Scenario:Rosetta - One's Vestige

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One's Vestige

The party meets a young artist at a general store. They agree to escort him as he goes to the forest to sketch the scenery.

(Captain)'s crew goes to a general store in a snowed-in village.
While shopping, Rosetta stops in front of a picture on the wall.
Rosetta: Oh, this picture...
Lyria: What is it, Rosetta? Wow... What a lovely picture!
Lyria: It's a snowy mountain, right? Such beautiful scenery!
Artist: Oh, you like that one, do you? I'm honored.
Lyria: Did you draw this picture? You're really talented!
Artist: Oh, now you're embarrassing me. To tell you the truth, I drew that picture when I was a child.
Vyrn: Really? Wow... I bet you're crazy skilled now!
Lyria: Yeah! I'd love to see one of your recent works!
Artist: Ha-ha. You flatter me. Well, my drawings aren't much, but...
Artist: I was actually just about to head into the forest to work on a new piece.
Rosetta: Careful. Just because it's winter doesn't mean all the monsters have gone into hibernation. It's dangerous to head there by yourself.
Rosetta: Say, (Captain). Lyria and the others seem interested too, so why don't we go along with him?
Artist: I'd be most grateful! If you'd like, I can show you some of the most beautiful sights in the forest.
Rosetta: Now who could refuse an offer like that? Let's go, (Captain).
Thus, the artist leads (Captain) and company into the wintry forest.

One's Vestige: Scene 2

The artist leads the crew into the forest, which Rosetta looks upon with nostalgia. The artist says he was attacked by monsters in the forest when he was young, fell for a skyfarer who saved him, and has not forgotten her since.

Artist: Thanks to all of you, I can walk through the forest without worrying about monsters.
Artist: The place I mentioned is right past this grove... Here! Isn't it beautiful, with the icicles hanging from the trees?
Lyria: Wow, you're right! They're so sparkly...
Lyria: It's almost too quiet here, but maybe that just makes it more special.
Rosetta: Yes... This forest is as tranquil and beautiful as ever.
Artist: Oh? Have you been here before?
Rosetta: Yes, but it was a long time ago. I visited after hearing how beautiful it was.
Artist: I see! You know, when I was a child I also came here after hearing about the beauty of the forest.
Artist: My grandmother told me about this place, but warned me to stay away. Call it ignorance if you will, but kids can be fearless sometimes...
Vyrn: You've got guts! I mean, we already ran into monsters in this forest. Were you okay wandering around by yourself?
Artist: Not really. I was totally focused on my sketching, and some monsters tracked me down.
Lyria: I'm surprised you survived!
Artist: Me too... I was actually saved by a skyfarer who happened to be nearby.
Artist: The drawing you saw at the store was what I drew that day.
Rosetta: I see. That must have had quite an impact on you. It was like your emotions from that day were pouring out of the picture.
Artist: You think so? To tell you the truth, the skyfarer who saved me that fateful day was a woman. For me, it was love at first sight—and my first love.
Artist: I suppose that's why it left such an impression. But it was so long ago that I don't even remember her face.
Lyria: Oh, that's so romantic! It's a shame you don't remember though.
Rosetta: Oh? Wouldn't that be the reason it's so romantic though?
Monster: Grrr...
Rosetta: ...!
I think we have company.
Rosetta: Maybe they've awoken from their hibernation? They sound irritated... Be careful, (Captain)!

One's Vestige: Scene 3

The crew is attacked by monsters, and the sight of Rosetta fighting them reminds the young artist of his first love. She sidesteps his questions and urges him to finish drawing.

Rosetta: Whew... Looks like they're gone for now. Are you okay? I hope you aren't hurt.
Artist: ...
Rosetta: What's wrong? You look dazed. Are you hurt?
Artist: It's just... When I saw you fighting earlier, you looked just like the skyfarer I was talking about!
Rosetta: Hm? I thought you had forgotten what she looked like?
Artist: Yes, but I suddenly remembered it as I watched you.
Artist: Are you perhaps related to her?
Rosetta: Who knows? Maybe your memories just got mixed up with what you saw?
Artist: I suppose that would make more sense, but it's kind of a shame.
Rosetta: Hee-hee. I guess you don't just stumble across encounters with destiny that easily.
Rosetta: There aren't any more monsters, so why not sketch one of the areas around here?
Artist: Sounds good! It shouldn't take me long.
Lyria: Whoa! Look at him get into it... He's drawing so fast!
Rosetta: Looks like he's drawing several pictures. Hee-hee... He's lost in his own world.
Rosetta: I'll watch over him. Why don't you all go for a walk nearby?
Vyrn: Well, as long as you're sure.
There's some nice scenery over there, so let's take a look, (Captain)!
(Captain) and the others take up Rosetta's offer and go for a stroll.
Artist: Oh! I'm sorry. That took longer than I thought.
Rosetta: Hee-hee... Satisfied? Now let's head back to the village.
Rosetta: It's so quiet that I can hear the monsters breathing. Let's not let our guard down.

One's Vestige: Scene 4

The crew safely returns to the village. The young artist wants to draw a portrait of Rosetta, and she promises to model for him the next time they meet.

Artist: Thank you for today. Because of you I was able to sketch to my heart's content!
Lyria: Thanks for showing us around the forest too. It was so much fun!
Rosetta: Wasn't it? We got to see some places that we probably would have missed by ourselves too.
Rosetta: I'd like to thank you too. Good luck with your next piece.
Artist: About that. Um... If you wouldn't mind, I'd like you to model for me.
Artist: I'd like to draw you, and it has nothing to do with the skyfarer I met long ago.
Rosetta: Thank you. I'm flattered.
Artist: So you'll do it?
Rosetta: No, I'm sorry. I can't stay in this village for that long. We're in the middle of a journey, you see.
Artist: Oh... Right, I see. I got ahead of myself.
Artist: I know it's not much, but please accept the sketch I drew today as a token of my gratitude. I've already memorized the scenery anyway.
Rosetta: Oh, are you sure? Thank you. I was watching you draw and really liked what you were doing.
Artist: If you ever have the time, please come back to this village. Perhaps you can model for me then.
Rosetta: Hee-hee... If you insist. Next time then.
Artist: Wonderful! And thanks again for everything today!
Lyria: Good bye! Until we meet again!
Vyrn: Hey, Rosetta! Let me see the drawing he gave you.
Rosetta: Sure... Oh? I thought it was landscape art, but this is...
Lyria: Oh! This is you, Rosetta. It looks just like you!
Lyria: He drew all of this in such a short amount of time... He really is talented!
Rosetta: Yes... He really has improved.
Vyrn: Huh? Did you say something, Rosetta?
Rosetta: No, nothing at all. Now let's get back to the airship before it gets dark.
Lyria: Okay! Maybe we could hang this picture up somewhere too!
Rosetta: Yes. Let's try to think of a place when we get back.
Rosetta is as enigmatic as ever. The details of her past remain shrouded in shadow.
But regardless of her past, there's no doubt that she's a close friend and ally to (Captain) and company.