Scenario:Metera - A Guardian's Endless Trials

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A Guardian's Endless Trials

Having defeated Marduk, Metera informs the village chief, her father, that the guardian system is no longer needed. Instead of showing gratitude, the chief reprimands the guardians for not doing their duty. Metera, fed up with the village's ways, tries to forcibly drag Sutera and Aster away from the village but stops when she realizes how reluctant they are to leave.

Marduk: ...!
Metera: Pfft. As if a half-baked primal beast would be a match for me.
Metera: Sigh... I hate doing cleanup duty. But at least it's done with. Time to head back.
Villager 1: By the gods...
Villager 2: That salacious woman defeated the Forbidding One our guardians have kept sealed for generations?
Metera: Hm-hm-hm...
Metera walks proudly through the village, basking in the shock and stares of the villagers.
News of her return spreads like wildfire through the close-knit enclave.
Village Chief: Metera... Is what everyone is saying true?
Metera: Sure is. I took care of that moldy old beastie.
Metera: Now no one has to go through with this silly guardian stuff. Get my drift?
Village Chief: Understood. I must inform everyone of this.
Village Chief: Guardians! Assemble yourselves here at once!
Metera: What? Hey, wait! Some of them are hurt, y'know!
Village Chief: ...
The chief ignores Metera and waits for the guardians to gather.
First one, then another, and another—injured guardians hobble onto the scene.
Sutera: Ngh... Sutera reporting in.
Metera: Hey! You haven't fully recovered yet!
Village Chief: ...
Metera: What's the point of parading them in like this? You should be going to them!
Village Chief: Stay out of this. Remember, you're the one who deserted this village.
Metera: ...!
The chief turns away from Metera's piercing stare and gives the guardians a scowl of his own.
Village Chief: You all know why guardians exist, and yet not one of you did your duty this time.
Village Chief: Are you not embarrassed that a total outsider settled this matter for you?
Sutera: ...!
Sutera: I have nothing to say in my defense. As a guardian, I am filled with disgrace.
Village Chief: Therefore—
Metera: Stop it! How dare you talk to your own daughter like that, especially when she's too hurt to be moving around!
Sutera: Sister!
Metera: And you! How can you just take his verbal abuse with your head down!
Village Chief: That is a guardian's duty. It doesn't matter what you say.
Metera: Guess not...
Metera: Even with all this crap, I came back to save my village because I was born here. I grew up here. But now I'm done playing nice!
Metera: Sutera! Aster! We're leaving!
Metera takes the hands of both girls and proceeds to pull them away from there.
Aster: M-Metera!
Sutera: ...
Village Chief: ...
Sutera: Sister! Please! Let go of my hand!
Metera: I can't take it anymore! We're outta this village!
Aster: U-um... Metera?
Metera: You too, Aster!
Metera: Up until now you two have been preserving stuffy traditions and doing your best to get killed for it!
Metera: So what if you get cut to pieces protecting the village? What're they gonna say about you after that?
Metera: Some garbage about guardian pride? Gimme a freakin' break!
Metera: We're going back to the crew.
Metera: I swear this is the last time I say goodbye to this place.
Aster: Um, I...
Metera: Don't worry. I'll protect you. I'll never—
With both girls flanking her, a teary-eyed Metera looks to Sutera's bandages.
Metera: I'll never let you get hurt like this again!
Metera manages to squeeze those words through gritted teeth. She wipes the tears from her haggard face.
Village Chief: Metera.
Metera: What now!
Village Chief: I didn't come here to say goodbye. However, as your father, there's something I have to tell you.
Metera: Oh, really? As my father, huh?
Village Chief: I understand where you are coming from. But there is a method to this madness.
Metera: Uh-huh. Like duty and tradition or whatever? So what else is new!
Village Chief: You still don't get it.
Metera: I don't need to.
Village Chief: Then take a look at Sutera's and Aster's faces.
Metera: Huh?
Sutera: ...
Aster: ...
Ever since leaving the village, the girls' faces have been wracked with guilt.
Village Chief: You are no longer to be criticized for leaving the village behind.
Village Chief: But there are others who can't leave for a reason. I ask that you accept that.
Metera: Sutera... Aster...
The Forbidding One is gone now. So why do they still need to stay?
Village Chief: There's something you're not seeing. If you stay in the village a while longer, perhaps you will figure it out.
Village Chief: Don't get the idea that I wish to see my daughters get hurt...
Metera: ...

A Guardian's Endless Trials: Scene 2

While Metera tries to figure out why her sisters insist on staying with the village, Metera is confronted by two Suteras—one real, one fake—but she's unable to tell which is which. A villager points out the fake Sutera, who turns out to be an illusion created by Marduk.

Metera: ...
Metera is filled with anxiety when she remembers the look on her sisters' faces.
Metera: Why do they bother staying in this village?
Metera: We've seen all kinds of things out in the world.
Metera: They know this tiny burg isn't everything...
Village Chief: If I tried to explain it to you in words, you would only find reasons to object.
Village Chief: That is meaningless. You must discover the answer for yourself.
Metera: Uuurgh! Get off your high horse and spit it out!
Sutera: Sister.
Metera: Sutera...
Sutera: Do you want to know what Father is trying to say?
Metera: Yeah. I don't get why everyone's fine with staying in this tiny bubble.
Metera: Just because you were born and raised here isn't reason enough, right?
Metera: If I can't understand that reasoning, then nothing you say is gonna convince me.
Sutera: I will tell you anyway, Sister.
Metera: Forget it, Sutera. Like I said, I have to find my own answer if I'm gonna come to an understanding.
Sutera: But I don't think you're capable of understanding.
Metera: ...
Sutera: Do you even know me, Sister?
Metera: O-of course I do! I'm your big sister!
Sutera: Then you shouldn't have left our village... or me.
Metera: ...!
Sutera: Ever since I was little, I longed to be like my incredibly talented big sister.
Sutera: You were always my hero.
Sutera: To abandon the village meant you had no intention of getting to know me. That's the Metera I know.
Sutera: But you don't know me.
Sutera: You're too gifted to fail, so you don't even need to consider me or anyone else. You're a generational talent.
Sutera: That's why you can't sympathize with anyone, and no one with you. It will always be this way.
Sutera: I think it best you leave us here and get away from this village. That's what you want, isn't it?
Metera: Fine. I hear you loud and clear.
Metera: ...!
Her pace gradually quickens to a near sprint, as if she were being chased out of the village.
Metera: I don't care anymore. I'm heading back to the ship by myself!
The conclusion to cut ties with her family doesn't feel wrong in her eyes.
As she approaches the edge of the village, she is tormented by the bitter lack of understanding on both sides.
There, off to the side, an argument catches her attention.
Villager 1: The guardians didn't run away! Don't spout such nonsense!
Villager 2: Think about it. It was an outsider who cleaned up this mess. That means they ran away.
Villager 1: They've already had a talking to! And on top of that, the chief isn't about to strip them of their guardianship!
Villager 2: Yeah... Thanks to that, the honor of the guardians is in the gutter...
Villager 1: That's not how it is! What are you talking about?
Metera: ...
Metera: (They're all the same, every single one of them!)
Sutera: Sister.
Metera: What is it? What are you doing here?
Sutera: Um, I... I just came to tell you that I don't care what Father and the villagers say.
Sutera: It does bother me that you've lost faith in us guardians, but...
Sutera: I just hope that one day when you can empathize with us, you'll call this village home again.
Metera: What do you want from me!
Sutera: Huh?
Metera: I really don't understand you at all!
Sutera: S-Sister?
Metera: Aren't you the one trying to push me away? And now you want me to stay? Why can't you make up your mind!
Sutera: Wh-what are you saying? I'm your family! I never want to lose you!
Sutera's Voice: Sister?
Metera & Sutera: ...!
Sutera: Who is she?
Metera: What in the... Why are there two of you!
Sutera: There's another me? This feels like...
Sutera: The guardian trials!
Metera: There's still power left over from the Forbidding One?
The guardian trials involves approaching the altar of the Forbidding One and facing its power.
Marduk creates illusions to incite violent outbursts from its opponents.
Only those who can keep their emotions in check are worthy of being guardians.
Metera: The Forbidding One's power has made it outside the altar...
Marduk: ...!
Metera: You must've survived by spreading your power across the island!
Metera: So you got away from me, and here you are tricking people into fighting each other and growing your power...
Metera: Damn it! I was too careless!
Sutera: Tch!
Sutera: Sister! She's the imposter created by the Forbidding One!
Sutera: Sister! The imposter is the one next to you! Please step aside!
Metera: ...!
Metera is bewildered by the two indistinguishable Suteras.
Metera: No one move!
Sutera: ...!
Metera: One of you is a fake!
Metera: So be it!
Sutera: I think it best you leave us here and get away from this village. That's what you want, isn't it?
Sutera: I just hope that one day when you can empathize with us, you'll call this village home again.
Metera: Gah!
Metera: I don't know! Help me out, Sutera! Which of you is telling the truth?
Sutera: ...
Sutera: Sister...
One of the Suteras lowers her bow.
Sutera: I believe in you. It doesn't matter which of us you shoot.
Sutera: That is to say if you shoot the both of us, I will willingly sacrifice myself.
Metera: Wha?
Sutera: I am a guardian. I have always been ready to give my life to protect the village.
Sutera: Ngh...
Metera: I said don't move!
Metera: (The Forbidding One leads people toward destructive behaviors... Which means...)
Villager 1: Metera! The one who lowered her bow is the fake!
Sutera: ...!
Villager 1: Would a guardian ever lower their weapon in front of the enemy?
Metera: You people!
Villager 1: We watch the guardians fight all the time! I assure you I'm not wrong!
Sutera: Ugh...
Monster: Groooar!
Sutera: Sister!
Metera: Yeah. Hang back, Sutera. You're still hurt.
Metera: Damn, I'm pissed. You made me point my bow at my own sister!

A Guardian's Endless Trials: Scene 3

Metera and Sutera come to better understand each other after the fake-Sutera incident. A number of monsters infiltrate the village disguised as its residents, and Metera teams up with Sutera and Aster to stop them. She asks for their help to finish off Marduk for good.

Monster: Gyaaah!
Metera: ...
Sutera: Oh, wow... You haven't lost your touch, Sister.
Metera: I'm sorry. I guess I don't know anything about you, Sutera...
Sutera: Sister...
Sutera: Actually I used to not know all that much about you either.
Metera: Eh?
Sutera: I focused on how to match your bowmanship, your skill with magic, and just about everything else you can do.
Sutera: For the longest time I couldn't figure out why you'd turn down the honor of being a guardian despite all the skills you possess.
Sutera: But ever since I got the chance to talk to you again, I understood you a little better-
Sutera: Even though there are still things left unsaid.
Sutera: So I hope you will take the time to do the same and get to know me and the village.
Metera: ...
The two sisters exchange smiles until interrupted by a breathless Aster.
Aster: Sutera! Monsters disguised themselves as people and slipped into the village!
Sutera's face hardens at the bad news.
Sutera: Understood. I'll handle it.
Metera: Guess I'll tag along with you mighty guardians.
Sutera: Have you finally decided to not keep me from fighting?
Metera: You've got a reason to push that injured body of yours, right? Not that it matters to me.
Aster: Are you going to fight with us, Metera?
Metera: I have to watch you complete your duty with my own eyes or it won't matter. Let's go, Sutera, Aster.
Sutera: Yes, Sister!
Aster: I'll do my best!
Villager 3: Found you! This person is a monster!
Villager 2: Tch!
Monster: Grrr!
Sutera: Got you!
An arrow pierces the forehead of a monster as soon as it drops its disguise.
Metera: Well, that makes number ten. Ugh, how many of them are there?
Aster: I have one in my sights...
Aster: Take that!
Monster: Gyaah!
Metera: Good one. How're you holding up?
Aster: I can still fight!
Sutera: Me too. I have everyone's care to thank for that.
Metera: Okay. Stay focused.
Sutera: Of course, Sister.
The three locked-in hunters carefully pursue their prey. A lone villager comes running up to them.
Villager 1: Guardians! I brought quivers! Each of these arrows has been fitted for precision!
Aster: Thanks a lot! Now go find somewhere safe to hide!
Villager 1: Right! May you prevail in battle!
Metera: ...
Metera: Still...
Villager 2: The chief's house is the evacuation point! Bring children and the wounded there!
Metera: I thought people here were hopelessly incompetent, but they're actually taking pretty big risks to help out.
Sutera: Yes. They're fighting in their own way to the best of their abilities.
Sutera: It's thanks to them that we guardians can continue to fight so tirelessly.
Metera: Hmm. Yeah, I think I get the idea. It's what you're good at.
Metera: Anyway, this is only going to get worse. It's about to get heavy, but whatever. Time to dive in.
Aster: Dive in? What does that mean?
Metera: I'm gonna smash the source of all this one more time. In other words the Forbidding One.
Sutera & Aster: ...!
Metera: One more rematch to decide it once and for all.
Metera: So I'm gonna need the help of both you and Aster.
Sutera: Sister!
This is the first time Sutera has seen a humbled and sheepish Metera ask for help.
Metera: I'm not worried about losing, but if it's not completely destroyed, this problem will keep repeating itself.
Metera: I'll probably need you guardians at my side.
Metera: So please.
Sutera: Understood. Guardian Sutera will fight with you.
Aster: Guardian Aster at your service!
Metera: Thanks...
Metera: All of its scattered power should be concentrated around here.
Sutera: Yes, I do feel the presence of... something. It's probably that of the Forbidding One.
Aster: Ah! Look over there!
Aster points to what appears to be a mass of dark particles.
Sutera: It's about to be revived after collecting all of the people's ill will and malice.
Metera: It's impossible to seal it again like this.
The Forbidding One: ...
The Forbidding One: ...!
Metera: Haha. You're doing well for yourself.
Sutera: So now we just do as Metera said to...
Metera: Yep. We whale on it before it can revive itself.
Aster: It's so off-putting! Are you sure we'll be able to do any damage?
Metera: Eh, it'll be fine. We've got the three strongest people on the island right here.
Aster: Huh? D-does that include me too?
Metera: I wouldn't have brought you here otherwise. Don't worry. Have faith in your genius sister, the strongest one there is.
Metera: Charge!
Sutera & Aster: Okay!
The Forbidding One: ...!

A Guardian's Endless Trials: Scene 4

Metera, Sutera, and Aster work together to put down Marduk for what should be many, many years. Now that the threat of Marduk has been mitigated, the village chief permits any villager to go explore the outside world. Metera ends up being responsible for these villagers, but she doesn't seem to mind as much one would think.

The Forbidding One: ...!
Metera: Aster! Now!
Aster: Yes, Sister!
Aster aims her crossbow on Metera's signal and fires an arrow.
The Forbidding One: ...!
The arrow lodges into the Forbidding One, a small crack appearing at the entry point.
The Forbidding One: ...!
Metera: So. You ready for this?
Sutera: Yes, Sister.
Metera: Then let's put on a show. Who can dish the most hits?
Sutera: I'll show you the results of my training!
Metera: Ahaha! Now you've got me all frisky!
Metera & Sutera: Haaaaah!
Countless shafts of light from two magic bows rain down on the scattered pieces of the Forbidding One.
And to be extra thorough, the shots keep coming, slamming into every single piece of the enemy like shooting fish in a barrel.
Metera: Last one!
Aster: Is it over?
Metera: Yeah...
Sutera: You're amazing as ever. That was brilliant shooting.
Metera: Aw, you're too kind.
Every single trace of the Forbidding One is methodically destroyed one by one.
Without this collection of people's ill will and aggression, it will be difficult for Marduk to resurrect itself once more.
Metera: So from the look of things, it's probably okay to say this won't happen again.
Village Chief: You defeated the Forbidding One not once but twice...
Metera: Couldn't have done it without my sisters.
Village Chief: And what of the Forbidding One?
Metera: It's a primal beast, so I mean, you can't exactly kill it for good.
Metera: After this round of sealing, it should be in a really deep sleep.
Metera: It won't wake up for decades, maybe even centuries.
Metera: This village is finally free of the Forbidding One's curse.
Guardian 1: What are we supposed to do about our duty then?
Village Chief: ...
Village Chief: We proceed to gather knowledge for what comes after when those decades and centuries pass.
Village Chief: You may remain in the village to hone your skills, but you are also free to roam the outward skies as you deem fit.
Guardian 1: What? Can we really go beyond the village?
Village Chief: You all stayed here to safeguard the seal, but that is no longer necessary.
Metera: ...
Village Chief: Everyone in the village trusted the strength of the guardians to fell the Forbidding One.
Village Chief: And let us not forget it was Sutera, Aster, and Metera—their strength fostered in the outside world—that drove the final blow.
Village Chief: Those of you with an interest in studying the outside world step forward. You shall not be castigated as was once the case.
A stir spreads through the villagers at words never thought possible to come from the chief.
The enticement of a world yet unseen is beginning to take hold.
Guardian 1: To refine ourselves acting as skyfarers like Sutera, Metera, and Aster have done...
Villager 1: I'd love to visit the sea that I've read about in books.
Village Chief: Your reasons for leaving are your own. All that we ask is that you return safely from whatever endeavor you choose.
Guardian 1: Okay!
Metera: Let me just add that it's not all peaches and cream out there.
Metera: Yeah, there's a lot of things to see, but there's a lot of dangerous stuff too.
Guardian 1: Got it! We guardians will definitely protect everyone!
Metera: You dummy. Fraudsters, pickpockets, robbers, whatever. Lots of bad guys and gals prey on the good. You can't stop 'em all.
Metera: Leading the charge isn't new for you guardians, but the villagers need to step up and give their support.
Metera: You did see through the enemy fakes though, which puts you up there with a guardian, so I guess you'll be fine.
Villager 2: Y-yeah!
The chief steals a glance at the excited people ready to venture off into the world and softly addresses Metera.
Village Chief: I'm glad you see the merits of the guardian system. Sorry for all the trouble, Metera.
Metera: Ugh, do you know how annoying it was putting out fires here and there?
Metera: Anyway, I think I understand now. It's like you said back then.
Metera: In order to live in a boring, monster-infested forest you need people to protect the ones weaker than them.
Metera: The unwavering resolve of the guardians has to continue or else everything the village stands for will go down the drain.
Village Chief: Yes. That is why they exert themselves to the brink. It is unfortunate.
Metera: ...
Village Chief: By the way, Metera, don't tell me you are still ruminating about the incident in which you couldn't uncover the fake Sutera?
Metera: Shut up!
Villager 2: S-say, Metera! Why don't you tell us about the outside world?
Village Chief: Yes, you should take this opportunity to showcase the places you've been to.
Metera: Huh? Why do I gotta do that!
Metera: Sure, fine. Whatever. I'm the one who told you all to support the guardians or some such.
Aster: ...
Aster: Um, Sutera?
Sutera: Hehe. I know.
Sutera: It's been a long time since Metera had a good talk with the villagers about herself.
Aster: Mm-hm!
The aberration that afflicted Cizierma Island is resolved with everyone's cooperation.
Inhabitants of Metera's village, freed from the chains of the past, prepare to go off into the vast sky.
Metera: We've got a big group here... Eh, should be fine after I explain it.
Sutera: Ahaha... I have a feeling they'll tell us it's not possible to transport everyone in one go.
Metera: Should I make multiple trips back to the village then? We're gonna need to fly a ship back and forth.
Metera: Sigh... Which means I gotta figure out who's riding with who and where and...
Sutera: Hehe. I'll help you out, Sister.
Aster: Me too! Because I'm a guardian!
Metera: Yeah? So guardian duty includes learning how to make airship seating charts now?
Metera: How many trips is this gonna take...
Metera: (Oh well...)
Metera: (I suppose I can use this as an excuse to show my face in the village every once in a while...)
Metera is tasked with guiding these once isolated villagers into a new world.
In an unexpected turn of events, Metera takes on guardian duties like her sisters before her.
In a place where insiders and outsiders refused to see eye to eye, Metera receives a new outlook that will lead to new possibilities.