Scenario:Aglovale - Ruler of Chocolae Island

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Ruler of Chocolae Island

Aglovale and the crew pay a visit to Chocolae Island, but there's not a single monster to be found. It turns out an argument between two chocolatiers laying claim to the land is scaring them all away. Aglovale intervenes to declare that the pair should compromise, but instead, they attack.

(Captain) and company visit Chocolae Island in order to bring an end to Wales's chocolate shortage.
Upon their arrival, they immediately set out to hunt chocolate monsters for the ingredients, but there's only one problem...
Vyrn: What's goin' on? There's not a single monster anywhere!
Lyria: It really is strange. Last time we were here, there were so many of them...
Aglovale: I imagine that must be the cause.
Lyria: What?
(Captain) and the crew turn to follow Aglovale's gaze.
Chocolatier 1: Hyaaah! How many times do I have to hammer it into your thick skull? This is my hunting ground!
Chocolatier 2: On whose authority? It's not true just because you say it is. Henceforth, this hunting ground belongs to me.
Chocolatier 1: You just did the exact same thing! Guess there's no other way—I'll have to settle this with force!
Chocolatier 2: You've been swinging around a weapon this whole time... Oh well, this will speed things up. Eat dirt, you third-rate chocolatier.
Chocolatier 3: Come on, you two! Enough already! You should be fighting the monsters, not each other!
Chocolate Monster: ...!
Chocolatier 3: L-look what you did! You two keep yelling so much, you're scaring away all our prey!
Vyrn: With them makin' such a huge racket, it's no wonder the monsters are steerin' clear.
Aglovale: Humph...
Hey, you there.
Chocolatier 3: Oh, uh... Y-yes?
Aglovale: Isn't this an uninhabited island? With no specific individual or nation laying claim to it?
Chocolatier 3: That's right. It's supposed to be a place where chocolatiers and skyfarers alike can all hunt together. And yet...
Chocolatier 1: This is my hunting ground! Beat it!
Chocolatier 2: No, it's mine. Therefore, the only one who should beat it is you.
Chocolatier 3: There's just no end to it. I'd leave them be, but with them making so much noise...
Aglovale: Hunting would be next to impossible. It seems there's only one course of action.
Aglovale: You two, stay your hand! This place belongs to no one man! You must be willing to compromise.
Chocolatier 1: Hah! Compromise?
Chocolatier 1: No thanks! This is my hunting ground! I'll stake my claim on this place so my chocolate will be the best in the business!
Chocolatier 1: I dunno who you think you are, but if you've got a problem, I'll start by showin' you who's boss!
Lyria: Eek! Th-they're coming this way!
Aglovale: Fools. They've become so blinded by rage, they're no longer capable of sound judgment.
Aglovale: I'd rather not resort to force, but that seems to be our only option. I shall cool their heads with my icy blade. Follow me, (Captain)!

Ruler of Chocolae Island: Scene 2

With both chocolatiers refusing to back down, Aglovale claims Chocolae Island as his territory, vowing to make it place where everyone can hunt freely. The chocolatiers agree to Aglovale's proposal, causing (Captain) and company to be blown away by his handling of the situation.

Chocolatier 1: Urgh...
Aglovale: Now then. Have you managed to calm down?
Chocolatier 1: D-don't think this is over... I'll take this hunting ground for myself if it's the last thing I do...
Chocolatier 2: Humph... Same here...
Chocolatier 3: You're still going on about that?
Lyria: What do we do now? We got them to put down their weapons, but still...
Vyrn: Yeah. At this rate, they'll just start fightin' again the second they recover.
  1. What to do...
  2. Aglovale...

Choose: What to do...

Aglovale: If we allow them to fly into a frenzy again, there's no doubt it will hinder our hunting.
Aglovale: Hm... It seems I'll have to settle this myself.
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: Aglovale...

Aglovale: Bahahaha! There's no need to sound so hopeless. You can be sure I will resolve this matter.
Vyrn: Do you have some sorta idea?
Aglovale: Something came to me just now, actually. Quite an ingenious plan, if I do say so myself.

Continue 1

Aglovale: I hereby declare this land—Chocolae Island—to be under my domain!
Chocolatiers: What!
Aglovale: I presume there are no objections.
Chocolatier 1: You bet I object! What kinda nonsense are you spouting?
Chocolatier 2: What a ridiculous claim. In other words, you were intending to take this land for yourself all along.
Aglovale: Humph, set your minds at ease. I have no such frivolous thoughts of monopolizing this land.
Chocolatier 3: B-but you mentioned your "domain"... Just who are you?
Aglovale: I am none other than Aglovale—Lord of Frost and the current ruler of Wales.
Chocolatier 1: Wales? Feels like I've heard that name before...
Chocolatier 2: Isn't that the kingdom with a free market and a booming economy to boot?
Aglovale: Oho, I am pleased to know that the mighty name of Wales has spread to even a remote land such as this.
Chocolatier 3: S-so you're an actual king?
Vyrn: Heh, that's right! This guy's all that and a bag of chips!
Chocolatier 1: O-okay, fine, so you're a king or whatever!
Chocolatier 1: You say you're making this place your territory, but you're not gonna hog it. What in the skies does that mean?
Aglovale: It's simple. I will bear responsibility for the oversight of this island and ensure that all can hunt here freely.
Aglovale: However, any and all staking of claims is prohibited. Everything else will proceed as before.
Aglovale: I pledge to pass along all profits generated to the hunters themselves.
Aglovale: Only in cases where one party is attempting to monopolize the area will Wales intervene.
Chocolatier 3: Um... So in other words, you're just volunteering to handle the problems?
Chocolatier 1: Now you've totally lost me. You don't get any benefit out of a deal like that.
Aglovale: Oh, but I do. Doesn't this resolve the dispute? Meaning we, too, can hunt in peace.
Vyrn: Yeah, but are you sure about all this? Wales'll have to manage this place, right? Seems like a pretty big decision to make on the fly...
Aglovale: Bahahaha, it matters not. Weren't people only fighting over this territory because no one controls it?
Aglovale: Wales will continue to make use of this island in the future. I'm merely making the most of an opportunity.
Aglovale: If someone later comes along claiming this land as their domain, you can be sure they will be dealt with swiftly.
Aglovale: Wales will in no way attempt to benefit unilaterally from this arrangement.
Aglovale: No one man will be able to dominate the land, but everyone will be able hunt in peace and on equal footing. You have my word.
Aglovale: Now then. What say you all?
Chocolatier 2: It's true we couldn't claim it for ourselves anymore, but at the same time...
Chocolatier 1: Every time I have a run-in with somebody, all the fighting keeps me from hunting anyway. Might be nice if we could all hunt fairly...
Chocolatier 2: Besides, if someone of your status gives their word... we can't very well refuse.
Chocolatier 3: O-oh! Sounds like I'll finally be able to collect my chocolate!
Chocolatier 3: Thank you, King Aglovale!
Aglovale: Bahahaha! No need to thank me! I applaud you for being willing to accept my abrupt proposal.
Lyria: Thank goodness... It was all a bit sudden, but I'm glad things were settled so quickly. Aglovale always manages to come through!
Vyrn: Heh, makes me proud he's our bud!
Once again, (Captain) and the crew find themselves blown away by Aglovale's expert handling of the situation.

Ruler of Chocolae Island: Scene 3

As they hunt, Aglovale asks the crew why they came to Wales. (Captain) and company consider giving him his gift, but worry it won't live up to the other tributes he's received. They end up hiding the real reason for their visit, but their behavior doesn't escape Aglovale's notice.

Thanks to Aglovale's efforts, (Captain) and the crew have finally been able to start gathering chocolate.
Vyrn: Whew. We've already got a bunch, but I guess this still ain't enough yet.
Lyria: Yeah, let's make sure we gather plenty, so everyone in Wales can have access to it!
Aglovale: Bahahaha! Your willingness to labor of your own accord in the name of my dear Wales is commendable!
Aglovale: (Captain), your unwavering fealty is truly magnificent. Not to mention, you also possess an impressive aptitude for battle.
Aglovale: I have a proposition—if it pleases you, I would like you to continue working on behalf of Wales.
  1. It would be an honor.
  2. We're actually Percival's vassals...

Choose: It would be an honor.

Aglovale: Hah.
Aglovale: But aren't you my little brother's beloved vassal? Surely your loyalty to Percival amounts to more than this.
Vyrn: H-hey! You're the one who asked!
Aglovale: Bahahaha! It is true that part of the fault lies with me. I apologize for my error in judgment.
Aglovale: You are simply such an exceptional talent, I found myself unable to resist.
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: We're actually Percival's vassals...

Aglovale: Bahahaha! Certainly, I almost forgot. You have already pledged yourselves as my little brother's vassals.
Aglovale: I wouldn't be able to show my face in front of Percival if I were to force you to serve a second master.
Aglovale: Heh. I must applaud you for your unshakeable loyalty, even in response to my invitation. It makes me want you on my side even more.

Continue 1

Aglovale: But if Percival were to return to Wales...
Aglovale: Then you would officially be faithful retainers in service to my kingdom.
Aglovale: Bahahaha! If that were to happen, Wales would become even more powerful! I look forward to when that day comes!
Lyria: Hehehe. You're always thinking about what's best for the kingdom, aren't you, Aglovale?
Aglovale: As its king, that is only natural.
Oh, it seems we've gotten distracted. Let us resume our chocolate gathering.
Aglovale: Actually, wait. There is still one thing on my mind.
Vyrn: Huh? What's that?
Aglovale: The reason you all came to Wales. May I ask what it is?
Lyria: Oh. Um, well...
(Captain) and Lyria shift uneasily in response to Aglovale's question.
Seeing the captain's reaction, Vyrn whispers to the others in a quiet voice.
Vyrn: Hey... Wouldn't this be a good time to give him his gift?
Lyria: Y-you're probably right... Otherwise, it's just going to get harder and harder to bring it up...
Lyria: But...
Lyria and (Captain) are filled with apprehension.
Will Aglovale be pleased with their humble offering after receiving such a wealth of extravagant tributes?
Aglovale: ...
  1. We just wanted to say hi...
  2. ...

Choose: We just wanted to say hi...

Aglovale: That is what you all said before, isn't it?
Aglovale: Hm...
Go to "Continue 2"

Choose: ...

Aglovale: No matter. You need not force yourself to answer.
Aglovale: If I recall correctly, you said you came to see me. That is all the reason I need.

Continue 2

Aglovale: Well, that's enough discussion. Let us continue our efforts for the people of Wales.
Aglovale: Oh, but we must take the utmost care not to overhunt the area. Understood?
(Captain) nods and sets to work gathering chocolate once again.
But Aglovale's gentle gaze, clouded with worry, does not escape the captain's notice.

Ruler of Chocolae Island: Scene 4

(Captain) and company return to Wales with the ingredients, bringing the chocolate shortage to an end. Aglovale confronts the crew about their present to him, reminding them it's the feeling behind the gift that counts. Relieved, (Captain) and the crew join Aglovale for a feast that lasts well into the night.

Having gathered a sufficient amount of ingredients, (Captain) and company return to Wales.
The market vendors are thrilled when Aglovale arrives to personally provide them with a large supply of chocolate.
Citizen 1: To think King Aglovale himself gathered this chocolate for us!
Citizen 2: I can't thank you enough! Now I'll be able to give some to my special someone!
Aglovale: Bahahaha! It goes without saying that a king should work on behalf of his kingdom!
Aglovale: And besides—at the end of the day, I was the cause behind the entire issue.
Aglovale: If I hadn't resolved things, who would have?
Citizen 1: King Aglovale!
Aglovale: Now then, make sure to enjoy this Valentine's Day to your heart's content! It is no less than your right!
Citizen 2: Thank you so much again! We're lucky to have you as our king!
Lyria: Hehehe. That solves the chocolate shortage!
Aglovale: Indeed. This issue is resolved, at least.
Vyrn: That makes it sound like you've still got other problems to deal with.
Aglovale: Heh. I do, in fact. One major issue remains.
Lyria: Huh? Wh-what is it?
Aglovale: Let us return to the castle. I will expand upon the matter there.
Aglovale: Come, everyone! Follow me!
Lyria: O-okay...
Aglovale shows the crew into one of the castle rooms.
After confirming that everyone is inside, he then locks the door behind them.
Vyrn: Huh? Why'd you lock it?
Aglovale: Bahahaha. To prevent you from fleeing, of course.
Lyria: F-fleeing?
Aglovale: I must thank you for all for your hard work. You deserve a reward.
Aglovale: Or so I'd like to say...
Aglovale: What you truly deserve might be punishment instead.
Vyrn: P-punishment?
Vyrn: You're gonna punish us? But we didn't do anything wrong!
Aglovale: No—but you have deceived me. Or perhaps I should say... you've been hiding something from me, have you not?
Lyria: Oh! U-urgh...
Aglovale: I was curious why you were being so secretive... but to think you were hiding my own tribute from me.
Saying this, Aglovale holds up the gift that the crew had brought for him.
Lyria: Huh? But when did you...
Aglovale: Bahahaha... I managed to procure it while you were all distracted during our hunting session.
Aglovale: Your vigilance is severely lacking. It seems you'll need to train harder, (Captain).
Aglovale: You came to Wales in order to give this to me, correct?
Lyria: Yes...
Lyria and (Captain) look down at the floor in embarrassment.
With a gentle smile on his face, Aglovale pats their heads in turn.
Aglovale: What surprised me most... was having my own thoughts measured and decided for me.
Vyrn: Y-yeah, sorry 'bout that. But (Captain) and Lyria didn't mean anything by it.
Aglovale: I believe I know why you were unable to give me your gift. But I will have you know, I am not such a small man.
Aglovale: What need was there for you to hide it? The monetary value of a tribute is not what matters. The important thing is... the feeling behind it.
Aglovale: Considering you have worked closely with my little brother, I am sure you understand.
Lyria: Aglovale...
Aglovale: I would never make light of your feelings.
Aglovale: And as such, I gladly accept this gift.
  1. Thank you.
  2. We're sorry.

Choose: Thank you.

Aglovale: Heh, you truly are amusing. Shouldn't I be the one thanking you?
Aglovale: I appreciate the gift, (Captain).
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: We're sorry.

Aglovale: Well... I know you must have felt conflicted.
Aglovale: I'm delighted that you would think to prepare such a fine tribute for me.
Saying this, Aglovale pats Lyria and (Captain) on the head once again.

Continue 1

Vyrn: Whew... Glad you were willin' to accept the gift.
Lyria: You really are kind, Aglovale.
Aglovale: Bahahaha! Please don't misunderstand.
Aglovale: The ruler of a powerful state can under no circumstances refuse the goodwill of his people or his vassals.
Aglovale: That is all.
Vyrn: A-ahaha... Is that so...
Aglovale: Now then. The time has come to proceed with your punishment.
Vyrn: Wait, huh? I thought you forgave us!
Aglovale: Those are two separate matters. Though you had no ill intentions, you deceived me nonetheless.
Aglovale: To answer for your actions, you will spend the remainder of the day... with me!
Aglovale: Bahahaha! I shall ready some of our finest Wales champagne and a feast fit for a king!
Aglovale: It will be a celebration for the ages!
Vyrn: Heh, what the heck? That's not a punishment at all.
Lyria: Sounds more like a reward to me! Let's make the most of it—together!
(Captain) nods happily, and together they enjoy the festivities until well into the night.
During the banquet, the captain senses that their bond with Aglovale has grown even stronger.