Scenario:Christina - The Reigning Queen

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The Reigning Queen

The don of Jewel Resort, Garrett, uses funds from the casino to remodel an orphanage on the advice of a woman named Margaret. Upon attending the orphanage's opening event, Christina has the feeling that something is not right with the casino liner and its suspicious new employees.

Vyrn: Whoa... This is the orphanage now? It's awesome...
Christina: Yes... She's a beauty, isn't she?
(Captain) squints up at the shining windows of a handsome orphanage. The place is newly remodeled and holding a gala to celebrate its reopening.
The whole affair is being run by employees of the Jewel Resort Casino Liner.
Therese: Uh... Um... Wh-where does the food go?
Bunny Girl: This barrel... sure is heavy! Uh-oh! It's gonna fall!
Casino Bouncer: Gotcha! Try not to hurt yourself, all right?
The crew stands in the middle of the hustle and bustle, taking in the scene.
Ladiva: Can you believe it? I grew up here, and it's so beautiful now... I don't know what to say...
Lyria: It's one—no, two sizes bigger! Plus...
Excited Little Boy: Look, look! Swings!
Lyria: There's a whole playground!
Ladiva: Hehe. Did you want to join them, Lyria? Go on ahead!
Lyria: No, um... I'll be fine! I don't want to play on swings or on the slides or in the sandbox... They're for kids!
Vyrn: Man, but there sure is a lot of stuff. They've even got fountains and a pool! And the casino liner paid for all this, right?
Christina: You got it. With the money we gave them, they could buy five, six airships, easy.
Vyrn: No way... What'd they do to earn all that?
Christina: Ask my minions—they're the ones who put in the hard work. Anyway, I wasn't the mastermind this time around...
Christina turns and looks at the podium. As if summoned by her gaze, an older gentleman steps up and leans over the mic.
Kindly Old Chap: Er... Ahem. Terribly sorry to interrupt, but might I have your attention for a moment? Lovely. Now, first, allow me to thank you for attending our little ceremony...
Christina: He was. That, kittens, is Garrett—the man behind the project... and the don of Jewel Resort.
Vyrn: Wait. So he's your boss?
Ladiva: That's right. He was plucked straight from the Gem Domain—to oversee airships, you know. And he manages all the casino liners in the skies.
Lyria: I-I never knew. He offered us drinks earlier, and he seemed so friendly and... well, normal.
Christina: Hah. Well, don't be too drawn by his smile.
Christina: It's his poker face, the mask of a schemer. And you won't ever get even a peek at what goes on behind it.
Vyrn: Guess you'd have to be that way if you wanted to run casino liners... Sure hope I never get on his bad side.
Ladiva: Oh, Christy. Stop frightening the poor things. And don't you be scared by her words either. Garrett's heart is brimming with love.
Ladiva: Since the founding of his first business, he's operated by one motto: why can't the casino and the player both be winners?
Ladiva: Hehe. Christy and Garrett are like-minded that way. It's why she became manager of Jewel Resort.
Christina: Heh...
Christina: It's true. Garrett cares more than anyone about customer satisfaction and the safety of our workers.
Christina: I still say he's an old conniver. But he's got his own moral code and sticks to it. He's not the kind of man who'd, say, gobble up some helpless kittens.
Garrett: Er... I and every member of the staff aboard the casino liner are proud that our work has changed both this place and the skies for the better.
Lyria: Hm... He doesn't look at all dishonest.
Vyrn: But you know, now I can't help but notice he's always wearing that same smile—like it's been painted on or somethin'.
Christina: ...
Ladiva: ...
The crew fall silent, lending their full attention to Garrett's speech. Then, just as some of the more peckish members are starting to eye the food...
Garrett: Cheers!
The feasting begins.
Sweet Little Girl: Thank you, Ladiva! I heard we got a new house 'cause you dewled a whole bunch!
Ladiva: My! Hehe. Well, that was a very kind thing to say.
Ladiva: But it wasn't just me. Everyone from Jewel Resort pooled their love together and turned this dream house into reality! Make sure to thank them lots, all right?
Sweet Little Girl: Oh, okay! Thank you, Miss Therese!
Therese: Oh. Hehe. Of course. I'm glad you like it.
Sweet Little Girl: And thank you, Lady Christy's minion!
Casino Bouncer: ...
Sweet Little Girl: Mr. Minion?
Bunny Girl: What's wrong? Aren't you going to say any—
Casino Bouncer: ...!
Casino Bouncer: Waaah! Well 'cause... I mean... they look so... happy! I don't deserve this!
Christina: Quit your sobbing! I can't even bear to look at you!
Casino Bouncer: Thank you!
Christina: You've taken your first teetering steps. So what? You're going to stand here, patting yourselves on the back? You don't think our clients deserve better?
Christina: You started this enterprise. Now figure out how to make it grow.
Casino Staff: Yes, ma'am!
Garrett: Haha. I see that time's done nothing to soften you, Christina.
Christina: Garrett!
Flashy Lady: Who's this, Gary? A mistress? Or is she the real deal?
Garrett: Neither, my dear. One might call her my right hand. She holds all of Jewel Resort in her iron fist.
Flashy Lady: Oh me! You're Gary's right hand? And an iron one at that! How marvelous!
Garrett: Yes. She can be marvelously strict, but she also knows just when to loosen the leash. Why, I'd say only she could have whipped the staff into such stunning shape.
Flashy Lady: Oh me! You oversee all these people? Dazzling! Simply dazzling!
Christina: And whom do I have the pleasure of meeting?
Christina's gaze is so cold, it would have frozen a rampaging bull in its tracks. But Garrett, utterly unruffled, merely clears his throat a bit.
Garrett: Ah yes. I've yet to introduce you. This here is Margaret. My very own Lady Luck.
Margaret: Oh me! Am I your Lady Luck, Gary? How delightful!
Christina: ...
Garrett: Business has been booming since I met her.
Margaret: Oh! You blow everyone right out of the water, Gary! With a boom and a splash!
Christina: ...
Garrett: One might even say that it's thanks to Margaret this whole remodeling affair went off without a hitch.
Margaret: Hehe. Oh, you. It's because you worked so hard. You're so very talented, Gary.
Christina: Sigh... Speaking of which, I never took you for the charitable type. What strange wind blew the idea into your head anyway?
Garrett: What's this? A kitten trying to track down a fox?
Christina: ...
Garrett: I jest. I've nothing to hide. It was so I could operate casinos in this airspace. Of course, I needed a license from the island, and the fee is nothing short of exorbitant.
Garrett: So I made them an offer: waive the fee, and any extra profit from my ventures here would go straight to the well-being of the island.
Christina: And did you let everyone know it. I see the crates, Garrett. They have Jewel Resort written all over them.
Christina nods at a large pile of shipping containers, sitting patiently by the door of the orphanage. Each is emblazoned with Jewel Resort's logo.
Garrett: Sharp as ever, I see. I admit, I contrived to put them in rather noticeable locations. A bit more tasteful than advertising, wouldn't you say?
Garrett: No one wants to be a gambler. But a philanthropist? Well! Every time a wager is made at our casinos, money goes to a good cause. Who'd turn their nose up at that?
Christina: So charities get their funding, and we make a good name for ourselves. Everyone's a winner, as you'd say.
Garrett: And to take your excellent observation one step further, the higher our reputation soars, the more customers we can expect.
Christina: ...
Garrett: Haha. No need to stare any longer. I've shown you my whole hand. And there's no cards hidden up my sleeves, I assure you.
Christina: Yes... So it would seem.
Garrett: Goodness. I came for a bit of small talk, and you've managed to root all this information out of me. What a hungry little kitten.
Garrett: But of course, the more you desire, the more you obtain. I'm glad I put you in charge of the liner, Christy.
Garrett: Now, it's about time I left for a second round of greetings. Please, enjoy yourselves.
Margaret: Toodle-oo, everyone.
Garrett offers an arm to Margaret, and they stroll away.
Christina: That wily old fox... He's scheming something, I know it.
Vyrn: Hey, isn't that guy your "don"? Why'd you go all hard-boiled detective on him? Ya got somethin' against him?
Christina: Not at all.
Ladiva: Hehe. This time around, you're set on finding out Garrett's surprise... aren't you, Christy?
Christina: The old fox never tires of his tricks. But I'm not the kind of woman that likes surprises.
Ladiva: He's an entertainer, dear. Honestly, I'd like to take a page or three from his book of wonder.
Christina: Would you really...?
The entire conversation, Christina's been scanning the room, keeping an eye on her staff. Now she pauses, and her gaze grows sharp.
Excited Little Boy: Whoa! Look at the new walls!
A boy stretches out a hand. Therese, who's been looking after the children, lets out a shout.
Therese: Watch out for the jutting nail!
Excited Little Boy: Huh?
Casino Bouncer: ...!
The bouncer scoops the boy up in his arms and sets him down in a safe place. He then joins Therese, who is frowning at the wall.
Therese: Did the nail bend as they were hammering it in? In any case, we need to call the carpenters and get this fixed.
Casino Bouncer: I guess we rushed them a bit. The deadline was pretty tight...
Christina: ...
After she hears about the incident with the nail from Therese, Ladiva asks to stay the night at the orphanage to make sure nothing else is amiss.
When the ceremony ends, the rest of the crew leave her and return to the inn.
Christina: ...
Christina sits on the lobby sofa and sinks deep into thought.
Lyria: What? You're going back to Jewel Resort, Christina?
Christina: Yes. We recently took on a number of new recruits, you know, to hold down the fort during this remodeling business. It's about time they met their captain.
Christina: And...
Casino Bouncer: I guess we rushed them a bit. The deadline was pretty tight...
Vyrn: And?
Christina: And nothing. In any case, I want to see what my new minions are made of... and give them the whip, if they need it.
Christina: I'll be leaving the crew for a while. That is, if you don't mind, kitten.
  1. As you wish.
  2. I'll be expecting a reward.

Choose: As you wish.

Christina: I like a tamed pet. But if you think I want you groveling at my feet, then you've got me all wrong.
Christina: Do me a favor while I'm gone, kitten. Think long and hard about just what it is I expect from you...
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: I'll be expecting a reward.

Christina: Haha! So you've learned to speak your desires.
Christina: I'll give you what you want. So be a good kitten and wait... for the pleasure and the pain.

Continue 1

Christina: Well...
For the first time in forever, Christina stands by the entrance of the casino liner. But, already, she senses something different in the air.
New Greeter: Hello! And welcome to the Jewel Resort Casino Liner!
Christina: Hm.
New Greeter: Excuse me... But is this your first time at a casino?
Christina: (So the greeter's new, huh? Perfect.)
Christina: Yes. I've never really been near gambling.
New Greeter: Aha! I see! Well then, allow me to guide you. Please, come this way.
Christina: Quite a marvelous place you've got here.
New Greeter: Isn't it? Here at Jewel Resort, we spare no expense in creating a wonderful environment for our guests.
New Greeter: Ah, here's our beginner's table. Please, have a seat.
New Dealer: Welcome. I'll be your dealer for this game.
Christina: ...
New Greeter: She says it's her first time at a casino.
New Dealer: Is it? Then shall I explain the rules of blackjack to you?
Christina: Please do.
New Dealer: It's quite simple. You and I will take turns drawing cards. And whoever holds the hand that totals highest is the winner.
New Dealer: There's no limit to how many cards you can hold. But the moment your hand totals twenty-two or over, you lose.
Christina: That's all? I see.
Christina plays a few bumbling rounds with the new staff. To all appearances, she is a complete novice.
New Dealer: Agh, so close! However, that final card brings your total to twenty-two. A bust, unfortunately.
Christina: Hah. My tenth loss, huh? And here I thought all it'd take to win was basic addition. How embarrassing.
New Dealer: We all go through rough patches at first. But the more you play, the more you get a feel for the game. Now, are you ready for the next round?
Christina: Sorry, but funds are running low. I think I'm done for today.
New Dealer: Already? But you're so close to seizing victory!
New Greeter: There's no need to worry about finances. Here at Jewel Resort... we offer loans.
Christina: Loans?
Christina: All right. I'll take everything you're willing to give.
Christina is, of course, surprised by the offer, but it shows neither on her face or in her voice.
New Dealer: That brings you to a total of fifteen. I'm at sixteen, so just a little further.
The dealer picks up a card and tries to pass it to Christina.
Christina: No, I won't take it. Stand.
New Dealer: Er... But your total amounts to less than...
Christina: I said, "Stand."
New Dealer: Yes, of course...
The dealer withdraws the card and adds it to his own hand.
Christina: And that brings you to twenty-three... A bust. Looks like I win.
New Dealer: C-congratulations.
The kid gloves are off. Christina plays round after round.
Christina: Hit me. Well? Give me another card.
New Dealer: Tsk! Y-yes, right away!
Christina: Stand. Add that to your own hand.
New Dealer: Urgh!
And she racks up win after win. The fortress of chips around her grows ever higher.
Casino Bouncer: What? We're being robbed?
New Greeter: Yes. She keeps on winning, and it's not natural... At this rate, she'll eat up all our profits.
Casino Bouncer: All right. I'll check it out—make sure there's no cheat...
Christina: Did you not hear me? I said, "Split."
New Dealer: Oh... Ngh... But...
Casino Bouncer: L-L-Lady Christy!
Christina: Hah... Well, it took you long enough. The lady of the house comes home, and you can't even sniff her out? That nose of yours is failing, you old hound dog.
Casino Bouncer: S-staff room, now! If you're with a guest, stay where you are! Everybody else, get moving!
Christina stands before her staff, pale with anger.
She notices the new hires shooting looks at her and narrows her eyes.
Christina: What's our motto here at the Jewel Resort Casino Liner? Tell me!
Casino Staff: Show our guests a good time, and rake in the cash!
Christina: And what do you think that means? Look for first-timers and set them up so they can't win? Force loans on them and wring every rupie out of their pockets?
Christina: I saw what you were doing. As soon as you managed to snuff out my hand, you started me dealing me trash!
New Casino Staff: ...
Christina: Rookies. Playing dumb, are we? You understand perfectly well what I'm saying.
New Dealer: No... I don't...
Casino Bouncer: Lady Christy... I'm so sorry. Looks like their training hasn't sunk in...
Christina: Look. I know these past few weeks have been a mess because of our new side-business. But this is inexcusable. You need a taste of my whip.
Christina: You, the new dealer. Tell me. Why do we need to show our guests a good time?
New Dealer: Uh...
Christina: It's so they'll come back!
New Dealer: ...
Christina: (You little rat...)
Christina flays the new hires with her words. But the whole time, a cloud of disquiet slowly overshadows her mind.
Christina: (Something's been eating at me...ever since the gala.)
In that cloud, a hazy image begins to take shape—the root of Christina's suspicions. And the clearer it grows, the uglier it becomes.
New Casino Staff: ...
Christina: (They have no fangs, no horns... no nothing.)
Christina: Hah... You're beneath my whip.

The Reigning Queen: Scene 2

Christina visits the casino and discovers that the new staff are planning to implement violent matches called blood duels. With her protests falling on deaf ears, she decides to go along with the idea in the meantime while she comes up with her own plan of action.

Ladiva: Jewel Resort's in quite a lot of trouble, isn't it?
Christina: I talked myself hoarse, Ladiva. About the value of good service, about how to make a profit. But with the new hires, it was in one ear and out the other.
Christina: I know some people simply aren't cut out for customer service. But I couldn't even turn their heads with talk of money. Not one of them cared.
Ladiva: They don't care how much the casino earns?
Christina: That, or about lining their own pockets. I bet if I slashed their pay, they'd just scoff at me.
Ladiva: But that's strange... Don't they need to put food on the table?
Christina: Exactly. I know I'm not overthinking it. Like you said, it's illogical.
Ladiva: Come to think of it...
Christina: Come to think of what? Well? Out with it. You aren't the kind of gal who'd leave a friend hanging.
Ladiva: Back at the orphanage, some things seemed... off.
Christina: Oh, I know about the child and the crooked nail. That was a near miss.
Ladiva: Yes. But we managed to explain that away, right? We did rush the workers after all.
Ladiva: But there were places where... How do I put this? It wasn't just the construction. The blueprint itself must have been all wrong.
Ladiva: The shelves, the cupboards, and the doorknobs... Everything was too large or too high for the little hands.
Ladiva: And there were a lot of blind spots because of how the furniture and walls were placed. It wasn't easy keeping an eye on the children.
Christina: I see.
Christina: Now that you mention it, I remember there was a space with no windows. But it was a... bit large for a storeroom.
Ladiva: Yes, and the basement as well. It was too big to be practical.
Christina: Hm...
The back of Christina's neck prickles. It's a premonition of danger, a sixth sense honed through long years of dealing in luck and money.
Christina: I'd better get back to the old nest.
Ladiva: I know that look. We have trouble on our hands, don't we?
Christina: You got it. This stench can only mean one thing: there's a slickster at my table.
Christina: Well. This time around, I smell a vixen.
Ladiva: You're talking about that girl, aren't you? The one who was with the don.
Christina: I am. His very own Lady Luck, huh? It's got a nice ring to it, but I say someone's playing with a stacked deck.
Christina: I can't do this alone though. I hope (Captain)'s up for some sleuthing.
New Greeter: Uh... Welcome back, Lady Christy.
Christina: Thanks.
New Greeter: ...
Christina: (Just look at that blank stare.)
Christina softly scowls to herself. Blissfully unaware, the greeter stifles a yawn and glances at the clock.
New Greeter: Uh... Lady Christy? I wanted your opinion on something.
Christina: I'm listening.
New Greeter: So earlier, the other staff and I were talking. And we came up with this idea we think would add some oomph to Jewel Resort...
Christina: Therese! I heard that Garrett's here.
Therese: Lady Christy! Um, yes, he's in the staff room.
Christina: Well, I have a few things to say to him. Everyone else, scram!
The lady of the house stalks through her casino, eyes blazing, the proposition of the new hire still echoing in her mind.
Rowdy Hooligan: You kidding me? I was just one! One damn slot away from triple seven!
Leering Hooligan: Gahaha! You unlucky bastard!
Refined Regulars: ...
Christina: ...
Christina's eyes narrow—never before has she seen such rough customers at Jewel Resort. Then she looks away and hurries on.
Garrett: Why, Christina. I didn't know you were here.
Christina: You want to see "blood duels," Garrett?
Garrett: Please, credit the new staff. It was their idea. They thought it'd make the matches more thrilling.
Christina: So you expect me to spike the floor of the ring? And cage the fighters in barbed wire like animals? Of all the brutish—
Margaret: It'll be thrilling. And so very fresh!
Christina: There'll be injuries, and some will be lifelong. But I've got bad news for you: a duelist isn't worth much maimed.
Christina: You're out of your mind.
Garrett: If so, I'm not the only one. Quite a few spectators are looking for more pizzazz.
Margaret: Oh, yes! We're already fresh out reserved tickets. Isn't that wonderful, Gary?
Christina: ...!
Christina looks down. There, on Garrett's desk, are a stack of extra tickets.
Each slip is headed with "Watch the Rise of Bloodred Star." And printed underneath is "Will Therese's light grow stronger or go out?"
Christina: Are you so thirsty for a red dawn that you'd crush our stars and dye the sky with blood? I'd think this was a crude joke, but neither of us is laughing.
Garrett: Nonsense. I don't want gratuitous violence. I'd just like a bit more zest in the performances.
Garrett: Surely a seasoned duelist would know how to keep injuries light. And I've chosen to do the test run with one of your best.
Margaret: Oh, Therese will be fine! She's marvelously tough!
Christina: "Casino and player, employer and employee... We can all be winners." What happened to that, Garrett? What happened to principles?
Garrett: We must grow our clientele. Or stagnate. And, anyway, our little orphanage stunt has drawn even more attention than I'd hoped.
Margaret: We're simply drowning in letters! And all of them say the same thing: "Help me, Gary!" My Gary is a dependable man, after all.
Garrett: I responded to as many requests as I could, but I'm starting to be stretched a bit thin. And we must keep on keeping on, I'm afraid...
Garrett: If we help some and not others, it may be seen as unjust. There'll be grievances. In the worst case scenario, hecklers will appear at the orphanage.
Margaret: That's when the staff came to us with their wonderful idea. Now, we can make money and save the world!
Christina: ...
Christina: Fine. But allow me to make a few proposals. About this "blood duel" of yours.
Margaret: Did you hear that? Christy said "fine"!
Garrett: Yes. I knew you'd come round, Christina. You aren't one to be so easily satisfied.
Christina: Hah. You know me—always eager to see the resort thrive. But we need to play our cards right.
Christina: First, we make sure that no wound gets infected. We'll build the spikes and barbed wire with gold.
Garrett: Ah, so there's no need to worry about rust. It will also add a certain splendor to the affair. A brilliant idea.
Christina: I still expect the ring to be cleaned after every round. Now, the iron stuff, we can use for decoration...
Firmly, deliberately, Christina lists her demands.
Garrett: Yes, it's all very feasible, of course. But rehearsal will take an eternity and a half, I'm afraid.
Christina: Well. That's how long it takes to achieve perfection, Garrett.
Christina: Besides, there's no harm in teasing the crowd a little. It'll heighten the anticipation.
But she keeps her true intentions close to her chest; behind the poker face, she's only hoping to buy time.
Margaret: ...
Margaret has fallen silent. She stands patiently by Garrett and watches Christina with glinting eyes.

The Reigning Queen: Scene 3

After some investigating, (Captain) and company find out that Margaret has been funneling money to other enterprises and plans to eventually shut down the casino. On the day of the blood duel, Christina and the others are shocked when monsters are suddenly brought in to make a more exciting show. Horrified, Christina decides to participate in the duel herself in order to protect everyone.

Vyrn: A blood duel? Sounds like something out of a nightmare.
Lyria: I-is everything going to be okay? Therese won't get badly hurt, will she?
Christina: I'll make sure she stays safe. Don't worry.
Ladiva: Christy, you know... I get that we need money, but this really doesn't sit well with me.
Ladiva: I can't believe Garret would abandon his old values. Not over something like this. It's so out of the blue.
Ladiva: And besides, we know our guests. They don't watch duels for the blood.
Vyrn: No one wants to see the duelists hurt, except the sort of jerks that start bar fights for fun. But folks like that have never visited the casino liner.
Lyria: Still, they might start coming now, right? What if they scare all your regulars away?
Christina: It's like you read my mind, all of you. But that old fox...
Ladiva: He's worried about hecklers at the orphanage, right? But there are measures we can take...
Christina: That's just one of his concerns. And it's not the one that forced his hand. That's what my gut is telling me, anyway.
Christina: There are rats lurking in my staff and gambling at my casino. And it's obvious someone planted them... Garrett's poker face is slipping.
Ladiva: Christy... If that was a joke, it wasn't very funny.
Ladiva tenses, and her face grows stern.
Christina: Do you really think I'd make such an obvious bluff?
Lyria: ...?
Ladiva: Honey, that poker face is his trademark. As far as I know, it's never budged.
Ladiva: The skies could crumble around him, but Garrett would remain calm and unshakeable. That smile is proof of his strength.
Christina: Well, it's flaking. Just barely, but I can see it happening.... He must have gotten caught up in something.
Vyrn: Uh... You mean somebody's blackmailing him?
Christina: You can't threaten Garrett. He'd crush you like a mosquito. He hates it when people steal from him, more than anything.
Ladiva: And anyway, there's not much you could use against him. His past is one big question mark, you know.
Christina: Well, let's suppose there is someone pulling his strings...
Christina: That just means Garrett hasn't realized he's a puppet. He wouldn't let this slide otherwise.
Vyrn: Man, things are getting fishier and fishier.
Christina: You took the words right out of my mouth. There's a stench lingering in Jewel Resort, ever since "Lady Luck" walked through my doors.
Christina: And it's not just her sickening perfume. Now, kitten...
Christina: I believe I asked for a background check. How's that going?
Vyrn: Crappy. We looked high and low for info on Margaret, but there was nothing. Zilch. Squat.
Christina: Birthplace, relations, past employment... It all drew a blank?
Vyrn: Yep. I still can't believe we didn't make any big finds. I mean, both (Captain) and Siero were on the case.
Vyrn: We heard some rumors, that's all. Looks like she's always changin' her name and hopping from island to island.
Vyrn: And the guys she's been with? Word on the street is they all went belly-up.
Christina: She's a slippery little vixen, I'll give her that. Think we can net her?
Vyrn: Not anytime soon... We don't have any proof.
Vyrn: The other case went better though. You know, the one about the construction fees. And, boy, were you right when you said somethin' shifty was going on.
(Captain) produces a report. The captain then walks Christina through their investigation into the remodeling of the orphanage and shows her a breakdown of expenses.
Christina: So you're saying a portion of the money was funneled to shell corporations...
Ladiva: Wait, but I recognize this name. Don't they have an office?
Vyrn: They did. But the owner went belly-up—not too long ago, actually. That name's all that's left of his business now.
Christina: What? You couldn't possibly mean...
Vyrn: We showed him a sketch of Margaret. And you know what he said? "I met her. And before I knew it, I was reduced to a pauper."
Christina: Before he knew it, huh? And he hasn't reported her or anything... So he's got his doubts, but no proof.
Ladiva: Isn't that silly though? He knows what happened, but he has no idea how?
Christina: That's what it's like when you're bewitched by a vixen. But I've figured out her little scheme.
Christina: The donations coming out of Jewel Resort are making their way to her purse. But she's not satisfied with just taking our money—she's trying to ruin us.
Ladiva: You're talking about the blood duels, aren't you? And our new... rude guests.
Christina: Yes. If talk gets out about them, it'll tear our reputation to shreds, and we won't ever recover. Margaret's a malicious little beast.
Ladiva: Can't we get Garrett to stop?
Christina: We won't convince him with guesses and rumors. We need hard evidence.
Vyrn: I hear you... But we followed every trail we could, and they all went cold.
Christina: Hm...
Christina: The don of a casino and a deadly temptress... Two strange characters with an even stranger thing in common: neither has a past.
Christina: Garrett's a sly old fox, and no one could ever snare him. But the vixen might know something we don't.
Christina touches her chin and, for a few minutes, falls into silent thought.
Christina: Here. This is the insignia carved into Garrett's cane. See what you can dig up.
Ladiva: It's the one he always uses, right?
Christina: You got it. That man will toss clothes and women away without a glance back, but his cane is the one constant in his life.
Ladiva: I remember him saying... it's a reminder of why he became don of a casino.
Christina: And it's all we know of his past. If we look into it, we just might find our trump card...
Christina: The ace that finally forces the vixen's hand.
Vyrn: Hm... Think folks in our crew know anything about insignias?
The casino liner's days are now numbered, and the countdown has begun.
(Captain) and the crew start their mad scramble, searching for a way to defuse the ticking time bomb.
Garrett: Hm...
Garret, poring over the casino's accounts, utters a small sigh.
Margaret: Is there something wrong, Gary? You're pouting.
Garrett: No, no. We've only to increase sales slightly, and all will be dandy.
Margaret: Oh, how splendid! I knew you had it in you!
Garrett: Haha. Pish-posh. I'd have gotten nowhere without Lady Luck at my side.
Margaret: Teehee. I'm like your muse, aren't I, Gary?
Margaret: Oh. Before I forget, new letters came for you. The first one is from a child, saying they lost their home to war.
Garrett: How devastating... We must send them all that we can, right awa—
Garrett: ...!
Goblin: Kehehehe! You lost, you did! You lost, you lost! And now your freedom is mine!
Garrett: We'll send the packages immediately. It's a... good chance for advertising.
Margaret: Yes. And the next one says, "We live in the slums, and we're scared. The adults are very cruel to us."
Cruel Man: Didn't you hear me, boy? Show me what you've gotten hidden there.
Garrett: Well, then we must see that the city is reformed. We'll contact the island, talk about measures to protect the public. If necessary, we'll call in the Crew of Enforcers.
Margaret: Lovely! Oh Gary, is there nothing you can't do? You're a superhero, in every sense of the word!
Garrett: No, I'm no hero. The true saviors are out there in the field—and I merely pay them.
Margaret: But you're not powerless, unlike those poor, starving children. You're helping them, and you're helping yourself. Isn't this the perfect win-win?
Garrett: Yes. Yes, of course.
Garrett: (It's simple. If you're at the bottom of a great, empty pit, you need a second pair of hands to raise you up...)
Margaret: Isn't it wonderful, Gary? All these children, winning out at last. Soon the skies will be full of winners.
Garrett: Yes. Wonderful indeed.
Garrett: (And if you aren't saved... then you can only sink into ever darker depths.)
Margaret: Imagine it! Every child will be a win—
Garrett: ...
Cruel Man: Think you're too good for the slums, eh? Be thankful you've got a place to live. Not many folks would put up with you. War orphans from defeated countries most often—
Garrett: Yes... We shall all be winners. If only we can rid ourselves of victory and defeat, then all may be saved.
Garrett: That's why I turned to gambling. I had no gifts, being unskilled with both sword and magic. So to survive, I—
Margaret: Hm? What ever are you going on about?
Garrett: Nothing. Some rambling delusions, is all. I must have had a bit too much to drink. I think I'll sleep soon.
Margaret: Oh, before you do! I came up with some new ideas—for the duel, I mean.
Margaret holds out a sheet of paper.
Garrett: I see...
Margaret: We won't need to tinker with the equipment, and it would be absolutely electrifying! And, well, Therese can handle it, don't you think?
Garrett: Yes. Shouldn't take long to prepare either. Let me sleep on it, won't you?
Margaret: Yes, of course. Good night, Gary!
Garrett: I must send out those packages and contact that island... Yes... And I'll need a pretty amount of rupies for that. Therefore...
Margaret: ...
Margaret: You can save all the children you like. But you'll never save your younger self. You old fool.
Christina: Today's the big day. They call it a new kind of duel, but it's nothing too different from what you've done before.
Christina: The ring will be slicked down with fake blood. Don't lose your footing and embarrass yourself.
Christina: Therese, remember. From now on, I'll have control of the reigns.
Christina stands behind Therese, gazing at her with keen eyes.
Rowdy Hooligan: Ahahaha!
Refined Regular: ...
Rough customers fill the lobby. Some grip complimentary tickets.
Therese: Lady Christy... Thank you... and sorry. If we weren't so inadequate, this would never—
Christina: No. If I'd sniffed out those rats, this wouldn't have happened.
Christina: But it's not too late. I'll whip that tottering old fox back onto the right path. Just you wait and see.
Christina sounds so strong and assured that, hearing her, Therese breathes a sigh of relief.
Therese: ...
The tension leaves her body, and she gives Christina a small nod. But then...
The Two: ...!
Christina: I know this stench...
Therese: Monsters!
The reek assails their senses and makes them reel. They hear a great commotion near the entrance.
Monster: Grr... Graaah!
Refined Regular: Eep!
Rowdy Hooligan: Gahaha! Look! He's ready to rumble!
Christina: You! Why'd you bring monsters in here? Who gave you permission!
New Greeter: Excuse me! I was the one who ordered those monsters! Wheel them over here, please!
Christina: ...!
New Greeter: Oh, Lady Christy. I can explain. Me and the other staff, we came up with a new program. It was a secret up until now.
Rowdy Hooligan: You're going to dissect these things, right? During the blood duel! I can't wait!
New Greeter: Heh. Yeah. It's going to be an exciting show.
Dainty Regular: D-dissect? The monsters?
Leering Hooligan: Heh-heh. Hope you're ready to be drenched... in guts and gore!
Christina: I never heard about this.
New Greeter: It was supposed to be a surprise. We only told some of the audience members.
Christina: You incomprehensible bug... Don't you know how disturbing your "surprise" is? We'll have guests walking out or fainting. Didn't that thought once cross your mind?
New Greeter: You don't know that. Just wait and see. Besides, we already said we were going to do it, and we can't back down now.
New Greeter: Listen, there are people looking forward to the show. And I wouldn't disappoint them if I were you. Some of them can get... kind of violent.
Christina: Fine. Then I've got a surprise for you as well.
Therese: Lady Christy, what...
Christina: It's my job to protect them, Therese... Our precious regulars, our motto, everything.
Emcee: Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention? The Jewel Resort Casino Liner is proud to present its very first blood duel!
Emcee: The skies are about to split open and blood is about to pour! Now, entering the ring is our first contender, the star duelist?
Christina: Hah.
Emcee: What? I can't believe my eyes! It looks like we have a party crasher! It's the queen of the casino, Lady Christina!
Christina: Hello, my kittens. I heard we were in for a sensational show, and my whip starting aching for action.
Christina: I think I'll claim the first tango with death. Now, let the blood duel begin!
Emcee: Did I hear that right? The queen herself wants to fight! But we've got some dangerous beasts on our hands, folks! We'd better call off—
Swarming Monsters: Groooar!
Emcee: This is bad! Looks like the cages have already been unlocked! Monsters are swarming out! And they're leaping right for the queen's throat!
Christina: It's not every day a queen dances for you.
Christina: So rub your eyes, kittens. And don't you dare look away!

The Reigning Queen: Scene 4

Christina gives a satisfying performance by using fake blood with her whip. She declares to the guests that she will continue to entertain everyone at the casino, sending a hidden challenge to Margaret.

Christina: Come on! Roar louder!
Monster: Grk!
Dainty Regular: Eep!
Rowdy Hooligan: Yeaaah!
With each crack of Christina's whip, a spray of blood arcs, shimmering through the air.
The rougher members of the crowd hoot and holler. And though the more delicate cover their eyes...
Refined Regular: I've never seen anything so exhilarating!
Dainty Regular: Oh, my heart's racing!
They can't help but peek out from between their fingers.
Margaret: She injected her whip with theatrical blood. How splendid.
Garrett: Yes. For a spur-of-the-moment idea, it was very clever. Just enough gore to be thrilling, but not enough to be repulsive.
Garrett: To tell you the truth, I was a bit worried about this whole monster business. But now I can breathe easy.
Christina: How'd you like the duel, kittens? A little different from what you're used to, maybe. I hope you're not over-stimulated.
The audience claps and whistles.
Christina: Jewel Resort is always growing and changing for the better. However...
Christina's eyes sweep over the crowd, before coming to rest on a single figure.
Margaret: ...
Her teeth flash in a challenging smile as she brings the microphone back to her lips.
Christina: I don't care if you've been with us for years, or if today's the first day you set foot in this casino. We believe in showing everyone a good time. And that will never change.
Christina: It's our motto: everyone is a winner.
Margaret: ...
The women gaze steadily at each other, and in their eyes, there is a silent declaration of war.
Christina: Here at the casino liner, we'll keep trying new things and taking new risks. But rest assured—we will never forget our core values.
Christina: So keep expecting great things from us. I promise, Jewel Resort won't disappoint!
The audience showers Christina with applause. But Margaret sits quietly in the shadows, and her eyes glint coldly.
Margaret: Well, isn't Christy amazing?
Margaret: All those monsters, and they hardly put a scratch on her. Why, she even turned my little surprise on its head. The guests and the staff are stunned.
She raises her hands and begins to clap slowly.
But Christina turns her back on Margaret and exits the ring.
Christina: My minions and I, we don't like being hoodwinked... Just you wait, you vixen.
Margaret: Sigh... I must say, I was hoping for something a bit more exciting.
Margaret: Like... a tragic accident.
Christina: Hah.
So the struggle begins. And hanging in the balance is the fate of the casino liner.