Spoiler Alert! These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.
Looks Can Be Deceiving
(Captain) and the crew visit the Church of Renatus on a mission, where they meet a priest named Alanaan who desires to create a paradise for the righteous. Using a mysterious card, he transports the crew into the wartime memories of a primal beast and asks them to save the Sky Realm by defeating the Astral army there.
(Captain) and the crew visit a certain church on a mission.
They are shocked to be greeted by a group of sinister-looking men lined up in an orderly row.
Followers: Welcome to the Church of Renatus!
Lyria: Eep!
Follower 1: Say, are you by any chance the skyfarers that the priest hired?
Lyria: Y-yes, we are...
Followers: Oh! We've been waiting for your arrival!
Followers: Welcome, honored skyfarers, to the Church of Renatus! We hope you had a pleasant journey!
Vyrn: Wh-what's all this about?
(Captain) and the crew are wary of the men until they remember their earlier conversations with the people in town.
Townswoman: The church has a number of unusual adherents, but don't let them scare you. They're all good people.
Townsman: Thanks to them, we've been seeing a lot fewer thugs and shady merchants around these parts. They've really been a godsend.
Vyrn: Huh... So the rumors were true...
Lyria: I guess so. These men are scary-looking, but I can tell that deep down they're really kind!
???: Ahahaha! You've got a good eye, little lady.
A raspy voice echoes through the church as an elderly man with a commanding presence emerges from the group.
???: Does that pure heart o' yers feel no distrust?
???: It's true that these men look like right scoundrels. And their pedigree is certainly nothin' to be proud of.
???: What happened in the past can't be changed, but these men have dedicated themselves to their trainin' in hopes of paintin' brighter futures for themselves.
???: It requires a great deal of effort for a person to change, but it's never too late to start over.
???: Don'tcha agree, little lady?
Lyria: Yes!
Vyrn: Hey, y'know, we're here because some priest asked us to come. Do you know where we can find him?
???: Huh? Are those eyes o' yers just for decoration, my lizard friend? If it's the priest yer lookin' for, he's standin' right in front o' ya.
Vyrn: I ain't no—
Vyrn: Wait, you're the priest?
???: What're you actin' so surprised for?
Vyrn: I mean... When you think of a priest, you think of somebody more... well, you know! You look like an evil villain or somethin', not to mention the way you talk...
???: Ahahaha! I can see why you'd think that! But y'know, none of that stuff really matters.
???: I only ever speak the truth. Meanin' you can trust everythin' I say.
???: It's what's inside that's important, y'know.
Alanaan: Anyway, skyfarers, thanks for acceptin' my request. I'm the priest of this church. The name's Alanaan.
Vyrn: With a priest like this guy, I guess it makes sense that all the followers look scary...
Lyria: Ahaha...
Alanaan: Now then, let's get down to business.
Follower 1: Father...
Alanaan: Oh? Is it that time already?
Alanaan: All right, you lot! Off ya go!
Followers: Yes, Father! We'll be back!
Vyrn: What's goin' on? Why'd they run out the door all of a sudden?
Lyria: Um... Where did everyone go?
Alanaan: Ahahaha! We're full of surprises, eh?
Alanaan: They're headin' out to be good samaritans.
Lyria: Good some-air-a-tins?
Alanaan: People who do good deeds. For example, some of our followers help out the town council when it's short on staff...
Alanaan: Others clean up the town, babysit... Well, you name it.
Vyrn: Huh. Sounds like they do a little bit of everything.
Alanaan: You could say we think of the townspeople like family.
Alanaan: We all live side by side, and we're always willin' to help each other out, just like blood relatives.
Alanaan: Sure we don't share the same house, but that's not important. We're all brothers and sisters who live and work together in the same town.
Alanaan: If the people are ever in trouble, our doors are always open. We'll do everythin' in our power to help 'em.
Alanaan: A church is a house that belongs to everybody, after all.
Lyria: Wow! That's a wonderful attitude to have!
Alanaan: You think so? I'm happy to hear it.
Alanaan: Life ain't somethin' to be lived for yer own sake.
Alanaan: People have formed communities where we live together—otherwise we wouldn't be able to survive. So we oughta live for the sake of our neighbors.
Alanaan: All for one, and one for all. When society functions like that, everybody's happy, and our hearts remain pure.
Alanaan: That's precisely why members of the Church of Renatus are encouraged to perform good deeds on a daily basis.
Alanaan: The evil that dwells within our hearts will be purged by the blessed light of the sun goddess.
Alanaan: And we will be reborn as righteous people, full of compassion.
Alanaan: Thus the evil of the world will be eliminated, and we will create a paradise for the righteous by the righteous.
Alanaan: That is our greatest desire!
Vyrn: Wow... A paradise for good people built by good people, huh. It sure would be great if a place like that existed!
Alanaan: Well, it won't appear out of thin air—we have to create it. We'll shape the future with our own willpower.
Alanaan: We have to take action, or it'll only ever be a pipe dream. That applies to any task—no matter how big or small it may be.
Alanaan: But first we must ensure the safety of this world.
Lyria: What?
With a contemplative expression, Alanaan pulls a single card out of his pocket and shows it to (Captain) and the crew.
The design on the card is too worn out for them to decipher it, but Lyria notices something peculiar about it.
Lyria: Um... This card gives off the same feeling as a primal beast...
Alanaan: Well, well... I've hired a number of skyfarers in the past, but yer the first one to notice.
Lyria: What? Does that mean—
Alanaan: Patience, my child.
Alanaan: It'll be faster to just show ya.
The moment he finishes speaking, the face of the card begins to shine.
The light grows brighter and brighter until it envelops (Captain) and the crew, turning their surroundings completely white.
Finally the light fades, and (Captain) and the crew are shocked by the sight that lies before them.
The chapel is nowhere to be seen. Instead, they now stand atop a high cliff overlooking a vast wasteland.
Lyria: Wh-what happened? How did we end up here?
Vyrn: H-hey! (Captain), Lyria! Look over there!
(Captain) turns to look where Vyrn is pointing and gasps.
A battlefield stretches out before them, echoing with the cries of primal beasts and armies of people engaged in fierce combat.
Alanaan: Tch... Looks like it already started.
Vyrn: Hey, Preacher Man! Where the heck are we?
Alanaan: We're inside the memories of a primal beast. Memories of the War, to be exact.
Lyria: The memories of a primal beast?
Vyrn: I can't make heads or tails of what you're talkin' about...
Alanaan: I know it's hard to believe.
Alanaan: But you have no choice but to open your minds and accept facts as facts.
Alanaan: I have brought you here myself.
Alanaan: I want you to exterminate that Astral army.
Alanaan: For the sake of the townspeople... No, for the sake of the Sky Realm itself.
Alanaan: Please, (Captain). I implore you.
As Alanaan bows his head before (Captain) and the crew, a loud explosion echoes from the battlefield.
At that same moment, a primal beast roars and begins to lay waste to the masses of people they assume to be skydwellers.
Alanaan: Not good! At this rate, the skydwellers are going to be defeated!
Alanaan: Please, (Captain)! Somethin' must be done immediately!
Vyrn: Hey, (Captain)! Whatcha think?
- Guess we don't have a choice!
Choose: Guess we don't have a choice!Vyrn: Yeah! Those guys are in big trouble! We gotta help 'em!
Vyrn: You better explain all this later, Preacher Man!
Having decided to fight, (Captain) and the crew hurry toward the battlefield with weapons in hand.
Menacing Memories
Alanaan explains that a primal beast is conducting simulated battles within the world of memories in order to achieve victory over the skydwellers. (Captain) and the crew accept the priest's request to win simulation after simulation, hoping to foil the primal's plot to destroy the Sky Realm and create a new world in its place.
(Captain) and the crew emerge victorious from their battle within the memories of the primal beast.
They are once again enveloped by a bright light and find themselves back inside the chapel.
Vyrn: That felt like a dream... But it wasn't, right?
Alanaan: Right. That was neither dream nor illusion. I know it's hard to believe... but that was reality.
Alanaan: I'm sorry for pushin' that on ya all of a sudden. But if the skydwellers had been defeated, all would have been lost.
Alanaan: Now then... Allow me to explain what's happenin' within that world of memories.
Alanaan takes a deep breath and begins to speak.
Alanaan: It all began one fateful day—
Alanaan: I received a revelation from the sun goddess of the Church of Renatus.
Alanaan: The plot of the primal beast those memories belong to must be foiled.
Alanaan: Otherwise the Sky Realm will be destroyed.
Lyria: Th-the Sky Realm will be destroyed?
Vyrn: So that's why you were freakin' out back there.
Lyria: Wh-what is the primal plotting?
Alanaan: The creation of a new world... apparently.
Vyrn: A new world? What the heck does that mean?
Alanaan: Evidently the primal beast is collectin' memories from the creation of the world up until now.
Alanaan: And it determined that the turnin' point was the War.
Alanaan: I'm sure the primal deeply lamented the fact that the Astrals lost to the skydwellers.
Alanaan: The primal is desperate for the skydwellers to be defeated within that world of memories.
Lyria: But the War ended a long time ago.
Lyria: Even if the Astrals defeat the skydwellers inside those memories, it won't mean anything... right?
Alanaan: Normally yer thinkin' would be correct. But remember what I said earlier—that was neither dream nor illusion. It was reality.
Vyrn: I'm gettin' all confused...
Alanaan: The primal beast has repeated simulations like the one you saw over and over again.
Alanaan: Through trial and error, it's attemptin' to derive the formula for certain victory over the skydwellers.
Alanaan: The primal plans to destroy the Sky Realm and create a new world in its place.
Lyria: C-can it really do that?
Alanaan: Aye. Apparently the power that primal holds is pretty nasty.
Lyria: Oh no! We can't let the world be destroyed!
Vyrn: Yeah! We gotta stop that primal no matter what!
Vyrn: Or, well... That's easy for me to say and all, but what exactly are we supposed to do?
Alanaan: I'd like for you to return to the primal beast's memories and fight.
Alanaan: With yer skill, I imagine you'll be able to claim victory in each and every simulation.
Alanaan: Get in there and show that primal beast that the skydwellers aren't gonna go down so easily.
- We'll win as many times as it takes!
- Uh... Can you run that by me again?
Choose: We'll win as many times as it takes!Vyrn: You said it! We'll put a stop to that primal's plan once and for all!
Choose: Uh... Can you run that by me again?Alanaan: Quick to admit when yer lost. How honorable.
Alanaan: All right then. I'd be happy to explain as many times as you need.
Alanaan: So when did my story stop making sense?
(Captain) thinks for a moment but ultimately is unsure of how to answer.
Lyria: Um... Basically we just have to win every simulation, right?
Vyrn: Yeah. I don't think we'll understand no matter how many times he explains it, so let's just get out there and start winnin'!
Continue 1Alanaan: Ahahaha! Is yer crew always like this, (Captain)?
Alanaan: If only all the people in the Sky Realm were like you lot...
Lyria: Hm?
Alanaan: I'll let ya hold on to this card, little lady.
Alanaan: The primal beast's memories within that card should summon ya back to the battlefield.
(Captain) and the crew accept the strange card from Alanaan.
They brace themselves for battle, thinking of the countless simulations that lay before them.
The Cusp of a New Age
High above the battlefield within the world of memories, Alanaan watches as (Captain) and the crew continue their seemingly endless fight. The ring on the priest's right hand glimmers mysteriously as he reflects on past events, declaring that he believes only in the sun goddess.
The fierce battle between the Astrals and skydwellers repeats with each and every simulation.
Alanaan stands atop a high cliff, observing as (Captain) and the crew fight at the vanguard of the skydwellers.
Alanaan: Callin' 'em pure of heart would be an understatement. They shine so brightly it's almost blindin'...
Alanaan: No, it's too late for that. The dice has long since been cast.
Alanaan: I have no regrets. If I had anythin', it would just be remorse for the future to come.
At that moment the ring on Alanaan's right hand gleams mysteriously.
Alanaan: I've been carried here by the winds of fate... But fate does not always have the best of intentions...
Alanaan: Where there is light, there is darkness.
Alanaan: No matter how pure a heart may be, it will eventually rot and succumb to evil.
Alanaan: Haha. I've witnessed it time and time again.
Alanaan: I believe only in the sun goddess.
As he makes his declaration, the glimmering ring falls dormant.
Alanaan: (I stand at the cusp of a new age...)
Alanaan: (Yes. I have been chosen...)
Alanaan looks up at the sky, listening to the roar of the battlefield beneath him.
???: You... bastard...
???: Y-you son of a... Look what you've done...
???: You preach of... piety... But... Y-you're nothing but... a murderer...
???: Aha! Ahaha! Rupies! Rupieees!
???: Huh?
???: Urgh...
???: Hah hah hah...
???: Haha... Haha...
???: Ahahaha! Ahahahahaha!
Alanaan: Heh... Ahaha!
Alanaan: I will create a paradise for the righteous by the righteous... without fail...
Alanaan clenches his fist tightly, glaring down at the battlefield as (Captain) and the crew continue their advance.
Teachings of the Church
Alanaan thinks back on the incident when he accidentally killed both a shopkeeper and bodyguard in order to save the life of a young follower who had been accused of theft. But when he sees the young man continuing to steal without remorse, Alanaan proceeds to end his life as well, proclaiming that evil deeds committed for the sake of good are righteous.
Alanaan: The Church of Renatus worships the sun goddess.
Alanaan: The evil that dwells within the hearts of men is purged by the sun goddess's blessed light.
Alanaan: And we are reborn as righteous people, free of impurity.
Alanaan: With the protection of the sun goddess, we are able to survive in this chaotic world.
Alanaan: However...
Alanaan: Our greatest desire—a paradise created for the righteous by the righteous—will never come into being through proselytizin' alone.
Alanaan: As much as it pains me to say it... This world we live in is overflowin' with evil.
Alanaan: What is good? What is evil? We must begin by askin' ourselves the answers to those questions.
One evening Alanaan is wrestling with the concepts of good and evil.
But his thoughts are interrupted when a letter arrives at the Church of Renatus.
Letter: Dear Father Alanaan—
Letter: A member of your church has been caught stealing from my shop.
Letter: I don't know what sort of punishment your doctrine calls for in situations like these.
Letter: But this is a perfect opportunity to expose the true colors of the so-called righteous followers of the Church of Renatus, as well as the church itself.
The letter goes on to list a number of criticisms of the church.
Alanaan: …………
Alanaan sighs and holds his head in his hands.
Alanaan: (I can't believe that young man strayed from the path...)
Alanaan: (No, I was foolish. It's my fault that the teachings weren't able to reach his heart.)
Alanaan departs immediately for the shop belonging to the author of the letter.
A young man's anguished cries can be heard coming from inside the building.
Bodyguard: Take that!
Young Follower: Urgh! Aaahh!
Bodyguard: And that!
Young Follower: Guh...
Shopkeeper: Heh heh heh... Music to my ears.
The bodyguard continues to bludgeon the captured young follower in the name of punishment.
But the scene is so gruesome that it's hard to imagine that the bodyguard isn't enjoying himself.
Young Follower: P-please, have mercy...
Bodyguard: If you're just gonna beg, maybe you shouldn't have screwed up in the first place!
They hear the sound of footsteps, and suddenly a breathless Alanaan bursts through the door.
Alanaan: Huff... Huff...
Shopkeeper: My, my. That was fast.
Young Follower: Urgh... F-Father...
Alanaan: What in the!
Words fail Alanaan as he spots the young follower's broken and bruised body.
Alanaan: (They really did a number on him...)
Alanaan: Stealin' is definitely inexcusable. But was it really necessary to go that far?
Shopkeeper: Heh heh heh. I'm shocked. You've got a lot of nerve to criticize my actions.
Shopkeeper: His evil deed started all of this, and you have the audacity to berate me?
Alanaan: ...
Shopkeeper: Where's my apology? That seems like an appropriate place to start. How about it?
Alanaan: Certainly... I suppose that's reasonable.
Alanaan: (This kid was raised in the church's orphanage, so I imagine I have some parental responsibility for him...)
Alanaan: I apologize profusely for the trouble this young man in my tutelage has caused.
Shopkeeper: Yes. He has indeed been a terrible nuisance.
Alanaan: ...
Shopkeeper: My, what a scary expression. I guess it's only natural that this young man turned out the way he did, considering the priest he studied under.
Alanaan: You've made yerself clear. But right now I need to treat him.
Alanaan: I'll make sure he receives the teachings once again.
Alanaan starts to move toward the young man, but the bodyguard steps in his way.
Alanaan: Move.
Bodyguard: Hold on, Father... You're not taking him anywhere yet. First he needs to pay back what he owes.
Alanaan: ...
Shopkeeper: Oh, that's right.
Shopkeeper: Hm... I incurred a number of damages myself. I imagine ten million rupies will just about cover it.
Alanaan: Heh. That's absurd. I imagine you already know what my answer's gonna be.
Alanaan: My church doesn't have that kind of money.
Shopkeeper: Oh, now this is a problem...
Bodyguard: If he doesn't have any money, maybe you can help him make some.
Shopkeeper: That's reasonable.
Shopkeeper: In that case, what do you say you let me take that church off your hands, Father?
Alanaan: What! The church?
Alanaan: Listen to me—the church is a place of salvation. It's a house that belongs to everybody. Don't be ridiculous!
Shopkeeper: You have no money to give, and you refuse to hand over your church...
Shopkeeper: I've heard that you seek a paradise for the righteous by the righteous. But it seems you intend to create a paradise for the wicked by the wicked instead.
Shopkeeper: And I suppose respectable merchants like myself will just have to roll over and accept it.
Shopkeeper: Dear me... The Church of Renatus certainly is corrupt.
The shopkeeper hurls insults at Alanaan, his face twisted into a vulgar grin.
Still Alanaan raises no argument, instead bowing his head before the man.
Alanaan: (I don't have time for this silly argument. I have to get that young man to a doctor.)
Alanaan: You'll get yer money—I'll make sure of it. But I can't pay ya right now. You'll have to give me more time.
Shopkeeper: Humph. I suppose that means our negotiations have broken down.
Bodyguard: ...
Upon hearing the shopkeeper's words, the bodyguard aims a glimmering dagger at the young follower.
Young Follower: E-eek!
Alanaan: What do ya think yer doin'!
Bodyguard: Exactly what it looks like.
The bodyguard grins and raises his dagger.
Alanaan: Stooop!
Bodyguard: What the!
Alanaan flings himself at the bodyguard.
Alanaan: ...!
Bodyguard: D-damn you! Let go!
Alanaan: O-over my dead body!
No matter how much the bodyguard punches and kicks, Alanaan refuses to let go.
The pair continue to wrestle, slamming into the walls and furniture around them as they struggle for control of the dagger.
Bodyguard: I told you to get off!
Alanaan: Aaargh!
Suddenly the conflict comes to an abrupt end.
Bodyguard: Urgh...
Alanaan: ...
The next thing they know, the dagger is protruding from the bodyguard's abdomen, held by Alanaan.
Alanaan: Huff... Huff...
Bodyguard: You... bastard...
Alanaan: How...
Alanaan gasps and immediately lets go of the dagger protruding from the bodyguard's stomach.
Alanaan: A-are you all right? Hey!
Bodyguard: ...
Alanaan shakes the man's crumpled body, but there is no response.
The bodyguard has already breathed his final breath.
Alanaan: I-I never intended to kill him.
Alanaan: I was just tryin' to stop him...
Young Follower: ...
Shopkeeper: Y-you son of a... Look what you've done...
Alanaan: No! I told you, I didn't mean to kill him!
Shopkeeper: E-eek... Stay away from me!
The terrified shopkeeper unsheathes a sword leaning against a nearby cupboard and swings it at Alanaan.
Alanaan: Ngh!
Alanaan: (I'm gonna be killed at this rate!)
It happens in an instant.
Alanaan manages to dodge the shopkeeper's sword by the skin of his teeth.
Alanaan: Hyaaah!
Shopkeeper: Urgh!
The next moment, Alanaan pulls the dagger out of the bodyguard's stomach and slashes it across the shopkeeper's neck.
Alanaan: Huff... Huff...
Shopkeeper: You preach of... piety... But... Y-you're nothing but... a murderer...
The shopkeeper collapses to the ground, blood pouring from the wound on his neck.
Alanaan stands in a daze, covered in the man's blood.
Alanaan: Huff... Huff...
Alanaan: (I... I was just protectin' myself...)
Alanaan: (But... was there really no other way? Did I have to take his life?)
Alanaan: (Why did my body automatically move in for the kill?)
Alanaan: (All that talk about good deeds... Hahaha... And now here I stand with blood-stained hands...)
After watching the series of tragedies unfurl before his eyes, the young follower suddenly shouts out with glee.
Young Follower: Heh... Hehehe... Yes! I'm saved... Saaaved!
Alanaan: ...
Young Follower: Why do you look so upset? You saved me!
Young Follower: They would have killed us both otherwise!
Alanaan: Th-that's true...
Alanaan: (I... saved his life...)
Alanaan: (That's right... At the very least, I managed to protect this young man...)
Alanaan: (That means... what I did wasn't really an evil deed. Right?)
Alanaan: Come on, we need to get you patched up. Those wounds o' yers need treatin'.
Young Follower: Heh... Hehe...
Alanaan: Hey, are you listenin'?
The young follower completely ignores Alanaan and wobbles over to a safe in the corner of the room.
And then he does the unthinkable.
Young Follower: Hyaaah!
The young man picks up the fallen sword and uses it to break the lock on the safe.
Young Follower: Rupies... Rupies...
He then drags his body closer to the safe and begins to rake its contents into his bag.
Alanaan: What in the skies... are you doin'?
Young Follower: Isn't it obvious? I'm collecting funds to cover my medical expenses.
Alanaan: Medical expenses?
Young Follower: Yeah. And... Oh, I know. Maybe I'll charge a little inconvenience fee on top of that!
Alanaan: (What is he talkin' about?)
Alanaan: Hey!
Young Follower: What?
Alanaan: That money belongs to the shopkeeper. It's not yers to take.
Young Follower: Tch. Who asked you?
Young Follower: What does it matter now anyway? The person this belonged to is dead!
Young Follower: Actually, I guess it would be more accurate to say he was killed...
Young Follower: By you!
Alanaan: ...
The young man's words pierce Alanaan's heart like a pointed blade.
Alanaan: I was just... t-trying to save you...
Young Follower: Huh? Now hang on just a second. I don't remember asking you to kill them.
Young Follower: Stop trying to pin this on me. You're the one who killed them, aren't you?
Alanaan: Yer not going to... repent for what you've done?
Young Follower: Ahaha! Repent? Sure, I'll repent.
Young Follower: O great sun goddess, I ask for your forgiveness! I have participated in the sinful act of stealing! What a fool I am!
Young Follower: Perhaps my faith wasn't strong enough... No, that has nothing to do with it.
Young Follower: Even this priest with his oh-so-devout faith ignored the doctrine and killed another person.
Alanaan: ...
Young Follower: You should repent with me, Father. No... I suppose no amount of repenting will save you now.
Young Follower: O great sun goddess! Deliver your divine judgment upon Father Alanaan, a sinner!
Young Follower: I implore you! Deliver your judgment upon him!
Alanaan: You...
Young Follower: Hey, why'd you kill them? Why'd you do it?
Young Follower: Was there really no other way? What is good? What is evil?
Young Follower: Come on, say something. You're a priest, aren't you? Shouldn't you answer when one of your church's followers asks you a question?
Alanaan: ...
Alanaan: (I've lived my entire life in accordance with the doctrine... But it's all vanished in an instant...)
Alanaan: Haha... Haha...
Alanaan: Ahahaha!
Alanaan: ...
Young Follower: Aw, nothing to say?
Young Follower: I guess that makes sense. You have no words of guidance to offer. And it's not like they'd carry any weight even if you did.
Young Follower: You're no more than a murderer now, after all.
The young follower spits out the words and resumes stuffing the contents of the safe into his bag.
Alanaan simply stares at the young man, his expression heartbroken.
Alanaan: ...
Alanaan: (I wanted to save him... That's all I wanted...)
Alanaan: (Great sun goddess... What should I have done differently?)
???: ...
Alanaan: ...
What is good? What is evil? The questions continue to swirl in Alanaan's mind, until he finally arrives at a conclusion.
He had tried to put a stop to an evil deed. And that in itself was a righteous deed.
And yet, unintentionally, someone died. Yes, it was a simple accident.
Alanaan: (It's true that I killed the shopkeeper. But he and his bodyguard were aimin' for my life.)
Alanaan: (He was a truly evil person... That much is certain.)
Alanaan: (It's pointless to expect so much from reformation alone.)
Alanaan: (This young man desperately stuffing money into his bag before my eyes is a perfect example.)
Alanaan: (Despite committin' a sin and facin' punishment at the hands of the wicked, he's immediately committin' another sin.)
Alanaan: (In other words... there are people out there who don't respond to mere teachings.)
Alanaan: (In order to become a righteous person, one must put in the effort.)
Alanaan: (I suppose that goes without sayin'. People aren't inherently good after all...)
Alanaan: (We must put our faith in the sun goddess and purge the evil residin' within ourselves.)
Alanaan: (Those who are unable to do so will undoubtedly continue to commit evil deeds in the future.)
Alanaan: (In that case, their evil deeds can only be prevented by... eliminating them from this world.)
Alanaan: I have prevented these men from committing evil deeds in the future.
Alanaan: The evil deeds one must commit for the sake of good are... good deeds themselves.
Alanaan: Evil deeds committed for the sake of good... are righteous.
Alanaan: ...
Young Follower: Aha! Ahaha! Rupies! Rupieees!
Alanaan looks at the young follower consumed by greed and breathes a deep sigh.
He then takes the shopkeeper's sword and slowly raises it over his head.
Alanaan: Hey.
Young Follower: Huh?
Alanaan: Haahh!
Young Follower: Urgh...
Alanaan: Forgive me...
Alanaan ruthlessly brings the blade down upon the young believer.
In Alanaan's eyes, it is a necessary righteous act.
Alanaan: Haha... Haha...
Alanaan: Ahahaha! Ahahahaha!
Alanaan: Evil deeds committed for the sake of good...
Alanaan: Are inherently good themselves!
???: ...
Shortly afterward, Alanaan sets fire to the shop to erase all evidence of the murders.
With the young man's bag in hand, he walks away from the blazing building, the flames burning brightly behind him.
In Good Faith
Shortly after the follower's death, a young woman who Alanaan believes to be the sun goddess appears before him. When he confesses his sins and doubts to her, she hands him a card and asks him to help her manifest in the world. Delighted to have been chosen by the goddess herself, Alanaan works toward the creation of his ideal paradise, slaughtering all evil that stands in his way.
Alanaan's heart feels light as he watches the shop burning brightly in the distance.
Alanaan: ...
Alanaan: Heh... The flames are almost frighteningly beautiful.
Some time later, the area is suddenly bathed in a bright light.
The Sun: I am the light that shines upon all things.
Alanaan: ...
Alanaan falls silent at the sight of the saintly young woman who appears suddenly from within the white light.
Alanaan: Th-that light... That divine appearance... Are you...
The Sun: I shall bathe you in my light.
Alanaan: Hah... Hahahaha...
The Sun: I sense seething anger and burning ambition within you. All of it is beautiful.
The Sun: Do you desire to know me as I know you?
Alanaan: Are you... the sun goddess?
The Sun: Hehe...
Alanaan is enthralled by the young woman who has suddenly appeared before him.
But his heart remains in a state of confusion.
Alanaan: (Evil deeds committed for the sake of good are righteous... That is the truth I have arrived at.)
Alanaan: (But... Is that the wrong answer?)
Alanaan: (Great sun goddess, why now? Why have you appeared before me?)
Alanaan: (A miracle has occurred before my very eyes. Surely there must be some reason behind it.)
The Sun: I want to expose you. In truth every inch. That is my only desire.
Alanaan: Expose me?
The Sun: Do not worry. I shall accept all of you.
Alanaan: (That smile... Is this what it feels like to be born again?)
Alanaan: (Heh. I'm a priest who's supposed to lead others, but here I am full of doubts.)
Alanaan: Great sun goddess... I wish to make a confession.
Alanaan: A short time ago... I committed murder. I ended the lives of not one person, but three.
The Sun: ...
The Sun: Are all lives equal?
Alanaan: What?
The young woman's words shake Alanaan to his very core.
Alanaan: In the past I had always believed them to be equal...
Alanaan: But things are different now.
Alanaan: People's lives are not all equal.
Alanaan: The life of an evil person couldn't possibly be worth the same as the life of a good person.
Alanaan: Am I mistaken in thinkin' so?
The Sun: Good and evil. How do you define the two?
Alanaan: Well...
The Sun: Well?
Alanaan: ...
Alanaan: (What an intimidatin' aura... It feels like she's holdin' my heart within her grasp...)
Alanaan: Goodness is... a just and moral act.
Alanaan: Evil is... a sinful and immoral act. That's the simplest way to distinguish between—
The Sun: Hey, is that really what you believe?
Alanaan: What?
The Sun: Hey... Hey, listen! Are you so sure?
Alanaan: Urgh...
Alanaan: Hahaha... I see. In other words, it isn't that simple.
Alanaan: That must be the source of my doubts!
The Sun: Do you desire salvation?
Alanaan: Salvation? Yes, I do. Without a doubt!
Alanaan: I've tried to be a good person... I've lived my entire life accordin' to the doctrine of the Church of Renatus.
Alanaan: And yet...
Alanaan: I committed numerous sins in the span of mere moments, and that made me rethink everything...
Alanaan: I had always thought that creating a paradise for the righteous by the righteous was the one and only truth!
Alanaan: But... with every moment that passes, I find myself doubtin' that more and more. Perhaps I'm bein' tormented by my conscience.
Alanaan: Y'see, the truth is... I felt elated. My heart was poundin' with excitement...
Alanaan: When I killed those people... and when I stole that money... and when I set fire to the shop too!
The Sun: Evil deeds committed for the sake of good are righteous...
Alanaan: Heh. I'm just thinkin' in a way that's convenient for me. Selfish, eh?
The Sun: Do you truly believe it to be selfish?
Alanaan: Huh?
The Sun: I'm sure you sensed it—that paradise cannot be created from teachings alone.
Alanaan: Yes, I did. It seems evil can't be purged so easily.
The Sun: I told you in the beginning. I shall accept all of you.
Alanaan: ...
Alanaan falls silent in thought, trying to understand what the young woman is telling him.
Alanaan: (What does she mean by... acceptin' me?)
Alanaan: (Heh. Thinkin' about it won't get me anywhere. This is a goddess I'm dealin' with here...)
Alanaan: Great sun goddess... I am unable to comprehend your words.
Alanaan: Could I ask you to break it down into simple terms that a mere mortal such as myself can understand?
The Sun: Evil deeds committed for the sake of good are righteous... Those words are deserving of praise.
Alanaan: Well...
The Sun: It is exactly as you say. Evil deeds committed for the sake of good are righteous.
The Sun: In order to achieve your greatest desire, you must take the next step.
The Sun: That is the way of this world.
The Sun: I will walk alongside you in order to create a new world.
The Sun: You must help me manifest in this world. That is your task, and the first phase of the creation of a new paradise.
Alanaan: Help you manifest in this world?
The Sun: As it is now, I am unable to remain here.
The young woman's body radiates a dazzling light.
As Alanaan is bathed in the warm glow, the young woman's consciousness streams into him.
Alanaan: Are these... memories?
The Sun: I shall create a new world. But in order to do so, I need the assistance of another.
Alanaan: And yer sayin'... I'm that person?
Alanaan: What a revelation... In other words I've been chosen by the sun goddess?
The Sun: I shall give you my power in return.
Alanaan: Pfft... Hahaha! I don't even need time to think it over.
Alanaan: I'm a priest! How could I possibly decline the opportunity to serve the sun goddess herself?
The young woman's face breaks into a smile upon seeing Alanaan's delighted expression.
She whispers softly.
The Sun: The pact is sealed...
The bright light fades, and Alanaan finds himself standing where he was previously.
But he is certain that the events that just transpired were neither dream nor illusion—
They were reality.
He holds the proof in his hand—a single card entrusted to him by the young woman.
Alanaan: Hah... Hahaha... Ahahaha!
Alanaan: I'm already free from those pangs of conscience. I can simply ignore any contradictions.
Alanaan: I now know the path that I must travel. I will help the sun goddess manifest in this world in order to reach paradise!
Thus Alanaan obtains a great power.
And at the same time, he discovers a new principle to live by.
Evil deeds committed for the sake of good are righteous. Alanaan begins to put his belief into practice using heavy-handed methods.
Blackmail those who blackmail. Swindle those who swindle. Use violence against those who are violent.
And bring death upon those who wrong others. Slaughter all that is deemed evil, be it town or country.
Alanaan: Everything we do is for good. We will create a paradise for the righteous by the righteous with our own hands!
A person may be deemed by some to be a chivalrous thief, but that doesn't change the fact that they have committed an evil deed.
But all doubts have been cast from Alanaan's mind. He takes pride in the fact that he has been recognized as a judge of evil deeds.
He eagerly resumes his proselytizing efforts in order to create his ideal paradise.
Alanaan: Listen up, you lot! The Church of Renatus teaches that we must strive to be good people. Keep that in mind at all times.
Followers: Yes, Father!
Alanaan: If yer anxious, you will waver. If you waver, you will stray from the truth. But do not fear.
Alanaan: As members of the church, we are all family. No matter what happens, you will be saved.
Alanaan: There is nothing to fear! Stand firm in yer beliefs!
Followers: Yes, Father Alanaan!
Many of those gathered at the church used to be thugs, but they have since turned over a new leaf and become devout followers.
As a result, the Church of Renatus has succeeded in banishing evil from the town, thereby earning the support of the townspeople.
Everything has been done for the sake of creating a paradise for the righteous by the righteous.
Righteous Sins
(Captain) and the crew are shocked when the Arcarum primal beast known as The Sun appears before them with Alanaan's help. The priest is overjoyed, but The Sun reveals she deceived him and sets fire to the church. Falling into despair over the sins he committed, Alanaan slashes his own neck with a dagger as the crew stands to fight the primal beast.
Alanaan: O immaculate sun goddess, shine your blessed light upon the lost and grant us your wisdom...
Alanaan bows his head in prayer to the sun goddess, as he does each and every day.
As he prays, the ring on his right hand glimmers mysteriously.
Alanaan: I see. The time has come.
A satisfied smile spreads across Alanaan's face just as (Captain) and the crew enter the chapel.
Vyrn: Hey, Preacher Man!
Vyrn: We've already beat that simulation a bunch of times... How much longer do we have to do this?
Lyria: Um... When we finished the most recent simulation, the card started to shine.
Lyria: It has me a bit worried...
Alanaan: Say, little lady. Could I see the card?
Lyria: Yes, of course...
The card is still dull, but it seems to be emitting a faint glow.
Alanaan: Ahahaha! No wonder yer crew's so famous. Our greatest ambition has just been achieved!
Vyrn: Does that mean we stopped the primal beast's plan?
Lyria: ...
Vyrn: Huh? What's wrong, Lyria?
Lyria: I don't think we did... I have a feeling something bad is going to happen...
Upon seeing Lyria's expression, Alanaan can't help but burst out laughing.
Alanaan: Pfft... Hahahaha!
Vyrn: Hey, what's so funny?
Alanaan: Oh, my apologies.
Alanaan: Tell me... What is good?
Alanaan: And can you explain to me what evil is?
Vyrn: Where'd that come from?
Alanaan continues, completely ignoring the crew's confusion.
Alanaan: There are those in the world who believe that people are fundamentally good...
Alanaan: But what do you think, (Captain)?
- I think it's true.
- That's a hard question...
Choose: I think it's true.Alanaan: I had a feelin' you might say that...
Choose: That's a hard question...Alanaan: Did yer harsh journey bring you enlightenment?
Lyria: But I... I want to believe that people are fundamentally good!
Alanaan: I understand how ya feel.
Continue 1Alanaan: But that is far too naive.
Alanaan: People have many emotions: joy, anger, grief, pleasure, fear, love, hatred, greed...
Alanaan: And many of them can be characterized as negative emotions.
Alanaan: From that we can conclude that as long as a person is alive, evil dwells within them.
Lyria: Um... Alanaan, is something wrong?
Vyrn: Yeah, dude. I don't have a clue what you're talking about...
Vyrn: You in trouble or somethin'?
Vyrn: We'd be happy to help if there's anything we can do!
Alanaan: Yer very kind. I must admit it makes me feel a tiny bit guilty.
Alanaan: But that kindness is only temporary.
Alanaan: The seeds of evil have already been sewn in a person's heart by the time they're born.
Alanaan: No matter how pure of heart you are now... eventually those seeds will sprout.
Alanaan: Isn't that right, great sun goddess?
The inside of the chapel begins to shake as if in response to Alanaan's address.
Lyria: ...!
I sense an evil presence...
Vyrn: Hey, Preacher Man! Did you do somethin'?
Alanaan: I wouldn't phrase it that way. The time is simply upon us.
Alanaan speaks with a broad smile across his face, his words become increasingly grandiose and incoherent.
Alanaan: The creation of a paradise for the righteous by the righteous—is it a mere fantasy? Or an illusion?
Alanaan: Nay, I say! It is but a simple task. We merely need to pluck the buds of evil before they sprout.
Alanaan: The wicked must be purged!
Alanaan: This cursed world must perish at the hands of the righteous!
Alanaan: Isn't that right...
Alanaan: Great sun goddess!
Alanaan tosses the card up toward the heavens.
At that moment the card glows, and a dazzling light engulfs the area.
The Sun: ...
Vyrn: Th-that thing looks familiar...
Lyria: It's an Arcarum primal beast! Why is it here?
Alanaan: Ahahaha!
Alanaan: With the help of yer crew, the sun goddess was able to manifest in this world. You have my thanks.
Alanaan: You'll have to forgive me. I tricked ya.
Vyrn: Wh-what're you talkin' about? Whaddya mean you tricked us?
Vyrn: The Church of Renatus helps its followers become good people, right?
Vyrn: And the townspeople really love the church too!
Alanaan: Good people? Yes... I am a good person. I am one of the righteous. All the evil deeds I have committed were for the sake of good.
Alanaan: The end justifies the means, as long as it's for a good cause.
Lyria: What?
Lyria: Then what were those simulations? What was all that talk about stopping the primal beast's plot?
Alanaan: Sorry, but it's actually the opposite. Those simulations were the only way to push our plan forward.
Alanaan: Thanks to yer countless battles, I was able to collect some valuable information.
Alanaan: I can never thank ya enough.
Lyria: No...
Alanaan: The manifestation of the sun goddess is the first step in achieving my greatest desire—the creation of a paradise for the righteous by the righteous.
Alanaan: The sun goddess and I will create this paradise together.
Alanaan: The Sky Realm is overrun with evil. There is no hope for it left—there is only despair!
Alanaan: If you seek salvation, abandon this world and come to my side!
Lyria: Alanaan! That's not the sun goddess!
Lyria: It's an Arcarum primal beast that's trying to destroy the world!
Alanaan: She's not destroyin' the world. She's creatin' a new one.
Alanaan: And besides... Primal beasts are beings that transcend mortals, puttin' them on the same level as the divine.
Alanaan: The name by which they're known simply differs depending on the region, people, or period of time. There's nothin' strange about that.
Alanaan: Isn't that right, great sun goddess?
The Sun: It is all thanks to you, pactbearer, that I was able to manifest in this world.
Alanaan: ...
The young woman stares coldly at Alanaan, who gazes back at her full of glee.
The Sun: The Arcarum will create a new world in this one that has chased away its creators.
The Sun: The Astral world, the sky world, and the countless numbers of squirming souls... All will be returned from whence it came.
Alanaan: Wait... What are you sayin'?
The Sun: We, the eleven of the Arcarum, shall bring forth a new truth.
The Sun: I am the light that shines upon all things, be they beautiful or ugly.
The Sun: Evil deeds committed for the sake of good are righteous... That is your truth. It does not apply to us.
The Sun: There is no place for you mortals in the new world over which we shall reign.
Alanaan: What in the skies are you talking about? We, the followers of the Church of Renatus, are—
The Sun locks eyes with Alanaan and releases a powerful ray of light.
The scorching hot beam burns everything in its path, instantly transforming the chapel into a sea of flames.
Alanaan: What did ya do that for? Explain this to me, please!
Lyria: Alanaan! We need to get away from here!
Vyrn: Come on, get a move on!
Alanaan: Aaahh!
Alanaan: Why! Why'd ya set fire to the church! The church is the sun goddesses's sacred—
The Sun: Evil deeds committed for the sake of good are righteous...
Alanaan: Are you tryin' to tell me that settin' fire to the church was a righteous act?
The Sun: Evil deeds committed for the sake of good are righteous...
Alanaan: What's the meanin' of this! Please teach me, great sun goddess!
The Sun: Foolish mortal... I asked you, did I not?
The Sun: I asked if you desired salvation...
The Sun: I simply told you the words you wanted to hear. That was your salvation.
Alanaan: (What have I done? I can't believe I let myself be fooled so easily...)
Alanaan: Evil deeds committed for the sake of good are righteous...
Alanaan: Was deceivin' me a righteous act in your eyes?
Alanaan: Ahahaha! How disgraceful, allowin' myself to be used in such a way!
Alanaan: Ahahaha... I'm such a fool...
Alanaan: It all makes sense. How could I have possibly been chosen to pass judgment upon the wicked?
Alanaan: I'm no more than a wicked sinner myself!
Alanaan: Hahaha... I've committed a countless number of evil deeds. I'm so ashamed.
Alanaan: I'm... a disgrace...
Alanaan smiles at the crew apologetically and pulls a dagger out of his pocket.
Lyria: Alanaan!
Alanaan: ...
Alanaan decides to condemn himself in order to take responsibility for his actions.
With a gentle smile on his face, he slashes the dagger across his neck before (Captain) and the crew can stop him.
Lyria: Aaahh!
(Captain) immediately rushes to Alanaan's side and glares at The Sun.
The Sun: You mortals are such fragile creatures, having to depend on those around you.
Vyrn: No... No!
Lyria: Alanaan...
- You'll pay for this!
Choose: You'll pay for this!The Sun: Your existence has helped to hasten the creation of a new world. But you have done enough.
The Sun: My flames will consume everything, until nothing is left.
As The Sun raises her arms to the sky, the fire burns even brighter, engulfing the entire chapel in flames.
Vyrn: (Captain)! We gotta do somethin' quick, or the whole church is gonna burn down!
The Sun: ...
- We'll stop you!
Choose: We'll stop you!(Captain) stands before The Sun, weapon at the ready, prepared to exact revenge against the primal beast for Alanaan's cruel fate.
Righteous Sins: Scene 2
Several days after their battle with The Sun, Alanaan awakens to find his life was saved by (Captain) and the crew. The priest is unable to face the townspeople out of shame, but the crew offers him encouragement, saying it's never too late to start over. The next day Alanaan departs on a journey of atonement, and the church followers vow to protect the church until his return.
Several days have passed since (Captain) and the crew defeated The Sun in battle.
???: Aaaaahhh!
Alanaan: Huff... Huff... Wh-where am I?
???: Hey, (Captain)! Sounds like our Preacher Man woke up!
Lyria: How are you feeling? Are you in any pain?
Alanaan: You all... saved me?
Lyria: Yes. I'm so relieved you're finally awake. You've been asleep for three days.
Alanaan: (I guess I clung to life somehow...)
Alanaan touches the bandage wrapped around his neck and bites his bottom lip.
Lyria: Are you hungry? Can we bring you anything?
Alanaan: No, don't worry about me—
Alanaan: W-wait! What happened to that primal beast?
Alanaan: Are the townspeople and church members all right?
Vyrn: Don't worry! We beat that primal to a pulp!
Lyria: Everyone's perfectly fine!
Alanaan: I see...
Alanaan relaxes, relieved to hear that the town is safe. He then shoots (Captain) and the crew a pointed glance.
Alanaan: Why... did you save me?
Alanaan: I used you... I tried to destroy the world...
Vyrn: Well, yeah, but still... Whaddya think, (Captain)?
- The Arcarum primal is to blame.
Choose: The Arcarum primal is to blame.Alanaan: What...
Vyrn: Yeah, you were tricked. It's not your fault.
Lyria: So please... don't hurt yourself like that again.
Alanaan: ...
Alanaan: ...!
Lyria: What's wrong?
Alanaan: I sense traces of the primal beast's power coming from ya, little lady. Why is that?
Vyrn: Lyria can absorb the power of primal beasts!
Vyrn: So it makes sense that you'd be able to feel the primal's presence.
Alanaan: What!
Lyria: The Arcarum primal beast won't do any more bad things. Don't worry.
Alanaan: I see... That's a relief.
Alanaan falls silent, and Lyria changes the subject in order to lighten the mood.
Lyria: Oh, by the way...
Lyria: The church followers and townspeople are working together to rebuild the chapel that burned down.
Alanaan: What?
Vyrn: You'd be in big trouble without a church, right?
Lyria: Everyone is waiting for you to come back, Alanaan.
Alanaan: But I'm... I'm nothin' more than a sinner.
Alanaan: I call myself a priest of the Church of Renatus, and yet I violated our commandments and allowed evil into my heart.
Alanaan: How can I ever face them!
Lyria: That may be true, but... that doesn't change the fact that everyone is waiting for you.
Lyria: This town needs you!
Alanaan: Hahaha... You're too kind for your own good, little lady.
Vyrn: Quit bein' such a chicken, Preacher Man!
Vyrn: Try thinkin' about how the townspeople feel!
Alanaan: What could a person like me possibly do for them?
Alanaan: I have nothin' left...
- Then you just need to start over!
Choose: Then you just need to start over!Alanaan: What?
Lyria: (Captain)'s right! You said it yourself—it's never too late to start over.
Lyria: And besides... The church members and townspeople are just practicing what you preached!
Alanaan: You could say we think of the townspeople like family.
Alanaan: We all live side by side, and we're always willin' to help each other out, just like a family.
Alanaan: Sure we don't share the same house, but that's not important. We're all brothers and sisters who live and work together in the same town.
Alanaan: If the people are ever in trouble, our doors are always open. We'll do everythin' in our power to help 'em.
Alanaan: A church is a house that belongs to everybody, after all.
Alanaan: Sniff... Ngh...
Touched by the compassion of the church followers and the townspeople, silent tears stream down Alanaan's cheeks.
The sun rises on a new day.
(Captain) and the crew make their way toward the inn where Alanaan is staying, joined by the other church members.
But Alanaan is nowhere to be found. In his place they discover a letter.
Alanaan: If I stayed in this town, I'd be takin' advantage of yer kindness, and I wouldn't be able to atone for my sins.
Alanaan: Therefore I am choosin' to depart on a journey in order to cleanse myself of my corruption. I leave the church in yer hands.
Follower 1: Father Alanaan's gone... What are we supposed to do now?
Lyria: Don't worry, everyone! He just went on a journey, so that means he'll be back one day!
Lyria: Remember what Alanaan said!
Lyria: A church is a house that belongs to everyone!
Follower 2: Haha. Yes! You're right! The church belongs to us, to everyone!
Having seen the light of hope, the church followers vow to work together with the townspeople to protect the church for Alanaan's sake.
Judging by their passion, (Captain) and the crew can tell that the future of the town is sure to be bright.
An Unsevered Bond
Several months after their battle with The Sun, (Captain) and the crew are reunited with Alanaan. The priest summons the primal and learns that she had been acting under the orders of another primal beast known as The World. Alanaan renews his pact with The Sun in order to defeat The World, deciding to join the crew on their journey along the way.
Several months have passed since the battle against the Arcarum primal beast.
On their way back from a mission, (Captain) and the crew encounter a traveler under attack by a monster.
Monster: Groooar!
Monster: Grrr...
Lyria: Are you all right?
Traveler: I sure am. You saved my life! Thanks to you, I don't have a single scratch on me.
Traveler: You're true heroes to be willing to fight a monster for the sake of a complete stranger like me!
Vyrn: Hehe. You can bet we'll always jump in to save somebody who's in trouble!
Traveler: Listen to you... You're a true saint!
Traveler: Are you by any chance members of the Church of Renatus?
Lyria: What?
Traveler: Oh, my apologies.
Traveler: You see, I was in the care of a priest of the Church of Renatus until just recently.
Lyria: A priest...
Vyrn: Hey, did that priest by any chance look really rough around the edges?
Traveler: Why yes, he certainly did!
Traveler: And it wasn't just his looks—it was his way of speaking as well!
Vyrn: Hehe. That could only mean one thing...
Lyria: Yes! That must have been Alanaan!
Traveler: What! You know Alanaan?
Traveler: I owe that man a deep debt of gratitude.
Traveler: It's all because of him that I was able to pay for my lodging and food.
Traveler: Alanaan's basically like a god to me. Ahaha!
Vyrn: Heh, sounds like the same guy. It sure would be great to see him again.
Traveler: You know, he might still be staying in a village on the other side of that mountain.
Traveler: He volunteered to be the mediator between two villages that are at odds with each other.
Lyria: Hehe. That sounds like something he would do!
And so (Captain) and the crew make their way toward the other side of the mountain to offer Alanaan their assistance.
But when (Captain) and company arrive in the village, they can't believe their eyes.
In place of the hostile environment they expected, they instead find a cheerful party in full swing.
Lyria: Everyone's getting along so well...
Vyrn: Yeah... What was all that about the villages fightin'?
Villager 1: Greetings, travelers! Today's a day to celebrate—the conflict between our villages has finally been settled.
Villager 1: Why don't you join the party? There's enough food for everybody!
Vyrn: Hehe. Really? You don't mind?
Lyria: Vyrn!
Vyrn: Oh, right... Guess I let my belly get the best of me.
Vyrn: Where the heck is that Preacher Man anyway?
Just as (Captain) and the crew begin to search for Alanaan, the card in Lyria's possession begins to glow faintly.
Lyria: Oh?
Vyrn: Huh? What's up?
Lyria: The card's been quiet this whole time... but it just started shining.
Vyrn: Whoa, hang on... We're not gonna get sucked into more dangerous memories, right?
(Captain) and the crew scan the area, bracing themselves for danger, but nothing seems out of the ordinary.
Lyria: Maybe it was just a false alarm...
???: Oh! What a surprise! I never dreamed I'd run into you lot around here.
Hearing a voice behind them, they turn to see Alanaan standing there, grinning from ear to ear.
Lyria: Alanaan!
Vyrn: Hey, Preacher Man! You scared us!
Alanaan: Ahahaha! Sorry about that.
Alanaan: The sun goddess has brought us together. Or... perhaps we're simply bound by fate.
Vyrn: We heard you were tryin' to stop a couple of villages from fightin', so we came to help...
Alanaan: Sorry to make ya come all this way for nothin', but the issue's already been resolved.
Vyrn: Hehe. Well, we get to go to a party anyway, so I'd say we lucked out!
Alanaan: Haha. Eat, drink, and be merry to yer heart's content.
Vyrn: Woohoo!
Lyria: I'm so glad to see you're doing well, Alanaan.
Alanaan: I've really put yer crew through a lot of grief.
Vyrn: That's all in the past now. Don't worry about it!
Lyria: Um... Have you been traveling this whole time?
Alanaan: Aye...
Lyria: I'm sure everyone is waiting at the church for you to return...
Alanaan: Yeah. I'll go back there one day... after I atone for all the sins I've committed.
Alanaan: Actually... it sounds like they're all more devout than I am now anyway.
Alanaan: I need to be more diligent in the pursuit of my faith, or I'll have no right to preach to anybody.
Lyria: I understand. I hope you'll be able to return to the church someday soon, Alanaan.
Alanaan: Thanks, little lady.
Alanaan: Anyway, enough gloomy talk. Let's go enjoy the party!
Alanaan introduces (Captain) and the crew to the villagers, and they kick the party up a notch.
That night Alanaan calls (Captain) and the crew to the outskirts of town.
Alanaan scratches his head apologetically as he turns to face them.
Alanaan: Y'know... I've been worryin' about that primal beast ever since I left on my journey.
Alanaan: And after bumpin' into you lot again, I'm even more concerned.
Lyria: Actually... There hadn't been any changes in the card since we last saw you.
Lyria: But it's been shining ever since we entered this village.
As Alanaan takes the card from Lyria, his brow creases in thought.
Alanaan: I wonder...
Alanaan: Maybe the bond between us wasn't completely severed.
Vyrn: The bond?
Alanaan: I thought my task was complete the moment I helped that primal beast manifest in this world.
Alanaan: But I guess unless both parties put an end to the connection, there's no escapin' it.
Alanaan: Hey, you cursed primal beast! Don't you think it's my turn to expose you for who you really are?
Alanaan calls out provokingly to the card in his hand and tosses it into the air.
Suddenly there is a flash.
The Sun appears before (Captain) and the crew, clad in a bright light.
But her intimidating aura is gone. Instead her very existence seems fleeting, as though she could disappear at any moment.
The Sun: ...
Lyria: She looks like she's in pain...
Alanaan: Ahahaha!
Alanaan: Yer evil deeds have come back to bite you. So this is what divine retribution looks like!
Alanaan: Well, it's not exactly like I wasn't involved...
Alanaan: Hey, you all right? You're not just gonna up and disappear on us, are ya?
The Sun: ...
Alanaan: Actually, it looks like ya might do just that. But... there's somethin' ya wanna say before ya disappear, right?
The Sun: You helped me manifest in this world in accordance with the pact we formed.
The Sun: If you had lost your life, I would have simply searched for a new pactbearer.
The Sun: But... you are still in this world.
Alanaan: Heh. I guess things didn't go accordin' to plan, eh? If you've got a problem with me bein' alive, you can take it up with that crew right there.
The Sun: Because you remain in this world, the connection between us has become distorted.
Alanaan: Oh? So we really are stuck together.
The Sun: ...
Alanaan: Hey, yer the one who deceived me. Knock off the attitude.
The Sun: I am unable to remain here without a vessel. That is an absolute fact.
Alanaan: You deceivin' me is a fact too, y'know.
The Sun: ...
Alanaan: But what we believe and what is fact aren't always the same.
Alanaan: Considerin' you appeared before me, you must have somethin' to say.
Alanaan: Why don't ya try explainin' things from yer point of view? Maybe we'll be able to reach an understanding.
The Sun: My... point of view...
The Sun gleams brightly, bathing the area in a white light.
When the light finally fades, they find themselves back on the simulated battlefield they've experienced countless times.
Vyrn: Why'd you bring us back here?
Vyrn: Don't tell me you want us to fight again.
Lyria: I don't think that's it. I think she's trying to tell us something...
Alanaan: All right. Let's hear it.
The Sun stares at Alanaan and begins speaking in a faint voice.
The Sun: I am The Sun. I am a primal beast who was originally killed in the War and left to rot.
The Sun: But another primal beast called The World retrieved the core from my decayed body and reconstructed me.
The Sun: The World—also known as The Inchoate World—is the founder of the Arcarum.
Lyria: A primal beast creating a primal beast? I've never heard of such a thing...
Vyrn: So that primal we met in Amalthea was the cause of all this...
The Sun: Everything we Arcarum do is for the creation of the new paradise that The World desires.
The Sun: We are unable to defy The World under any circumstances. That is how we were created.
The Sun: Everything I did was at The World's command.
The Sun: I repeated that simulation time and time again, seeking to derive the equation for complete victory over the skydwellers.
Alanaan: And what did ya think about that?
The Sun: Did I think it was a righteous deed or an evil deed, you mean?
The Sun: To me, it was neither.
The Sun: I exist to shine upon the beloved people of this world and bless them with success.
The Sun: That is everything to me. I have no interest in anything else.
Alanaan: (So we have to cut this off at the source, or it will never be over...)
Alanaan: I honestly couldn't care less if you vanished from this world.
Alanaan: I thought that if you disappeared, all the worry that's been eatin' away at me would disappear along with ya.
Alanaan: But... After learning the truth, I know what I must do.
Alanaan: What do ya say we form a proper pact this time, free from all the lies and deception?
The Sun: I am the light that shines upon all things.
The Sun: I exist to shine upon the beloved people of this world and bless them with success.
Alanaan: We'll join forces to purge the evil at its source. And I'll destroy the shackles placed upon ya.
Alanaan: We'll live side by side as we atone for our sins. How about it, Sun?
The Sun: ...
The Sun: I shall bathe you in my light.
The pact between Alanaan and the Arcarum primal beast known as The Sun is reforged, and the young woman begins to shine brightly once again.
She has resolved to fulfill her original mission to bless the people of the world with success in their lives.
Lyria: Alanaan...
Alanaan: What is it, little lady?
Lyria: I'm just... really happy that The Sun was able to be saved.
Alanaan: Ahahaha! That's all thanks to yer crew. You lot saved the day once again.
Alanaan: I don't know how I can ever repay you.
Lyria and (Captain) look at each other and immediately burst into laughter, realizing they're both thinking the same thing.
Vyrn: Huh? What's goin' on?
Lyria: Alanaan, why don't you come with us?
Alanaan: What? Well...
- Let's team up to defeat The World!
Choose: Let's team up to defeat The World!Vyrn: Yeah! We gotta take that World jerk down!
Vyrn: So we might as well work together, right?
Lyria: What do you think, Alanaan?
Alanaan: Heh. Ahaha! Ahahaha!
Alanaan: Y'know... Travelin' with a pure-hearted crew like yerselves might be just what I need to cleanse myself of my own corruption.
Alanaan: I'll take ya up on that offer. I look forward to our journey together.
Lyria: Me too!
The Sun: I... I will see to it that you succeed.
And so Alanaan joins forces with the crew in pursuit of a single goal.
They will work together in order to put a stop to The World's foul ambitions.
(Captain) and the crew hope that one day the rough yet kind-hearted priest will be able to return to the church where his family waits for him.
Surpassing Good and Evil
As (Captain) and company prepare to face off against the Inchoate World, he deactivates all the Arcarum primals, then forces the replicated world to converge on him. Alanaan and The Sun fail to escape with the rest of the crew.
After overcoming numerous trials, (Captain) and company finally reach the Inchoate World.
The being that appears before them exudes a far more menacing aura than the previous time the crew confronted him.
Lecia: That's... the Inchoate World? Why does he look so different from...
Inchoate World: Your resolve has brought you far, foreign elements of the new world.
Inchoate World: And foolish Evokers and Arcarum who dare rebel against your god.
The overpowering air about the Inchoate World almost seems to take physical form.
(Captain) and company are equal parts cautious and fearful.
Alanaan: Stay strong, guys... Don't let him get to ya! There's gotta be a path forward!
The Sun: My, you're not fazed in the least by The World's presence. In fact, you seem remarkably fired up for your age.
Alanaan: Hah, just means it's high time I fulfilled my promise with ya, Sun. My heart's racin' with excitement.
The Sun: Racing with excitement, you say? Hm, I do understand the feeling.
Alanaan: All right, Sun. Workin' with the crew to save the skies is gonna be our one good deed for the day.
The Sun: Hehe, I promise you success in that regard.
Inchoate World: How pitiful. The lowly beast has strayed far from the objective of its sublime maker.
Inchoate World: I will show you firsthand the difference in power between creator and created.
Inchoate World: As creator, I hereby issue a decree to the Arcarum.
Inchoate World: You shall all be disposed of. Never will you get in my way again.
The Sun: Ah... Nngh...
Alanaan: What's wrong, Sun!
The Sun: Mng...
The flames swirling around The Sun wither away and she falls to the ground.
Alanaan: Sun! What happened to ya!
Alanaan: This ain't no time for a nap! Wake up and smell yer own sunshine!
The Sun: ...
There is no response. The Arcarum primal has come to a complete standstill, as if devoid of life.
Inchoate World: Do not expect it to answer. For I have cast out the Arcarum.
Inchoate World: It can no longer move and will lose shape soon enough.
Vyrn: Wh-what's that supposed to mean!
Vyrn: What exactly did ya do!
Inchoate World: I merely discarded my creation—nothing more, nothing less. It was but a thrall before its creator.
Inchoate World: I was the one who manufactured the Arcarum out of primal beast cores that saw their end during the time of the War.
Inchoate World: It may have developed a sense of self and betrayed me, but it is by my hand that it was given life.
Inchoate World: Never underestimate your maker. The Arcarum lack the means to resist my commands.
Inchoate World: From the very outset, each of their fates rested within the palms of my hands.
Lyria: But then, that means we...
Inchoate World: Yes. All the time you've spent, bonds you've forged—it was all for naught.
Alanaan: Hell no... Nothin' can make up for the time I've spent with The Sun.
Alanaan: You've got another thing comin' if you think I'm gonna let you trample all over that!
Alanaan: You tell him too, Sun! C'mon, help me out here!
The Sun: ...
Alanaan desperately pleads to The Sun, but the light in her eyes is no more.
Alanaan: We were gonna go on a journey of redemption together after givin' this chump what for...
Alanaan: You were to shine your blessed light upon all the lost sheep out there!
The Sun: ...
Alanaan: O great sun goddess! Won't you please save The Sun!
Inchoate World: You don't seem to understand the situation you're in. Perhaps you're not quite as wise as you make yourself out to be.
Alanaan: ...!
Inchoate World: What can your god possibly do? Do you expect salvation in return for being a devout follower? Or would you see judgment rendered upon your enemies?
Inchoate World: In the end, your god will do nothing. Because your faith is nothing more than the product of an overactive imagination.
Inchoate World: I, however, am different. I will forge a new world by my own hands and descend upon it as its god.
Inchoate World: What you are about to experience is your new god delivering divine punishment upon you.
Alanaan: Tch, cheeky bugger!
Inchoate World: Well, I suppose you're not entirely without merit. The data you've gathered has proven to be especially valuable.
Inchoate World: I'll make sure that none of it goes to waste.
Inchoate World: Be glad that your efforts will form a cornerstone of the new world long after you have been wiped out.
The replicated world trembles violently as he utters those words.
The fabric of reality twists and bends as the world around them begins dissipating into palish particles that converge on the Inchoate World.
Vyrn: What the—
- That's our cue to run!
Choose: That's our cue to run!Lyria: R-right!
Monika: Lecia, give the order to withdraw!
Lecia: On it!
The Sun: ...
Alanaan: Relax. I'd never leave you behind.
As the crew makes a desperate attempt to flee...
Alanaan: Phew... All right, then.
Alanaan takes a seat, digging in beside his immobile pactkeeper.
Vyrn: Whoa! What are ya doin', Preacher Man! We gotta get outta here!
Alanaan: The Sun's practically my spoiled grandchild. If she's stayin', then so am I.
- Alanaan!
Choose: Alanaan!Alanaan: We'll be fine. I'll make things work out somehow. Y'all go on ahead.
The moment Alanaan flashes a smile, the bodies of both Evoker and primal transform into particles that meld with the Inchoate World.
Lyria: Alanaan! No!
While Lyria and Vyrn are frozen in place, stunned by what they've just witnessed...
(Captain) makes to rush toward the Inchoate World, only to be stopped by Monika.
Monika: No way am I leaving them behind!
Vyrn: Yeah! What (Captain) said!
Lyria: Everyone at the Church of Renatus is waiting for Alanaan to return one day...
Lyria: But if they find out that they'll never see him again...
Vyrn: Cheer up, Lyria. There's no way Preacher Man and The Sun are gonna kick the bucket so easily.
Vyrn: We'll get them back home one way or another!
Monika, looking conflicted, refuses to let the captain take another step toward the Inchoate World.
(Captain) brushes off Monika's hand and turns back around. However...
Monika: Sorry, (Captain).
Feeling a powerful impact from behind...
(Captain) slumps to the ground.
Monika: Hate me if you want, but I can't afford to lose you too.
Moments before losing consciousness...
The captain is able to make out Monika's apology.
Contending with some dizziness, (Captain) slowly gets up from bed.
- Where... is this...
Choose: Where... is this...Lyria: Thank goodness you're finally awake!
Vyrn: You sure had us worried, (Captain).
The captain turns to hear the relieved voices of trusted companions.
Monika: This is our frontline base.
Monika: I knocked you out cold earlier and had you brought here.
Now understanding what had happened, (Captain)'s expression is one of shock.
Lecia: Um... (Captain). Please don't hold a grudge against Monika.
Lecia: She was only trying to save you.
- I know...
Choose: I know...A pained expression overtakes the captain's face.
- What happened afterward?
Choose: What happened afterward?Monika: (Captain)... Follow me.
Monika: It's faster if I show you directly.
(Captain) and company follow Monika out of the room.
Having come outside, the crew looks above to find a giant sphere the size of a floating island.
- What... is that?
Choose: What... is that?Monika: That showed up all of a sudden after we escaped from the replicated world.
Monika: According to the survey team's report, there's an entire world nestled within the sphere. A world never seen before.
Monika: And the sphere has been getting larger over time.
Monika: It doesn't show signs of stopping either, which means it'll only be a matter of time before...
All turn pale as they imagine the worst possible outcome.
Lyria: I can sense the Inchoate World's presence from that sphere.
Vyrn: So you're sayin' that thing's basically the Inchoate World?
Lyria: Most likely...
- Alanaan must be in there...
Choose: Alanaan must be in there...Lyria's and Vyrn's expressions cloud at the thought.
Monika: Our world will be swallowed up by that thing sooner or later if we don't do something about it.
Monika: The situation's dire, but that's no reason to curl up and wait for death.
Monika: I realize you're probably still mad at me, but (Captain)... Won't you lend us your strength?
- Like you even need to ask!
Choose: Like you even need to ask!Vyrn: Heck yeah! We're gonna bust Preacher Man and The Sun outta that thing!
Lyria: Right! For the sake of all their followers at the church too!
Monika: Thank you. We're indebted to you, (Captain).
They look up to the sphere once more.
Their resolve to save their dear friends burns bright.
Surpassing Good and Evil: Scene 2
Alanaan awakens to a point in time when he failed to discipline a young follower. The Evoker makes another attempt, only to be knocked away by the follower.
Shopkeeper: Urgh!
The viscous liquid splattered on Alanaan's face is tinged with the faint scent of iron.
The Evoker immediately recognizes it as blood.
Alanaan: This place...
Shopkeeper: You preach of... piety... But... y-you're nothing but... a murderer...
Alanaan: Urk...
Slightly gagging, Alanaan tries to make sense of the situation...
It isn't long before he realizes this is the day he committed that terrible sin.
Young Follower: Heh... Hehehe... Yes! I'm saved... Saaaved!
Alanaan: ...
Young Follower: Why do you look so upset? You saved me!
Young Follower: They would have killed us both otherwise!
Alanaan: (Is this a dream?)
Alanaan: (Nah... Everything's far too visceral for me to be dreamin'... )
Inchoate World: Bwahahaha!
Alanaan: Rgh...
Alanaan is afflicted with a terrible headache as he traces his memory, tearing at his consciousness.
Alanaan: Guh, what a disaster...
Follower's Voice: Hyaaah!
Behind Alanaan, the young man swings a sword to break the lock on the safe.
Alanaan: Hey!
Young Follower: What does it matter now anyway? The person this belonged to is dead!
Young Follower: Actually, I guess it would be more accurate to say he was killed...
Young Follower: By you!
Alanaan: ...
Young Follower: And don't you dare say you did it just to save me.
Young Follower: I definitely don't remember asking you to kill them either. You did that all on your own!
Young Follower: But...
Young Follower: Was there really no other way? What is good? What is evil?
The young man's words pierce Alanaan's heart like a pointed blade.
Alanaan: (At the time, I lacked the wisdom and insight to guide him down a better path...)
Alanaan: (Or rather, I should say I had completely lost hope in him for not having a shred of remorse or guilt...)
Alanaan had thought of all the terrible crimes that would likely follow. In order to prevent those sins, he felt compelled to commit a sin—albeit a righteous one—himself.
Firm in his conviction at the time, the priest acted in haste and purged the young man.
Now realizing it was a mistake, Alanaan considers the best possible way to show this follower the error of his ways.
Young Follower: Aha! Ahaha! Rupies! Rupieees!
Alanaan: I understand you're excited to be swimmin' in riches, but hear me out for a second...
Young Follower: Don't even try to get in my way! Nothing you say is going to change my mind, Father!
Young Follower: You're definitely not my savior, and you don't deserve an ounce of respect from me.
Young Follower: You see, Father, you're nothing but a murderer now.
The young man turns back to the safe and rakes the rupies into his bag.
Alanaan: I don't deny bein' a murderer. But what's important is that yer hands remain unstained.
Alanaan: Stay strong. Don't give up on yerself. Ya can still come back from this.
Alanaan: Please! Do not give in to the depths of despair!
Alanaan: Awaken from this stupor and purge yerself of the malice that has taken root in yer heart by pilin' on the good deeds!
Young Follower: It's hopeless for me...
Alanaan: That ain't true. It's never too late to start over. The great sun goddess is merciful to those who repent.
Young Follower: It's the sun goddess that I've got no faith in!
Young Follower: I've strayed from the path of righteousness! I stole and stole again, becoming a common thief before I knew it... I tried to lie about it, and look where that landed me.
Young Follower: And every single time I nearly lost my life...
Young Follower: It wasn't some sun goddess or anyone else who came to save me.
Young Follower: No, it was you, Father! You put your very church on the line and stained your own hands!
Alanaan: ...
Young Follower: How about yourself, Father? Would you say the Church of Renatus has saved you? Has the sun goddess saved you!
Alanaan: ...
Young Follower: So I've got you speechless now, yeah? That's because the sun goddess has never done a single thing for you!
Alanaan: As long as yer willin' to repent yer sins and strive to do the right thing goin' forward, you'll find peace in yer heart. Have faith, and pray.
Young Follower: No amount of faith is going to save me. It's money that's going to make all my dreams come true!
Alanaan: Ya dumb ignoramus!
Alanaan does not hesitate to slap the young man's face.
Young Follower: Urk!
Alanaan: Look, I know most of what I say's gonna be a fart in the wind right now!
Alanaan: But for land's sake, would it kill ya just to hear me out for a bit?
Young Follower: ...
Alanaan: Good, listen! As temptin' as it might be, do not give into greed! The guilt will follow ya around for life...
Alanaan: For life, I tell ya! It'll be too late fer regrets later. The guilt's gonna be so suffocatin' that you won't be able to get through a day without battlin' yer conscience!
Young Follower: Shut up already! Just leave me alone!
The young man brushes Alanaan aside, knocking him into the pool of blood on the ground.
The scent and feel of the thick, red liquid seem to pervade his entire being, staining his entire world a deep crimson.
Alanaan: Urk...
Alanaan: (I-it's burning in the pit of my stomach...)
Alanaan: Ngwaaah!
Surpassing Good and Evil: Scene 3
An evil version of Alanaan manifests and succeeds in getting through to the young follower. The Evoker confronts the sins of his past and is gifted with newfound power as The Sun emerges.
Young Follower: Aiiieee!
Alanaan: Huff... Huff...
???: Phew...
Alanaan: The heck?
???: It's me.
Another Alanaan has manifested from within.
If the Alanaan up until now has been a bastion of good, then this other Alanaan is surely the epitome of evil.
Evil incarnate picks up the blood-soaked sword from the floor.
Evil Alanaan: Look here, punk...
Young Follower: Aiiee... S-sto—
Young Follower: Urgh...
Alanaan: What a merciless thing to do...
Evil Alanaan: Ya really think that sun goddess's blessed light can purge the evil from people's hearts?
Evil Alanaan: And turn any sinner, now matter how evil, into a saint?
Evil Alanaan: Hahaha, bwahahaha! The hypocrisy of it all... It is within mankind's nature to be avaricious.
Alanaan: ...!
Evil Alanaan: Admit what ya already know, A-la-naan.
The penetrating gaze of the counterpart's pitch-black eyes sends the Evoker into disarray.
Alanaan: Hack... Cough... What's happenin'?
Woman's Voice: Eeeeep!
Man's Voice: Uwaaaagh!
Evil Alanaan: Women, children—doesn't matter! Kill 'em all!
Crazed Followers: Raaaah!
Senior Citizen: Father! Please, spare me!
Evil Alanaan: Out of my way, nuisance!
Senior Citizen: Guh!
Evil Alanaan: Absolve yourselves of any guilt! For I, alone, will bear the weight of all your sins. Focus only on bringing righteous fury to these heretics!
Crazed Followers: Uoooogh!
Alanaan: All I see before me is chaos. Where is your faith, your respect for the teachings...
Evil Alanaan: Aw, c'mon already. Admit that you're burstin' with excitement to see all these sins bein' committed.
Alanaan: ...
Evil Alanaan: Screw livin' like a saint. Why restrict the fun in your life?
Evil Alanaan: Live according to your base instincts, like we were always meant to do! Hyahahahah!
Alanaan: Mankind... forms the pillars of society. Having moral boundaries is what keeps the peace among everyone. That's why—
Evil Alanaan: That's why the Church of Renatus tells us to be righteous at all times?
Evil Alanaan: A good deed a day keeps yer soul at ease?
Evil Alanaan: Don't gimme that bullcrap. Heck, you're the biggest criminal of 'em all.
Evil Alanaan: No matter how far ya go on this journey of redemption, yer sins will always stay with ya.
Evil Alanaan: You know that better than anyone but pretend not to... Ya damn hypocrite!
Alanaan: (H-hehe... I hate to admit it, but he's right...)
Alanaan: (How insufferably arrogant of me to preach to everyone to be better. I no longer...)
In the midst of his confusion, Alanaan breaks down, allowing the darkness to overtake him.
After an unspecified amount of time passes...
A ray of light pierces through the darkness.
Alanaan: So warm... What is this light...
???: Thy life shall not yet wither as long as the flame of righteousness continues to burn within thy breast.
Alanaan: ...!
Alanaan isn't entirely sure if those words are a revelation from the sun goddess.
But they are enough to awaken him from his stupor.
Alanaan: What a sham of a priest I am to be so lost...
Alanaan: The Sun, (Captain), Lyria, Vyrn, folks from the church... They'd laugh at me if they saw me now.
Alanaan: O great sun goddess, I hereby renew my pledge to you!
Alanaan: For the remainder of what little life I have left, I promise to steer as many lost sheep as I can in the right direction!
Evil Alanaan: Ya can't just twist things around to fit yer narrative, ya filthy sinner!
Alanaan: Gah... Put a sock in it.
Evil Alanaan: Wha?
Alanaan: It's time ya shut yer damned piehole. I've made up my mind already.
Alanaan: I'll carry my sins and guilt with me for the rest of my life as I walk down the path of redemption.
Alanaan: It's the decision I've come to! And I'll continue to do good deeds as defined by the traditional doctrines of good versus evil.
The moment he vents his inner thoughts...
???: Ngh!
Alanaan's evil counterpart slowly vanishes.
The Evoker realizes that the trace of evil lying within him was greatly amplified and manipulated by The World.
Alanaan: A paradise created by the righteous for the righteous, eh?
How does one define the righteous?
How does one define a paradise?
The Evoker asks himself what it takes to set something like this in motion.
Alanaan: There's no easy answer no matter how hard I dwell on it.
Alanaan: One thing's for sure though... I'll never lose my way again. That, I swear!
As if responding to those words, a warm light wraps itself around Alanaan.
The Sun: ...
Alanaan: Sun...
The Sun: Because you and I share a pact, when you are brimming with conviction, some of that confidence spills over onto me.
The Sun: Alanaan. I praise your decision to continue walking the path of redemption.
The Sun: Although I cannot say for certain what lies at the end of the road...
The Sun: I will be by your side, to watch over you and shine my blessed light upon your future.
Alanaan: Hehe. Always appreciate ya, Sun.
Alanaan: Sure is nice to have someone around I can talk heart-to-heart to. We're like best buddies now.
The Sun: Given our lives are linked, we have no reason to hide anything from each other.
Alanaan: Why, I might as well call you the oracle of the sun goddess...
The Sun: ...
You can save the jokes for later, after we've done what we need to.
Alanaan: Fair enough.
Instilled with newfound power, Alanaan can feel the doubt that once plagued him fading away.
Surpassing Good and Evil: Scene 4
The crew reenters the sphere to stop the Inchoate World once and for all. He sees the appearance of the crew as a trial to be overcome before world creation can happen and awaits their arrival at the center of the sphere.
Illuminated by a ray of light, an old man and one who may as well be his granddaughter share a happy moment together.
Alanaan: Wow. Would ya believe even my back pain and stiff shoulders are better now? I could get used to this new power.
The Sun: Yes, but you haven't gotten any younger. Don't get too carried away.
Alanaan: Whaddya mean? I've gotta act like I'm in my prime if I'm gonna do anything worthwhile!
Alanaan glares at the skies above, prompting the Inchoate World to slowly reveal itself.
Inchoate World: Unenlightened beyond measure... What do you have left if you deny your own greed?
Inchoate World: Greed is the source of all things. How do you expect to create paradise in a world consumed by innumerable sin.
Alanaan: Speak fer yerself. You could never understand what it's like for us mortals.
Inchoate World: Humph...
Alanaan: Yeah, sure. Keep lookin' down on us.
Alanaan: It'll be that much more satisfyin' when we overthrow ya!
The Sun: Yes. You are going to experience despair firsthand.
As the contented Evoker and primal exchange a knowing glance, a brilliant flame erupts—akin to a phoenix rising from the ashes—and paints their surroundings crimson.
Inchoate World: Nhg!
Alanaan: Too hot for ya to handle, eh? Think of it as a sauna and ya might even feel better later.
Inchoate World: Urgh... You're going to drain my power dry from the core!
The Sun: You have too much of it anyway. Wouldn't hurt to share.
Inchoate World: A failed creation opposing its creator? What insolence!
The World's outburst takes the form of a shock wave.
Alanaan: Sun!
The Sun: Quiet.
Putting on a smug expression, The Sun erects a barrier of light that absorbs the entirety of the shock wave.
The Sun: Yum, that was tasty.
Inchoate World: ...!
Alanaan: Oho... Looks like the heat's finally gotten to yer head, eh?
Alanaan: Now who in their right mind flails about like a whiny baby in the middle of a sauna? Stay still, and maybe you'll live a bit longer.
Inchoate World: You two are the very definition of critical bugs!
Inchoate World: Bugs who will have no place in my new world!
The World uses his powers to twist the very fabric of reality.
Alanaan and The Sun are forcefully ejected into the world of azure skies.
Alanaan: Aww, we came so close.
The Sun: As carefree as ever.
Letting out a small sigh, The Sun grabs Alanaan by the scruff of his neck to stop him from falling.
Alanaan: Phew, thanks for the save.
The Sun: You're heavy... The best I can do is glide.
Alanaan: Uh-oh! We'd better pray for a safe landing then—
Alanaan: Wait, isn't that (Captain)'s airship comin' our way?
The Sun: Impressive. (Captain)'s timing couldn't be more perfect.
Having reunited with the crew, Alanaan and The Sun describe the events that had transpired within the sphere.
Vyrn: So that's what happened... Good job makin' it back safe and sound.
Alanaan: Nah, that's where you guys came in. Can't thank ya enough.
Lyria: But we didn't really do anything...
Alanaan: Give yerself more credit.
Alanaan: Just when I thought I'd lost all hope, I thought of you guys and the people of the church back home.
Flashing a delightful smile, Alanaan gives Lyria—about to burst into tears—a gentle head pat.
Alanaan: I know we just got spat outta that spherical thing, but it's time we went back in to settle the matter for good.
The Sun: Agreed. The World caught us off guard earlier, but that won't happen again.
Alanaan: Whatever new world that egotistical maniac plans on cookin' up could never be a paradise.
Alanaan: We're gonna have him scrap his whole plan in lieu of somethin' else.
With a firm determination in their hearts, the crew make for the sphere where The World awaits.
Surpassing Good and Evil: Scene 5
The crew reenters the sphere to stop the Inchoate World once and for all. He sees the appearance of the crew as a trial to be overcome before world creation can happen and awaits their arrival at the center of the sphere.
The crew steps inside the floating sphere to settle matters with the Inchoate World.
Vyrn: Whoa... What's with this place...
Lyria: The many different colors mixed together is making my eyes go round...
The wild color scheme is extremely unsettling, violently distorting the captain's perceptions.
Alanaan: Y'all okay?
Vyrn: Urp, think I'm gonna barf... You're tellin' me this doesn't make your stomach churn, Preacher Man?
Alanaan: I'm feelin' right as rain. My pact with The Sun might have somethin' to do with it.
Lyria: Huh? Alanaan, something's different about you. Your clothes...
Alanaan: An astute observation, Lyria.
Alanaan: Though I'm not quite sure how this happened either. Ahahaha!
The Sun: I believe absorbing The World's power is the main cause of this change.
Vyrn: The World's power, huh... You sure you're okay? Not feelin' lightheaded or anything?
Alanaan: Nah, I'm feelin' pumped and ready for action. My usual back and shoulder aches are gone too... I mean, look how high I can raise my arms!
Vyrn shoots a wry grin at the sight of the elderly Evoker happily swinging his arms around.
Vyrn: As long as you're in tip-top shape, then we're good to go!
Alanaan: No doubt about it!
The Sun: Show a bit of decorum, would you? We're not playing games here.
Alanaan: We've gotta relax and save our strength when we can for the big moments.
The Sun: Right, right.
Alanaan: Okay then... What say we go deliver some justice to that worldly turd!
Bracing themselves for what may come, the crew proceed onward to the center of the multicolored world.
Inchoate World: You lot again.
Vyrn: Gwah! You got us good last time, and now we're gonna get payback!
Inchoate World: What more could you want from me? I have no more business with you. You nuisances are a waste of time—
Inchoate World: No, wait... I see how it is. Defeating your group is the final trial I must overcome before the new world comes to fruition.
Alanaan: Final trial, eh? Good to know we're on the same page.
Alanaan: Would suck if we had to see ya again after today.
Alanaan: As for yer new world creation, the Church of Renatus will be around to carry out the task.
Alanaan: It'll be a paradise for the righteous, formed by the righteous, which you'll have no place in.
The Sun: Aw, you poor thing.
Inchoate World: A birth becomes that much more meaningful after successful completion of a trial. And a trial exists to be overcome...
Inchoate World: Very well then. I welcome you all to be the final sacrifices to mark the true completion of my task.
The Inchoate World seems to disappear, blending into his multicolored surroundings.
- Let's go.
Choose: Let's go.The crew's march toward the center of the sphere continues.
Beyond the Trial
The Inchoate World unleashes his full power to overcome the trial that is the crew. A final showdown ensues.
Inchoate World: You've come.
By tracking the aura of the Inchoate World, the crew finally reaches the center of this realm.
The Inchoate World looks down on the crew as he speaks, a hint of surprise in his breath.
Inchoate World: How strangely comforting... Though you obstacles in my path normally fill me with disgust...
Inchoate World: Seeing you as a trial meant to be overcome fills me with pride and joy.
Inchoate World: The face of fate changes depending on your interpretation. And my interpretation has led me to birth a new world.
Inchoate World: You are nothing but nuisances now—stepping stones on my path to world creation... That is how I define your fates.
Alanaan: Yep, whatever ya say. Ain't like it's gonna change a thing.
Alanaan: Just as long as ya don't try to push yer crap on us.
Alanaan: Everyone's got their own beliefs and gods to place their faiths in.
Inchoate World: One's fate can be decided only by their creator. Though that's not something you blaspheming wretches would ever understand.
Alanaan: Well, look who's talkin'. You just love puttin' on airs, don't ya.
Inchoate World: To be incognizant of your failings is not a sin. Your inability to see the bigger picture is simply a sign of your lower status.
Inchoate World: As long as you're willing to accept the new world, perhaps enlightenment shall strike you as well.
Alanaan: Doubt we'll ever see things eye to eye no matter how much we jabber away. Guess we were never meant to get along.
Inchoate World: The time has come to bury you all as wretched artifacts of the old world!
Fierce winds begin to blow around them, causing the various colors to converge on the Inchoate World.
As he is encased in what appears to be some sort of cocoon, Lyria audibly gasps.
Lyria: Watch out! The Inchoate World is getting stronger!
Inchoate World: You antiquated relics will become the cornerstone of the new world. For that is your fate; that is providence.
Inchoate World: You have no future beyond today. Your destinies end here. I shall wipe away your very souls from existence!
Beyond the Trial: Scene 2
The crew finally defeats the Inchoate World and returns to the Sky Realm. Though Alanaan had intended to return straight to his journey of redemption, (Captain) convinces him to first make a trip back home.
Inchoate World: Rgh!
Inchoate World: Impossible! I should be the one who decides destiny!
Inchoate World: All trials succumb before me... Your defeat here was supposed to mark the celebration of the new world's creation...
Inchoate World: But yet... how is it that mortals of the old world have bested me!
Alanaan: Bless yer little heart... May ya see reality for what it is one day.
The Sun: Would it kill you to show a bit of humility, World? That arrogance doesn't help you any.
Alanaan: Phew... No mercy even for the fella who's practically yer dad, huh?
The Sun: My dad? That sore loser? Please, not in a million years!
The attack unleashed by the pair pierces through the Inchoate World.
Inchoate World: Gwaaah!
Inchoate World: Damn you... Damn you all! How could I lose...
Inchoate World: What of my new world!
His hands reach out, only to grasp at thin air. Cracks begin to form all over the Inchoate World's body.
Inchoate World: Guuuuh!
With a deafening roar, the Inchoate World lets out a flash of light followed by a harsh noise that stains the world white.
Alanaan: Phew... Looks like we were unconscious for a while.
Vyrn: What happened to us? The Inchoate World's...
Now that the white light has subsided, the crew find themselves collapsed on the Grandcypher's deck.
The ominous sphere is no longer in sight, replaced by pristine blue skies stretching in every direction.
Lyria: I don't sense the Inchoate World anymore. And with the sphere gone, I guess it's all over?
Alanaan: Sounds about right to me. Whaddya think, Sun?
The Sun: My connection to The World's been severed. That much is clear.
Alanaan: Oho...
Alanaan: So without that metaphorical needle around to prick your skin anymore, you're finally free, eh...
Alanaan: How's it feel?
The Sun: Not bad, I'd say.
Alanaan: C'mon, ya can do better than that! Tell me ya feel like yer on top o' the world—no pun intended!
The Sun: I suppose you're right... This sensation is sublime.
Pleased to see The Sun's lips curl into a grin, Alanaan playfully pumps his fist.
Alanaan: Keep that pretty smile on. That usual gloom-and-doom frown of yers does ya no favors.
The Sun: You could've stopped at that first sentence...
Lyria: Um... Alanaan?
Alanaan: Yeah, little lady? Somethin' on yer mind?
Lyria: Now that we've defeated the Inchoate World...
Lyria: What do you think of going back home for a bit?
Vyrn: Good idea, Lyria! I bet the folks at the church would love to see Preacher Man again!
Alanaan: Aw shucks, how do I put this...
The Sun: Just tell it to them straight. Especially if you consider them family.
Alanaan: I know, I know...
Scratching his head, Alanaan turns to the crew with a serious expression.
Alanaan: This is something I've been mullin' over throughout this whole journey of redemption...
Alanaan: A priest is someone who teaches people to be righteous, yet I—havin' committed murder—am far from righteous myself. My grievous sins will never go away.
Alanaan: 'Course they won't. Just like the people I killed won't ever come back.
Alanaan: I've got no right to ask for forgiveness all of a sudden...
Alanaan: I owe it to myself to keep bearin' the shackles and weight of my guilt.
Alanaan: And to devote the remainder of my life to helpin' any lost sheep I cross paths with.
Vyrn: Wait... Ya mean you don't ever plan on goin' back, Preacher Man?
Alanaan: Yep, that's the idea.
Lyria: But you have to!
Alanaan: Whoa now... This is the conclusion I came to.
Lyria: But the people of the church need you!
Lyria: You have to go back for them!
Alanaan: This puts me in a real bind...
(Captain) asks Alanaan if the followers of Renatus back home are not also lost sheep.
Alanaan: Good point... Difference is, they know where to put their faith. Even without me, they'll...
- Are you afraid?
Choose: Are you afraid?Alanaan: Afraid? Hm...
Alanaan: I suppose I wouldn't rule that out... They did see me at my worst, after all...
The Sun: You're being awfully honest with the crew.
The Sun: Is it because you see them as family?
Alanaan: Why d'ya keep bringin' up family—
Alanaan: Oh, I get what yer tryin' to say...
The Sun: Exactly.
Lyria: I also understand where The Sun's coming from!
Lyria: The church is a place for everyone... In other words, the people of that town are family!
Alanaan: Guh... I've got no words. I ain't so sure anymore...
Alanaan pinches both of his cheeks to regain his composure.
Alanaan: Guess this means I'm headin' back home to talk things out with everyone.
Lyria: Great!
Alanaan: And just so we're on the same page...
Alanaan: It's only gonna be a short visit; I'll be back here travelin' with you guys right after that!
- Not a problem!
Choose: Not a problem!Alanaan: Thanks, (Captain)!
Monika's Voice: Hey! Is everyone okay?
An echoing voice calls for the crew.
Turning to the voice reveals Monika and Lecia leaning over the deck railing of their approaching airship.
Vyrn: Guess those guys came to check things out now that the sphere's gone, huh.
Lyria: Mm-hm! We're all safe and sound!
Alanaan: Always glad to have you around, Sun.
The Sun: Like I said before...
The Sun: I am the light that shines upon all things.
The Sun: I confer my blessing upon everyone in this world and pray for their success.
Alanaan: Heh, what would we ever do without ya.
Though the primal first formed this pact with Alanaan out of a calculating desire to defeat The World, their pact is now more akin to a bond.
No matter what trial and tribulations await in the journey ahead...
They will not be caught off guard, for they no longer have a blind spot.
Festival to Paradise
Before heading home, Alanaan hears a fellow priest named Galanda is said to have turned to sin, and he makes for the village where the man is hiding. Though the villagers claim no other priest has come by, the Evoker takes them up on their kind offer of a feast and lodgings.
Alanaan stops by the Church of Renatus headquarters to give an update on his journey of redemption.
Through their exchange, he learns that Father Galanda, an old friend, has broken the tenets of the church and is currently on the run.
The latest reports suggest he continues to do evil deeds while lurking in some nondescript village.
Alanaan: (Ya couldn't get more straitlaced than Galanda... What the hell coulda happened to him?)
Lethys's Letter: Of course, we not are just sitting idly by.
Lethys's Letter: In order to bring the matter to an inquisition, we've dispatched a number of priests to his suspected location, but not a single one has returned...
Lethys's Letter: Which is why we'd like to request your assistance. Having traveled all over the vast skies, surely you would have better luck finding him.
Alanaan: (I am being given a chance here despite my sins...)
The Sun: A side trip, then?
Alanaan: How 'bout ya be a decent lass for once and not eavesdrop on me?
The Sun: Decent for once...
Alanaan: As a priest, this is somethin' I've gotta do.
Alanaan: You just sit back and relax.
The Sun: Hm, fine.
Alanaan: Sulkin', are we?
Alanaan: You're becomin' more and more like a mortal with every passin' day.
Alanaan: Looks like I might have to postpone my trip back home.
Alanaan informs (Captain) that he has some business to attend to, then sets out for the village Galanda is said to be hiding in.
Days after beginning the search for Galanda, Alanaan finds himself lost in a dense forest.
Alanaan: Darn it! Nothin' but animal trails in every direction! How's anyone supposed to find their way through this!
Alanaan: Huh?
Though the natural forest had seemed to extend endlessly, a vast expanse of fields tended to by man's hand comes into view far in the distance.
Alanaan: Farmland... Maybe I'll find a proper road to walk on soon enough.
Alanaan continues pushing through the brush and arrives at the fields.
Unable to recall the name of the familiar-looking greenery planted there, he cocks his head in wonder.
Alanaan: I remember the stuff's not edible, but... that's as far as my memory goes.
Alanaan: I might have decades of experience, but the accompanyin' forgetfulness does me no favors.
As he'd predicted, he finds a proper footpath winding through the fields and relaxes his stride.
Farmer Elder: Nice work today, everyone. Anyone wanna join me for a drink later?
Farmer Man: Sure. Right after I get some food in me.
Farmer Woman: Sun's about to set, folks! Best get home soon!
Farm Children: See you tomorrow, miss!
Alanaan arrives at his destination.
Contrary to what he'd heard, the people of this little farming village seem to be living a blissful life.
Alanaan: Am I in the right place?
Farmer Man: Whoa-ho! A traveler way out here in the middle of nowhere?
Alanaan: Er... If ya don't mind me askin', has a priest around my age stopped by lately by any chance?
Farmer Man: A priest? Nah, no reason for someone respectable like that to come around to these parts.
Farmer Elder: Oh, how rude... Can't you tell from his clothing that this traveler's a priest himself?
Farmer Man: Whoops! Sorry for not noticin'.
Alanaan: Ahahah! No worries, I'm used to it. Can't help it with this kisser of mine.
Farmer Elder: Wish we could be of more help, but it's been so long since we've had a visitor—much less one that is a priest—before you...
Alanaan: (How strange... Could the info from the church be wrong?)
Alanaan takes another sweeping look around the halcyon village but spots nothing suspicious.
Alanaan: (Folks here have a rustic simpleness about 'em... Surely they've got no reason to lie.)
Alanaan: (Phew, I almost doubted them for a second... "Cast away your worldly suspicions, and have faith in others," as the saying goes.)
Farmer Man: A priest?
Alanaan: Ah, sorry. I was lost in thought.
Farmer Elder: Night's about to set in. You're more than welcome to stay the night if you'd like.
Alanaan: Appreciate it. I think I'll do that.
Farmer Man: Great! That means we get to throw a welcome party!
Alanaan: Whoa now... No need to go through all that trouble for me.
Farmer Elder: Please, I insist. Having visitors is a special occasion for us.
Farmer Man: Besides... We could definitely use the revelry! You could tell us some stories about your experiences as a traveling priest!
Alanaan: Well, if you put it that way, then I'll gladly indulge. Here's hopin' I don't bore ya with the mundane tales I tell!
That night...
The villagers throw a grand feast, replete with song and dance, for their special guest.
Alanaan: Boy did I strike it lucky stumblin' on yer cozy lil' village. Sure didn't expect such a grand ol' time when I stepped outta the forest.
Farmer Man: Well, fate works in funny ways. And lemme tell you, that sermon wasn't dull in the least!
Farmer Elder: Maybe I should join in on the dancin' too...
Farmer Man: Hey, take it easy now. You're more than a bit tipsy. Would be a real shame if you tripped and fell, and find yourself pushing up daisies before the festival.
Alanaan: Festival? What kind of festivals do you have here?
Farmer Elder: Oho... That's supposed to be a secret. We go to paradise—
Farmer Woman: Father! Your glass is empty; let me fill it up for you! Please, drink as much as you'd like!
Alanaan: Gee, thanks. This is some fine liquor you've got here!
Farmer Woman: Okay then, cheers!
Alanaan: Cheers!
The feast continues until dawn. Alanaan has pleasant dreams that night.
Festival to Paradise: Scene 2
Alanaan: (Mng... Gwuhhh... Had too much to drink... Head's spinnin'...)
Alanaan: Hm?
Alanaan's awakens to find his head covered in a gunnysack, and his arms and legs bound by shackles.
Alanaan: (Is this what I get for castin' away my worldly suspicions and havin' faith in people? Hrm...)
???: Awfully complacent, aren't you?
Alanaan: Hoo boy... Ya got me there, all right.
The gunnysack is torn off of Alanaan's head, revealing the man he'd been searching for all this time.
???: Humph...
Alanaan: Tch... And they told me priests don't come to a place like this...
Alanaan: Yet here you are, Father Galanda...
Galanda: The liquor here is exceptionally good. Makes for a good lure, don't you think?
Alanaan: Are the villagers hired actors? They sure did a fine job of foolin' me.
Galanda: What kind of a priest are you to not be able to see the truth?
Alanaan: Heh, ya always were a condescending prick.
Galanda: Look who's talking.
Though somewhat pleased to reunite with an old friend, they are also carefully observing each other's reactions.
Alanaan: I've got a lot of questions, but how about taking these cuffs off me first? They're starting to hurt.
Galanda: So you came looking for a priest, eh?
Alanaan: Like I said, cuffs first.
Galanda grabs Alanaan by his robe and scowls at him.
Galanda: Is that priest me by any chance?
Alanaan: Settle down. Once again, cuffs first—
Galanda clenches his fist and lands a solid blow on Alanaan's jaw.
Alanaan: Urgh...
Galanda: I'll ask again. Am I the priest you're looking for?
Alanaan: (I thought a good priest was supposed to be compassionate and show what a good listener they are...)
Alanaan: (But this guy here just sucker punched me! What the hell!)
Alanaan: (What do I do...)
- Yep, that's right.
- Nope, you've got it wrong.
Choose: Yep, that's right.Galanda: Humph, that came out pretty quick.
Alanaan: You could say it's my mission to save an old friend.
Galanda: Hm? What would you save me from?
Alanaan: I'm here to pluck out the seed of sin that's taken root in yer heart.
Galanda: Never thought you'd go back to being a dog for the church.
Lamenting the current state of affairs, he shoots Alanaan a pitiful look.
Alanaan: So what are yer plans? Surely ya don't expect to be on the run fer life.
Alanaan: Whatever you've got to say, I'm willin' to hear ya out.
Galanda: No, I think we're done.
Galanda lets out a faint sigh before putting the gunnysack back over his old friend's head.
Alanaan: Aw, gimme a break, Galanda!
Galanda's Voice: "Evil deeds committed for the sake of good are righteous."
Galanda's Voice: The conclusion you arrived at shook my very soul.
Galanda's Voice: Yet you are still a fool in the end.
Alanaan: You sayin' ya saw something beyond the teachings of the church?
The sound of a buzzing metal rings in Alanaan's ears.
Blood splatters across the ground as Alanaan's head flies off and lands with a rolling thud.
Withdrawing from quest.
Reconsider your decision and seek out another future.
Choose: Nope, you've got it wrong.Galanda: Who is it then?
Alanaan: No one, actually. Askin' about a priest was just a way to see how far the church's influence has reached.
Galanda: Oh?
Alanaan: Gosh darn it! I sure did let my guard down at that welcome party though.
Alanaan: Talk about cowardice. Y'all got an entire village to team up on me.
Alanaan: Your orders, I take it? What a shamefully wicked thing for a priest to do.
Galanda: Heh. Let's not forget how you shamed the Church of Renatus by breaking its tenets and committing the most horrible sins.
Galanda: With that in mind, do you have any idea how hypocritical you are sounding right now?
Alanaan: Sigh... Why don't you report me to headquarters then?
Alanaan: I bet the archbishop's just itchin' to lay the inquisition on me and take me down!
Seeing Alanaan remain in good spirits despite the situation, Galanda can't help but let out a chuckle.
Galanda: Mwahahaha! Calm yourself, friend.
Alanaan: Wha? You'd still call me a friend after sucker punchin' me?
Galanda: Heh...
Galanda: "Evil deeds committed for the sake of good are righteous." Wise words from a wise man.
Galanda: My soul shook the moment those words reached my ears.
Galanda: Which is why I approached the archbishop and told her how your statement led me to an epiphany.
Galanda: Problem is, the woman wouldn't hear it, insisting that I continue to follow our teachings to the letter!
Alanaan: Course she'd say that. It'd be a huge problem if the heads of the church perpetuated hypocrisy.
Galanda: Well, you see... Your words resonated so strongly with me that I decided to continue following the faith in my way.
Galanda: The people of this village were deeply moved by what I had to say... and became my adherents.
Galanda: You could say my faith lies with the Church of Renatus, yet it also does not...
Galanda: Perhaps I have started a new branch of the religion. "Galandaism," if you will.
Alanaan: In other words, you, too, have essentially become a pilgrim...
Alanaan: To think that my moment of foolishness would move the heart of someone as stern and renowned as you... There's no tellin' what consequences our actions can have sometimes.
Galanda: I'm going to spread my teachings far and wide, starting from this village.
Galanda: And to do that, the archbishop and anyone else who might get in my way cannot be allowed to live.
Alanaan: Think if we stay here... The villagers will protect us from assassins dispatched by headquarters?
Galanda: Sure... Just as long as you prove to be a respectable priest.
Alanaan: Heh, try me.
Galanda: How about we start from your manner of speaking?
Alanaan: ...
Won't you please give me the opportunity to prove myself, Father Galanda.
Galanda produces the keys for Alanaan's cuffs and chucks them at him.
Galanda: Come by the village's chantry later. I'll introduce you to our followers.
Alanaan: Understood, Father Galanda.
Alanaan: Phew... Looks like I might just live to see another day.
Alanaan: Turns out I'm not too bad of an actor myself... Who knows, maybe that's my true callin'.
Alanaan begins to worry about the safety of the other priests who were sent to this location.
Galanda: Thanks to everyone's cooperation, we were able to pluck out the seeds of corruption that meant to do us harm.
Galanda: On behalf of Galandaism, I cannot overstate my gratitude.
Farmer Elder: Good deeds are a favor unto yourself. We simply followed your teachings to the best of our abilities, Father Galanda.
Farmer Woman: Yes, we have decided to devote ourselves to Galandaism.
Kneeling before Galanda at the chantry, the villagers offer him a prayer.
Alanaan, watching from another room, is dumbstruck by how devoted the villagers are to Galanda.
Alanaan: (You've fallen so low that you even think bamboozlin' people's righteous now, huh...)
Alanaan: (Awfully devout these folks are... No, brainwashed is more like it.)
Alanaan: (Damn you, Galanda... What sorta trick did ya pull here?)
Galanda: I'd like to introduce everyone to a new friend today.
Galanda: This way, Father Alanaan.
The introduction of Alanaan causes a stir among the villagers.
Alanaan: Ah... We may have gotten off on the wrong foot, but I'm glad any misunderstandings have been cleared.
Alanaan: I look forward to working with everyone in helping to spread Father Galanda's teachings.
Farmer Woman: Er... Forgive me for pouring you so much to drink last night!
Alanaan: Ahahaha! No harm done. Let us drink without worry next time.
Galanda: Okay then, everyone. May we have another blessed day.
With morning prayer concluded, the villagers move on to their daily tasks and studies.
Despite the part they played in entrapping Alanaan the day prior, they are no doubt good people at heart.
Alanaan: Working together to live in peaceful harmony under the providence of nature, smiles never fading...
Galanda: You almost sound like you're in paradise.
Alanaan: Ya coulda had me fooled.
Galanda: Hm, you must be wondering how I proselytized all these purehearted souls.
Alanaan: That did cross my mind...
Galanda: Simple. It's the spiritual gift of faith.
Alanaan: Is that gift also what's kept me alive so far?
Galanda: You're the one who awoke me to the truth. To kill you off so soon would be a shame.
Alanaan: Gee, thanks.
Galanda looks up to the faint outline of the moon and offers a silent prayer.
Galanda: We will be holding a jubilee during the next full moon.
Alanaan: Now that ya mention it, one of the young'uns mentioned a festival. I just figured it was village tradition.
Galanda: No, it's something that began after I arrived... But it will become tradition over time.
Galanda: This village is built on such events after all.
Alanaan: Sounds like you're puttin' a lot of effort into this thing. I can't wait.
Galanda: This full moon will be a blue one, which happens only once every ten or so years... I expect the jubilee to be more festive than any celebration that's come before.
Alanaan: Oho...
Galanda: That's where you come in. I need to leave the village to prepare for the event. Can you lead the daily prayers in my stead in the interim?
Alanaan: Not a problem.
As soon as Galanda departs, Alanaan begins looking into the priests who were sent to this land.
However, there is no indication of other clergymen having set foot here.
Alanaan: (I can't just sit around and twiddle my thumbs... I oughta try wheedlin' some info from that young'un. He's not as tight-lipped.)
Farmer Man: Guys! Who wants to go gather wood with me?
Alanaan: Ah, is it for the jubilee? I'd be happy to help.
Farmer Man: Um... As much as I appreciate the sentiment, it's pretty tough work for seniors...
Alanaan: Heh, appreciate the concern, but yer about to learn why I'm also a first-rate skyfarer!
Despite the boastful claim, Alanaan soon finds himself seated on a log, completely exhausted.
Alanaan: Phew, this is harder than it looks...
Farmer Man: We're almost done. Why don't you rest up in the meantime?
Alanaan: Whadda we need all this wood for though? Are we gonna be buildin' a new house?
Farmer Man: Not a house, but an elevated festival stage, where we'll hang our written wishes to set on fire.
Alanaan: Ah, like a large bonfire that we'll get to dance around then.
Alanaan: Father Galanda didn't tell me a thing about the jubilee, so I'm kinda clueless about it.
Farmer Man: Oh yeah? Well, for one thing, we're also gonna have a beautiful arrangement of flowers and, of course, grown right in our fields, a—
Farmer Man 2: Hey, is anyone prepping the wine?
Farmer Man: I heard an order from Levin's already been placed.
Farmer Man 2: Great. All that's left is the meat then. Meat!
Alanaan: So what is it you were sayin' earlier about flowers and something else grown in the fields?
Farmer Man 2: I could really use another pair of hands here!
Farmer Man: Okay! Forgive me, but duty calls, Father. I'll talk to you later.
Alanaan: (Darn it, almost got him to spill the beans too...)
Realizing he's not likely to extract any more info from the young man...
Alanaan sets his sights on the elderly farmer next.
Elder's Daughter: Mng...
Alanaan: Everything okay, miss? If you've got anything you'd like to let off yer chest, I'm here for ya.
Elder's Daughter: Father... Please... Help my papa come to his senses!
Alanaan: Huh, I'm not sure I like where this is going... Tell me more.
Alanaan steps inside to find the elder in a state of distress.
Alanaan: What did ya do, Gramps? Should I be worried?
Farmer Elder: Sigh... If we're gonna be honest, my daughter is the one you should be reprimanding, not me.
Elder's Daughter: Papa!
Alanaan: Er... How about ya each tell me what happened? Startin' from the beginning...
Farmer Elder: Truth is, I've decided to go to paradise by way of the jubilee, and—
The next moment, a mess of villagers come crashing into the house.
Alanaan: Whoa! What's this all of a sudden?
Farmer Woman: Please lead Father Alanaan outside, everyone!
Villagers: Heave-ho!
Alanaan: Ouch...
Alanaan: What was that all about? Where'd ya even come from?
Farmer Woman: Father Alanaan, you must not be anywhere near this house.
Alanaan: But distress is often the first step to eventual ruin. As a priest, it is my duty to prevent members of the flock from going astray.
Farmer Woman: They're just a bit distraught about the upcoming jubilee. But all will be well again once it's over.
Alanaan: It'd be terribly irresponsible of me to take that at face value.
Farmer Woman: The jubilee is extremely important to us. So please... I hope you'll help to ensure its success.
Something about the woman's single-mindedness seems amiss to Alanaan.
Not wanting to exacerbate the matter and potentially bring further harm to the elder and his daughter, the Evoker concedes.
Alanaan: Very well.
Farmer Woman: Thank you for your understanding. If you'll return to your quarters now.
Alanaan: Hm? That smell...
Farmer Woman: Is something the matter?
Alanaan: Nah, it's nothin'.
While walking away from the scene, Alanaan retraces his memory to figure out what that sweet scent wafting from the elder's home could possibly be.
Continue 1Continue 2
Festival to Paradise: Scene 3
On the night of the jubilee, Alanaan realizes Galanda has been using narcotics to brainwash everyone, convincing the elderly to give him their riches for false promises of entry to paradise, then killing them through a festival rite after the fact. Alanaan, too, is almost sent up in flames, but tragedy is successfully prevented.
Alanaan is left with no leads on the missing priests and little luck extracting pertinent information from the villagers.
He believes he is either being watched or intentionally left to flounder about.
His impression of the village has changed drastically since he first set foot here.
Alanaan: Oh boy...
Alanaan: (Seems like there are eyes on me no matter where I go...)
Alanaan: (Fortunately I've just gotta hold out a bit longer. Plenty more should become clear once the jubilee's over and done with.)
Alanaan: (But I just can't shake the feeling that things aren't gonna go so smoothly...)
Although a tinge of uneasiness remains in Alanaan, jubilee preparations proceed unabated, complete with the building of the festival stage and bonfire at the plaza.
On the night of the event, Galanda returns to the tranquil village with a number of senior citizens he calls his guests of honor.
Galanda: I'm back, everyone. Have you continued to do good under Father Alanaan's watchful guidance?
Farmer Woman: Why, of course we have! Father Alanaan can certainly attest to that!
Alanaan: Hm? Ah, yes, of course... Preparations for the jubilee went without a hitch as well.
Galanda: My, my... What a marvelous stage we have this time.
Farmer Man: Hehe, thank you.
Galanda: Now then, can you show our guests of honor the way?
Farmer Elder: Okay, folks. Please follow me.
Guest of Honor: Hohoho! I can't wait to see what fun lies in store for us!
Alanaan: So just who are those blitheful elderlies?
Galanda: If you must know... They are the village's hope.
Alanaan: A bunch of old-timers are... hope?
Galanda: All right, everyone! Prepare for a toast!
Villagers: Okay!
Amid the sea of congruent smiles, Alanaan spots the woman who was crying the other day.
Alanaan: Psst, you there... We got interrupted last time... Were you able to talk things out after that?
Elder's Daughter: Our lives are ultimately... our own to decide... If Papa's made up his mind about goin' to paradise, then that's that.
Alanaan: What is this "paradise" you guys keep referrin' to?
Alanaan: It is a physical location? Or is it more a metaphysical concept?
Elder's Daughter: Ehehe! I wouldn't know the answer to sucha difficult question, Father.
Seeing the hollowness in her eyes, Alanaan grows increasingly worried about the true nature of this jubilee.
Alanaan: What the heck? Galanda!
Galanda: Hm? Behave yourself... The villagers are watching.
Alanaan: Something ain't right with the elder's daughter... What the heck didja do?
Galanda: Father Alanaan. You don't seem to understand the position you're in...
Alanaan: Huh?
Galanda: As I've said before, killing you—the one who opened up my eyes—would be a great shame.
Galanda: But so far, you've done but nothing prove to be so different from the man who once proclaimed, "Evil deeds committed for the sake of good are righteous."
Galanda: The Church of Renatus must have already gotten to you.
Galanda: Which would only mean that to Galandaism, you're no different from the other heretics who came snooping around.
Alanaan: Other heretics? You mean... What did you do to them—
Alanaan: Rgh...
Galanda: I thought we could become friends... It's a real shame, Alanaan.
Farmer Woman: Father Galanda, we are ready for the toooast!
Galanda turns away from Alanaan and ascends the dais, decorated with a floral arrangement. He speaks to the villagers with a smile.
Galanda: We have a full blue moon tonight, which is something that only happens once every decade.
Galanda: There is no better occasion to be righteous. For the merit of your good deeds is multiplied on this night!
Galanda: Now without further ado, let us commence the long-awaited jubilee!
At Galanda's signal, the attendees begin to dance with drinks in hand to the tune of festive music.
Farmer Woman: Teeheehee!
Farmer Elder: I can party with the best of 'em!
Farmer Man: Take it easy, old man!
At a glance, the jubilee appears to be no different from any other festival, where the locals come together for a night of song, dance, and revelry.
What doesn't quite fit the scene, however, is the sight of Alanaan collapsed on the ground with blood leaking from his head.
Villagers: Ahahaha!
Alanaan awakens amid the maniacal laughter to find himself in the center of the stage.
The elder and guests of honor seem to be engaging in mirthful conversation as they enjoy their food.
Alanaan: Ngh... What the heck is goin' in...
Guest of Honor: Oh look, Father Alanaan seems to be awake.
Farmer Elder: He's an old friend of Father Galanda's.
Farmer Elder: I think our prayers are being heard. I've never felt more blessed.
Guest of Honor: Thank the heavens...
Alanaan: Hate to interrupt, but any chance I can ask ya guys to undo my restraints?
Guest of Honor: No can do. We can't have you running away.
Farmer Elder: We're going to paradise! And we're going to need our lucky catch for that!
Guest of Honor: For paradise!
Farmer Elder: For paradise!
Senior Citizens: Aa-hyuk-hyuk!
As the elderly begin dancing in a circle around Alanaan...
Neatly folded pieces of paper slide out of their pockets.
Alanaan: Whoa, hold on a second!
Alanaan: Those are indulgence slips!
Indulgence—a lessening of the punishment that is due from a lifetime of accumulated sins.
They are, in essence, "official" pardons.
Alanaan: (Each one's even marked with a Church of Renatus seal... They're definitely fakes.)
Alanaan: Where did you folks get those slips?
The elderlies tuck the slips back into their pockets, a shine in their eyes.
Guest of Honor: Heehee! It goes without saying that we bought them from Father Galanda!
Alanaan: You bought them?
Alanaan: Wait, you mean everyone here's...
Guest of Honor: That's right. Through our generous donations to the church, we've been guaranteed a spot in paradise!
Alanaan: (At this age, immortality would seem like a cure to all of yer problems. It's no wonder the lengths they might go to over the promise of eternal life.)
Alanaan: ("You shall not covet," as is often said... Yet here they are displaying possibly the greatest form of avarice...)
Alanaan: (Damn you, Galanda... For all yer noble talk of havin' faith, in the end this is just a get-rich-quick scheme!)
Alanaan boils with rage at having learned the truth.
A stirring drumroll plays out as if to further antagonize Alanaan, or so he believes until Galanda's affected voice rings out.
Galanda's Voice: Many of our beloved followers will be entrusting their hopes and dreams to you as they set off to paradise.
Galanda's Voice: Cast away your desires and seek refuge in the sun goddess. That is the key to being forgiven for your sins.
Alanaan: How 'bout yer own desires, ya disgusting sham of a priest!
Alanaan: Guys, wake up and smell the horse manure he's feedin' ya!
Senior Citizens: Aa-hyuk-hyuk! Paradise is eternal! Wooo!
Alanaan: Guh, this is goin' nowhere. It's like they've lost the will to think fer themselves...
Alanaan: Cough, cough... What's this smell?
A sweet-scented smoke soon fills the stage.
Guest of Honor: Hyuk-hyuk...
Farmer Elder: At long last, I can go to paradise!
Alanaan: ...
Alanaan: Hot damn, my age must be catchin' up with me to forget a scent so distinct!
Alanaan: That stench... It's the same as Amazing Cigarettes...
Alanaan: So what you were cultivatin' out in those fields was narcotics!
Narcotics—plant-based substances that induce a state of euphoria in the user, while dulling their sense of pain and ability to think.
The secret to Galanda's effective brainwashing of the pure and innocent villagers is now clear.
Alanaan: "Evil deeds committed for the sake of good are righteous."
Alanaan: Looks like my very own words lit a fire in Galanda and pushed him in the wrong direction...
Alanaan: In which case, I'm ultimately the one to blame, and it's my job to clean up the mess.
Alanaan: Whoa-ho! Don't tell me ya plan on torchin' the whole stage!
Alanaan: Whadda we need all this wood for though? Are we gonna be buildin' a new house?
Farmer Man: Not a house, but an elevated festival stage, where we'll hang our written wishes to set on fire.
Alanaan: You've gotta be out of yer frickin' minds!
Alanaan: No way in hell is plunderin' the riches from these nice grandpas and grannies, then lightin' em up on fire gonna further yer wishes!
Galanda's Voice: O immaculate sun goddess... Please guide these pious and reverent souls to the paradise beyond...
Alanaan: Don't tell me yer actually plannin' on dancin' all night! These old coots are about to be burned alive! And me with 'em!
Guest of Honor: Yes, to paradise we go... Hyuk-hyuk...
Farmer Elder: Eternal bliss awaits us... The journey won't be so bad with you along for the ride, Father...
Alanaan: Holy crap do these narcotics make ya sick in the head.
Alanaan: For any religion, ya want prayer, rituals, and rapture. But when that rapture comes from drugs, you've gone way off the deep end.
Alanaan: Boy have I got the perfect example here to show kids these days why drugs will rot yer brain—
Alanaan: Heck, I can worry about that later! I've gotta make sure I live to see another day first!
Galanda: Great sun goddess... Please show them the way to paradise.
Villagers: Guide them...
Galanda grins from ear to ear as he watches the entirety of the stage go up in flames.
Galanda: May Father Alanaan's act of martyrdom help them all reach the paradise they so seek.
Galanda: And may the many merits they bequeathed to us help the village prosper and grow! All in the name of the sun goddess!
Alanaan's Voice: I wouldn't count on it, ya psycho.
Galanda: ...!
Galanda: H-how did you—
Alanaan: What say we move on to the confession?
The Sun: Just as long as I get a show of appreciation first... It wasn't easy saving them all.
Behind the flaming Alanaan and The Sun are the guests of honor, alive and well.
Alanaan: Ya did good, Sun. I'll buy ya anything you want later!
The Sun: Please, I'm not some spoiled child.
The Sun: Still, that's a promise.
Alanaan: Fer sure.
Alanaan and The Sun shoot the dumbstruck Galanda a piercing gaze.
Festival to Paradise: Scene 4
After Alanaan and the others are rescued by The Sun, he presents her to the villagers as the sun goddess's oracle. Faced with her overwhelmingly divine presence, the villagers are quick to repent for their actions under Galanda, who is handed over to the church authorities. Alanaan is later granted the position of bishop by Archbishop Lethys.
Alanaan: What say we move on to the confession?
The Sun: Just as long as I get a show of appreciation first... It wasn't easy saving them all.
Alanaan: Ya did good, Sun. I'll buy ya anything you want later!
The Sun: Please, I'm not some spoiled child.
The Sun: Still, that's a promise.
Alanaan: Fer sure.
The sight of the Evoker and primal stepping off the burning stage without a scratch strikes fear in Galanda's heart.
Galanda: H-how did you...
Alanaan: Ain't it obvious?
Alanaan looks up to The Sun, floating in all her radiant glory above, and offers a quiet prayer.
The Sun: ...
Galanda: D-d-d-don't tell me...
Alanaan: Ahahaha!
The Sun: This is no time to be laughing...
Galanda: Cripes!
Alanaan: Don't embarrass yerself anymore than ya already have!
Though Galanda is quick to flee, The Sun is quicker in cutting off his escape by encasing him in a flaming barrier.
Galanda: Ngh...
Alanaan: Ahem.
Alanaan: This here is the oracle of the sun goddess.
The Sun: Pleased to meet you.
Faced with the overwhelming presence of The Sun, the villagers begin shedding tears and praying.
Alanaan: As a servant of the sun goddess's oracle, I hereby announce...
Alanaan: Galanda to be completely untrustworthy and excommunicated from the Church of Renatus.
Alanaan: Listen to his falsehoods no more. A successor you can trust will be sent to this village soon.
Farmer Woman: As the oracle wishes...
Alanaan: And what I've got to say next comes from me directly, not the oracle.
Alanaan: Having gotten to spend a few days with y'all, I saw fer myself that it was Galanda who took advantage of yer vulnerabilities and planted evil in yer hearts.
Alanaan: But the power of the teachings alone will not be enough to lift ya back up into the light.
Alanaan: You must find the willpower from within to face whatever challenges lie ahead.
Alanaan: That willpower eventually takes the form of hope, and the sun goddess will shine her blessed light upon ya.
Though completely under the influence of a narcotic…
They still listen to what Alanaan has to say with rapt attention.
The Sun: So... What are your plans for him?
Alanaan: Mind if I have a little chat with him?
The Sun: He's all yours.
Galanda: ...
Alanaan: First you used narcotics to stop the villagers from thinkin' straight. Then ya talked 'em into givin' up their life's savings and plotted their downfall, tramplin' over the church's teaching's every step of the way.
Alanaan: For all yer highfalutin talk, yer just another guy that gave in to greed in the worst possible way.
Galanda: ...
Alanaan: As for the other priests... I suppose they attended these festivals as well?
Galanda: Yes... They've become ashes for our benefit...
Alanaan: You son of a...
An enraged Alanaan grabs Galanda by the cloak before letting go.
Alanaan: No matter how evil your crimes, it's not my place to punish you.
Alanaan: I'll leave that to the archbishop at headquarters.
Alanaan later sends word of Galanda's capture to the church.
A new priest is sent to the village shortly thereafter, promising to enrich the lives of its residents.
Alanaan: But first!
Alanaan: You guys better get ready to pull some weeds!
Alanaan: Those fields of narcotics better be lookin' like empty lots before the next priest gets here. And make sure ya toss every last seed and seedling to the bottom of the skies!
Villagers: O-okay...
Alanaan: Consider this the first step to true paradise. Heh...
Some time passes.
Alanaan is greeted by the archbishop herself at the Church of Renatus headquarters.
Archbishop Lethys: We are grateful for your service in resolving this matter.
Alanaan: Please... I'm the one who should be grateful. You were willin' to give me a chance in spite of the terrible sins I'd committed...
Archbishop Lethys: It appears you've grown as a result of your ongoing journey of redemption.
Alanaan: Hah, I wish. Part of me tells me I'm too old to grow.
Archbishop Lethys: Oh, it's never too late to learn new things and mature. No matter how old you get.
Archbishop Lethys: Plus the more you grow, the stronger and kinder you get.
Alanaan: Y'think so?
The Sun: No way. Is this really the archbishop here?
Alanaan: Whoa! Mind your manners if ya wanna stay alive!
The Sun: Why, aren't you awfully afraid.
Archbishop Lethys: Ahaha, you must be The Sun. I see you have no fear, and I quite like that about you.
Alanaan: Aiieee...
The Sun: I see that you, too, are a cut above the rest, Archbishop.
Alanaan: My apologies for her demeanor...
Archbishop Lethys: What an extraordinary relationship it must be for you to think of a primal as your granddaughter.
Archbishop Lethys: I'm beginning to sense a sort of divinity about you, Alanaan. All this redemption has certainly done you good.
Alanaan: Divinity, you say?
Archbishop Lethys: Yes, your compassion shines with a blessed light. You've proven yourself worthy...
Archbishop Lethys: I, Archbishop Lethys of the Church of Renatus, appoint you as our newest bishop.
Alanaan: Wha? M-me? A bishop?
Alanaan: Oh, I dunno about that. You don't wanna give that opportunity to someone like me who's done awful things!
Archbishop Lethys: While it is true that your sins will never disappear... You have shown a profound willingness to redeem yourself and devote your entirety to bringing others into the light.
Archbishop Lethys: I believe it is precisely because you carry the burden of sin that you realize the importance of our church's mission.
Alanaan: ...
Archbishop Lethys: And if you should ever fall again, you can always get back up. I believe your existence will be of great aid in the ongoing battle against the many ills of the world.
The Sun: She really wants you to accept. Just say "yes" already.
Archbishop Lethys: Haha. The Sun offers you sound advice.
Alanaan: Er, but...
Archbishop Lethys: Yes?
Alanaan: ...
I gladly accept.
Archbishop Lethys: Thank you. I look forward to continuing our work together.
The Sun: You have my blessing as well, Alanaan.
Alanaan: Hehe, 'preciate it.
Alanaan later reunites with the crew to return to his homeland.
Alanaan: Ah, what a nostalgic scent.
Vyrn: Let's get a move on, Preacher Man! Your followers are waitin' for ya!
Alanaan: Right, right, let's go!
Lyria: Huh? Someone's running this way... Oh, aren't those the people from your church, Alanaan?
Renatus Follower: Father Alanaan! It's been too long!
The Evoker cannot believe his eyes. His usually stern-faced followers are drenched in tears.
Alanaan: C'mon, guys! Maybe you can start by wipin' off those tears!
Lyria: It seems like they really wanted to see you again, Alanaan!
Alanaan: Ah... Sniff...
Vyrn: Doesn't help if you're joinin' in the waterworks too, Preacher Man.
Alanaan: Boy, I must be gettin' up there in years, 'cuz the tears just pour out...
Renatus Follower: Welcome back, Father Alanaan!
Alanaan: Yeah, thought I'd pay a visit... Hope you've all been good?
Renatus Follower: Yes! Very much so!
Alanaan's followers, overtaken with delight, form a circle around him.
The Sun: How embarrassing to see full-grown adults acting like this. But... it's quite nice actually.
Lyria: It sure is!
Alanaan will surely continue to be a bastion of good on his journey of redemption.
Though (Captain) thinks he should take at least a day every now and then to just relax.