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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age 17 years old
Height 175 cm (ears included)
Race Erune
Hobbies Cooking
Likes Nature
Dislikes Hard work, authority
Granblue Fantasy Theater
Stan works to defend Aliza, heiress of a well-to-do family in Valtz, but he generally lacks the qualities necessary for the job. His overinflated manner of speaking is easily punctured, he's indecisive, and his emotional state is that of a rollercoaster, frequently leaving him on the verge of tears. As much as he wants to help Aliza deal with family issues, Stan constantly worries about whether he should step back and watch it all from a distance instead.
Source [1] [2]
Age 17歳
Height 175cm(耳含む)
Race エルーン
Hobbies 料理
Likes 自然
Dislikes 努力、権力
Granblue Fantasy Theater


Source [1] [2]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy birthday!
Thanks for everything, (Captain)! Seriously!
I mean, words don't do justice to what you've done for me.
So you better believe I'm gonna go all-out celebrating your birthday!
Let's head into town and party hearty!


Happy birthday, (Captain)! You know, I really think I'm lucky being able to travel with you.
If not for you...
Whoaaa, there. Oh, man, that was a close one. Almost got kinda sappy for a second.
(Captain)! What do you say we party till dawn! It's your birthday after all!
All right! Are you ready? Let's go!


You know, your birthday is special to me too, (Captain).
So today I'm gonna treat you to the works!
Geez, relax... You look like the sky's about to fall.
I mean, I get why you're worried, but rest assured! I've made a lot of progress in the past year! I'm not gonna letcha down!
C'mon, follow me! I'm gonna show you the best birthday you've ever had!
Hehe, now am I a stand-up guy, or what?


Happy birthday, (Captain)!
Heh, your birthday cake is out of the skies this year, so you better look forward to it!
Aliza and I made it together, you know? That makes it a special cake!
Looks like everyone in the crew's here.
All right, time to get this feast started! After all, it's your birthday, (Captain). Let's get wild!


Happy birthday, (Captain)!
You know, it's been quite a while since I first started traveling with you, but I still think you're an amazing person.
Looking out for everyone in the crew as you soar to the end of the skies...
I've never met anyone as talented as you, much less at your age.
Anyway! What I'm saying is, you really inspire me to become someone even better!
Why're you making that face? Come on, I was giving you a compliment...
Well, I guess that mischevious side of you is also why everyone loves you so much!

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy New Year!
I'm gonna get stronger this year! Both physically and mentally!
(Captain), I hope you'll let me travel with you again this year and soak up all sorts of new experiences.
Yep, we're gonna be best buds this year as always, (Captain).


Last year I vowed that I'd become strong. Stronger than ever.
What do you think, (Captain)? Does it look to you like I've gotten stronger?
H-hey, come on, (Captain)! Say something!
I... I get it. I've still got a long way to go.
This'll be the year. I'll make you proud, (Captain). Mark my words.


What? Seriously?
You really think I've grown this year?
Well... How about that...
Haha! When you say it all formal-like, it's kinda embarrassing.
Aaall right! Last year's mission—accomplished!
So this year... Hm...
This year, I'll surpass you, (Captain)!
No... wait... That might be biting off more than I can chew... Haha...


Happy New Year, (Captain). And... I'm sorry.
For what, you say? Well, you know how I said I'd surpass you last year?
I wasn't joking... I was actually serious when I said that.
Anyway, as you can see... I couldn't do it.
That's why I'm gonna try something different this year.
I'm gonna learn a lot from you and get better at using my sword!
So (Captain)... I'll be counting on you! I'm gonna stop being a wussy and get really strong this year!


Happy New Year, (Captain).
Whew... It's already been a year, huh?
I'm really grateful to you for practicing sword-fighting with me every day since New Year's Day last year. Thanks for that.
But I still haven't managed to beat you even once...
Actually, I feel like you're getting stronger and stronger with all the practicing.
Ergh... Guess I'll just have to continue practicing till I can win against you!
You'd better get ready, (Captain)!

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Valentine's Day!
Th-this is for me? Um, wow... Heh-heh!
I couldn't be happier to get chocolates from you!
I mean, the chocolates are okay, but knowing you feel that way about me makes my day!
Thanks so much, (Captain)!


Happy Valentine's! Thanks for always lookin' out for me, (Captain)!
Look, I know the tradition around here is to have only the girls giving chocolates on Valentine's...
But I thought, who cares, you know? Gender equality, right? So I got a present for you!
Huh? Wait, what? Uhhh... Hang on a sec. Hmm, I could have sworn it was right here this morning.
A... ahaha! I... shouldn't actually be laughing... Sorry, I think I might have lost it somewhere.
(Captain), just wait right there. I'll make a new one for you! Be right back!


Last year I went and lost the chocolates I made for you.
But this year, I got you covered!
Here ya go! Deluxe, handmade chocolates, just for you!
Geez, (Captain)... You look like I just handed you a box of spiders.
I know they're not exactly pretty... But I put my heart and soul into making those! Just try one, okay?
Hehe. They're good, right?


(Captain)! Here, I've got some chocolate for you! You were hoping to get some this year too, weren't you?
Wha? You've got some for me too? Ahaha, thanks!
It sure is nice trading Valentine's chocolate like this!
Is it weird? Well, why not... It's just chocolate anyway.
I mean... That's what friends do, right? Yeah.
So let's trade chocolate next year too, (Captain)!


Happy Valentine's Day, (Captain)! Here, this is from me. Chocolate for this year as a token of our friendship!
Huh? Where did I buy it? You're kidding, right? I made it myself, of course!
I'm serious! Why are you looking at me like that? You gotta take my word for it!
To be honest, I wanted to give you an extra surprise this year, so I learned how to make my own chocolate.
At first, it didn't go the way I wanted it to at all.... But after a lot of trial and error, it actually got kinda fun.
And the more fun you have, the easier it is to get better at something, right? That's what happened with me!
Go on, take a bite. I guarantee you'll love it.

5th year: White Chocolate Cake
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy White Day!
I made you some cookies, (Captain)!
They're thanks for everything you do! You're always looking after me, so it's the least I can do!
I really worked hard to make sure they'd be extra tasty!
Take your time and really savor 'em, (Captain)!


Heh heh heh! Get ready 'cause this year's cookies are better than ever!
I've been secretly honing my baking skills for this past year. Looks like it's all paid off!
Happy White Day! Here you go, (Captain)! Enjoy!
Trust me, you'll be beggin' me for more in no time!


Hehe, I guess I just like giving you presents, (Captain).
It always seems to make you so happy...
H-hey! What're you laughin' about?
Whaddya mean I looked cute just now!
No way did I look cute!
I was serious as a heart attack, (Captain)!
Geez, you're so mean...


Hey, (Captain)! You know what day it is today?
What! You really don't know?
Come on, it's White Day today! A day for me to express my gratitude.
Hey, it's nothing to be embarrassed about! You're always helping me out with things, so it's only natural.
Anyway, I want you to have this. You know, I'm happy if you're happy, (Captain).
That's it! That's the smile I wanted to see from you!


Finally, today's the day we've been waiting for! You haven't forgotten, have you, (Captain)?
What? No, it's not my birthday... Today's a special day for expressing gratitude—White Day!
So here's a present from me. I hope you like it.
Haha, no need to thank me. After all, I'm the one who needs to thank you!
I really owe it to you for always looking out for me as a friend. And besides, just seeing you smile is good enough for me!
I'm going to keep giving it my best, so let's do this together!

Light Cookies
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Halloween!
Geez, I can't leave my room today... As soon as I do, someone's gonna play a mean trick on me or something...
Wait... (Captain)? When did you get here? Huh? Trick or treat?
Sorry, I don't have any candy in here.
J-just calm down. Let's talk it over, (Captain)!
No! You stay away from me!


(Captain)'s not gonna get me this time. This year it's my turn! All right, time to get ready to—
...! (Captain)! Wh-where'd you come out from? And why are you smiling like that!
W-wait! Stop! L-let's talk this out!
Nooo! It's last year all over again!


I've got something to say.
I hate Halloween.
Hey, (Captain)! I see you looking at me like I'm crazy!
But it's because you always, always prank me!
We should join forces? You mean it?
Ha... Haha! I see. I see!
It's finally time to strut my stuff as a pranksman!
Ohhh, man! This is gonna be epic! The pranks are on till the break of dawn!


Man, don't startle me like that! I need some mental preparation here, you know...
What's that? I'm the one at fault for letting my guard down?
O-oh... Well, I guess you're right on that...
No, wait a second! Isn't there some sort of rule where you have to say "trick or treat"?
Rules are meant to be broken? Ooh... Hey, I'm not letting you off the hook just 'cause you can say that kind of stuff so smoothly!
Darn it! Stop laughing!


Trick or treat!
Hey, (Captain)! Don't ignore me like that!
Fine... If you're not gonna respond, then I guess I'll play a trick and...
Come on, don't scare me like that! That really caught me off guard!
Man... I thought it was the perfect time to strike. I didn't think you'd come up with a counterattack...
Huh? You mean... you made me think that it was the perfect chance? And I fell for it?
You're a genius, (Captain)... Guess I'm still no match for you just yet.

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy holidays!
So, (Captain), have you decided what to ask Santa for?
Me? Well, I'd sure like to have a bit more courage, but...
I mean, there's no point if someone just gives you that kind of thing! So basically I haven't decided.
Hey, if it's okay with you, how about we spend the day thinking it over, (Captain)?


What's wrong, (Captain)? You seem deep in thought.
Oh, I know! You're wondering about what to ask Santa for!
Haha. Boy, do I know how you feel. I had a real headache last year over that.
But I've got none of those problems this year! Why, you ask? That's simple!
I just told him anything's good!


I've never met Santa Claus. Have you, (Captain)?
I was just wondering what kinda guy he is.
Every single year, he's out there giving gifts to kids all over the sky.
It must be a tough job all by himself, so I'd love to give him a hand.
Hehe, is that a great idea or what?


Hey, (Captain). You know... I'm thinking of being Santa Claus this year!
Wait a second. What do you mean I look more like a reindeer?
I'm not talking about dressing up here. I mean I want to give presents to all the kids in our crew.
But it's gonna be tough doing it by myself, so I was wondering if you could give me a hand.
Really? Thanks, (Captain)! Everyone's gonna be so happy!


Hm? What's with this note, (Captain)?
Wha! You mean you looked into all the things the children want as presents?
I guess you saw through my plan to dress up as Santa Claus this year too...
To be honest, it's not like I really wanna play the hero or anything like that...
But when I saw the smiles of the little ones last year, I just thought to myself that maybe this isn't so bad...
Seeing you so enthusiastic about spending time with the kids is really inspirational too!
What? You got it from me?
Heh, I didn't think I had that much of an influence on you... Hearing that makes me kind of happy.

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Timid Apprentice

(Captain) and company save a young man named Stan from monsters. He then says he wants to be (Captain)'s apprentice, but when Vyrn suggests hunting some monsters as practice, Stan is quick to find an excuse not to fight.

(Captain)'s crew fights back wave after wave of monsters attacking a certain town.
A young man stands screaming in terror, the monsters closing in. The crew barely gets to him in time.
???: I was trying to get them to let their guard down so I could wipe 'em out all at once. Looks like you guys beat me to it though!
???: I mean, I could've handled it all on my own, but who likes a glory hog, right?
Vyrn: Sigh... Who is this clown?
Lyria: Hee-hee... He seems like a fun guy!
???: By the way, are you guys leaving already?
Lyria: We are! I'm pretty sure there are still a lot of monsters in town.
???: Wait. Aren't you scared of taking them on all by yourselves? I'll come with you! You know, to help out!
Lyria: Wha? Um... I don't know about that...
Vyrn: Ahem! We're skyfarers! No stinking monsters are gonna get the best of us!
???: Seriously?
Vyrn: Time to go! See you later, kid! The next time you see signs of trouble, just run away.
???: W-wait! Wait up! You've made your point! I'll tell you the truth!
???: J-just let me be your apprentice!
Vyrn: What's that supposed to mean?
Stan: I'm Stan. I've always talked the talk, but I've never been able to walk the walk...
Stan: So I'm begging you! I wanna be strong like you!
  1. Come with us then.
  2. An apprentice? I don't know...

Choose: Come with us then.
Stan: R-really? Thanks!

Choose: An apprentice? I don't know...
Stan: I mean, I don't have to be an apprentice! I'll do anything, so just take me with you!
Vyrn: Geez... What a pain.
Continue 1
Stan: I promise to train every day so I can catch up to you as soon as possible.
Vyrn: Heh-heh... Careful, kid. You have no clue how strong (Captain) is. You're in for a rough ride.
Stan: You just leave that to me! When it comes to determination, I'm the strongest there is!
Vyrn: Sounds good! Let's get you started by taking down some monsters!
Stan: M-monsters? Um... Well, the thing is, I've got this sore in my mouth, and...
Thus Stan joins (Captain) on the road.
Will the day ever come when he can rival (Captain)? Only the endless skies know.

I Spy a Monster!

During Stan's daily training as (Captain)'s apprentice, he says he senses monsters. Monsters actually show up as he said, and a battle ensues.

Vyrn: Attaboy! Next up, a hundred push-ups! Show me some hustle, Stan!
Stan: I won't let you down, lizard! Rawr!
After joining (Captain) and company, Stan trains every day.
Lyria: Hee-hee... Looks like you're working hard, Stan!
Vyrn: Get with the program! Ninety more!
Stan: Huff... Huff... Hey, lizard... Can we call it a day?
Vyrn: I ain't no lizard! And what are you talking about? You're not even halfway done!
Stan: Wheeze... Wheeze... It's because... You know! Don't you feel it?
Stan: I sense monsters around here.
Monster: Groar!
Stan: Huh? What the? They were really there...
Vyrn: Wow, that's amazing! You noticed them faster than anyone!
Stan: O-of course! Ain't I great? When I really focus, I can tell where every monster on the island is!
Vyrn: All right! Defeating a few of 'em should be no problem for you then!
Stan: Leave it to me! Let's get 'em!

I Spy a Monster!: Scene 2

(Captain) and company head to the den of some monsters Stan agreed to hunt. He says he senses monsters but is wrong time and time again, and he eventually ends up getting attacked from behind.

Lyria: Ugh... Are you sure about this?
Stan: You bet! I got this!
Feeling confident, Stan accepts a monster hunting mission.
Stan: A monster den, huh? Ha! What chance do a few monsters have against Stan the Man?
Vyrn: Oh, brother... I mean, it was fine for him to be happy with the results of his training, but this is ridiculous.
Stan: Oh! This feeling... They're close! Monsters!
Lyria: Um... I don't see anything.
Stan: Oh... W-well, I had too much energy to sleep last night, so maybe I'm a little off.
Stan: Wait! Over there! This time there's no mistake!
Vyrn: Sigh... So you got it right the last time by sheer luck.
Stan: N-no! I'm running on a lack of sleep and I got this heavy feeling in my gut...
Lyria: ...?
Stan! Behind you!
Stan: Huh?
Monster: Groar!
Stan: Whoa! Where'd they come from?
Vyrn: I told you so! Get ready, (Captain)! We'll beat them down!

I Spy a Monster!: Scene 3

Stan is upset that his ability to sense monsters is just a fluke, but Vyrn tells him it's fine to gain strength little by little. When Stan is told to do a thousand push-ups, he pretends his stomach hurts.

Stan: Sigh... So my ability to sense the monsters was just a lucky guess.
Lyria: B-but you looked really cool when you fought! Right, (Captain)?
Stan: Ugh... This is no good. Aliza's gonna laugh at me again.
Vyrn: There, there... Just take it slowly and grow stronger little by little!
Vyrn: And cheer up!
You were the same way, right, (Captain)? You've been training for a long time!
Stan: Yeah... I guess you're right. Getting stronger just isn't that easy.
Stan: That settles it! Starting today I'll shift my focus to making slow but steady progress!
Vyrn: That's the spirit! Now let's start with a thousand push-ups!
Stan: Huh?
Stan: Uh... I think my stomach is starting to hurt.
In order to grow stronger, Stan renews his vow to train.
But the path to becoming a powerful warrior is a long and treacherous one.

State of the Princess

Stan tells Ange all about the princess he used to work for. From his account, Ange suspects that Stan was oblivious to the feelings that the princess had for him, and so decides to give him lessons in being a proper gentleman. They become partners on the path to princeliness.

Ange stops by to talk to Stan as he is hanging laundry on the deck.
Ange: Stan! Here you are! Do you have a moment?
Stan: Hm? Ah, hold on a second. Almost done here... and there. Something you need?
Ange: Good work! This is something I just heard through the grapevine... but did you work in a noble house?
Stan: Yup, that's right. I worked for a noble house over in Valtz. Served the princess, mostly.
Ange: That's awesome! Can you do me a favor, Stan?! Tell me how a real princess lives!
Stan: Um... Real, you say...
Ange: Hehe... Well, you see, I'm looking for a princess. And I need to know everything I can to be the perfect prince!
Stan: Hm... is that right? Well, sure. I'm glad to help if I can.
Ange: That's great! So princesses must lead pretty elegant lives, right? Tea parties every day...
Stan: Sure, they had tea parties and stuff. But it always felt like fuddie-duddies having a conference. Didn't seem like much fun.
Ange: Oh, really? Did they eat fancy cakes and drink with their pinkies out and have elegant conversations?
Stan: Whew! Pretty imaginative, aren't you? Then again, I guess that's pretty much what it was like on the surface.
Stan: Anyway. The princess had a pretty big sweet tooth but loved meat even more.
Ange: Wow! I thought princesses only ate salad!
Stan: Where do you even get that idea... Granted, the family I served was pretty big on fighting.
Ange: Wait... fighting? I thought princesses were supposed to be more... graceful. You know, wear dresses, go to balls...
Stan: Oh, yeah. There is that. But she didn't like dresses one bit. And she hated sitting around.
Stan: It was like I was... like I was her practice dummy all day, every day...
Ange: That sounds pretty rough... I guess I had it all wrong about princesses.
Ange: A brand spanking new kind of princess! I guess she'd be the one to protect you from monsters instead of the other way around.
Stan: Yeah! That's exactly what she was like!
Stan: But she was always up to some trouble. I always got dragged into her little games since we were kids.
Ange: Really? Hah! Like a tomboy? That's adorable!
Stan: But get this! Every time she got angry with me for not being a good sport, the head maid would make me apologize to her! Crazy, right?
Stan: Gah... it's all coming back to me now! I mean, you don't have to wear a dress, but at least put on something decent...
Stan: And I work for you, y'know? I say you can't talk to me like I'm your friend, but nooo...
Stan: And how am I supposed to do my other work with you bothering me all the time... Yeesh...
Stan: Sigh... She was so nice to everybody else. Why do I gotta get Miss Attitude!
Ange: Hrm... Er, Stan? Were you and the princess together for a long time?
Stan: Yeah, we were. I started working there when I was a kid myself. Why do you ask?
Ange: No reason... It's just, it sounds like she was only rude to you...
Ange: Maybe you're like a childhood friend to her... So she doesn't have to put on airs around you, right? She can just be herself.
Stan: What? No! Don't be silly! You know how many times she said I was useless? If you're telling me she didn't mean it, I'm not sure I buy it!
Stan: Sigh... It's fine if that's how she wants to act. But being a servant around someone so flippant and childish is not easy...
Ange: (Oh my gosh... He doesn't understand how she felt at all... )
Ange: Really now, Stan! You need to be more... more gentlemanly!
Stan: Huh? What are you on about, Ange?
Ange: I can't let you go on like this! You and me! We're going to be princes together!
Ange: Oh! That sounds great! And then you'll be able to understand how princesses feel!
Stan: D-don't worry about it... I'm fine really...
Ange: Go on! We'll start now! First thing's first! Proper sword technique!
Stan: Rgh! Ange! That hurts! Leggo my neck, will you?
Ange: As if! I do that, and you'll just run away. Look, the forest is right there!
Ange: Haha! And while we practice, you can tell me everything you know about working for nobles!
Stan: M-my tummy hurts... C'mon, Ange! Lemme go!
And from that day on, thanks to a bit of help from Ange, Stan begins to take his studies in swordsmanship more seriously.
Though Ange tries not to seem too excited to hear about the lives of nobility, she is more than a little zealous in making sure Stan doesn't miss a single training session.
Though it will be some time before Stan can call himself a proper gentleman, it is more than a fair enough exchange for both of them.

Bravery or Bravado

One day, Stan learns how Zaja's friends died valiantly in battle. To make up for his blunt reaction, Stan confesses how weak and cowardly he feels. Zaja promises to protect him. However, he also senses danger in Stan's heart, and prays he never turns reckless in his pursuit of strength.

One day, Stan comes out onto the Grandcypher's deck to find a most peculiar sight.
Zaja: ...
Stan: Hmm, is that Zaja? What's he up to?
Curious as to why Zaja is standing so close to the edge of the deck and peering over the railing, Stan approaches him.
Stan: Hey, Zaja. What are you doing over there?
Zaja: Hm? Ah, Stan...
Zaja: I was searching for my friends... forever lost to the depths of the skies...
Stan: Uh... Can you actually see that far down?
Stan joins Zaja and leans forward but sees nothing but the vast, blue sky.
Zaja: My friends live on, happily, at the bottom of the sky...
Stan: Umm, I don't see anything...
Zaja: Forgive me... My words... are filled with contradictions...
Stan: Uhh, what do you mean?
Zaja: My friends fought fearlessly... And passed on to the other side, to the bottom of the sky...
Stan: ...
Zaja: And now... They live happily down there...
Stan tries to make sense of what Zaja is saying.
Stan: I see what you mean now. They fought without fear of death, and died honorably... I can respect that...
Zaja: ...
Stan: Sorry, I mean they're still alive! Right below the skies!
Zaja: Yes... But no... My friends are no longer...
Stan: U-um, I'm so... I... I wish I knew what to say...
Zaja: Forgive me... As I try to forget my sin... Truths and untruths overlap...
Stan: ...
Zaja: You need not concern yourself... I do not seek to be understood.
Although Zaja speaks little of his past, Stan can feel the weight behind each of his words.
Stan: (Uh oh, did I make him angry? Maybe I hurt his feelings...)
Stan: (I guess it was a pretty sore subject...)
Stan often resorts to bravado, but this interaction with Zaja helps him come to a realization.
Stan: I'm a coward. I shake inside every time I fight a monster. That's why I've always admired the fearless and daring...
Stan: It just slipped out. I'm sorry, Zaja.
Zaja: ...
Stan: Heh... Telling people I'm afraid of monsters is pretty scary too.
Zaja: You're afraid? To fall in battle?
Stan: Yeah, I'll admit it...
Zaja: Then I will protect you, my friend... You have nothing to fear...
Stan: P-protect me? Hey, I'm no dainty little princess, all right?
Zaja: That is not the issue... I am here... to protect my friends...
Stan: Argh! Everyone always looks down on me! Always!
Stan: I'll get stronger! I'll train harder than ever! I'll show you that I don't need any protecting!
Stan turns on his heel and runs off.
Zaja: ...
Zaja: Please, my friend... Do not be like my comrades who rushed off into battle...
Zaja: Even when you gain true strength... I pray that you never come to enjoy war and bloodshed...
Zaja looks on worriedly as Stan walks away.
Although Zaja's tribe always favored bravery and courage, Stan's attitude presents a different kind of peril. With his thoughts still on Stan, Zaja tightly grips the handle of his axe.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
ビ、ビビってなんかない! Me? Afraid? Never!
えーっと、その腹が痛くてだな… I think... I'm getting a stomachache...
みなぎってきたぜー! Ahh, how refreshing!
こ、このくらい余裕だぜ! Th-this is nothing!
負けるもんかぁ! As if I'd lose!
俺の雄姿、見ててくれよな! Check out my awesome moves!
俺だって、やるときゃやるんだ! I pull my weight around here too, you know!
アリーザ、無茶してないかな… I hope Aliza isn't pushing herself...
(主人公)みたいに強くなりたいんだ I want to be strong like (Captain)!
(主人公)はどんな修行をしたんだ? What sort of training have you done, (Captain)?


  1. Granblue Fantasy Official Site, Stan - Theater - Granblue Fantasy
  2. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 01.