Scenario:Europa - Lord of the Castle

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Lord of the Castle

On a day close to the holy night, the crew arrives in town for a request to take out monsters, but is told instead to investigate a mysterious castle that appeared out of thin air. Europa builds the crew a bridge out of ice so they can travel quickly and safely up the mountain, where the castle awaits. When they arrive, Europa divulges that this is the castle she built.

Some time has passed since Europa spent several nights secretly working on her present for (Captain).
The date of the holy night draws near.
Europa: (Captain), what is your schedule for today? Do you have a moment of time you could spare?
Vyrn: We've got a request to take care of. That's why we're pullin' up to this island right now.
Lyria: Europa, is there something you wanted to do? Or somewhere you wanted to go?
Europa: Don't worry about me. My matter isn't urgent.
Though disappointed, Europa is not surprised at the rejection, as (Captain) has been busy lately.
Europa: (As much as I desire to show (Captain) the fruits of my labor, work does take precedence...)
Town Mayor: I'd like you to investigate a castle.
Vyrn: A castle?
The mayor of the snow-covered town explains further.
Town Mayor: We're not sure whether or not it's actually a castle, since it's a fair distance away... But it's a structure of some kind.
Vyrn: I thought your letter said you wanted some monsters taken care of...
Just like Vyrn points out, the original request was for the extermination of several dangerous monsters lurking in the nearby mountains.
Town Mayor: That was indeed the case. However, I'd like to change it so that we prioritize the castle.
Town Mayor: It's been causing a panic, you see, since it appeared out of thin air...
Lyria: Um... Where is this castle?
Town Mayor: If you'll look through the window... You can make it out on the horizon now that the blizzard's calmed down a bit.
In the far distance, an unnatural shape protrudes from the edge of the mountainside.
Lyria: That does look like a castle. You said it appeared out of nowhere?
Town Mayor: That's right. We would've searched through it ourselves if it weren't so dangerous to enter the mountains this time of year.
Town Mayor: Better somebody more capable do it before we worry ourselves to death...
Vyrn: I guess...
  1. We'll get right on it.
  2. Maybe we shouldn't rush into it.

Choose: We'll get right on it.

Vyrn: Hold your horses. The weather doesn't look so great, and the last thing we'd want is to get stranded in a snowstorm.
Lyria: Why don't we wait until it clears up so we can fly in on the Grandcypher?
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: Maybe we shouldn't rush into it.

Vyrn: Guess you're right... We'll probably get stranded in this weather.
Lyria: If it clears up, maybe we can fly in on the Grandcypher.

Continue 1

Europa: Are you concerned about traversing on foot?
Vyrn: Oh, uh, yeah. Those mountains are pretty steep after all.
Europa: Then I believe I can help.
Lyria: Huh?
Ice sprouts from the ground as Europa raises her hands toward the mountains.
Lyria: Oh, gosh, that's a lot of ice!
Europa: Much water exists in these lands. I should be able to manipulate all of it.
The icy particles rapidly clump together, stretching out into a solid path.
Europa: I can create a bridge of ice beneath our feet as we walk ahead. This should allow us to travel safely.
Vyrn: Whoa, this is awesome!
Lyria: We should have no problem now!
Town Mayor: Your assistance is greatly appreciated. May your journey go smoothly.
With Europa leading the way, (Captain) and company set out across the icy bridge.
Lyria: It's like we're walking through the air! This is so cool!
Vyrn: Cool, like chilly, right? But a shortcut's a shortcut, so I can't complain. We're gonna get there in no time.
Europa: I'll be certain to take us on the most direct path.
The group continues onward. Every step they take brings the mysterious building closer into view.
Vyrn: W-well... No two ways about it. That's a castle.
Large and resplendent, the structure towers over their heads.
Lyria: How could something this big appear out of thin air?
Vyrn: Not a soul around either, so who could've built it?
Europa: Oh... I built this castle.
Vyrn: Huh...
Vyrn: Huh? Whaddya just say?
Europa: I built this castle.
Lyria: What?

Lord of the Castle: Scene 2

As a present for (Captain), Europa created the castle so that it could become a special place for everyone to enjoy. However, she built it without securing permission from the town, and the crew reluctantly tells her that the castle might have to be destroyed. After seeing how much the place means to Europa, (Captain) decides to ask the town if they can keep the castle instead.

Vyrn: You seriously tellin' me you built this castle?
Europa: Yes. There's no doubt about it—this is the one I created.
Vyrn: Okay, first of all, why didn't you say so sooner? Did you really not notice until now?
Europa: I'm afraid not. I've never traveled here by foot before, which is why I thought this castle must have been the work of another...
Vyrn: Uh, pretty sure most castles don't just pop up in the middle of nowhere...
Europa: I see. I shall be sure to remember that.
Europa: Since we are here anyway, would you like to head inside? You can take the chance to warm up.
Vyrn: It's like you're inviting us over for tea or something...
Lyria: Amazing... Did you really build all this by yourself, Europa?
Europa: I did. Everything is made out of either water or ice.
Vyrn: For real? I never woulda known if you hadn't said anything.
Europa: As long as I use water as my base...
Europa: I can create many things, The clothes you see now will never become wet or feel cold.
Lyria: You look so pretty!
Vyrn: That's amazing and all, but could you tell us why you made this castle in the first place?
Europa: Of course.
Europa: I desired to construct a unique space that (Captain), Gabriel, and everyone else could enjoy together.
Europa: With an idea in mind, I came here alone and built it over the course of several nights.
Europa: This location is very beautiful in the evening, as it overlooks the lights of the houses below. I had hoped to share the sight with you all.
Lyria: O-oh... I see...
Vyrn: Uh... You know a weird building appearing outta nowhere scares most people right?
Vyrn: I bet you didn't get permission to use this land here either...
Europa: I needed permission?
Vyrn: What the heck was going through your mind the entire time you were working...
Europa: ...
Europa takes a moment to reflect as (Captain) and company stare at her.
Europa: My thoughts were filled with the wonderful time I would spend with (Captain) and Gabriel...
Europa: Other than that...
Vyrn: Talk about living in the moment.
Lyria: Part of me is impressed by what you've made, but... did you really need to make it so huge?
Vyrn: Yeah, the Grandcypher's more than big enough for everyone.
Europa: That would normally be the case, but this castle serves another additional purpose.
Europa: It's a holy night gift for (Captain).
Vyrn & Lyria: Say what now?
Europa: (Captain), please become the lord of this castle.
Europa gives the captain a sunny smile.
Vyrn: I can't believe what I'm hearing... A castle's more for a rich person or something...
Feeling just as conflicted as Vyrn, (Captain) frowns.
On top of being built in a distant, unknown location, the structure was made without the permission of the local residents.
(Captain) explains as much to Europa.
Europa: Oh... I've made another foolish mistake, haven't I?
Vyrn: As much as I hate to ask... Is it possible for you to tear the place down?
Europa: Returning something to nothingness will be no issue, but...
Europa: I'm sorry. Could I be left alone for a little while?
Without another word, Europa turns and runs deeper into the castle.
Lyria: Europa!
Lyria: (Captain)! Vyrn! I don't think we should let Europa be by herself. She looked very sad.
Vyrn: I'm with you there. Maybe we were a little too harsh on her. It's not like she made a mess on purpose, yeah?
Vyrn: Besides, this whole thing might honestly be our fault, considering we're the ones who gave her advice on gift-giving.
Lyria: Oh yeah... We probably should've helped her out a little more back then.
  1. Let's follow after her.
  2. We should give her some space.

Choose: Let's follow after her.

Lyria: Yes, let's!
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: We should give her some space.

Vyrn: I dunno if that's the right call. She looked pretty shocked back there.
Lyria: Yes, she'll be worse off if we don't give her some company!

Continue 1

Decision made, the group attempts to follow Europa's path deeper into the castle.
(Captain) leads the way, but their search proves to be more difficult than originally expected.
Lyria: Um, (Captain), where did you go?
Vyrn: Didn't (Captain) just turn this corner? How the heck is there a dead end?
Lyria: Should we retrace our steps? We could've taken a wrong turn somewhere.
Vyrn: But we went straight forward... It's more like the hallways turned on us, not the other way around.
Despite losing track of Vyrn and Lyria, (Captain) continues to look for Europa.
Europa: (Captain), are you searching for me?
Periodically, Europa's form appears, then vanishes, like a phantom leading (Captain) astray.
The captain eventually arrives at the roof, where Europa awaits.
Europa: Thank you for coming all this way to search for me, (Captain).
Europa: I've worried you, haven't I? But it's all right. I am well, as you can see.
Europa: Hehe, it's like we were playing a game of tag. I had a lot of fun...
Europa: Vyrn and Lyria are still on the first floor. They're a little confused, as they haven't realized I can rearrange the castle at will.
Europa: Perhaps this trick was a little mean. I'll apologize to them later.
Europa attempts a cheerful smile, but (Captain) sees right through it.
Europa: I can't hide anything from you, can I?
Europa: I've caused you trouble again. It seems there's still much for me to learn about the world of man.
Europa: I'm both pained and vexed by this...
Europa: Forgive me, I'll tear down the castle soon. But allow me to first say...
Europa: I'm glad we were able to have a moment together here, even if it's our first and last.
Europa: My efforts building this place were not in vain.
Europa: Despite my failure at the holy night tradition of gifting, I'm satisfied.
Europa: Thank you for joining me, (Captain).
Europa: I have no regrets.
Watching Europa gaze out into the distant mountains, (Captain) comes to a decision.
  1. Let's negotiate with the town.

Choose: Let's negotiate with the town.

Europa: What?
The captain suggests asking the mayor for permission to preserve the castle.
Europa: If... that's possible... certainly we could try?
Vyrn: You wanna ask 'em to keep the castle around? You sure about this...
Lyria: I think it's a good idea! Let's give it a shot!
Vyrn: Guess there's no harm in trying... Still, don't get your hopes up.

Lord of the Castle: Scene 3

The town mayor allows the crew to keep the castle once Europa reveals that she already eliminated the monsters threatening the town. On the day of the holy night, a party for town residents and the crew is held inside the newly named Europa Castle. Europa makes (Captain) lord of the castle, then brings the captain inside a secret room so she can give her true present. However, the gifting is interrupted by Gabriel's arrival, and Europa decides to save it for another time.

Town Mayor: You'd like us to preserve the castle? I'm not sure we can agree to such a request...
Vyrn: I get that we're asking a lot, but is there anything we can do to change your mind?
Town Mayor: I... suppose that it's far away enough that it won't interfere with day-to-day functions in town.
Town Mayor: We don't belong to any kingdom, so there's no danger of anyone mistaking it for a fort either.
Vyrn: So then...
Town Mayor: However, the monsters nearby might get riled up because someone's invaded their territory.
Town Mayor: No telling how any of the local fauna are gonna react to such a big change in their habitat.
Town Mayor: Taking the risks into consideration, the castle's not worth it...
Vyrn: Those monsters you're talking about... Are they the same ones you originally asked us to deal with?
Town Mayor: Yeah. There's quite a number of them, and they're all large and vicious.
Vyrn: What if we took 'em out for you? Our reward'll be permission to keep the castle!
Europa: Vyrn...
Town Mayor: I'd be mighty obliged if you did... Could I ask why you're so set on preserving it?
Lyria: It means a lot to Europa, our friend here, which is why we'd like to make sure it's taken care of.
Europa: Lyria...
Vyrn: Guess there's no way around it. Let's head back to the mountains and take care of some pests!
Lyria: We were supposed to do that in the first place anyway! This'll be no problem!
Europa: I'm sorry, everyone...
Vyrn: Hehe, don't worry about it!
Europa: No, allow me to clarify. I have already met with the monsters you seek.
Lyria: Huh?
Europa: The exterior is nearly done. Most of the remaining work will be furnishing the inside...
Europa: Hehe... I'm eager to see (Captain)'s reaction once everything is finished.
While Europa works diligently on the castle one evening, she detects several presences from behind.
Monsters: Groooar...
Europa: Oh, my... I didn't expect visitors so soon.
Europa: Good evening. My name is Europa, and I'm currently building a castle.
Monsters: Grooaar!
Europa: If you cannot contain yourselves, please leave.
Monsters: Graaawr!
Europa: How unfortunate. I gave you ample warning. This place is a precious gift—one that I will protect with my life.
Europa: It appears I will have to forcefully remove you from the premises.
Monsters: ...?
Europa: I froze them all and sent them rolling into the valley. They should have shattered into pieces on the way down.
Europa: I'm sorry I did so without consulting you beforehand.
Town Mayor: O-oh.
Vyrn: Well, less work for us, I guess...
After exchanging a few more details, the mayor confirms the frozen monsters were the same ones terrorizing the town.
With no more safety concerns left, the crew are granted their wish.
Lyria: Europa, I'm so glad your castle gets to stay!
Europa: I am as well. This wouldn't have been possible without everyone's kindness.
On the day of the holy night, both crew and townspeople are gathered inside the castle for a holiday party.
Europa: (Captain), the people from town have begun to call this place Europa Castle.
Europa: Once again, I would like to offer it to you as a present. Please become the lord of Europa Castle.
Vyrn: This might take the cake for craziest gift ever, honestly...
Lyria: Ahaha...
Smiling awkwardly, (Captain) prepares to give an answer.
  1. I'll become the lord.
  2. I accept this castle.

Choose: I'll become the lord.
Choose: I accept this castle.

Europa: Thank you. I'm overjoyed to hear it.
Vyrn: So what're you gonna do with your new piece of real estate, (Captain)?
Europa: Use it however you wish. It will never melt or crack. Its halls will remain pristine and sturdy forevermore.
Europa: Oh, I almost can't contain how happy I am... To think (Captain) is lord of a castle bearing my name!
Vyrn: Guess we all find happiness in different ways...
Eventually, the party is in full swing. While everyone else is occupied, Europa brings (Captain) to a different room.
Europa: I'd like to apologize again for the trouble I've caused.
Europa: I shall study harder than ever to make up for my lack of skydweller knowledge.
Europa: I'd also like to say... thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for saving the castle.
Europa: Your kindness safeguarded it from certain destruction.
"Don't worry about it. I wanted to," (Captain) humbly responds.
Europa: There is one thing I wanted to clarify. It's about my present.
Europa: The truth is that this place was only meant to be the stage...
Europa: As I gave my real gift.
Confused, (Captain) looks around, but doesn't spot any boxes covered in wrapping paper and ribbons.
Europa: I needed a private space, just for the two of us.
Europa: Which is why I constructed the castle to move according to my will. That way...
As if on cue, (Captain) hears two familiar voices pass by.
Vyrn's Voice: Where'd they go? I coulda sworn there was a door here earlier...
Lyria's Voice: I don't think there was... (Captain)? Europa? Where are you?
Vyrn's Voice: Maybe they went farther in? Worth a shot, at least.
Lyria's Voice: Okay!
Europa: As you can see, I can prevent any potential disruptions.
Suddenly feeling a strange tension in the air, (Captain) grows nervous as Europa steps closer.
Europa: Though I'm still ignorant in many subjects, I believe I've grasped at least one mortal concept...
Europa: Nothing is what it appears to be at first glance.
Europa gently pushes (Captain) down into a chair and leans in close.
Europa: This is a secret room just for us. No one else knows of it.
Europa: (Captain), please accept my true holy night gift.
Europa: You know what it is already, don't you? What I really want to give...
Europa: You may do whatever you like in this place. You're the lord of Europa Castle, after all.
Before Europa can do anything more than whisper in (Captain)'s ear, the mood is quickly shattered.
Lyria's Voice: (Captain)! Europa! Gabriel's here!
Europa: ...!
Europa: Oh dear... I'm ashamed to admit I forgot she was coming.
Europa: My thoughts were filled only with giving you your present...
Despite being flustered as well, (Captain) manages to stand up and extend a hand to Europa.
Europa: Oh... Is this an invitation?
Europa: I respectfully accept.
Europa takes the captain's hand firmly in her own.
Europa: I almost feel as if I'm the one being treated to a present instead.
Europa: Hehehe... Let us go together. I shall give you my gift another time.
Shyly smiling, (Captain) leads Europa back to the main hall. Together they welcome Gabriel to the party.
The festivities continue throughout the night, filling the halls of Europa Castle with laughter and cheer.