Scenario:Mugen - Pancakes of Happiness

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Pancakes of Happiness

As Mugen and the girl are gathering ingredients to make pancakes, another girl asks them to swing by later so she can start working on Mugen's Halloween costume. Meanwhile, a boy tells a blindsided Nehan that he needs to prepare treats to give out on the big day or risk being pranked.

Early one morning just before Halloween, Mugen makes his usual visit to Nehan's office.
Though assisting Nehan is part of his daily routine, today is a bit different.
Mugen: Nehan... Morning.
Nehan: You're here early today, Mugen.
Mugen: Um, Nehan... Uh...
Nehan: What is it?
Mugen: Mugen no can help today... Sorry...
Nehan: That's fine. You're always assisting me out of the goodness of your heart, so I can't very well complain.
Mugen: For instance, no Mugen, okay?
Nehan: Yes. Do you have plans?
Mugen: Hehe... It secret!
Nehan: He's certainly chipper today.
After departing from the office, Mugen heads for the henhouse.
Mature Mia: Good morning, Mugen! Let's start getting the ingredients together!
Mugen: Morning. Here for chickens?
Mature Mia: Yep! We'll need eggs to make the pancakes.
Mugen: Pancakes... Oh, pancakes fluffy. For instance, eggs make fluffy!
Mature Mia: Exactly! You use eggs to make the pancakes nice and fluffy! Very good!
Mugen: Mugen understand! Gather eggs!
Mature Mia: There are lots in the henhouse! Oh, but be careful not to bump your head on the ceiling!
Mugen: Okay!
As soon as the pair enters the henhouse, the chickens begin to run amok, perhaps startled by Mugen's massive form.
Mature Mia: Whoa! Calm down, you guys!
Mugen: Oh... Many feathers... In mouth too...
Mature Mia: Spit them out! Peh!
Mugen: Peh...
Mugen: Sorry, chickens. Mugen take eggs.
Mature Mia: Be reeeally careful, okay? Eggs are super breakable!
After battling their way through the pecking chickens to gather enough eggs, they emerge from the henhouse looking worse for wear.
For their next ingredient, the two then make their way to the barn to collect milk from a cow.
Mugen: Milk in pancakes too... Mugen not know...
Cow: ...
Mature Mia: Form a circle with your fingers like this, then squeeze them in turn to extract the milk. Gently, now.
Mugen: Mugen try.
Lively Jill: Oh, there you guys are. Whatcha doing?
Mugen: Oh. Um...
Unable to reveal their secret, Mugen is at a loss for words, prompting his coconspirator to speak up instead.
Mature Mia: Isn't it obvious? Mugen said he'd never milked a cow, so I'm teaching him how!
Lively Jill: Ooh, I'm impressed!
Hey, Mugen, can you swing by later so we can start working on your Halloween clothes?
Mugen: Halloween... clothes?
Mature Mia: Everyone dresses up in costumes for Halloween! You get to wear a totally different outfit!
Mugen: Change clothes fun?
Mature Mia: Super fun!
Lively Jill: You're a big guy, so that'll make it even more fun to dress you up! And Tien said she'll help out with the sewing.
Mature Mia: Oh boy, now I'm even more excited for the big day! I can't wait!
Mugen: Mugen same! Want surprise everyone!
Mature Mia: Yeah! Let's keep at it!
Meanwhile back in Nehan's office, Scott is having a minor scrape treated.
Sunny Scott: Oww...
Nehan: I'm disinfecting it now. Hold still.
Sunny Scott: Okay...
Suddenly, he spots Mugen and Mia walking by the window.
Sunny Scott: Oh, Mugen! Heeey!
Nehan: I said not to move...
Scott waves his hand at the pair, who wave cheerfully back.
Sunny Scott: What're those two up to? Oh, I know... I bet they're prepping for Halloween!
Nehan: Halloween? Is it that time already?
Sunny Scott: You'd better get stuff ready too—and by that I mean, lots of treats! You gotta give them out to everybody!
Nehan: I do?
Sunny Scott: Well, yeah! Halloween means trick-or-treating! If you don't hand over sweets, you're gonna get tricked!
Nehan: That could pose a problem. There are a lot of chemicals here.
Sunny Scott: Oh, are you done fixing me up?
Nehan: Mm-hm... Be careful, now. Don't go running around the second you leave.
Sunny Scott: Thanks, Doc! See you later! And don't forget about those treats!
Nehan: Treats? Where am I supposed to get something like that...
Unsure exactly how to procure sweets, Nehan is at a loss for what to do.

Pancakes of Happiness: Scene 2

While the girls are taking his measurements, Mugen falls silent in thought after asking if ghosts are the same as spirits. Just then, Nehan arrives and orders nuts from the girl in charge of the shop, but won't reveal what they're for.

Lively Jill: Come in!
Mugen: Mugen here!
Lively Jill: I'm all ready for you. So let's get your measurements taken!
Mugen: Measure... mints?
Mature Mia: It means she's going to figure out how big you are. She needs that info to make the clothes.
Measuring tape in hand, the two girls begin buzzing around Mugen as he tries not to move a muscle.
Mature Mia: You're so big, this is a lot of work!
Mugen: Mugen help?
Lively Jill: Nope. We're measuring you right now, so you've got to stand still.
Mature Mia: Okay, now raise your arms.
Lively Jill: What direction should we go with his costume? Something cool? Or maybe a more cutesy look?
Mature Mia: Hmm... I can see either! Since it's Halloween and all, I think a ghost theme might work well too.
Lively Jill: We've got to capture Mugen's personality.
Mugen smiles down at his friends as they converse happily.
Lively Jill: What sounds good to you, Mugen?
Mugen: Jill and Mia like, Mugen like. Mugen trust!
Mature Mia: Ehehe!
Lively Jill: All right! That was just the boost I needed!
Mugen: Oh. But...
Mugen: Ghost mean... spirit?
Lively Jill: Yeah? That's right.
Mugen: ...
Jill responds offhand as she works, her answer causing Mugen to fall silent in thought.
Mature Mia: Oh yeah... Mugen, we need some other ingredients for the pancakes. We should order them now.
Mugen: Oh, right... Mugen forget...
Mature Mia: B-by the way... I need some baking powder and flour. Think you could get some for me?
Lively Jill: Sure, but what're you going to make with them?
Mature Mia: Huh? Uh, well... What was it again?
Mugen: Um... Mugen forget...
Lively Jill: Huh?
Nehan: Do you have a moment?
Lively Jill: Hey, it's Nehan! Yeah, come on in!
Nehan: I'd like to place an order for some nuts. Is that possible?
Lively Jill: So like... peanuts and chestnuts or something? Sure, they're easy to get this time of year!
Mugen: Nehan make medicine?
Nehan: Who knows?
Nehan: Well, thanks in advance. I should be getting back to the office.
Lively Jill: Okay! Swing by anytime!
Mugen & Mia: ...?
As Nehan takes his leave, Mugen and Mia exchange puzzled glances.

Pancakes of Happiness: Scene 3

Mugen and the girl set to work making pancakes outside. When Nehan shows up to walk them home, he asks to roast some leftover chestnuts first. Upon seeing them munching happily and taking a bite himself, he remembers eating chestnuts with his departed sister, and that they were his favorite food.

Mature Mia: Wait for the underside to cook until it's more solid, then slide the spatula beneath the pancake and... flip it over.
Mugen: Oh... Mia good... Flip pancake...
Putting a griddle over an open fire, Mugen and Mia set to work on their secret pancake practice.
Mature Mia: I'll just separate the egg whites from the yolks... There we go. Okay, you're up, Mugen! It's mixing time!
Mugen: Mugen handle! Make egg fluffy.
Mature Mia: Yeah! If you whisk the eggs up nice and fluffy, the pancakes will turn out fluffy too!
Mugen: Mugen good at whisk... maybe. Because strong.
Mature Mia: You've got to be pretty fit and strong to make sweets, so it's perfect for you, Mugen!
Mugen: Hehe... Everyone like sweets. Mugen glad can make people happy.
Mugen: Use strength, make everyone smile. Very happy thing.
As the two are absorbed in their pancake-making, Mia suddenly spots a figure in the distance.
Mature Mia: Ah, someone's coming! Quick, we've got to put everything away, Mugen! Or the surprise'll be ruined!
Mugen: O-okay!
Just as they finish hurriedly stashing away their utensils and ingredients, someone approaches.
Nehan: There you are. What were you doing?
Mature Mia: Uh, n-nothing really. Right, Mugen?
Mugen: Yes. Nothing.
Nehan: It's getting late. You should head back to town.
Mature Mia: Oh, you're right! Did you come to pick us up?
Mugen: Thanks for pick up, Nehan. Mugen put out fire.
Nehan: Actually... before that, I have some leftovers I'd like to roast. Is that all right?
Mature Mia: Sure! What're you going to make?
Nehan places a gridiron over the stones circling the fire and lays out a number of pebble-sized objects on top of it.
Mugen: What that? Stones?
Nehan: Chestnuts. I cut slits in them so they wouldn't burst, but don't get your face too close just in case.
Nehan: That should do it. Here, roasted chestnuts—try one. Careful not to burn yourself.
Mugen: Roasted... chestnuts? Mugen not eat before.
Mature Mia: Mmm! It's so soft and yummy!
Mugen: Ooh. Mugen eat too!
Nehan: Mugen, you don't eat the skin. Peel it first, then eat the insides.
Mugen: Oh!
Mugen: Ohh, tasty. Sweet... Soft too.
Mature Mia: Right?
Nehan: ...
Seeing Mugen and Mia eating chestnuts side by side, Nehan finds himself overcome with a peculiar sense of nostalgia.
Nehan: (Oh, that's right...)
For the first time in years, he recalls a similar memory of eating chestnuts with the sister he lost as a child.
Nehan: I had completely forgotten...
Mugen: Nehan. Here.
Nehan looks up to see Mugen's hand outstretched toward him, a chestnut resting in his palm.
Nehan: No, you should...
Mugen: ...
Nehan: All right.
Mugen: Good?
Nehan: (To be honest, I can hardly make out the flavor with my dulled sense of taste. But...)
Nehan: Yes... Come to think of it, this is my favorite food.
Mature Mia: What! Really? Then you should eat a whole bunch!
Mugen: Mugen peel!
Mature Mia: I will too! We need to fatten you up, Nehan! You could do with some more meat on those bones!
Mugen: Yes! Nehan, get fat!
Nehan: ...
Nehan looks on as the pair peel chestnuts as fast as they can manage, a conflicted smile on his face.

Pancakes of Happiness: Scene 4

On Halloween day, Mugen passes out pancakes in costume, while Nehan gives out caramelized nuts as treats. That night, Mugen wants to wait up to give Nehan's family pancakes when they visit as spirits, but Nehan tells him there's no need, since he's already surrounded by family. Upon hearing this, Mugen is elated.

At long last, Halloween has come to Stardust Town.
Lively Jill: Nice! It fits perfectly!
Mugen: Oh... This is costume!
Much to Mugen's delight, his very first Halloween costume fits his large frame to a T.
Mature Mia: Wow! It looks great on you, Mugen!
Mugen: Hehe!
Lively Jill: Sniff, sniff...
Hey, by the way, I've been smelling something sweet since you guys came in...
Mugen: Hehe... Hehehe...
Mugen and Mia reach into a large bag and pull out a white package.
Mature Mia: This is for you! Happy Halloween!
You say it too, Mugen!
Mugen: Happy Halloween.
Lively Jill: Wow, pancakes! Thanks! Did you make these yourselves?
Lively Jill: Oh, now that I think of it... this must be why you needed that flour, huh?
Mugen: Yes. Thanks for flour!
Mugen: Here, take pancakes. Plenty for everyone.
Sunny Scott: Wow, thanks!
Mugen: Surprised?
Sunny Scott: Munch, munch...
Mmm! Deliciously surprised!
Joining the children who have gathered to celebrate, Wamdus and the crew pay a visit to the town as well.
Mugen: Everyone, here. Pancakes.
Wamdus: Oho?
Vyrn: Heheh! Thanks!
As Mugen and Mia stroll through the town offering pancakes to everyone they meet, Mugen begins to act a little strange.
Mugen: Um...
Mature Mia: What's wrong? You're all fidgety.
Nehan: What are you two doing?
Mugen: Oh, Nehan! Here, pancakes. Mugen and Mia make.
Nehan: You... made this? Really?
Mature Mia: That's right, Mugen made them. He picked it up right away once I taught him how. Right, Mugen?
Mugen: Yes. Mugen make.
Nehan: Huh... Is that so...
Though surprised, Nehan takes a bite of pancake at the pair's urging.
Mature Mia: Good?
Nehan: Yes, it is.
Nehan: It smells... sweet.
Mugen: Nehan surprised?
Nehan: Yes, I certainly am. I never thought the day would come when I'd eat your handmade treats.
Nehan: Plus...
Nehan: (It wasn't completely gone to begin with, but... is my sense of smell beginning to return?)
Mature Mia: We did it, Mugen! Operation surprise was a huge success!
Mugen: Yes! Mugen glad!
As Mugen beams with delight, a group of children comes running up to Nehan.
Sunny Scott: Hey, Doc! Today's Halloween! Remember what I said before?
Nehan: Let me see... What was it again?
Sunny Scott: Trick or treat! If you don't have any sweets, we're gonna prank you!
The boys bounce excitedly, fully prepared to play a prank on Nehan. However...
Nehan: If you're here to play a trick, I'm afraid I have bad news for you.
Sunny Scott: Huh?
Nehan: Here.
Nehan produces a number of small packages and hands them to the children.
Sunny Scott: Wow! Nuts!
Lively Jill: Ooh, and they're not just regular old nuts either! They're covered in something sweet!
Nehan: I took the time to give them a sugary glaze. That should stave off any pranks, right?
Sunny Scott: Tch!
Sunny Scott: Ehehe! But these are really tasty, so I'm good with a treat instead!
Lively Jill: Wait, don't tell me... you made these, Nehan?
Mature Mia: Wow, I want some too!
Nehan, trick or treat!
Mugen: Sweet and tasty! Can Mugen put on pancakes?
Mature Mia: Oh, I bet that'd be really good! I'm going to try it too! You're a genius, Mugen!
Lively Jill: Count me in too!
Sunny Scott: Aw, I already ate the pancakes you gave me! Do you have any more, Mugen?
Mugen: No worry. Still plenty left. This morning, Mugen and Mia make lots.
Nehan: Heh...
After piling Mugen's pancakes high with Nehan's caramelized nuts, the children eat them with gusto.
Nehan: It's getting late, Mugen. Shouldn't you head to bed if you're tired?
Mugen sits dozing off, still clutching the remaining pancakes.
Mugen: Yes... But... not yet...
Mugen: Spirits come... Mugen give... warm welcome...
Nehan: Spirits?
Mugen: Spirits come for Halloween... Nehan's family, maybe... Mugen want give pancakes...
Nehan: That's what was running through your mind?
Mugen: Yes...
Nehan: There's no need to wait.
Nehan: My family is right here.
Mugen: Huh?
Mugen: Mugen, everyone... Nehan's family?
Nehan: ...
Mugen: That make Mugen happy. Very happy.
Nehan: Good to hear.
Mugen: Yes!
Though no spirits come to visit them in the end, neither Mugen nor Nehan feel the slightest bit lonely.
Thus the night of Halloween passes by in sweet serenity.