Scenario:Keehar - From Fable to Fact

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From Fable to Fact

One windy day, the crew is listening to Keehar's adventure stories on the deck. Lyria is thrilled by his tale of walking through the air with an umbrella. As she leans in to hear more, monsters suddenly attack.

Lyria: Whoa! The wind is really blowing today!
Keehar: Ha-ha! This brings me back to the days I was still a skyfarer-in-training!
Keehar: It'd been raining pretty hard the day before. We were airborne, so I went out onto the deck to try to dry off my umbrella.
Keehar: But I'd barely gotten started when the wind grabbed it!
Vyrn: Guess that was it for that umbrella, huh?
Keehar: No! I managed to grab the handle at the last moment, but that didn't stop the umbrella. It lifted off, taking me along for the ride!
Lyria: Oh no! So did you fall off the airship?
Keehar: Of course not! I just did my best to enjoy my little stroll through the air!
Lyria: How exciting! And what happened next?
Vyrn: We've got trouble, you two! There are monsters in the way of the airship!
Keehar: We can't let 'em have this ship! Let's get 'em, Captain!

From Fable to Fact: Scene 2

Influenced by Keehar's story, Lyria takes out an umbrella and says she wants to fly too. But Keehar quickly changes his tune, saying he actually rode the back of a primal beast. He follows this up with a tale of a fruit-tree island.

Vyrn: Hey, Lyria. Whatcha doing with that umbrella?
Lyria: I'm going to fly! With the wind this strong, what could possibly go wrong?
Vyrn: Everything! What are you thinking? I can't let you do that!
Lyria: But Keehar said he flew with an umbrella!
Right, Keehar?
Keehar: Oh, Lyria. Now that I think about it, the wind was much stronger that day.
Keehar: It was actually so strong that it knocked a flying primal beast out of the sky and right onto the deck!
Lyria: Wha? A primal beast? That wind must have been pretty terrifying...
Keehar: Sure was. Anyway, I tended to the beast's wounds, and it let me ride on its back as thanks! That's how I flew!
Lyria: Wow! You rode a primal beast? That's amazing! I want to ride one too!
Vyrn: Hey now... Did you fly with an umbrella or a primal beast?
Keehar: The primal beast landed on an island covered by a vast forest... I couldn't believe my eyes.
Keehar: That forest was filled with fruit trees! Apples, plums, walnuts... You could eat all you want!
Lyria: Wow! That sounds wonderful! Wouldn't you like to go there, (Captain)?
Vyrn: I want some apples... An island like that would be the best!
Keehar: Uh-oh... There's more to the story, but it looks like there are monsters in our ship's path!
Keehar: Lyria, Vyrn... Stand back! I swear by my bow that I will protect you!

From Fable to Fact: Scene 3

Keehar shoots down a monster just as it's about to crash into the airship. After escaping danger, the crew lands on a nearby island. The villagers there ask them to hunt some monsters, so they enter a forest to do so.

Vyrn: That'll teach 'em to attack random airships! Good job, (Captain).
Keehar: Don't count your hatchlings yet! There's still one coming this way!
Lyria: At this rate, it'll crash right into the Grandcypher!
Keehar: It's too late to change course! I'll take care of this!
Vyrn: You took that monster out with a single arrow! Talk about the value of experience!
Keehar: Ha-ha! Little more than target practice, my scaly friend!
Keehar: Hm? I see an island. How about we go down there to rest for a while, Captain?
Lyria: I agree! After all the fighting, a cozy little village would be wonderful.
Villager: This is just horrible...
Keehar: Hello, sir. If something's bothering you, why don't you try me?
Villager: Well... Monsters have been coming out of the woods to destroy our crops.
Vyrn: That's no good. We should do something about it, (Captain)!
Villager: R-really? Oh, you're skyfarers! Please help us! We'll reward you of course!
Lyria: We're happy to help! (Captain), let's go to the forest!

From Fable to Fact: Scene 4

After the crew defeat the monsters, they find out the forest is an orchard. As thanks for defeating the monsters, the villagers let the crew eat their fill of fruit, and Keehar continues to entertain with his stories.

Villager: Thank you for defeating the monsters! I don't know how to thank you...
Keehar: We should help each other whenever there's trouble. Think nothing of it!
Villager: You guys are so nice! You know, the forest you protected is actually the village orchard!
Keehar: Oh! No wonder it smells so good!
Villager: I'm glad you feel that way, because, as thanks, you can eat as much fruit as you want!
Vyrn: Wow, that's amazing! That huge forest is an orchard?
Lyria: This must be the island Keehar told us about!
Lyria: How amazing! So much fruit grows here, and we can eat all we want? It's just like your story!
Keehar: That's right, young lady. And this is just the sort of thing that makes journeys fun!
Vyrn: But isn't this just a coincidence?
Meh. Lyria's having fun, so I guess it's fine!
Keehar: I wonder what adventures await us next. I can't wait to find out, Captain!
The way Keehar smiles, it's impossible to tell whether his stories are true or not.
But one thing's for sure... (Captain) and the crew are bound to go on some pretty unbelievable adventures with Keehar.