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Game Strategy Lore Voice Anime Versus Rising
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Official Profile

Age 24
Height 90 cm
Race Harvin
Hobbies Training
Likes Kids' meals, high places, tall people
Dislikes Stairs, things on top of tall shelves
Granblue Fantasy Theater
As captain of the Holy Knights, Charlotta is an exceptional warrior in constant battle with the greatest foe of all: an inferiority complex. After being saved by the holy knights, she worked herself to the bone to become their captain. She possesses a calm, steadfast personality, but she is quickly infuriated when the subject of her height comes up. Although proud in her position as captain, Charlotta nonetheless frets constantly about her undignified lack of physical stature, even going so far as to silently leave the knights in a quest to find something, anything, to make her taller.
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
Age 24歳
Height 90cm
Race ハーヴィン
Hobbies 鍛練
Likes お子様ランチ、高い場所、背の高い人
Dislikes 段差、棚の上に置いてあるもの全般
Granblue Fantasy Theater


Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

I would like to wish you a happy birthday!
Captain, you've grown another year older...
And by the looks of things... taller.
Just watch!
I'm going to get even taller too!


Happy birthday, Captain (Captain).
Your growth is truly prodigious, (Captain).
In just a short amount of time, you have become a righteous and proper captain.
At times like these, I... grow jealous of your youth.
However! I have much growth ahead of me! No matter what anyone says!
I look forward to working alongside you for many years to come.


A most happy birthday to you, (Captain)!
This marks the third birthday I've spent with you thus far!
I'd like nothing more than to continue celebrating this day with you for every year to come.
I've almost taken for granted how fortunate I am for being a member of your crew.
I'll always be your ally and comrade, (Captain)! I hope you'll always remember that.
Happy birthday again!


(Captain), happy birthday!
Our relationship has been one that spans many years.
Even when we first met you were a reliable companion. And as you age I entrust my life to you with yet still greater confidence.
But simply because that is the case, you must not bear all your burdens alone. I know what that is like...
Living in solace does not confer strength, nor wisdom.
It is precisely because our lives are in your hands that you must rely on us when necessary.
Hehe. Sometimes a day of celebration can just be the right occasion to impart words of wisdom.
Your time is a precious gift that I am all too happy you choose to share with me.
Let this year be a good one like our last.


It's your birthday today, isn't it, (Captain)? Many happy returns!
You've grown into a fine captain—the pillar supporting this crew.
But please remember one thing.
You are surrounded by people who love you, myself included.
No matter how difficult the path you travel, we will always be beside you, supporting you every step of the way!
So lead onward, bold Captain! Your crew will follow you to the ends of the sky.
We're depending on you, (Captain)!

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy New Year!
This is going to be another great year—forever pure, forever righteous!


Happy New Year, Captain (Captain).
My goal this year is the same as last year's: to live every day forever pure, forever righteous!
I believe it's good to change one's resolution from year to year, of course.
However. I believe some things only come into view after dedicating yourself to the same goal, year after year.
I hope to dedicate myself to improving our teamwork this year, Captain (Captain)!


Happy New Year, (Captain). Hm? Where are you off to?
A New Year's festival, you say? Well, I think I might tag along then!
Trouble's known to follow a crowd, after all.
We wouldn't want the new year to start off with any unfortunate incidents, now would we?
I'll be there to ensure everyone stays safe. Here's to another year—forever pure, forever righteous!


Happy New Year, (Captain).
It looks cold out. I'm from a snow country and thus am accustomed to such weather.
These frostbitten winds remind me of home.
While it does snow all year round, the New Year's snow is particularly special. Every family works together to remove it from the front of their houses.
Huh? You'd like to see my home for yourself?
I would be delighted to show you. And I will be your guide!
Hehe... Someday we'll go together.


Ahem... Ahem!
Oh, (Captain)! Isn't this a fine morning?
I was just clearing the snow out here. Wouldn't want anyone to slip and hurt themselves.
Sometimes people fall in the snow, get buried, and find themselves trapped.
That even happened to me once, long ago. Outside my own home, no less... I nearly froze.
Care to shovel with me, (Captain)? Nothing like some honest labor to start off the new year!

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

I wish you a most happy Valentine's Day!
I-I actually tried making chocolates of my own, so, ah...
I would very much appreciate it if you would... er... s-share them with me, (Captain). Would that be acceptable?


Happy Valentine's, (Captain)!
Heheh... I put a lot of effort into these chocolates!
This should give you an idea of exactly how much I've grown in the past year!
By the way, (Captain)... While it makes me plenty happy to see you enjoying the chocolates...
Why do you look at me with those doting eyes? It's like you think I'm a child in need of protection...
I am a very mature adult, so cease this childlike treatment of my person at once!


Excellent timing, (Captain)! Here, this is for you!
Since last year's chocolates were such a success, I've made another batch this year!
They're good enough to rival last year's, if I do say so myself!
I'd be delighted if you accepted them, (Captain).
Cherishing another is a hallowed act indeed. I'll always be with you, (Captain).


So there you are, (Captain). I was looking for you.
Actually... I wanted you to have this!
It's for Valentine's Day! I made it myself this year too, but spiced things up a bit!
Do you know what's different?
Hehe. Every year I put more heart into my chocolate than the last!
I put all my appreciation into my gifts for you. And I know it tastes fantastic too!
Go ahead and take a bite!


Here's your Valentine's Day chocolate, (Captain).
I used a lot of milk, so you may find it a little sweet...
But it's bursting with calcium to help you get big and strong!
You're still growing, (Captain).
So you need all the nourishment you can get, for both body and soul.

White Chocolate Cake
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Huh? This is in return for Valentine's? Thank you very much!
I'll treasure this always, (Captain)!


Whatever is it? Is this present... for me?
Ah... I see. Today is White Day, is it not?
Hee hee... Thank you, (Captain). You've made me ever so happy.
And it reminds me that warmer seasons are fast approaching.
I hail from snowy environs, so I always look forward to the season of snowmelt.
Once it grows warm and sunny, I hope we'll be able to go for a nice stroll outside, (Captain)!


Wow! Another gift this year? That's three years in a row now!
Hehe! You're far too kind to me, (Captain).
Oh? No, no, of course I like it.
It might not exactly be what I want—the only thing I really want is to be taller after all...
But anything made by you is a delight for me to receive!
It's the thought that counts after all! And your thoughts count more than anything to me!


Hm? This year's present is something more suited for an adult?
Wow! Thank you! I can't wait to see what's inside!
What's this...
I-it's... Sponge cake infused with alcohol!
How did you know I love such things!
To be frank, I hated anything with alcohol, but Sevastien learned to make something like this just for me.
Now I enjoy all sweets that have a hint of liquor. Oh, the memories...
Thank you so much. I will thoroughly enjoy this.


A gift in return for Valentine's Day? Why thank you, (Captain).
Ooh... A necklace? It's so cute!
Hehe... There's a touch of sophistication to the design, isn't there?
I'm well aware of my stature however... Perhaps this is a little too refined for me.
Then again... I trust your judgment, (Captain).
If you think it will suit me, that's all I need to know.
The next time we go for a stroll together, I'll be sure to wear it—you can count on that!

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Trick or treat!
I might not be a child, but if you're offering me candy, I would be happy to accept!


Hrm... Excuse me, Captain (Captain)...
One could say that seeking candy from others is forever pure, forever righteous...
But if one who lives by this creed were to actually decide between a trick or a treat...
Ah! I mean... I'm so very mature that there's no need for me to think about such things!


Time to choose, (Captain). Will it be a treat...
Or a trick?
As a holy knight, it's my duty to ensure all children are enjoying themselves on this occasion!
That being the case...
Come at me, (Captain)! Play as many tricks on me as you like!


Why hello, (Captain). How are you enjoying the Halloween party?
What? You're plotting a trick against me?
Humph. I am a holy knight! No matter what trick you have planned, I will stand tall an—
Aaahh! W-what are you doing!
P-put me down! Don't treat me like a child!
Anything but high places! Aaanything!


(Captain) opens a door to find Charlotta perched atop a tall stack of wooden crates.
Haha, happy Halloween, (Captain)!
A Holy Knight never falls for the same trick twice!
You can't reach me to pick me up now!
Wait... Why are you swinging your sheathed sword about?
Hey! Are you trying to topple my tower? This isn't a carnival game!
Nooo! Desist, you fiend!
The sword returns to the captain's hip, and (Captain) smiles at the flustered Holy Knight.
Phew... I saw my whole life flash before my eyes...
I... I knew you wouldn't really do it, even as a prank... But I must acknowledge your victory in the field of trickster battle.

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy, happy holidays!
I really enjoy putting up decorations...
Oof... If only I could reach the top of the tree to put the star on...


Hm? Hello, (Captain). Today's the most festive day of the holiday season...
But you still seem to be awake.
The night has only just begun, you say? I am not sure I understand.
As a holy knight, it is only proper to rest early and await Santa Claus's arrival from within the world of dreams.
I have already partaken of my holiday cake and brushed my teeth!
I bid you a good night, Captain (Captain). May you have a holiday evening full of good tidings and cheer.


(Captain), I couldn't help but notice a small package sitting atop my bed.
Would you happen to know anything of it?
Since tomorrow is the day we open the presents, I assume someone was kind enough to give me a gift. However...
With no labels of any sort to say who it's addressed to, I can't help but worry there's a chance it's not meant for me.
Y-you're the one who left it for me? My!
The adult's supposed to give the child the present, not the other way around!
Grufflesnicks... With this, my pride as a grown-up is all but gone!
I-I'll have to sleep early tonight! Tomorrow can't come soon enough!


(Captain), happy holidays!
Baotorda and Sevastien are preparing a meal for us this eve!
Hehe... I'm looking forward to this night.
Lyria and Vyrn also seem very excited for this evening.
Unlike the carnage on the battlefield, this moment of peace is something I would not trade for the world.


Hmm, hmm, hmmm!
Oh, (Captain)! Happy holidays!
What's the source of my high spirits, you ask?
As a matter of fact, Baotorda invited me to join him for dinner this evening.
And when he did, I caught a whiff of something sweet!
I'm certain it was the scent of a freshly baked cake!
Baotorda is a master baker! Ahhh, I can't wait to get to the dinner table!
Wh-what? I'm not all atwitter! I'm merely looking forward to dinner with dignity and decorum!

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Wish Upon a Star

A Harvin named Charlotta asks the crew to help her find height-enhancement medicine, but it doesn't work on her, so she decides to join the crew and hopefully give the power of the Astrals a try.

In a certain city, (Captain) and the crew have received a request from Sierokarte to assist with an expedition deep in the mountains.
They come to a tavern where the client is supposedly having a meal, but the place is practically empty.
Staff: Thank you for waiting! Here's your little skyfarer's lunch!
???: Oh! This looks great!
Lyria: Hmm... I don't see anyone who looks much like a client.
Vyrn: The client's supposed to be the leader of some order, right? I don't see any larger-than-life hero types in here.
Vyrn: Maybe they finished eating and left already? That tiny girl is the only other person here...
???: I'm not tiny!
Lyria: Eh-heh...
Vyrn: W-what's the problem, little girl?
???: Oh... Ahem! I apologize for losing my composure.
???: So. Are you the ones Sierokarte sent?
Vyrn: Yeah, we are. Don't tell me you're the client.
???: Forgive me for not introducing myself sooner.
???: I am a member of the honorable sect that founded the Holy Kingdom of Lumiel...
Charlotta: In fact I am the very captain of the Order of Holy Knights, Charlotta Fenia! Pleased to make your acquaintance.
Lyria: No way! But you're so small and cute...
Charlotta: Grrr... Who do you think you are, insulting a knight like that?
Lyria: Oh, I'm sorry... I just... Well... Um...
Charlotta: Well, I see that you meant no offense, Lyria.
Wait. What are you looking at?
Lyria: Oh, sorry. Your crown is right at my eye level, so it's kind of distracting.
Charlotta: Grrr! I'm done with you people! I'm leaving!
Lyria: Oh no! I'm so sorry!
When Charlotta dashes out of the tavern, the crew follows her to a mountain road where monsters are said to nest.
Vyrn: Whoa, what happened here? And where'd Charlotta go?
Charlotta: (Captain)! I'm right here!
Charlotta peeks out from behind a mountain of defeated monsters.
Lyria: Charlotta! What's going on here?
Charlotta: Well, these monsters thought to attack me as a group. I only gave them their just deserts.
Charlotta: Though I bet they didn't realize what I was capable of.
Charlotta: Still, they have only themselves to blame for failing to recognize the captain of the noble Order of Holy Knights!
Vyrn: Wow. They obviously didn't make you the captain for nothin'.
Vyrn: So what do you even need our help for?
Vyrn: From the looks of it, you're more than strong enough to go hiking on your own, right?
Charlotta: Yes... Well, no... Um... It's true that I have nothing to fear from monsters or bandits, but...
Charlotta: You see, there's an area that's a bit too steep for me to climb alone.
Charlotta: So, (Captain)... I would appreciate it if you could, you know, give me a boost when the time calls for it.
After working their way past a number of treacherous areas, (Captain) and company finally reach the village Charlotta is interested in.
She wastes no time in asking about a certain medicine the village specializes in, but she's in for some disappointment.
Charlotta: Oh... So it's not possible?
Villager: I mean, don't get me wrong, we do make a height-enhancement supplement here...
Villager: But it's only a supplement, and you're a Harvin. I don't think it'll make you any taller.
Charlotta: That can't be...
Vyrn: It looks like all Charlotta wanted was to get this growth supplement so she could be taller.
Lyria: She must feel really self-conscious about it. Ugh... Now I feel even more awful about what I said before.
Charlotta: Grrr... So all the trouble of sneaking away from the other knights was a waste of effort.
Charlotta: The way things stand, how is a disgrace like me ever going to restore the honor of the Order of Holy Knights?
Charlotta: But wait... There's still one last ray of hope!
Charlotta: (Captain)! I want you to take me with you on your journey!
Vyrn: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Where did that come from?
Charlotta: I've heard that (Captain) intends to find Estalucia, the Island of the Astrals.
Charlotta: If the will of this world has forsaken me, then I have no choice but to place my hopes in a power beyond this world—the Astrals!
Lyria: Wow, you really want to get taller, don't you?
Charlotta: This is something that affects more than just me.
Charlotta: The other knights congratulated me sincerely at my inauguration, but I know the truth.
Charlotta: There are those who laugh when they think of a Harvin being promoted to captain.
Charlotta: If they want to laugh at me, that's fine. But I won't forgive anyone who dares to laugh at our order!
Charlotta: So please! Help me protect the dignity of the Lumiel Holy Knights!
  1. You bet!
  2. We'll go to the end of the sky together.

Choose: You bet!
Charlotta: You have my gratitude! As a member of your crew, I shall serve you wholeheartedly, (Captain)!

Choose: We'll go to the end of the sky together.
Charlotta: You have my gratitude! Let us join forces to reach the Island of the Astrals!
Continue 1
Charlotta: Though I never thought I'd have to pin my hopes on the legendary land of Estalucia...
Lyria: You have nothing to worry about! We can go anywhere as long as we work together!
Charlotta: Hehe. As long as we have (Captain), I think you might be right.
Small of stature but large of ambition, the Holy Knight Charlotta joins (Captain)'s crew.
Thus the journey to the end of the sky—and to Estalucia, the Island of the Astrals—continues.

Knight's Honor

Charlotta has yet to find a way to grow taller, but she says she wants to become a symbol of the power and glory of the Order of Holy Knights. While she discusses this with the crew, a villager asks for help with a pack of monsters that has come out of the forest.

Charlotta: You know, I was hoping I might be able to find a way to increase my height during our journey to Estalucia...
Charlotta: But I have nothing to show for my search so far. Is this really the will of the world... The will of the divine spirit?
Lyria: I think you're plenty strong and wonderful just as you are.
Charlotta: But...
Shop Employee: Thank you for waiting! Um... Who ordered the little skyfarer's lunch?
Charlotta: Grrr... As the leader of Lumiel's proud Order of Holy Knights...
Charlotta: I need to be taller to become the sort of symbol of power and glory fit to represent the Holy Kingdom of Lumiel.
(Captain) and company continue their journey to Estalucia with Charlotta.
They follow rumors to various villages along the way, but they can't find a way to make Charlotta taller.
Vyrn: Does it matter what people say about you? Just let 'em say what they're gonna!
Vyrn: Do you really gotta obsess over dignity so much just because you're with the Order of Holy Knights?
Charlotta: Oh, but I must. As a holy knight, I must inspire pride and fear.
Charlotta: I am a defender of justice; I must not be taken lightly.
Villager: Hey! Somebody help! There's a pack of monsters from the forest heading toward our village.
Charlotta: Monsters? (Captain)!
Vyrn: We can't ignore this! Let's go!

Knight's Honor: Scene 2

Charlotta and the others repel the monsters attacking the village, but then they see monsters attacking a girl and head to the rescue.

Monster: Grargh...
Charlotta: Phew... Looks like we took care of most of the monsters heading to the village.
Vyrn: No... These monsters attack in large packs, so don't let your guard down yet.
Lyria: Oh! Look!
Monster: Groar!
Child: Eek! No...
Charlotta: Oh my! That wasn't the last of them!
Vyrn: We've gotta save that girl, (Captain)!

Knight's Honor: Scene 3

One of the monsters kidnaps the girl, and the crew follows it to its cave. The crew finds a narrow passage deep in the cave, and Charlotta advances alone to save the girl and lure out the monsters.

The crew defeats monster after monster, but one of them takes advantage of an opening to kidnap a village girl.
The crew tracks the monster to a cave to try to save her.
Lyria: This must be their den! I'm sure the monster dragged the girl in there too.
Vyrn: Yeah, I'm sure you're right! At least I hope so...
Deep inside the cave is a hole so small that only a child could pass through.
Vyrn: I think I could squeeze through, but I can't deal with all those monsters by myself...
Charlotta: I'll go! This job is perfect for me.
Lyria: Charlotta...
Charlotta: The Holy Kingdom of Lumiel is as powerful as the Erste Empire...
Charlotta: And the Order of Holy Knights sits at the top of Lumiel. I'll prove that I'm worthy to act as its captain.
Charlotta: I will bring back that child!
The crew watches anxiously as Charlotta vanishes into the tiny hole, and then a few tense moments pass.
Charlotta: (Captain)!
Lyria: Charlotta! And you've got the girl with you!
Charlotta: Of course! But the monsters are on our tails! Get ready!

Knight's Honor: Scene 4

After Charlotta takes advantage of her small size to save the girl, she realizes that her height isn't such a big problem after all. But she's not about to completely abandon her dream, and her journey continues.

Villager: Thank you! I don't know how to thank you for saving my daughter's life...
Vyrn: It was all thanks to Charlotta!
Lyria: Yep! If it weren't for you, who knows what would have happened?
Charlotta: Ah, um... It was my duty as a knight...
Lyria: Good thing you were small enough to fit!
Charlotta: Ugh...
Vyrn: H-hey! Lyria!
Lyria: Huh? Oh, I'm so sorry!
Charlotta: It's quite all right. I know you don't mean any harm.
Charlotta: And besides...
Girl: Thank you for saving me! Little hero!
Charlotta: Hehe. Think nothing of it. I was merely doing my duty as a knight.
Charlotta: I almost lost sight of what's important as a knight because I was so fixated on my petty pride.
Charlotta: Pride and height are of little consequence compared to being able to keep children smiling.
Charlotta mumbles the words as she gazes happily at the girl she saved.
Vyrn: So does that mean you'll give up on trying to be taller?
Charlotta: Not exactly... Um... That's different because it's my dream.
Lyria: Hehe. Well, you'll just have to keep traveling with us then.
The proud but tiny Holy Knight Charlotta keeps her secret ambition deep inside her heart as she continues her journey with (Captain) and company.

Value of a Smile

Charlotta hears about a fountain in a forest that can change the appearance of those who take a dip in it, but the fountain only works once every century. Some thugs hear the crew discussing this and hatch a nefarious scheme.

Staff: Thank you for waiting! Here's your little skyfarer's lunch!
Charlotta: ...
Staff: Um... Who ordered this?
Charlotta: ...
Vyrn: Hey. What's the matter, Charlotta?
Charlotta: ...!
Huh? What is it?
Lyria: They brought your kid's meal.
Charlotta: Oh... Thank you very much.
Vyrn: What's up with you? You've been all spaced out.
Charlotta: It's nothing... I was just thinking about how my wish might soon come true.
Charlotta: I just can't stop myself from daydreaming about it.
Vyrn: Sheesh... Think you might be hoping for too much?
Charlotta: Not at all! This has to be it. It just has to!
(Captain) and company have come to a town near a forest based on information from the Knickknack Shack.
There's apparently a village beyond the forest that is home to a very special fountain.
Once every century the fountain is said to gain a miraculous power: those who bathe in it emerge looking exactly as they wish.
Charlotta: For a once-in-a-hundred-year chance to be so close... It can't be anything but fate!
Vyrn: Nah... Sounds a bit too good to be true to me.
Lyria: Well, let's just finish eating and go see for ourselves!
Thug 1: Hey, you hear that?
Thug 2: Sure did. Smells like money to me. Let's tail 'em!
Vyrn: Well, now what? This fountain's supposed to be in some village, right?
Charlotta: First we have to pass through the forest.
Charlotta: We might find ourselves face-to-face with some mighty monsters. You just leave them to me!

Value of a Smile: Scene 2

The villagers busily prepare to celebrate the fountain's awakening, though they believe the legend concerning it to be mere superstition. Instead of the busy adults, some children guide (Captain) and company to the fountain.

Villager 1: A legendary fountain, you say? Yes, that does ring a bell.
Villager 2: I know the one. It's just outside the village.
Villager 1: Oh! You mean that one. What about it?
Charlotta: Well... We've heard that it's about to awaken for the first time in a century.
Villager 2: That it is. And that's why we're running around like chickens with our heads cut off getting ready for the festival.
Villager 2: Sorry to be such rude hosts. Normally we'd show you around since you've come such a long way.
Charlotta: We didn't come here to see the sights!
Charlotta: Wait... Do you villagers perhaps not believe the legend concerning the fountain?
Villager 2: Hmm... Well, everyone around here definitely knows the legend.
Villager 1: But it's just a superstition! Nothing to get all worked up about.
Lyria: Um... Could you at least show us the way to the fountain?
Villager 1: Huh? Wish we could, but us grown-ups can't really afford to spare a hand...
Child 1: I'll take 'em!
Child 2: Oh! Me too!
Vyrn: Hold up. You shrimps think you can manage that?
Child 1: We are not shrimps! I'm bigger than she is!
Charlotta: Wha? I know how I look, but I assure you that I'm an adult!
Child 2: Really? But you're no bigger than my little sis! And she just started talking last week!
Charlotta: Grrr!
Charlotta: (Captain)! I do hope you'll leave any monsters you meet to me!
Charlotta: I'll show these kids just how a real adult deals with problems!

Value of a Smile: Scene 3

Lyria feels a curious power in the fountain and expects it to peak when night falls. (Captain) and company decide to enjoy the festival while they wait, but they find thugs attacking the village in search of valuables and are forced to deal with them.

The village children lead (Captain)'s crew to the fountain to see if it's all it's cracked up to be.
Vyrn: Hey, are you kids sure this is the right place?
Child 1: Yeah, this is the only fountain around here.
(Captain) and company stand before a gurgle of water that hardly qualifies as a fountain.
Charlotta: I must say... this certainly doesn't look like the stuff of legends.
Charlotta: Perhaps it's as the villagers said...
Lyria: Wait. I can feel a power here.
Lyria: And a strange one at that. This fountain is the source.
Vyrn: Hold up. If you're feeling something, then the Astrals were messing around here, right?
Charlotta: The Astrals? Then the legend must be true!
Lyria: The power acts as a wave, and it should be at its peak soon.
Lyria: I think the fountain will be at its strongest tonight.
Charlotta: So the chance really does only come along once every hundred years!
Charlotta: I've waited so long for this moment! And finally... It's here at last!
Vyrn: How about we hang back in the village until then? I mean, there's a festival and all. Why not enjoy it?
Child 1: You know, there's not a lot of excitement out here in the country.
Child 1: But you're gonna love our festival! It's the best part of the year!
Charlotta: Hehe... You do make it sound quite exciting!
Child 2: Yeah... But it doesn't start until tomorrow.
Lyria: Is that so? The villagers did say they were busy getting ready.
Charlotta: Hehe... That's just fine with me!
Charlotta: This time tomorrow I'll be at the festival looking brand spanking new!
Lyria: So, Charlotta, are you going to leave us once you're bigger?
Charlotta: Well... Um...
Vyrn: Can't do much about that. I say we celebrate our last night together in style!
Charlotta: ...
(Captain)'s crew returns to find the village in an absolute uproar.
Villager: Help us! Brigands! Brigands in the village!
Thug 1: Yeesh. This rat hole doesn't look like much, does it?
Thug 2: I mean, you hear about some legend and you expect something, but there's nothin' here!
Vyrn: Wha? How'd they find out about the fountain?
Charlotta: Regardless of whether they were eavesdropping on us or learned of it independently...
Charlotta: We're certainly not going to let them have their way!

Value of a Smile: Scene 4

The fountain overflows with power, but Charlotta is out capturing thugs who stole a talisman from the village. Though she misses her once-in-a-century chance with the fountain, the smiles of the children when she returns the talisman are more than enough for her.

Charlotta: Phew... So that's it.
(Captain)'s crew makes sure the thugs pay dearly for their deeds.
But night falls during the excitement.
Charlotta: Perhaps we should head to the fountain.
Charlotta: It's time to part ways with both my small stature and you, dear skyfarers.
Charlotta: Soon I must leave you and return to Lumiel.
Charlotta: ...
Charlotta: Huh? Did anyone else hear a sound from over there just now?
Vyrn: Hey! Charlotta! Where'd she run off to?
Lyria: She's not here either. Oh, Charlotta...
Lyria: She wasn't in the village, so I thought she might already be at the fountain, but I guess not.
Vyrn: Sheesh... What could possibly be more important to her than this?
Lyria: The fountain's power has almost peaked. It'll probably be back to normal by tomorrow.
Villager: This is bad! Hey! You there! Help us search!
Vyrn: Huh? What's got your pants in a twist?
Villager: Those thugs! They stole our talisman from the warehouse! And they're getting away!
Thug 1: Whew... That was a blast and a half.
Thug 2: And I still don't even know what that legend thing was all about.
Thug 1: Those skyfarers sure ran us through the ringer.
Thug 1: But this thing we snatched should fetch a pretty penny.
Thug 2: They use it in their little festival, so you know it's gotta be worth something! Oh! Look at the size of those gems!
Thug 1: And it looks like it's made of gold. Melt this down and whoo, boy...
Charlotta: Halt!
Thug 1: Huh? And who're you?
Charlotta: Who am I? None other than a noble agent of the Holy Kingdom of Lumiel...
Charlotta: And captain of the kingdom's Order of Holy Knights, Charlotta Fenia!
Thug 2: Wait... You were with those skyfarers from before!
Thug 1: Stay cool! What's a shrimp like this gonna do?
Charlotta: Yes, 'tis true that I am small in stature—but as a deliverer of justice, none stand taller than me!
Charlotta: So prepare yourself! My sword and my heart are one, and I deem you ruffians guilty!
Dawn comes to the village the next morning, but there's still no sign of Charlotta.
Lyria: Where could she be? I hope nothing happened to her...
Vyrn: Yeah, no one even found the thieves who made off with the talisman.
Villager: Without the talisman, we'll probably have to cancel this year's festival.
Child: What? That sucks...
With the future of the festival hanging in the balance, a soldier walks into the village.
Palace Guard: Pardon me. We've been taking care of this kid since last night...
Charlotta: How many times must I repeat myself? I am not a kid!
Lyria: Charlotta?
Palace Guard: Ah, you must be her sister.
Palace Guard: You really shouldn't be letting a little girl wander around town in the middle of the night.
  1. Yeah, I know my daughter's a hassle.
  2. She's not a child.

Choose: Yeah, I know my daughter's a hassle.
Charlotta: Wha? I dare you to say that one more time!
Vyrn: Hey, (Captain)'s just trying to keep you from getting into any more trouble.
Charlotta: Ugh... But daughter? Seriously? Would little sister have been too much to ask?

Choose: She's not a child.
Charlotta: That's right! I'm a perfectly healthy adult!
Palace Guard: Whatever you say... Just make sure you don't go running around at night anymore.
Charlotta: Grrr... Why do people insist on treating me like a child?
Continue 1
Vyrn: Hey, how about telling us where you went off to? You know we were worried, right?
Charlotta: Oh, right...
Charlotta: I wanted to return this to you.
Charlotta hands the stolen talisman back to the villagers.
Villager: My goodness! You got it back for us? Truly?
Charlotta: What else could I have done? To let such ruffians get away would have been a tragedy.
Child: Hey! Does this mean we're gonna have the festival?
Villager: You bet! Everything is back on!
Child: Yay!
Charlotta: Hee-hee.
(Captain)'s crew later returns to the fountain.
Lyria: It's no good. The fountain only has a bit of its power left.
Charlotta: I see. There's not much to be done then, is there?
Lyria: You couldn't get your wish, but think of how happy those children were to have their festival back!
Charlotta: Hehe. They were smiling most grandly, weren't they?
Charlotta: Smiles like that are a more than adequate trade for a once-in-a-century chance.
Vyrn: And there might be another way to get your wish anyhow! All you need is a little patience!
Charlotta: You're right! I don't plan on giving up anytime soon.
Charlotta: So you'll just have to put up with me for a while longer, (Captain)!
Charlotta beams as she speaks, her face showing not a hint of regret.
It seems that the little knight's journey to resolve her big problem won't end for some time yet.

Sacred Vow

(Captain) and company visit a snowy mountain to hunt monsters. The place reminds Charlotta of her snowy hometown, and she speaks fondly of her days there, but a scream from nearby interrupts her. The crew races to investigate.

Monster: Grrr...
Charlotta: Take that!
Charlotta: Whew... Is that the last of them?
Lyria: Wow, Charlotta... You move like the snow's not even there.
Vyrn: (Captain) was having trouble even walking. Is there a trick to it or what?
Charlotta: Hehe... The only trick is good old-fashioned practice.
(Captain) and company are in the snowy mountains on a request from the Knickknack Shack.
Vyrn: It's up ahead, right? The village where Siero told us we'd find the monsters.
Charlotta: These mountains remind me of home... Sometimes everything was absolutely buried in snow just like this.
Lyria: Wow! What kind of place did you come from, Charlotta?
Charlotta: Nowhere special. Just your average country village.
Charlotta: But for most of the year it would snow just like this.
Vyrn: Oh, I get it! So you've had plenty of practice swinging a sword in the snow! That explains your skills!
Charlotta: Not exactly. I was just a normal child when I lived there.
Charlotta: Like so many other Harvins, I was good at detail-oriented work and business. I never even touched a sword.
Lyria: Really? So how'd you end up as a captain?
Charlotta: Well—
???: Aahh!
Lyria: ...!
What was that?
Charlotta: The scream came from over here! We must hurry, (Captain)!

Sacred Vow: Scene 2

(Captain) and company save the villager, who guides them to the village. Some Holy Knights have taken the same request as the crew, so they cooperate to patrol the area, but they end up getting separated. Imperial soldiers suddenly surround the crew, forcing them to fight.

Villager: Oh, thank you. I thought I was a goner for sure.
Charlotta: I'm glad we made it in time. Are you injured?
Villager: I don't think so. Um, forgive me for asking, but are you perhaps skyfarers?
Vyrn: You bet! We're looking for a village that needs some monsters hunted.
Villager: I knew it! That would be our village. Let me take you there!
Lyria: We heard that the village that sent out the request is full of Harvins.
Villager: Yeah. As ashamed as I am to say it, most of us Harvins aren't exactly fighters. We often end up sending out calls for help with monsters.
Charlotta: My village was much the same!
Charlotta: My life was actually saved by a group of Lumiel's Holy Knights.
Charlotta: And that's when I realized that I wanted to protect people too.
Vyrn: That explains why you were running with the Holy Knights!
Villager: Huh? Would you also happen to be one of Lumiel's Holy Knights?
Lyria: Huh? What do you mean also?
Villager: Well...
Villager: A group of Holy Knights actually answered our call. They're in the village now.
Knight 1: Wha? Captain Charlotta?
Charlotta: Um... Long time no see.
Knight 2: So it is you. What are you doing here? Don't tell me you knew that—
Knight 1: Hold it. We weren't sent here until after the captain left.
Knight 2: Oh... Yeah, you have a point. At any rate, we're glad to see you safe, Captain.
Knight 1: If you don't mind my asking, what have you been doing? Why are you here?
Charlotta: Well... Um...
Looking more than a little embarrassed, Charlotta explains how she came to be here.
Knight 1: So you joined a crew of skyfarers, and now you're in this village on a request.
Knight 2: I didn't know they'd sent out another call for help. This is quite the coincidence.
Charlotta: Huh? What's wrong? If I've caused you any trouble—
Knight 2: No! Not at all! It's nothing, really! We're just so relieved to see you again, Captain.
Knight 1: Indeed. You look like you're with a pretty seasoned group.
Vyrn: That's right! (Captain)'s seen more of the dark side of adventuring than any one person ever should!
Knight 1: Impressive...
Thus the crew joins forces with a team of Lumiel's famous Holy Knights.
At the knights' suggestion, they head out to patrol the mountains around the village together, but they run into some trouble.
Vyrn: Something's off. Where'd those knights run off to?
Lyria: Looks like we've been separated. Do you think they'll be all right?
Charlotta: I don't think they've had much experience in weather like this either.
Charlotta: The Holy Knights don't spend much time in the sno—
Imperial Soldier: ...
Vyrn: Wha? What are imperial dogs doin' around here?
Imperial Soldier: ...
Charlotta: And we appear to be surrounded. I do believe they mean us harm.
Charlotta: We can save the explanations for later. For now, we fight! Back me up, (Captain)!

Sacred Vow: Scene 3

The imperial soldiers are after a rare mineral found in the village, and they're using dark essence to send monsters there. When Charlotta learns that the Holy Knights cooperated with them, she's furious at them and their pretentious claim that justice is the absolute right of the strong, and the fight begins.

After repelling the Imperial troops, (Captain)'s crew find themselves wrapped in the eerie silence of the forest.
Lyria: Why would imperial soldiers be here?
Charlotta: I have no idea. What could they be trying to accomplish?
Vyrn: Wait a minute. You know how the knights vanished? You think the imperials got 'em?
Knight 1: You need not worry yourself over us.
Knight 2: ...
Charlotta: You two! You're safe!
Knight 1: Remind me never to underestimate you, Captain. Novice soldiers like them didn't have a chance, did they?
Charlotta: ...?
What are you saying?
Dragon: Groar!
Charlotta: What? Now we have to deal with monsters too? Be on your guard, (Captain)!
Charlotta: You two! Hurry up and unsheathe your swords!
Imperial Soldier: And why would they do that?
Charlotta: Another imperial soldier? What are you trying to say?
Imperial Soldier: Can't you see for yourself? Those two knights are friends of ours. And the monsters attacking the village are under our control.
The soldier finishes his sentence by revealing a sinister-looking crystal.
Lyria: Th-that's dark essence!
Imperial Soldier: And we have a winner. But wait... You're that fugitive, aren't you?
Imperial Soldier: Haha! How perfect! Two birds with one stone, eh?
Vyrn: Hold on just a second! How about you wipe that stupid grin off your face and tell us what's going on!
Imperial Soldier: Do I really have to spell it out? We planned the whole thing! We found ourselves a rare mineral here.
Imperial Soldier: We wanted to get rid of the villagers and get to digging, but they're a bunch of stubborn old goats.
Imperial Soldier: So we thought about burning the whole village down, but we'd prefer to stay nice and friendly with the village's trade partners.
Imperial Soldier: And that's where the dark essence comes in. It's all you need to control a few monsters and make it look like the village got hit by them. Nothing easier.
Lyria: That's terrible...
Charlotta: And why would two proud Holy Knights stand with this imperial fiend?
Knight 1: ...
Knight 2: You don't understand, Captain. They're strong. Unbelievably so.
Imperial Soldier: I couldn't have said it better myself! These little knights came down to save the village, but then they got a taste of us.
Imperial Soldier: That's all it took to win 'em over to our side! And thus we tied up the last loose end in our glorious plan!
Charlotta: Fools!
Knight 1: Captain Charlotta, why are you so angry with us?
Charlotta: You dare ask me why?
Charlotta: You had honor! You were disciples of justice! Yet all it took to get you to throw your lot in with this evil was a little show of cowardly force!
Charlotta: You are beyond forgiveness! Well beyond!
Knight 1: Dear Captain... this justice you speak of. What if there was an evil that dwarfed it?
Charlotta: What do you mean?
Knight 1: The only true justice in this world is absolute power, and that rests in the mighty hands of the Erste Empire.
Knight 1: Only the strongest have the right to claim their cause just.
Knight 1: Justice without power is little more than a fantasy, and the justice of the weak is no justice at all, Captain.
Vyrn: You low down, dirty, double-crossing—
You disgust me.
Charlotta: Is that all you have to say for yourself, knight?
Knight 1: What?
Charlotta: Justice—true justice—walks hand in hand with the righteous.
Charlotta: Your claim that justice answers only the call of the strong is preposterous, uncivilized, and dangerous!
Charlotta: That day in the mountains, when the Holy Knights saved me, I knew that I would one day join them.
Charlotta: I knew that I too would be there to protect those who couldn't protect themselves. That vow is justice in its purest sense!
Charlotta: Justice was there to aid me in my weakness, and it made me strong.
Charlotta: Forever pure, forever righteous. No matter how weak they are, those who uphold the ideals of our order are just.
Charlotta: And you, my former comrades, gave all of this away for a little power. Your names are no longer worthy of utterance!

Sacred Vow: Scene 4

The crew defeats the knights, and an envoy of the order shows up to apologize and take them into custody. The envoy invites Charlotta to return to the order, but she decides to stay with the crew until the order can again lay claim to its own words: forever pure, forever righteous.

(Captain) and company capture the imperial soldiers and corrupt knights.
They hand over the knights to a visiting envoy from Lumiel.
Envoy: No words could ever express how sorry I am for what those knights did to your village.
Villager: It's fine. Thankfully we managed to avoid any casualties.
Envoy: That's a relief to hear.
Envoy: I've also heard that we owe our gratitude to Captain Charlotta and her crew for resolving this matter.
Vyrn: Yeah, Charlotta was just terrifying back there! I've never seen her so furious!
Charlotta: Well, all the memories of what it really means to be a knight came flooding back, and I got a little carried away.
Lyria: You were sooo cool though, Charlotta!
Charlotta: Um... I'm not sure that losing your cool counts as cool.
Envoy: Captain Charlotta, you have no idea how much the order needs you.
Envoy: I've heard of your travels from other skyfarers...
Envoy: But would you do us the favor of returning to us? I beg you.
Charlotta: I... Well...
Envoy: Every citizen of Lumiel and every knight of the order awaits the day you come back home.
Charlotta: I see... I do wish to see Lumiel again. I truly do.
Charlotta: But I...
  1. They need you.
  2. I want you here with me.

Choose: They need you.
Charlotta: ...!
Oh... Well, if you say so, (Captain).
Charlotta: Sniff... If that's your command, then I've no choice but to obey.
Charlotta: I suppose... sniff... I suppose our time together is at an end.
Charlotta: I... I don't know what to... what to say... sniff...
Charlotta: I... sniff... I'll never ever... sniff... forget you, dear skyfarers!
Lyria: Charlotta...
Vyrn: Hey... You sure about this, (Captain)?
Lyria: Charlotta, why don't you stay with us?
Charlotta: Sniff... What was that, Lyria?
Vyrn: Um... Lyria? Didn't you hear the captain?
Lyria: But I want to spend more time with her!
Lyria: And I'm pretty sure Charlotta wants to be with us too.
Charlotta: Sniff... Sob...

Choose: I want you here with me.
Charlotta: Well, how could I refuse an offer like that?
Charlotta: (Captain), if you really want me with you...
Charlotta: Then I'm more than willing to stay by your side!
Continue 1
Envoy: That's that then, though I do sincerely wish you'd join our ranks again, Captain.
Envoy: But now that I think about it, perhaps it's still too early for you to come back to us.
Charlotta: Huh?
Envoy: For two of our own to stray so far... I cannot tell you how ashamed I feel. We cannot face you with our heads held high quite yet.
Envoy: Forever pure, forever righteous. The Holy Knights of Lumiel must work to reclaim those hallowed words.
Envoy: Will you stay with these dear skyfarers until we do, Captain?
Charlotta: Of course! I'll be right here with this crew until you're ready!
Envoy: Heh-heh. I look forward to that day, Captain.
The envoy leaves with a gentle smile.
Vyrn: Whew... I thought you were gonna leave us for a minute there, Charlotta.
Lyria: I'm so glad you didn't! And I'm glad the envoy understood too!
Charlotta: Hee-hee... I'll have to give him my thanks once I return to Lumiel.
Lyria: But that won't be for a while, right?
Charlotta: Of course not! For now, consider me a full member of (Captain)'s crew!
Charlotta: I do hope you'll be glad to have me on for a bit longer, (Captain)!
Thus (Captain)'s crew is asked to look after Charlotta.
Their adventures with her will soon be too numerous to count.

A Noble Pair

Charlotta and Baotorda cross paths as members of (Captain)'s crew and discuss Charlotta's reason for taking time away from the Lumiel Order. Just then, a robber bursts into the tavern. All it takes is a single battle with this robber for Baotorda to realize that, though Charlotta has left the holy knights behind, she is still the picture of nobility.

Charlotta: ...
Baotorda: ...
Vyrn: Gulp...
Charlotta: ...
Baotorda: ...
Lyria: Ahhh...
A strange coincidence brings the Lumiel Order's Captain Charlotta and Baotorda together as members of (Captain)'s crew.
The crew sits in a tavern, but the two don't seem quite ready to talk.
Charlotta: ...
Baotorda: ...
Charlotta: ...
Baotorda: My word... To think I'd meet you under these circumstances, Captain Charlotta...
Charlotta: Um... Well, I can't say I was expecting this myself...
Baotorda: From what I've heard... You scurried off from the order in hopes of growing taller...
Baotorda: And during your travels you met (Captain) and have been with their crew ever since.
Charlotta: Y-yes... That sounds about right...
Baotorda: Hrm... Well it was no secret to the order that you were quite... particular about your height.
Baotorda: But for you to go so far as to leave... What were you thinking?
Baotorda: Though I suppose I'm not one to talk, considering here I am in (Captain)'s crew myself...
Charlotta: I, as captain, couldn't forgive those who would try to turn the holy knights into a laughingstock...
Charlotta: I felt it my responsibility to grow taller... for the sake of the order's dignity...
Baotorda: We chose you as captain because we respected you from the bottom of our hearts...
Baotorda: How could you even think we'd pay mind to the words of such rabble?
Charlotta: But don't you see... you chose me. I wanted to live up to your expectations.
Charlotta: I... I just wanted you to understand. I wanted to be a captain you could look up to...
Baotorda: But... Captain Charlotta...
Lyria: Oh, no... I never know what to do when things get like this...
Vyrn: Well, what else would you expect?
Lyria: What do we do? If things stay like this, they might not ever make up...
Vyrn: Nah... It'll probably work itself out soon...
Robber: All right! Nobody moves, nobody gets hurt!
Staff: Ack! What do you think you're doing!
Robber: Ehehe... I think that's obvious, innit? Just hand over the cash, nice and easy...
???: You stop right there! You've done more than enough!
Robber: Hm? What the? Looks like we got ourselves a hero...
Charlotta: As the captain of the Lumiel Order of Holy Knights, I will not let such violence go unpunished!
Baotorda: So long as I stand, evil shall never prosper! Mark my words: you'll rue the day you came into this tavern.
Charlotta: Baotorda! With me!
Baotorda: Of course!
I hope you're ready, scoundrel!
Staff: Oh, thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Who knows what'd be happening now if you weren't here...
Charlotta: Worry not. We're only doing what is right!
Charlotta and Baotorda move as one. The robber is finished in the blink of an eye.
Staff: Hrm... To think such a small child could show such courage...
Staff: It's enough to put us adults to shame!
Charlotta: Hmph! You're quite mistaken! I know I may look li—
Baotorda: Ah... Allow me to say, she is no child.
Staff: Huh?
Baotorda: Hehe... She's a holy knight more than worthy of the motto of our order. Forever pure, forever righteous.
Charlotta: ...!
Vyrn: Hah... Looks like they're back to being buddies again, eh?
Lyria: Yeah! I can't believe I was so worried!
Baotorda: I must say... a good workout always makes me a bit peckish. How about it, Captain Charlotta?
Charlotta: Hm... Now that you mention it, I could eat something...
Baotorda: I'll see if they'll let me use the kitchen. It's been quite a while since I've made a good Little Skyfarer's Lunch.
Charlotta: You don't say! That's your specialty! I'd love to eat it again!
Vyrn: Welp... I guess some things never change.
Beaming and practically skipping, Charlotta follows Baotorda into the kitchen.
And Charlotta isn't the only one impressed by Baotorda's cooking, even if it is a kid's meal.

Wishing for Altitude

After saving Melissabelle from accidental starvation, Charlotta decides to shadow the (relatively) tall Harvin in a desperate attempt to increase her own height. Despite her sincere belief in the efficacy of her efforts, Charlotta simply ends up eating and sleeping too much and swiftly balloons in size.

???: Hrgh... Somebody...
Charlotta: Hm? That's the unmistakable sound of someone crying out for help!
Melissabelle: Hngh... Rgh...
Charlotta: If it isn't Melissabelle! Whatever happened? Did you come under attack?
Melissabelle: I'm so... hungry... Rgh...
Charlotta: Wha! Melissabelle!
Melissabelle: Charlotta... Thank you... for saving me...
Charlotta: Think nothing of it. My main concern is whether that apple I had will be enough to satiate you for the time being.
Melissabelle: Yes! It was delicious!
Charlotta: If I may offer a word of advice, you mustn't push yourself to the breaking point like this. It's exceedingly dangerous!
Melissabelle: I just... forgot to bring corn with me, and ended up falling asleep somewhere. I'm really sorry...
Melissabelle tells Charlotta she'd like to repay her, but the knee-high knight isn't quite ready to accept.
Charlotta: Think nothing of it! Saving you was simply the right thing to do!
Melissabelle: Huh? B-but... I have to—
Charlotta: No, no! For a knight who strives to follow a code of purity, fidelity, and nobility, demanding something in return would bring only shame!
Charlotta: Heheh... If you find me in a similar predicament and return the favor, that should be sufficient.
Melissabelle: Got it... If you end up in trouble, just let me know, Charlotta!
Charlotta: You have my word!
Charlotta: This may be changing the subject, but I simply can't get over how beautiful your hair is, Melissabelle!
Charlotta: Hrm... And on top of that, you seem fairly tall upon further inspection.
Charlotta: Would it... be acceptable if we measured our heights against each other? Stand shoulder to shoulder?
Melissabelle: Sure. That's fine.
Charlotta places the apple—or what remains of it—on her head and stands next to Melissabelle.
Charlotta: Egad! You're over an apple taller than me!
Melissabelle: Now that you mention it... I am the tallest person in my family.
Charlotta: Is that so! Absolutely incredible!
Charlotta: If I may... I believe I have a request for you after all, Melissabelle.
The conversation quickly shifts to an in-depth discussion of Charlotta's greatest concern: her lack of physical stature.
Charlotta: I beg of you! Tell me the secret to becoming taller!
Melissabelle: If you wanted me to make your hair longer, I'd know what to do...
Melissabelle: But... O-okay! We have to help each other out!
Charlotta: Truly? In that case... I'd like to spend a day closely observing you!
Melissabelle: Huh? A day... observing me?
Charlotta: Yes! I believe that may point me in the direction of tallness most exceptional!
Melissabelle willingly accepts Charlotta's earnest request.
Melissabelle: First... let's eat.
Charlotta: Astounding! Is this the corn you eat so much of, Melissabelle?
Charlotta: Personally I find corn to be quite sweet and delicious!
Melissabelle: These were grown and harvested in my homeland. They're super sweet and delicious.
Charlotta: Oh my! So this is the taste of your homeland? Eating this is sure to make me taller!
Charlotta: Whew! That ranks among some of the most delicious corn I've ever eaten!
Melissabelle: Hee hee... I'm glad you like it.
Charlotta: Well, how do I look? It feels like I'm a little taller already!
Melissabelle: Hm... You seem about the same... I think?
Charlotta: Is that so... Perhaps! But my quest for tallness is only beginning!
Melissabelle: Now that my energy has returned, I'm going to do a little training to improve control over my hair.
Charlotta: Hrm... Very much understood! May I join you? I can duel you with my sword!
Melissabelle: Please do! Now then... here I come!
Charlotta: En garde!
Melissabelle: Energy... max! Capillus Ataxia!
Charlotta: To fulfill this blade's oath... Noble Execution!
Melissabelle: Wow... That was incredible!
Melissabelle: I heard you were the captain of an order of knights, but... you're really super strong!
Melissabelle: I haven't gotten the chance to fight beside you until now, so getting to see you in action was really impressive!
Charlotta: You're going to make me blush!
Charlotta: Nonetheless! I was most impressed with the incredible show of force you put on with those golden locks of yours!
Melissabelle: They sometimes move on their own, so I have to be able to keep them under control...
Melissabelle: When bad people or monsters are close by, they can end up flying off before I want them to.
Charlotta: I-is that so!
Melissabelle: They only do that when I'm scared, though, so please don't be alarmed.
Melissabelle: Oogh... All that moving around really drained my energy... I'm starving again.
Charlotta: Huh? But you just ate!
Charlotta: However... eating mass quantities may just be the key to growing taller...
Charlotta: Understood! I'll prepare the meal this time!
Melissabelle: Wow... There's even a little flag on it!
Charlotta: It's a kid's meal! The flag is an indispensable ingredient that simply screams fun!
Charlotta: These meals are exceedingly delicious and a personal favorite of mine!
Melissabelle: I've never had one before, but it looks great! Time to dig in...
Charlotta: My word! This is your first kid's meal? Then you might grow even taller with this!
Charlotta: Whew... I completely overate...
Melissabelle: Are you okay? Do you need water?
Charlotta: No, that won't be necessary... Even when I'm less than famished, I find it difficult to resist when my favorite food is in front of me.
Melissabelle: Hee hee... I'm sure you'll get hungry again after a little exercise. Let's resume our training!
Several days pass.
???: Hrgh...
Vyrn: What the? Did you collapse from starvation again, Goldilocks?
Charlotta: Hrgh... Please... I simply can't eat any more...
Vyrn: Wait a sec! Charlotta? What happened to you? And why can't you eat?
Melissabelle: She's been living my lifestyle for the past few days. I think her stomach may be at its limit.
Vyrn: Say what?
Melissabelle explains the situation to a very confused Vyrn.
Vyrn: Huh... So you were copying Goldilocks here to see if you could make yourself grow a few inches?
Vyrn: Hmm... Just eat a bunch, sleep a bunch, and have lots of fun on the playground! I'm sure you'll get taller if you do that!
Charlotta: Playground? Do not treat me like a child! I am deadly serious about this!
Charlotta: More importantly! What you see before you is the result of my eating and sleeping far more than is healthy!
Vyrn: Haha! Now that you mention it, you have gotten a little wider!
Charlotta: ...!
Vyrn: I guess it's more like you got a little rounder, actually. Don'tcha think, (Captain)?
Charlotta: You too, (Captain)? Indeed... I have felt slightly heavier as of late...
Charlotta: But Melissabelle eats the same amount, and she loses weight instead of gaining it!
Melissabelle: Actually... I didn't want you to judge me, so I ate less than I usually do.
Charlotta: Surely you jest!
Vyrn: Well, Goldilocks here absorbs all her food into her hair. Regular folks are going to get fat in a hurry if they try copying her.
Melissabelle: Sorry I couldn't be any help, Charlotta...
Vyrn: Nothing you can do about it! Just gotta stay patient until we reach Estalucia!
Vyrn: And besides, you look better in sphere form anyway!
Charlotta: Is this the will of the world? The sacred heart of all things?
Charlotta: I wish not to be wide... but to be tall!
Charlotta's attempt at a makeover has ended in failure. Instead of the tallness she so desired, she receives unwanted wideness instead.
Will she one day find the grand and imposing stature she has always yearned for? Only time will tell.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
推して参るであります! Keep pushing!
自分は小っちゃくありません! Don't call me tiny!
騎士たる者いかなる時も高潔に! A knight must act noble at all times!
子供扱いするなであります! Don't treat me like a child!
聖騎士団団長の力をお見せするであります Brace yourself for the might of the Order of Holy Knights!
大きな敵も何のそのであります! Even larger enemies are nothing to me!
ここは自分に任せるであります! Leave it to me!
ふふん、この程度でありますか? Haha, is that all you've got!
(主人公)殿!先へ進むであります! Into the fray, (Captain).
(主人公)殿は頼りになるであります I'm glad I can depend on (Captain)!

Other Appearances


Click to reveal card data


Charlotta, here to bring evil to justice! Allow me to prove why I was appointed captain of the Lumiel Order of Holy Knights!


Evolve: Give all other allied followers the following effect until the end of the opponent's turn - Reduce damage received from spells and effects to 0.

Haha! Had enough yet? I must say you've made for a most disappointing opponent! What was that you said? What do you mean, pretty good for a little girl! I'll have you know I'm a full-fledged grown-up!

Class Swordcraft
Trait Commander
Card Pack Brigade of the Sky
SV Portal Charlotta, Tiny Justice
Language Play Attack Evolve Death Enhance Other


  1. Granblue Fantasy Official Site, Charlotta - Theater - Granblue Fantasy
  2. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 05.
  3. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 10.
  4. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, 新キャラクター紹介!「スカーサハ」「セワスチアン」「シャルロッテ」
  5. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, 新キャラクター紹介!「イシュミール」「アイル」「シャルロッテ」「カレン」
  7. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, レジェンドフェス開催&新キャラクター「サビルバラ」「シャルロッテ」「ラスティナ」紹介!