Scenario:Drang - Someone to Depend On

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Someone to Depend On

Drang stops by Raduga at Ladiva's invitation, where he talks about the conflict of interest he's been having with Sturm. Leona, who happens to be present, jumps in on the conversation and offers to introduce someone who can help with Drang's mercenary guild troubles: Reinhardtzar.

The Grandcypher is sailing across the skies of Nalhegrande one day.
On the deck a frivolous man is having a one-sided conversation with a stern woman. Growing more irritated by the minute, she draws her sword.
Sturm: Shut up!
Drang: Yeeowch!
Sturm: Humph!
Drang: Wait, Sturm! You see, I was thinking...
Vyrn: Hey, you realize you're babbling to yourself? Sturm's already gone inside the ship.
  1. You two have a row?
  2. Wanna talk about it?

Choose: You two have a row?

Drang: Heya, (Captain)! We were just up to our usual antics—far from a spat, I'd say.
Drang: It's a long story.
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: Wanna talk about it?

Drang: Why, aren't you the bestest captain ever.
Drang: As much as I'd love to go into detail, it'd be too long of a story.

Continue 1

Ladiva: Hehe. Hello there, Drang. I'm always up for a long talk.
The large figure appearing behind (Captain) is a star duelist of the Jewel Resort Casino Liner.
Drang: Aw, you heard our little chat too, Ladiva?
Ladiva: Actually, I was walking by and happened to see Sturm looking not too pleased while you talked.
Ladiva: Thought I'd come over to make sure you're doing okay.
Ladiva: Sorry if it seems like I'm prying...
Drang: No, no, not at all. If Sturm and I were talking confidential stuff, we wouldn't be doing it out in the open. So it's all good.
Ladiva carefully studies the Erune as he shrugs his shoulders.
Ladiva: Considering you two are the foremost mercenary duo in Phantagrande, you probably don't need anyone butting in from the sidelines...
Ladiva: But if you should ever need to vent, know that Raduga's doors are always open to you.
Drang: Huh? Raduga? What's that all about?
Vyrn: You haven't been down there yet, Drang?
Ladiva: That's the name I've given the Grandcypher's subgalley. It's a social hub for anyone looking for some pleasant conversation while snacking on great food and drinks.
Ladiva: Feel free to drop by whenever you're free. Even if there's nothing you want to talk about in particular, I'll still welcome you with open arms!
Drang tilts his head in contemplation at the invitation.
That night Drang steps into the softly lit subgalley, his eyes widening in surprise.
Ladiva: Haha, welcome to Raduga!
Drang: Wow... You've really made something of this place.
Ladiva runs Raduga, serving late-night snacks to restless crew members to help pass the time.
Drang: What a fine selection of wines and mood-setting lights you have here. Seems like a neat place to hang out.
Drang: Nice taste, Ladiva! Of course, I wouldn't expect anything less from the Jewel Resort Casino Liner's famed duelist!
Ladiva: Oho! So you know a thing or two about me.
Drang: I see we're not alone though. 'Scuse me, you doing okay over there? You're looking a bit woozy.
Leona: Burp... Yeah, I'm all right. The food and drinks are just so good here.
Ladiva: Haha. I'm charmed to hear it, but he's got a point. You seem a bit more flushed than usual.
Leona: Oh yeah? I guess you're right. This tends to happen when I let loose...
Ladiva: Not a problem. I've got the perfect cocktail to sober you right up! And it doesn't contain a lick of alcohol.
Leona, a general's advisor in the Idelva Kingdom, started coming to Raduga by Ladiva's invitation and is now a regular there.
Ladiva: Oh my. Leona?
Leona: ...
Her eyelids now shut, Leona begins to lightly snore.
Ladiva: You must be exhausted... I can only imagine how tiring your job must be. Hope you don't mind, Leona...
Ladiva lifts Leona up and lays her to rest on the booth seat behind them, then drapes a blanket over her.
Drang: Think she'll be okay? Maybe I should get going for today, just so... you know.
Ladiva: Haha... What a sweetheart you are. But Leona's sound asleep now. She'll be okay if we just leave her be.
Ladiva: When she wakes up later, I'll bring her to her room.
Ladiva: Sorry to keep you waiting. Come on over to the counter!
Ladiva pours Drang a drink from behind the counter.
Staring at the glass in his hand, Drang begins speaking in a lackadaisical manner.
Drang: You probably caught wind of this back on the deck, but...
Drang: Things aren't exactly going great with me and Sturm...
Sturm and Drang—a distinguished mercenary duo hailing from Phantagrande.
Evildoers quake at the sound of their names, and those in the same line of business tip their hat to the pair.
However, ever since coming over to Nalhegrande, the twosome have come to realize that they're practically unknown in this skydom.
Drang: And no one wants to give the high-profile jobs to mercs they've never heard of.
Drang: We did fine work for some really prominent clients in Phantagrande...
Drang: But here in Nalhegrande, none of that matters.
Drang: Back then, we had the luxury of taking on whatever jobs suited our fancy...
Ladiva: And you're finding that way of doing things doesn't work when you don't know left from right in this skydom.
Drang: Yeah, that's definitely part of it! You catch on fast, Ladiva!
Drang: I suppose we need something like Phantagrande's Mercenary's Guild if we're to get decent jobs...
Drang: Finding a client who'd hire us directly would be the peach-perfect solution.
Ladiva: So that's what you were talking to Sturm about. It does seem like an important thing to discuss.
Drang: Yeah. Problem is, when I poured out my thoughts...
Drang: First thing we should do is look for some sorta merc guild like the one in Phantagrande.
Sturm: Don't need one.
Sturm: We can take on random clients for now. We do it long enough, and eventually the worthwhile jobs will come.
Drang: Er, don't you think that's kind of risky?
Drang: I mean, who knows what sort of customs they have around here. It's better if we have some kind of safety net to fall back on...
Sturm: We can gather information ourselves. As for customs, I doubt it'll be a problem. We'll just have to bend them to work in our favor.
Drang: Ooh, now you're talkin'!
Sturm: Anyhow... We'll find our own clients in Nalhegrande. I'm not going to rely on any merc guild.
Sturm's headstrong attitude sparks an epiphany in Drang.
Drang: Sturm, let me guess... You're acting this way out of respect for the guild and Donna, aren't you?
Sturm: ...!
Drang: After all, you have the guild hold all the letters from your family.
Drang: Given how much Donna's helped you, I know how you feel.
Drang: But don't you think we can play by different rules in a different skydom? I don't really see the problem in signing up with another guild...
Sturm: ...
Drang: I'm sure Donna would understand... Right?
Sturm responds not by nodding, but by brandishing her sword.
Sturm: ...!
Drang: Er, Sturm? Is there a monster on my face?
Sturm: Shut up!
Drang: And that's how it went. Simply put, we couldn't agree on the best way to look for new jobs.
Ladiva: It's not too uncommon to butt heads even with people you've known for the longest time.
Ladiva: I respect Sturm's code of honor, but I think your flexibility is just as important.
Ladiva: A mercenary's job is fraught with danger. I hope you two can find a solution you both agree on...
Drang: Yeah, her sense of duty is something I just love about her!
Drang: But who knows? Maybe she'll change her mind once she hears about the local merc guilds...
Drang: Figured I'd try to go look for one myself.
Drang: Once I've set up my roots here, I can invite Sturm along for the ride!
Ladiva: I see... I suppose that's one way of going about it.
Ladiva: But what makes you think Nalhegrande even has such a thing?
Drang: There's demand for mercenaries everywhere, so it's only natural that there'd be an organization to oversee them.
Drang: But maybe their HQ is kept out of plain sight, or it could be in the middle of a death trap... Which is why I wish I had a guide...
Drang: You seem like you know people all over, Ladiva. Think you can hook me up?
Ladiva: Hrm...
Leona: I can introduce you!
The two turn to Leona, who stumbles about with her face flushed red as she raises a hand.
Ladiva: Oh, are you okay being up and about already? Here, have a glass of water.
Leona: Thanks, both for the drink and for helping me rest more comfortably earlier.
Leona takes a sip of water and bashfully fixes her disheveled hair.
Leona: So, to get back on topic...
Drang: You're with the Idelva Army, right?
Drang: Any chance there's some sort of officially recognized merc guild around here?
Leona: Er... Well...
Leona: The army does hire mercenaries from time to time, but I don't know much about their dealings since I'm never the contact person...
Leona: But I do know someone who's well connected in those circles. I think he can help you.
Drang: Whoo, now that's music to my ears! I can't wait to rub shoulders with this person!
Ladiva: Lucky you, Drang!
A day passes.
Vyrn: So that happened last night, huh?
Drang: Yep, Raduga's such a great place—not just for chatting, but also for wining and dining.
Lyria: Isn't it great that Drang's enjoying the Grandcypher so much, (Captain)?
Lyria: It's just too bad we were already sleeping... Ehehe...
Vyrn: So who's this guy that's gonna introduce you to the local mercs?
Drang: Er, what's-his-name... Ooh, there he is! Hey, over here!
Reinhardtzar: ...
Vyrn: Wait, it was Reinhardtzar you were talking about this whole time?
Drang: Pleased to meetcha! Thanks a ton for agreeing to this!
Reinhardtzar: Oh boy...
Drang cheerily waves while (Captain) and company look on in surprise.
Reinhardtzar, acting officer for the Idelva Kingdom, breathes a deep sigh at the scene before him.