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The Gunsmith's Heir
Cucouroux, a gun expert, offers to repair (Captain)'s damaged gun. When she finds out that the crew's destination is Estalucia, she asks (Captain) to let her join them on their journey.
While visiting a nearby island, (Captain) and company are stopped by a girl in the middle of town.
???: Hey there, skyfarer! Got a second to chat?
Vyrn: What can we do for you?
???: Sorry for stopping you in the middle of the street, but I'm worried about that gun you're using. It looks pretty beat up!
???: I betcha haven't taken it in for repairs recently. That's no good!
Vyrn: Huh? But (Captain) tunes it up after every major battle!
???: Everyday maintenance isn't enough. Sometimes you need a specialist. I mean, look at that.
???: Here, see the grip? It's really worn down. Gotta get that replaced.
???: And on top of that... yup. Oil everywhere. This thing needs a full teardown.
Lyria: Wow... I guess we really do need to take it to a specialist.
???: And I know just the one! Mind letting me tune it up before you head off again?
Lyria, Vyrn, and (Captain) nod their heads in agreement.
???: Follow me! I'll show you to my family's workshop!
Cucouroux: Good thing we ran into each other, eh? Just let ol' Cucouroux here give your firearm the overhaul it deserves!
Lyria: Thank you so much! Does that mean you're a gunsmith, Cucouroux?
Cucouroux: Yep! If someone's brandishing a rifle, pistol, or blunderbuss, I can't keep my eyes off it!
Cucouroux: Anyway, sorry for surprising you earlier. I'll drop a little bit off the repair costs to make it up to you, okay?
Cucouroux leads (Captain) and company to a gun workshop located at the edge of town.
Vyrn: You were in a crew until recently too?
Cucouroux: Yeah, I wanted to see how my gun designs fared in actual combat. It wasn't for very long, but it was a good experience nonetheless.
Vyrn: Wasn't very long? Why?
Cucouroux: Well, the captain was getting along in years, and the crew was set to disband after his retirement. I stayed with them till they did.
Lyria: So that's what happened...
Cucouroux: You're skyfarers, right? What's your captain like?
Lyria: Well, um...
Cucouroux: A really scary fellow, huh? Is he gonna blow a gasket when he finds out you ran off on your own?
Lyria: Oh, no, no! Nothing like that!
Vyrn: Actually, our captain (Captain)'s over here!
Cucouroux: You're the captain? You must be even younger than I am! Wow, that's incredible!
Cucouroux: A hardworking kiddo like you deserves an even bigger discount!
In high spirits, Cucouroux welcomes the crew into the workshop.
Cucouroux: Mom, Dad, I'm home! And I brought customers! Huh? Guess they're out right now.
Cucouroux: Oh well, I'll go ahead and get started then. Take a seat and make yourselves at home!
With (Captain) and company comfortably seated, Cucouroux goes to work, dismantling the gun in moments.
Lyria: That was incredible, Cucouroux! I only looked away for a second, and the gun's already in pieces!
Cucouroux: Aw, thanks! It's not often I get to show off, Lyria!
Cucouroux: Hm, this grip might be a little too big for your hands, (Captain).
Cucouroux: Let's get it swapped out. I wonder if we have anything lying around that could work...
Cucouroux continues the overhaul process, commentating as she goes.
Cucouroux: Whoa, this section's been magically strengthened against heat and rust! Not exactly cost-effective for non-skyfarers, though.
???: Hey, what're you doing in there?
Lyria: Eep!
Cucouroux: Welcome back, Dad! I'm just overhauling a gun for these skyfarers!
Master Gunsmith: Glad to be at your service! Watch it, though, Coux. I don't want to see you talking while you work!
Cucouroux: Erk. Sorry, Dad...
Master Gunsmith: Sigh. Putting on a show for the customers is fine, but guns are incredibly dangerous. Don't treat them lightly. Is that understood?
Cucouroux: Yeah. I got carried away. Sorry.
Master Gunsmith: Good! You're my pride and joy, Coux. Just don't go crazy when all a gun needs is a little repair work, okay?
Cucouroux: I'm not going to do anything weird to the customer's gun, Dad! Just mine...
Cucouroux, no longer speaking, begins working even faster than before. She soon finishes the repairs.
Cucouroux: All right! Let's take this baby out for a spin!
Lyria: Wow! Bullseye!
Cucouroux: I made the trigger a little lighter. How's it feel with the new grip?
Cucouroux: Oh? Glad to hear it!
Cucouroux: A gun's just a big hunk of metal. Every time you fire it, the heat from the chamber's going to result in degradation.
Cucouroux: That can mean the difference between a bullseye and an embarrassing miss. Which is why you need to go in for an overhaul from time to time.
Vyrn: Gotcha. Guess we should pay you a visit more often, then!
Cucouroux: Any gun, any time!
Lyria: You're a lifesaver, Cucouroux! Except... if we cross the Grim Basin, we won't be able to visit you again.
Cucouroux: You're planning to go to other skydoms?
Vyrn: Yeah, actually, (Captain)'s dad is in Estalucia, so...
The crew explains their situation to Cucouroux.
Cucouroux: I see... I see! You guys really are amazing! I can't believe your destination is Estalucia, of all places.
Cucouroux: There's nothing I love more than high adventure! Consider this repair job on the house!
Cucouroux: But, wow, Estalucia, huh? There's definitely going to be some awesome technology I've never seen before in other skydoms.
Cucouroux: It all just sounds so incredible!
- You should come along with us!
- It sure does, doesn't it?
Choose: You should come along with us!Vyrn: Hey, here's an idea! How about you join our crew? Then you could fix our guns all day, every day!
Cucouroux: H-hold on, you sure? You really want me to tag along?
Vyrn: We're game if you are! We already know you've got skills, Miss Gunsmith!
Choose: It sure does, doesn't it?Cucouroux: Seriously! I... I just gotta ask!
Lyria: Ask away! Anything to thank you for the overhaul!
Cucouroux: I want you to bring me along! I won't get in the way! Promise!
Cucouroux: I just have to know what's in other skydoms! Someone might even want my gun designs!
Cucouroux: I'm begging you! I've got some skyfaring experience, so I can at least pull my own weight!
Continue 1Cucouroux's expectant gaze is tough to ignore. (Captain) nods in assent.
Cucouroux: Really? Oh, that makes me so happy! You won't regret the decision, Captain!
And thus, the firearm designer Cucouroux joins (Captain)'s crew.
Master Gunsmith: We finally get Coux back and she goes running off on another adventure. Sob...
Gunsmith's Wife: No pouting, dear. Cucouroux, take care of yourself out there, okay?
Cucouroux: Right! Mom... Dad... I'm off!
Cucouroux: I can't believe Dad was actually crying back there!
Cucouroux: He always talked about guns as these amazing things. Even his daughters could defend themselves against monsters with them.
Cucouroux: So he held his head high and promised to create weapons fit for his precious little girls.
Cucouroux: He was always a goof, but he had his moments, too.
Lyria: You really respect your dad, don't you, Cucouroux?
Cucouroux: I guess! Whatever the case, I'm always gonna be Daddy's precious little girl.
Cucouroux: Which means if you've got gun problems, just leave 'em to me! Looking forward to working with you, Captain!
With a smile on her face, Cucouroux once again lends her skills to a crew of skyfaring adventurers.
The considerable firearms knowledge of this straight shooter will no doubt prove useful to (Captain) and company in the journey to come.
Ol' Cucouroux's Got This!
Cucouroux is revealed to be afraid of centipedes during a routine cleaning of the ship. Her sister, Camieux, brings a letter from their parents requesting they collect sulfur from a nearby island.
(Captain) and company spend day after busy day handling requests across the sky.
When a moment of free time finally arrives, the crew eagerly dedicates itself to some much-needed cleaning of the ship's interior.
Lyria: How did dust end up in a place like this? Well, here goes!
Cucouroux: Watch it, Lyria! You'll get your hair dirty if you go under the table. How about we move it?
Cucouroux: Mind grabbing that end for me, (Captain)? Thanks! On my mark!
Vyrn: Anybody seen the dust cloth? I was planning to wipe up some of the shelves, but I can't find it anywhere!
Cucouroux: Aw, sorry Vyrn! We were using it earlier and I left it in storage. One sec, I'll go grab it!
Cucouroux: Aieeee!
Vyrn: Whoa! Did you guys hear that?
(Captain) and company head to the deck to investigate, where they find a very flustered Cucouroux rushing out of the storage room.
Lyria: Are you okay, Cucouroux?
Cucouroux: Ew! No! Gross!
Vyrn: Something wrong?
Cucouroux: Centipede! There's a c-centipede in there!
Cucouroux: If there's one thing I can't stand, it's c-c-centipedes!
(Captain) enters the storage room in Cucouroux's stead, clearing it of the multi-legged insect.
Cucouroux: Whew... Sorry about that, (Captain). Everything okay? It didn't bite you, did it?
Vyrn: Guess there are things that give even you the heebie jeebies, Miss Gunsmith!
Cucouroux: Of course there are! Just looking at a centipede makes my hair stand on end!
Cucouroux: I've gotten over a lot of stuff like this, but these things just... bug me.
Suddenly, a voice is heard calling from outside the ship.
???: Good afternoon! Um, is anyone there?
Cucouroux: That voice... Camieux, is that you?
Cucouroux's sister Camieux has come to visit the ship.
Cucouroux: This is my little sister Camieux! Isn't she just adorable?
Lyria: Nice to meet you, Camieux! Just wanted to pay Cucouroux a visit?
Camieux: Well, you see... Dad has something he wants us to do, and... Oh, right! He gave me this letter!
Any version of
Camieux is a crew member
Camieux: Hey, it's me, Camieux! I'm back!
Cucouroux: Come on up, Cammy!
As it turns out, Camieux left the ship to visit Sierokarte for an errand.
Camieux: Um, (Captain)? My dad wrote a letter with a request for you guys.
Continue 1Cucouroux reads the letter from their gunsmith father.
Cucouroux: Hm, looks like he needs us to transport some sulfur used in gunpowder mixing. You definitely need someone you can trust for a job like that!
Camieux: Are you okay with taking the job, (Captain)?
Vyrn: No problem! Right, (Captain)?
Cucouroux: Thanks, you guys are a lifesaver!
Lyria: Okay, let's get going!
Cucouroux: Right on!
(Captain) and the crew head to the island specified in the letter to find some sulfur.
Ol' Cucouroux's Got This!: Scene 2
When the crew arrives at the island, they find the mine has been taken over by bandits. The crew vows to fight to save the mine.
Monster: Groaar!
Camieux: Eeep!
Cucouroux: Watch out!
Monster: Graaargh!
Cucouroux shoots down the monster right before it attacks Camieux.
Cucouroux: You okay, Camieux? Nothing hurts?
Camieux: Phew... That was scary. Thanks, Cucouroux!
Cucouroux: Nice work, everyone! I don't think monsters are going to be bothering us anymore. We can rest easy.
Vyrn: Heh heh, your big sis really looks after you, huh, Camieux?
Lyria: You two get along like two peas in a pod!
Camieux: Yup! I couldn't be more proud to have Cucouroux as my big sister!
Camieux: She's the coolest! There's nothing she can't do!
Cucouroux: Aw, you deserve a hug after all the hard work you put in getting me up on that pedestal!
Camieux: Hee hee, then I'm gonna hug you right back, Coux!
Cucouroux: Oh, so that's how it's gonna be? In that case, I'm gonna hug Lyria, too!
Lyria: Haha, that kinda hurts!
Cucouroux: Wanna get in on this too, (Captain)? Sure you do! C'mere!
(Captain) and the others continue their pleasant journey, eventually arriving at the sulfurous island.
Vyrn: Is it me, or does it stink here? Like rotten eggs, but... worse.
Cucouroux: That's sulfur for you. Any place you can find sulfur usually smells like this.
Lyria: Now that you mention it, it smelled like this when we went to the hot springs, didn't it?
Cucouroux: Yeah, hot springs are usually pretty close to sulfur-rich areas. I bet a lot of miners visit this island, too.
Cucouroux: Let's go pay a visit to the local mining authority and see if we can find some sulfur!
Camieux: Yes'm!
On the way to the mining authority, (Captain) and company encounter a panic-stricken local miner.
Camieux: Eep! Th-the mine's been taken over by bandits?
Miner: Afraid so. I managed to escape, but I haven't found anyone willing to help.
Cucouroux: That won't do! We have to bust you guys out of this jam, and quick!
Cucouroux: Let's sock it to these bandits, (Captain)!
Cucouroux: There they are! Let's use these boulders to cover our assault!
Cucouroux: They're a little far away, but that's nothing a few well placed bullets can't fix!
Cucouroux: Everyone ready? Here we go!
Ol' Cucouroux's Got This!: Scene 3
Cucouroux asks (Captain), Camieux, and the others to evacuate while she disarms a time bomb set by a bandit, but they refuse. After successfully dismantling the bomb, she notices a centipede has been on the bomb the entire time. This puts something of a damper on the celebrations.
Cucouroux: Not a problem! Camieux, (Captain), you're all fine, right?
Camieux: I'm fine, sis! Looks like the miners are safe, too.
Cucouroux: Okay then! Let's get these guys untied and get 'em outside!
Bandit: Not so fast! I've got a time bomb in here, and I'm the only one who knows how to disarm it!
Camieux: Eep! A t-t-time bomb? Wh-what should we do?
Cucouroux: Calm your horns, Camieux! Your big sister will figure this out.
Bandit: Heh! I'd like to see you try! I had it specially made to be impossible to defuse!
Cucouroux: Yeah, well, I'm a gunsmith! Which means it doesn't matter how that thing's put together! I'm still taking it apart at the end of the day!
Cucouroux: Hey, (Captain). You get the miners and these idiots out of here, okay?
Cucouroux: (I can talk big, but I don't really know what I'm up against.)
Cucouroux: (The explosion will probably cave-in the mine, but if I can get everyone outside nobody but me will get hurt.)
Camieux: Sis...
Cucouroux: What's wrong, Camieux? There's no time to dawdle! You and (Captain) need to get out of here!
Camieux: Sis, you dummy! You don't think you can disarm the bomb, do you?
Cucouroux: N-no, of course not. I just—
Camieux: I'm not letting you die alone in here, sis!
Camieux: For cryin' out loud! We're gonna work together to make sure that bomb gets disarmed no matter what, sis!
Lyria: That's right! We're not going anywhere!
Vyrn: Darn right! The miners will bring the bandits to the local authorities in the meantime!
Cucouroux: Oh, (Captain)... Sigh. Not like I've got much room to argue on my end.
Cucouroux: Okay, fine! I get the picture! Just leave it to ol' Cucouroux here!
And with that, she springs into action to disarm the bandit's time bomb.
Cucouroux: Let's see here... Looks like this section's magically reinforced... And this hourglass is the timer.
Vyrn: Gulp!
Cucouroux: Uh oh, looks like this switch controls gunpowder ignition. What about over here?
Cucouroux: If I remove this metal fitting here, it shouldn't be able to detonate... Okay, there we go!
The sand in the hourglass drains completely, but the time bomb remains silent.
Cucouroux: Whew...
Lyria: So it's... not going to explode, right?
Vyrn: Hoo boy, that had me on the edge of my seat! Well, not literally, but... you know.
Cucouroux: I told you I had this!
Camieux: That was incredible, Coux! You were so cool! The way you moved your hands was just like Dad!
Cucouroux: You really think so? Being compared to Dad is a heck of a compliment!
While petting her excited sister on the head, Cucouroux finally feels like the weight's been lifted from her shoulders. That said...
Camieux: Eeeeep! S-sis! O-o-over there!
Cucouroux: Hm? What's the matt—
Cucouroux: Aaaah! C-centipede! Centipede!
Lyria: It was crawling around on the time bomb the whole time!
Cucouroux: No way! No way, no way! This isn't happening! Oh no, it's crawling this way! Help!
Vyrn: Wow, Cucouroux was so focused on defusing the bomb that she never noticed the bug!
(Captain) glances at Vyrn, and they both know what they have to do: get these arthropods out of here.
Cucouroux—suffering through the throes of chilopodophobia—is soon led out of the cave by the rest of the crew.
An expert gunsmith with a heart of gold, Cucouroux's only weakness crawls on many, many legs.
Big Sister's Big Sis
Silva and Cucouroux share sisterly bonding time as they express concern for one another. The day ends with Cucouroux tucked into bed and lulled off to sleep by Silva.
(Captain) and company have taken a request to transport some cargo between islands.
Little did they know that it would turn out to be an extraordinarily tedious mission.
Vyrn: Man, that job was a pain in the tail. There must've been a million monsters back there!
Silva: Not to mention we had to cross half the island just to get that seal of approval.
Lyria: Oh, my legs... I can't walk another step.
Cucouroux: Whoa! Careful there, Lyria. Here, put your arm over my shoulder. Just hang in there till we get to the inn, okay?
Cucouroux: Heh. You're looking a little wobbly yourself, (Captain). Make sure you get some rest tonight, all right?
With the help of Cucouroux, the crew makes their way to the inn after a long, hard day.
After seeing (Captain) and the others off to their rooms, Cucouroux finally reaches her own bed.
Cucouroux: Urgh. Ol' Cucouroux here needs a good long nap herself.
Cucouroux: Dear me. I can't be goin' all soft when everyone's looking up to me.
Silva: Cucouroux! Are you there?
Cucouroux: Whoa! S-Silva?
Silva: Hey relax, no need to get up. Just lie down and rest.
Cucouroux: Is everything all right? Do you need me to tune-up your gun?
Silva: No, no. You just seemed really tired, I was worried about you.
Cucouroux: Guess the cat's out of the bag, huh? Yeah, I'm... a little tired.
Cucouroux: Just a teensy-tiny bit, though! It's no big deal, really! A quick nap and I'll be back in tip-top shape!
Silva: Oh, Cucouroux. You always push yourself too hard.
Silva lays a gentle hand on Cucouroux's forehead.
Silva: Hmm, no fever... yet. You'd better get some rest before you get any worse.
Silva: I know you want to put on a brave face when you're around Camieux and the others, but sometimes you overdo it .
Cucouroux: Yeah, you're right... I'll be more careful, okay? And I'll get some rest.
Cucouroux: But I don't want to hear that coming from you, Silva. You can't take the moral high ground here.
Silva: Huh? What do you mean?
Cucouroux: You've done the exact same thing since we were little! And you won't even admit it!
Cucouroux: Remember that time when we all got soaked in the rain?
Cucouroux: You rushed us home and were so busy making sure we wouldn't catch a cold that you didn't even stop to dry yourself off.
Cucouroux: You worked yourself so hard you collapsed.
Silva: Err, heh heh. Guess that did happen one time.
Cucouroux: That didn't happen just once. Remember when you were still learning from that marksman?
Cucouroux: When you hurt your hand from all the practice, you hid it. Mom gave you an earful when she found out.
Silva: I'm sorry. I didn't want you to worry about me, but I guess that wasn't the way to do it.
Cucouroux: Heh heh! See! I'm not the only one who overdoes it!
Silva: Well you're quite the talker, aren't you? I remember way back when I first met you and Camieux...
Silva: Camieux came back crying her eyes out. She said some boys at school had made fun of her.
Silva: You were so angry when you heard that. You stormed out of the house and really taught those boys a lesson.
Silva: Heh, it turned into quite the scene. Dad gave you a stern talking to after that.
Cucouroux: Argh, how do you even remember that!
Silva: Haha, just a reminder that you're not the only one who has some embarrassing stories up her sleeve.
Cucouroux: Heh. Well played, Sis.
Silva: And don't you forget it. You're outta your league if you think you can beat me at that game.
Silva: Well, look at the time. Cucouroux, you need to get some shut-eye.
Cucouroux: (Yawn)
Sure will, I'm beat.
Silva: Goodnight, Cucouroux.
Cucouroux: Goodnight, Sis.
Cucouroux lays down, shuts her eyes, and drifts off into bliss.
Watching over her beloved younger sister, Silva sings a calming lullaby that drifts through the air.