Scenario:Ippatsu - Ramen Or Bust

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Ramen Or Bust

On the way back to their airship, (Captain) and company help a man who has collapsed. He is the ramen lover Ippatsu, and he joins them to search for a legendary ramen master when he hears about the goal of their journey.

(Captain) and company are returning to the airship after completing a mission from the Knickknack Shack.
Vyrn: Heh-heh. That was easier than expected! Huh?
???: ...
Lyria: Hmm... Do you think he needs help? He seems to be having trouble staying on his feet.
???: ...
Lyria: Wha? He fell down! Excuse me! Are you all right?
(Captain) runs over and helps the fallen man up.
Vyrn: Hey! Are you okay? Hang in there!
???: Ra... men...
Vyrn: Huh? That sound... Was that his stomach?
Lyria: This is terrible! Quick, we need to get him something to eat!
(Captain) and the others take the man to the nearest food stall.
Lyria: Excuse me! Is anyone in? We need some food!
Stall Owner: Hello? Oh my goodness. That poor man is on his last legs. I have just the thing for him!
???: Oh... That smell...
Stall Owner: Okay! One order of piping hot ramen to warm your belly!
Lyria: Wow, I've never seen anything like that before! There are noodles in that soup.
???: Ramen...
Lyria: What?
???: Ramen! My sweet ambrosia, how I've longed for you!
???: Slurp... Chew... Gulp!
The man devours the ramen as if he hasn't eaten in days.
Stall Owner: Now that's a man who appreciates good ramen!
???: So good!
???: It's so perfectly seasoned and savory... This is shellfish stock. Why, I'd recognize it anywhere!
???: The salt and shellfish harmonize so well, almost like a heavenly choir in my mouth, and then the fish stock brings it together.
???: The soup brings to mind the shores of Auguste, and the tangled noodles make me feel almost like I'm right there on the beach!
???: And what's this? This is no ordinary salt. Such robust flavor... Is this roasted sea salt?
Stall Owner: Unbelievable! You can tell all that from just one bowl?
???: Phew. I'm honestly ashamed that my hunger drove me to eat it so quickly.
???: Now that I've finished the soup, all that's left is a hint of fish.
???: That's how I could tell it was made with fish stock. A work of love for sure!
Stall Owner: Ha-ha! I can't tell you how happy I am to see someone who really appreciates the nuances of ramen!
???: Slurp... Chew...
Vyrn: Ha-ha! Man, just watching the way he eats makes me hungry!
Vyrn: I have an idea! We finished our mission, so let's treat ourselves to some food here, (Captain)!
Stall Owner: Of course! Please take a seat!
And so (Captain) and the crew sit with the man they saved and enjoy the delicious noodles.
???: Phew... Now that was a meal! Just what I needed to get back on my feet.
Lyria: Hee-hee! I have to agree. That was one of the tastiest things I've had in a long time!
???: Huh? How did I end up in a shop all of a sudden anyway?
Stall Owner: Well, these skyfarers brought you here.
???: Is that so? Then I've been quite rude. How can I repay you for your kindness?
Lyria: Please, there's no need. Your health is reward enough!
Ippatsu: Ha-ha. Oh, and I haven't introduced myself yet either. My name is Ippatsu.
Vyrn: Nice to meet you! So why exactly did you collapse out there?
Ippatsu: Well, I just love ramen! I can't get enough, so I hop from island to island, trying every kind I can find.
Lyria: Ramen? What's that?
Ippatsu: It's what you just ate. It actually originated on a certain island. What do you think of it? Yummy, right?
Lyria: Absolutely! It was delicious!
Ippatsu: I'm so glad you like it. I enjoy spreading the ramen love wherever I go. So anyway...
Ippatsu: I'd heard of a famous ramen stall somewhere in this town, so I hopped on an airship and managed to make it to this island well enough.
Ippatsu: But I ran low on travel expenses and refused to eat anything until I could find the ramen. I guess you saw how that worked out for me.
Vyrn: What? That's just ridiculous.
Stall Owner: I appreciate your dedication to noodles, but you should look after yourself a bit better.
Ippatsu: Oh, how embarrassing... To end up like this during my search for ramen ingredients.
Lyria: Ingredients? So you're a ramen chef too?
Ippatsu: Don't be absurd!
Lyria: ...!
Ippatsu: Oh, I'm sorry. You just surprised me.
Ippatsu: When I was a child, I went through a lot. I collapsed once then too.
Ippatsu: Someone helped me up and gave me some ramen to eat. My benefactor was a ramen master of the highest degree.
Ippatsu: To this day the master searches for the very best ingredients to make the perfect bowl of ramen.
Ippatsu: But the master ended up leaving Phantagrande before trying every ingredient in the skydom.
Lyria: What? But why?
Ippatsu: One of the Seven Luminary Knights took a liking to the master's ramen.
Ippatsu: The Luminary Knight even opened a shop for that legendary chef.
Vyrn: Really? Now that's impressive!
Lyria: It really is! But for one of the Seven Luminary Knights to go to such trouble, the ramen must have been out of this world!
Vyrn: Yeah, I can't even imagine how good it must be. I just gotta try it!
Lyria: Well, until we complete the sky map and reach the edge of the sky, we'll just have to visit every ramen shop we come across!
Vyrn: That's right! Maybe we'll get lucky!
Ippatsu: Wait! What are you talking about?
Lyria: Oh, you mean the sky map? We're hoping to find a way to Estalucia...
(Captain) and company explain their quest to Ippatsu.
Ippatsu: I see. So you hope to use the completed sky map.
Ippatsu: Basically you're saying that you're determined to traverse the Grim Basin, right?
Vyrn: Exactly!
Ippatsu: ...!
Ippatsu falls to his knees and presses his forehead against the ground.
Lyria: Wha? There's no need for that, Ippatsu!
Ippatsu: Please! You have to let me come with you!
Ippatsu: I mean, I've collected some ingredients, but I have no airship capable of getting me to the ramen master's skydom.
Ippatsu: And the Seven Luminary Knights are too busy for me to get in touch with.
Ippatsu: But if I go with you, I might be able to go and see the master personally!
  1. We might not visit any islands with ramen shops.
  2. Welcome aboard, traveler!

Choose: We might not visit any islands with ramen shops.

Ippatsu: I don't mind. That won't stop me from looking for ingredients!
Vyrn: Amazing! You're really determined to come with us! There's no way we can refuse, right, (Captain)?
Ippatsu: We need to celebrate this fateful meeting. With another bowl of scrumptious ramen!
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: Welcome aboard, traveler!

Ippatsu: Thank you. I mean it. This means so much to me.
Ippatsu: Ha-ha. Good thing I collapsed out there.
Ippatsu: We need to celebrate this fateful meeting. With another bowl of scrumptious ramen!

Continue 1

Ruffian: I can't believe it. This run-down little stall is still open!
Stall Owner: Hey! I told you not to come around here anymore!
Ruffian: And I told you this is our turf! If you wanna open a shop, you have to pay the fee!
Stall Owner: What? I'm not gonna pay one rupie to you thugs!
Ruffian: What was that? Was that a refusal I just heard?
Ippatsu: That's enough! I've had enough of people like you, traipsing around like you own the world.
Vyrn: Huh? Are you sure about this, Ippatsu?
Ippatsu: This is a restaurant, so it needs to be clean. I think it's about time we took out the trash!
Ruffian: What do you think you're doing? This can only end badly for you!
Ippatsu: Raaawr!
A frenzied Ippatsu grabs the thug by the neck, drags him outside, and forces him to repent.
Ruffian: Eek! Let me go!
Ippatsu: I never want to see you around here again! You hear me?
Ruffian: Y-yes! I promise! I'll never set foot in these parts again!
Ippatsu: Humph.
Ippatsu: Ah, sorry about that. Now where's that ramen?
Ippatsu: (Captain), you guys should eat something too!
Ippatsu: Let's finish our food then head back to your airship, okay?
Vyrn: Eh... Ah... Erm...
Vyrn: Hmm... What sort of weirdo did we invite onto our airship this time?
Stall Owner: Okay, guys, this is on the house! Eat up!
Ippatsu: Slurp... So good!
Thus the ramen fanatic joins the crew.
His love of ramen surpasses all else and will perhaps drive him to other skydoms and even the edge of the sky.