Spoiler Alert! These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.
The Beautiful Treasure Hunter
The crew meets a tomboy named Mary. She instantly recognizes a treasure in (Captain)'s possession and practically forces herself into the crew, ensnaring them into her treasure hunting adventures.
The crew travels down a treacherous road shrouded in fog, hoping to find a village where they can rest.
Vyrn: Keep your eyes open. There's a monster's lair around here somewh—
Vyrn: Oof!
???: Ow!
???: Hey, why don't you watch where you're going!
Vyrn: Are you kidding me? Look who's talking! Jumping out of nowhere like that.
Lyria: Are you two all right?
Strange Girl: This fog sure is irritating. And my normally sharp intuition just isn't working at all.
Vyrn: Hmm... Are you lost out here? Why don't you come with us to the village?
Strange Girl: Lost? Heck no. I'm trying to find me a monster's lair. Should be somewhere around here.
Vyrn: Whoa, hold it right there. You actually want to go to the monster's lair? Guess there's no accounting for taste...
Strange Girl: You know where it is, huh?
Strange Girl: And you realize you bumped into me, right? What were you planning to do if you messed up this flawless skin of mine?
Vyrn: Tell it to someone who cares, lady. You were the one who jumped out of nowhere in the first place!
Vyrn: Eek! Hey! Hands off the tail!
Strange Girl: You can make up for your rudeness by showing me where to go. Let's get moving!
Vyrn: Ugh! Hey! Lyria! (Captain)! Help!
Lyria: This is bad! She just ran off with Vyrn! We better go after them, (Captain)!
Vyrn: Stop! Ouch! You're gonna rip it off! My tail! My poor tail!
Strange Girl: Kinda loud for a lizard, aren't you? You want the monsters to hear?
Vyrn: You're the real monster! Let me go! If we get found out, whose fault do you think it'll be?
Monster: Grooar!
Vyrn: Whaaa!
Lyria: Vyrn!
Monster: Grr... Grooaa....
Strange Girl: And that's that! All righty, then! Time for that sweet, sweet treasure!
Vyrn: Wait... what? Did that monster just get dropped in a single blow?
Vyrn: Just crazy... Did you do that?
Strange Girl: So what if I did? What, you thought I was all looks?
Vyrn: Nah, just self-centered and rud—Ouch!
Lyria: Um... excuse me, miss. Who exactly are you?
Mary: Bout time you asked! The name's Mary. Treasure hunter extraordinaire!
Mary: Got a hot tip these monsters had squirreled away a tasty little piece called Petronel. I came to look for it, but...
Mary: I found nothing... Zip, zilch, nada! A whole lot of diddly-squat!
Mary: I mean, help me out here! Maybe I'm losing my edge?
Vyrn: (Hmm... Petronel. Pretty sure (Captain)'s got it...)
Mary: Gasp! That gun! Wait... Are you guys treasure hunters, too?
Vyrn: Ha-ha! We're skyfarers! We found this one during our travels.
Mary: Heh... Hehehe...
Lyria: Mary?
Mary: I get it now... Looks like my treasure hunting sense is still as sharp as ever!
Mary: (Captain)! I obviously ran into you guys 'cause you have Petronel!
Mary: If that's not fate, I don't know what is! Okay! I'm coming with you guys.
Mary: I have to follow my gut on this one. And it's telling me there're riches in store if I stick with you!
Mary: So what I'm saying is... I'm glad to be a part of your crew. Here's to the future!
Vyrn: Hang on! (Captain)! Say something!
- To the future!
- She's got spunk!
Mary: Ha-ha! Great stuff! You're good people, y'know that?
Choose: To the future!Mary: Yup! All part of the charm! You're good people, y'know that?
Choose: She's got spunk!Mary: Oh, right... Lyria, was it? Glad to see I'm not the only looker 'round here. We're gonna make a killer combo!
Continue 1Lyria: Huh? Oh... It's a pleasure to meet you too.
Vyrn: Hold up! Am I the only one who has a problem with this?
Mary: Lead on, (Captain). Let's see this airship of yours. And we're off!
Vyrn: Hey! I said wait!
And so the self-proclaimed treasure hunter extraordinaire joins the party.
As the ship sets off for parts unknown in search of riches, anyone listening closely can just make out the shouting of a certain non-lizard.
A Treasure for Her Alone
(Captain) and company move along a precipitous cliff. Mary at first complains about having to hunt monsters, but she changes her tune the moment she senses treasure.
The crew, out to hunt monsters, is maneuvering along a cliff path with many pointy rocks.
Mary: Sigh... What a pain! Why'd we agree to a monster hunting quest anyway?
Rackam: Come on, now... All you've been doing today is slacking off. Put some effort into fighting.
Mary: I don't sense any treasure here, so what do I care?
Mary: And the footing's so bad. What if I get hurt fighting here? Are you going to take responsibility?
Rackam: Whew...
Rackam: Whoa... Whoops...
Katalina: This is definitely no place to be fighting. Maybe we should just turn back...
Mary: Wait!
Vyrn: What is it now?
Mary: It's here! It's totally here! I can sense treasure! Let's keep going!
Rackam: What? That's not what you were saying earlier!
Mary: Oh, stuff it! And look! Here come some monsters! Help me take them out so we can get to the good stuff!
A Treasure for Her Alone: Scene 2
Rackam tries in vain to stop Mary from going off on her own. As the worried crew chases after her, she's suddenly attacked from behind.
Katalina: Are you okay? The path ahead is narrow and dangerous. Like I said, we really need to think about—
Mary: I'll go on my own then.
Rackam: Hold it! Stop being so reckless.
Rackam: Don't you get that we're friends? We need to work together.
Mary: Friends? Hah! Don't make me laugh.
Mary: Feel free to head back. I'm perfectly happy to go alone, so I guess this is it for us. Bye-bye!
Vyrn: Hey! What's with her all of a sudden?
Rackam: This is really messed up. What's her problem?
Lyria: I'm a little worried about her.
Rackam: Well, so am I, but she's the one who insisted on going alone.
Lyria: It's not that... I mean I've never seen her like that before.
Lyria: Say, (Captain), we should follow Mary.
Katalina: Yes... We can't just abandon her.
Rackam: Hey, missy! Hold up!
Mary: What is it? Why are you following me?
Lyria: Um... Because we're friends and we're worried about you. Isn't that enough?
Mary: Huh? Who do you think you're kidding? You're obviously all talk.
Katalina: Mary, behind you!
Mary: ...?
Rackam: Geez! Don't monsters ever get tired of attacking random travelers? Let's beat them down, (Captain)!
A Treasure for Her Alone: Scene 3
Mary remains reckless in spite of everyone's worry, her words implying that she's been betrayed before. When she's ambushed from above, (Captain) and the others selflessly come to her aid.
Vyrn: Hold up! Going any further is too dangerous! Let's go back!
Mary: Didn't I say I'm perfectly happy to go on without you?
Rackam: Mary, is treasure really that important to you? More than your own life?
Mary: If I saw treasure in front of me and just left it... Well, I just wouldn't be me anymore.
Lyria: You found something?
Mary: Look at that rock cluster on the cliff. Just think how much that gigantic gemstone vein over there is worth!
Katalina: Wait! It's too dangerous to go near it! The footing looks like it could give way at any moment!
Mary: As long as you people hold still, it'll be fine.
Katalina: H-hey!
Mary: Okay... I'll just tie this rope, and...
Mary: Sigh... I gotta say though, you people really need to learn to mind your own business.
Mary: Does anyone actually buy your talk about friendship? In the end, all friends do is betray you.
Vyrn: Ah! Wait!
Mary: What? What's the big idea? You get away from me! What do you think you're—
Vyrn: Look! Above you!
Mary: Huh?
Mary: Ahh!
Mary: (Captain)...
Rackam: Hey! Are you hurt? We really don't need you running in by yourself too, (Captain)!
Katalina: Be careful! Here it comes again!
Rackam: Let's move! You might not like it, but things are gonna get noisy!
A Treasure for Her Alone: Scene 4
As the cliffside crumbles around the crew, Mary decides to forego the gemstones in front of her to save Lyria from falling instead. Mary pretends that the lost gemstones don't matter, but the other treasure she has already won is far more valuable.
Monster: Grrr...
Vyrn: Yes! Awesome job, (Captain)!
Rackam: Hurry! The ground's crumbling! We can celebrate later! Run!
Mary: But the treasure! I'm almost there! I'll just use this rope to—
Lyria: Ahh!
Katalina: Lyria! (Captain)!
Mary: ...!
Mary: I... got you!
Rackam: Good job, Mary! (Captain), don't let go of the rope! I'll pull you up!
Vyrn: Phew... That was way too close.
Lyria: I'm sorry... The gemstones fell...
Rackam: Cheer up! You couldn't help it. And what good is treasure if you're not around to enjoy it?
Rackam: Hey, Mary! I hope you learned your lesson and... Hey, are you even listening?
Mary: The treasure was right there... But I let it go...
Lyria: Mary?
- Thank you for saving us.
- I'm sorry about the treasure.
Choose: Thank you for saving us.Mary: I'll have you know that I was just repaying my debt to you!
Mary: Besides, I can find little gemstones like that easily! And I definitely don't need your gratitude.
Choose: I'm sorry about the treasure.Mary: Humph... It's nothing... I can find little gemstones like that easily!
Mary: I just didn't want to owe you anything. And I definitely don't need your gratitude.
Continue 1Mary: But I will say this... Thank you, (Captain).
Rackam: Can't she ever be honest with herself?
Mary: What was that, Beardy? You say something?
Rackam: Nope, not me.
Mary: Be that way. See if I care.
Katalina: Sigh... Cut the arguing. More monsters could show up at anytime, you know. We should return to the ship while we can.
Lyria: Hee-hee... I'm glad you're feeling better, Mary!
Mary: Obviously I'm paying way too much attention to this guy. Let's leave Beardy here and go.
Rackam: Hey, wait! You've got some nerve, you little... Whose ship do you think it is?
Mary: Ours... Right?
Rackam: Heh-heh... I guess you have a point.
Mary: Okay, now let's go! There's plenty more treasure out there to be hunted!
Lyria: You said it!
Driven by her boundless passion for all things sparkly, Mary continues her worldwide search for treasure.
She'll soon learn that she's already been blessed with a treasure more precious than any silver or gold.
The Thrill of Exploration
Mary invites the crew on a treasure hunt. The ever-curious Yuel overhears them discussing it and decides to join in. Unfortunately, all they find is an empty chest. Yuel tries to console a downcast Mary, reminding her that half the fun is in the adventure itself.
Vyrn: Geez... They got you hook, line, and sinker...
Mary: My instincts are telling me this isn't just any old rumor! I can practically taste the treasure already!
Vyrn: I gotta say... I've kinda given up on these "instincts" of yours...
Another peaceful day. Mary returns from town buzzing with excitement.
The story goes that a very special piece of treasure awaits in the caves of a nearby forest...
Mary: Please! I won't even need that much time! I know the rumors are true!
Lyria: Hm... But we're supposed to leave this island soon...
Mary: Is that a no? It'll be worth your while, I promise!
- Fine...
- Not interested.
Choose: Fine...Mary: Yay! Knew I could count on you, (Captain)!
Choose: Not interested.Mary: Aw, c'mon! The race goes to the swift, not the stick in the mud!
Continue 1Vyrn: Guh... Don't tell me you're really going? It won't be any different from chasin' a windmill...
Yuel: Whoa! Sounds to me like y'all were havin' one juicy conversation...
Lyria: Well... Mary was in town and she heard something about a treasure...
Yuel: Ooh! A treasure hunt? Now that sounds like a real treat!
Mary: I know, right? My treasure alarm is ringing like crazy!
Mary: Hehe... this is the big one! And it's waiting for someone to come and snatch it up!
Yuel: There ya go! What're we standin' around for? We need to get a move on!
Yuel: Let's go! We got ourselves some treasure to find!
Mary: Wha? Wait a minute! You don't even know which forest it is...
Mary: Welp... there she goes. And we need to get moving too. She's gonna go and get herself lost.
Lyria: Hehe... Yuel's always so ready to go.
Vyrn: Gah... guess we don't have a choice. Let's go, (Captain).
And so (Captain) and company make their way into the forest, where no doubt great riches await.
Mary: Hah... Hah... What's with that girl...
Yuel: Wouldja look at that! I mean, take a good gander! Never seen flowers so pretty...
Mary: Hey! Don't just run off! We gotta find that cave!
Yuel: Oh, don'cha worry! I read ya loud and clear! Oh! Hey! Over there! Wonder what that thing is!
Vyrn: Seriously? Do she know what "loud and clear" means? Sure doesn't look like it...
Mary: Hah... What have I gotten myself into... If I'd known she'd be this much trouble, I would've—
Lyria: There, there... I think it's fine! She looks like she's having so much fun!
Mary: Hmm... Maybe she's exactly what we need to lead us to the treasure...
Yuel: Hey, now! There's a creepy old cave down thataway...
Mary: What! What'd you say? Show me where! Now!
Yuel: Thisaway! Smelled seven types of suspicious, y'know!
Mary: This has to be it. The cave...
Yuel: Didn't I tell ya? You think I'm playin' when I'm puttin' in some serious work?
Mary: Grr... There're better ways to find things, if you ask me...
Vyrn: All right! All we need to do now is get in the cave and find that treasure!
Lyria: H-hey! There's a chest at the entrance... but it's empty...
Mary: Huh?
Mary: Of all the... Here I was, totally on the right track...
Though (Captain) and company scour the cave thoroughly, the only thing they find is the empty treasure chest.
Mary: I got no luck at all... First Yuel runs us halfway around the blasted forest, and now someone's gotten to the treasure before I can even see it...
Yuel: Oh, what're ya so slumpy about? You tellin' me ya didn't have three boatloads of fun today?
Mary: Grr... Well, you're not wrong...
Vyrn: Oh, c'mon! Yuel! You're one to talk! You're the one who was doing all the running around!
Yuel: Gyahahaha! By golly, I was! Bless yer heart!
Mary: It's whatever. You did get us to the cave, Yuel... even though we took the super scenic route.
Lyria: Yeah! We might not have even made it if it wasn't for her!
Yuel: Aw, shucks. Yer gonna make me blu... Hm?
Emdina: !
Yuel: Wow! Didja see that?
Mary: You're kidding me... That long-eared son of a gun was carrying the treasure!
Lyria: What? W-wait... So it went into the cave and...
Mary: Luck, don't fail me now! The treasure's real! It's really, really real!
Mary: Move! We can't let it get away!
Vyrn: Wha? Hey, wait!
Yuel: Kyahahaha! Sounds to me like the game is on! Shuck those buns, (Captain)!
Vyrn: Gah... It's like they both fell out of the same darn tree...
Lyria: I suppose... but hey! They're going to leave us behind if we don't get moving!
Mary and Yuel are off again. Not just for the treasure itself, but for the thrill of the chase.
But all of their effort ends in vain. No matter how hard they try, they are never able to catch up to the mysterious figure.
Emdina: !