Scenario:Carren - Duties as Acting Captain

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Duties as Acting Captain

Carren, while acting as the captain of the crew for a day, accepts a request from the Knickknack Shack. To retrieve some stolen goods for the client, the crew sets out to find a pirate's airship.

Carren joins (Captain) and company because she longs to become a skyfarer.
Hoping to eventually be a captain herself, she grabs (Captain)'s sleeve one day to pester her leader.
Eugen: What's going on? Why are you bugging the captain, Carren?
Carren: You're just in time, Eugen! Help me convince (Captain). I want to be the acting captain of the skyfarers!
Eugen: Huh? Why don't you spare the captain that nonsense for a change?
Carren: But it's not nonsense! Right, (Captain)? I'm pretty trustworthy, right?
Carren: Why not let me try it? Please! I can do missions too! I want to do captain things! Come on!
Eugen: Oh, for crying out loud... Hey, (Captain). She's obviously not gonna give up until you let her try it once.
  1. Fine. Let her do it.
  2. Carren can't handle it.

Choose: Fine. Let her do it.

Carren: Awesome! And don't worry, because you know how good I am! You can leave everything to me!
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: Carren can't handle it.

Carren: You don't know that until we try! Why in the world not? Let me try it! Let me, let me, let me!
Eugen: Good grief... She's not gonna back down until we agree.
Eugen: Hey, (Captain). Do you think you could let her try it just this once? Maybe she'll finally get how hard it is.

Continue 1

Carren: All right, everyone! As you now know, I've been appointed acting captain for a day!
Carren: And that means there's no time to lose! As the acting captain, I'll go get us a mission!
Eugen: It's all you, Captain. There she goes... I wonder if she can handle it?
Carren heads to the Knickknack Shack and picks up a mission right away.
Carren: And that's how I, as acting captain of this airship, accepted a mission for us.
Eugen: Not bad! So what kind of mission is it?
Carren: Well, the request was made by a merchant who had his merchandise stolen by pirates.
Carren: Our mission is to get those goods back.
Carren: They gave me a description of the pirates' airship! We're gonna head out right away! Follow me, scallywags!

Duties as Acting Captain: Scene 2

(Captain) and company corner the pirates with Carren's help. However, the pirates continue to resist by releasing monsters on the crew.

Carren: You can't get away from us! Hand over the goods, or we'll blast your airship out of the sky!
Pirate: Damn that woman! Is she their captain?
Carren: Hey, did you hear that, (Captain)! I obviously seem like a captain to them!
Carren: I knew I could do it! Looks like things are going my way! Now let's get this mission over with!
Henchman: Ahhh! Hot! It's hot! I can't believe she has a flaming sword! It's just too much!
Carren: Consider the taste of my magic sword the price of your atonement, knave!
Carren: Time for you to surrender and hand over the merchandise!
Pirate: Not if I have anything to say about it. You! Open the cage! Sic the monsters on 'em and let's get out of here!
Carren: Woah... So they had a trick up their sleeve?
Monster: Groargh!
Carren: Don't underestimate the acting captain! You can't fly fast enough to get away from me! Let's go, (Captain)!

Duties as Acting Captain: Scene 3

(Captain)'s crew retrieves the merchandise and successfully completes the mission. Carren's negotiating even leads to a bigger reward. The crew is surprised by her abilities, and her day as the acting captain ends in great success.

Carren: I'm sure glad the merchandise is safe! Now put your hands where I can see 'em!
Pirate: This isn't over! Next time I see you—
Carren: Ha! We won't be meeting again. I'm taking you in to the town guards.
Thus (Captain)'s crew successfully completes its mission under Carren's leadership.
Carren: And here's the reward for completing our mission! Here, Eugen! Hold the bag!
Eugen: Huh? What? Don't make an old man work like—Woah! This is heavy!
Eugen: What's going on? This is an awfully big reward for capturing a few pirates.
Carren: Well, the client seemed rich, so I thought I'd negotiate for better pay!
Eugen: Hey... You better not have resorted to threats.
Carren: Of course not!
Carren: I only act that way with (Captain)... and maybe you and Rackam now and then.
Carren: Now let's go find something good to eat! It's on me! Okay?
Eugen: Ha-ha! Looks like I underestimated Carren.
Eugen: She's good with money and has negotiation skills... She might do well with her own crew of skyfarers.
Eugen: She did well. I'm impressed! I sure wouldn't say this to her though. Wouldn't want her to get carried away.
Carren: Hey! Come on! You're too slow, (Captain)! What are you doing?
Carren: I'm looking forward to filling my belly with all the good food I can find!
Carren: You're coming too, Eugen! I'll treat you to that drink you've been wanting!
Thus Carren's day as the acting captain ends in great success.
Through her travels, Carren will surely improve her skills and become a first-class skyfarer.