Scenario:Kolulu - The Collapsed Girl

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The Collapsed Girl

(Captain) and company find a girl collapsed on the side of the road, but she is quickly led away by a man to an underground fight club. After seeing him skim the girl's earnings at the fight club, the crew forces the man to confess and apologize. Now that the girl has nowhere else to go, the crew invites her to join them.

After settling a job on a certain island, the crew head to an eatery to satisfy their hunger.
Along the way they spot a young girl who has collapsed on the road. She's barely able to crawl along the ground.
Rackam: Hey! Are you all right?
???: Y-yes...
Lyria: Phew, it's a good thing you're still alert.
  1. Let's get her to a doctor.

Choose: Let's get her to a doctor.

Rackam: Right, she needs medical—
???: Wait! I implore you, don't act in haste.
Vyrn: You implore us?
Rackam: Calm down there. We're a band of skyfaring Goody Two-shoes.
???: I don't require a doctor. I-I'm simply a tad famished...
Rackam: Uh, you mean to tell me you're so hungry that you collapsed in the street?
A growl from the girl's stomach answers for her. She looks down in embarrassment.
???: Hehehe...
Rackam: Hahaha! Well, I'd take an empty stomach over injuries any day.
???: I am beholden to your kind consideration.
Vyrn: Say, uh, do you always talk like that?
???: I-is there something odd about my speech?
Rackam: All right, all right. Let's get to that later, okay? I think food should come first.
Just as the crew are about to have the girl come join them for a meal, a panicked man sprints over.
Weary Man: Huff, huff... So this is where you wandered off to. Were you expecting to score a meal without any money?
???: I thought I'd at least get to take in the lovely smells of the restaurant...
Weary Man: Oh, please. You'd be wasting your time. Finish your job, and you get to eat. Now come on! We're short on time!
???: Uwagh!
The man grabs the starving girl's arm and drags her away with astonishing speed.
Vyrn: H-hey!
Rackam: Something's up, and I don't like it.
Worried for the girl's safety, the crew chases after her and the man who dragged her away.
The crew tail their targets to an underground fight club where bets are taking place.
The air is electric inside the venue, where gamblers cram together shoulder to shoulder.
Lyria: Oh my goodness. It's crazy in here. But why are there children in a place like this?
Rackam: I wondered if they were the fighters, but there's no way that could be true... Right?
Suddenly a gate to the ring lurches open with a shudder.
The young girl and her apparent custodian appear through the widening gap.
???: (Oog... I'm so hungry. The room is spinning...)
Rackam: You've got to be kidding me.
Spectator: Go on, girl! I got my last rupies riding on your dark horse odds! You'd better win!
Rackam: Hey, pal, fill me in. Has that girl always been a fighter?
Spectator: Huh? Not sure honestly. I think she's just a skyfarer or some such.
Rackam: Wait, she's a skyfarer? Then what about the guy next to her?
Spectator: Nah, he seems different. Don't know what his deal is.
While the crew asks around about the identity of the girl, another gate directly opposite from the young fighter creaks open.
With exaggerated pomp and circumstance, bolstered by cheers of adulation, a fully armored warrior struts into the ring.
Armored Warrior: Graaah!
???: ...
Strangely enough, the young girl isn't fazed in the slightest by her opponent's grandiose aura.
Nor does her custodian react with concern. He simply gives the armored warrior a glance-over.
Weary Man: Beat him, and eighty percent of the cut is yours. Heh, you're lucky to be getting that much.
???: They call him the king of the ring.
???: If I defeat him, that will open the door for bigger and better tournaments down the line!
Weary Man: The bigger the tournament, the bigger the prize money. Heh, you got a big appetite, kid.
???: (My only appetite is for rich, hot stew.)
???: Oops, just thinking about it is making me drool.
Wiping the drool with her sleeve, the girl refocuses all her attention on the battle ahead.
She gives her custodian a respectful bow and then approaches her metal-plated foe.
???: Hark! You shall fall victim to my Stone Breaker!
Armored Warrior: Bwahaha! I commend you for not pissing your pants going up against the mighty king!
Armored Warrior: But you're about to learn there's a fine line between bravery and recklessness!
???: (Concentrate... Concentrate... Stew is my reward for victory!)
The growl from the girl's stomach ignites her resolve to come out triumphant.
Armored Warrior: Hrrraaugh!
As soon as the opening bell sounds, the armored warrior remorselessly swings his great sword at the girl's head.
Lyria: Eeeek!
Spectator: Damn, is it over already?
To everyone in attendance, it would seem this fight is in the books.
A dull clang of metal echoes through the venue, to which the spectators are left rubbing their eyes in disbelief.
They're astonished to see the sword fracture against the girl's head. But unlike the sword, the girl is completely unscathed.
???: Phew! My head is unyielding!
Armored Warrior: Wh-wha... What are you?
???: Now it's my turn!
???: Tallyho!
Armored Warrior: Uaarrgh!
The armored warrior crumples to the ground. The small fighter has earned her victory.
Once the slate of matches concludes for the day, the spectators begin filing out of the venue.
Weary Man: Okay, here's your prize money.
???: Ooh! A hundred rupies! Is it right for me to accept this?
Weary Man: Sure. That's eighty percent as promised. Don't go spending it all in one place.
???: I won't!
Rackam and the others observe the disbursement from afar, but they can no longer keep quiet.
Rackam: I hate to butt in, but can I just point out something?
Rackam: You call this an eighty percent cut, but I doubt an illegal gambling ring would pay out chump change.
Rackam: I don't take too kindly to swindlers who rip off innocent kids.
Rackam grabs the man by the collar, who looks away in silence.
Weary Man: ...
???: If I may, I am indebted to this man for finding me work, considering I have no family to return to.
???: I understand you're acting in my best interest...
???: But can I persuade you to release him?
The young girl bows her head, covering for the man before the situation takes a turn for the worse.
Rackam: Wait a minute. You know this guy is scamming you, right?
???: Sigh. Be that as it may, I still insist.
Rackam: Man, I don't get this...
Rackam releases the man, and the girl flashes a genial smile.
???: Thank you so very much.
Rackam: As for you, buster, I hope you realize how you've been treating this kindhearted girl.
Weary Man: Er, no, I... I didn't mean to bilk her or anything.
Rackam: This isn't the first time, is it?
Weary Man: Sob... I'm racked with debt, and my wife and kids need to eat... One thing led to another...
???: ...
Weary Man: Kolulu... I've been a total fool. Please forgive me.
Kolulu: I see. If that's the case, then I won't pass judgment.
Kolulu: Please look after your family. Success can't come on an empty stomach.
Weary Man: Sob...
With tears streaming down his face, the man bows in shame and leaves.
Kolulu: ...
Rackam: You sure you're okay with this?
Kolulu: Were he a miser, I wouldn't have been as lenient.
Kolulu: But I can't begrudge someone who's only trying to survive.
The level of maturity and empathy expressed by someone this young leaves an impression on the crew.
Lyria: Um...
Kolulu: Oh, where are my manners? I still haven't told you my name yet. I'm Kolulu.
Lyria: Nice to meet you, Kolulu, but what I really want to know is... how is your head feeling?
Kolulu: Worry not for my cranium. It can take the knocks. A weak swat like that isn't enough to crack my skull!
Vyrn: I still wasn't expecting a freakin' sword to snap in half like that.
Kolulu: Hehe. There's nothing surprising about it.
Kolulu: Hardening my body to become tough as steel is a snap for me.
  1. Sounds like pretty funky magic.
  2. I kinda wanna touch your head now.

Choose: Sounds like pretty funky magic.

Kolulu: Oh, it's not magic.
Kolulu: I've had this ability since I was born. Would it be easier to call it a body quirk?
Lyria: A body quirk?
Kolulu: Rather than hearing an explanation, you should just see it for yourself.
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: I kinda wanna touch your head now.

Vyrn: Haha, you too, (Captain)?
Kolulu: Hehe, I seem to have piqued your interest. Fine.

Continue 1

Kolulu sucks in a deep breath and holds it.
She then firmly exhales after a brief pause.
Kolulu: Phew!
Kolulu: I give new meaning to the term "headstrong." Go ahead and feel it.
Vyrn: If you insist...
(Captain) and Vyrn take turns poking and tapping Kolulu's head while she continues to exhale.
  1. Whoa! That's hard!

Choose: Whoa! That's hard!

Vyrn: Yowzers! If I had your stone skin, I'd be afraid of nothin'!
Kolulu: Phew...
When Kolulu's breathing returns to normal, so does her body composition. She then proudly flaunts her spear.
Kolulu: Actually there is one thing to be apprehensive of, and it's this spear, Stone Breaker.
Kolulu: It's the only thing I know that's strong enough to crack open my head!
Vyrn: Oh... Is that why it's called Stone Breaker?
Kolulu: Yes! That's what my parents christened it before they passed away.
(Captain) studies the spear with interest.
  1. Where have I seen that spear before?
  2. Is that Gisla?

Choose: Where have I seen that spear before?

Kolulu: Perhaps you came across this spear in the time before it was discarded.
Kolulu: I dug it out from the waste left behind by the Drunk Tanker.
Rackam: What in the world is a "drunk tanker"?
Go to "Continue 2"

Choose: Is that Gisla?

Kolulu: Oh! You know of its former namesake?
Kolulu: My father was most surprised when I dug this out of the garbage left behind by the Drunk Tanker.
Kolulu: He couldn't imagine someone discarding Gisla, the spear destined to be passed down to those who seek revenge.
Vyrn: Haha, your pops sounds like a funny guy to give a weird name like Stone Breaker to such a priceless spear.
Rackam: To be honest, I'm more interested in what the heck you meant by "drunk tanker."

Continue 2

Before Rackam can inquire further about that peculiar detail, Kolulu's stomach lets loose an angry roar.
Kolulu: Oog...
Rackam: Haha, sorry for holding you up. Totally forgot you're starving.
Lyria: Would you like to join us for a meal, Kolulu?
Kolulu: A wonderful suggestion! My purse was light when you first found me, but now it's been reinvigorated with funds!
Kolulu: These one hundred rupies will go a long way in purchasing a hot stew!
Rackam: Haha, you're a real trooper after being completely taken in by that con man.
Rackam: You know what? Today's on me. Everyone order whatever you want.
Lyria: Yay for Rackam!
Kolulu: Absolutely not. Am I doomed to be forever coddled?
Kolulu: Since I'm unable to offer a sufficient apology, the least I can do is treat you out of my own pocket.
Despite going hungry due to trusting a man who skimmed off her earnings, Kolulu insists on paying for the crew's meal.
The crew are moved by her selfless desire to make amends for what she perceives as inconveniencing them.
Rackam: Come on, Kolulu. I appreciate you throwing us some love, but let me act the big brother for this round.
Rackam: What do you say?
Kolulu: Golly, you've twisted my arm. I offer you my eternal thanks.
The conversation playing out thus far has (Captain) concerned that Kolulu might be too naive for her own good.
  1. What are your plans after this?

Choose: What are your plans after this?

Kolulu: Hm... If I'm going to survive, then I must work for a living.
  1. You can always come with us.
  2. Got something lined up?

Choose: You can always come with us.

Kolulu: Golly!
Lyria: That's a great idea!
Vyrn: Didn't you mention earlier that you don't have any family either?
Kolulu: B-but... You've already gone above and beyond. Any more would be...
Rackam: Haha, you don't have to worry about that. (Captain) here enjoys lookin' out for people.
Go to "Continue 3"

Choose: Got something lined up?

Kolulu: I can't say that I do, but that shouldn't be a problem.
Kolulu: I can make it on my own as long as I search diligently for work.
Rackam: Yeah, that sounds a wee bit optimistic to me.
Kolulu: Well, you can do anything when you put your mind to it.
  1. I know a crew that could use some help.

Choose: I know a crew that could use some help.

Kolulu: Golly!
Rackam: Haha, that's thinking on your feet, (Captain).
Rackam: Well, Kolulu, our captain's offer stands.
Rackam: We'd be glad to have you, if you're up for it.
Rackam: We get all kinds of job requests all the time. You'd never have to worry about work again.

Continue 3

Kolulu mulls over this unexpected invitation. However, her cranky stomach won't give her much peace to think.
Kolulu: Um... This is rude of me to ask, but may we continue our discussion around a dining table?
Rackam: Haha. Yeah, that'd be even better.
Lyria: Okay, everyone! Let's go get some food!
And so the crew escorts the exhausted Kolulu to the nearest eatery.
Lining her belly with piping hot stew, Kolulu is convinced by the crew's hospitality to join them as the newest addition.