Scenario:Ladiva - All in the Name of Love

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All in the Name of Love

Ladiva is worried that her feud with the soldier might cause trouble for the orphanage where she grew up, so she agrees to Lyria and Vyrn's suggestion to go check things out.

Some time has passed since Ladiva, the star duelist, joined the crew.
One sunny day, she's standing on the deck of the Grandcypher alone.
Ladiva: ...
Lyria: Huh? Ladiva, what are you doing over there?
Ladiva: Oh! Hi, Lyria. It's nothing. I'm just standing here staring at the sky.
Vyrn: Don't give us that! You looked pretty serious just now!
Lyria: That's right! You know you can tell us if something is troubling you.
Ladiva: Ha-ha... I know. You guys are just so full of love and understanding.
Ladiva: And if I keep this from you, it would be like I don't believe in your love!
Ladiva: It's a bit of a long story, but please hear me out.
Lyria: Sure!
Ladiva: I lost my parents when I was very young, so I grew up in an orphanage.
Ladiva: My teacher there was like a mother to me, and the other kids were like brothers and sisters.
Vyrn: I see...
Ladiva: I didn't want any of them to worry about money, so I became a duelist at the Jewel Resort.
Ladiva: I really did enjoy that job though!
Ladiva: But you know how I got into some trouble with an imperial soldier, right?
Ladiva: Ever since then, I've been worried about whether the orphanage has gotten into any trouble because of me.
Lyria: I see... So that's what's troubling you.
Ladiva: Yeah... But I know standing around isn't going to help anyone!
Ladiva: Sigh... I'm just so worried...
Vyrn: I have an idea! Why don't we just go and see for ourselves?
Vyrn: Then we'll know for sure whether they're okay!
Lyria: Yeah! And I'm sure the people at the orphanage will be happy to see you!
Ladiva: You know what? You two are right! Let's go see what's going on!
Ladiva: It's not like me to just sit around and brood about things like this. Thanks for reminding me, you guys!
Ladiva: Wait for me, everyone! I'm coming to see you!

All in the Name of Love: Scene 2

Ladiva grows teary-eyed when she experiences her old teacher's love and trust again. The soldier from the casino shows up and takes a girl hostage to draw Ladiva out, so the furious warrior decides to beat some love into the villain.

(Captain) and company arrive at the orphanage in Ladiva's hometown.
Ladiva: Hey, everyone! It's me, Ladiva! I'm back!
Energetic Boy: Oh! Ladiva! Welcome back!
Gentle Girl: It's really you! Yay! Ladiva! I'm so glad you're back!
Ladiva: I'm happy to see all of you too. How have you been?
Energetic Boy: Ha-ha! We're just fine! Now let's go play in the forest!
Gentle Girl: What? No way! I'm going to show Ladiva how much better my knitting is now!
Ladiva: There's no need to fight! I'll spend some time with all of you later! So be good little boys and girls and wait a while, okay?
Energetic Boy: Oh... okay. But don't forget your promise!
Gentle Girl: Sorry, Ladiva... I'll wait.
Ladiva: I knew you'd understand! I'll go say hi to the teacher first.
Energetic Boy: Okay! I'll wait here!
Lyria: Ha-ha... You're so popular, Ladiva!
Ladiva: Can't you just feel the love in the air around here? This place made me who I am, and I'm really proud of it.
Orphanage Matron: Hello, Ladiva. And I'd like to welcome your friends as well. I'm happy to see you.
Ladiva: I actually came here because there's something I need to talk to you about...
Ladiva: The thing is... well... I got into a quarrel with an imperial soldier.
Ladiva: So I'm afraid people from the empire might come here and cause trouble for all of you.
Ladiva: If that happens, I want you to tell them you have nothing to do with me.
Orphanage Matron: ...
Ladiva: Are you upset? Of course you are... I—
Orphanage Matron: Thank you for worrying about us, Ladiva. I can feel your love.
Orphanage Matron: But know this... You're one of my beloved children. I could never say that I have nothing to do with you.
Orphanage Matron: I'm sorry for making you worry, but I trust that whatever you did was for good reasons.
Ladiva: ...!
Orphanage Matron: So just walk your path and don't worry about us. Okay?
Ladiva: Sob... Hee-hee... I just can't win with you, can I?
As Ladiva tries to hold back her tears, some children rush into the room.
Energetic Boy: Help! There's an imperial soldier here!
Quiet Boy: Um... He's looking for Ladiva, and he's really scary!
Ladiva: What? Oh no... This is exactly what I was afraid of.
Orphanage Matron: I'll go speak to him. Ladiva, take your friends and run away while I keep him distracted.
Ladiva: Yeah... I'll only cause more trouble by being here. I'm so sorry about this.
But as Ladiva leads (Captain) and company toward the back exit, there's a scream from the front of the orphanage.
Gentle Girl: Aahh! What are you doing? Let her go!
Crying Girl: Teacher! Ladiva! Help me!
Imperial Soldier: Shut up, brat! You're going to be my hostage until that giant comes out.
Imperial Soldier: Seeing you all so happy makes me sick!
Ladiva: What a monster! Is he seriously using one of my little sisters as bait just to get to me?
Ladiva: Unforgivable... Such a heartless act won't go unpunished!
Vyrn: Now I'm really mad! Let's go, (Captain)!
Ladiva: You! Let go of my beloved sister right now!
Crying Girl: I'm scared... Help me, Ladiva...
Imperial Soldier: There you are! It's about damn time!
Ladiva: You! You're a soldier, aren't you? Aren't you supposed to protect people?
Ladiva: How could you point your sword at a child? You should be ashamed of yourself! Isn't there any love in your heart?
Imperial Soldier: Shut up! Because of you... my superiors punished me for causing the disturbance at the casino.
Imperial Soldier: They're going to discharge me... and after all of my hard work!
Vyrn: So? That's your own fault! Don't try to blame it on Ladiva!
Imperial Soldier: You... This is all your fault, duelist!
Ladiva: He's too mad to even hear us... We need to stop him before he hurts the children!
Ladiva: But don't worry, soldier. When I'm done with you, you won't remember any of those overwhelming emotions you're feeling!

All in the Name of Love: Scene 3

Ladiva asks the distressed soldier about his past and empathizes with him over his struggles. When the teacher then offers the young man work at the orphanage, he can't help but be impressed by their kindness.

Crying Girl: Waahh! I was so scared, Ladiva!
Ladiva: There, there... I'm so sorry you had to go through that, but everything's okay now.
Imperial Soldier: Ugh... I... I work so hard, but...
Lyria: You're still going on about that?
Ladiva: Poor thing.
Imperial Soldier: Huh?
Ladiva: You apparently don't have enough love in your life. That's why you're unhappy and taking it out on others.
Ladiva: Why are you in so much pain? Why don't you tell me? I'm willing to listen if you're willing to talk.
Imperial Soldier: Well... I... Ugh.... Fine! I'll tell you!
Imperial Soldier: I lost my parents when I was a kid, and an orphanage took me in.
Imperial Soldier: But that orphanage had no money. We were put to work every day and barely had enough to eat.
Imperial Soldier: I joined the military thinking I could make a difference... but they all just made fun of me for being an orphan.
Ladiva: I see... That must have been hard.
Imperial Soldier: Deep down inside, I know this isn't going to change anything...
Imperial Soldier: But why do bad things always happen to me? Sometimes it just hurts to see everyone looking so happy...
Ladiva: It's okay. It'll be all right... Come here and cry in my arms.
Imperial Soldier: I... I'm sorry... I'm so...
Orphanage Matron: ...
Ladiva: Hey, teacher... About this man...
Imperial Soldier: So you're the teacher here... I...
Orphanage Matron: Young man... It seems like the strength of a soldier isn't what will truly make you happy.
Orphanage Matron: So when you get discharged from the military, come and see me. We could really use someone like you.
Imperial Soldier: Do you mean that? But... I did such horrible things... Why are you being so kind?
Ladiva: The answer's obvious...
Ladiva: Love!
Thus the imperial soldier that caused a disturbance at the Jewel Resort is reformed thanks to Ladiva's love.
With the orphanage's safety secured, Ladiva returns to the skies without reservations.
Lyria: Ha-ha... The teacher there is so kind. I can see why you think of her as your mother!
Ladiva: Right? She's the one who made me who I am.
Ladiva: Now it's my turn to spread this great love that she gave me to everyone else!
Ladiva: Not just in the skydoms, but to Estalucia too!
Ladiva: It's love time!
Ladiva shares the boundless affection in her heart with everyone.
There are surely many more people who will be saved by her love as (Captain)'s journey continues.