-1 -
Extreme Raid - 1-2 2-8 -
Impossible Raid - 2-4 3-9 -
Nightmare Solo 2-? 2-4 1-4
Proud Solo 1-7 2-? 1-2

Event Battles

Story Battles

Occurrences Notes
Ch. 3, Ep. 4
Ch. 6, Ep. 4

Raid Battles

Here Comes the King Fish
Cost to Host: 0 AP (Up to 5 event raids daily), 20 AP (from 6th raid onward) Cost to Join: 1 EP Unlock: Clear Chapter 3
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Lvl 30 Salmrick 30 6,100,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Trout Rush TR 50%
Targets: One ally
Deals: Water DMG (400%)
Effect: Double Attack Rate Boosted (Self)
  • King's Ordeal TR 25%
Targets: All allies
Deals: Water DMG (350%)
Effect: Bonus Water DMG (Self)
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Trout Rush.
  • 25% Trigger
Casts King's Ordeal.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50, I'll Protect the Peace of the Skies!Rewards
Crystal ×10
, Honor ×200,000
Honor: Honor ×33,000 (solo)
Host: Water Token ×8 Join: Water Token ×15 MVP: Water Token ×8 2nd: Water Token ×3 3rd: Water Token ×1
Chest 1 Chest 2 Chest 3 Chest 4
Very RareVerification needed. Uncommon Likely Likely
  • Tamatebako
Chest 5 Chest 6 Red
100% 100% -
  • Silver Badge
  • Gold Badge
  • Silver Badge
  • Gold Badge
Drop table last updated: 2018-04-04, all stated drop rates are estimates.
The game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff.
Nautical Ascension
Cost to Host: 0 AP (Up to 5 event raids daily), 30 AP & Tamatebako ×3 (from 6th raid onward) Cost to Join: 2 EP or
1 EP at <50% HP.
Unlock: Clear Chapter 6
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Seahamut 50 12,500,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Tidal Vortex TR 50%
Targets: Random allies
Deals: Water DMG (8-hit / 90%)
Effect: Strong Armed / ATK Lowered (All allies)
  • Abyss Nova TR 25%
Targets: All allies
Deals: Water DMG (450%)
Effect: Buff Effect Removed / Charge Bar -200% (All allies)
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Tidal Vortex.
  • 25% Trigger
Casts Abyss Nova.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50, Well-Swam FishfarerRewards
Crystal ×10
, Honor ×400,000
Honor: Honor ×107,500 (solo)
Host: Water Token ×30 Join: Water Token ×16 MVP: Water Token ×18 2nd: Water Token ×8 3rd: Water Token ×4
Chest 1 Chest 2 Chest 3 Chest 4
Very RareVerification needed. Uncommon Likely Likely
Chest 5 Chest 6 Red
100% 100% -
  • Gold Badge
  • Gold Badge
Drop table last updated: 2018-04-04, all stated drop rates are estimates.
The game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff.
Seahamut (Impossible)
Cost to Host: 0 AP (Up to 5 event raids daily), 40 AP & Tamatebako ×5 (from 6th raid onward) Cost to Join: Rank 101+, 3 EP or
2 EP at <50% HP.
Unlock: Rank 101+, Clear Ending
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Seahamut 100 133,000,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Tidal Vortex TR 75%
Targets: Random allies
Deals: Water DMG (8-hit / 90%)
Effect: Strong Armed / ATK Lowered (All allies) / Double Attack Rate Boosted / Triple Attack Rate Boosted (Self)
  • Jet Flare TR 50%
Targets: All allies
Deals: Water DMG (250%)
Effect: Blinded / Suffocate (All allies)
  • Abyss Nova TR 25%
Targets: All allies
Deals: Water DMG (450%)
Effect: Buff Effect Removed / Charge Bar -200% (All allies)
  • 75% Trigger
Casts Tidal Vortex.
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Jet Flare.
  • 25% Trigger
Casts Abyss Nova.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50 Honor: Honor ×426,020 (solo)
Host: Water Token ×66 Join: Water Token ×42 MVP: Water Token ×36 2nd: Water Token ×18 3rd: Water Token ×10
Chest 1 Chest 2 Chest 3 Chest 4
Rare 100% 100% 100%
  • Silver Badge ×2
  • Silver Badge ×4
  • Gold Badge
  • Gold Badge ×2
Chest 5 Chest 6 Red
100% 100% -
  • Gold Badge
  • Gold Badge ×2
  • Gold Badge ×2
Drop table last updated: 2017-01-05, all stated drop rates are estimates.
The game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff.

Solo Battles

Good luck!
This solo content is intended as a challenge for experienced players.
It may be impractical to clear without specific characters, summons, or advanced weapons.
Please see the Strategy section for tips and suggestions!

Beneath the Surging Waves
Cost to Host: 0 AP / 50 AP (after first clear) Unlock: Rank 150+, Clear Ending
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Seahamut 150 150,000,000 ◇◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Tidal Vortex TR 75%
Targets: Random allies
Deals: Water DMG (8-hit / 80%)
Effect: Buff Effect Removed / Strong Armed / ATK Lowered (All allies) / Double Attack Rate Boosted / Triple Attack Rate Boosted (Self) (Debuffs only inflicted on allies that take DMG)
  • Jet Flare TR 50%
Targets: All allies
Deals: Water DMG (330%)
Effect: Buff Effect Removed / Blinded / Suffocate / Skill Sealed (All allies) (Debuffs only inflicted on allies that take DMG)
  • Abyss Nova TR 25%
Targets: All allies
Deals: Water DMG (999999 static)
  • Upon entering Overdrive
Fills all charge diamonds.
  • 75% Trigger
Casts Tidal Vortex.
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Jet Flare.
  • 25% Trigger
Casts Abyss Nova.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50, Blue Sky Crystal ×1, Water Token ×200
Every clear: Water Token ×21, Honor ×10,000
Wooden Silver Gold
  • Silver Badge
  • Gold Badge

Trout Hazard
Cost to Host: 0 AP Unlock: May appear after hosting Very Hard (Raid), Extreme (Raid) or Impossible.
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Salmrick 70 16,000,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Trout Rush TR 50%
Targets: One ally
Deals: Water DMG (400%)
Effect: ATK Boosted / Double Attack Rate Boosted (Self)
  • King's Ordeal TR 25%
Targets: All allies
Deals: Water DMG (350%)
Effect: Bonus Water DMG / Uplifted (Self)
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Trout Rush.
  • 25% Trigger
Casts King's Ordeal.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Blue Sky Crystal, Fish King of AugusteRewards
Crystal ×50
Every clear: Water Token ×100, Honor ×50,000
Chest 1 Chest 2 Chest 3 Chest 4
Extremely Rare Rare Rare Likely
Chest 5 Chest 6 Chest 7 Chest 8
100% 100% 100% 100%
  • Tamatebako
  • Silver Badge
  • Gold Badge
  • Gold Badge
Drop table last updated: 2017-11-01, all stated drop rates are estimates.
The game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff.

Challenge Battles

This event has no challenge battles.

Daily Mission

  • Rewards of Daily Mission
    • Period: 10:00 UTC, July 29, 202419:00 JST, July 29, 202411:59 UTC, August 6, 202420:59 JST, August 6, 2024
    • Rewards: Crystal ×50, Water Token ×150

Event Missions

Completing missions during the event earns rewards. The missions are as follows:

Mission Reward
Join 3 event raid backup requests Tamatebako ×3, Albacore Body
Join 5 event raid backup requests Tamatebako ×5, Albacore Body
Join 10 event raid backup requests Tamatebako ×7, Albacore Body
Join 15 event raid backup requests Tamatebako ×10, Albacore Body
Clear 3 Nightmare battles Water Token ×200
Clear 5 Nightmare battles Water Token ×300
Clear 10 Nightmare battles Water Token ×500
Clear 15 Nightmare battles Water Token ×1,000
Reset drawbox #1 Premium Draw Ticket ×1
Reset drawbox #2 Premium Draw Ticket ×1
Reset drawbox #3 Premium Draw Ticket ×1
Reset drawbox #4 Premium Draw Ticket ×1

Event Rewards

Token Drawbox

Event Token Drawbox
Name 1st 2nd 3rd4th5th-20th
Golden Gift1111--
Silver Gift----1-
Water Quartz ×20111111
Rhothion Harp444422
Treasure (Carried Over) Max 7 per event
Name 1st 2nd 3rd4th-10th5th-20th
Damascus Crystal---1--
Name 1st 2nd 3rd4th5th-20th
Coronation Ring111---
Lineage Ring111---
Name 1st 2nd 3rd4th5th-20th
Skill Jewel11111-
Skill Shard22222-
Archangel Weapon608090130130130
Angel Weapon608090130130130
Rare Weapon-----50
Name 1st 2nd 3rd4th5th-20th
Archangel Queen305060707070
Angel Queen508090130130130
Rare Summon-----50
Name 1st 2nd 3rd4th5th-20th
Half Elixir101520151510
Soul Berry202540252515
Name 1st 2nd 3rd4th5th-20th
Supreme Merit222444
Champion Merit444101010
Deluge Fragment22222-
True Water Anima22222-
Indicus Centrum22222-
Gabriel Anima22222-
Tefnut Anima22222-
Name 1st 2nd 3rd4th5th-20th
Crystal ×205-----
Crystal ×15-10----
Crystal ×10--101010-
Rupies ×300168203283193--
Rupies ×100----195230
CP ×1080100130-2020
CP ×35---20--
Arcapoint ×2540-----
Arcapoint ×20-5050---
Arcapoint ×10---100100-
Total 600 790 990 105710561052

Honor Rewards

Notable Honor Rewards
Honor Item
150,000 Steel Brick
200,000 Water Quartz ×20
250,000 Premium Draw Ticket
450,000 Water Quartz ×20
500,000 Damascus Crystal
800,000 Steel Brick
900,000 Water Quartz ×20
1,000,000 Premium Draw Ticket
1,300,000 Sephira Stone ×1
1,400,000 Water Quartz ×20
1,500,000 Damascus Crystal
1,800,000 Sephira Stone ×1
1,900,000 Water Quartz ×20
2,000,000 Lineage Ring ×1
2,300,000 Sephira Stone ×1
2,400,000 Water Quartz ×20
2,500,000 Damascus Crystal
2,800,000 Sephira Stone ×1
2,900,000 Water Quartz ×20
3,000,000 Intricacy Ring ×1
3,600,000 Sephira Stone ×1
3,800,000 Water Quartz ×20
4,000,000 Damascus Grain ×1
4,600,000 Sephira Stone ×1
4,800,000 Water Quartz ×20
5,600,000 Sephira Stone ×1
5,800,000 Water Quartz ×20
6,000,000 Horn of Bahamut ×1
7,000,000 Primeval Horn ×1
8,000,000 Meteorite ×1
9,000,000 Ultima Unit ×1
10,000,000 Tears of the Apocalypse ×1
11,000,000 Abyssal Wing ×1
12,000,000 Cunning Devil's Horn ×1

Badge Rewards

Battle Badge Rewards
Number Silver Gold
10 Half Elixir ×5 Tamatebako ×5
20 Tiamat Anima ×6 Champion Merit ×2
30 Soul Berry ×10 Supreme Merit ×1
40 Colossus Anima ×6 Blue Sky Crystal ×1
50 Half Elixir ×5 Coronation Ring ×1
60 Leviathan Anima ×6 Tamatebako ×5
70 Soul Berry ×10 Champion Merit ×2
80 Yggdrasil Anima ×6 Supreme Merit ×1
90 Half Elixir ×5 Water Urn ×1
100 Luminiera Anima ×6 Coronation Ring ×1
110 Soul Berry ×10 Tamatebako ×5
120 Celeste Anima ×6 Champion Merit ×2
130 Half Elixir ×5 Supreme Merit ×1
140 Tiamat Omega Anima ×5 Blue Sky Crystal
150 Soul Berry ×10 Coronation Ring ×1
160 Colossus Omega Anima ×5 Tamatebako ×5
170 Half Elixir ×5 Champion Merit ×2
180 Leviathan Omega Anima ×5 Supreme Merit ×1
190 Soul Berry ×10 Water Urn ×1
200 Yggdrasil Omega Anima ×5 Coronation Ring ×1
210 Half Elixir ×5 Tamatebako ×5
220 Luminiera Omega Anima ×5 Champion Merit ×2
230 Soul Berry ×10 Supreme Merit ×2
240 Celeste Omega Anima ×5 Blue Sky Crystal ×1
250 Full Elixir ×2 Legendary Merit ×1
260 Water Crystal ×1 Tamatebako ×5
270 Soul Balm ×2 Champion Merit ×2
280 Europa Anima ×1 Supreme Merit ×2
290 Full Elixir ×2 Water Urn ×1
300 Coronation Ring ×1 Lineage Ring ×1


  English Title Japanese Title Step Description Reward Notes
Loner Fish ★☆☆ Get 100,000 honors in Conquest of the Dark Singularity
Friend of the Dragon Palace ★★☆ Get 500,000 honors in Conquest of the Dark Singularity
Strong and Independent Albacore ★★★ Get 1,000,000 honors in Conquest of the Dark Singularity Crystal ×50
I'll Protect the Peace of the Skies! Defeat Salmrick (Very Hard) in a raid battle you started Crystal ×10
Well-Swam Fishfarer Defeat Seahamut (Extreme) in a raid battle you started Crystal ×10
Stupid, Silly Squid! ★☆☆ Clear Conquest of the Dark Singularity raid battle 5 times
Glubsational! ★★☆ Clear Conquest of the Dark Singularity raid battle 50 times
Everyone's Weird, Everyone's Normal ★★★ Clear Conquest of the Dark Singularity raid battle 200 times Crystal ×50
Fish King of Auguste Defeat Salmrick (Nightmare) Crystal ×50

Voiced Trailer

This section needs an English translation of Japanese text.
Please help by contributing a translation!
(Note: Machine translations, such as Google Translate, are not acceptable.)
Japanese[1] EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation.












Trailer Teaser Text

This text only appears in the voiced trailer pop-up window.

The Auguste Isles.
Blessed by sunlight, abundant with water.
A myriad of flying sharks, zombie outbreaks, and
hardworking kappa.

Many a time, skyfarers visit Auguste for a restful
vacation, only to discover the baffling mysteries
lurking within the ocean.

It all began with a single primal beast, whose
existence was enough to make any fin tremble...

Next up in Granblue Fantasy,
Conquest of the Dark Singularity

Witness the final Thunnus Blitz
as it pierces through the waves and clouds.


