Scenario:Magisa - A Skilled Swimmer

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A Skilled Swimmer?

Magisa, (Captain), and the others arrive in the Auguste Isles for a vacation. Confident in her swimming skills, Magisa insists she and (Captain) go for a boat ride to take a dip in the ocean. However, the moment she enters the water, Magisa's body weakens. Suframare comes to the rescue, but Magisa is unconscious. Suframare then asks if (Captain) can perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

As the sweltering summer heat fast approaches, the Grandcypher sails on. On one such day...
Magisa: Hello there, (Captain). It certainly has gotten hot recently...
Magisa: Do you happen to have any plans for the summer? A vacation in the Auguste Isles, perhaps?
Magisa: An eating competition? I never knew Auguste had such an interesting event.
Magisa: ...
Magisa: (Captain), do you understand why my gaze is so intense right now?
  1. You want to join the eating competition?

Choose: You want to join the eating competition?

Magisa: Bzzt. I'm afraid that's wrong. I could never eat so much in one sitting.
Magisa: Don't be such a tease. Surely you understand what it is I want.
Magisa: Are you really not going to invite widdle ol' me along?
  1. Don't you hate exercise though?
  2. You always stay inside during summer.

Choose: Don't you hate exercise though?

Magisa: Indeed I do. Especially in midsummer. The mere thought of exerting myself in the heat makes me feel faint.
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: You always stay inside during summer.

Magisa: Well, I do despise the heat. I usually spend my days reading in my room, cooled with ice magic.

Continue 1

Magisa: However, swimming is an entirely separate matter. I'll have you know that I'm quite skilled.
Magisa: Back in my hometown, I would go to the local swimming spot every year. Doesn't a bit of cool water feel lovely when the weather is hot?
Magisa: And... if you were the one to invite me to Auguste, I would never turn you down.
Magisa: I've been waiting all this time, you know... I even bought a new swimsuit.
Magisa: In any case, now you have no reason not to invite me, correct? You'll let me tag along... right?
(Captain) gives an enthusiastic nod.
Magisa: Now that's more like it. I'm so excited to go on our first trip to the Auguste Isles together.
Magisa: My heart's already racing. Hehe... I can't wait.
After Magisa's attendance is decided, the day of departure arrives in the blink of an eye.
Lyria: Wow... Magisa, you look so beautiful! And cool!
Magisa: Thank you, Lyria. Your swimsuit is adorable too.
Magisa: What do you think, (Captain)?
  1. You're breathtaking...

Choose: You're breathtaking...

Magisa: Hehe... You're making me blush. Feel free to take it all in. I bought this swimsuit especially for you.
Vyrn: H-hey, does anyone else feel like all eyes are on us?
Magisa: This swimsuit was meant for (Captain)'s eyes only, but... oh well.
Magisa: What say we take a boat and head out to sea? That should give us some alone time.
Vyrn: Haha... You never change, Magisa...
Magisa: Hehe, the two of us spending time together is my entire reason for coming along. So could I borrow (Captain) for a bit?
Lyria: Of course!
Lyria: Don't go too far out, though. The ocean can be a scary place...
Magisa: Fear not, Lyria. I will protect our adorable (Captain).
(Captain) and Magisa head out on the water after borrowing a boat.
Magisa: Thank you for rowing the boat, (Captain).
Magisa: That was quite the show of strength back there. You really know how to make a girl's heart race.
Magisa: Come now, there's no need to be so modest. I could never do something like that.
Magisa: It certainly is hot though. I've been sweating for a while now.
Magisa: Shall we take a quick dip in the ocean to cool our burning bodies?
(Captain) looks down at the cool water and nods eagerly.
Magisa: Hehe, all right. Here I go...
With that, Magisa leaps into the ocean. Not to be outdone, (Captain) follows quickly behind her.
Magisa: The Auguste sea feels so much better than I ever imagined...
Magisa: Swimming is certainly enjoyable, but just floating here with you is—
Magisa: ...!
Just as a scream begins to escape Magisa's throat, she plunges down into the depths.
Though initially shocked, (Captain) quickly recovers and reaches out to help her.
Magisa: My apologies. I'm feeling a bit sluggish. Don't worry, I can handle myself just fi—
Magisa attempts to tread water as she reassures (Captain), but...
Magisa: (My body! It won't... move!)
After another frantic effort to stay afloat, Magisa begins to sink once more.
(Captain) attempts to help her, but her body feels as heavy as a sandbag, dragging them both down.
Realizing something is amiss, the captain calls to the others on shore for help.
Vyrn: What is (Captain) shouting about over there?
Lyria: Oh no! It looks like Magisa is drowning!
Vyrn: What! I thought she said she was a good swimmer!
Lyria: We need to hurry and call for help!
Vyrn: We don't have time for that! H-hold on!
As (Captain) continues to hold Magisa up, her body begins to grow even heavier...
Magisa: I-I'm sorry, (Captain)... You can't save me alone...
Magisa: I can't even... use magic!
Magisa: Please... let me go! I can't let you die here...
Magisa pulls away from (Captain)'s grasp...
  1. Magisa!

Choose: Magisa!

Taking a deep breath, the captain plunges after her. Just then...
???: Freeze!
The ocean waters begin to freeze, as if time jumped forward to the middle of winter.
As the ice reaches (Captain) and Magisa, it becomes a foothold, raising them out of the water.
Magisa: ...
(Captain) rushes over to Magisa, but no amount of stirring wakes her.
The sound of footsteps echoes through the ice.
Suframare: Are you all right, (Captain)? I heard Vyrn screaming, so I came as fast as I coul—
Suframare: Magisa! This is bad... She's inhaled a lot of water!
Suframare: (Captain), we need to act quickly!
Suframare: Have you ever performed mouth-to-mouth resuscitation?
(Captain) sits there, stunned by the question.
All the captain can do is stare at Magisa's waiting lips.