Spoiler Alert! These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.
The Small Gentlewoman
(Captain) and company look into a child abduction case with the help of a Harvin woman named Haase. After its resolution, she takes out a card which transports the crew to a mysterious battlefield.
The crew accepts a request to look into a serial child abduction case on a certain island.
They go around town asking locals for info on who the culprit might be, but everyone seems to be equally clueless.
Vyrn: Sigh... This is gonna be one tough case to crack.
Lyria: Yeah... Another incident could be happening while we're still trying to figure things out...
???: Eep!
As the crew walk around wondering what to do next, Lyria bumps into a Harvin woman who happens to be passing by.
Lyria: Oh, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?
???: Yes, it's nothing really. I should have paid more attention to where I was walking.
Vyrn: You alone, little miss? Best make it home soon if that's the case.
Vyrn: There's some nasty creep out there kidnapping children left and right. In fact, we're looking into it right now.
???: Why, thank you for your concern. However, I must say I'm a full-grown woman even if I may not look the part.
Vyrn: Oopsie, that's my fault. Sorry about that.
???: Ahaha, no worries. Enough people get mixed up that I've gotten used to it.
???: Anyhow, I am well aware of the kidnappings. I, too, have come to this town to find out more.
Vyrn: Wait, you mean you're a skyfarer too, Braidy Girl?
???: No, not quite...
???: ...
???: Erm... If you don't mind, is it all right if I join you in your investigation?
???: Though I did come here of my own volition, I didn't exactly come prepared.
???: As soon as I heard that pure, innocent children were being victimized, I just knew I had to do something and flew out my house...
- I know the feeling.
- Why is that?
Choose: I know the feeling.Lyria: Me too. I want to rescue those children as soon as possible...
???: Likewise. There's no way I can let this go...
Choose: Why is that?Vyrn: I get that you want to help out...
Vyrn: But it's not like anyone asked you, right? Is there some other reason you're going out of your way to do this?
Continue 1The Harvin woman recounts a tragic episode, a tinge of regret in her tone.
???: The child of a friend of mine was once swindled by treacherous rogues and died in the aftermath.
Lyria: That's awful...
???: Simply recalling the incident fills my heart with such anguish.
???: What they did... was unforgivable...
Lyria: Huh?
???: Ah, please don't mind me! My point is I can't bring myself to overlook any knaves who would toy with the lives of children.
She brushes aside the painful memory.
Haase: I haven't properly introduced myself yet. My name is Haase, and I'm a painter who lives in the neighboring town.
Haase: When word of the kidnappings reached my ear, I knew I could not just sit idly by.
Haase: And so I ended up coming in a mad rush... Despite the fact that I have neither the strength nor the skills to catch whoever the culprit might be...
Haase: After regaining my composure, I decided to look for someone who'd be able to help.
Vyrn: So that's your story...
Vyrn: Truth is though, we're not exactly getting anywhere with our investigation either.
Haase: What do you say I use myself as bait?
Haase: The culprit just might bite if I play the part of a child well enough. Being Harvin helps.
Lyria: That's too dangerous!
Haase: I understand that all too well. But children are being preyed upon as we continue to deliberate.
Haase: So please...
As youthful as she may appear, Haase's steadfast determination and resolve are evident in her eyes.
- Let's solve this case together.
Choose: Let's solve this case together.Vyrn: Yeah... It's not like we've got any other leads to work with anyhow.
Lyria: If it gets risky, we'll be there to protect you! Right, (Captain)?
Haase: Thank you. I'm glad to have run into such a respectable lot.
And thus the crew ends up working together with Haase.
They make their way to an empty back alley.
Haase wanders about, pretending to be lost, while (Captain) and company watch from the shadows.
Haase: Mommy! Where are you?
Vyrn: We'll just have to hope the perp falls for it... You guys think it'll work?
Lyria: Look, over there! Someone's coming!
A lone man walks up to Haase.
Suspicious Man: Why, hello there. You lost?
Haase: Um... I got separated from my mom...
Suspicious Man: Sorry to hear that. I'd be glad to help you look for her.
Suspicious Man: Actually, why don't you stay in my house in the meanwhile? After all, it can get really lonely out here.
Haase: But Mommy told me not to go off with strangers...
Suspicious Man: Haha, relax—it'll be fine. You like candy by any chance? You must be starving out here all alone.
Haase: Nuh-uh, I'm okay. I can wait until I find Mommy.
Suspicious Man: Tch, screw this.
You're comin' with me whether you like it or not, missy!
The frustrated man forcefully lifts Haase up while covering her mouth.
Lyria: No! Haase!
Lyria: Let's go rescue her, (Captain)!
Vyrn: Hold it right there! You must be the bum who's been making off with children all over!
Suspicious Man: Where the hell did you folks waltz in from!
Vyrn: You're cornered! Give it up already!
Suspicious Man: Tch, we'll see about that!
The incensed man pulls out a knife and holds it by Haase's cheek.
Suspicious Man: You make one move, and I'll make sure she stays scarred for life!
- Let her go!
Choose: Let her go!Suspicious Man: Heh! I will as soon as you—
Haase: (It's now or never!)
Suspicious Man: Oww!
A surging pain welling up in his finger, the man involuntarily releases Haase.
She had taken advantage of the momentary distraction brought on by (Captain) and chomped down hard on the man's finger.
Haase: Now, everyone!
Vyrn: All right, punk! You're done for!
Suspicious Man: Eeek!
(Captain) and company hand the perpetrator over to the authorities and report the completion of this job to their client.
Vyrn: Whew... Down with another one!
Lyria: Mm-hm! I'm glad we found all the kidnapped children too!
Haase: Thank you so much, everyone. I couldn't have done this without you.
- You did your part too.
- He didn't hurt you, did he?
Choose: You did your part too.Vyrn: That's right, Braidy Girl! You put yourself on the line so that we could catch the creep!
Haase: Haha, all I did was fish him out. It's a good thing it worked out in the end.
Choose: He didn't hurt you, did he?Haase: I appreciate the concern. But thanks to the opening you created for me, I was able to get away unscathed.
Continue 2Vyrn: You totally kicked butt yourself, Braidy Girl! You got his finger good!
Haase: Hehe, I just acted on impulse really. I surprised myself even.
Haase: Tch, might as well have bitten off a finger or two...
Vyrn: Hm? You say something?
Haase: No, nothing at all.
Haase clears her throat before turning back to the crew with a smile.
Haase: I now see how trustworthy you all are.
Haase: And so... there's something I'd very much like to discuss in earnest.
Vyrn: Hey, no need for formalities.
Haase: To begin with, would you please take a look at this?
Haase takes out an old, dog-eared card from her pocket.
The illustration on it is abraded, making it unrecognizable.
Lyria: I feel a really strong power coming from this card...
Haase: You can sense that?
Lyria: What exactly is this card?
Haase: You'll find out soon enough.
In the next instant, the crew narrow their eyes as they are engulfed in white light emitted from the card.
When (Captain) and company open their eyes back up, adjusting to the light, they stand speechless at the sight before them.
The thunderous clamor of war sounds aloud as countless primal beasts battle with monsters slithering about.
Vyrn: What in blue blazes just happened! We were in town only moments ago!
Lyria: Haase! What is this—
Just then Lyria realizes that Haase is nowhere to be seen.
Lyria: She's not here!
Vyrn: No way! Don't tell me she really got lost this time!
Lyria: What do we do? What if she's—
Monster: Graaaaow!
Lyria: Eep!
Vyrn: Darn it! We'd better find Braidy Girl fast!
Confounded by the sudden turn of events, the crew grows anxious.
They deal with an incoming threat first before heading off to search for Haase.
Haase's Secret
The crew fend off the threat on the battlefield and find themselves back in town. Haase explains that they were transported to a memory of the War, where a certain primal beast studies the tactics of skydwellers to eventually best them; she also reveals her true identity as royalty and that the primal must be stopped if she is to return to the empire.
After vanquishing the monsters in the unfamiliar battlefield...
(Captain) and company are once again enshrouded in a white light and find themselves back in town.
Vyrn: What the... What just happened? Was that a dream?
Lyria: I can still feel it all... That was too real to be a dream...
Haase: Nice to see you all made it back safely.
Lyria: Ah! Haase!
Vyrn: Where were you the whole time! You have any idea how worried we were?
Haase: Sorry for making you worry. But I was here the entire time.
Lyria: Huh, what do you mean?
Haase: You look confused. Though I suppose that's only a given.
Vyrn: Wait, Braidy Girl, you're sayin' you know what's up with that place we were just in?
Haase: I'll explain everything in order.
Haase takes a deep breath before calmly continuing.
Haase: The world you were just in is a memory of the War.
Lyria: How is that even possible!
Vyrn: So it was a sort of dream then?
Vyrn: Except I don't get why something like that would happen so suddenly...
Haase: The reason lies with this card.
The expressions of (Captain) and company stiffen up at the sight of the card.
Vyrn: That reminds me—the moment that thingy went all shiny...
Haase: I apologize for startling you. But I figured things would proceed more smoothly if you all experienced the other world for yourselves firsthand.
Haase: A primal beast dwells within this card. An extraordinarily powerful one.
Vyrn: No way!
Haase: He repeats the memory of the War endlessly inside the card to master all sorts of attack patterns.
Haase: So that he can secure a guaranteed victory against skydwellers for when he materializes in the real world.
Haase: Unless we do something about it, that is exactly what will come to pass.
Lyria: There must be a way to stop him!
Haase: Indeed, there is. That's where you come in. I'd like you to enter this memory and stop the primal beast's learning process in warfare.
Haase: If you can best him time and time again, the amount of knowledge he must accumulate increases greatly.
Haase: That could delay his manifestation in reality so long that he considers victory over the skydwellers an impossibility and gives up.
Vyrn: Huh, I see...
Haase: Do you believe everything I've said?
Vyrn: It'll take a while for all that to sink in.
Vyrn: How'd you get ahold of something so grim to begin with?
Haase: Hm, I suppose it's only fair that I reveal myself if I expect you to trust me.
A short silence ensues before Haase finds the resolve to speak of her past.
Haaselia: Haaselia Alois Gangnus... That is my full name.
Haaselia: The truth is... I was born into the ruling family of the Galgenia Empire.
Lyria: You're royalty? Whoa!
Haaselia: Yes. This card has been passed down from generation to generation in the empire. Stopping that primal beast has been a mission of the imperial family for ages.
Haaselia: But one day... Those who sought to use the card wrongfully started a coup.
Haaselia: I figured the least I could do was make it out of the castle with this card safely, and so I ran.
Haaselia: I'm sorry for keeping my identity a secret until now. But I must remain cautious.
Vyrn: You mean you're still on the run, Braidy Girl?
Vyrn: How can you afford to be getting involved in other cases when your life's in danger?
Haaselia: Indeed, I would be safer off hiding in a secure location.
Haaselia: But the thought of someone terrorizing helpless children compelled me to action.
Haaselia: Oh, this must all sound so bizarre to you...
- I believe you.
- Sounds suspicious.
Choose: I believe you.Vyrn: Come to think of it, the way you talk and carry yourself really gives off an upper-class feeling!
Choose: Sounds suspicious.Lyria: Hey, Haase's not suspicious at all! I mean, just look at how polite and elegant she is in everything she does!
Continue 1Haaselia: I appreciate the vote of confidence. Thank you.
Haaselia expresses gratitude and relief in her smile before reverting back to a serious tone.
Haaselia: Thankfully my pursuers have not discovered me. And the card remains safe in my hands.
Haaselia: However, I alone cannot stop the primal beast.
Haaselia: Which is why I was searching for people who could assist me.
Haaselia: If we can stop the primal, the card would lose its meaning...
Haaselia: And thus the knaves who seek to overthrow the empire would cease their coup, allowing me to return home... At least that's what I'm hoping for.
Haaselia: So please... Won't you consider my request?
- Count us in.
- You really think we can help?
Choose: Count us in.Vyrn: Considering we'll get to save you and stop the primal beast, there's no way we'd turn you down!
Choose: You really think we can help?Lyria: I'm sure we can handle it, (Captain)!
Continue 2Haaselia: Thank you so much, everyone. I'm so fortunate to have stumbled into you all.
Vyrn: All righty then! Let's get ready to roll with the punches!
The crew graciously agrees to help Haaselia with her plight.
In order to save this royal Harvin, they enter into the throes of battle once more.
Haase's Daily Grind
Haaselia reminisces of the past. As the sixth imperial heir to the Galgenia Empire, she is seen as little more than a figurehead. She plays her role as a graceful and refined lady well, even if her true personality is quite the contrary. Haase works hard with her best friend and servant, Lette, in hopes of one day being able to provide financial support for an orphanage.
Vyrn: Now! Go for it, (Captain)!
Lyria: We can do this, (Captain)!
The sky and earth tremble in this ancient recollection of the War as the crew engages in a battle of epic proportions.
Haaselia watches the battle unfold from a vantage point.
Haaselia: Hehe, this is going really well. What a wonderfully naive bunch they are.
Haaselia: This brings us one step closer to our goal. Wouldn't you agree, Moon?
The Moon: ...
Haaselia: This is all for those children... A farewell gift in a sense...
It all began before Haaselia was chased out of the empire.
One day she is exchanging words with the emperor in the audience chamber.
Emperor: Haaselia, my beloved daughter. Your comportment at the city fair was most befitting of a princess.
Emperor: Many of the esteemed guests praised you to high heaven. You make me proud.
Haaselia: Your gracious words are always a blessing, Your Imperial Majesty.
Emperor: I'm feeling exceptionally well today. If your heart desires it, I'd like to give you a present.
Haaselia: I only acted as I should as a member of the imperial family. I do not desire a gift.
Emperor: Hahaha, I see you've grown to be as modest as your late mother was!
Haaselia: However...
Emperor: Yes? Speak, my daughter.
Haaselia: Well, it's nothing really...
Haaselia holds back what she wanted to say, perhaps appearing timid in the process.
The Galgenia Empire consists of several smaller countries.
Being last in line as the sixth imperial heir, Haaselia holds the least authority in the imperial family.
As such her official duties mainly involve entertaining the guests at city fairs and serving as a judge at the games held there. Many view her as little more than a figurehead.
She is never entrusted with affairs of state, and her words are taken lightly among the rest in the family.
Because Haaselia understands that all too well, she hesitates to speak her heart before her father.
Haaselia: I take my leave now.
Once again Haaselia leaves the audience chamber with her innermost thoughts kept to herself.
As she returns to her room, Haaselia encounters a group of nobles in the hallway.
Haaselia: ...?
Hm, what's going on here?
Katzelia: Well, if it isn't Haase!
Haaselia: Good to see you too, Brother.
Katzelia: My adorable little sister. How do you do today?
Continue 1???: Well, if it isn't Haase!
Haaselia: Good to see you too, Brother.
???: My adorable little sister. How do you do today?
His name is Katzelia Alois Gangnus.
He is the fifth imperial heir and shares the same mother with Haaselia.
Continue 2Haaselia: Did you have business here, Brother? I suppose you were meeting with the nobles gathered about?
Katzelia: We just finished up a performance and saw off our guests.
Katzelia: I wish you could've seen me taking up the conductor's baton and creating that beautiful melody with the orchestra, Haase.
Haaselia: Haha, it's nice to see you're as infatuated with music as ever, Brother.
Song-Loving Noble: Good day, Lady Haaselia.
Song-Loving Noble: What lovely finery you're wearing today.
Haaselia: Haha, thank you. I must say, your dress matches your beautiful golden locks very nicely.
Song-Loving Noble: Ah, you flatter me, Princess. I had it custom-made just for today's performance actually.
Song-Loving Noble: I had been eagerly awaiting for this day to come.
Song-Loving Noble: Your brother is simply marvelous as the imperial maestro. I enjoyed myself so much that I lost track of time.
Haaselia: I'm pleased to hear that. It makes me proud to hear a dear brother praised.
Song-Loving Noble: Have you any interest in music yourself, Lady Haaselia?
Haaselia: While I do fancy music, my main interest lies in art. I've been known to take up the brush every now and then.
Song-Loving Noble: Is that so! I'd love to take a look sometime!
Haaselia: And I'd love to show you if the occasion ever presents itself.
Song-Loving Noble: Aah, like brother, like sister. How nice that both of you have such passion for the arts.
Song-Loving Noble: Will you two continue to pursue your personal interests in lieu of matters of government?
Haaselia: Er, well...
Katzelia: Oh, please don't tease my little sister like that. Haase is much too young to be concerned with politics.
Haaselia: Why, that's not true! I consider myself knowledgeable about the fundamentals of government!
Katzelia: Aahahaha! No need to stretch your wings too far, Haase. I'm sure your brothers will be more than enough to handle matters of state.
Katzelia: There's no need to dwell on it. You should just be yourself.
Haaselia: ...
???: Would you stop treating her like a child? I assure you Haaselia has more than grown into her own.
Katzelia: Ah, you were present too, Uncle?
Archduke: I see you're still putting all your effort into music, Katze. It's good to know you two are doing well.
Katzelia: What brings you here, Uncle? I heard you had urgent business to attend to and would not be present for today's performance.
Archduke: Indeed, I finished up early and rushed here hoping to make it in time for your show, but I ended up being a bit late.
Archduke: Anyhow, Haaselia. I take it that, unlike your brother, you've developed a keen interest in politics?
Haaselia: Yes, well... You must think I'm rather brazen...
Archduke: Hah-hah-hah! As if! I'm more impressed than anything!
Archduke: I'd say all members of the imperial family are duty-bound to study governmental affairs. We can consider your brother the exception.
Archduke: But why, I wonder. I had always assumed you shared your brother's disinterest in matters of state. Perhaps to an even greater degree.
Haaselia: There's an orphanage I'd like to provide economic relief to...
Archduke: An orphanage?
Haaselia: Yes. I have a personal attachment to that place...
Haaselia: But I feared that it would be deemed little more than a selfish whim, and so I've not said a word of it to my father.
Haaselia: For my wish to be heard, I felt that I had to accomplish something noteworthy first.
Haaselia: That's why I've been pursuing studies in my own free time.
Haaselia has a reason for explaining herself in such detail.
Her uncle, the archduke, is a philanthropist who contributes greatly to the empire through investments and donations.
If there was anyone who could help Haase get funds to the orphanage, it would be her uncle.
Haaselia is hopeful that her uncle will respond graciously.
Archduke: So I see. I had no idea you felt so strongly about this.
Archduke: I'll speak to your father on your behalf.
Haaselia: Really?
Archduke: Yes, anything to help out a dear niece.
Haaselia: Thank you, Uncle. I have no words for your kindness.
Katzelia: Hm... I always took you for a child too young to care about politics. Who'd have guessed you'd be studying up on your own...
Archduke: At this rate you might even outdo your brother one day...
Archduke: But enough talk. It's almost time for my next order of business. You'll have to excuse me.
Katzelia: I'll see you to the gates. You came all this way in hopes of seeing my performance after all.
Katzelia: You're still on duty after this, Haase?
Haaselia: Yes, I have two more functions to attend to.
Katzelia: I see. Don't push yourself too hard, okay?
Haaselia: Thank you for your concern, Brother.
Having said goodbye to her brother and uncle, Haaselia has returned to her quarters.
Plunking herself down on a chair, Haaselia breathes a deep sigh as if to relieve herself of fatigue.
Haaselia: Sigh... How I wish my brother would stop treating me like a child...
Haaselia: He believes he knows everything about me, but that couldn't be further from the truth.
Haaselia: My uncle, on the other hand, understands me oh so well. I should aspire to be more like him.
???: Teehee, Katzelia's reputation took a bit of a beating back there.
???: But it only goes to show how much he loves you, Haase. It's nice that you two get along so well.
Haaselia: You're only saying that because you know how I really feel, right? Ugh, acting all nice and polite in front of everyone really wears me down.
???: Haha, it's always a delight to hear the real you, Haase.
Her name is Lette. She is Haaselia's servant and close friend.
Haaselia tries her best to appear graceful and refined in public, but only because it is expected of her.
Lette is the one person she can confide in and show her true self to.
Haaselia: I'm already twenty-two. Why does he still see me as a child?
Lette: You'll always be his adorable little sister no matter how old you are, Haase.
Lette: After all, you're such a cute little doll that sometimes even I just want to cuddle you up.
Haaselia: Isn't that just a more roundabout way of calling me a child?
Lette: Oh, you think so? Hm, I never thought of it that way.
Haaselia: You're too nice for your own good.
Lette: Teehee, thanks.
Haaselia: That wasn't a compliment.
She releases a sigh of incredulity and stretches out her arms.
Haaselia: I'm almost jealous that Katze gets to focus on his hobbies. I, on the other hand, have functions to attend one after another.
Lette: Haase, how are you holding up? You've really been pushing yourself lately...
Haaselia: I'm fine. In fact if I don't start working harder, I'll never be able to curry favor with my father.
Haaselia: I can't afford to be lazing about when those children need me.
Lette: (Haase can be a bit haughty and spiteful, but there's no doubt she gives her best at everything she does.)
Lette: (It's all part of her charm.)
Haaselia: Hey, what's with the smirk?
Lette: Oh, it's nothing.
Lette: (I have to be here for her.)
Haaselia: Just so that we're both clear on this, you'll be sweating it out right beside me. I can't do this all alone.
Lette: Right, of course. I'll be glad to assist as always.
Haaselia: I have more functions lined up for the day. We need to get going to the next one.
She gathers her wits about her and departs the room with Lette.
Just another day in the life of Haaselia.
Protecting What Matters
Amid much political intrigue in the castle, Haaselia and Lette find reprieve by visiting an orphanage and handing out snacks to the children. Haaselia, in particular, finds joy in teasing a cheeky boy named Flek. They are all blissfully unaware of the tragedy that looms.
Some months of day-in, day-out official duties pass before she and Lette find the opportunity to visit an orphanage incognito.
The children inside are elated at the sight of the two and gather around them.
Haaselia: Hey, everyone! I made snacks!
Girl: Mm, that smells so good!
Boy: Ooh, gimme, gimme!
Haaselia: No pushing, okay? I brought enough for everyone—form a line, please.
Haaselia hands a bag of snacks to each child in turn.
Girl: Yay, I love cookies.
Boy: Ehehe! Thanks!
Haaselia: Aww, look at their faces light up at such a simple gift. Aren't children the most adorable little things?
Lette: (Good. Haase's enjoying herself.)
This visit was made possible by Lette's efforts.
Seeing how swamped Haase was with her public service, she had been planning this trip to the orphanage for some time.
Orphanage Director: Thank you for coming all this way, Lady Haaselia.
Haaselia: No worries, Director. I do it of my own volition.
As Haaselia continues handing out treats, one child munching on a cookie approaches.
???: As sucky as your art is, Haase, your cookies are some of the best I've ever had!
Haaselia: You again, Flek? I wish you'd stop teasing me about that.
Flek: But it's the truth!
Haaselia: I don't deny the fact, but you don't have to remind me every time I'm here. You could've simply complimented me for the cookies.
Flek: Heh, I was trying to be nice, you know! Just my way of saying that you could try being as good at drawing stuff as you are at making treats!
Haaselia: Sigh... You just don't know when to quit, do you.
After shaking her head, Haaselia looks straight into Flek's eyes, a smirk playing on her lips.
Haaselia: By the way, do you know what it means when a child like you picks a particular person to tease?
Flek: Wh-what are you trying to say!
Haaselia: It means you like that person and want their attention.
Haaselia: So... You must really like me, huh?
Flek: Sh-shut up! Not in a million years!
Haaselia: My, my, your face is all red. I must've hit the bullseye.
Flek: No, that's not it!
Haaselia: Oh dear, I must be mistaken then.
The chuckling Haaselia almost seems a different person from her usual self in the castle.
Lette gently chastises Haaselia for her conduct.
Lette: Would you stop that already? It's unbecoming of you.
Haaselia: The cheeky boy needed to be taught a lesson.
Lette: You've changed so much since we first met.
Haaselia's initial encounter with Lette happened a long time ago when she visited the orphanage on business as a child.
When the princess presented the orphanage with a painting she drew herself as a gift, a little girl pointed out that it was awful.
That little girl was Lette.
Haaselia was well aware that her painting skills needed work.
But because she was an imperial princess, no one ever dared to openly speak their mind about it.
That was precisely why Lette's words struck Haaselia as pleasantly refreshing.
From that point on, Haaselia would make repeated visits to the orphanage just to see Lette. The two became fast friends despite their respective standings in society.
It wasn't long before Haaselia invited Lette to the castle as her personal servant.
Lette: Then again I was a bit of a jerk at the time, so perhaps I'm not one to talk.
Haaselia: I used to be so docile in those days. Meeting you has really toughened me up in so many ways.
Lette: At the same time, I bet coming here has shown you how cute and pure children can be.
Haaselia: You always were good at changing the subject... Though I will admit I've come to like children better.
Haaselia: (That's why I want to keep this orphanage safe... I have too many precious memories of Lette and myself here...)
Orphanage Director: Haaselia... Is something on your mind?
Haaselia: Hrm? Why do you ask?
Orphanage Director: Well... It's just that you looked a bit troubled for a moment.
Orphanage Director: I wondered if it might have anything to do with His Imperial Majesty not showing his face in public lately.
Haaselia: ...!
Taken aback by the director's startlingly accurate conjecture, Haaselia finds herself speechless.
About a month ago, the emperor suddenly fell ill, setting the imperial family into disarray.
With the second heir's recent assassination to top things off, it was no longer fitting for Haaselia to broach the topic of relief for those in need.
The emperor's sickness was kept a secret from the masses, but the second heir's assassination was already a well-known fact among the populace.
Rumors began to spread that perhaps the emperor, too, was a victim in the assassination plot.
Orphanage Director: If I may be so bold... Do you think we will be able to receive continued funding?
Orphanage Director: If a new emperor were to rise to the throne and cut off support to us, I don't know what I'd do with these children...
Haaselia: Don't fret. My father is alive and well.
Haaselia: Even if what you say does come to pass, know that I'll be around to do something about it.
Orphanage Director: Aah. Thank you so much, Lady Haaselia.
Haaselia: ...
However, her words are scarce consolation.
While biting on her lip, Haaselia recalls a bitter conversation by her father's bedside.
Emperor: Haase, it's good to see you...
Haaselia: Are you well today, Your Majesty?
Emperor: I'm feeling better than usual... Haase, come closer...
The emperor's fingers, weak and devoid of life like dry twigs exposed to the chill of winter frost, brush against Haaselia's cheeks.
Haaselia: You wanted to talk, Your Majesty?
Emperor: Haase, I wish I had been a better father to you...
Emperor: As you may already know, my death draws near... There's something I want you to have...
With shaky hands, the emperor produces an old, worn-out card.
Emperor: I'd like you to have this... When the time comes, you'll know how to use it...
Haaselia: This is...
Haaselia is unsure of what to make of the seemingly worthless card, something that can hardly be used as a keepsake.
Recalling her father's words, Haaselia places a hand on the card in her breast pocket.
Haaselia: (What I want is money... But this waste of paper wouldn't be enough to feed the kids a single meal.)
Haaselia: (Grumbling won't solve a thing... I'll have to take matters into my own hands.)
Haaselia looks to the children as if to remind herself what it is she must protect.
She notices that a few of the children who are usually present are nowhere to be seen.
Haaselia: Director. Some of the children don't seem to be around. Have they gone on an outing?
Orphanage Director: Ah, you must be referring to the ones who've found foster parents. All thanks to the good graces of the archduke.
Haaselia: My uncle?
Haaselia: (He really did it... I've got nothing but respect for him.)
Flek proudly joins in on the conversation as Haaselia cracks a smile.
Flek: Heheh! I guess I should say I've got foster parents coming to pick me up soon too!
Haaselia: Lucky for you. Congrats.
Flek: You better not cry just because I'm not around anymore, Haase!
Haaselia: Oh, please... It's not like you're going to kick the bucket.
Haaselia: It'll be different next time, but I'm sure we'll be able to meet up again. Right?
Flek: Nuh uh, not happenin'! You won't get to see me again until I'm all grown-up!
Haaselia: Why do you say that?
A flush of red coloring his cheeks, Flek makes a bold statement.
Flek: I'm gonna be the suavest, coolest man on the block when I come of age... Then I'll be back to sweep you off your feet and walk down the aisle with you, Haase!
Haaselia: My, what a manly thing to say.
Haaselia: But you'd better grow up fast, because I might get married before you get your chance.
Haaselia: I've already had countless marriage proposals, and there's been talk of arranged marriage as well.
Lette: That's right. Haase can be so charming—especially on the surface. Explains her popularity with men.
Haaselia: Lette, you could've left out the "surface" part.
Flek: Hah, you're kidding! Who'd want such a bad-tempered lady for a bride!
Haaselia: And who was it again that fell in love with this bad-tempered lady?
Her playful retort is accompanied by her soft, relaxed countenance.
The little time Haaselia is able to spend at the orphanage is pure bliss compared to the restricting confines of the imperial court.
Little does she know of the grim tragedy that awaits her.
Truth and Deceit
Haaselia one day receives a surprise visit from Flek, who claims he can't get along with his new foster parents. She lets him stay the night—an opportunity Flek seizes to murder Lette. It turns out the archduke's experiments on children were discovered by Lette, and he sent over the experimented Flek as a solution. Haaselia escapes by using the power of a primal beast known as The Moon, swearing revenge against the archduke.
About a month has passed since Haaselia's last visit to the orphanage. She is painting in her room.
Yet she appears somewhat glum.
Haaselia: (Should I really be idling away my time with brush and canvas?)
Haaselia doesn't consider her recent use of time to be very productive.
It started about a month ago, when the emperor passed away and the first imperial heir ascended the throne.
The fourth in line was imprisoned on charges of assassinating the second. The imperial court was in turmoil.
It was no time to be worrying about the orphanage—disaster could fall upon her very being any day now.
And Lette has been going out of the castle rather often lately, further compounding Haaselia's anxiety.
Haaselia: (Where could Lette have been going without telling me...)
Haaselia: (It gets so lonely in here...)
As Haaselia continues sketching on the canvas to soothe herself, knocking on the door is accompanied by the voices of guards outside her room.
Imperial Trooper: Pardon the intrusion, Your Imperial Highness, but a boy has come to the castle wishing to speak to you.
Haaselia: A boy? What's his name?
Imperial Trooper: I was told you'd understand if I said Flek...
Haaselia: (Flek? He's never come to the castle before. Why now?)
Imperial Trooper: Should I send him away?
Haaselia: No, I know Flek. Let's show him in. Give me a moment.
Haaselia puts aside her half-completed painting, tidies herself up, and leaves the room.
Haaselia and the guard go together to the castle entrance, where they find Flek waiting.
Haaselia: This might be the first time we've met outside the orphanage. How odd it feels.
Haaselia: You know, only a month has passed. Weren't you going to become the suavest, coolest man on the block before seeing me again?
Haaselia: Or have you come because you just couldn't stop thinking about me?
Flek: ...
Haaselia jests in good spirits, but Flek is unresponsive, his expression colored by gloom.
Haaselia: What happened to your happy-go-lucky self?
Flek: So I went to live with my new parents... But we didn't get along too well...
Flek: I couldn't take it anymore and just flew out of the house...
Haaselia: Hm, so that's what happened, huh...
Understanding Flek's plight, Haaselia offers him words of consolation.
Haaselia: I guess that sort of thing happens. But it's not your fault—no need to be so down about it, okay?
Flek: Still though...
Haaselia: (Maybe I'm asking the impossible here...)
Haaselia: (He had already left his birth parents, and this time it was entirely his decision to leave his second home... It's only a given he'd feel at fault...)
Haaselia: Stay in my room today.
Flek: ...
Would that be okay?
Haaselia: But it'll have to be our little secret. I'll never hear the end of it later if anyone knows I let you stay.
Haaselia: I'll think about what you can do in the future. For now you can stop worrying about it.
Haaselia: So come on in.
Flek: Okay...
After returning to her room, Haaselia takes note of Flek's heavy eyelids and urges him to get some shut-eye.
It isn't long before Flek begins snoring away after getting on the bed.
Haaselia: He must be exhausted.
Gazing at Flek's sleeping face, Haaselia gently strokes his back and pats his head.
Haaselia: (He can be a real cheeky brat at times, but he's oh-so cute too.)
Haaselia: Looks like he'll be asleep for a while. I may as well get back to my painting.
Haaselia takes a moment of repose from her canvas and looks out the window. She realizes the sun has already set.
Haaselia: Is it that late already?
Haaselia: Wow, I'm surprised he's still tucked in. I just hope he doesn't sleep so much that he wakes up in the middle of the night.
Haaselia: Mmng... Watching him snooze away has gotten me sleepy.
Just as Haaselia yawns and begins to doze off, Lette enters the room.
Lette: Sorry I'm late, Haase.
Haaselia: No worries. Sorry to bother you with an errand when you just got back, but could you get me a pillow?
Lette: Hm? What for?
Haaselia: Flek's here. A lot's happened, and I'm having him stay here for the night.
Lette: Flek? I suppose that's okay, but did you let his parents know?
Haaselia: It's not that simple, you see. I waited a bit hoping to talk to you about it, but...
As the two continue discussing the matter, Flek awakens.
Haaselia: Good morning, sleepyhead. Or should I say "good evening"?
Flek: ...
Haaselia: Hm? You're still half-asleep?
Flek remains irresponsive as he stares absent-mindedly at the ceiling.
But the moment he notices Lette, he immediately turns to her the way a predator turns to its prey.
Lette: (Something seems off about him... His eyes are blank, like those of a puppet...)
Lette: (No, it can't be!)
Lette: Haase! Get away from Flek right this moment!
Haaselia: What's wrong, Lette? What kind of a joke—
Lette: Ngh...
Flek: ...
Haaselia: Wha...
Haaselia is still dazed at the all-too-sudden turn of events.
She takes another look at Flek's tight grip on a bloodstained knife and Lette collapsed on the floor before realizing what has happened.
Haaselia: Lette!
Having come to her senses, Haaselia runs to Lette's side while calling out her name.
Haaselia: Lette! Pull yourself together!
Lette: Haa... se...
Haaselia: Thank goodness, you're alive!
Lette: Rgh... Hack... Wheeze...
Blood spurts out from Lette's abdominal wound every time she coughs. A puddle of crimson soon forms on the flooring.
Lette: I can't breathe... The wound must be really deep...
Lette: Haase... I have one last favor to ask of you...
Haaselia: Don't say it'll be your last! You'll make it through this!
Lette: Heh... Acting selfish at a time like this?
Lette: Please... Just listen...
Haaselia naturally simmers down at the solemnity of her plea.
Haaselia: ...
Lette: Thanks...
Lette: There's something I have to tell you... about your uncle...
Haaselia: My uncle?
Lette: His charity operations... are nothing more than a front for his child experimentation.
Haaselia: Child experimentation?
Lette: That's not all... There's a black market that revolves around him.
Lette: Comprised of disgusting folks who gather around to watch the experimented children for show...
Lette: I started wondering why there wasn't a single letter from the orphanage kids who were adopted, and looked into it...
Lette: That's what I've been going out so often for lately... And that's how I discovered his secret...
Haaselia: I thought my uncle was helping the children...
Lette: He probably sent Flek as an assassin... to bury me along with his secret...
Haaselia: Then that story about Flek running away from home was...
Flek: ...
Lette: Most likely a lie... They experimented on him and brainwashed him into doing this...
Lette: I've kept quiet about it up until now to keep you safe... I'm sorry...
Haaselia: There's nothing for you to apologize about! This was all my uncle's doing! That cretin!
Just then a guard kicks the door in and storms inside.
Imperial Trooper: Tch, still alive?
Lette: Please, Haase... You need to get out of here...
Haaselia: What are you saying! You're coming with me!
Lette: Haase... Thanks for being a friend... For showing me what it means to be family...
Lette: I've already lost too many people in my life... I want you to live...
Those are her last words.
She quietly shuts her eyelids, the vivid image of her wound a stark contrast to her peaceful expression.
Haaselia: No fair, Lette... Why am I the only one who gets to be upset...
Imperial Trooper: Humph, dead at last.
Imperial Trooper: Hey, brat! Get to work and finish off the princess next!
Flek: Yes, understood.
Haaselia: ...!
Sensing Flek approach, Haaselia jumps back by reflex.
Her back is now against the wall, with no room to run. Flek continues advancing like a leopard closing in on its prey.
Haaselia: (What do I do! There's no weapon lying around, and I don't know how to fight barehanded!)
Haaselia: (Even if I do manage to fend off Flek somehow, there's still that guard by the door... I don't see a way out!)
Haaselia: (I'm sorry, Lette... I don't think I'll be able to keep my promise...)
With Flek's knife—fresh blood dripping from its tip—pointed at her, Haaselia is all but ready to die.
Just then...
Haaselia: What the...
Haaselia: The card from my father is glowing!
???: You who live your days in deceit...
Haaselia: What's happening! Who are you?
The Moon: I am The Moon, the one who exposes deceit in every form and embellishes the truth with fabrications.
Imperial Trooper: What in the skies is that monster!
Haaselia: Y-you must be a primal beast!
The Moon: Indeed.
The Moon: The life reflecting in your eyes is a shadow of its former self. Do not waver. Show your compassion by ending his torment.
Haaselia: You're telling me to kill off Flek?
The Moon: ...
The Moon's silence can be taken as a clear affirmative.
Haaselia: (He's right... If I die here, I'll never be able to avenge Lette!)
Haaselia: (But how could I possibly kill a child...)
For someone who's always wanted to save children and give them a brighter future, Haaselia is essentially being asked to do the impossible.
Especially given that the child in question is a victim himself merely being manipulated by adults.
It ends up being Flek who saves Haaselia by giving her the resolve to take action.
Flek: Please... Just finish me off...
Haaselia: Flek! There's still some of you in there...
Even if she doesn't take Flek's life, there would be nothing but endless punishment and torture awaiting him later for failing his mission.
Considering what would be best for Flek, Haaselia makes up her mind.
Haaselia: (The least I can do is make sure he goes peacefully...)
Imperial Trooper: Urgh, useless tot!
Imperial Trooper: I'm the one who'll be killed off if you fail your mission! Enough—I'll take her out along with that monster myself!
Haaselia: You're the one who's going to meet your end.
Haaselia: Moon... Lend me your power and veil the truth uncovered here today.
Haaselia: Lette is alive, and Flek never killed anyone. I'll carry the burden of the truth myself.
Haaselia: Use your power to make it all go away! Nothing out of the ordinary happened here today!
The Moon: So you choose to embellish the truth with fabrications... Very well, I grant you my power.
A white light envelops the room in the next instant.
Imperial Trooper: Guaaah!
Flek: Thank... you... Haase...
The light engulfs all, stripping the two of their lives.
Haaselia: (Goodbye, Flek... Lette... I'll never forget you two...)
What remains in the room is an ominous silence and utter desolation.
Haaselia eludes her pursuers and escapes from the castle, meeting up with her brother Katzelia, who is also on the run.
Engulfed in the problem of imperial succession, Katzelia found himself being targeted and fled the castle as well.
Haaselia keeps the truth to herself and explains that she must depart for the same reason.
Daybreak. Katze and Haase flee to the nameless wilds on the edge of the empire. Only the steward is there to say goodbye.
Steward: There are no words to describe what this has become.
Katzelia: Don't cry. This is not a final farewell.
Katzelia: I shall return! And when I do, the trial will commence!
Steward: Oh, Lord Katzelia... One day you will become emperor. You are the only one truly suited to rule!
Steward: Thus never forget, my lord, that even at your lowest moments, you must maintain your grace!
Steward: Grace is the essence of authority. Continue to refine yourself so that the people may honor you with their esteem!
Katzelia: Very well. From this day forth, I shall act as the legitimate heir to Galgenia.
Steward: Lady Haaselia...
Haaselia: I will accompany Brother wherever he goes. If he is to be the next emperor, then I will play the role of his attendant.
Steward: Ah... How noble...
Katzelia: Haase, the road ahead will be full of hardships. Please support your foolish brother.
Haaselia: Of course. I will always be with you, Brother.
Katzelia: The blame lies with me for not having the foresight to notice our uncle's machinations...
Katzelia: Just having you around will give me the strength to move on... That's why you must never stray from your brother's side.
Haaselia: Yes, Brother.
Haaselia: (He still treats me like a child despite the situation...)
Haaselia: (Then I won't rely on him either. I'll take revenge myself!)
Deceit being the facade that shields her true intentions, Haaselia's desire for vengeance burns bright.
She vows to return to the empire one day as she departs the island with her brother.
Vengeance Is Everything
When the crew overhears her conversation with The Moon, Haaselia decides that no flimsy excuse will do and so decides to reveal her true purpose. (Captain) and company refuse to go along with her plan; an enraged Haaselia responds by unleashing The Moon on them.
Haaselia and The Moon watch the battlefield from an elevated platform.
Haaselia: What a good-natured bunch they are... We've only just met, yet they do not hesitate in the slightest to risk their lives in battle for me...
The Moon: Why not ask for their cooperation in the fulfillment of your goal? I believe they've proven themselves strong enough.
Haaselia: I'm sure they are. But do you truly think such a compassionate group of children would take kindly to the idea of revenge I have in mind?
Her retort to The Moon is overheard by others.
Lyria: Did someone say revenge?
Haaselia: ...!
Haaselia turns around in surprise to see the crew looking suspiciously at her and The Moon.
Lyria: And that primal beast beside you... It gives off the same sensation as that card!
Vyrn: And here I was thinking we were fighting to trounce that primal!
Vyrn: But now we see you going all buddy-buddy with him! What's the deal, Braidy Girl? You were playing us?
Haaselia: Generous to a fault though you may be, I see now you are no simpletons.
Haaselia's expression softens as she takes a deep breath, then looks proudly at the crew.
Haaselia: That's right! I fooled you all!
Haaselia: My true goal is to become empress of my home, Galgenia!
Haaselia: I'm going to usurp the authority necessary to personally execute my uncle and every last person who dealt in his trade!
Haaselia: I'll drag them to public grounds and make them confess their sins! Simply taking their lives would be letting them off easy!
Vyrn: All right, now you've lost us! What's execution got to do with all of this?
Haaselia: Let's just say there are countless filthy scum in this world who don't deserve to live another day.
Haaselia: Wouldn't you like to be my pawns in this game?
Haaselia: When I ascend the throne, I'll give you anything your heart desires. You have little to lose.
- We don't need anything from you!
- How about you calm down?
Choose: We don't need anything from you!Haaselia: Ahahaha! Nice to know you're not so cheap as to be bought!
Choose: How about you calm down?Haaselia: I'm as calm as a millpond. You're the ones who are in a mad panic.
Continue 1Lyria: I don't know what made you this way, Haase...
Lyria: But you're too kind of a person to be thinking bad thoughts like revenge and execution!
Haaselia: I figured you might say that.
Haaselia: Even if you did know what I've been through, you'd find some other way to remonstrate with me anyhow.
Haaselia: But enough is enough! You're going to be the cornerstone of my revenge!
Vengeance Is Everything: Scene 2
By the time the crew defeats The Moon, Haaselia is no longer around. He reveals everything to the crew—from what Haaselia has been through to The World's control over him. Through this strange series of events, (Captain) and company end up with the card of The Moon.
The crew scores a victory against The Moon.
They look around and see Haaselia nowhere in the vicinity.
Lyria: Where did Haase go?
The Moon: She has already slipped out of this world and ventured far away. So that she may exact her revenge one day.
- Revenge? Tell us more.
Choose: Revenge? Tell us more.The Moon: Very well. Given how involved you've become, you have the right to know.
The Moon explains the tragedy that befell Haaselia.
Lyria: It's awful what happened to her...
Vyrn: Yeah, it's pretty messed up. I totally get why Braidy Girl would want revenge...
Vyrn: What did you stick around for then? Wait, maybe we should start with who you are.
The Moon: I am The Moon, one of the Arcarum.
The Moon: We Arcarum primal beasts took on different forms in the past, but things changed when The World recreated all of us.
The Moon: He is, in essence, the founder of the Arcarum.
The Moon: He wishes to create a utopia for us to live in.
Lyria: A utopia?
The Moon: In preparation for the next time a battle of such magnitude as the War breaks out...
The Moon: He found it necessary to gather data on the powerful skyfarers, so that we might ensure our own victory.
The Moon: Your crew members have been chosen as our opponents for this data collection.
Vyrn: Us?
The Moon: Information on the tactics and strategies employed by the mighty can prove invaluable on the battlefield.
The Moon: As a puppet of The World, I entered into a pact where I would lend my power to Haaselia if she were to provide me with suitable skyfarers.
Vyrn: I don't know what you guys are up to, but you sure it's okay telling us all this?
The Moon: Our intense bout has freed me of The World's shackles. I am now but a drifting soul.
The Moon: Haaselia may look young and inexperienced, but she is strong at the core. Even without me, I am certain she will achieve her goal.
The Moon: Without her or The World, I am in need of a new purpose. As such I wish to serve you.
The Moon: From this point forward, you shall be my masters.
(Captain) and company end up acquiring a card after this bizarre turn of events.
The faded part of the card comes into full view, revealing an illustration of The Moon seemingly grinning at the crew.
Truth in Lies
Months after the duel with The Moon, the crew gets to meet up with Haaselia. She repents for her past actions toward the crew and wishes for everyone's help in stopping the archduke's evil deeds. But in truth, she still yearns for revenge more than anything else.
Months after the crew's repeated bouts with The Moon, they pay another visit to the island where they first met Haaselia.
The decision to do so came when they received a letter—purportedly from the missing Haaselia—wishing to meet.
To determine the authenticity of the letter, the crew heads for the specified street corner and do, indeed, find Haaselia there.
Haaselia: Long time no see, everyone.
Lyria: Haase...
Haaselia: ...
Haaselia: To be honest I wasn't sure you'd come.
Haaselia: Especially after what a horrible thing I'd done to you...
Lyria: Please don't think of yourself that way! We had no idea what you'd been through...
Haaselia: No, I'm the one at fault! For manipulating you all!
- Don't worry about it.
- Nice to know you have a conscience.
Choose: Don't worry about it.Haaselia: But what I've done is unfor—
Vyrn: Heheh! You should know that we're all super nice guys in the crew!
Lyria: Teehee, I feel the same way too! We don't mind anymore what you did at the time!
Choose: Nice to know you have a conscience.Haaselia: ...!
Haaselia: I suppose what I've done is unforgivable...
Lyria: Cheer up, Haase! It's never too late to start over! We'll be here for you!
Lyria: Everything turned out okay in the end. And we're not that angry either. Right, (Captain)?
Continue 1Lyria: Also Moon later told us what happened to you...
Lyria: After hearing that, I couldn't think of you as a bad person anymore!
Haaselia: ...
Haaselia: Hah, ahaha! You're such a curious bunch!
Haaselia: After losing to you all, I took some time alone to put things into perspective.
Haaselia: I was wrong. Getting revenge won't bring loved ones back to me...
Lyria: Haase...
Haaselia: But that doesn't mean I've forgiven my uncle and everyone else involved in his trade.
Haaselia: I want them to repent for the horrible things they've done, even if they have to spend the rest of their lives reflecting on their actions.
Haaselia: Yet I have neither the power nor the connections to make them do such a thing.
Haaselia: After traveling the world in search of people who might be able to help, I've come to the decision that there's no one I have more faith in than you lot.
Haaselia: Of course, I don't expect you to forget the trick I pulled on you.
Haaselia: But if you can place your trust in me, I ask that you please lend me your strength.
- Gladly.
Choose: Gladly.Vyrn: After hearing what you've been through, Braidy Girl, there's no way we'd leave you hanging!
Haaselia: Thank you.
After a respectful bow, Haaselia turns to (Captain) before calling out.
Haaselia: Moon. I take it you were listening?
The Moon: It has been a while, Haaselia. I trust you've been well.
Vyrn: Whoa, he came outta nowhere!
Haaselia: I cannot do this without you. And as someone directly involved in all this, nor can I afford to just sit on the sidelines.
Haaselia: Will you lend me your strength so that I may fight alongside (Captain)'s crew?
The Moon: Very well. I fully accept every shred of deceit and truth lying within your heart.
The Moon turns into particles of light before returning to the card.
Haaselia takes the card from (Captain) and carefully puts it inside her pocket.
Haaselia: It looks like I won't just be a burden after all.
Haaselia: Pleased to come on board, everyone.
And thus Haaselia's pact with The Moon is renewed.
With an imperial heir on the run in their ranks, the crew depart for their next adventure.
During her travels with the crew, Haaselia takes a little time for herself, drawing on a canvas while taking in the view of the distant skies.
Haaselia: You can come out. No one else is watching now.
The Moon responds to her lone mumbling by making himself visible.
The Moon: You called for me?
Haaselia: There's something you're hiding from me, isn't there?
The Moon: What leads you to believe that?
Haaselia: You went easy on that crew during the battle earlier, didn't you?
Haaselia: Or perhaps I should say, you fought earnestly but chose to cede victory to them since you were already certain of your liberation from The World's grasp?
The Moon: My true purpose is to defeat The World. As long as I have freedom for myself, victory or loss against the crew bears little meaning.
Haaselia: I'm aware of that. But surely you also had something else in mind.
Haaselia: Your other objective was to have me taste the bitterness of defeat so that I would reconsider my goal... Tell me I'm wrong.
The Moon: ...
Haaselia: Come now, Moon. Is it really necessary for us to be sounding each other out?
The Moon: ...
Ha, haha... Bwahahaha!
The Moon lets out a bombastic laugh before speaking his mind.
The Moon: You are most unfit for the role of empress. There has never existed a sovereign state that prospered under misrule. You would ultimately fall to the blades of dissidents.
The Moon: But there is more than one path for you to accomplish your goal. Help set your brother up as emperor so that he may serve as your puppet ruler.
The Moon: Your deepest desires would surely come to fruition then.
Haaselia was always out of touch with politics, and she lacked the charisma necessary to lead an empire well.
Even if she did manipulate her way into the seat of empress, and forcibly executed the archduke and those plying in his black market trade...
There would be too much ill will from the common people, leading to many who would want to assassinate her.
However, by helping her brother ascend the throne, she would be able to control the empire from the shadows.
All Haaselia would have to do is take advantage of her brother's unconditional love for her.
That is The Moon's plan for her.
The Moon: As you have a bit of a tendency to overestimate yourself, I strongly doubted you would lend an ear to any advice I might have.
The Moon: Thus I decided that thrusting the truth before your very eyes would be the best course of action.
The Moon: I'm rather fond of you, believe it or not.
Haaselia: ...
Haaselia: Hehe... Ahahahaha!
Haaselia breaks into laughter, after which her expression gently eases up.
Haaselia: So how about that? I hate to admit it, but things turned out just the way you wanted.
Haaselia: Truth be told... After losing you and wandering all over, I came to the same conclusion.
Haaselia: Katze will no doubt take every lie I tell him as truth.
Haaselia: That being the case, there is no need for me to take the role of empress myself.
Haaselia: (I just need to reveal Uncle and the black market fiends for who they are and get Katze to execute them.)
Haaselia: (If I can't find proof, I'll just make it up as I go along! Whatever it takes to send them to the guillotine!)
The Moon: Hahaha, indeed.
Haaselia: My, what a crafty fellow you are. Why does someone so ill-natured have to be my partner?
The Moon: Fate must have drawn our kindred spirits together.
Haaselia and The Moon continue trading quips with each other, grinning the entire time.
The Moon: By the way, Haaselia, what is it you've been drawing this entire time?
Haaselia: Can't you tell? It's the landscape back home.
The Moon: What... a bizarre portrayal it is...
Haaselia: You'd better not be the next person to mock my artistic talent.
The Moon: A touchy subject, I presume?
Haaselia: Well, thank you for not being direct.
Haaselia gently puts her brush down and then proceeds to rip her drawing to shreds.
Perhaps it is her way of declaring war on her targets who are still enjoying the leisure of their courtly lives in the empire.
Haaselia: I refuse to let a single failure deter me! Brand me a coward, despise me all you want—I care not!
Haaselia: But I will not stop until I've plunged every last one of those despicable vermin into the depths of utter despair!
Haaselia grins as if (Captain) stands before her.
Haaselia: You may not take kindly to what I must do, but know that I have no intentions of relenting.
Haaselia: I hope we get along well enough, (Captain)...
A Moon Dyed Crimson
As (Captain) and company prepare to face off against the Inchoate World, he deactivates all the Arcarum primals, then forces the replicated world to converge on him. Haaselia and The Moon fail to escape with the rest of the crew.
After overcoming numerous trials, (Captain) and company finally reach the Inchoate World.
The being that appears before them exudes a far more menacing aura than the previous time the crew confronted him.
Lecia: That's... the Inchoate World? Why does he look so different from...
Inchoate World: Your resolve has brought you far, foreign elements of the new world.
Inchoate World: And foolish Evokers and Arcarum who dare rebel against your god.
The overpowering air about the Inchoate World almost seems to take physical form.
(Captain) and company are equal parts cautious and fearful.
Haaselia: I'm certain it will be fine, everyone.
Haaselia: Though I can't deny that I am afraid, as long as Moon and I are with you, we will most definitely be able to overcome any hardship.
The Moon: I can assure all of you that you are strong. Turn your fear into courage, and your despair into hope.
The Moon: Let us come together and bring the World to his end.
Inchoate World: How pitiful. The lowly beast has strayed far from the objective of its sublime maker.
Inchoate World: I will show you firsthand the difference in power between creator and created.
Inchoate World: As creator, I hereby issue a decree to the Arcarum.
Inchoate World: You shall all be disposed of. Never will you get in my way again.
The Moon: Rrgh... Ngh...
The Moon: ...
Haaselia: Moon? What's the matter, Moon?
There is no response. The Arcarum primal has come to a complete standstill, as if devoid of life.
Inchoate World: Do not expect it to answer. For I have cast out the Arcarum.
Inchoate World: It can no longer move and will lose shape soon enough.
Vyrn: Wh-what's that supposed to mean!
Vyrn: What exactly did ya do!
Inchoate World: I merely discarded my creation—nothing more, nothing less. It was but a thrall before its creator.
Inchoate World: I was the one who manufactured the Arcarum out of primal beast cores that saw their end during the time of the War.
Inchoate World: It may have developed a sense of self and betrayed me, but it is by my hand that it was given life.
Inchoate World: Never underestimate your maker. The Arcarum lack the means to resist my commands.
Inchoate World: From the very outset, each of their fates rested within the palms of my hands.
Lyria: But then, that means we...
Inchoate World: Yes. All the time you've spent, bonds you've forged—it was all for naught.
Haaselia: No... How terrible...
Haaselia: To be controlled by an undesired purpose, like a mere toy... I know all too well how such cruelty feels.
Haaselia: Though I was hunted by my country, Moon has been by my side, supporting me as a dear friend.
Haaselia: I do not wish for him to experience the same pain as myself... Such tragedy must never be repeated!
Haaselia: You take such ruthless measures without hesitation—I cannot allow it! I will never forgive you!
Haaselia: (Come on, Moon! It's not like you to let anyone get the best of you like this!)
Haaselia: (You're the one who instigated this revenge! I won't let you disappear on me—hurry up and come back to your senses!)
Inchoate World: Well, I suppose you're not entirely without merit. The data you've gathered has proven to be especially valuable.
Inchoate World: I'll make sure that none of it goes to waste.
Inchoate World: Be glad that your efforts will form a cornerstone of the new world long after you have been wiped out.
The replicated world trembles violently as he utters those words.
The fabric of reality twists and bends as the world around them begins dissipating into palish particles that converge on the Inchoate World.
Vyrn: What the—
- That's our cue to run!
Choose: That's our cue to run!Lyria: R-right!
Monika: Lecia, give the order to withdraw!
Lecia: On it!
Haaselia: No! I cannot leave Moon like this!
Haaselia: (I can't carry out my revenge without you... I need your power! It's time to wake up!)
Vyrn: We gotta get outta here, Braidy Girl!
Lyria: It's too dangerous to stay here, Haase! Let's return to the ship!
Haaselia: I can't! If I lose Moon too, I'll...
- Haase!
Choose: Haase!Calling out Haaselia's name, (Captain) reaches out for her.
Haaselia and The Moon's bodies slowly disintegrate into particles and are absorbed by the Inchoate World.
Vyrn: Dang it!
Lyria: Haase! Moon!
(Captain) begins to run toward the Inchoate World in a final attempt to save the two before it's too late.
Monika quickly stops the captain.
Monika: What are you doing, (Captain)! We need to get away!
- No way am I leaving them behind!
Choose: No way am I leaving them behind!Vyrn: Yeah! What (Captain) said!
Lyria: Haase really treasures Moon, and that's why she decided to stay even though she knew it was dangerous!
Lyria: We feel the same! As Haase's friends, we treasure her a lot...
Lyria: We'd never run and abandon her!
Seeing the crew's unwavering resolution to support their friend, Monika puts on a troubled expression.
(Captain) brushes off Monika's hand and turns back around. However...
Monika: Sorry, (Captain).
Feeling a powerful impact from behind...
(Captain) slumps to the ground.
Monika: Hate me if you want, but I can't afford to lose you too.
Moments before losing consciousness...
The captain is able to make out Monika's apology.
Contending with some dizziness, (Captain) slowly gets up from bed.
- Where... is this...
Choose: Where... is this...Lyria: Thank goodness you're finally awake!
Vyrn: You sure had us worried, (Captain).
The captain turns to hear the relieved voices of trusted companions.
Monika: This is our frontline base.
Monika: I knocked you out cold earlier and had you brought here.
Now understanding what had happened, (Captain)'s expression is one of shock.
Lecia: Um... (Captain). Please don't hold a grudge against Monika.
Lecia: She was only trying to save you.
- I know...
Choose: I know...A pained expression overtakes the captain's face.
- What happened afterward?
Choose: What happened afterward?Monika: (Captain)... Follow me.
Monika: It's faster if I show you directly.
(Captain) and company follow Monika out of the room.
Having come outside, the crew looks above to find a giant sphere the size of a floating island.
- What... is that?
Choose: What... is that?Monika: That showed up all of a sudden after we escaped from the replicated world.
Monika: According to the survey team's report, there's an entire world nestled within the sphere. A world never seen before.
Monika: And the sphere has been getting larger over time.
Monika: It doesn't show signs of stopping either, which means it'll only be a matter of time before...
All turn pale as they imagine the worst possible outcome.
Lyria: I can sense the Inchoate World's presence from that sphere.
Vyrn: So you're sayin' that thing's basically the Inchoate World?
Lyria: Most likely...
- Haase must be in there...
Choose: Haase must be in there...Lyria's and Vyrn's expressions cloud at the thought.
Monika: Our world will be swallowed up by that thing sooner or later if we don't do something about it.
Monika: The situation's dire, but that's no reason to curl up and wait for death.
Monika: I realize you're probably still mad at me, but (Captain)... Won't you lend us your strength?
- Like you even need to ask!
Choose: Like you even need to ask!Lyria: Let's go save Haase and Moon, and make sure everyone comes back safely!
Vyrn: Yeah! We can't just leave our friends alone like this. We're comin' for ya!
Monika: Thank you. We're indebted to you, (Captain).
They look up to the sphere once more.
Their resolve to save their dear friends burns bright.
A Moon Dyed Crimson: Scene 2
Awakening in a peaceful world with Lette and Flek, Haaselia forgets all her troubles—until one day she is confronted with the reality that the pair has already died by her hand. But she is saved from the depths of despair thanks to The Moon giving her the power to carry out her revenge by herself.
Haaselia wakes up to find herself in complete darkness.
Haaselia: Where... am I?
Haaselia: We faced against the World... Then Moon had his will stolen...
Haaselia: ...!
A light suddenly appears, accompanied by the sound of something bursting. Haaselia puts her hands up in defense.
A familiar scene spreads out in front of her like deja vu.
Little Boy: Haase! Happy birthday!
Little Girl: Ta-da! We got a cake for you too!
Haaselia: Birthday? Me?
Haaselia: (This is the orphanage, isn't it? When did I get here... What's going on?)
Boy's Voice: Look at your silly face! Why're you even surprised, Haase?
Girl's Voice: Hehe. The surprise worked!
Haaselia: (This voice! Could it be...)
Haaselia slowly turns and gasps when she sees the faces of children she once knew.
Haaselia: Lette! Flek!
Haaselia: Why... Why are you alive?
Lette: What do you mean why? You make it sound like we died or something.
Flek: Yeah! Don't go killing us off just yet!
Haaselia: ...
Laughter sounds around them, but Haaselia continues to stand unmoving with a pale face, as if she has seen a ghost.
Flek: Oh, shoot. Was the surprise too much?
Lette: I'm sorry, Haase. We didn't mean to shock you like that.
Haaselia: Oh... That's not it. I was surprised, but I think... I'm just taking a while to process it...
Haaselia: It feels so strange. I'm getting a fuzzy sensation, like I'm still in a dream...
Lette: You're probably just tired and need some sleep. You've been working late again, haven't you?
Flek: So she's just sleepy? Geez, don't get me all worried like that.
Lette: Of course you'd be worried. You were the one who suggested doing this surprise, after all—
Flek: Aaah! Lette! I said to keep that a secret, remember?
Lette: Oops, did you? Sorry!
Flek: You're such a tease sometimes, Lette... Wonder who you took after.
Haaselia: Hehe.
Lette: Haase? What is it? Did I say something strange?
Haaselia: Not at all. I'm just relieved that everything's back to normal.
Flek: What're you talking about? You hit your head or something?
Haaselia: Rough with your words as always, I see. I think that deserves a...
Haaselia reaches out and ruffles Flek's hair.
Flek: Hey, stop that!
Haaselia: That's for surprising me. Take that!
As Haaselia scolds the boy, a smile appears on her face.
Seeing Lette, Flek, and everyone at the orphanage so happy dissipates the Evoker's worries.
Haaselia: (Yes... It must've been a bad dream.)
Haaselia: (There's no reason for good children like Lette and Flek to be killed. They would never end up that way.)
Haaselia: Thank you, everyone. I'm so happy you're celebrating my birthday for me.
Haaselia: Let's enjoy ourselves today to the fullest.
Forgetting all her troubles, Haaselia spends a peaceful and gratifying day with the children.
As if the tragedy had never fallen upon them at all.
The tranquil days continue, filling Haaselia's heart with contentment.
No longer counting how many days has passed, the time is enough to make her forget even the pain she once experienced.
Haaselia: Cookies, cake, chocolates... Yes, this should be enough.
Haaselia: I went all out and made a lot more than I should've, but I'm sure this'll all be gone in no time.
Haaselia: Hehe. I hope they like it.
Lette's Voice: Yes, of course...
Flek's Voice: I guess we should... after all...
Haaselia: (Hm? Is that Lette and Flek? What could they be talking about back there?)
The Evoker spots the two children sharing a private conversation behind the orphanage. Feeling uneasy, she quietly listens in.
Lette: But if we're friends with Haase, we're bound to get closer to Lord Katzelia or one of their siblings, right?
Lette: We might really score it big. We can spend every day in comfort at the castle!
Flek: I gotta try harder too. I mean, I can't just ask for the money... She'd know something was up.
Flek: But if I keep buttering up to her, maybe she'll eventually wanna give me something on her own!
Haaselia: ...
Haaselia: (Lette... Flek... Is that all I mean to you?)
Haaselia: (I thought they saw me as an individual—an equal—and that social status didn't matter...)
Haaselia: (No, it can't be... I must've heard wrong! That must be it!)
Haaselia quickly turns on her heel, thinking to leave, when two figures suddenly appear to block her path.
Lette: Is something wrong, Haase? You're looking rather pale.
Flek: You got a fever or something? Make sure to rest up, you hear?
Haaselia: Lette... Flek... When did you...
Lette: Ooh, I smell something. Did you make desserts for us?
Lette: You've got a lot there! Must be heavy. Here, let me help.
Flek: Desserts? Hooray! You're the best, Haase!
Haaselia: Th-thanks...
The Evoker takes a step back, but Lette and Flek continue to close in on her, wide smiles on their faces.
Lette: We're best friends, aren't we, Haase? Best friends forever?
Flek: I love you, Haase! Let's stay together forever, okay?
Haaselia: ...!
Don't come near me!
The aversion is clear in her tone. In the heat of the moment, Haaselia panics and pushes the two away.
Haaselia: Ah! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...
Haaselia: Are the both of you all right—
Lette & Flek: ...
Haaselia: Huh? Are they... dead?
Haaselia: No way... Did I... kill them? It can't be... I couldn't have...
Lette: You pretty much killed us, Haase.
Lette: Back then, I was still breathing. If you'd given me first-aid, I might still be alive today.
Haaselia: ...!
Back then? You mean...
Haaselia: So that was reality, and this is not... And you're both...
Flek: Yep—dead. 'Cause you killed us.
Haaselia: No... No! I truly wanted to save you! But at the time, I had no choice...
Flek: Don't lie to yourself. A primal beast you controlled made an attack that killed me.
Flek: That hurt a lot, you know?
Oh wait, of course you wouldn't know.
Haaselia: No, it can't be... but... it must be. Yes... I killed them...
Haaselia drops down to a crouch, her head in her hands. The colors of her surroundings fade, warping into an eerie landscape.
Inchoate World: You've finally awaken. No matter how many lies you tell yourself, your sins shall remain.
Haaselia: Ngh...
Inchoate World: To think a person of deceit would end up falling into a world of deceit... Irony? No... It's only fate.
Inchoate World: That was a rather disappointing ending, but let's wrap this up quickly. I will proceed to analyze the data you've collected.
The Moon: It is not the end yet.
When the Inchoate World attempts to lay his hands on The Moon's core, the voice of The Moon rings out across the emptiness.
Inchoate World: You should have already ceased to function...
The Moon: Deceit is what I specialize in, after all. As you can see, I am safe and well.
Inchoate World: You all never learn, do you? What will you achieve by tricking me? Will it get you out of this situation?
Inchoate World: You have been imprisoned within this world—you have only to wait for your death. No matter what you say, that is the unwavering truth.
The Moon: Heh heh... Bwahaha!
Inchoate World: What's so funny?
The Moon: What if I told you that having you absorb us was part of my plan?
Inchoate World: Stop bluffing. Are you hoping to catch me off guard?
The Moon: Haaselia Alois Gangnus, my pactbearer. Do you hear me?
Haaselia: ...!
Why are you still... I thought your will was stolen from you.
The Moon: To deceive an enemy, you must deceive your friends first, after all. I will tell you of my reasons after.
The Moon: I ask you—what is your objective?
The Moon: Was it not to execute all those involved with the black market trade?
Haaselia: Execute... the black market...
Haaselia: (I just need to reveal Uncle and the black market fiends for who they are and get Katze to execute them.)
Haaselia: (If I can't find proof, I'll just make it up as I go along! Whatever it takes to send them to the guillotine!)
Haaselia: But I will not stop until I've plunged every last one of those despicable vermin into the depths of utter despair!
Haaselia: Yes, you are right.
Haaselia: I will execute all of those controlling my brother, the emperor. That is my objective, and my wish.
Haaselia: But, the truth is... I wish I could kill them all myself, instead of doing it in such a roundabout way!
Haaselia: I want to inflict so much pain on them, they'll regret they were ever born! Despair will be but their first course!
Haaselia: Yet... in order to expose the black market trade in its entirety, I have to rely on authority.
Haaselia: I have neither the skill nor capacity to become emperor. Thus, there is nothing I can do but depend on my brother, as cowardly as it seems.
Haaselia: No matter how hard I try, my power by itself has its limit. I'm helpless on my own... I hate it.
The Moon: It is rare to see you to open up to this extent in front of me.
The Moon: If I were to fulfill your wish, would you stand up once more?
Haaselia: Fulfill... my wish?
The Moon: What you yearn for is not authority, but to expose those who cloak their true intentions with deceit, is it not?
Haaselia: That's right. If I can identify each and every person in the trade, then I wouldn't have to depend on my brother.
Haaselia: But I don't have that sort of magical power—
The Moon: Become a mirror that reflects that truth.
The moment The Moon speaks those words, he puts his thumbs and middle fingers together to form a ring, as if to make a small mirror.
The Moon: Reflected in the mirror are the true intentions and memories that lie deep within the person... Their heart.
The Moon: This power will allow you to screen your targets and identify who you want to find.
The Moon: Would this power not prove useful for you?
Haaselia: You mean, with this power... I can carry out my revenge by myself, right?
Haaselia: That's infringing on the rules... and exactly what I want!
Haaselia's lips curl upward, her eyes burning with a mixture of murderous intent, intoxication, and rapture.
Haaselia: How could you wait so long to give me such an amazing power when you could have done that in the beginning?
The Moon: I decided to grant it because it was unavoidable.
The Moon: My power reflects the strength of your emotions. I would not be able to oppose the World if your emotions had remained as weak as they were earlier.
The Moon: Your recovery is vital for fighting against the enemy. Granting you the power is collateral.
The Moon: Furthermore...
The Moon pauses, a faint smile appearing on his face as if reflecting Haaselia's expression.
The Moon: I had to consider the fact that if I granted you this power, then you would be able to see my true intentions as well.
Haaselia: Ha, please. I'll bet that this power work on everyone but you.
The Moon: If that is what you suspect, then you may try later.
Haaselia: You're a difficult one to read, as always. It feels like you're using me, and I don't exactly like that.
The Moon: I could say the same to you.
Haaselia: Heh, I suppose so.
Haaselia: Fine. Let's go with your plan then, shall we!
Inchoate World: What... is this! What's happening?
The light emitting from Haaselia and The Moon flares up, turning everything around them into a blinding white.
A Moon Dyed Crimson: Scene 3
In breaking the illusion, Haaselia seized a portion of The World's power, enabling her and The Moon to confront him again. In danger of being destroyed, The World ejects the two outside the spherical world, where they reunite with the crew aboard the Grandcypher.
The Moon: Oho. What do we have here?
Haaselia: I feel myself overflowing with power... Ahaha! This feels great!
The Moon: Bwahaha! Very good! This is what I had envisioned!
The Moon: Allowing us to be taken in by the World has indeed been worth the effort!
Inchoate World: So you absorbed a part of me... and brought out the true value of lies by mingling falsehood with the truth.
The Moon: Though you intended to use us, the truth was that you were the one used by us.
The Moon: Focusing all of your attention on Haase was your mistake, and worked in my favor.
Inchoate World: But your struggle is futile. Do not think you can surpass me with mere petty tricks.
The Moon: Indeed, we would be no match for you... in this current situation.
Inchoate World: What?
The Moon: Haase. I'll have you follow my plan for just a while longer.
Haaselia: That's fine. I'll put it on your tab.
The two exchange a knowing smile, as if they had been conspiring together all along. The Moon continues, his voice solemn.
The Moon: Now... Envision the moment you slaughter the man and all those involved.
Haaselia: I'll annihilate them and not leave a single trace. I'll have them down on their knees begging for mercy before I finish them off. How's that?
The Moon: That would be characteristic of you, yes. But do you not find it a waste for them to suffer a death without pain or absolute fear?
Haaselia: That's true. Then shall I break their fingers slowly, one by one?
Haaselia: Or perhaps dig out their eyeballs and have the imbeciles eat them? Pulling out their insides while they're alive could be interesting as well.
Haaselia: Ahaha! Just picturing it is getting me so excited!
Inchoate World: Fools. Have you accepted your defeat and resigned to spending your remaining time by daydreaming?
Inchoate World: To run from the truth and live within a fantasy of your liking... How twisted you've become.
Haaselia: Say what you want.
Haaselia: It may have been against my intent, but the fact remains that I killed the children whom I loved dearly...
Haaselia: I've been broken this whole time!
The Moon: Yes, excellent. Stir up your emotions.
Haaselia: But twisted? I quite like the sound of that! Then I shall kill you in a way befitting the term!
As Haaselia's words ring out loud and clear, her emotions rise and reach their climax.
The Moon: It is full.
The Moon: Our time to defeat the World has come! Let us go!
Haaselia: Sounds good to me! We'll tear him apart and escape this world!
Inchoate World: It's no use. Your powers are mere illusions. No matter how much you feign it—
Haaselia: Haaah!
Haaselia releases multiple beams of light that shoot out in every direction. But the light fails to pierce through the darkness, promptly repelled by the void around them.
Inchoate World: Look carefully. Don't avert your eyes. See how small your power is compared to mine?
Haaselia: Are you sure about that?
Inchoate World: ...?
Inchoate World: Impossible! How could someone like you be able to encroach on my territory?
Haaselia: You used Lette and the others without another thought!
Haaselia: I won't let anyone get in my way! I shall put you in your shameful place and obliterate you!
Inchoate World: I have no choice...
The moment the Inchoate World says these words, Haaselia and The Moon are enveloped in a bright light.
When they come to their senses again, the two find themselves outside of the sphere and falling through the sky.
Haaselia: ...!
The Moon: Hold onto me.
When Haaselia reaches out to him, The Moon takes her hand and pulls her close. He smiles contentedly.
The Moon: You did well in cornering the World to such an extent.
The Moon: It seems I was not mistaken about you.
Haaselia: It feels strange receiving so much praise from you. I'll take it though.
Haaselia: It's regrettable that we weren't able to bring him down completely.
The Moon: The opportunity will present itself again. We should take this time to ready ourselves.
The Moon: And look. It seems our escort has arrived.
Lyria: Look over there! Isn't that Haase and Moon?
Vyrn: It sure is! They're gonna fall all the way down to the bottom if we don't catch 'em! Come on!
(Captain) nods and immediately directs the Grandcypher toward Haaselia and The Moon.
Rescued by the crew, Haaselia recounts the events that happened within the sphere, spinning falsehood with the truth.
Without suspecting a single thing, the crew take in the Evoker's story and breathe a sigh of relief.
Lyria: I can't believe so much happened... I'm really glad the two of you are all right.
Vyrn: So what're you plannin' to do now? You're not just gonna leave that creepy thing alone, right?
The bizarre, spheric body hovers ominously in the distance, continuing to grow in size.
The Moon: Indeed. If we let it be, soon it will begin to eat into reality, and the situation will become irreversible.
The Moon: I would like all of you to join us in entering the sphere once more and destroying the World forever.
Vyrn: Enter the sphere? We can do that?
Haaselia: There is no need to worry. With Moon's power, it should not be a problem.
Haaselia: The sphere is a world cloaked in a layer of deceit. Since Moon has absorbed a part of the World's power, he has become stronger—enough to break in.
Haaselia: We should be able to expose his lies and confront the World without being consumed.
Vyrn: That sounds pretty promising! Let's go kick the World's butt!
Haaselia: Yes, let's. I do not wish to lose anyone precious to me anymore.
Haaselia: Let us strike before the root takes hold—before any of you or Moon end up in danger.
Eager to defeat the enemy, (Captain) and company start to prepare for their confrontation with the World. The Moon leans in to whisper in Haaselia's ear.
The Moon: You don't wish to lose anyone precious, you say?
Haaselia: Are you calling me out as a liar? It's true enough that I would be in a lot of trouble without you.
Haaselia: How precious you are to me is another issue.
The Moon: Heh. That is just like you.
And with that, the crew accompanies Haaselia and The Moon on their second journey into the World's menacing sphere.
A Moon Dyed Crimson: Scene 4
The crew reenters the sphere to stop the Inchoate World once and for all. He sees the appearance of the crew as a trial to be overcome before world creation can happen and awaits their arrival at the center of the sphere.
The crew steps inside the floating sphere to settle matters with the Inchoate World.
Vyrn: Whoa... What's with this place...
Lyria: The many different colors mixed together is making my eyes go round...
The wild color scheme is extremely unsettling, violently distorting the captain's perceptions.
Vyrn: Rrgh... I'm startin' to feel sick...
Lyria: Me too... Haase, are you feeling all right?
Haaselia: Yes, I'm managing. My resistance to it may have increased thanks to absorbing the World's power.
Lyria: Hm? Come to think of it, did you change clothes?
Lyria: Somehow you give off a different aura too... It's not the usual calm energy I feel from you.
Haaselia: Yes... The power we absorbed from the World is affecting me in various ways.
Haaselia: Though I normally have a peaceful demeanor, my fight against the World has given me more confidence.
Haaselia: It seems this space has brought that change in my heart to the surface as well.
Vyrn: Are you sure this power you got from the World's okay?
Haaselia: No need to worry. I am actually feeling better than ever.
Haaselia: You can think of this as a new form that will allow me to perform at my best.
Lyria: That's good...
Vyrn: Let us know if you need anything, okay?
Haaselia: Of course. Your support is much appreciated.
Haaselia: (Somehow, I can feel my emotions elevating when I'm in this form.)
Haaselia: (I must focus on the fight against the World and act wisely... so I don't lose myself.)
Bracing themselves for what may come, the crew proceed onward to the center of the multicolored world.
Inchoate World: You lot again.
Vyrn: Gwah! You got us good last time, and now we're gonna get payback!
Inchoate World: What more could you want from me? I have no more business with you. You nuisances are a waste of time—
Inchoate World: No, wait... I see how it is. Defeating your group is the final trial I must overcome before the new world comes to fruition.
Haaselia: You cast us out last time because you had deemed us a threat... Is that not so?
Haaselia: Yet you appear unaffected now, It is simply beyond my comprehension.
Inchoate World: A birth becomes that much more meaningful after successful completion of a trial. And a trial exists to be overcome...
Inchoate World: Very well then. I welcome you all to be the final sacrifices to mark the true completion of my task.
The Inchoate World seems to disappear, blending into his multicolored surroundings.
- Let's go.
Choose: Let's go.The crew's march toward the center of the sphere continues.
Beyond the Trial
The Inchoate World unleashes his full power to overcome the trial that is the crew. A final showdown ensues.
Inchoate World: You've come.
By tracking the aura of the Inchoate World, the crew finally reaches the center of his realm.
The Inchoate World looks down on the crew as he speaks, a hint of surprise in his breath.
Inchoate World: How strangely comforting... Though you obstacles in my path normally fill me with disgust...
Inchoate World: Seeing you as a trial meant to be overcome fills me with pride and joy.
Inchoate World: The face of fate changes depending on your interpretation. And my interpretation has led me to birth a new world.
Inchoate World: You are nothing but nuisances now—stepping stones on my path to world creation... That is how I define your fates.
Haaselia: Listening to your words, they sound like nothing but rather egotistical excuses and interpretations.
Haaselia: No matter how you define our fates or whether you see us as a trial, we are not obliged to adhere to your beliefs.
Haaselia: I refuse to be trifled with because of someone's selfish desires.
Haaselia: We won't give in to you! We'll settle this once and for all!
Inchoate World: I am the one who gets to decide that. It doesn't matter what is true and what is a lie—it's all meaningless under me.
Inchoate World: The truth is what I decide it to be. And you all will become the cornerstones of my new world—that fact will not change.
Inchoate World: The time has come to bury you all as wretched artifacts of the old world!
Fierce winds begin to blow around them, causing the various colors to converge on the Inchoate World.
As he is encased in what appears to be some sort of cocoon, Lyria audibly gasps.
Lyria: Watch out! The Inchoate World is getting stronger!
Inchoate World: You antiquated relics will become the cornerstone of the new world. For that is your fate; that is providence.
Inchoate World: You have no future beyond today. Your destinies end here. I shall wipe away your very souls from existence!
Beyond the Trial: Scene 2
The crew finally defeats the Inchoate World and returns to the Sky Realm. With The Moon's objective completed, he agrees to assist with Haaselia's revenge, and she resolves to use her newfound power to achieve her goal.
Inchoate World: Rgh!
Inchoate World: Impossible! I should be the one who decides destiny!
Inchoate World: All trials succumb before me... Your defeat here was supposed to mark the celebration of the new world's creation...
Inchoate World: But yet... how is it that mortals of the old world have bested me!
Haaselia: You looked down on us and thought us to be mere pawns in your perfect plan—and that will be your downfall.
Haaselia: You came to be misled by the falsity that is the new world you yearn to create. You have lost sight of yourself and become nothing but a pitiful existence...
Haaselia: The least I could do is release you from your falsities!
Haaselia releases beams of light that ruthlessly pierce through the Inchoate World.
Inchoate World: Gwaaah!
Inchoate World: Damn you... Damn you all! How could I lose...
Inchoate World: What of my new world!
His hands reach out, only to grasp at thin air. Cracks begin to form all over the Inchoate World's body.
Inchoate World: Guuuuh!
With a deafening roar, the Inchoate World lets out a flash of light followed by a harsh noise that stains the world white.
Haaselia: Ngh... Where is this?
Vyrn: What just happened to us? We defeated the Inchoate World, and then...
The crew wake up to find themselves on the deck of the Grandcypher.
The ominous sphere is gone, leaving only endless, blue skies around them.
Lyria: I don't sense the Inchoate World's presence... Since the sphere's disappeared as well, does that mean it's over?
Haaselia: I can't feel a connection with The World inside myself either.
Haaselia: A part of his power has been left inside me, but I do not think it poses any threat.
Vyrn: So the battle against the Inchoate World is all over and done, huh?
Haaselia: Yes, it finally is, thanks to all of your help.
Haaselia: With this, I can face my problems without reserve.
Vyrn: You said you wanted to punish your uncle and the people involved in his trade, right, Braidy Girl?
Haaselia: That's correct. There is still a ways to go, but I will most certainly accomplish my goal.
Lyria: Please let us know if there's anything we can do to help you, Haase!
Haaselia: Of course. I know I can trust all of you from the bottom of my heart.
Monika's Voice: Hey! Is everyone okay?
An echoing voice calls for the crew.
Turning to the voice reveals Monika and Lecia leaning over the deck railing of their approaching airship.
Vyrn: Guess those guys came to check things out now that the sphere's gone, huh.
Lyria: Mm-hm! We're all safe and sound!
Distancing herself slightly from the crew, Haaselia talks to The Moon in a low voice.
Haaselia: You've completed your objective. I've helped you achieve what you wanted, so it'll be your turn to help with mine.
The Moon: That goes without saying. I would follow you to even the depths of hell to assist you in your revenge.
The Moon: What will you do about the ones you say you trust from the bottom of your heart? Will you truly request their assistance?
Haaselia: You ask that, but you already know the answer, don't you? We will carry out revenge by ourselves.
Haaselia: Since I have your power now, I no longer need to use the crew. Rather, they'll only be a hindrance.
Haaselia: They would definitely attempt to stop me if I were to tell them my true plans.
Haaselia: They are too kind—so much that their kindness is like poison to me.
Haaselia: This is my fight, after all. I don't intend to ask anyone for their help.
The Moon: Then logically speaking, I, too, should take my leave.
Haaselia: You're just arguing for argument's sake, aren't you?
Haaselia jabs a fist lightly into The Moon's side.
Haaselia: My battle is only just beginning. My uncle and everyone in the black market must be punished. Just you wait...
Haaselia: I will kill you all with my own hands!
With the fight against the Inchoate World over, Haaselia is confident with her new power as she focuses on her true goal.
No matter how dirty her hands become, she will not stop until she has carried out her revenge to its end.
Bloodstained Nobility
Following the battle with the Inchoate World, Haaselia infiltrates the Galgenia Empire to purge those involved with the black market. After raiding an assembly with The Moon, she announces her intention to kill everyone present—including her uncle, the archduke.
Haaselia: Not here either... I can't find it anywhere.
In a mansion somewhere in the Galgenia Empire, moonbeams filter through the windows into a room Haaselia is rummaging through.
Mansion Owner: ...
Lying near Haaselia's feet is a body, bent in unnatural ways as it sinks into a large pool of blood.
A month has passed since Haaselia infiltrated the Galgenia Empire by herself.
Deciding against enlisting the crew's help, she left a letter for (Captain) and the others, telling them she had a few errands to run.
The Evoker then began to target those of the upper class while hiding her identity, making contact with them in order to use her new power to see into their heart.
When the person is identified to be someone involved with the black market, Haaselia then proceeds to grant them a death suitable for their sins.
Repeating this again and again, her plan appears to be going smoothly so far. However...
Haaselia: (That was the fourth one. I wouldn't be surprised if they catch on to what I'm doing...)
Haaselia: (It seems they still think the attacks are random, but I don't have the time to continue this at a leisurely pace.)
The security tightens with every passing day, and the more time Haaselia's revenge takes, the harder it is for her to move about.
Revising her initial plan, she decides to aim for a day on which underground members will gather for a general assembly.
Haaselia hopes that launching an attack while they're rounded up in one place will help her accomplish her goal faster—and before they realize that the black market is being targeted.
There is one hitch to this new plan.
The Moon: Nothing?
Haaselia: No... We don't even know how often they gather for these assemblies.
Haaselia: I knew the prospects were going to be dim. If I can't find anything about it, I suppose I'll have to think of something else... Hm?
After unlocking a drawer, she realizes that a mechanism at the bottom is hiding another layer of the drawer. She pries open the fake bottom.
The board is removed to reveal a single letter without a sender or recipient written on it, tucked away in the hidden compartment.
Haaselia: A letter...
Only a date and place are written on the pages of the letter, with no further details on the nature of the event. But Haaselia has a hunch.
Haaselia: There's no doubt about it... This must be an invitation to their general assembly!
The Moon: Seeing how they went out of their way to hide it, I would agree that the possibility is high.
The Moon: Even if it turns out to be no more than a normal function, why not enjoy it and celebrate your revenge in advance?
Haaselia: Not a bad idea. Though I don't exactly have the time to enjoy myself.
The Moon: The date is... three days from now. Luckily it hasn't been held yet.
Haaselia: Yes—after all, we don't know when the next one will be. We can't let this opportunity pass.
Haaselia: Savor the final days of your life, you fiends... Heh. Hehehe.
After returning to her hideout, Haaselia reviews her course of action and begins to plan for the day of the assembly.
Three days later.
Dozens of well-dressed men are gathered in an underground theater, having a pleasant chat over some finger food.
Entitled Crook: I'm really looking forward to seeing what kind of event it'll be today.
Heartless Crook: I hear it's going to be some sort of battle—that they'll put a girl in a cage in front of a hungry and diseased wild beast or something.
Heartless Crook: Either the girl will be eaten alive on the spot, or survive but be riddled with infection. It'll be hell one way or another, that's for sure.
Entitled Crook: Speaking of disease, a child I bought before apparently had some sort of sickness.
Entitled Crook: It was caught snitching food and thrown into the dungeons. When I went to see it again after a few days, I found it lying in its own vomit, dead.
Entitled Crook: Imagine if I'd touched it first—for all I know, it might have passed the sickness onto me. I've certainly learned my lesson to never buy anything of poor quality again.
Heartless Crook: Indeed, there's nothing better than a healthy child.
Heartless Crook: Beat them a little and they'll come sniveling and crying shamelessly. I do like it when they do that—their sobs are truly stimulating.
Heartless Crook: Adults have pride and don't go into a frenzy so easily, after all. The innocence of children is such a treasure.
Archduke: Oho, interesting conversation we're having here, gentlemen. I'd have liked to see that for myself.
Entitled Crook: Ah, if it isn't the archduke.
Heartless Crook: Thank you very much for your invitation to another splendid event tonight, my lord.
Archduke: Hahaha, my pleasure! Both you and I profit from this, after all.
Archduke: As always, I'll be counting on you for everything going forward.
Entitled Crook: Very well. I will do my best to make substantial contributions.
Archduke: Much appreciated. Given the circumstances, your cooperation will be most valuable.
Archduke: Ah, it's time. Please, make yourselves at home and enjoy this evening.
A light appears on stage, drawing the attention of everyone in the room.
Not long after, a large shape wrapped in a red cloth is brought onto the stage.
Entitled Crook: I simply cannot wait to see what it is.
Heartless Crook: The show looks promising already.
The red cloth is unraveled slowly, as if to stir up the audience's enthusiasm.
However, when the cloth finally falls to the floor, revealing the contents of the mysterious object, what follows is not the sound of cheers but a scream.
Host: ...
Standing on the stage is a square cage—and a dead man hanging inside it.
Entitled Crook: M-my lord... Is this part of the show?
Archduke: Nonsense! Who's responsible for this lunacy? This is not funny in the least!
Haaselia's Voice: Not funny in the least... Yes, that would be an accurate way to describe your actions.
Haaselia's footsteps ring out in the silence as she calmly makes her way across the stage.
Haaselia: Good evening, everyone. It appears you are enjoying the food and conversation very much tonight.
Entitled Crook: Lady Haaselia? Why is she...
Heartless Crook: Was Lady Haaselia invited to the assembly?
Archduke: Impossible... You're alive...
Heartless Crook: My lord?
His peer's words fall on deaf ears as the archduke stares at the figure on stage, his eyes wide in disbelief. He lifts a shaking finger, pointing it toward the stage.
Archduke: Haaselia... Is that really you?
Haaselia: It has been a long time, Uncle. As you can see, I am safe and well, spending my days in peace.
Archduke: How in the skies did you survive... How did you find this place? No—what did you come here for?
Haaselia: Why, that's obvious. I have only one purpose...
Haaselia: To massacre everyone here tonight.
Haaselia's clear words throws the audience into a commotion.
Archduke: Massacre?
Haaselia: Yes. There is more than enough reason to have all of you killed.
Haaselia: Taking in needy children to use them as living experiments, and exhibitioning them to fulfill your loathsome desires...
Haaselia: It is only proper that all of you pay for such crimes with your life!
Archduke: Heh. I know you—you wouldn't have the courage to kill someone.
Archduke: The dead man in that cage—you must have asked someone else to do it for you. A bold and pretentious show you're putting on for us, Haaselia.
Haaselia: You don't deny my accusations... so you admit to them?
Archduke: If I finish you here, the truth will be buried in darkness, and our existence will never come to light.
Archduke: It was a foolish decision for you to waltz in and accuse us of crimes. What good would that do?
Archduke: Do you expect us to atone for our sins, or fear you for having seen through us? Ridiculous. Nothing of the sort will happen.
Archduke: I will commend your success in infiltrating our assembly. I am guessing that you worked with someone among us.
Archduke: I don't know how you got their cooperation, but we can take our time to find the traitor and dispose of them—just like we will you.
Archduke: Revealing yourself is basically suicide. But then, you always were a mere royal decoration—your lack of wisdom should hardly surprise me.
Haaselia: What if I told you I have soldiers at the ready?
Haaselia: At my signal, they could come rushing into the venue.
Archduke: Please. You could have at least come up with a more believable story. There are no soldiers—I've arranged for no one to be able to come close.
Haaselia: In other words, nothing that happens here will ever be leaked to the outside world. Is that right?
Archduke: Exactly.
Haaselia: I see... That is perfect.
Haaselia: After all, what I am about to do is something that must not be known to the public.
Archduke: What?
Haaselia: Well then, let us begin—a beautiful showtime, courtesy of Haaselia Alois Gangnus.
The Moon: Bwahaha! I was growing tired of waiting!
Entitled Crook: ...!
What is that? Where did it come from...
Archduke: It's all a bluff! There's no way Haase would be able to kill—
Haaselia: You may be the celebrated philanthropist, Uncle... but allow me to gift you some advice this time.
Haaselia: One should never judge a person solely based on their looks or their reputation. Speaking from experience.
Haaselia: Moon! Let's do this!
The Moon: Hrrgh!
Entitled Crook: Gaaah!
Heartless Crook: Ack! My... My feet...
Numerous beams of light shoot out across the room, piercing through the feet of the men with ruthless precision.
Severed feet dance about the venue, as sprays of blood taint the air like a summer fog, pierced not by nature's chorus, but by cries of the living damned.
It is a hellish spectacle.
Haaselia: Ahahaha! How unsightly, for grown men to scream like so from merely losing their feet!
Haaselia: Now you won't be able to run away. I shall take my time in killing you—slowly, thoroughly, with all of my murderous intent.
Entitled Crook: L-Lady Haaselia... Please, spare me!
Entitled Crook: I'm not a part of this! I am only here to accompany my friend—I had no idea what sort of gathering this was...
Haaselia: Cease your shameful lies. I heard what you talked about earlier, and remember your every word.
Haaselia: I suppose there's no harm in double-checking, just in case. But if I find you to be lying...
Haaselia puts her fingers together to form a circle, and peers through it into the heart of the man lying at her feet.
What the Evoker sees is not what the man claims. Scenes of children being mistreated and handled like mere toys flash before her eyes.
Haaselia: It was a waste of time, after all.
Haaselia: You filthy scum!
Entitled Crook: Rrrgh...
Haaselia shoves the tip of her shoe into the man's mouth, pushing it in deeper and deeper.
Haaselia: You did this to the hungry children and made them eat your shoe, didn't you?
Haaselia: How do you feel having the same thing done to you now, hm? Does it hurt? Is it scary? Suffocating?
Entitled Crook: Ngh... Arg...
Haaselia: I can't hear you! Come on, tell me! Loud and clear now!
When she puts all of her building rage into her kick, her foot slides to the back of the man's mouth, crushing his throat and bones altogether.
Haaselia: What? Dead already? I was planning to make him suffer more first.
Haaselia: Oh well... Did you see that, Uncle? I didn't have a problem killing that man at all.
Haaselia looks out across the room as she says this, but receives no response from the archduke.
Haaselia: Hm. Tried to hide, has he? No matter—I'm quite good at hide and seek. The children at the orphanage were excellent teachers.
Haaselia: Come out, come out, wherever you are... And I promise I'll kill you quickly.
Bloodstained Nobility: Scene 2
Heartless Crook: Huff... Huff...
Haaselia: Ah, perfect timing. Wait right there.
Spotting a man trying to drag himself away, Haaselia grinds a heel into his leg as if to pin him in place.
Heartless Crook: Augh! It hurts... Aah!
Haaselia: Where is my uncle? Do you know where he went?
Heartless Crook: P-please, Lady Haaselia! Let me go... I don't want to die!
Haaselia: Who told you to beg for your life? I want you to answer my question. Otherwise I'll crush those rancid eyes of yours in their sockets.
Heartless Crook: Eek!
Heartless Crook: H-he was right here just now! But I d-don't know where he ran off to...
Haaselia: Ran off? That must mean his wound wasn't that deep. Just what were you doing, Moon?
The Moon: My hand must have slipped from the influence of your stimulated mental state. Try to rein in your emotions a little.
Haaselia: Save your lectures for later.
Now, where did he run off to? Answer me quickly!
Heartless Crook: I-I don't know! I only know he was running...
Haaselia: There's no benefit in remaining loyal to the archduke now, you know? I'll have him dead for sure.
Heartless Crook: I'm not lying! Please, you have to believe me!
The Moon: Hm? That sound just now...
Haaselia: Did you hear something, Moon?
The Moon: Yes, I thought I heard an odd noise, as if something large was being dragged... Should we have a look?
The Moon: I will leave it to you to make a wise decision.
Haaselia: Let's see...
- Kill the man and go take a look.
- Interrogate the man first.
Choose: Interrogate the man first.Haaselia: You still have something you're hiding from me, don't you? Maybe there's a hidden passage somewhere?
Haaselia: You know, don't you? Or do you want to be tortured in such a way that you wish you were dead?
Heartless Crook: No... I really don't know...
Haaselia: I'm not a patient person. I wonder if you'd talk more...
Haaselia: If I did this!
The Evoker takes a wine bottle on the table and bashes the man across the face with it.
Heartless Crook: Aaah!
Haaselia: That was nothing compared to all the pain you've inflicted onto others. Now, tell me!
Heartless Crook: I'm t-telling the truth... I don't...
Haaselia: Stubborn, aren't you? Then I'll continue until you feel like telling me!
Haaselia deals blow after blow, but the man does not tell her any more information.
The broken wine bottle cuts up the man's skin until his face is nothing but a reddish brown lump of flesh that looks at Haaselia silently.
Haaselia: Huff, huff... Useless.
Haaselia: Never mind, I'll have someone else tell me. There's plenty of prey here, after all—
She takes a step forward—and the next moment, she finds herself dangling mid-air.
The floor of the venue had opened up, dropping her into complete darkness.
Haaselia: A trap!
Haaselia: This is bad... Moon, come save me—
But her cry is outraced by the rapid approach of the floor underneath.
Where she is promptly skewered by the hundreds of spikes lining it.
The end.
As Haaselia has fallen to the enemy's tactics, you must retreat from this quest.
Reflect on the path of action necessary to enact her revenge and try again.
Choose: Kill the man and go take a look.Haaselia: A large object being dragged? Could that be...
Haaselia: I'm afraid we don't have time to play anymore. I'm done with you, so you can simply die.
Heartless Crook: N-no! Save me!
Haaselia: Silence!
Haaselia sends the man's head flying in a split second.
Haaselia: Moon, where did you hear the noise? Take me to it.
The Moon: This way.
The two head in the direction of the sound and spot a passage behind an open door.
Haaselia: So there really was a secret passage. I thought they'd have one, considering the type of people gathering tonight.
The Moon: There's a trail of blood—no doubt he escaped this way.
Haaselia: ...!
The wall's moving! Let's slip in before it closes, Moon!
Haaselia and The Moon leap into the passage barely before the wall slides closed, blocking the way out.
Just then, from beyond the wall connecting the passage to the venue, the two hear the loud noise of something opening, followed by numerous screams.
Haaselia: Seems like a trap was set up... If I'd taken my time killing that man, I would've been caught too.
The Moon: It appears I warned you at just the right time.
Haaselia: Yes, I'll give the credit to you this time. Let's follow the trail.
The passage is dim and musty, eventually leading to multiple paths that create a complex maze. The two navigate by following the trail of blood on the ground.
Haaselia: The spaces between each bloodstain are getting smaller—we should be catching up soon.
Haaselia: You won't be able to run much farther, Uncle. Just let dear Haaselia finish you off, once and for all.
Haaselia's steps are light as she turns the corner and finds a figure standing in front of a dead end.
But the man is not the archduke.
Archduke's Crony: Urgh...
Haaselia: Tch... He got us. Just like my uncle to do something underhanded like this.
Haaselia: You. Where did my uncle go? The two of you ran together until midway, right?
Archduke's Crony: No way I'm... telling you... I would never betray the archduke...
Haaselia: Rather faithful of you. Let's put that loyalty to the test, shall we?
Without hesitation, Haaselia unleashes a beam of light that severs the man's arm in the blink of an eye.
Archduke's Crony: Augh!
Haaselia: Feel like saying anything?
Archduke's Crony: I can take this... I must protect my lord...
Haaselia: All right then.
She unleashes a second beam of light—this time, taking out one of the man's legs.
Archduke's Crony: Gaaah!
Haaselia: We've come this far. My uncle has lost—it's a matter of whether he dies sooner or later.
Haaselia: In other words, resisting me is futile. If you tell me honestly, I'll kill you in a way that's not so painful.
Haaselia: What do you say?
Archduke's Crony: Haha... Hahaha! Long live the archduke!
Haaselia: ...
Your courage is admirable. Almost a waste to have someone like you working under my uncle.
The Moon: Any further questioning would be in vain. Should we go find a different path and look for the archduke ourselves?
- Leave the man and find another path.
- Put an end to the man before leaving.
Choose: Leave the man and find another path.Haaselia: Actually, I think I'll spare you for now. With any luck, you'll get eaten up by rats and die a miserable death.
Haaselia and The Moon hurriedly backtrack, and this time, they choose a path without any traces of blood.
Though they find themselves lost several times, the two eventually reach a sturdy-looking door.
Haaselia: We've finally caught up. My uncle should be behind this door...
The Moon: The door appears to be locked. What should we do?
Haaselia: No need for a key when we can simply break down the door.
Haaselia: Haaah!
The Evoker launches a beam of light at the door, but the door remains in place, only slightly burnt and hardly scratched.
Haaselia: What? My power's...
The Moon: What are you doing? Now's not the time for games.
Haaselia: I'm not fooling around! For some reason, my power won't come out...
The Moon: Hm? What's the matter, Haase!
Haaselia: Somehow my body's feeling weak, and I'm getting dizzy...
Haaselia: Could it be... poisonous gas? When did...
The Moon: Stand up, Haase! Will you let it end like this?
Haaselia: I don't want it like this! But... I can't move...
Haaselia: (I'm so pathetic... What a sad end to my life...)
Haaselia: I'm sorry, Lette... Flek... I couldn't avenge you...
Haaselia gradually loses her five senses, and her consciousness drifts until an absolute darkness swallows it completely.
The end.
As Haaselia has fallen to the enemy's tactics, you must retreat from this quest.
Reflect on the path of action necessary to enact her revenge and try again.
Choose: Put an end to the man before leaving.Haaselia: This man is a member of the trade too... I won't be able to rest until he suffers proper retribution for his actions.
The Evoker uses her power to look into the man's heart and immediately grimaces.
What flashes before her eyes are countless scenes that are indescribable. Haaselia recognizes several of the victims to be children she once knew.
Haaselia: How could you do such repulsive things to innocent children... I feel sick to my stomach!
Despite trembling with rage, Haaselia does her best to compose herself and adjusts the power of her light beam to slice open a hole just below his sternum.
As blood begins to spurt out, she reaches out and sticks her hand into the hole without hesitation.
When Haaselia uses her slender fingers to grip the man's heart, the man lets out a ghastly scream.
Haaselia: Ahaha, what a splendid sensation! How long will your heart last? Seeing how it didn't hurt one bit when performing such cruel acts on children over and over, I'm expecting it to be quite strong!
Archduke's Crony: Ah... Gah... Hrrg...
Haaselia: Oh, no, you're not dying that easily! I want to see how much you can take before—
Archduke's Crony: Gragh...
Haaselia's grip tightens—perhaps by more than she intended—and crushes his heart. Blood spurts from the man, and he breathes his last.
Haaselia: Hey... Who said you could die? I told you I was going to make you suffer before killing you!
Overcome with anger, the Evoker swings her fist at the man's wound. The sound of his organs being crushed again and again echoes down the passage.
Something is squeezed out of the man's stomach, together with his blood and gastric juices.
Haaselia: Is that... a key?
The Moon: He must have swallowed it so we wouldn't be able to find it.
Haaselia: It must be that important, hm? With this, we should be able to get to where my uncle is.
The Moon: Rrg! Is this...
Haaselia: Pretty sure it's not just smoke—some sort of poisonous gas, I'm guessing. Just like what my uncle would do.
Haaselia: Let's hurry, Moon!
Haaselia and The Moon backtrack, keeping their breathing minimal as not to take in the gas. This time, they choose a path without any traces of blood.
Though they find themselves lost several times, the two eventually reach a sturdy-looking door.
Haaselia: We've finally caught up. My uncle should be behind this door...
The Moon: You must hurry, Haase. The gas will spell doom if we don't open this door quickly.
Haaselia: I know. I'll open it now.
Haaselia inserts the key into the lock and turns it. She leans into the door, using the full weight of her body to get it moving.
The door opens to reveal someone waiting for them.
Continue 1Continue 2
Bloodstained Nobility: Scene 3
Haaselia is poisoned during the confrontation with her uncle, but she fights to remain conscious and succeeds in exacting her revenge. The crew arrives just in time to prevent her from taking her own life and gives her a chance to have a heart-to-heart with Katzelia, after which she decides to continue living.
Haaselia opens the door to find someone waiting for them.
Haaselia: Uncle.
Archduke: So you were able to get the key. Tch... Useless underling.
Haaselia: Now you have nowhere to run. Won't you stay put for me?
Archduke: You plan to kill me whether I resist or not, don't you?
Haaselia: I'm glad we're on the same page. If you look at all the things you've done up until now, it's only natural that you die.
Haaselia: The day you sent Flek to attack Lette and me... That was you, wasn't it? Answer me!
Archduke: It was indeed. Because your maid just had to go snooping around, causing unnecessary trouble.
Archduke: She tried to speak against us without understanding our noble goals. Her selfishness went too far.
Haaselia: Your noble goals? Surely you jest. What exactly is noble about them?
Archduke: You know nothing about these skies. A mere princess like you who only dabbled in royal duties would never understand.
Archduke: If the Galgenia Empire is to maintain its hegemony over its neighbors, it must be strong. No one will pledge loyalty to a weakling.
Archduke: What do we need to become strong? Simple—strength is represented by military might. This is true especially for a state.
Archduke: And what do we need to maintain our military? Financial power, of course. Armaments cost a lot of money.
Archduke: But funds are not infinite. That's where I came up with an idea...
Haaselia: The orphanage... Am I right?
Archduke: Yes—however, directing funds toward the orphanage itself will not make our country strong. Rather, it will eat up the finances.
Archduke: But surely we can get a return on the investment somehow—perhaps in the form of donations from wealthy sponsors? So my thinking went.
Archduke: If you offer forms of amusement that can never be public, you'll find no shortage of people with deep pockets willing to spare no expense.
Archduke: Utilizing this new source of funding allows our state to grow all the greater. The deaths that result are not in vain.
Archduke: Rather, they get to contribute to the advancement of our country. What honor would be greater than that?
Haaselia: You're rotten... Completely rotten, down to your last bone!
Haaselia: These are people's lives you're talking about! Those children... are they nothing but toys to you?
Archduke: Heh... Toys, huh? Wouldn't that be something you and I have in common then?
Haaselia: What do you mean?
Archduke: You once told me you wanted to provide support for the orphanage. But was that your real intention?
Archduke: What you wanted was not to save those children... but to bathe in the satisfaction of having accomplished such charitable work.
Archduke: In other words, you, too, were using the children as tools for your own benefit.
Haaselia: How could you say that... Don't you act like we're the same!
Archduke: Can you prove we're not? One's heart of hearts can never be truly known by another.
Archduke: The orphans might have been using you in their own way, smiling when you're around in order to solicit something from you.
Archduke: Everyone is living their life while using the people around them! That is the reality!
Haaselia: No! That's only what you believe. Don't taint the children's innocence like that!
Haaselia: They were good children, so precious—
Lette: But if we're friends with Haase, we're bound to get closer to Lord Katzelia or one of their siblings, right?
Flek: If I keep buttering up to her, maybe she'll eventually wanna give me something on her own!
Haaselia: ...!
The illusion the Inchoate World had shown her before suddenly comes to mind, and she falters.
Haaselia: (Calm down... That was only an illusion. I won't let it trick me...)
Archduke: Hah!
Haaselia: ...!
In the brief moment that Haaselia is distracted, the archduke whips out a knife and throws it, aiming straight for her heart.
But the Evoker reacts fast, dodging just in time. The knife grazes her shoulder before hitting the wall and dropping to the floor.
Haaselia: A coward through and through. You should have made sure you killed me then, because you won't be able to manage it a second time.
Haaselia: Cease your meaningless struggle and accept your death gallantly, Uncle.
Archduke: You can act however brave you want, but that won't last for long.
Haaselia: You're still not giving up? I'm afraid you're not quite understanding the gravity of the situation you're in...
Haaselia: Ngh!
A sudden wave of dizziness hits Haaselia, and she staggers back, putting a hand on the wall.
Haaselia: What... is this?
Archduke: No, you're not understanding your own situation. The knife was poisoned, you see—I'm happy that it's working fast.
Haaselia: Well done... But this level of poison won't faze me...
Archduke: Drop the act. This poison is incredibly effective in rendering a person unconscious—like a type of anesthesia.
Archduke: I often used it on the children for experiments. Without treatment, the person will certainly die, but we have an antidote.
Archduke: It should be difficult for you to even carry a conversation at this point. It's time to give up, Haase.
Haaselia: Ugh... No... I have to...
Archduke: The next time you wake up, you'll most likely find yourself on a table as a specimen. Thank you for your generous contribution.
The Moon: Haase, you must stay awake. Will you let your revenge end here?
Haaselia: No... way... Do you know how hard it was... to get to this point?
Haaselia: I'm going to... send all of them to hell... That's my only wish.
Haaselia: I'll never... give up. I'll avenge... all the children who were lost!
Haaselia reaches out to grab the sharp, iron candlestand next to her.
She positions the tip of it and, without a hint of hesitation, stabs it into her own arm.
Haaselia: Rrg... Ugh!
Archduke: Wha...
Haaselia: Pant, pant... Now I'm awake...
The Moon: Bwahaha, you certainly never fail to live up to my expectations, Haase.
Archduke: You're mad... Why are you so intent on doing this!
Haaselia: You trampled on the dignity of those important to me... Do I need any other reason?
Archduke: That's why you're mad! Why would you risk your own life for the sake of others? Ridiculous! Absolutely ridiculous!
Archduke: If the children had indeed been using you, then your revenge act would be nothing more than a pitiful comedy! Do you understand?
Haaselia: Like I said, I won't fall for the same trick a second time.
Haaselia: Maybe shedding a few drops of blood really did help cool me down. Now I can say for certain...
Haaselia: Everyone is their own person, for better or worse. We can't know the contents of another's heart, not without some special power.
Haaselia: And if there's no way to know what to believe, I'll simply choose for myself. That's the only way to go about it.
Haaselia: Even if what I believe might turn out to be false.
Archduke: Rrg... You're just a good-for-nothing princess!
Haaselia: Let's end this, Uncle.
Haaselia: I didn't want to kill you so easily, but I'm afraid I don't have enough energy to drag this out any longer.
Archduke: Rrgh... Damn it all!
The archduke rushes at her in desperation, raising his fist. But Haaselia only smiles in farewell.
Haaselia: You're not even fit to be trash. I'll annihilate every part of you so scum like you won't ever be reborn again!
Haaselia musters all of her strength and throws it toward the archduke in a powerful beam of light. The archduke is swallowed by the light before vanishing forever.
Haaselia: ...
Haaselia: It's over... It's all over.
After accomplishing her revenge and leaving the venue, Haaselia wanders aimlessly outside, dragging her fatigued body along.
When she finally comes to her senses again, she finds herself in a dark hallway of the castle, lit only by the light of the moon.
Haaselia: Why do I feel so empty inside? I thought I would feel more satisfied after achieving my goal...
Haaselia: What is this, Moon? Tell me.
The Moon: You demand the unreasonable. You and I are not the same—there is no way for me to understand how you are feeling.
The Moon: However... Somehow, I sense that you already know the answer deep inside.
The Moon: You vowed vengeance knowing full well that this is what it would come to. You anticipated this, and agreed to it.
The Moon: Is that not so?
Haaselia: Hmph... It's almost annoying to see how well you understand me.
Haaselia: Yes, I knew since the beginning that it would be like this. Lette and Flek won't come back to life even if I carry out my revenge.
Haaselia: But their deaths were too tragic... I just had to do something for them! Even if it's out of self-satisfaction!
Haaselia: I don't regret it at all. But... it feels so empty. So empty, and lonely...
Haaselia: I don't know why... I'm even alive anymore...
The Moon: ...
Haaselia: How did I become so fainthearted... The poison must have affected me mentally. Yes, that must be it...
Haaselia: Well, it seems I've run out of time... But if I simply died like this, it would be like my uncle killed me. I'd hate that...
Haaselia: I'd rather... die of my own accord. It'd be much better that way...
Dragging herself to the side of the hall, Haaselia stares blankly out at the ground below.
Haaselia: Surely death will not escape me from this height.
The Moon: It would be the end of you, without a doubt.
Haaselia: ...
Haaselia: So you won't stop me, Moon.
The Moon: You helped me defeat World—that was my objective.
The Moon: That day, I made the decision once more to abide to whatever you wished to do.
The Moon: If death is what you yearn for, then so be it. I will return to awaiting my next pactbearer.
Haaselia: How cold of you, after all the time we spent together.
Haaselia: But it's just like you to say that.
There is no sorrow on Haaselia's face. Instead, she breaks out into a bright smile.
Haaselia: I rather enjoyed the days we spent together, Moon.
The Moon: As did I.
Haaselia: Farewell then.
Though she is about to take her own life, the resolution in Haaselia's step as she moves forward is firm and unwavering.
Her body is thrown into the air, succumbing to gravity as it pulls her down toward the ground...
Or so she had anticipated.
Haaselia: ...?
I'm still... alive?
She feels someone's grip on her arm. Puzzled, she turns her head to see who it is.
Haaselia: (Captain)? Why are you here?
Lyria: Haase! Are you all right?
Vyrn: You're caked in blood! What happened?
Haaselia: Lyria... Vyrn... What's going on?
Katzelia: I saw you from my room, so I rushed here with (Captain) and the others.
Haaselia: Brother...
Vyrn: Hey, don't talk so much. We'll get you patched up right away!
Haaselia: I'm... going to be saved?
Lyria: We'll save you for sure, Haase! So please don't give up, okay?
Haaselia: I see... So I can't even be granted death...
Vyrn: What're you sayin'? You're talkin' like you wanted to die or something!
Haaselia: That's exactly what I wanted. I jumped in hopes that I would die.
Lyria: Huh! But... why?
Haaselia: I suppose I could tell all of you, now that everything is over.
Haaselia reveals to the crew the true reason for her absence from the ship, and how she had massacred everyone involved with the black market.
The crew are rendered speechless by her words, faced with a version of her so different from the one they know.
Haaselia: Shocking, right? Or are you repulsed? This is your chance to simply let me die.
Lyria: Haase...
Katzelia: Haase. Why did you not talk to me about any of this?
Katzelia: I could have been able to find a solution without you throwing yourself in danger like that. Then you wouldn't have to get hurt—
Haaselia abruptly reaches out to slap her brother across the face.
Katzelia: Haase?
Haaselia: You really don't know anything about me, Brother. I'll use this opportunity to tell you once and for all.
Haaselia: I've always... always hated you!
Katzelia: ...!
Haaselia: Despite your talent for politics, all you spend your time on is music. Not to mention, you treat me like a child...
Haaselia: If you think your overprotection is a form of kindness, then you're wrong!
Haaselia: If I had talked to you about this, how do you think you would have responded?
Haaselia: If it was just a lecture on how meaningless revenge would be, I'd be able to bear it. But knowing you, Brother...
Haaselia: You would take measures to distance me from danger and solve the problem all by yourself—regardless of my wishes.
Haaselia: Those kinds of things don't make me happy at all! I'm not someone who exists only to be protected!
Haaselia: I hate all of that about you, Brother! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you! I hate you so much!
Katzelia: ...
Katzelia: Is that how you truly feel, Haase?
Haaselia: Yes. Those are my genuine feelings, without a shred of falsehood.
Katzelia: I see. So you're finally telling me how you feel.
Haaselia: Finally? Why're you talking like you already knew...
Katzelia: Who do you think I am? I'm your brother—and I love my sister. I can at least sense my own beloved sister's feelings.
Katzelia: But love is something you give, and not something to wish for in return. That's why I never stopped giving my love to you.
Katzelia: But my love was what almost drove you to your death.
Katzelia: A man who cannot even understand the heart of his own sister is not fit to serve as emperor. It is beyond my capability...
Haaselia: Not fit... to be emperor? What's the matter with you all of a sudden... It's not like you to be so faint of heart.
Katzelia: Heh. You think of me too highly, Haase.
Katzelia: Well... Will you listen to what I have to say, as a fellow imperial heir?
Katzelia: I'd like to tell you about my experiences up until now, and the large wall I find myself facing even now.
A part of Katzelia's story causes Haaselia's emotions to flare.
Having accepted her fate and devoted everything she had to her purpose, she cannot find it in herself to forgive what her brother confesses to her.
Now that she has no reason to hide her true intentions, Haaselia criticizes her brother's weakness without restraint.
But oddly enough, it is those unrestrained words that encourage Katzelia's wounded heart.
Katzelia: Thank you for listening to my foolish story, Haase, despite what you are going through.
Haaselia: I don't mind. Looking at your gloomy face would be much more distressing.
Katzelia: Let's talk someday—just the two of us. Haase... I wish with all my heart that you will stay alive until then.
Haaselia: I guess I'm left with no choice then. I have a lot of things I'd like to talk about, so I suppose I'll keep living for now.
Haaselia: Will you be going to see Luvera now?
Katzelia: Yes, I must make haste. You did what you needed to do, Haase—and now, I need to do the same.
Katzelia: I'm sorry, (Captain)—can I leave Haase's safety in your hands? There is a place I must visit.
When the captain nods wordlessly, Katzelia calmly takes his leave.
Lyria: Let's take Haase back to the ship!
Vyrn: Just bear with this a lil' longer! Hang in there!
Haaselia: Thank you, everyone.
(Captain) lifts Haaselia up, and the Evoker slowly closes her eyes.
Feeling the warmth of the captain's back, Haaselia thinks about her days to come.
Haaselia: I was lucky to have survived. Or perhaps, I was allowed to survive by something greater.
Haaselia: Will continuing to live like this become my happiness, or will it be the start of a new suffering?
Haaselia: Am I alive because someone told me not to die? Or because there were children who wanted to live but couldn't?
Haaselia: Or is it because there is still something someone as small and insignificant as me can do... in the time that is given to me?
Haaselia: In order to find the meaning to my life, I must continue living.
Bloodstained Nobility: Scene 4
Days later, a recovered Haaselia learns her brother has set off on a new path. Moved to find her own way to help her country, she apologizes to the crew for deceiving them and requests to stay on the ship. Thus, Haaselia embarks on her own new path together with The Moon.
Several days after the completion of Haaselia's revenge.
Thanks to her astounding recovery abilities, the Evoker's wounds are all healed. She stands on the deck of the Grandcypher, gazing out at the sky.
Haaselia: ...
Haaselia: It really is over... It's only been a few days, but it already feels like decades ago.
She unfolds the letter from Katzelia to read it again.
In the letter, her brother asks about her condition, and details his own resolutions and what he envisions for their country.
Reading those words makes Haaselia think about her own future.
Haaselia: My brother is trying to resolve his own problems and walk a new path. I need to find a new path for myself to walk too.
Lyria: Haase! There you are!
Vyrn: You sure you're okay bein' up and about?
Haaselia: Yes, I'm all better. Looks like absorbing the World's power has given me pretty convenient abilities.
Haaselia: ...
Haaselia: I've caused a lot of trouble for all of you. I left on my own, yet in the end, you came to rescue me. I'm terribly ashamed.
Haaselia: When I told you before that I'd reconsider my plans, that was nothing but a lie. I was only planning to use you for my benefit.
Haaselia: Sure my plans changed and I never ended up using you, but the fact remains that I had intended to do so.
Haaselia: I know saying all of this now won't make you trust me again, but... I just want to apologize to you. I'm sorry.
Vyrn: Er, thanks?
Haaselia: Now that I've told you, I really have nothing more I'm hiding. I'm done pretending—I just want to be myself from now on.
Vyrn: So you were pretending...
But you know, we've fought you before and everything, so we kinda knew that you weren't as innocent as you made yourself look.
Lyria: I'm still not completely used to hearing you talking so casually, but seeing you with so much energy makes me happy!
Haaselia: Hehe. Thanks, Lyria.
Haaselia: (Captain)... I don't expect you to forgive me just because I've told you everything, but there's something I'd like to ask of you.
Haaselia: As you know, the Galgenia Empire is currently in a state of turmoil with its transition of rulers.
Haaselia: I know that even if I return, I won't be able to help. I'd only get in the way.
Haaselia: I want myself to have grown enough to be able to help my country the next time I return to it—and to do that, I want to continue my journey.
Haaselia: If it isn't too much to ask... will you let me stay in your crew and continue traveling with all of you?
Haaselia: I haven't been the best ally... but will you accept me into your crew once more?
- Of course.
- I don't know...
Choose: Of course.Haaselia: It's just like you to accept me without hesitation like that. I'm really glad I decided to tell you everything.
Choose: I don't know...Haaselia: Wha! I told you everything, so just accept me for who I am and move on already!
Vyrn: Haha, gotcha! (Captain)'s just kidding—now we're tied, so you don't hafta worry about makin' it up to us anymore!
Haaselia: Okay... Cheeky, aren't you? Though, I guess I'm not really one to say.
Continue 1Haaselia: My shoulders feel a lot lighter. I'm glad I can continue traveling with all of you—thanks for having me, (Captain). You too, Lyria. Vyrn.
Lyria: Of course! It's our pleasure!
Vyrn: No more secrets, okay?
Haaselia: Yes, no more.
Haaselia: Anyway, I think that's enough dawdling. The other crew members are calling for you.
Lyria: Oh, you're right! I'm sorry, we should go.
Vyrn: See ya around, Braidy Girl! You only just got better, so don't go pushin' yourself too hard!
Haaselia watches as the three take their leave.
The Evoker curls her fingers tip to tip, forming a circle. She begins to raise it toward her face...
Haaselia: ...
But quickly drops it again before letting out a small sigh.
The Moon: Are you sure? They say they trust you, but that, too, could be a lie.
Haaselia: I don't need my power to know that what they say is the truth. You can see it in their all-too-innocent smiles.
Haaselia: On the other hand, the person I can't trust completely is you. When I was preparing to jump a few days ago, you already knew, didn't you?
Haaselia: You knew that even if you didn't try to stop me, the crew would come to my rescue.
The Moon: Who is to say? I am not all-knowing—thus I cannot see into the future.
The Moon: But if that is what you think, then that is what you should believe.
Haaselia: Sigh... Avoiding answering the important questions as usual. You're cheeky too, just like the others.
Haaselia: In any case, I survived. Here I am, still alive.
Haaselia: You'll be stuck with me for the meantime. No matter which path I end up taking, you'd better stick it out with me.
The Moon: Very well. It doesn't seem like I will be bored anytime soon.
How should she live, and what should she become?
Somehow, Haaselia is certain that the answers to these questions will show themselves eventually as she continues her journey with (Captain) and company.
Conducting an Empire
Haaselia and (Captain) are invited to Emperor Katzelia's music festival. When Haaselia tries to suggest that Chairman Schlangehr was pardoned for her sake, Katze changes the subject and commends her instead. Their older sister Luvera joins and a warm moment between the siblings follows.
Some time has passed since Katzelia was throned the emperor of Galgenia.
He's holding a music festival today and the party is in full swing.
Vyrn: Hey, this looks fun! The whole hall is filled with music!
Lyria: It's so nice to see everyone enjoying themselves! And Katze makes a really cool conductor too!
Vyrn: You'd never think the government was in turmoil just a little while back.
Haaselia: It's a relief to see harmony being restored. I was worried for a moment there.
Having been invited to the music festival, (Captain) and friends wander the venue searching for Katzelia.
Schlangehr: Now for the next topic on our agenda. There are issues with river management in the northwest.
Katzelia: If we don't intervene, the rivers will flood at the first sign of a storm. Disaster prevention is of utmost urgency.
Lyria: Oh, there he is! Hey, Katze! Long time, no see!
Katzelia: Oh, (Captain)! So glad you could make it! I hope you're enjoying the festival?
Lyria: We are! Thank you for inviting us!
Katzelia: And Haase! How wonderful to see you looking so well! Come into my arms!
Katzelia opens his arms wide for a hug, but Haaselia shirks away from him.
Haaselia: The same goes for you. I was expecting to find you worn out from work, but you clearly have energy to spare.
Katzelia: I suppose I do! I've been looking forward to this music festival. It's been great to unwind from the stresses of everyday life.
Katzelia, arms still wide open, invites Haaselia in for a hug once again, but she responds with only a reluctant smile.
Schlangehr: You must be the crew who aided His Imperial Majesty. He speaks highly of you. And Haaselia—a pleasure as always.
Schlangehr: I didn't get a chance to introduce myself last time. I am Schlangehr Rela Gangnus, the chairman of this country.
Schlangehr shakes (Captain)'s hand and offers a few cordial words to break the ice.
Vyrn: Hey, Braidy Girl. Is it just me, or is this guy a totally different person from last time?
Haaselia: He's been forced to spend the rest of his days playing a good person.
Haaselia: He's keeping his promise by the looks of it, but this is just...creepy.
Schlangehr: What is it, Haase? Do I happen to have something on my face?
Haaselia: No...I was just thinking how unusually...friendly you are today.
Schlangehr: Oh, my. I almost forgot I have a meeting to attend!
Schlangehr: I must be off. Please excuse me.
Schlangehr walks out with a beaming smile on his face.
Katzelia: I did suggest he take the day off and enjoy the festival, but he's always keeping himself busy, that one.
Vyrn: You must be busy too, being the emperor and all. You could probably do with a day off yourself!
Katzelia: Well, you have a point there.
Katzelia: I held this music festival to ease the public's concerns about my enthronement and the changes happening in government.
Katzelia: I want this festival to demonstrate that the country's heading in a new direction.
Katzelia: But that's enough about politics! What did you think of my conducting out there, Haase?
Haaselia: What conducting?
Katzelia: Why, the concert I just performed in. I, the emperor, ascended the conductor's podium and led the orchestra into glorious harmony.
Katzelia: I informed you in the letter, did I not? What time I would be performing.
Haaselia: Oh, right. Now you mention it. I'm afraid it utterly slipped my mind.
Katzelia: No... I can't believe it!
Katzelia: You mean, you missed the show? Why, Haase? Why must you be so cruel? What have I done to deserve this?
Haaselia: I jest. (Captain) and I saw the whole thing.
Katzelia: You... You did?
Haaselia: I was just winding you up, Brother. I mean, how often does one get the chance to send the emperor into a spin?
Vyrn: Katze hasn't changed. Even as the emperor, he's still wrapped around her finger.
Lyria: Hehe! At least he's staying true to himself!
Katzelia: Ahem. It's been such a long time since I was reuinted with Haase, my excitement's getting the better of me.
Katzelia: It is undignified for the emperor to lose his composure in public. Please follow me to my room.
Katzelia: All right. We can speak in privacy here.
Once the group has entered the room, Katzelia turns to Haaselia and gives her a pat on the back.
Katzelia: You've lost weight. Are you eating properly?
Katzelia: The stress of me being away isn't getting to you, is it?
Haaselia: Relax, I'm fine. In fact, I'm actually very well.
Haaselia: And I thought I told you to stop smothering me.
Katzelia: I know. But that's just how I show my love. Hate me for it if you like, but I'll never change.
Katzelia: No matter how kind or cruel your words may be, I accept them all. That is the true meaning of love.
Vyrn: I know I said he hadn't changed, but I take it back. He's gotten worse.
Haaselia: He's beyond help at this point. My mean jibes don't even affect him anymore.
Haaselia: Maybe he wasn't the best person to come to about this...
Katzelia: See, I could tell there was something on your mind. Come on, let it all out. Big brother will make it better.
Haaselia: No. I just wanted you to take a look at this.
Haaselia pulls out a stack of parchment papers.
Haaselia: This is a proposal I wrote about the country's orphanage policies.
Haaselia: After seeing how orphanages are run in other countries, I have became aware of the issues in our own. It's all written in there.
Katzelia: This is what you've been up to?
Haaselia: I can't sit by idly while my brother is serving as the emperor.
Haaselia: It's not the perfect proposal, by any means. I feel that there's something missing.
Haaselia: That's why I came to see you. To get your opinion.
Haaselia: You've had a busy day, so you could look over it at a later date. Don't keep me waiting too long, though.
Katzelia: I didn't realize you were thinking about the country.
Katzelia: All right. But as much as I love you, Haase, I shan't go easy on your proposal. These policies concern the whole country.
Haaselia: Of course. Please don't, in fact. You'd get a wallop right to the face if you did.
Haaselia's smile fades and her voice quietens as Katzelia turns his eyes to the document.
Haaselia: There's one more thing.
Haaselia: It was quite a shock when you pardoned our big brother Schlangehr despite how much you hate him.
Haaselia: But now that I think about it, I realize you did it to divert the investigation away from me... after I killed the archduke and his lackeys...
Katzelia: Haase.
Katzelia, eyes still fixed on the documents, begins to speak without airs.
Katzelia: I think the present situation is the best outcome we could've asked for Galgenia.
Haaselia: ...
Katzelia: Perhaps it was an arbitrary judgement, but my main priority is to stabilize the country, and now Schlangehr is in agreement with that too.
Katzelia: I do not regret pardoning him of his crimes. And no one can argue that the pardon deviates from any laws or customs either.
Katzelia: In the past, conflicts resulted in casualties and survivors. But now we have the present.
Haaselia: What do you mean by that? You think things are better now?
Katzelia: Yes. Because you and I, Haase, have fought tooth and nail to reclaim Galgenia and make it so.
Haaselia: ...!
Katzelia: You avenged the people you wish you could've protected, and that was necessary for us to reform the country.
Katzelia: You fought bravely, Haase. You are a pride to the imperial family. It's thanks to you... that we have the present.
Haaselia: I'm honored, but...
As Katzelia raises his head to meet eyes with Haaselia, she turns her face away.
Haaselia: If you're going to read my proposal, then please hurry up and read it already!
Katzelia: R-right you are. Let us begin.
Lyria: Those two look like they're getting closer, don't you think?
Vyrn: That's what being open and honest about your feelings will do for ya!
Katzelia: Hm? Who is it?
Luvera: It's me. I'm coming in, Your Majesty.
Luvera: So there you are. I've been looking for you.
Luvera: You invite me to your party, then leave me out there on my own?
Katzelia: Sister, where have you been? I didn't think you were coming. I didn't see you at the music festival nor the party.
Luvera: I got so engrossed in my magic research that before I knew it, I'd forgotten about the festival.
Haaselia: How have you been, Sister? It's been a while.
Luvera: Good to see you. As you can see, I'm just full of beans!
Luvera: It sounds like you've been busy, Haase. I didn't mean to listen in, but I overheard your conversation earlier.
Luvera: You can't let her show you up, Katze! Remember, you succeeded the throne because I allowed you.
Luvera: If you don't conduct yourself like a suitable emperor, I might just come back and challenge you for the title!
Katzelia: Sigh... I suppose you're encouraging me, in your own way.
Katzelia: If I should ever stray from a noble path, then I ask you take me to the gallows.
Luvera: Good! Then there'd be a reason to put it to good use. Poor thing's just been sitting there since I had it constructed.
Luvera: Don't worry, Haase, I'll be here looking after Katze.
Luvera: You go and fulfill your duties, and return to our country someday holding your head high.
Luvera pulls Haase in for a gentle hug.
Haaselia: I will, Sister. I will keep forging ahead on my own path.
Katzelia: Wait... Why will Haase hug Luvera but not me? Why, why does she always reject the comfort of my arms!
Vyrn: Cool and collected as always, Emperor!
Katzelia's outburst breaks the tension in the room, causing a smile to crack onto everyone's face.
In this peaceful moment, the siblings are united in the feeling that they can build a bright future together.