Scenario:Catura - When a Dream Isn't a Dream

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When a Dream Isn't a Dream

With the year drawing to a close at the Ox Temple's ranch, a sleeping Catura has a dream. In it, (Captain), who claims to be Catura's perfect prince, rides down from the sky on a cow. (Captain) and Catura share a passionate dance, and then relax in a hot spring. It's the ideal romance Catura's always dreamed of.

The year is drawing to a close. At the Ox Temple's ranch, a pleasant, grassy scent hangs in the air while green blades bathe in the sun's warming rays.
Among the carefree cows roaming the open field, the ranch's caretaker is enjoying a midday slumber, her soft snores pleasing to the ears of the crew.
Catura: Snooze...
Vyrn: Haha, Cow Prints sure knows how to sleep like a champ.
Lyria: Heehee. Well, it's her job to relax the day away with the sacred cows.
Catura, serving as the Divine Ox, has returned home to take care of various tasks for the tail end of the year.
Catura: Mumble... Moohoohoo...
Vyrn: Gee, get a load of that grin on her face. She looks even happier than usual today. Wonder what she's dreamin' about...
Lyria: Teehee, I bet it's about (Captain)! Because (Captain)'s her special prince.
The crew regard the sleeping, smiling Catura with smiles of their own.
Catura's Mom: ...
Catura's Mom: (Oh, Catura... If only they knew...)
But Catura's mother, who's standing out of sight, doesn't say anything to the crew. She monitors her beloved daughter with concern.
Catura: Snore...
Catura: Nnh... Yawn...
Catura: Mmm... That was a nice nap.
The girl takes a mighty stretch and notices that something feels different.
Catura: Huh? Was I wearing... the pajama's Mama gave me when I fell asleep?
Catura: Hm... Maybe I changed clothes... while sleepwalking...
Catura: Oh no... (Captain)'s going to think I'm a weirdo...
She frantically wipes the drool from her mouth.
Catura: Hm?
Suddenly, a speck of light flickers in the sky.
Catura squints, trying to make out what it is. The glowing object comes closer and closer to the ranch.
(Captain)?: Forgive me, my darling princess! How I've kept you waiting!
Cow: Moooo...
Speeding through the sky atop a shimmering cow is the gallant skyfarer, (Captain).
Catura: Oh my! It's (Captain)!
The captain dismounts, walks over to Catura, and drops down on one knee.
(Captain)?: Catura. I've come to sweep you off your feet.
Catura: Thank you, (Captain)! That makes me so happy.
Catura: But why did you... ride down on a cow?
(Captain)?: When I think of you, nothing is impossible. Flying through the sky on a bovine is effortless thanks to the power of love.
Catura: ...!
Catura: (This is... just like in the illustrated storybooks... A prince riding in on a white horse... Well, a white and black cow...)
Catura: (Almost like a dream...)
This is indeed Catura's dream. The illustrious captain before her is not the same (Captain) found in reality.
However, Catura doesn't notice the difference. She's too busy blushing at the object of her affection.
This version of (Captain)—the prince—sweeps out their right hand toward the girl.
Prince Perfect: Come, dear princess. Let us celebrate this moment of togetherness.
Prince Perfect: Shall we dance?
Catura: Yes, gladly.
The two lovebirds immediately burst into a fiery tango.
Forward, forward, pivot, step, twirl. They lead and follow each other in perfect harmony.
Catura: (Aah, this is the best... Dancing with (Captain)... Round and round we go...)
Catura: (Hm, that's funny... When did I learn to dance?)
Prince Perfect: Leave all your worries behind you! Surrender your heart to the rhythm!
Prince Perfect: Match your breathing to mine, so that we may become one. You know you want to.
Catura: Gasp! Okay, (Captain)!
After several more rounds of twists and spins, they simultaneously come to a halt and meet each others eyes.
Catura: Whew...
Prince Perfect: Haha, nothing like an impassioned dance to get the blood flowing.
Prince Perfect: Stand back. I have something for you.
Prince Perfect: Hyah!
The prince slams a fist into the ground, creating a hole that soon fills up with clear hot water.
Catura: Wow! You're amazing, (Captain)!
Prince Perfect: We can soak in here.
Catura: Mmm... This is heavenly...
Submerged up to her neck in soothing spring water, Catura is reminded of the time she visited Alohas with the other Divine Generals.
Kumbhira: Sigh... This feels so nice... It's the perfect way to unwind.
Andira: How are you liking it, Catura?
Catura: Moohoohoo! It feels really nice... I almost wish we could... have a hot spring back at the ranch...
Catura: (It was easy to make a dream like that one... come true...)
Catura: (But this time... If I want to stay with (Captain) forever, then—)
Catura: ...!
Prince Perfect: Is something wrong, Catura? Why did you stand up?
Catura: Oh, sorry... I suddenly felt a pang in my chest...
Prince Perfect: Is the water too hot perhaps? Let me cool it down for you.
Catura: ...
Catura: (You're so wonderful, (Captain)... You're everything I could have hoped for...)
Catura: Maybe I'm... worrying about nothing.
Brushing off the odd sensation that had just gripped her, the girl sinks back into the water.
Prince Perfect: ...
Casting a sidelong glance at Catura, the corners of the prince's mouth slowly curl upward.

When a Dream Isn't a Dream: Scene 2

(Captain) takes Catura to a summer festival for a date and is about to make a confession of love, but Catura surprisingly stops the captain. She comes to realize that the perfect (Captain) in front of her is a manifestation of a Klesha that intends to possess her. She prepares to vanquish the Klesha.

Catura climbs out of the hot spring after a relaxing soak. She closes her eyes while the prince dries her hair.
Catura: Mmm...
Prince Perfect: Hehe. I aim to please, and I'm just getting started. It's too early to give in to bliss.
Catura: Hm? But I'm already so happy... What else could I ask for?
Prince Perfect: Lots of things. You'll see. The real surprise starts now.
Prince Perfect: Ta-da!
With a snap of the prince's fingers, everything goes white for a moment.
Catura gasps at the rows of gaudy stalls and their equally festive patrons.
Catura: Wow! It's a summer festival!
Prince Perfect: You look stunning in that yukata, Catura.
Catura: ...!
Catura: This is so overwhelming... My head is spinning...
Prince Perfect: There's nothing to worry about. I will make all your dreams come true.
Catura: All my dreams?
Prince Perfect: So what shall we do next? Today is your day.
Catura's pounding heart eventually settles down long enough for her to think clearly.
Catura: (This is a festival date! It's a staple scene in illustrated storybooks, so I know everything there is to know...)
Catura: (But there's so much I want to try... Where do I even begin?)
Her indecisive eyes dart from one stall to the next until she finally makes up her mind.
  1. Let's eat while we walk!
  2. How about the shooting gallery?

Choose: Let's eat while we walk!

Prince Perfect: Hahaha. Ah, yes, the joys of eating and strolling rolled into one. As you wish, Princess.
Together the pair follow the delicious aromas to the food area.
Catura: Oooh! Cotton candy, hellgrilled searoast, candied apples... The stalls seem to go on forever.
Prince Perfect: Hehe. Well, there's only so much food one stomach can handle. Why don't we start with your favorites?
Catura: Yeah! Um... What should I try—
Catura: Mooof! I'm getting shoved away by the crowd!
Prince Perfect: Catura!
Just as Catura's about to be swallowed by a sea of people, the prince grabs her hand.
Catura: Gasp!
Prince Perfect: I got you. Stick close to me, okay?
Prince Perfect: After all, a festival's not as fun by yourself.
Catura: (Ah, this is another classic storybook scene... Situation number 359...)
Catura: ("I won't let you get lost in the crowd. I'll never let go. I promise." Something like that, heehee.)
Catura has been grinning from ear to ear ever since she arrived at the festival. Soon her stomach is as content as her heart.
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: How about the shooting gallery?

Prince Perfect: Hehe, a little target practice, huh? As you wish, Princess.
They make their way to a stall with multiple shelves of novelty prizes.
Catura: Oh, mooey! I thought I had the perfect shot...
Prince Perfect: Pow!
Prince Perfect: Why, I do believe this cow plush you wanted was giving you trouble, m'lady.
Catura: Oh, wow! You knocked it over with only one shot!
Prince Perfect: You can do it too, you know. Here, let me show you the ropes.
Catura: Gasp!
The prince hugs Catura's body like a cape and guides her hands onto the gun.
Catura: (Ah, this is another classic storybook scene... Situation number 234...)
Catura: ("Our hands touched. That's when I was shot through the heart at the shooting gallery." Something like that, heehee.)
Catura has lost any interest in the game's prizes and is completely happy to rest her cheek on the prince's arm instead.

Continue 1

After sampling what the festival has to offer, the prince brings Catura to a small hill nearby.
Prince Perfect: It's almost time for the fireworks show. Good thing we've got the best seats in the house.
Catura: Yay, I can't wait!
Boom, boom, pow. Flowers of light blossom in the night sky.
Catura: They're so pretty...
Catura: I've always dreamed about... watching fireworks with you, (Captain).
Prince Perfect: My dream is to make all of your dreams come true no matter what.
Catura: ...
They speak no further for the time being, only listening to the pops of the lights overhead.
Suddenly, the prince takes Catura's hand and gazes longingly into her eyes.
Prince Perfect: Hey, Catura. I have something very important to tell you.
Catura: Huh?
Prince Perfect: I need you to listen carefully, okay?
Catura: ...!
Catura: (Th-this has to be... a confession of love!)
Prince Perfect: I've been thinking long and hard about how to make your most treasured dream come true, and it starts with me saying this.
Prince Perfect: Catura, I really lo—
Catura: Don't say it!
Catura suddenly snatches her hand away from the prince.
Prince Perfect: Catura?
Catura: Huh?
Catura: Why... did I...
Catura stares at her hand while the stunned prince stares at her.
Catura: I-I'm sorry, (Captain)...
Prince Perfect: What's wrong, Catura? Isn't this what you've been waiting for me to say to you?
Catura: Y-yeah... I know I should be really happy...
Catura: But something is telling me that this is wrong... My heart is shivering...
Catura: (I don't understand why though...)
Catura: (I wish... Moomoo, Milky, and Lyria were here...)
She thinks about the friends she usually confides in when seeking advice on love.
Catura: Oh, that's right... Where is everyone, (Captain)?
Catura: I haven't seen anyone else since I woke up.
Prince Perfect: ...
The prince turns away in silence, and in doing so, acts like a completely different person. It dawns on Catura that not all is at it seems.
Catura: Huh? Was I wearing... the pajama's Mama gave me when I fell asleep?
Catura: (Hm, that's funny... When did I learn to dance?)
Catura: I get it now... I'm not actually awake, am I?
Catura: I'm still sleeping on the ranch... and this is just a dream.
Catura: That's how you've been able to do everything for me...
Prince Perfect: Even if you've figured it out, does it actually change anything?
Now that the secret's out, the prince turns to Catura with a pleading look.
Prince Perfect: Anything is possible in this dreamland. You can finally marry the prince your heart has always been pining for.
Prince Perfect: But out there—in the real world—that's impossible. During your travels with the crew, you realized marriage was never going to happen anytime soon.
Catura: ...!
Prince Perfect: (Captain)'s too focused on her grand journey. She's surrounded by countless amazing people. She doesn't have time for you.
Prince Perfect: But in here, that dream is still alive and well. Forget about an unachievable reality and stay with me forever.
Catura: ...
The beguiling invitation hangs over Catura's head. She clenches her fists and takes a step forward.
Catura: I know how hard it'll be to marry (Captain).
Catura: But my dreams... aren't just things I see when I close my eyes anymore.
Prince Perfect: Oh?
Catura: I can make them come true... Because I won't give up.
The girl continues speaking with a smile.
Catura: The Catura who's sleeping on the ranch can't dance... And she's not the perfect spouse just yet...
Catura: But she loves (Captain).
Catura: They've already spent a year together... but she wants that to go on for many, many more.
Catura: I understand (Captain)'s determination... I've seen the amazing people that flock to (Captain)...
Catura: I've even come to appreciate... that (Captain) doesn't pamper me.
Prince Perfect: ...
Catura: I don't think of my dream... as a dream anymore.
Catura: So I don't want to hear those words from (Captain)... in a fake reality like this.
A frigid silence descends on the hill following Catura's firm declaration.
The prince scowls, trembling with rage.
Prince Perfect?: Aaargh! Since when did you become so confident! Why couldn't you just break down like you were supposed to, gong!
Prince Perfect?: I was so close to using love against you, gong! So close!
Catura: Gong?
Catura: That sounds like... something a Klesha would say...
Prince Perfect: That's right, gong! I'm the Klesha of desire that's amassed in your heart!
Prince Perfect: I hijacked your dream to imprison your soul. Your body was almost mine to control, gong!
Now that the Klesha disguised as (Captain) has been exposed, everything around Catura begins to warp.
Catura: I have to eliminate the Klesha... Moomoo! I need your help!
Moomoo: Mooo!
The power of the Divine General spews forth, summoning Moomoo to fight by her side within her own self.
Catura: I'm saying goodbye... to the girl who was only a dreamer!
Catura: I am Catura, the Divine Ox! Banisher of Kleshas!
Prince Perfect: Gogooong!

When a Dream Isn't a Dream: Scene 3

It turns out that Kleshas borne by the ranch's cows amplified the Klesha within Catura as she carried out her year-end duties. She's able to overcome the Klesha, and when she opens her eyes and sees the real (Captain), who's there visiting, she invites the captain for an afternoon nap. From now on, she strives to become a fine woman.

Catura: Nngh... Mm?
Vyrn: Heyo, sleepyhead!
Vyrn: Haha, have a nice dream? Sure looked like it from the way you were smilin'.
Catura: A dream?
Catura: I don't know... I can't remember...
Lyria: Good morning, Catura!
Lyria: I know you just woke up, but could you help us with something?
Catura: Hm? What can I do for you?
Lyria: Well, we watched your mom milk the cows and thought we'd help out, but...
Lyria: It didn't go very well. We were wondering if you could give us some pointers! Right, (Captain)?
(Captain) nods, pleading with folded hands. "You're good at that stuff," says the captain.
Catura: ...
Catura: (Doing ranch work with (Captain) like we're a married couple... is definitely exciting.)
Catura: (But I get the feeling I'll need to do more to get (Captain) to fall for me.)
She thinks for a moment before leaping at (Captain), pining the captain on a cushion.
  1. Catura!

Choose: Catura!

Catura: Moohoohoo. I'll teach you guys how to milk cows later.
Catura: But for now, let's take an afternoon nap, (Captain). You and me!
Vyrn: Cut it out, Cow Prints! That's the captain!
Catura: Well, I'll stop if (Captain) tells me to.
Catura: Are you... against it?
Seeing Catura's imploring eyes, (Captain) says it's no problem, and gets comfy next to her.
Moomoo: Mooo!
Milky: ...!
Moomoo and Milky give the girl a gentle nudge in the back.
Meanwhile, Catura's mom is watching from nearby.
Catura's Mom: (Hehe. To defeat a Klesha that appeared in your dream is a sign you've grown.)
Catura's Mom: (The Divine Ox has a responsibility to bear the burden of Kleshas, including those of the ranch's cows.)
Catura's Mom: (As the year nears its end, Kleshas gathered within you and intensified.)
Catura's Mom: (I was going to step in if things got out of hand, but it looks like I don't have to worry about that.)
Catura: I used to scald myself half the time when I boiled milk.
Catura: But nowadays... it's like a third of the time... Or a third and a half?
Catura: I know I'm pretty laidback... but I'm going to do my best to become a fine woman.
Catura: So don't take your eyes off of me, (Captain).
The young dreamer's words are a sure sign that she's ready to move forward.
(Captain) senses a change in Catura, one that makes the captain's heart flutter.