Spoiler Alert! These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.
The Small Client
A surprisingly mature boy named Caim asks the crew to fight in the War. Figuring that a show-and-tell would get his point across faster, he uses the power of a card to transport (Captain) and company to a battlefield. Still confounded by the situation, they trust in the boy's words that participating in this battle will help save the world.
Sierokarte: Welcome, everyone! Make yourselves comfy!
The crew pays Sierokarte a visit to pick up supplies.
Lyria: Hi, Siero!
Sierokarte: I've been waiting for you to show up for quite some time actually!
Vyrn: Oh? Did something happen?
Sierokarte: Well, you see, there was a certain someone who wanted to speak with you, (Captain).
Lyria: Did they have a request?
Vyrn: We'd be happy to talk to them! Where are they now?
Sierokarte: Actually, he didn't tell me where he was going, you see.
Sierokarte: But he did say the next time he has a chance to meet would be fine.
Lyria: Well, did he say when that next time would be?
Sierokarte: He said he would pay you a visit himself!
Vyrn: That sure does us a lot of good...
???: Good afternoon.
Sierokarte: Oh, welcome, welcome!
Vyrn: Huh? What's a kid doing visiting the Knickknack Shack?
Sierokarte: This is the visitor I mentioned earlier, (Captain)!
Vyrn: Whoa, for real?
???: Ah, so you're (Captain). I had a feeling you were the one I was looking for.
Sierokarte's diminutive visitor stares at (Captain) from beneath a cowl.
Lyria: Um, are you the person who wanted to request our services?
???: Yes. Ah, how rude of me...
The face of a young man emerges from beneath the cowl. He has a dignified air about him.
Caim: My name is Caim. I have a request for you, as Siero probably told you already.
Vyrn: So this is the guy who wanted to meet us?
The crew can barely conceal their surprise at their client's youthful appearance, but Caim doesn't seem to mind.
Caim: Thank you for introducing me to them, Sierokarte.
Sierokarte: Of course, of course! Not like I did anything anyway!
Sierokarte: Okay, I'll leave you all to it!
Lyria: Oh, okay! So you said your name was Caim? Can you tell us about your request?
Caim: Yes, but... let's just say I only want a select few to hear about it.
Caim: Can you show me to your airship? We can talk there.
Lyria: Oh, of course! Just follow us!
The crew leads Caim back to the Grandcypher.
Vyrn: Is this a good place to chat?
Caim: Yes. But before we begin...
Caim slowly looks over (Captain) and the crew.
Caim: I surmised as much from speaking to Sierokarte, but it really didn't take much to make you trust me.
Lyria: Huh? What do you mean?
Caim: I understand why you'd let your guard down against a kid like me.
Caim: But I suggest you tread carefully. This world is full of crimes that use children.
Lyria: Wow, um... I'm not sure what to say to that.
Vyrn: When you put it like that, we've been pretty careless ourselves.
Caim's blunt choice of words, juxtaposed with his childlike appearance, leaves (Captain) and company at a loss for words.
But Caim begins to smile at them, putting the three at ease.
Caim: Still, your trust is appreciated.
Caim: I trust you and your crew as well. That's precisely why I decided to come to you with this request.
Vyrn: W-wow, thanks!
Caim: Let me get straight to the point.
Lyria: Please, go ahead!
Caim: Right. You know about the War, I trust?
Lyria: We do. It was a big battle between the Astrals and the skydwellers.
Caim: That's the gist of it, certainly.
Caim: At the time, every island in the sky was embroiled in savage conflict.
Caim: And in the end, the Astrals were driven away. Victory for the skydwellers, in a sense.
Vyrn: Yeah, we know! We know!
Caim: My request is simple. I want you to lead the skydwellers to victory in that conflict once more.
Vyrn: Once more? What do you mean?
Lyria: The War happened a long, long time ago, didn't it?
Vyrn: Yeah, what's the deal? You asking us to fight the War again?
Caim: Your confusion is understandable, but I believe your questions will vanish once you experience things firsthand...
Caim: With this.
Caim places a single card in front of (Captain).
Lyria: ...!
The surface of the card is greyed out, making the illustration impossible to make out.
Lyria: This card... It's...
Vyrn: Hey, Lyria. You feel that?
Lyria: Oh, you too, Vyrn? I can't really put it into words, but I'm definitely sensing something.
Vyrn: Same here.
Caim: Impressive. I knew I could count on you.
Lyria: What do you mean? And what's that card for?
Caim: It's all connected to the experiences I want you to have firsthand.
Vyrn: You keep talking about experience, but I'm just wondering what you want us to do.
Caim: I hear you've fought lots of powerful monsters and primal beasts.
Caim: Just do the same thing you've done until now. Defeat whatever foes stand in your way.
Caim: That will be enough to save this world.
Vyrn: Save this world? What are you talking about?
Caim: My request is that you save this world. And I believe you have what it takes to make it happen.
Lyria: But... how?
Caim: As I said, experiencing it for yourselves is best.
Caim: Now then. Shall we begin?
Caim gently glides a finger over a red stone in his possession.
Vyrn: What's going on!
(Captain) and the crew soon find themselves enveloped in darkness.
Vyrn: Ngh... Hm? What just happened?
In the next moment, (Captain) and company are standing in a place they've never seen before.
Lyria: Where are we? We were on the Grandcypher just a second ago.
They survey their surroundings.
Lyria: Does anyone else feel a little uncomfortable here?
Vyrn: Yeah, this isn't exactly the kind of place where I'd want to throw a picnic.
Vyrn: Whoa! And look over there!
A massive roar erupts not too far from where the crew is standing, followed soon after by an equally massive plume of smoke.
Lyria: Oh no... Are we on some kind of battlefield?
Vyrn: Can someone tell me what's going on already?
Lyria: I guess this is what Caim must have meant when he talked about us experiencing things for ourselves.
Vyrn: He said we just have to fight whatever monsters or primal beasts show up, right?
- This is crazy!
- Let's get down to business!
Choose: This is crazy!Vyrn: You're telling me! But complaining's not going to change much.
Lyria: We don't even know where we are.
Vyrn: Guess that means we just have to fight our way out!
Choose: Let's get down to business!Vyrn: You're right. We don't have time to just stand around!
Vyrn: Seems like all sorts of monsters and primal beasts are lurking around here too.
Continue 1Lyria: Caim said this would help save the world, didn't he?
Vyrn: Yep. Which means we definitely can't shirk our responsibilities on this one!
Lyria: Right! We don't know what's going to happen out here, so let's be extra careful, (Captain).
(Captain) and company charge headfirst into the smoke-filled battlefield in front of them.
They remember Caim's words. This is a fight for the fate of the world.
Cusp of a New Dawn
With the battle concluded, Caim explains that the battlefield stemmed from a primal's memory of the War. By repeating this memory, the primal plans to destroy the world of the skies and create a new world in its place. (Captain) and company learn that their participation in the memory is the key to preventing such a calamity, and so they accept a card from Caim.
Vyrn: Whoa... We're back?
Their battle over, the crew members find themselves back on the Grandcypher.
Caim: Welcome back.
Lyria: Oh, hello, Caim!
Caim: I'm very happy to see that you're all safe.
Vyrn: What was that all about anyway?
Vyrn: It was like we got transported to some kind of battlefield back there.
Caim: You deserve a full explanation. And some thanks before that.
Caim: Despite the abrupt nature of the situation, you delivered exactly the results I had hoped for.
Caim: I knew you were the right choice for the job.
Vyrn: So we did good back there?
Caim: Yes. More than sufficient for your first go at it.
Lyria: Then we're not done yet?
Caim: I'll explain everything in due time.
Caim: The world you were transported to existed within the memory of a primal beast. One from the War, to be precise.
Vyrn: From the War? Are you saying we were transported to the past?
Caim: No. I said it was a memory, did I not?
Caim: Think of it as the ruminations of a primal beast. Memories that you enter into as they tumble around inside the beast's mind.
Lyria: Um... I'm not sure I understand.
Caim: You'll begin to understand soon enough. (Captain), can I see that card I gave you earlier?
(Captain) hands over the card, sensing a strange presence from it all the while.
Caim: This card is the key to thwarting one particular primal beast's foul schemes.
Vyrn: Whaddya mean by that?
Caim: He trawls through collective memories amassed from the time of the world's creation up to the present.
Caim: As you might imagine, the memory from the War is one of particular relevance to his goals.
Vyrn: Um, you said something about him collecting data?
Caim: Correct. The War was a major branching point in the history of this world.
Caim: And so the primal beast simulates the vast possibilities within that time period.
Lyria: I'm not sure I follow...
Vyrn: I don't know what's going on either, but hang in there, Lyria.
Caim: Whatever the case, your complete understanding is not required.
Caim: I explain all of this only in the sincere interest of engendering cooperation.
Vyrn: Hey, are you following any of this, (Captain)?
- I'm completely lost.
- Sure am!
Choose: I'm completely lost.Lyria: Thank goodness we're on the same page, (Captain)!
Vyrn: That means none of us have any idea what's going on, Lyria!
Choose: Sure am!Vyrn: Really?
Lyria: (Captain) can answer any questions if we get confused, then!
Continue 1Caim: Whatever the case, the most pressing matter is his goal.
Caim: They're trying to create a new world.
Lyria: Wait, a new world? Like... the world we're in now, but different?
Vyrn: They can do that?
Caim: For him, little is impossible.
Lyria: I can't even imagine...
Vyrn: So let me get this straight. They're collecting info from throughout history to create a new world?
Caim: Precisely. That's what I want your crew to interfere with.
Vyrn: So what should we do exactly?
Caim: I want you to disrupt the primal beast's simulations of history.
Caim: To wit, you will enter its memories and fight, as you did just now.
Lyria: That's all we need to do to get in the way of it making a new world?
Caim: Yes. You're outsiders in the simulation. An unknown factor.
Caim: If the simulation doesn't proceed correctly, the primal beast won't be able to collect the necessary data for world creation.
Lyria: I see. I think I've got it now!
Vyrn: If that's what you need, count us in!
Caim: So you'll accept?
Vyrn: Yup! Just leave it to us!
Lyria: Oh, but what happens if the primal beast manages to create a new world?
Caim: One possibility is that the aftershocks of the creation process will obliterate the world we currently inhabit.
Vyrn: No way! You're serious?
Caim: Another possibility is that this world will survive, but with the Arcarum reigning over their newly created realm.
Caim: A catastrophe as grave as the War would likely occur again.
Vyrn: Tell me there's a third option here!
Caim: There is. You'll assist me in preventing such a catastrophe from happening in the first place.
Vyrn: Doesn't sound like this is going to be something we can just sleepwalk through.
Caim: I'm counting on you. Take this card, (Captain).
Caim gives the card to (Captain) once again.
Caim: This card is the key to interfering within the world of memory.
Lyria: There's something super mysterious about it.
Vyrn: I guess the thing we felt earlier wasn't just our imagination after all.
Caim: You mustn't let your guard down under any circumstances.
Vyrn: We won't! Let's sock it to this primal's memories, (Captain)!
And thus the battle to prevent the creation of a new world begins in earnest.
The key to victory is in (Captain)'s hands.
An eerie presence stares back from the card with a twisted smile.
Once Upon a Time
A mysterious voice speaks of the past. A mother and father are incredibly proud of their prodigious son at first, but they come to see his remarkable intellect as ghastly and so decide to cast him away. The child is picked up by a loving elderly couple and raised with affection.
Let me tell you a little fairy tale.
Mysterious Voice: Long, long ago—but maybe not so long ago—a beautiful, brilliant child was born.
How brilliant was this child? Would you believe me if I told you he learned to speak the day after his birth? A true prodigy.
At two years of age, he was already as smart as his parents and capable of grace and class in equal measure.
At first the child was doted upon and showered with love. He was the apple of their eye.
But the parents soon grew resentful. Their child was already smarter than they were after all.
To this prodigal progeny, his parents' flaws and foibles were all too apparent.
And when pointed out, the parents had no recourse.
Eventually, they simply couldn't take it anymore.
They stuffed the child in a box and hid it far, far away.
Ah, it's almost enough to break your heart...
Oh? It seems I'm being called upon. I'll have to finish this later.
Caim: Hey! Can you hear me?
Caim glares at the red stone in his hand with a twinge of irritation.
It radiates faintly.
Caim: Don't play dumb. Going through you is the most efficient way of grasping the state of the battlefield.
Caim: How many times do I need to explain this to... Yes, that's within estimates.
Caim: Introducing unexpected elements produces better data.
Caim: Yes. I expected them to carry out such a role from the beginning.
Caim: Quiet. Now hurry up and prepare the next battlefield according to my calculations.
Mysterious Voice: Now then, where was I?
Mysterious Voice: Ah, yes. The child had just been abandoned.
Although supremely intelligent, the child was but two years old. He couldn't possibly open the box of his own volition.
And yet he persevered, surviving off the straw and other refuse in the box, biding his time.
Eventually an elderly couple found the child and brought him home.
They were kind and well-to-do and decided to adopt the child as one of their own.
The child was once again showered with love and affection, but that would only last so long...
Mysterious Voice: Hm... Let's stop there for today. It's important to leave an audience wanting more, I always say.
A Kind, Foolish World
While analyzing some sort of data, Caim is surprised at the marked increase in its randomness. Meanwhile a voice continues its story of the boy genius. As good-natured as the elderly couple were, the boy would constantly find faults with their generosity, in effect betraying their kindness. Caim's intelligence did him no favors, causing him to grow up in isolation, unaccepting of others' merits and faults alike.
Caim: Yes. As anticipated.
Caim is bent over a desk in a dimly lit room with an utterly serious expression on his face.
Caim: The randomness of the data is increasing. We should be heading back towards normalcy.
Caim: They're the singularity responsible for all this. They have to be.
Caim: Heh. Well, I suppose this all would have been something of a bore if they didn't obliterate our assumptions.
Caim: From time to time, history has a way of giving birth to unique individuals like them...
Caim: And me.
His emotionless monologue soon fades into nothingness, swallowed up like light into so much darkness.
The elderly couple dedicated their lives to the child. To outsiders, they appeared the very image of happiness.
But to the overly clever child, this happiness was a sham, full of cracks and torn seams.
How could this elderly couple not realize how sad and miserable their pitiful shared existence was?
When he turned six, the child explained to them—nay, lectured them—about this point in agonizing detail.
To the child, it came as simply as breathing.
But after six days of such abuse, the elderly couple could suffer no longer.
And then...
Mysterious Voice: I'd... prefer not to speak at length about what became of the couple, if at all possible.
Mysterious Voice: Whatever the case, the same events repeated themselves shortly thereafter.
Mysterious Voice: There are lots of kind people in this world of ours. Foolish people too.
Mysterious Voice: And so it goes without saying that the child ended up surrounded by kind fools again and again.
Mysterious Voice: Unfortunately, the child, with his uncanny intellect, was unable to find a place to call his own.
Mysterious Voice: He could not bear the world in all its kindness and stupidity.
Mysterious Voice: Just sad really.
Mysterious Voice: Anyway, let's end there for today.
Mysterious Voice: Oh, and don't tell Caim about any of this, will you?
Happy Family
The story of the boy continues with a visit to his birth parents' home, the conclusion of which the voice deems the crew is better off seeing for themselves. (Captain) and company are taken aback when they discover that they've been helping the primal's plot to create a new world instead of thwarting it. Just then the card of The Hanged Man shines brightly.
Caim: Ngh... Rgh... Gasp!
Caim: Huff... Huff...
Caim wakes violently from what seems to be a terrible nightmare.
Caim: It's okay... I'm alive. I'm... I'm still here... And nobody... nobody can...
Caim: That's right... I have to continue analyzing the data.
Caim stumbles out of bed and heads to his desk.
Caim: This phase is very nearly primed. Same for their end...
Caim flicks the red stone.
Caim: It's nearly time. They've done what they need to do.
Caim whispers these words as he grips the red stone with sweaty, twitching hands.
Mysterious Voice: Let's continue the story then, shall we? We're very nearly at the climax.
Mysterious Voice: After countless kind encounters and foolish departures, the child eventually decided to find the place of his birth.
As far as the child was concerned, his parents were foolish and flawed from head to toe.
Their lives must be miserable, the child thought. They had abandoned their perfect, blessed progeny after all.
But then the child found his old house with a daughter inside. And oh, how happy they all looked!
This new daughter wasn't very smart. She could hardly be described as beautiful either.
And yet the three of them seemed... happy.
They laughed about how much happier they were, compared to living with you-know-who.
They wanted to forget about him entirely.
He drove them up the wall and they had no choice but to abandon him, they thought.
They chatted on about how much fun they were having now.
The child felt compelled to listen as his parents disowned him a second time.
Could it be? Had the child been in the wrong all this time?
No, they're the ones to blame here, he thought.
And so the child decided to erase his family from existence.
Now I'm safe, he told himself with a smile.
But the child was much too smart for such simplistic solutions. The doubts sowed by his parents' words would not be so easily erased.
Day after day, those doubts grew larger... until it was too late.
The child was convinced the world was laughing at his pathetic existence.
And in time he could bear the grief no longer.
Mysterious Voice: Heh. I can't say much more than that. Not that there's any need, really.
Mysterious Voice: You're living in the middle of this story, and the conclusion is right on the horizon.
Mysterious Voice: Just hang on a little longer, okay?
(Captain) and the crew have repeated the battle within the primal beast's memories countless times.
As they begin to doubt the purpose of their struggle, Caim pays a visit to the Grandcypher.
Caim: Hello, everyone.
Lyria: Oh, hi, Caim!
Vyrn: Perfect timing! There was something we wanted to ask you about.
Caim: Yes. That's why I'm here.
Lyria: Huh? What do you mean?
Caim: You're wondering how long you have to keep fighting, correct?
Vyrn: Wow, nailed it on the first try!
Caim: It only makes sense for you to start harboring doubts.
Caim: But you can rest easy. The fight is already over.
Vyrn: Really? Does that mean we managed to throw a monkey wrench in the primal beast's plans?
Lyria: Um, Caim? The presence I'm sensing from that card you gave us is getting stronger too...
Vyrn: And is it just me, or is the image on the card clearing up? Let's see if we can finally make heads or tails of it...
Caim: Yes. I had a feeling you might've noticed.
Caim: Today, as thanks for your cooperation, I'm going to tell you the truth.
Vyrn: Th-the truth?
Caim: First, you've collected enough data. That's why the fight is nearing its end.
Lyria: Huh? D-data?
Caim: Combat data from the War. I now have enough to proceed with world creation.
Vyrn: Wait a sec!
Vyrn: I thought we were fighting to prevent a new world from being created!
Caim: Just the opposite. You were nothing more than pawns in my simulation.
Lyria: That can't be!
Thinking they were fighting to save the world, not bring it to the brink of annihilation, (Captain) and the crew are at a loss for words.
Caim: Honestly, you exceeded expectations. I'm glad I chose you.
Vyrn: Thanks, but no thanks for the compliment! You tricked us!
Caim: That's how it turned out.
Caim answers, seemingly devoid of emotion.
Caim: And? What are you going to do about it?
Vyrn: Well, when you put us on the spot like that...
Caim: Whatever you do to me won't stop the flow of events that have been set in motion.
Lyria: But we can't just sit here and watch the world get destroyed!
Vyrn: You've got that right! We've gotta stop it somehow!
Vyrn: Obviously! But what do you suggest we do instead?
Lyria: Um, you weren't kidding about a primal beast trying to create a new world, right?
Caim: I was not. What of it?
Vyrn: Oh, I gotcha! So if we can somehow stop him—
Caim: That's going to be difficult.
Vyrn: Why's that!
Lyria: The card is shining!
Caim: Fine. I never did like you, but we have to do this if we're going to move forward.
Lyria: Caim, who are you talking to?
Caim: All right, (Captain).
Vyrn: What's going on!
Caim: I'm taking the card back.
Caim slowly reaches toward the gleaming card in (Captain)'s hand.
All the crew can do is look on in stunned silence.
Extending Hope
The primal beast calls out to Caim casually, to which he responds in disgust. The primal is not the least bit shaken, and proceeds to strangle Caim in order to give him the peace he desires. It then remarks that it loves watching people overcome the injustices of the world and attacks the crew.
The crew looks on in stunned silence at the strange light emanating from the card.
Caim calmly approaches (Captain) to retrieve the card himself.
Caim: There's no longer any reason for you to have that card.
Vyrn: Hold on!
Caim: If I may.
Caim pulls the card from (Captain)'s hand.
Caim: Happy now, Hanged Man?
Caim unhappily flicks the face of the card.
Lyria: Eek!
???: ...
Vyrn: W-wait, isn't that one of the Arcarum?
The Hanged Man: I'm finally free!
Vyrn: He's a primal beast... right?
Lyria: So it was an Arcarum primal that was trying to recreate the world!
The Hanged Man: Howdy, Caim.
The primal beast stretches a hand towards Caim, seemingly without a care in the world. The crew, meanwhile, stares on in disbelief.
The Hanged Man: You really busted me out of a jam this time. Thanks, seriously.
Caim: Shut up.
Caim pulls away from the primal beast's hand just as it nears his cheek.
The Hanged Man: Ha ha, listen, I get it! You hate me!
The Hanged Man: But that job I asked you to do sure turned out great, didn't it?
The Hanged Man: Simulating history, gathering and analyzing data... You really got into it, from where I was sitting!
The Hanged Man: And hey, you even got to forget about your sad little delusional world for a while!
Caim: I told you to shut up!
Caim slaps away The Hanged Man's hands as they reach for his cheeks.
The Hanged Man: Ah well, it's all thanks to you that I'm here, and with tons of data too!
The Hanged Man: I've really gotta thank you properly. Like this...
Caim: !
The Hanged Man's hands suddenly reach for Caim's neck.
Lyria: Oh no!
The Hanged Man: I promised, right? You wanted serenity, and I'm going to deliver.
The Hanged Man's fingers slip inside Caim's neck.
Caim: What... are you... doing...
Caim: ...
Caim's body soon goes limp.
Lyria: No way... Caim?
Vyrn: What do you think you're doing?
The Hanged Man: Sorry to keep you waiting. You're next.
The Hanged Man turns toward the crew, hand extended.
Vyrn: What are you anyway?
The Hanged Man: Oh? I think Caim introduced me already. I'm one of the Arcarum.
Lyria: Are you trying to create a new world? Why?
The Hanged Man: Hm, why indeed? I'm not particularly interested in the end result, honestly.
Vyrn: Then what do you want? And why did you treat Caim like that?
The Hanged Man: Because this world's unfair. Doesn't make sense a lot of the time either.
The Hanged Man: But dealing with that makes people stronger. Helps them evolve.
The Hanged Man: Not that I'm people! I just love seeing other folks deal with that junk.
Lyria: What do you mean?
The Hanged Man: I mean, having you guys around made things pretty fun for that very reason.
The Hanged Man: Anyway, let's bring this to a close.
Vyrn: This is bad! If we don't do something, who knows what's gonna happen!
Lyria: We'll just have to try to stop him! Let's go, (Captain)!
Extending Hope: Scene 2
Weeks pass after the battle with the primal. The crew learns from Sierokarte that Caim is awake and goes to meet him. They are surprised to see that his mind has reset to a blank slate; with no memory of who he was, he now behaves like a normal child. (Captain) and company can only pray that he has found peace.
A few days have passed since (Captain) and the crew fought against The Hanged Man.
Sierokarte: Guess what, everyone! Caim's finally awakened!
Vyrn: Really?
Lyria: Oh, thank goodness! Let's go see him!
Vyrn: Sounds good!
Vyrn: It seemed like he wasn't gonna pull through for a little bit there, but I'm glad to hear he's come to!
Sierokarte: Actually, about that. He may have opened his eyes, but...
Caim: Oh, Siero! Where'd you go? Please don't leave me!
Sierokarte: Sorry about that. But I brought some people who want to see you, Caim!
Caim: Me?
Lyria: Uh, hello...
Caim: Who're these folks?
Vyrn: Seriously?
According to Siero, Caim appears to have lost his memories.
On top of that, his psychological state seems to have reverted to well below what his actual age would suggest.
Caim: Sob... Oh, Siero!
Sierokarte: It's okay, Caim! Don't be scared. These people are my friends.
Caim: They're your... friends?
The frightened Caim doesn't appear to have the intelligence or personality he once had.
Lyria: Um, hello, Caim. My name's Lyria.
Caim: Who're these folks?
Lyria: Yes. I hope we can be friends!
Caim: That sounds... nice! I wanna be friends with you too, Lyria!
Caim's eyes give off a pure, radiant sparkle untainted by the trauma of his past life.
The crew entrusts Caim to Sierokarte and promises to visit again someday.
But as they return to the Grandcypher, a sadness lingers.
Lyria: Was that the serenity Caim wanted?
Vyrn: You mean, what the primal beast said he promised to Caim?
Lyria: Yeah, I wonder if Caim's happy the way he is now.
Vyrn: Beats me...
Vyrn: We don't even know why he decided to help that primal beast out in the first place.
Lyria: Did he? It didn't look like they got along very well.
Vyrn: I wonder. He sure seemed to be aware of what he was doing at the time, didn't he?
Lyria: Yeah, but why would he help out the Arcarum if he hated them?
Vyrn: We can't ask him anything about it now, that's for sure.
Caim lived a life of extremes, pushed to his limits by an intense intelligence.
What did he fear? What did he want? And what, ultimately, was the end result of his pact with the Arcarum?
There's nothing (Captain) can do to find out more, and the primal beasts within Lyria offer no suggestions.
All they can do is wish happiness upon Caim, who traded everything for a chance to experience serenity.
The Hanged Man: Heh. Well, that was fun. (Captain), was it? Something tells me there is more where that came from.
The Hanged Man: My orders as an Arcarum aside, of course.
The Hanged Man: For now, I might as well just kick back, relax, and wait. The time foretold will arrive soon enough...
Awakening and Departure
Caim suddenly falls into a deep slumber. The Hanged Man explains that he must reinvoke his pact with Caim, or they will both fade away. Seeing no other way, the crew allows it. Free of all the tragic memories he once held, the innocent and pure Caim joins the crew along with The Hanged Man.
Months have passed since the battle with The Hanged Man.
Lyria: I wonder how Caim's doing now...
The crew are on their way to meet Caim after receiving word from Sierokarte.
Vyrn: Word is he just stopped waking up one day. What coulda happened to him?
Lyria: Well, Siero did say he's just sleeping and not exactly ill...
Lyria: But it still worries me.
Vyrn: He still can't remember anything, right? Must be feeling like a real burden.
Lyria: Ah! That reminds me...
Lyria: I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but I haven't really felt The Hanged Man's presence lately.
Lyria: I don't sense much of his power anymore.
Vyrn: Yeah? Come to think of it, he came off as a total chatterbox, but he hasn't said a peep for a while now.
Lyria: Could it be related to Caim's condition?
Vyrn: Considering those two have a pact in place, that sounds about right.
Lyria: Yeah...
Lyria: Anyhow, we'll just have to see for ourselves how Caim is doing!
(Captain) and company walk into a room and find Sierokarte watching over Caim.
Lyria: Siero! How is he?
Sierokarte: Hi there! He's still dozing off as you can see.
Caim: ...
Vyrn: Hm, he's definitely getting in more than forty winks.
The crew gazes in wonder at the slumbering Caim.
Lyria: We can't just leave him like this.
Sierokarte: Mm-hm. Staying in bed twenty-four seven is only going to make him weaker and weaker.
Vyrn: That must really suck!
Lyria: Mmph... What do we do...
Vyrn: There's not much we can do without knowing what exactly he's come down with...
Lyria: ...!
Vyrn: Wha?
Lyria: I just felt a sudden wave of The Hanged Man's power!
Lyria: Eek!
The Hanged Man: Hoo boy...
Vyrn: Hey... Hanged Man! What's the big idea!
Lyria: You scared me!
The Hanged Man: Whoops, my bad. I came out on my own since I was running out of time.
Vyrn: Whaddya mean you're outta time?
The Hanged Man: I meant to say I'm running out of juice.
Lyria: Oh no!
The Hanged Man: Hm? I thought you noticed, Lyria.
Lyria: It's true I felt your power getting weaker, but to think that you might disappear...
Vyrn: How did things turn out like this?
The Hanged Man: I'm a bit of an oddball when it comes to primal beasts. I've got issues.
Lyria: What exactly do you mean by that?
The Hanged Man: Me and the other Arcarum primals were created by The World.
The Hanged Man: Maybe it's because we're made from recycled cores of other primals, but we can be pretty fragile.
Lyria: A primal beast created by another primal beast...
Vyrn: Wait, recycling cores is a thing?
The Hanged Man: I suppose you could say anything goes for us primals.
Vyrn: You almost make it sound like it's someone else's problem...
The Hanged Man: Meh. We're programmed in a way so as to never oppose The World.
The Hanged Man: In layman's terms: brainwashing.
The Hanged Man: Before I forget, I should also mention that the mastermind responsible for manipulating you all into helping shape a new cosmos is also...
The Hanged Man: The World. We're all following his orders.
Vyrn: Hold up just one sec! This is some pretty big news you're laying on us!
Lyria: So even now, you're still...
The Hanged Man: Nuh-uh, thanks to you guys, the fetters placed on me by The World are no more.
Vyrn: Geez, you coulda told us that first, you know!
The Hanged Man: Yeah, my bad. Anyway, getting back on topic...
The Hanged Man: Now that I'm free of The World's clutches, I'm finding it hard to keep up my strength.
Vyrn: So that's what you meant by "disappear."
The Hanged Man: Caim stopped waking up pretty much because I've become so weak.
Vyrn: So it was all related after all!
Lyria: What can we do to help! At this rate Caim's going to...
The Hanged Man: The solution's simple enough. I just need to renew my pact with Caim.
Vyrn: Wha?
Lyria: You mean do what you did to him... again?
The Hanged Man: Anyone who makes a pact with one of us Arcarum primals is known as an Evoker.
The Hanged Man: Evokers are the ones who hold the power for the Arcarum to materialize in this world.
Vyrn: That explains why refreshing the pact would keep you wholesome.
The Hanged Man: Yep. And it'd mean rise and shine for Caim to boot.
Lyria: But then... (Captain)...
(Captain) finds it difficult to respond to Lyria at once.
Vyrn: You can't expect us to just say, "Yeah, sure—go right ahead."
The Hanged Man: Why?
Vyrn: Are you serious? Don't tell me you've already forgotten what you did to Caim!
Lyria: He's still suffering from memory loss.
Lyria: To place such a heavy burden on him on top of that might be too much...
The Hanged Man: Aww, how gentle you guys are. Well, I guess that's the end of it then.
Vyrn: Hm? What is it now?
The Hanged Man: If I can't have your permission, then there's no other way about it.
The Hanged Man: I'll just have to disappear along with Cain.
Lyria: What!
Vyrn: No way!
The Hanged Man: Only reason Caim hasn't kicked the bucket yet is because of the bond we still share.
The Hanged Man: In a way, he's alive thanks to me.
Vyrn: It's also your fault he almost bought the farm!
The Hanged Man: Yeah, you could say that.
The Hanged Man: Not like it changes the facts though.
The Hanged Man's easygoing attitude this entire time leaves (Captain) with a chill.
Lyria: Is that the only way?
The Hanged Man: Mm-hm, as far as I know.
Vyrn: There's gotta be something else we can try. We've just gotta look for it.
Lyria: Yeah! It's probably better to go with a method that won't be a burden on Caim.
The Hanged Man: Uh-oh! Clock's ticking!
Vyrn: Whoa! It looks like you're just about ready to fade out of existence!
Lyria: I can sense your power diminishing too!
Sierokarte: Ah! Even Caim's reacting!
Caim: Ngh...
Still deep asleep, Caim groans in agonizing pain before his breaths grow increasingly shallow.
Vyrn: Darn it! You weren't joking about running outta time!
The Hanged Man: Hate to say this, but it looks like this is goodbye.
Even during what may very well be his final moments, The Hanged Man remains as laid-back as ever.
Lyria: (Captain)! What do we do?
- Go on and renew the pact.
- ...
Choose: Go on and renew the pact.The Hanged Man: Hm? You sure about that?
Lyria: Caim's life is at stake...
Choose: ...Vyrn: No time for buts!
Lyria: If this keeps up, Caim's—
Caim: Ngh...
Caim holds on by a bare thread.
Vyrn: C'mon, (Captain)!
Teeth clenched, (Captain) gives The Hanged Man an affirmative nod.
Continue 1The Hanged Man: All right. Here goes.
The Hanged Man approaches Caim and places both hands on his cheek, maintaining the same carefree expression the entire time.
The Hanged Man: Guess we'll be sticking around a bit longer after all.
Caim: Wow, this airship is huge! Whee!
Vyrn: Whoa, slow down there, Caim! You definitely don't wanna fall off by accident!
Caim: I'll be fine! I'm not a kid anymore!
His pact with The Hanged Man renewed, Caim has joined the crew on their adventure.
Lyria: I'm really glad Caim's all better now.
Lyria: Just look how thrilled he is running around on the Grandcypher.
Vyrn: Yup, I'm just glad he's having a blast! Still though...
Vyrn: I wouldn't say everything's back to normal.
Lyria: Yeah... He doesn't remember anything about the past.
The Hanged Man: I don't exactly have the power to just whip his memory back into shape. Besides, Caim's having a ton more fun the way he is now.
Vyrn: That's a good point...
Watching Caim prance about with so much glee, (Captain) has mixed feelings about the situation.
Caim: So, hey! Where's this ship headed?
Lyria: Is there any place you want to go, Caim?
Caim: You're asking me? Hm...
He gives it some thought before noticing The Hanged Man.
Caim: Hey... Do I know you?
The Hanged Man: Don't be so cold. I'm The Hanged Man, remember?
Caim: Um... So where do you want to go, Hanged Man?
The Hanged Man: I've decided to tag along with this crew wherever their destination is.
Caim: That sounds a lot like me.
The Hanged Man: Yep, we're in the same boat here.
Vyrn: Care to tell us why you wanna come with us so badly?
The Hanged Man: Sure. Being with you guys gives me a higher chance of bumping into The World again someday.
Lyria: Hm... You want to see The World?
Vyrn: Whoa! What's that all about?
The Hanged Man: Hey, relax. It's nothing you guys need to be afraid of.
The Hanged Man: I'm not under his control anymore.
Lyria: Then why...
The Hanged Man: Sure, I might be free from his shackles, but I still need a way to stave off boredom, you know?
Vyrn: Heh, what a riot...
The Hanged Man: Most of all, I can't wait to see the look on The World's face when you foil his plans.
Lyria: Foil his plans?
The Hanged Man: Well, you don't intend on leaving him be, do you?
Vyrn: Not in a million years.
Lyria: If he wants to rid us of our skies, then we're definitely going to put a stop to that!
The Hanged Man: So there you go. You folks are ready to bust his chops after all.
Caim: Hey, what's this all about? Who's this The World? He sounds like a bad person.
The Hanged Man: A bad person, eh? Things aren't always so black-and-white if you ask me. It's more sophisticated than that.
Caim: Black and white? So-fisty-cake-did?
The Hanged Man: Hahaha! You'll come to know what I mean in due time.
The Hanged Man: And when that time does come, I'd be more than happy to hear your thoughts on the issue.
Caim: ...
The Hanged Man: ...
Their pact renewed, both The Hanged Man and Caim are now part of the crew.
No one can say...
How the experiences on this journey will end up shaping the wide-eyed, innocent Caim.
Memory's Trigger
As (Captain) and company prepare to face off against the Inchoate World, he deactivates all the Arcarum primals, then forces the replicated world to converge on him. Caim and The Hanged Man fail to escape with the rest of the crew.
After overcoming numerous trials, (Captain) and company finally reach the Inchoate World.
The being that appears before them exudes a far more menacing aura than the previous time the crew confronted him.
Lecia: That's... the Inchoate World? Why does he look so different from...
Inchoate World: Your resolve has brought you far, foreign elements of the new world.
Inchoate World: And foolish Evokers and Arcarum who dare rebel against your god.
The overpowering air about the Inchoate World almost seems to take physical form.
(Captain) and company are equal parts cautious and fearful.
Caim: I don't like this one bit... I'm really, really scared, (Captain)!
The Hanged Man: Good grief... Guess this might be a bit too much to handle for Caim.
The Hanged Man: Then again, maybe I should stop talking like some casual bystander and act like the pactkeeper I'm supposed to be.
The Hanged Man: Might as well make myself useful.
Inchoate World: Oh? Do tell.
The Hanged Man: I followed (Captain)'s crew here just for this moment.
Inchoate World: How pitiful. The lowly beast has strayed far from the objective of its sublime maker.
Inchoate World: I will show you firsthand the difference in power between creator and created.
Inchoate World: As creator, I hereby issue a decree to the Arcarum.
Inchoate World: You shall all be disposed of. Never will you get in my way again.
The Hanged Man: ...!
The Hanged Man tries to respond with a quip, only to find himself frozen.
Caim: Hanged Man?
The Hanged Man: ...
The primal's usual carefree response to Caim's timid call does not come this time.
Caim: Hanged Man? Hanged Man!
Caim: What's wrong!
Caim finds that while heat remains on The Hanged Man's body, it is also bone-chillingly cold.
Caim: No... You're not sleeping either... This can't be... Talk to me, Hanged Man!
There is no response. The Arcarum primal has come to a complete standstill, as if devoid of life.
Inchoate World: Do not expect it to answer. For I have cast out the Arcarum.
Inchoate World: It can no longer move and will lose shape soon enough.
Vyrn: Wh-what's that supposed to mean!
Vyrn: What exactly did ya do!
Inchoate World: I merely discarded my creation—nothing more, nothing less. It was but a thrall before its creator.
Inchoate World: I was the one who manufactured the Arcarum out of primal beast cores that saw their end during the time of the War.
Inchoate World: It may have developed a sense of self and betrayed me, but it is by my hand that it was given life.
Inchoate World: Never underestimate your maker. The Arcarum lacks the means to resist my commands.
Inchoate World: From the very outset, each of their fates rested within the palms of my hands.
Lyria: But then, that means we...
Inchoate World: Yes. All the time you've spent, bonds you've forged—it was all for naught.
Caim: No... You're wrong!
Still clinging to The Hanged Man with his small hands, Caim raises his head.
Caim: Hanged Man is Hanged Man! There's no way it's okay for anyone to just do with him as they please!
Caim: Who cares who his maker is! He's got a right to his own life!
Lyria: Caim...
Caim: Besides...
Caim's body slightly quivers as he clenches his fists.
Caim: If you made Hanged Man...
Caim: You're practically his dad, aren't you?
Caim: What kind of a dad does this to their own kid!
Caim: It makes no sense!
Caim: You're just crazy!
No matter what accusations Caim throws his way, the Inchoate World retains his composure.
Inchoate World: Well, I suppose you're not entirely without merit. The data you've gathered has proven to be especially valuable.
Inchoate World: I'll make sure that none of it goes to waste.
Inchoate World: Be glad that your efforts will form a cornerstone of the new world long after you have been wiped out.
The replicated world trembles violently as he utters those words.
The fabric of reality twists and bends as the world around them begins dissipating into palish particles that converge on the Inchoate World.
Vyrn: What the—
- That's our cue to run!
Choose: That's our cue to run!Lyria: R-right!
Monika: Lecia, give the order to withdraw!
Lecia: On it!
Caim: No, wait! Hanged Man's still...
Vyrn: C'mon, Caim! You're gonna be left behind!
Vyrn: Uh-oh... We'd better get a move on!
Lyria: Come with us, Caim!
Caim: No! I can't just leave Hanged Man here! We have to go together...
Caim desperately tries to pull on the unmoving Hanged Man.
But the primal's body proves too large for the boy to lift.
Lyria: Caim, hurry! Give me your hand!
Caim: C'mon, Hanged Man! You have to get up!
Caim and The Hanged Man, who continues to be tugged at by the former, begin to distort.
- Caim!
Choose: Caim!The moment (Captain) touches Caim's shoulder, the bodies of both Evoker and primal begin the transformation into particles that converge on the Inchoate World.
Lyria: Oh no!
- We have to save them!
Choose: We have to save them!Hoping that it's not too late, (Captain) prepares to rush in to rescue the pair.
However, someone grabs the captain's hand from behind before that can happen.
Monika: What are you doing, (Captain)! We need to get away!
- No way am I leaving them behind!
Choose: No way am I leaving them behind!Vyrn: Yeah! What (Captain) said!
Lyria: Caim's still just a child! And he never recovered his memory...
Lyria: Most importantly, the two of them have always been our wonderful friends! We're definitely not leaving them behind!
Monika, looking conflicted, refuses to let the captain take another step toward the Inchoate World.
(Captain) brushes off Monika's hand and turns back around. However...
Monika: Sorry, (Captain).
Feeling a powerful impact from behind...
(Captain) slumps to the ground.
Monika: Hate me if you want, but I can't afford to lose you too.
Moments before losing consciousness...
The captain is able to make out Monika's apology.
Contending with some dizziness, (Captain) slowly gets up from bed.
- Where... is this...
Choose: Where... is this...Lyria: Thank goodness you're finally awake!
Vyrn: You sure had us worried, (Captain).
The captain turns to hear the relieved voices of trusted companions.
Monika: This is our frontline base.
Monika: I knocked you out cold earlier and had you brought here.
Now understanding what had happened, (Captain)'s expression is one of shock.
Lecia: Um... (Captain). Please don't hold a grudge against Monika.
Lecia: She was only trying to save you.
- I know...
Choose: I know...A pained expression overtakes the captain's face.
- What happened afterward?
Choose: What happened afterward?Monika: (Captain)... Follow me.
Monika: It's faster if I show you directly.
(Captain) and company follow Monika out of the room.
Having come outside, the crew looks above to find a giant sphere the size of a floating island.
- What... is that?
Choose: What... is that?Monika: That showed up all of a sudden after we escaped from the replicated world.
Monika: According to the survey team's report, there's an entire world nestled within the sphere. A world never seen before.
Monika: And the sphere has been getting larger over time.
Monika: It doesn't show signs of stopping either, which means it'll only be a matter of time before...
All turn pale as they imagine the worst possible outcome.
Lyria: I can sense the Inchoate World's presence from that sphere.
Vyrn: So you're sayin' that thing's basically the Inchoate World?
Lyria: Most likely...
- Caim must be in there...
Choose: Caim must be in there...Lyria's and Vyrn's expressions cloud at the thought.
Monika: Our world will be swallowed up by that thing sooner or later if we don't do something about it.
Monika: The situation's dire, but that's no reason to curl up and wait for death.
Monika: I realize you're probably still mad at me, but (Captain)... Won't you lend us your strength?
- Like you even need to ask!
Choose: Like you even need to ask!Lyria: Mm-hm! We're going to save both Caim and Hanged Man for sure!
Vyrn: Heck yeah! I've still got a rematch with Caim in that board game, and he better be around for it!
Monika: Thank you. We're indebted to you, (Captain).
They look up to the sphere once more.
Their resolve to save their dear friends burns bright.
Memory's Trigger: Scene 2
Caim awakens in an illusion of his room aboard the Grandcypher and is shown a memory of his past self setting his family's house on fire. Recalling the terrible things he's done nearly breaks him, but the resurfaced Hanged Man helps him retain his sanity.
Caim: Mng...
The boy opens his eyes to find a soft, yellow light caressing his face.
Caim: Huh? This is... my room?
Caim wakes up to find himself in his room aboard the Grandcypher.
Caim: I must've been asleep... What a scary dream that was...
As he crawls out of bed, the air around him doesn't seem to be any different.
Caim: That's right—Hanged Man.
He scans the room, but his primal friend is not present.
Caim: Maybe he woke up early... Time to go find him.
Vyrn: Heyo. Morning, Caim.
Caim: Vyrn, good morning. Have you seen Hanged Man anywhere?
Vyrn: Nuh-uh... He's not with you?
Caim: He was already gone by the time I woke up.
Vyrn: "You snooze, you lose," he's probably thinkin'.
Caim: Where are (Captain) and Lyria?
Vyrn: They should be on the deck. The ship's about to land, so they're scopin' things out.
Caim: Oh yeah? I should go up there too then!
Vyrn: Right behind ya!
(Captain): ...
Caim: Ah, there you are!
Caim: (Captain), Lyria!
Lyria: Caim...
Caim: Huh?
Sensing something amiss, Caim comes to an abrupt stop.
Caim: Lyria?
Lyria: ...
Caim: Is something wrong? You're usually a lot more cheerful...
Lyria: Why did you come back?
Caim: Huh?
Lyria's voice sounds eerily different from usual.
Lyria: You make me sick, boy.
Caim: Wh-what are you saying, Lyria...
(Captain): We don't need you.
Caim: ...!
Lyria: He's too smart for his own good. It creeps me out.
(Captain): Let's just pretend we never had that monster for a kid.
Caim: Wha... Please... No!
Lyria: And so we tossed you out.
Vyrn: Uh-huh. I don't have a big brother anymore.
Caim: Don't say that!
The Three: Ah... What a miserable, pitiful child.
Caim: Stop it!
Caim falls to his knees and covers his ears as he screams.
Caim: Ngh...
Caim: Why are you all being so mean... I just...
Someone eventually taps on his trembling shoulders.
Caim?: No need to cry.
Caim: Mm?
Caim looks up, his teary eyes widening in surprise.
Caim: You're... me?
This other version of himself helps him up.
Caim?: You have nothing to be sad about. They're the pitiful ones.
Caim?: And there's no need to turn your eyes away when you're the one who's in the right.
Caim: What are you saying? Who... are you?
Caim?: Relax. You have nothing more to worry about.
The edges of this other Caim's lips curl up in sinister fashion.
Caim?: You can just erase everything that's wrong with the world.
Caim?: That way, nobody can blame you for anything. Nobody...
Caim?: Don't let anyone call you miserable ever again.
Caim: ...
A brightly lit torch has somehow found its way into the other Caim's hand.
Caim?: Now then...
Caim: Wha...
Guided by his other self, Caim takes up the torch.
Caim?: It's simple, really. Just erase everything.
Caim?: Like you did once before.
Caim: ...
Too stunned to speak, Caim finds the Grandcypher and his friends engulfed in flames before he realizes it.
Caim: Ah... Aah...
No longer able to reach out to those he once considered dear, Caim watches everything burn down.
Caim: Gwaaaah!
The flickering of the flames mercilessly drowns out his screams.
Caim: No... Please don't go, (Captain)!
Caim: Nuh-uh... Don't blame me.
Caim: I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...
Caim: Someone help me!
Caim: Just deserts for being the fools they are!
Caim: Ngh...
The smoldering Grandcypher is nowhere in sight. Caim is alone, standing with the clear, blue skies above him.
Caim: Mng...
Though his eyes are fully open, nothing is reflected off them anymore.
The Hanged Man: Aww...
The Hanged Man: Let me guess: you remembered?
The Hanged Man speaks in a quieter tone than usual. Caim does not turn to look at him.
A mixed jumble of words pour out from his lips, drained of color.
Caim: No... I don't know anything about that...
Caim: It's not my fault...
Caim: I don't remember anything...
The Hanged Man: Sigh...
The Hanged Man: If you're going to push back that hard...
The Hanged Man's hand digs into Caim's neck.
The Hanged Man: Want me to end it all for you again? Like before?
Caim: I... I...
The Hanged Man grunts at the half-hearted response from Caim.
The Hanged Man: How dull.
The primal lets go of the Evoker.
The Hanged Man: Looks like you might not need my help after all.
The Hanged Man: I'd rather not see you stay like that anyhow.
Inchoate World: Hah. So that's the extent of an Evoker, I see.
Inchoate World: Being unable to cope with the unfortunate circumstances put in place by fate and breaking down as a result.
Inchoate World: Tell me. How does it feel to have a broken pactbearer?
The Hanged Man: Shut it, will ya?
Inchoate World: What?
The Hanged Man: Caim might be a bore right now, but you? You just plain stink.
The Hanged Man: And I don't need some stinky loudmouth getting into my thoughts.
Inchoate World: Such seditious words... I believe you do not understand your position.
Inchoate World: You would do well to watch your language before your creator.
The Hanged Man: I stopped moving completely once... Yet here I am acting of my own free will.
The Hanged Man: Means there's a way out of this. Thing is...
The Hanged Man: Caim's way better at figuring out this sort of thing than I am.
Caim: ...
The Hanged Man: Hm, what to do about this...
The Hanged Man reaches out to Caim once more.
He cups the lifeless boy's cheeks with both hands.
The Hanged Man: I got you to wake up last time by reforging our pact.
The Hanged Man: Just goes to show our fates are ultimately tied.
The Hanged Man: Besides...
The Hanged Man: I can't imagine how boring it'd be if you stayed like this forever.
Flashing his usual easygoing smile, The Hanged Man presses his forehead against Caim's while upside down.
The Hanged Man: (Captain)'s not here now. So no permission needed.
The Hanged Man: Right, Caim?
Caim: ...
The Hanged Man: If things end with you just shutting down...
The Hanged Man: And dying in here, you'll be wiped out from the world for good.
Caim: Mng...
The Hanged Man: Knowing (Captain) and them, they'll probably be sad.
The Hanged Man: Pretty sure that sadness won't last long though.
The Hanged Man: They'll soon forget you and continue their adventure in good spirits...
Caim: Ah...
The Hanged Man: Would you really be okay with that, Caim?
The Hanged Man rubs Caim's eyes with his thumbs as if to awaken him.
The Hanged Man: What is it you were really afraid of?
The Hanged Man: I happen to know.
The Hanged Man: And I'm willing to bet it's all come back to you too.
Caim: N-no...
Caim's eyes begin to waver, finally reflecting The Hanged Man.
Caim: I can't disappear... It can't end like this...
Caim: I don't want to die!
The Hanged Man: Good. Way to go, Caim.
The Hanged Man is pleased to see the progress they've made.
Memory's Trigger: Scene 3
In breaking the illusion, Caim seized a portion of The World's power, enabling him and The Hanged Man to confront him again. In danger of being destroyed, The World ejects the two outside the spherical world, where they reunite with the crew aboard the Grandcypher.
Caim: Huff...
The Hanged Man: Caim.
The Hanged Man: You up yet? How you feeling?
Caim: Hanged Man...
Caim: Shut up. Get away from me.
The Hanged Man: Haha. Touchy. Haven't seen you react like that in a while.
The Hanged Man: I just wish you could be a little happier to see me since it's been a long time.
Caim: Heh...
Caim: "Long time," my foot. You're a terrible liar.
Caim: I remember everything that happened while my memory was gone.
The Hanged Man: Good, you won't need an explanation then. Makes things easier.
The Hanged Man: So about what happens now...
Caim: You're the one who said I don't need an explanation. And you're right.
The Hanged Man: Oh yeah?
Inchoate World: What?
The Hanged Man: Heh... I like where this is going already.
Caim: ...
Inchoate World: What are you doing?
Caim: Heh... You want to know that bad?
Caim flashes a bold grin while making violet sparks glimmer around them.
Caim: Seeing how hopeless you are, I suppose it wouldn't hurt me to take a moment and explain what you've just done to yourself.
Inchoate World: The fool wishes to educate me?
Caim: You know how you put me in this world?
Caim: Well, doing so was like putting a virus into your defenseless system.
Caim: Not to mention you happily absorbed all the data we gathered.
Caim: You practically have everything set up for me to blow you up from inside.
Inchoate World: Wha!
Caim: You bragged about being Hanged Man's creator, but at the end of the day you're just another primal beast—a creation.
Caim: Tell me: how does it feel to know I have your pathetic existence by the throat?
Inchoate World: You insolent mortal!
The Hanged Man: Whoa, slow down there, Caim.
The Hanged Man: Almost sounds like you're bad-mouthing me since I'm a primal too.
Caim: Shut up and don't get in my way.
The Hanged Man: All right, all right.
Amid the witty banter between the two, the Inchoate World is hit with a sudden realization.
Inchoate World: Damn you! You've really done it...
Inchoate World: Rgh!
Inchoate World: (At this rate...)
Caim: ...!
The Hanged Man: Whoa-ho!
The duo is ejected out into clear skies.
True to his name, The Hanged Man hangs in midair and grabs Caim's hand.
The Hanged Man: Too close for comfort.
Caim: Not close at all. This is exactly what I expected to happen.
The Hanged Man: Glad to be a part of your expectations.
Caim: Shut up.
The Hanged Man: Yep, yep.
The sound of a passing airship reaches the grimacing Caim's ears as he holds onto The Hanged Man's hand.
The Hanged Man: Oh! Looks who's come to pick us up.
It is the Grandcypher that approaches.
On the deck are familiar figures waving at them.
The Hanged Man: Whoo, boy are we lucky they got here so fast.
The Hanged Man: Then again, you're light enough that I wouldn't mind carrying you to safety... Except you might be too weak to handle it.
The Hanged Man: So was everything up until now as you expected?
Caim: ...
The Hanged Man: Heh...
Lyria: Caim! Hanged Man!
Vyrn: Good to see you guys are all right!
The two receive a warm welcome from their friends on the Grandcypher.
Lyria: Are you okay, Caim? Being stuck in that place must have been terrifying...
Caim: I'm fine...
Vyrn: You don't seem like your usual self, Caim.
Lyria: You must be hurt somewhere! Please let us know if you're not feeling well!
Caim: I said I'm fine!
Lyria: !
Vyrn: Caim?
The crew is surprised to hear him respond in an unusually curt manner.
The Hanged Man lightens the mood in his typical carefree tone.
The Hanged Man: Nothing to worry about, guys. Caim couldn't be better.
The Hanged Man: Especially now that he's got his memory back.
Lyria: His memory? You mean...
Vyrn: He remembers everything?
Caim: ...
Lyria: That's great! We're happy for you!
Vyrn: Yeah! We ought to celebrate!
Caim: Huh...
Lyria: Teehee, what a relief.
The Hanged Man: To be completely honest, I'm not sure if it's that much of a good thing.
Caim: Hey!
The Hanged Man: Aw, don't look at me like that.
Caim: We can save that talk for later.
Trying to maintain his composure, the Evoker turns to (Captain) and company.
Caim: Knowing you, I suppose you plan on doing something about that primal beast?
- You bet.
- Why do you ask?
Choose: You bet.Caim: Right, just as I thought...
Caim: Well, I imagine I'd be pretty helpful in your battle against him.
Choose: Why do you ask?Caim: I'm not fond of getting a question when I ask a question...
Caim: But never mind that for now.
Caim: If you plan on taking him on, I believe I can help.
Continue 1Lyria: Huh? What do you mean?
Caim: While trapped within that primal's world, Hanged Man and I were able to reclaim and maintain our true selves.
Caim: What's more, I believe he currently holds the backdoor key to access all the data he's absorbed.
Vyrn: Access? Data?
Lyria: Backdoor?
Caim: Sigh...
The Hanged Man: To put it in layman's terms, The World's got a weak point dangling inside of himself.
Caim: This is a chance for us to get the upper hand, and we should absolutely take it.
Lyria: That's really good to know!
Vyrn: Yeah, we're gonna sock it to that primal!
Vyrn: Hate to ask you guys when you just got back, but we're countin' on your help!
Caim: I find that a rather strange thing for you to say.
Caim: I had no intention of leaving him be to begin with.
Caim: Though it's true that we'll able to accomplish the task with greater efficiency by using each other...
Caim: Even if you weren't around—
Lyria: But we are around!
Lyria: We're friends, so we should do this together!
The Hanged Man: Hahaha, doesn't sound like your point's getting across.
Caim: Eh, won't waste my time explaining myself.
Caim: Not like there's much time anyway.
Vyrn: You think so?
Caim: If we wait too long, he may get the chance to fix the bugs of his new world.
Lyria: Urgh... And that means...
Caim: The sooner we act, the better.
Caim: I hope you can understand at least that much.
Vyrn: Sounds good to me!
Lyria: Same here!
And so the crew hardens its resolve to challenge the Inchoate World.
Memory's Trigger: Scene 4
The crew reenters the sphere to stop the Inchoate World once and for all. He sees the appearance of the crew as a trial to be overcome before world creation can happen and awaits their arrival at the center of the sphere.
The crew steps inside the floating sphere to settle matters with the Inchoate World.
Vyrn: Whoa... What's with this place...
Lyria: The many different colors mixed together is making my eyes go round...
The wild color scheme is extremely unsettling, violently distorting the captain's perceptions.
Vyrn: Urk, this is makin' me sick...
Lyria: Me too... How are you feeling, Caim?
Caim: Fine.
Vyrn: Yeah? Any chance it's got something to do with the advantage you got over the inchoate guy?
Caim: You could put it that way.
Lyria: And, um... I was also wondering why you look a bit different now.
The Hanged Man: This is Caim all powered up.
Lyria: Powered up?
Caim: You can forgo your sketchy explanations, Caim.
The Hanged Man: I'm not wrong though, am I?
Vyrn: Whaddya mean?
The Hanged Man: It's basically the visible effect of Caim connecting to the Inchoate World's power.
Vyrn: Uh-oh... I hope that doesn't mean trouble for Caim.
The Hanged Man: Nah. If anything, The World's the one who has to watch out.
The Hanged Man: It wouldn't be a stretch to say this is Caim's ultimate form.
Lyria: Well, that's reassuring.
Vyrn: We're countin' on ya, Caim.
Caim: ...
Caim: Enough chatter. We need to move.
Bracing themselves for what may come, the crew proceed onward to the center of the multicolored world.
Inchoate World: You lot again.
Vyrn: Gwah! You got us good last time, and now we're gonna get payback!
Inchoate World: What more could you want from me? I have no more business with you. You nuisances are a waste of time—
Inchoate World: No, wait... I see how it is. Defeating your group is the final trial I must overcome before the new world comes to fruition.
Caim: You tried to wipe us out earlier because you thought we were a threat.
Caim: Yet here you are being perfectly calm... I don't get it.
Inchoate World: A birth becomes that much more meaningful after successful completion of a trial. And a trial exists to be overcome...
Inchoate World: Very well then. I welcome you all to be the final sacrifices to mark the true completion of my task.
The Inchoate World seems to disappear, blending into his multicolored surroundings.
- Let's go.
Choose: Let's go.The crew's march toward the center of the sphere continues.
Beyond the Trial
The Inchoate World unleashes his full power to overcome the trial that is the crew. A final showdown ensues.
Inchoate World: You've come.
By tracking the aura of the Inchoate World, the crew finally reaches the center of this realm.
The Inchoate World looks down on the crew as he speaks, a hint of surprise in his breath.
Inchoate World: How strangely comforting... Though you obstacles in my path normally fill me with disgust...
Inchoate World: Seeing you as a trial meant to be overcome fills me with pride and joy.
Inchoate World: The face of fate changes depending on your interpretation. And my interpretation has led me to birth a new world.
Inchoate World: You are nothing but nuisances now—stepping stones on my path to world creation... That is how I define your fates.
Inchoate World: I'm willing to offer you one final choice, foolish young Evoker. Your memory has returned, yes?
Caim: What of it?
Inchoate World: There was a point when you understood and even agreed with my plan.
Inchoate World: Consumed with disappointment over the rampant fools running this world, did you not wish for the creation of a new one?
Inchoate World: It could not have been easy reaching that conclusion.
Inchoate World: Now that you've regained your memory—or rather, your self—why do you choose to oppose me?
Caim: Hah... Let's not forget you're the one who abandoned me first.
Caim: However things turned out this way, I absolutely refuse to be used and tossed away like some tool.
Caim: So in effect, I have something to prove here.
Caim: I'm going to show you how pathetic of a fool you are for using me.
Inchoate World: I see there is no changing your mind... Indeed, you are a trial to be overcome after all.
Inchoate World: The time has come to bury you all as wretched artifacts of the old world!
Fierce winds begin to blow around them, causing the various colors to converge on the Inchoate World.
As he is encased in what appears to be some sort of cocoon, Lyria audibly gasps.
Lyria: Watch out! The Inchoate World is getting stronger!
Inchoate World: You antiquated relics will become the cornerstone of the new world. For that is your fate; that is providence.
Inchoate World: You have no future beyond today. Your destinies end here. I shall wipe away your very souls from existence!
Beyond the Trial: Scene 2
The crew finally defeats the Inchoate World and returns to the Sky Realm. However, Caim's recollection of his memories has left him downcast. His troubled expression intrigues The Hanged Man, eager to see what sort of life the Evoker ends up leading.
Inchoate World: Rgh!
Inchoate World: Impossible! I should be the one who decides destiny!
Inchoate World: All trials succumb before me... Your defeat here was supposed to mark the celebration of the new world's creation...
Inchoate World: But yet... how is it that mortals of the old world have bested me!
Caim: Only a brazen fool would turn their back on an objective truth that's as plain as day.
Caim: If you refuse to acknowledge the truth until it's lying before your very eyes, then I'll just have to show it to you.
The Hanged Man: Dawn or dusk, eh... I guess they're ultimately two sides of the same coin.
Caim and The Hanged Man remain strangely calm despite the severity of the situation.
A moment later...
Inchoate World: Gwaaah!
Inchoate World: Damn you... Damn you all! How could I lose...
Inchoate World: What of my new world!
His hands reach out, only to grasp at thin air. Cracks begin to form all over the Inchoate World's body.
Inchoate World: Guuuuh!
With a deafening roar, the Inchoate World lets out a flash of light followed by a harsh noise that stains the world white.
Caim: Mng...
The Hanged Man: Hey, Caim. You all right?
Caim: Quiet...
The Hanged Man: Hope your memory hasn't gone poof again after hitting your head.
Caim: It hasn't...
The Hanged Man: Good to know...
Vyrn: Er... Anyone know what just happened to us?
The crew awakens on the Grandcypher's deck.
Vyrn: Looks like that giant sphere's gone for good...
Clear, blue skies stretch for miles in every direction.
Lyria: I don't sense The World anymore...
Vyrn: Seems like you kept your new look from when you were inside the giant floating ball, Caim.
Caim: Yes. A portion of his power remains within me...
Caim: I can't access it anymore though. Or rather, I'm completely cut off from it.
The Hanged Man: I don't feel my connection with him anymore either.
Vyrn: So it's really over then...
Lyria: We did it... We really saved our world!
Monika's Voice: Hey! Is everyone okay?
An echoing voice calls for the crew.
Turning to the voice reveals Monika and Lecia leaning over the deck railing of their approaching airship.
Vyrn: Guess those guys came to check things out now that the sphere's gone, huh?
Lyria: Mm-hm! We're all safe and sound!
A quiet conversation ensues some distance away from those rejoicing in victory...
The Hanged Man: Caim.
The Hanged Man calls out to him.
The Hanged Man: Are you glad that your memory's back? Or does it suck?
Caim: What's it matter to you?
The Hanged Man: I'm just curious.
Caim: Find better things to be curious about.
The Hanged Man: Too late for that.
The Hanged Man: Good thing I've got a VIP seat to seeing what kinda life you end up leading.
Caim: ...
Before the vast blue skies, a darkness seems to linger in Caim's downcast eyes.
Dusk or Dawn
Caim: (Captain).
With The World defeated, an ebullient mood lingers on the Grandcypher's deck.
Caim's expression is stern as he calls out to the captain.
Caim: When will we get to the next island?
(Captain), Lyria, and Vyrn look to each other.
Lyria: We would have to ask Rackam to be sure, but...
Vyrn: Shouldn't be too long now.
Caim: Oh... That's good to know.
Vyrn: Why? You got some business to take care of?
Caim: No, nothing like that. I'll be leaving when we land.
Lyria: Leaving... To go shopping or sightseeing, you mean?
Caim: No, I mean to say that our journey together ends here.
Lyria: Huh? But why!
Caim: Believe me: I'm definitely grateful for all you've done.
Caim: When I lost my memory, I'm not sure how I would have gotten by without your help.
Caim: But things have changed. I can manage on my own now.
Lyria: Wait! This is all so sudden...
Vyrn: C'mon, (Captain)! You tell him too!
- You sure about this?
- If that's what you want.
- Can you think it over again?
Choose: You sure about this?Caim: Of course I am. This is the conclusion I've reached after considering our relationship objectively.
Choose: If that's what you want.Caim: It is... Thanks for respecting my wishes.
Choose: Can you think it over again?Caim: No. I've done enough consideration already.
Continue 1Lyria: But...
Lyria: Oh, I know! Why don't we pay a visit to Siero?
Caim: Sierokarte? Why?
Lyria: She did a lot to help you shortly after you lost your memory.
Lyria: She was so worried about you at the time, so I thought...
Vyrn: Good thinkin'! I'm sure Knickknack would be happy to see you again too, Caim!
Caim: ...
Caim: Okay then. Let's pay her a visit.
Lyria: Great!
Vyrn: All righty! I'm gonna go tell Rackam to set a course for the Knickknack Shack!
Caim: Sigh...
Having escaped to the quiet comfort of his room, Caim sits on the bed and heaves a sigh.
Caim: As always, they seem so attentive yet it's like they're not even listening... It's exhausting.
The Hanged Man: You've changed, you know.
Caim: Wha?
The Hanged Man: I'm pretty sure the past you would've refused them outright when asked about visiting Siero.
Caim: I wasn't exactly just blindly following along either...
Caim: I simply figured agreeing to this visit would be more efficient than turning them down.
Caim: Because getting into another argument would do nothing but tire me out.
Caim: Besides, having a connection with Sierokarte could be handy for the future.
The Hanged Man: For the future, eh?
The Hanged Man: So you're serious about leaving the crew for good after that then?
Caim: Ugh, don't tell me you're second-guessing me too.
The Hanged Man: Why are you so set on leaving?
The Hanged Man: They want you to stick around, and things would definitely be easier for you that way too.
The Hanged Man: How's that for efficiency? Though I don't know what your plans are for the future.
Caim: ...
Not minding Caim's grimace, The Hanged Man flashes a devil-may-care grin.
The Hanged Man: I know, I know. You're scared, aren't you?
Caim: Wha!
The Hanged Man: You're afraid of the possibility that (Captain) and the others might one day be disgusted by you and tell you to leave the crew.
Caim: Hanged Man!
The Hanged Man: But that can't happen if you're the one to leave first. Am I right?
Caim: Shut up! How could you possibly understand!
The Hanged Man: I'm not you, but I can take a pretty good guess.
The Hanged Man: It's painful, terrifying even, to think that (Captain)'s crew could one day reject you the way your parents did.
Caim: I've heard enough!
Caim curls up on his bed, tightly covering his ears.
Both: And so we tossed you out.
Family: Ah... What a miserable, pitiful child.
Caim: Urgh...
Caim: Aahh... Huff... Huff...
The Hanged Man: Uh-oh...
Caim struggles so hard to breathe that he begins convulsing. The Hanged Man places a hand on his back.
The Hanged Man: Hang in there, Caim. You're gonna be just fine... Relax, take a deep breath.
Caim: Hngh...
The Hanged Man: That was just an illusion you saw. Though I'm sure you already knew that.
The Hanged Man: Don't let the phantoms of your past keep you entrapped forever. Surely you want out of that rut.
The Hanged Man: You know (Captain) and them would never turn on you—
Caim: Shut up, shut up, shut up!
Caim forcefully brushes aside The Hanged Man's hand.
Caim: Stop talking already! Get lost!
The Hanged Man: Oof... You wound me, Caim.
The Hanged Man: Wait... I take it you're saying that to the phantom?
Caim: No, I'm saying it to you!
Caim: What are you sticking around for anyway!
Caim: You have no reason to be here now that we've defeated The World!
The Hanged Man: Oh, I've definitely got a reason, all right.
The Hanged Man: That reason's you, Caim.
Caim: Gah! The point I'm getting at is you have nothing to gain from staying around me!
The Hanged Man: Cool it, Caim. This isn't like you.
The Hanged Man: We have a pact, and that's all the reason we need to stick together.
Caim: ...
The Hanged Man: That ring a bell? Well, to be fair, you were asleep when we renewed our pact.
The Hanged Man: Caim stopped waking up pretty much because I've become so weak.
Vyrn: So it was all related after all!
Lyria: What can we do to help! At this rate Caim's going to...
The Hanged Man: The solution's simple enough. I just need to renew my pact with Caim.
Vyrn: Wha?
Lyria: You mean do what you did to him... again?
The Hanged Man: Anyone who makes a pact with one of us Arcarum primals is known as an Evoker.
The Hanged Man: Evokers are the ones who hold the power for the Arcarum to materialize in this world.
Vyrn: That explains why refreshing the pact would keep you wholesome.
The Hanged Man: Yep. And it'd mean rise and shine for Caim to boot.
The Hanged Man: And that's why we're together.
The Hanged Man: Make sense?
- Shut up! What does it matter!
- How annoying.
Choose: Shut up! What does it matter!The Hanged Man: Heh...
The Hanged Man: You really wanna get rid of me, eh?
Caim: How many times do I have to say it! Just get lost already!
The Hanged Man: Okay then...
The Hanged Man: Just don't forget that this is what you asked for.
The Hanged Man: It's a shame, really.
The Hanged Man lightly presses a fingertip against Caim's forehead.
Caim: ...!
Caim's vision is flooded by light from every direction. It neither hurts nor burns.
In a world that is all too bright, The Hanged Man's voice rings in the distance.
The Hanged Man: Goodbye, Caim.
Caim's consciousness gradually descends into darkness.
Never to ascend again.
The End
As Caim's pact with The Hanged Man is no more, his body can no longer function.
Withdrawing from quest.
Consider trying out different choices next time.
Choose: How annoying.The Hanged Man: Speak for yourself.
Caim: Oh please. I wish we'd never met.
Caim heaves a deep sigh.
Caim: Maybe I'm being worried for nothing...
Caim speaks in a low voice as if muttering to himself.
Caim: After all, there's no way they could learn about my past now...
The Hanged Man: Oh, did I forget to tell you?
The Hanged Man: They already know.
Caim: Wha... What are you saying?
The Hanged Man: Your past, of course. What else could I be talking about? Surprisingly dim-witted for once.
Caim: Ah...
Caim's mouth remains agape as he stares at the primal.
The Hanged Man: I told them long before you lost your memory.
Caim: Why!
The Hanged Man: Why? No reason to it, really. Just like I had no reason to keep quiet about it either.
The Hanged Man: But I see it as a good thing.
The Hanged Man: Means there's no possibility of them learning about your past later on and changing their tune toward you.
Caim: ...
Despair seems to fill the Evoker's eyes.
The Hanged Man: Relax, everything'll be fine.
The Hanged Man cracks his usual smile.
Continue 2
Dusk or Dawn: Scene 2
Caim sneaks off to find his hometown. He arrives to his former home, where he has a long conversation with The Hanged Man. The two discuss the crew loving Caim unconditionally despite his past, and how happy Caim was when he lacked his memories. The Hanged Man offers to lend Caim a hand and end his life, but Caim brushes it away. After, The Hanged Man offers to Caim to rejoin the crew, and after some hesitation regarding his past, Caim accepts the offer.
Caim had quietly slipped out of the Grandcypher as soon as it docked.
He told no one where he was going.
The Hanged Man: How far do you plan on going?
Caim: ...
Caim transferred to a passenger airship at the docks and has now come to an average-sized town.
The Hanged Man: You know I have to follow you wherever you go, right?
Caim: ...
Caim continues on his path, offering no response to the primal.
He stops in his tracks before a small house on the outskirts of town.
The Hanged Man: This your destination?
Caim: Sheesh...
With a sigh of resignation, he continues.
Caim: A university professor lived here alone.
The Hanged Man: Oh, I see...
The Hanged Man: You lived here at one point.
Caim: What we see in front of us is the rebuilt structure after it was burned down.
The Hanged Man: Hmm.
It is unclear whether The Hanged Man's response is a sign of interest or disinterest.
Caim: ...
Caim stands silent in front of the house for some time.
Caim: Okay, let's go.
The Hanged Man: Right behind you.
Caim: It was a young couple that had just lost their child that lived here.
Caim: The lone owner of a general goods store.
Caim: This place... belonged to an old couple.
Caim speaks few words as he makes his way to a few places.
The Hanged Man: Done touring?
Caim: ...
After a brief pause, Caim shakes his head.
Caim: There's just one more place...
They come to a small, nondescript house.
The Hanged Man: So this is our destination?
Caim: ...
Caim stares silently at the place his birth home once stood.
The Hanged Man: They come in all types, huh.
Caim: Hm?
The Hanged Man: Some places were left as is—scorched remains and all; some turned into vacant lots; and some places were rebuilt.
Caim: You could say that.
Caim looks straight ahead.
A dainty flower placed by the windowsill of the newly constructed house flutters in the wind.
The Hanged Man: Well...
The Hanged Man: If you take the entire world into consideration, the things you've done are just a small drop in the bucket.
Caim: Still though...
Caim: (The house may have been rebuilt to look better than before...)
Caim: (New tenants may be living their lives in peace here...)
Caim: (But none of that erases what I've done.)
Caim: ...
The Hanged Man: Caim...
The Hanged Man: You've changed!
Caim: Sh-shut up!
The Hanged Man: Aw, don't be so angry. What's so fascinating about someone who's changed, you're wondering? You do realize I'm praising you, right?
Caim: Put a sock in it! As if your praise would mean anything to me!
The Hanged Man: For one thing, as a primal beast, I'm kind of distanced from mortal concepts of good, evil, sin, punishment, and so on...
Paying no heed to Caim's little protest, The Hanged Man continues on as if singing a tune.
The Hanged Man: Mortals have both an inner and outer perception of morality and sin.
The Hanged Man: People suffer and know fear when a contradiction arises.
The Hanged Man: Caim, what is it you fear?
Caim: ...
After a prolonged silence, Caim speaks in such a low voice that he may as well be performing a soliloquy.
Caim: The terrible things I've done could never align with the moral code of (Captain)'s crew...
Caim: Yet they never stopped treating me like a friend...
Caim: That's what scares me.
The Hanged Man: Ah, that's right...
The Hanged Man: You absolutely despise being looked down upon... No, more than that, you despise being pitied.
Caim: ...
The Hanged Man: From an outsider's perspective, a kid like you suffering from memory loss must have seemed so helpless.
The Hanged Man: I'm sure it stirred feelings of compassion and guardianship among (Captain)'s crew.
The Hanged Man: But believe me when I say they never once looked down on you.
The Hanged Man: Their stance toward you didn't change even after I told them about your past.
Caim understands what the primal is getting at but does not find it so easy to accept.
The Hanged Man: The question is how you respond to their moral code.
The Hanged Man: Do you see kindness and shed tears in response, or do you see foolishness and mock them for it?
Caim: I...
Caim shuts his trembling lips and looks down.
The Hanged Man: I can tell you're in pain, Caim.
The Hanged Man speaks in a matter-of-fact tone.
The Hanged Man: You might have the smarts, but there's no answer to your pain.
The Hanged Man: In fact, being a genius makes it all the more painful.
The Hanged Man: You were actually happy when your memory was gone.
Caim: You would call that... happiness?
The Hanged Man: Sure. You might've considered that state you were in foolishness at one point, but innocence is a form of happiness too, you know.
With a grin, The Hanged Man peers into Caim's faintly trembling eyes.
The Hanged Man: Want me to lend a hand?
Caim: Huh?
The Hanged Man: It's not in my nature to be nice, but I'll make an exception for you.
The Hanged Man places a hand on Caim's wiry neck.
The Hanged Man: Tell me what you want, Caim.
Caim: I...
Caim opens his eyes wide, only to then look down again.
- Brush away his hand.
- Nod in silence.
Choose: Brush away his hand.Caim slowly turns his neck to cast off The Hanged Man's hand.
Caim: Back off.
Seemingly pleased at the response, The Hanged Man backs away from the Evoker.
The Hanged Man: Right, of course. You'd never be able to forgive yourself for escaping to a life of innocent bliss.
Caim: Only a fool would close their eyes to the truth.
The Hanged Man: You're not so free of avarice as to just let go of all the new things you've experienced.
The Hanged Man: Things you never knew before like pain, guilt, suffering, and most importantly...
The Hanged Man: The love that (Captain)'s crew showers you with.
Caim: ...
Caim shivers at the primal's words, his eyes downcast.
The Hanged Man: Well then.
The Hanged Man: Now that your little trip back home's over, what do you say to returning to the Grandcypher?
The Hanged Man: To the new world... the new life that they've given you.
Caim: But... I'm not...
The Hanged Man: Hahah... You're not sure how you'd approach and what you'd even say to them, huh?
Caim: Don't get carried away now, Hanged Man...
The Hanged Man: Hahahah!
The primal beast lets out an amused chuckle as the Evoker glares at him.
The Hanged Man: You don't exactly have to say anything, you know?
Caim: Huh?
The Hanged Man: However you end up approaching them, the Crimson Horizon's not exactly gonna freeze over.
The Hanged Man: Your past is something you have to bear alone, and it has nothing to do with them.
Unsure if The Hanged Man is trying to encourage or agitate him, Caim loosens his shoulders and looks up.
Caim: Don't think I'm going to take it lying down if you keep mouthing off like that.
The Hanged Man: To be honest, lately I've been starting to wonder if this is what I'm really meant to do.
Caim: Don't be ridiculous...
The Hanged Man: I mean, you'd be hurt no matter what they told you. That's why I'm being upfront with you in their stead.
Caim: And you think that gives you the right to say whatever crosses your mind?
The Hanged Man: Maybe, maybe not. But at the least, I won't mind whatever response you hit me back with.
Caim: This is all so stupid.
As he spits out those words, Caim turns his back to the home he was born in.
The Hanged Man struts behind the boy who finally begins moving forward.
The Hanged Man: The crew must be worried. To them, it probably feels like you disappeared without a trace.
The Hanged Man: What do you think they'll say when we get back?
Caim: Who knows.
The Hanged Man: If I were them, I'd probably ask "do you know how worried we were" or "where did you go"...
The Hanged Man: Or maybe something more along the lines of, "You must be starving!"
Caim: What's the point of guessing?
The Hanged Man: Aw, don't be a spoilsport. I thought making predictions based on data was your specialty.
Caim: We'll know as soon as we get back anyway.
The Hanged Man: True enough... Chances are we'll just get a simple "welcome back."
Caim: Sounds about right.
The Hanged Man: You know, Caim...
Caim looks up the primal beside him without responding.
The Hanged Man: The dusk of a fool's happiness just might be dawn of a sage's troubles.
The Hanged Man: ...
Welcome to the twilight otherwise known as sunrise.
While The Hanged Man extends both hands in exaggerated fashion as if performing a play...
Caim lets out a sigh and continues on his course.
Caim: You are one lame storyteller... Just my luck.
The Hanged Man: Well, that's one heck of a greeting.
The azure skies above them gradually take on the color of dusk.
Though a dark night awaits, dawn will surely bring about a beautiful morning with it.
Choose: Nod in silence.Caim quietly bobs his head.
The Hanged Man: Consider this a favor from me...
The primal's fingers dig into Caim's skin.
Caim: ...
The pain is short-lived.
Caim: Mng...
The Evoker becomes incapable of thought as his mind blanks out.
The last thing his blurring vision is able to make out is the grin of an upside-down man.
The End
The Hanged Man has freed Caim from his eternal suffering.
Withdrawing from quest.
Consider trying out different choices next time.
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