Scenario:Noa - On Waves of Grace

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On Waves of Grace

(Captain) and the crew continue their voyage aboard the Grandcypher. One day, the airship suddenly becomes unresponsive, and makes an emergency landing on a nearby island. The shipwright primal beast Noa inspects the condition of the Grandcypher and reports that although it cannot fly in its present state, there is still hope. The crew head for the isle of Golonzo in the hopes of finding a way to repair the grounded Grandcypher.

With (Captain) and the crew on board, the Grandcypher cuts a path through the clear blue skies.
While everyone is on a break, Noa sits alone on the deck, his brow deeply furrowed.
Noa: ...
Noa: So this is it. The time has finally come...
Lyria: Huh? You look pretty serious. Is something bothering you?
Noa: No, but thanks for asking. It's just something that can't be helped. Something unavoidable.
Lyria: Oh? What is it?
Rackam: We're in trouble! Is there an island nearby?
Lyria: Wh-what happened? What's the rush?
Rackam: It's the Grandcypher... We're losing altitude—fast!
Lyria: Oh no!
Rackam: Hurry! Prepare for an emergency landing!
Noa: ...
The Grandcypher makes an emergency landing on a nearby island.
And then the ship won't budge no matter what Rackam tries.
Rackam: I give up. I can't get so much as a murmur out of the ol' girl.
Vyrn: Hey, what's going on? Don't tell me the Grandcypher's broken down?
Eugen: No, there's nothing wrong with the ship as far as I can see.
Io: Hmm... So it's not broken down, but it just won't fly. Is that what you're saying?
Katalina: What could it be? Noa, what do you think?
Noa: Hmm... It seems the Grandcypher won't be taking off for the time being.
Noa: But that doesn't mean the situation is hopeless. Everything depends on you guys.
Rosetta: Hee-hee... Well, there's nothing to worry about then, is there?
Rackam: Yeah. Did you think we were going to just abandon the Grandcypher?
Noa: Heh-heh... No, the thought didn't cross my mind for even a second.
Noa: It's just that it helps to hear you guys say it sometimes.
Noa: I hope you'll forgive a bit of selfishness on my part now and then.
Eugen: Ha-ha! You kiddin'? We're touched! Right, guys?
Katalina: And? What can we do to get the Grandcypher moving again?
Noa: Oh... Well, first we should head to Golonzo.
Noa: They should have what we need there.
Vyrn: Of course! That island's the place to bring in ships for repair!
Katalina: Indeed. First let's head for the town that we saw from the air. I'm sure we can hitch a ride on an airship there.
(Captain) and the crew catch a ride in the town aboard an airship that's headed straight for Golonzo.
But Noa's stern expression doesn't soften once during the trip.

On Waves of Grace: Scene 2

Once (Captain) and company reach Golonzo Island, Noa tells them no repairs are necessary. Because the Grandcypher has completed its original mission, it's necessary for them assign a new mission in front of Mithra, a primal beast that governs contracts and promises.

(Captain) and company ride someone else's airship to Golonzo.
Shipwright: Hey. Crashed your ship again, huh? You're always ruining my good work.
Rackam: That's enough from you! Sorry to ask you this, but do you have any spare workers who could lend us a hand?
Noa: That won't be necessary, Rackam.
Rackam: Huh? What do you mean? We can't just repair our ship on our own.
Noa: It's okay. Just trust me on this one and follow me.
Noa sets off for the town without another word.
Rackam: Hey! Where're you going?
Eugen: Hmm... Why do I think we're in for some trouble?
Noa guides the rest of the crew to an old dock.
Vyrn: Huh? What's so special about this place?
Lyria: ...!
I can sense a primal beast here!
Mithra: ...
Noa: Greetings. It's been a while, hasn't it? We're here today to avail ourselves of your power.
Lyria: Huh? This one seems quiet. It doesn't seem like it's rampaging.
Noa: And thank goodness for that. We'd be in trouble if it were otherwise.
Rackam: Hey, Noa, could you just tell us what it is you have in mind?
Noa: Why, the restoration of the Grandcypher of course.
Vyrn: But how are we gonna repair the ship without workers?
Noa: I'm afraid the ship has already been repaired as much as it can be.
Noa: The Grandcypher, you see, has run out of power.
Rackam: What do you mean?
Noa: The Grandcypher no longer has any power remaining to fly.
Noa: Even I can't do anything about that—because the ship isn't technically broken.
Noa: You see, the Grandcypher was originally built by the Astrals to invade this world.
Noa: Having served its purpose, the airship was designed to sink to the depths once its remaining power was used up.
Lyria: That's such a waste...
Rackam: Now hold on just a minute! So you're saying that the Grandcypher is done?
Noa: Well, in a manner of speaking. That's why I brought you here.
Noa: There are no repairs that could send the Grandcypher back to the skies.
Noa: That's why I need all of you to help with the ship's rebirth.
Rackam: What exactly does that mean?
Noa: As the passengers of the Grandcypher, you're going to give her a new mission.
Noa: And when the primal beast Mithra grants you that wish...
Noa: Mithra's absolute power will give the Grandcypher new energy, which will last until the ship's new mission is complete.
Rackam: I see... So you're saying we have to vow to Mithra to continue flying with the Grandcypher.
Noa: Yes. And you'll need to promise never to abandon your mission.
Rackam: Huh. So it's as easy as that. How about it, (Captain)?
Vyrn: I'm game! We've been through too much with the Grandcypher to give it up!
Noa: Heh-heh... I knew you guys would say that.
Noa: Well then, now is the time for you to demonstrate your determination to take on the skies!

On Waves of Grace: Scene 3

(Captain) and company defeat Mithra and pledge to reach the sky's edge no matter what. Noa then gives the reborn ship his shipwright's blessing, and they find the airship floating above them.

Mithra: ...
Noa: Now make your vow to Mithra.
Rackam: Right. Here we go then. Ahem... We vow to get to the sky's edge no matter what. Right, (Captain)?
  1. Yes, and we'll do it on the Grandcypher.
  2. Yes, and we'll do it together.

Choose: Yes, and we'll do it on the Grandcypher.
Choose: Yes, and we'll do it together.

Mithra: ...
Io: Hey, will this really enable the Grandcypher to fly again?
Noa: Mithra will certainly uphold its side of the bargain. Now it's my turn.
Noa: I, the ship-building primal beast, do hereby bless the reborn Grandcypher as it embarks on its new voyage.
Noa: Heh-heh... Take a look up there.
(Captain) and the crew look up at the sky, and, sure enough, the Grandcypher is floating above them.
Vyrn: Whoa! It's the Grandcypher...
Noa: Indeed. The necessary ceremonies are complete. The Grandcypher is good to go.
Noa: Your vow and the blessing of yours truly have given the ship a new lease on life.
Noa: I believe—No, I'm certain that the Grandcypher will carry you to the sky's edge.
Noa: Heh-heh... I'll even give you my personal guarantee on it this time.
Noa laughs as if to emphasize his words.
Pulsating with its new energy, the Grandcypher continues its steady course across the skies.