Scenario:Andira - Blossoming Angel

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Blossoming Angel

While enjoying their time at the Alohas Super Resort's pool, the crew come across a couple looking for their lost child. Andira uses her clones to attract attention and finds the boy in a high place near the water slide entrance. In his excitement, the child slips and is about to fall when Andira and the others catch him just in time, saving the day.

Andira: One, two, three, four!
Lyria & Vyrn: Five, six, seven, eight!
Andira: One, two, three, four!
Hearno: Hoo!
Seeno: Ook!
Speakno: Eek!
Monkeys: Hoo!


Andira: Three, two, three, four!
  1. Five, six, seven, eight!

Choose: Five, six, seven, eight!

Andira: Okay! That's it for the warm-up!
After taking a back seat from the role of year spirit, Andira—Divine Monkey and Guardian of the West-Southwest—continues traveling with the crew.
Andira takes some time away from the crew to attend the Divine Generals Assembly at a major resort facility.
(Captain) and company meet up with her at the Alohas Super Resort after completing their latest assignment.
Days after official business is concluded for both the crew and Divine Generals, Andira is in full vacation mode at the pool with the crew.
Andira: So what are we going to do today!
Andira: Oh! I just remembered I haven't asked you for your impressions on my swimsuit yet, (Captain).
Andira: Twirly whirly whirl, into my pose!
Andira: Well? Tell me how I look!
  1. You couldn't be more adorable!
  2. Hm...

Choose: You couldn't be more adorable!

Andira: R-really? Whee! Hooray! You just made my day, (Captain)!
Lyria: Haha... The fluffy look suits you to a tee, Andira.
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: Hm...

Andira: Ack! That must be your way of saying the swimsuit looks no good on me...
Andira: Sigh... I'm tired. Let's go nap at the hotel.
Vyrn: Wow, your mood just took a total one-eighty.
It turns out (Captain) was simply rendered speechless, stunned at how lovely Andira looks.
Andira: Y-you really think so?
Andira: Ehehe. I was upset over nothing!
Vyrn: Hah... You're quick to change tunes.

Continue 1

Andira: All righty! Let's start with the fun and games!
Andira: Hm, what first...
Andira: Woo-hoo-hoo!
Monkeys: Hoo!


  1. ...!

Choose: ...!

Andira: Ahaha! Everyone having fun?
Lyria & Vyrn: Gah!
The crew makes a rapid descent down the water slide.
Lyria: It's going so fast!
Vyrn: We're gonna fall!
Andira: Whee! This is so much fun!
Andira: That sense of speed when going down is such a thrill! Wanna try it again?
Vyrn: Er, I think I'll pass...
Lyria: O-once is enough for me!
Andira: Yeah? How about you, (Captain)?
  1. Let's have another go at it!
  2. That's enough sliding for one day...

Choose: Let's have another go at it!

Andira: Yeah! That's more like it!
Monkeys: Hoo!


Andira: Hearno, Seeno, and Speakno are itching to go again too!
Andira: I just can't get enough of the water slide! Glad you're here to join me, (Captain)!
And so the captain and Queen of Monkeys continue sliding to their hearts' content.
Go to "Continue 2"

Choose: That's enough sliding for one day...

Andira: Haha. Was it that scary for you?
Andira: I'm surprised there's actually something that you don't excel at!

Continue 2

Andira: Okay, on to the next attraction!
Andira: Ehehe. Up and down, up and down. Feels nice, doesn't it!
Lyria: I didn't think lazy rivers could be this much fun!
Monkeys: Hoo!


(Captain) and company are in a boat, enjoying the slow current of a lazy river.
Andira: Yawn... This is making me sleepy...
A satisfied expression spreads across her face as she leans on (Captain).
Andira: Hey, look! The sign says foot bath! I've been meaning to check it out!
The crew follows the flighty Andira to the foot bath.
Andira: Hehe... Ahahaha...
Andira: Teeheehee... That tickles!
Lyria: Wow, so many tiny fish are crowding around my feet!
Vyrn: The sign said that these doctor fish feed on old keratin to pretty up our skin!
Andira: Oh... Prettier skin, you say...
Andira: I guess a bit of tickling is totally worth it then!
Hearno: Hoo!
Seeno: Ook!
Speakno: Eek!
Andira: How are you taking it, (Captain)? Aren't you ticklish?
  1. I can feel the coochie-coochie-coo!
  2. Feels nice actually...

Choose: I can feel the coochie-coochie-coo!

Andira: Of course! No one can escape it here!
Go to "Continue 3"

Choose: Feels nice actually...

Andira: Wha? Seriously? Well, whatever floats your boat!

Continue 3

And so they spend some time basking in the foot bath with the doctor fish.
When they walk away for a reprieve, they overhear a married couple having a row by the poolside.
Mother: I told you to watch him!
Father: Really sorry! I must've dozed off without realizing it...
Mother: Why do you think I always tell you not to take your eyes off him!
Andira: Um... Is everything all right here?
Unable to bear seeing this heated exchange go on, Andira steps in. The father's eyes widen in surprise.
Father: Y-you're one of the Twelve Divine Generals...
Andira: I'm Andira. You seem troubled. Is there anything I can help with?
Father: Thank you so much! This is embarrassing to admit, but...
He explains that their son disappeared from the lazy river when he and his wife's attention were focused elsewhere.
Father: Fortunately he's still small, so he couldn't have gone very far...
Andira: This is worrying nonetheless. If you don't mind, we'd like to help look for your son.
Mother: Would you really be okay with that?
Lyria: Of course! We might be skyfarers, but we happen to take on lots of requests like this!
Vyrn: All right, let's start by asking the pool staff if they've bumped into any lost kids!
Monkeys: Hoo!


Andira: You guys will help too? Appreciate it!
  1. Can't have missing kids on our watch!

Choose: Can't have missing kids on our watch!

Parents: Thank you!
The crew expects to find the boy immediately, but the search does not go so well.
Andira: We checked all the likely places nearby, but no dice...
Lyria: I tried asking the people in the lazy river, but they didn't see any boys on their own...
Vyrn: I didn't have much luck with the pool staff either...
Monkeys: Hoo...


Andira: Oh no...
Father: Please don't tell me he's underwater!
Mother: What if he's been kidnapped!
Andira: (The parents are starting to lose it... We don't have a second to waste.)
Andira: Let's calm down for now. We'll try to expand our search.
Andira: Infinite diversity in infinite combinations... Transform!
Parents: Eep!
Andira: Okay! On with the search!
Andira's mirror images split up to question anyone who might have seen a missing boy.
Andira: Scuse me, mister! Any chance you've seen a missing boy about this tall?
Male Patron: M-my goodness, it's the great Andira! A missing boy? Um, sorry, I wouldn't know...
Andira: Scuse me, miss! Any chance you've seen a boy who seemed lost?
Female Patron: Sorry, I didn't see anyone like that... Wow, that's a lot of Andiras!
Before long, Andira's clones become the center of attention and all guests begin talking about a missing boy.
Lyria: It's going so much faster with Andira!
Vyrn: With this many people lookin' for the kid, we'll find him in no time!
Even the guests in line at the water slide above notice the commotion.
Boy: Huh? What's happening! It's really noisy down there, but I can't see anything.
Hoping to get a better look, he climbs onto a mascot statue near the railing.
Boy: Wow! So many Andiras everywhere!
Boy: Mommy's there too! Hey, Mommy!
Leaning out from the railing, he gleefully waves toward his mother.
Mother: Huh? Isn't that...
Andira: Is that your son? First thing you want to do is calm down—
Mother: Gah! What are you doing up there! Do you have any idea how dangerous that is!
Boy: I-I'm so sorry... Ahh!
Startled by his mother's sudden reproval, the boy accidentally slips from the railing and begins to fall from the elevated water slide entrance.
Boy: Gwaaah!
Mother: Eep!
Andira: ...!
Many cover their eyes from the tragedy about to unfold.
Andira: (Maybe my closest clone can—)
  1. Over here!

Choose: Over here!

Andira: Gotcha!
(Captain) swiftly launches Andira into the air.
Lyria: Tiamat, please lend Andira your strength!
Tiamat: ...!
Andira: Lyria!
Tiamat pushes Andira forward with a gust of wind.
Andira: Light as a feather... Come, my cloud!
Andira: Goooo!
Boy: Huh?
Andira: Whew... Right on time.
Andira catches the boy, averting disaster.
With the boy in her arms, Andira gently descends to ground level.
Andira: Release!
Guests: Andiraaa!
Monkeys: Hoo!


Having just witnessed a miraculous rescue, the guests raise a big round of applause for Andira and the boy.
(Captain), Lyria, Vyrn, and the parents rush up to them.
Mother: Thank goodness... You're not hurt, are you?
Boy: Nuh-uh, I'm okay.
Father: Andira! Thank you so much for saving our son!
Mother: You have our utmost gratitude! Who knows what would've happened if you weren't around...
Andira: I'm just glad your child's back safe and sound.
Lyria: Andira! Are you okay?
Andira: Yep, fine as can be. (Captain), Lyria, thanks for the support back there.
  1. Good to know you're out of harm's way!

Choose: Good to know you're out of harm's way!

(Captain) and company breathe a sigh of relief.
Vyrn: The top of the water slide's one place we didn't think to check.
Boy: Sorry...
Andira: Why were you up there all by yourself?
Boy: I wanted to surprise Mommy and Daddy by showing them that I could slide down alone... So...
Andira: I understand how you feel, but making your parents worry is poor form.
Andira: Always let them know where you're going beforehand. If it's somewhere you can't go alone, then ask your parents to come with you.
Boy: Um, okay! I'll keep that in mind!
Boy: Thanks for saving me, Miss Angel!
Andira: A-angel?
Boy: Mm-hm! The way you soar the skies is so pretty, just like an angel!
Andira: You think so? Pretty, huh...
  1. Yep, she's a bona fide angel.
  2. Ooh yeah! You were a sight to behold!

Choose: Yep, she's a bona fide angel.

Andira: Geh! Not you too, (Captain)!
Andira: Then again, it's not such a bad feeling being called an angel!
Andira is unsure how to react.
Go to "Continue 4"

Choose: Ooh yeah! You were a sight to behold!

Andira: Ehehe... I guess you could say I'm blossoming into my own.
Pleased with the compliment, Andira ponders thoughtfully to herself.

Continue 4

The crew sees off the family, relieved to see them reunited without incident.
Andira: Oh! It's almost hula time!
Andira leads the crew to another part of the resort.
Andira: Ta-da! It's the hula dance venue! Anyone's welcome to join in during this time slot!
Andira: Since we're here anyway, let's do it together!
Lyria: Whee! That looks so much fun!
Vyrn: Wow! They're really partyin' it up over here, huh!
Monkeys: Hoo!


Andira: You're joining us too, (Captain)!
Andira takes the captain's arm and goes up the stage.
Andira: Time to give you a taste of all the hula practice I've been doing!
Andira: Let's see which one of us is the better hula dancer, (Captain)!
  1. You're on!

Choose: You're on!

Andira: Haha! That's the spirit! The loser owes the winner a favor!
Andira sticks out her tongue with a playful smile.
Andira: Hey, everyone! (Captain) and I are gonna have a hula dance battle!
Andira: If that sounds like fun to you, I hope you'll cheer us on!
Andira: Okay, here goes!
And so Andira and (Captain) begin their dance-off.
The festive competition continues well into the night.