Scenario:Ejaeli - Hidden Emotions

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Hidden Emotions

The crew gets mixed up with some thugs while shopping in town, but a masked woman, Ejaeli, who leads the thugs stops them. Ejaeli can only moan through her mask, so Lyria translates for her. She ends up joining the crew because she finally found someone who understands her.

(Captain), Vyrn, and Lyria are out shopping in a new town.
Lyria: Wow! Look, (Captain)! There's a shop even in a place like this!
Vyrn: Try to calm down a bit, Lyria! It's dangerous to get too excited.
Lyria: I'll be fine! I'm watching where I'm go—
Lyria: Aahh!
Vyrn: See? I told you so!
Lyria: I'm so sorry! Are you okay?
Thug 1: Well... Let's see...
Thug 1: Wha? Ouch! My shoulder! I think you must have broken something!
Lyria: Oh no! I'm terribly sorry!
Vyrn: Hey! Hold it right there! It looked like you were just fine right after she bumped into you!
Thug 1: Oh... This injury seems serious. I can't move my arm at all.
Thug 2: Hey! You okay, buddy? Talk about rotten luck.
Thug 1: Heh-heh. Looks like you'll have to pay me for medical expenses and of course pain and suffering.
Vyrn: What are you talking about? You're not even injured! And Lyria already apologized!
Thug 2: Sorry. But that's not going to be nearly enough. And—Huh? Is that who I think it is?
???: ...
Thug 1: Heh... If you can't pay money, then hand over your valuables.
Thug 2: Hey, idiot! Look over there!
Thug 1: What? Uh-oh... It can't be...
???: ...
Thug 3: Hey! What do you think you're doing?
Thug 1: Um... Well...
???: ...
Thug 3: What's that? Oh... Understood, Lady Ejaeli.
Thug 3: Listen up, you! Lady Ejaeli says she doesn't want to see you picking on little girls!
Thug 1: But... Understood, ma'am.
Vyrn: Whoa. What's up with that scary-looking girl?
Lyria: Thanks for helping me!
Ejaeli: ...
Thug 3: Slow down there. You better stay away from Lady Ejaeli if you don't want to get hurt.
Lyria: Huh? What's that supposed to mean?
Thug 3: Heh-heh... You really don't know, do you? Then let me tell you the heroic tale of Lady Ejaeli!
It is said that Lady Ejaeli was once a powerful sorceress.
And she may or may not have brutally burned down a hundred cities.
But one day a cursed mask was placed on her face by another sorceress who feared her power.
The enraged Ejaeli cut herself off from her so-called friends and eventually found her way to this town.
Thug 3: And now she leads thugs like us right here in town.
Vyrn: What? Wow! You're really terrifying, lady!
Ejaeli: Mmrm...
Lyria: What was that? None of what she said is true?
Ejaeli: ...!
Thug 3: Go on! Get out of here before you get yourselves involved in any more trouble!
Lyria: But... Wait!
Vyrn: We better not try our luck, Lyria. Let's go! Right, (Captain)?
Ejaeli: ...
That evening, the crew discuss what they should do the following day.
Vyrn: I vote to get out of this town as fast as we can. That lady seemed pretty scary.
Lyria: But... She didn't actually seem so bad to me.
Vyrn: What do you mean? Didn't you hear how many cities she destroyed?
Lyria: Well actually... She said that wasn't true.
Ejaeli: Mmrm!
Vyrn: Eek! Hey... you're the woman from earlier!
Ejaeli: Mmph!
Ejaeli: Mmmp.
Ejaeli: Mmrm!
Vyrn: What are you trying to say?
Lyria: I see... So that's what happened.
Ejaeli: Mmph!
Vyrn: What? You can understand her, Lyria?
Lyria: Yes! More or less at least. You can too, right, (Captain)?
  1. Of course.
  2. Not really.

Choose: Of course.

Vyrn: So I'm the only one who can't understand her?
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: Not really.

Vyrn: Whew... At least I'm not alone.

Continue 1

Ejaeli, who has boarded the airship uninvited, begins telling the story of her life.
Ejaeli: Mmrm. (I was originally a singer in my hometown.)
Ejaeli: Mmph. (But one of the other singers grew very jealous of me.)
Ejaeli: Mmmp! (And then this cursed mask was forced onto me!)
Ejaeli: Mmrm... (I started traveling to try to find a way to get it off, but I've always had a bit of a dangerous look in my eyes...)
Ejaeli: Mmmp. (And I soon found myself made into the leader of a band of ruffians.)
Ejaeli: Mmrm. (People started attributing all these strange acts to me, but I couldn't speak up to deny them.)
Lyria: That sounds tough.
Vyrn: Um... What are you two talking about?
Ejaeli: Mmrm. (This is the first time I've been able to speak to anyone since this mask was put on me.)
Ejaeli: Mmph? (So may I join your crew?)
Lyria: Sure! We could never just leave someone on their own!
Lyria: Hey, (Captain). You feel the same way, right?
Vyrn: Time-out! Can someone please tell me what in the world is going on?
Lyria explains everything she has heard from Ejaeli.
Vyrn: Wow! That really is rough.
Ejaeli: Mmph... (So even the lizard understands me now...)
Ejaeli: Mmrm! (I can't actually say it, but I look forward to our journey together!)
  1. Welcome aboard!
  2. We'll get along just fine without words...

Choose: Welcome aboard!

Ejaeli: Mmrm! (Yes! I'll do everything I can to pull my own weight!)
Thus Ejaeli is welcomed into the crew by (Captain) and company.
Go to "Continue 2"

Choose: We'll get along just fine without words...

Ejaeli: Mmph? (Wha? Are you trying to say we have some sort of emotional connection?)
Ejaeli: Mmrm! (But it's too soon for that, (Captain)! We just met!)
Vyrn: Hey... What you mumbling about?
Thus Ejaeli is welcomed into the crew by (Captain) and the crew.

Continue 2

But it will take some time before Vyrn is able to comprehend everything she says.