Scenario:Florence - The Archduke's Order

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The Archduke's Order

Some time after the establishment of the three-nation alliance, Florence is instructed by Archduke Hyland to prepare something for Halloween together with the sorcerers of Dalmore. The head sorceress returns to the sorcerers' quarters, where she tells her subordinate about the archduke's request. Florence comes up with the idea of a haunted labyrinth, and her subordinate offers to make her a costume for the occasion.

Dalmore—a small kingdom that has protected itself against invasions from the strong countries surrounding it with its natural defenses and superior magic.
Thanks to the efforts of Gawain, this comparatively weak land is now in a three-way alliance with Feendrache and Wales.
Some time has passed since this miraculous alliance was established.
One day, Florence is summoned to the throne room by Archduke Hyland and is given an imperial order.
Florence: You would like our sorcerers to liven up Dalmore for Halloween?
Archduke Hyland: Correct. Though we have managed to form the alliance we wished for with our strong neighboring countries, currently we are depending too much on Gawain.
Archduke Hyland: I would like to prove that Dalmore has its own strength as an allied country.
Archduke Hyland: Halloween will be an excellent opportunity for us to display the magical capabilities we pride ourselves in. Will you take on this task, Florence?
Florence: It is true that it would not be difficult for our sorcerers to accentuate the Halloween spirit with their magic...
Florence: (But why is His Highness doing this all of a sudden? He said he wants to display our magical capabilities...)
Florence recalls the tragedy that once took place in their kingdom.
During Florence's adolescence, there was a time when Dalmore suffered an invasion from another country.
Florence's parents, Lot and Morgause, worked to protect Dalmore, and their kingdom managed to secure victory in the battle.
The event was known as the "Miracle of Dalmore." Confident in his kingdom's abilities, Archduke Hyland then attempted to invade other countries.
However, Dalmore came to suffer utter defeat while battling in an unfamiliar land, and Lot lost his life as a result.
Florence: (His Highness is not, by any means, a tyrant...)
Florence: (However, there are times when he loses sight of the state of affairs and acts rashly. I wonder how things will turn out this time...)
Archduke Hyland: Florence. If you have any concerns, speak.
Florence: Not so much a concern, Your Highness. I was merely thinking what would be an effective way to stimulate the Halloween spirit.
Archduke Hyland: An effective way?
Florence: If the goal were to simply display Dalmore's strengths, I believe some pleasant festivities would suffice...
Archduke Hyland: Hm... Are you worried that I might make rash decisions again, Florence?
Florence: ...!
Archduke Hyland: Haha, be at ease—I did not mean to make it difficult for you. It appears I did not explain well enough.
Archduke Hyland: It's true that, as I mentioned, I would like to prove the strength we possess as an allied country. However, it is not for the purpose of provoking other kingdoms.
Archduke Hyland: I merely wish to show others that Dalmore is equally as rich in areas that other strong nations also take pride in.
Archduke Hyland: But above all, the hearts of our people have been wounded by the attack of hybrids not too long ago. I would like to bring laughter to our citizens, if only just for the Halloween occasion.
Florence: (That's a relief. It seems the plan this time is not for saber-rattling.)
Florence: Very well, Your Highness. I shall prepare something that both our people and visitors from outside of Dalmore will be able to enjoy.
Archduke Hyland: Very good. I leave it in your hands.
Florence takes her leave from the throne room and heads back to the sorcerers' quarters to relay the new task to her subordinate.
Sorceress: Whoa! Livening up the Halloween atmosphere? That sounds fun!
Sorceress: Using magic to cheer people up is like a dream!
Florence: Using magic... to cheer people up.
Florence: (That's right... Even in my case, I've always used magic for the purpose of battle.)
Florence: (If used for peace, surely it can bring happiness to many.)
Sorceress: What do you plan on doing for the event, Lady Florence?
Florence: I believe ghosts and the like are a classic for Halloween...
Florence: I was thinking, perhaps we could set up a haunted house in the plaza of the castle town.
Sorceress: Oh, wow, that sounds great! With our magic, we can probably make it seem pretty realistic!
Sorceress: At the same time, don't you think a haunted house in the plaza is kind of too ordinary?
Florence: Too ordinary?
Sorceress: I mean, it's an imperial order from Archduke Hyland himself. I think it'd be nice if we went all out for it.
Sorceress: Like make the entire castle town into a haunted house!
Florence: The entire castle town?
Sorceress: Yep! The residential areas are off-limits, but I'm sure we could arrange something for the shopping district or plaza and clear out some space for it.
Sorceress: Just think—what if the castle town suddenly became an abandoned ruin with cobwebs left and right? People would definitely get a kick out of it!
Florence: Oh my! Hehe, that does sound like an interesting idea.
Florence: Ghosts wandering around abandoned ruins... It's exciting just to think about!
Sorceress: Right? It's bound to impress other countries when they see it!
Florence: Indeed.
On further thought, perhaps instead of a house, we could utilize the terrain and create a labyrinth instead.
Florence: Since the roads are quite complex in the plaza and shopping areas, I'm sure putting barricades at particular locations will be enough to build some sort of maze.
Sorceress: A huge haunted labyrinth! Let's do it!
Florence: Yes, let's. Thank you—we were able to come up with this lovely idea thanks to you.
Sorceress: No way, the labyrinth idea was all you, Lady Florence!
Sorceress: Okay, so what should we do for the ghosts? How about a flying pumpkin monster that roars at you?
Florence: Hmm... That might be a little too cute for a haunted attraction.
Florence: Something actually scary may be better. Like a gigantic hairy spider that spits out webs as it chases you...
Sorceress: Wait, what?
Florence: Or an apparition of a smiling skeleton that jumps at you from behind...
Sorceress: An apparition of a skeleton?
Florence: Or perhaps bloody zombies that continue to chase you for an extended period of time... Wouldn't that be fun?
Sorceress: ...
Sorceress: Forgive me if I'm wrong, Lady Florence, but are you actually a huge fan of horror?
Florence: Huh?
Florence: Ah, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to enjoy myself so much thinking about all this...
Florence: I've only ever played these kinds of pranks on Gawain...
Sorceress: (She's done these kinds of things to Sir Gawain? Wow...)
Sorceress: Um, anyway, I guess you're right that if we're going to do it, we might as well go all out on the scary factor!
Florence: I suppose we should hold back a little though. We cannot afford to taint Dalmore's reputation by arranging something too peculiar.
Sorceress: Whaaat! People with a thing for spooky things would love it...
Florence's eyes wander over to a clock nearby and she gasps.
Florence: Oh my, look at the time. I'm sorry to have stopped you just as you were about to go home.
Florence: It's getting late. Let's talk about this again and figure something out with the other sorcerers.
Sorceress: Not at all! Besides, I was the one who brought up the segue. Please don't feel bad about it!
Sorceress: I agree—we should consult the others too. Let's discuss this again next time!
Just as she is about to exit the room, the sorceress remembers something and claps her hands together.
Sorceress: Oh yeah! Will you be dressing up as anything on the day of, Lady Florence?
Florence: Dressing up? I've always assumed I'll be working from behind the scenes, so I haven't thought about it.
Sorceress: Aw, that's such a waste! You can still dress up even if you're working behind the scenes!
Sorceress: Not to mention it'd be awfully underwhelming if Archduke Hyland came to observe and you were dressed just as you usually are.
Florence: I suppose you have a point. I'll wear a dark-colored dress and put on a hood...
Sorceress: How's that different from your regular outfit? You should put on some ears!
Florence: Erm, ears are a little... too cute for me...
Sorceress: Really? Okay, then how about a mask?
Florence: I guess that's better than ears...
Sorceress: So the mask idea is a go. And maybe a black woven dress with a bit of a twist on the sleeves...
Florence: Um... Are you planning out my clothing for Halloween?
Sorceress: Hehe. I may not look it, but sewing's my field of expertise!
Florence: (What should I do? I suppose having something to wear would be nice. And she looks like she's having a lot of fun...)
After walking once around Florence, the sorceress puts her hands together pleadingly.
Sorceress: Please, Lady Florence! Allow me to fashion an outfit for you! I promise I'll make it something amazing!
Florence: ...
Florence: If you put it that way, I can't bear to turn down your good will. You have my blessings.
Sorceress: Awesome! Then I'm going into full sewing mode! I'll even throw in some glittery beads!
Florence: Um, for the record... I'm rather unaccustomed to things that are too gaudy... And please take care not to make it too short, all right?
Despite the tinge of uneasiness, Florence smiles as she exits the quarters, somewhat eager to see what the sorceress will come up with for her.