Jessica (SSR)/Lore

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Official Profile

Age 18
Height 160 cm
Race Human
Hobbies Gun maintenance, cooking
Likes Little children
Dislikes Maps
Granblue Fantasy Theater
Jessica's brother was abducted by Nephthys long ago, and she's been searching the skydoms for him ever since. She treats everyone she meets with kindness; she's reasonable and reliable, and in many respects, she is a mature young woman, but there's something off about her. Maybe it's the way she casually totes a massive gun that's roughly the same size she is, though she has more than enough strength to handle the recoil. When things get tough, Jessica can often be found blasting her troubles away with a smile on her face.
Character Release
星晶獣ネフティスにさらわれた弟を探す旅をしている銃士。 心優しく世話焼きで、主人公達のお姉さん的立ち位置を得ている。精神的に大人びているもののどこか抜けている節があり、地図を読むのが苦手で迷子になることも。身の丈ほどもある火砲を愛用する怪力の持ち主で、色々と面倒になると笑顔で大砲をぶっ放して話をまとめようとすることもある。
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
Age 18歳
Height 160cm
Race ヒューマン
Hobbies 銃の手入れ、お料理
Likes 年下の子供
Dislikes 地図
Granblue Fantasy Theater

Character Release
星晶獣ネフティスにさらわれた弟を探す旅をしている銃士。 心優しく世話焼きで、主人公達のお姉さん的立ち位置を得ている。精神的に大人びているもののどこか抜けている節があり、地図を読むのが苦手で迷子になることも。身の丈ほどもある火砲を愛用する怪力の持ち主で、色々と面倒になると笑顔で大砲をぶっ放して話をまとめようとすることもある。
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]





  • The names of Jessicas's abilities and charge attack are German.
    • "Wandelnde Flamme", roughly translates to "Changing Flame" (possibly meant to be "Wanderende Flamme", wandering Flame)
    • "Eisenregen" means "Rain of Iron"
    • "Nachladen" means "Reload"
    • "Neuer Anfang" means "New Beginning"
  • Her Recruitment Weapon also uses a German term, "Raffiniert", meaning Refined

Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy birthday! I'm so happy to celebrate the occasion, (Captain)!
Whether it's you, other crew members, Ayer, or even me, we're all changing with the times little by little.
It's one reason I find birthday celebrations to be such a beautiful thing.
So you just sit back and relax today, (Captain)!
You can be sure that no matter how much I change, I'll never tire of acting like your big sis!


Good mooorning, (Captain)!
Hehe, are you awake? Time to get up, sleepy head.
But I suppose you can sleep in for a little bit. It is your birthday, after all!
You wanna know what I'm up to this morning? Well, I was thinking we'd do an amplified version of what we did last year for your birthday...
That's why I've decided to treat you to a full-day celebration. I've got it all planned out!
We'll spend the morning at a cafe on this island. I heard their pancakes are amazing!
Then around noon, we'll...
Oops... Sorry, I'm getting a little carried away, aren't I.
I scheduled so many fun things for us to do... I can't help but be a little excited. Ahaha...
I should calm down... Don't wanna get lost on our way to all of these places.

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy New Year, (Captain)!
Nice to see you and Ayer up so early for the occasion!
Lowain and Vane made lots of osechi, and there's still plenty left!
Anyway, it's such a joy to see you all able to get up by yourselves.
For the New Year's shrine visit, I'll have to pray that I can mature just as much.


Hmm, what to do, what to do...
Ah, (Captain)! Sorry, I didn't see you there.
Happy New Year! Hope this one is as good as the last for the both of us!
What's bothering me? Oh, it's nothing really...
I tried on my kimono earlier this morning and, um... I don't know, it just felt different.
Maybe it's because I had it made before I cut my hair, and I'm stuck on how I looked at the time.
I was just wondering if I should get something tailored to fit the way I look now, that's all.
Choose: Let's go look at some clothes right now!
N-now? Are you sure? Don't you have plans today?
Aw, thanks for offering, (Captain)! All right, let's go together!

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

(Captain), do you prefer your chocolates to be handmade?
Thing is, I have something else here in addition to the handmade ones...
When other crew members went shopping for Valentine's makeup products, I bought this brand of chocolate...
It looks so good that it'd be a shame to eat alone...
(Captain) expresses a love for all sorts of chocolate.
Perfect! This is a secret between us two, okay?


(Captain)! I did it again! I bought the limited-time chocolate from that famous chocolatier!
Apparently it's a different flavor from last year's. It looked so delicious I could barely wait to buy it!
Oh, I whipped up a handmade batch of chocolate too, don't you worry.
To tell you the truth, I studied the chocolate I got last year and tried to duplicate the recipe as close as I could.
While I was making it, I thought about all of the memories we've shared together...
I guess what I'm trying to say is... This chocolate is for you and only you. I would love it if you enjoyed them alone.

White Chocolate Cake
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

(Captain)! This perfume—it's the type I've been using all along, and it was my mom's favorite!
You and La Coiffe tracked this down just for me?
Thank you so much! I enjoy new things too, but this brand of perfume really makes me feel at home!
I've avoided using it lately since my supply was running low, but that's not a concern anymore!
Ehehe... You really made my day!


Are you sure you want to give me this beautiful makeup pouch as a thank you gift?
No, don't get me wrong! I'm beyond happy that you'd give this to me. I'm just surprised! You really pay attention to me.
This pouch is as functional as it is adorable. It's exactly what I've been looking for!
You know, Ayer gave me a thank you gift that was just as sophisticated as this.
It amazes me to see how everyone's been studying up on so many different topics...
Ehehe... I better start working hard myself! I gotta put in the effort if I wanna become a great big sis and a dedicated crew member!
Hehe... Anyway, I can't wait to take this pouch with me on my next outing!

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text
1 Cutscene link missing. Please add links to the character's lore page.
Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

There's something I've been asking everyone concerning the holidays. Mind if I ask you too?
Seeing a big thumbs-up from (Captain), Jessica continues on.
Is there an age when it stops becoming appropriate for me to give Ayer a holiday present?
Oh, I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. But I was wondering if I should consider a cutoff at some point.
You think he'll be happy with my presents no matter how old we get?
Thanks, that's a relief. I guess a part of me was panicking over nothing.
Huh? Why am I even asking this? Well...
That's a secret!
More importantly, I hope you're looking forward to the present I have for you, (Captain)!


Thanks for meeting with me, (Captain).
See, I've been having trouble coming up with good gift ideas for Ayer...
He won't put up with being treated like a kid anymore, so I figured I'd get him a present he can use even when he grows up.
And I thought since you've been around him the longest, I should ask your opinion on what would make the perfect gift for him!
I've got a present with your name on it if you help me out! I'll take you out for some delicious cake too!
I found this amazing bakery that sells the yummiest sweets!
We'll sneak away for a bite of holiday cake, you and me. Just you wait, you're in for a real treat!

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Changing Myself

Noticing that Ayer has become increasingly more sociable lately, Jessica also vows to change by being less clingy of a big sister. Korwa offers ideas on a more physical makeover as well.

Two figures are seen walking down the halls of the Grandcypher one evening.
Ayer: Catch you later, Deliford.
Deliford: Yes, I'll see you around.
Jessica: Welcome back, Ayer. You went to the sauna with Deliford?
Ayer: Not exactly. We bumped into each other at the sauna and just happened to come back at the same time.
Jessica: Haha... Siegfried was looking for you by the way.
Ayer: Siegfried? What for?
Jessica: He wanted to spar barehanded with you. I think he's still in the mess hall.
Ayer: All right, I'll go take a look. Thanks, Sis.
Ayer makes his way to the mess hall alone.
Jessica lights up at her little brother's reaction.
Jessica: (I never imagined Ayer being sociable with so many people...)
Ever since accepting the persona known as Bowman within himself...
Ayer has become more personable with his fellow crew members.
Jessica: (I'm so glad the two of us were able to join this crew.)
Jessica: Maybe I can take this chance to watch them spar and learn a thing or two.
With that in mind, Jessica trails behind Ayer.
The following day, Jessica is at a storage room which has practically become Ayer's private quarters.
Jessica: Ayer, are you awake?
Ayer: What's up, Sis?
Jessica: It's almost lunchtime... If you're still tired from yesterday, I guess that means you'll spend the day in bed?
Ayer: Not exactly... I'm just cleaning up here.
Jessica: Cleaning? How rare! Usually it doesn't even cross your mind unless I bring it up!
Ayer: At the sauna, Deliford asked me if I clean my room.
Ayer: Doing so helps you organize your thoughts and even makes a difference in battle, apparently.
Ayer: It's true I never really took cleanup seriously, so I figured I might as well give it a shot.
Ayer: Especially with all the baggage I've got from Bowman.
Jessica: Are you going... to throw that all away?
Ayer: Nah, just gonna set it aside. Could come in handy someday.
Jessica gasps at seeing Ayer's serene expression.
Jessica: (Ayer... I had no idea you've absorbed so much from speaking to all sorts of people...)
Jessica: (I guess you have your own ideas about things and are growing in your own way.)
Jessica: Okay, you keep tidying things up while I scrub the floors!
Ayer: Sis, I can do that myself.
Ayer: It's just kind of lame if I need your help cleaning up all the time...
Jessica: Oh, I see what you mean...
Jessica: I guess I got in the way... Sorry, Ayer...
Ayer: Hey, I'm not trying to shoo you away—
Jessica: Well, don't forget to eat your meals!
Jessica runs out of the storage room, leaving a somewhat perplexed Ayer to his lonesome.
Jessica: Sigh... I did it again.
Jessica: I haven't changed at all... I swore I'd let go, but old habits really do die hard...
Jessica: You see, I used to be so worried about Ayer that I would follow his every move.
Jessica: But he's grown up and can take care of himself now, so he doesn't need me to look out for him anymore.
Jessica: That's why I keep telling myself I have to let go. I've been trying to do that, but...
Jessica: Here I am, coming to check on Ayer again today...
Jessica: It's time I made some big changes.
Jessica: Just like Ayer is moving ahead, I have to do the same.
Jessica: By looking for something new to dedicate myself to.
Jessica walks around the Grandcypher, muttering to herself all the while.
Though determined to change herself, Jessica isn't quite sure how to go about it.
Jessica: Hm, I can't think of anything...
While Ayer has taken up the sauna as a new hobby, Jessica struggles to come up with something similar.
Jessica: Hrrmmm...
???: Well, looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of bed today. Best not let your happy ending get away from you.
Jessica: Korwa!
Korwa is a world-famous fashion designer who happens to love the idea of happy endings.
Korwa: Sorry to butt in, but I couldn't help myself when I saw you all lost and sighing to yourself.
Korwa: Is something on your mind? I'd be more than happy to listen if you want to talk about it.
Jessica: The truth is...
Korwa: Okay, so you're looking for a new hobby to define the new you... Hm, that can be a tough one.
Korwa: There are some hobbies that require lots of equipment to even get started, which can end up being a huge waste if you later find you're not actually into the activity.
Jessica: I know what you mean, but... I really, really want to try something new!
Korwa: Hm... Why not try changing up your fashion? That's something you can start easily enough.
Jessica: My fashion?
Jessica looks wide-eyed at Korwa in response.
Her advice is a pristine strand of wisdom amid a tapestry of darkness.

First Step to a New Me

Ayer is flabbergasted to find his sister with short hair one day. Jessica sits down with him in the Grandcypher's dining hall and explains how this change came about.

Ayer awakens in his now-tidy room and realizes the difference that cleaning up makes.
Ayer: Yawn... Sis didn't drop by today.
A glance at the clock on the wall reveals that Ayer has overslept.
Jessica didn't come by to wake him up as usual.
Ayer: (She didn't come yesterday either...)
Ayer: (Could she... Nah, I'm just overthinking it.)
Jessica: M-morning, Ayer! Nice to see you're finally awake.
Ayer: Yep... Morning, Sis.
Ayer: (She was probably just busy today...)
Jessica: Nice to see you're keen on breakfast today! The bacon is fresh off the grill!
Ayer: Mm-hm, got it.
As Ayer prepares to fill his plate with food, he notices something amiss.
Ayer: Whoa! What's with your hair!
Ayer had grown so accustomed to the long hair of his sister.
To see it cut so short comes as a big shock.
Jessica: Phew, I was almost afraid you wouldn't notice.
Ayer: That's besides the point... What happened? Has someone been bullying you?
Jessica: Calm down, Ayer! It's nothing serious!
Jessica: Maybe you can hear me out while having breakfast.
Ayer: Yeah, wait a sec for me while I grab my food.
With breakfast in hand, Ayer takes a window seat opposite from Jessica.
Jessica: You see, I took a day off from the crew yesterday.
Ayer: Oh... Explains why you weren't around.
Jessica: Yeah, I did a bit of shopping. And also...
Ayer listens intently about his sister's day off.

First Step to a New Me: Scene 2

A day prior, Jessica had gone shopping with Korwa, La Coiffe, and Lamretta. Despite buying new clothes and perfume, she still felt like her same old self. While taking a break at a cafe, the girls' encouragement pushed Jessica to consider getting a new hairstyle.

Yesterday, the crew made landfall on an island replete with shopping facilities.
Jessica: Wow... It sure is crowded out here...
Korwa: This island's gained a reputation for having so many fancy shops in one place.
Korwa: We're lucky (Captain)'s next assignment just happens to be on this island!
Korwa: I'm certain you'll find some sort of inspiration here, Jessica!
Jessica: Mm-hm! I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
Korwa: But first we meet up with the helpers I called on.
Jessica: You're really going out of your way to support me in this effort. Thank you...
Things took an unexpected turn after Jessica discussed her concerns with Korwa days earlier.
Jessica: Change my outfit? You mean like... a makeover?
Korwa: Exactly—a makeover! Seems like the perfect way to find the new you!
Jessica: You might be right! I hadn't considered that option!
Jessica: How exactly do you think I should go about it though?
Korwa: Checking out a clothing shop's selection should give you ideas! Let's go shopping on our next break!
Korwa: It's only when you see the clothing in person and touch the fabric for yourself that you can decide what's right for you.
Jessica: As much as I appreciate this, I hope I won't be taking up too much of your time...
Korwa: Oh, it's no bother at all! I want to be there for a clothing makeover.
Korwa: For occasions like this though, it's best to have a variety of opinions.
Korwa: I'll ask a few friends to see if they can help! Expect good things!
Jessica: Wow, thanks! I'm looking forward to it!
La Coiffe: Sorry to keep you waiting! We got a bit lost in the massive crowds.
Lamretta: I'd heard about this place, but it's that much more impressive to see in person. The girls here are all about the latest fashion trends.
Jessica: La Coiffe! Lamretta! You two are the help that Korwa mentioned?
Korwa: Yep, that's right! I asked them to scope out some good shops in advance for us.
La Coiffe: This is gonna be such a blast!
La Coiffe: La Coiffe, Helper #1, at your service!
La Coiffe: Makeovers are sooo much fun! I'm glad to be part of this! Leave the makeup and perfume to me!
Korwa: And of course, we can't forget Lamretta—the crew's poster girl for a perfect makeover!
Lamretta: Yep, Helper #2 here! I'll help out any way I can!
Lamretta: Really though, it's just a chance for me to hang out with Korwa and La Coiffe.
Jessica: I really appreciate this either way! Thank you so much, you two!
Both Girls: (She's the mature type!)
Korwa: Now that self-introductions are done with, lead the way, you two!
La Coiffe: Sure thing! But first thing's first! Do you have an image of yourself in mind, Jessica?
La Coiffe: Are you going for a girly look? Or a more mature look?
Jessica: Sorry, I haven't really thought that through...
La Coiffe: Not a problem! We'll just pop into the first shop that looks good! Well, let's get going!
Korwa: Way to keep it simple! Can't wait to see the places you chose!
And so begins Jessica's journey of self-discovery.
Jessica: I'm finding it hard to stay focused on a single thing...
Korwa: I guess you don't come to big shops like this often?
Jessica: The last time was when I picked out a yukata.
Jessica: But yeah, it's definitely been a while since I stepped into a women's clothing shop.
Korwa: All the more reason to enjoy yourself! By the way, anything catch your eye yet?
Jessica: I spotted some items that might look good on me, but...
Jessica brings a few pieces of clothing to Korwa.
Jessica: I get the feeling this isn't any different from the usual me...
Korwa: Lovely! Knowing your preferences is already a big step!
Korwa: Try these on! You might find that they present you in just enough of a different light!
Jessica: Hm, you think so?
Korwa: Absolutely. Finding clothes that are perfect for you may as well be a once-in-a-lifetime encounter.
Lamretta's Voice: Gah! The really nice dress that was just here is gone!
Jessica: L-Lamretta...
Korwa: You see? When you pass on something you might want, it won't always be there later.
Korwa: Might as well spare yourself the potential despair of such a depressing bad ending.
Jessica: You have a point... I'll be right back!
Korwa: Mm-hm. And I suppose I should help Lamretta look for another dress...
Jessica: I ended up buying the clothes...
La Coiffe: Jessica, Lamretta, you two were absolutely adorable in the fitting room!
Jessica: Ehehe... Thanks!
Jessica: I'm glad you found something for yourself too, Lamretta!
Lamretta: Korwa is amazing... She found something better than what I initially had my eyes on.
Jessica: (The clothes I went with aren't too different from my usual look though...)
Jessica: (As cute as they are, I'm not sure if they're enough for the makeover I'm looking for...)
With new clothes in hand along with a smidgen of uncertainty, the group makes for the next shop.
They come to a place specializing in perfumes and cosmetics.
La Coiffe: Do you have a preferred fragrance, Jessica?
Jessica: Hm, you know... I've never really thought about that.
Jessica: The perfume I'm currently using is a hand-me-down from my mom. Since I've gotten used to it, I find it really soothing.
La Coiffe: Let's see... A light, soothing vanilla fragrance! Lovely!
La Coiffe: I'll introduce you to a few brands along those lines!
Jessica: Thanks! Also, I wouldn't mind trying something that's a bit out of my comfort zone.
La Coiffe: Great! Hm, I'm not sure a pungent spicy perfume would be a good match...
La Coiffe: For someone with a mature personality like you, I'm thinking maybe a touch of citrus could work!
Jessica: You think so? I'd love to try it out then!
La Coiffe: A vanilla fragrance with subtle citrus notes—you smell wonderful, Jessica!
La Coiffe: The fresh, balmy scent couldn't suit you better!
Lamretta: If you could turn this scent into a cocktail, I'd drink it in a heartbeat—
Lamretta: Ah! I mean it's so nice that even I feel refreshed!
Jessica: None of the other perfumes I tested work for me though...
Jessica: Sorry for the trouble you went through picking them out, La Coiffe.
La Coiffe: Hey, don't worry about it. I found a decent one for myself.
La Coiffe: Besides, putting on perfume that doesn't agree with you isn't doing yourself any favors.
Lamretta: You can't exactly block the scent after all, so definitely go with something you find pleasant.
Lamretta: Anyhoo, I love the perfume you have on right now, Jessica.
La Coiffe: Heheh. I recommend it with flying colors!
Jessica: (As nice of a fragrance as it is, I can't deny I'm a bit disappointed at myself for not choosing something entirely new...)
Jessica: (Is this makeover really going to work out for me?)
Korwa: Okay, why don't we stop by a cafe for a break? To rest our weary legs!
Lamretta: Agreed! I'll show you guys a good place!
La Coiffe: Ooh, Lamretta's leading the way! Does that mean we'll be going to a bar in the middle of the day?
Lamretta: C'mon, La Coiffe, you came with us when we scouted the place out! It's a ritzy cafe!
Lamretta: Phew! We sure came away with a big haul today, huh?
Lamretta takes a good look at the bevy of shopping bags they've stacked onto a corner seat.
Jessica: Yeah... I'm just sorry I have trouble making up my mind on what exactly I'm looking for.
La Coiffe: It's nothing to apologize for! That's what shopping's all about!
Korwa: Trying to figure out what you want is part of the fun.
Korwa: Besides, you did find yourself a charming new set of clothes and perfume!
Jessica: Oh, I'm definitely pleased about that! I'm just not sure it's enough for a makeover...
Jessica: If I could just be absolutely sure that this is going to become the new me... But I'm being kind of wishy-washy about it...
Jessica: I guess I can't really change myself so easily...
Unable to stand seeing Jessica like this any longer, Lamretta speaks up.
Lamretta: Jessica, getting a makeover doesn't mean you have to become an entirely new person.
Jessica: Huh?
Lamretta: You're out here shopping with us today because you want a makeover, right?
Lamretta: The fact that you're taking action instead of just talking about it shows that your transformation has already begun.
Lamretta: If you ask me, taking that very first step is the most integral part to change.
Jessica: Lamretta...
Lamretta: I went through a phase where I cut off all contact with my parents. Yeah, I'm not proud of it...
Lamretta: But thanks to the crew, I worked up the courage to finally face my parents and talk things out.
Lamretta: Nowadays, I send them a letter along with a little souvenir once a month! The old me never would've come this far.
Lamretta: Yet I'm still a big drinker. So you could also say I haven't changed all that much!
Lamretta: Anyhoo, I think it's perfectly fine if you're still largely the same.
Lamretta: Having already taken that first step, more changes will follow soon enough... At least that's what I think.
Lamretta: Oh sorry, I didn't mean to get serious all of a sudden! Guess I'm still the same old me in many ways!
Nodding in agreement, Korwa chimes in.
Korwa: Some people change to adapt to a new environment—whether it be a new job or a new residence.
Korwa: But like Lamretta was trying to get at, that's not the only way to change.
La Coiffe: To give another example, you can change your hairstyle and replace your entire wardrobe to give off a completely different impression...
La Coiffe: Or you could change the small accessories and put on slightly different perfume and makeup...
La Coiffe: Even the smaller changes that don't stand out too much—if done intentionally—are a brave step forward in my opinion!
Korwa: Exactly! The point is, makeovers come in all types!
Jessica: I see...
Jessica: I might've been in too much of a rush...
Jessica: Trying my hardest to keep up with something that's constantly changing...
Jessica: But hearing everyone's thoughts made me realize it's okay to let loose a bit.
Jessica: Maybe it'll be easier to pinpoint what exactly I find lacking if I think calmly about it.
Korwa: Haha, that's the spirit! Hope you're all ready for round two of the day once we put a little something in our stomachs!
Lamretta: While we're here though, maybe we can try the specialty pancakes. It's nice to have something different once in a while!
La Coiffe: Nice idea! Anything else you wanted to eat, Jessica?
Jessica: Hm, let's see—
Jessica peers at the menu, its glossy surface casting a reflection of her own face.
It is then that she comes to a realization.

First Step to a New Me: Scene 3

Jessica had ended her day out with the girls on a high note, having gotten her hair done. Ayer compliments Jessica on the new look, marking a renewed relationship between brother and sister.

As the girls enjoy their respective pancakes, Jessica raises a question.
Jessica: If you guys don't mind me asking, I was just wondering...
Korwa: Sure, ask away!
Jessica: What do you think of me cutting my hair? As in, what if I just go with short hair?
The Girls: Ooh!
Jessica: It'd probably look strange, wouldn't it? I've had long hair my whole life after all...
Korwa: No, no, we were responding to what a great idea it is!
La Coiffe: I'm in full agreement. A new hairdo is a staple of makeovers.
Lamretta: That, it certainly is. Wasn't it always a lot of work keeping your long hair in good condition?
Jessica: Sure. But I figure maybe that's a habit worth breaking too now that I've heard all your thoughts.
Jessica: I've been wanting to change for a while now but was never able to go through with it...
Jessica: I just needed that extra push, which I think I have now...
Jessica: Of course, I'm still a bit uneasy about it. What do I do if it looks weird...
Korwa: I know the feeling. But if short hair does feel weird, you can always grow it back.
Korwa: Besides, my instinct as a fashionista tells me you'd look great with short hair. You can quote me on that.
La Coiffe: Saying goodbye to long hair you've taken care of your whole life definitely takes guts, but that's just part and parcel of a makeover.
La Coiffe: As an organic stylist, I'm with Korwa on this one.
Lamretta: Yeah, there's a new you in there somewhere that's just waiting to come out.
Jessica: I appreciate the kind words! Okay, my anxiety's all but gone now!
Jessica: I've made up my mind; I'm getting a haircut!
La Coiffe: Whoo! Off to the beauty parlor we go!
Korwa: A beautician I've worked with before runs a shop on this island... Let's pay her a visit when we're done here.
Jessica: Thank you! Ehehe, I'm getting excited just thinking about it!
Jessica smiles bashfully at the other three.
After finishing their meal, they head for the beauty parlor.
Beautician: Ooh, I'm always grateful for another chance to work with you, Korwa!
Korwa: Looking forward to another bang-up job, like you always do!
Beautician: Leave it to me. Well then, Jessica, how short would you like your hair?
Jessica flips through a catalog of hairstyles and points to a specific one.
Jessica: I'm thinking... about this length!
Beautician: Sure! Okay, ladies, I just need a short while with your friend!
The beautician shows the three to the waiting room before getting back to Jessica.
Beautician: Okay, here goes!
She takes a deep breath, then begins cutting away. The persistent snip of her scissors fills the silence.
Before long...
Beautician: Well, what do you think?
Jessica: Wow...
It's like... this isn't me...
Jessica gasps at the sight of herself in the mirror.
La Coiffe: That's because it's the new you, Jessica! I'm in love already!
Korwa and Lamretta nod in full agreement.
Jessica: Th-thanks, guys... This makes me so happy... Ehehe...
Korwa: Now that Jessica's got her makeover in order, it's time for round three of the day!
Jessica: Huh? But I'm already—
Korwa: With your new hairdo in place, it'll be that much easier to find clothing that suits you.
La Coiffe: And I'd love to introduce you to makeup that goes well with short hair!
Jessica: Hm... You make good points! Okay then, let's do this!
Lamretta: And lastly, I know a great place to celebrate Jessica's new look!
Korwa: Lamretta, it's a bar, isn't it?
Lamretta: Mm-hm, this is the perfect reason to go to one!
La Coiffe: Lamretta, I don't know about that...
Lamretta: Huh? But why?
Jessica: Sorry, Lamretta, I'm not exactly at the age to consume alcohol...
Lamretta: Oh gosh! You act so mature that I just assumed—
Lamretta: I'm so sorry, Jessica! Please forget anything I said about a bar! I'll bring you to a place that serves great drinks—no alcohol!
Jessica: Now that's something I can look forward to!
The hearty laughter of the four continues on throughout the remainder of the day.
Jessica: And that just about sums up my makeover story.
Ayer heaves a deep sigh after hearing about the entirety of Jessica's day off.
Ayer: So the gist of it is you and a bunch of the girls went shopping. And you got a haircut while you were at it.
Ayer: Whew... You had me worried for nothing...
Jessica: Sorry, I didn't mean to worry you...
Ayer: Nah, I'm also at fault for jumping to conclusions.
Ayer: But why'd you decide to get a makeover to begin with?
Jessica: Well, I noticed how you've been going to the sauna with various crew members lately...
Jessica: I thought maybe I should try something new myself.
Ayer: Hm...
Ayer: Well, for one thing, you definitely look great with short hair, Sis.
Jessica: Really?
Ayer: I'm so used to seeing you with long hair that it feels strangely refreshing, if that makes sense...
Jessica: You don't know how happy your approval makes me, Ayer!
Jessica: Hehe... My hair's not the only thing that's changed though... I wonder if you can tell.
Ayer: Oh yeah? Er, I couldn't tell you on the spot...
Ayer is a bit overwhelmed as Jessica leans forward with eyes full of anticipation.
Jessica: (I was able to hold off from checking in on Ayer this morning... That's progress!)
Jessica: (Letting go to give him more freedom isn't easy, but I'll take it one step at a time—)
Jessica: (My new hairstyle's a start. Now to consider how I'm going to reforge my relationship with my dear little brother!)
Feeling the effects of her makeover, Jessica's usual mornings with her brother turned out a little different today.
The girls who helped her get started on this journey are pleased to see the fruits of their labor.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
これが自分を変える一歩! Another step to changing myself!
ファッションにもだんだんと興味が…… I've developed an interest in fashion as well.
コルワさん達のアドバイス参考になります……! Korwa and the other girls gave me great advice!
この髪型でもユカタヴィラ着てみたいな I ought to try on a yukata with this new hairdo.
弟離れは毎日こつこつ…… I'm gradually learning to be less clingy with Ayer...
皆が似合ってるって言ってくれて嬉しいです I love hearing everyone's compliments on my new style.
他にも何か新しいこと始めてみようかな I wonder what other new stuff I should try out.
コルワさん達とお酒いつか飲んでみたいな I'd love to have drinks with Korwa and the other gals when I'm older.
アイルにも言ったんですが髪が短いと色々楽ですね Like I was telling Ayer, having short hair is really convenient.
(主人公)さんも髪型の感想お願いします! Thoughts on my hairdo, (Captain)?

Other Appearances


Click to reveal card data

Fanfare: Give +1/+0 to an allied Portalcraft follower. If that follower can be targeted by enemy spells or effects, your opponent can only target that follower.

Excuse me. Do you know where my little brother might have gone? His name is Ayer.


He was kidnapped by a primal beast several years ago. But I believe he's out there somewhere, alive and well!

Class Portalcraft
Card Pack Brigade of the Sky
SV Portal Jessica, Cheerful Cannoneer
Language Play Attack Evolve Death Enhance Other


  1. Granblue Fantasy Official Site, Jessica - Theater - Granblue Fantasy
  2. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 01.
  3. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 08.
  4. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, 新キャラクター紹介!「ロミオ」「ジェシカ」「バクラ」
  5. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, レジェンドフェス開催&新キャラクター浴衣バージョン「ジェシカ」、水着バージョン「エウロペ」「白竜の双騎士 ランスロット&ヴェイン」紹介!