Scenario:Metera - The Troublesome Stowaway

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The Troublesome Stowaway

After a strange turn of events, the crew ends up working with a woman named Metera, who's being pursued by ruffians. The ruffians chase the crew's airship, but Metera uses her brilliant flying skills and magic bow to fight them off.

(Captain) and company have finished obtaining goods in a trade city.
With Rackam at the helm, the airship is just about to take off.
Rackam: All right, guys! Everybody ready?
Vyrn: Yep. We even bought some apples, so I think we're all set. What about you, Lyria?
Lyria: Um... Munch, munch... I got my snacks, so I'm good, Rackam!
Rackam: I swear, all you two care about is food... Well, let's get out of here!
Rackam's shout carries over the roar of the engines as the airship lifts off. But the crew suddenly hears someone yelling angrily.
Ruffian: Hold it! Stop that airship!
Rackam: Hm? Is he talking to us? Seems pissed...
???: Seriously. He's way too worked up. Nobody likes a guy with a temper, you know?
Rackam: Yeah. We'd better stay out of—hey! Where'd you come from?
Rackam: How did you get aboard? I'm sure I checked the manifest beforehand... You a stowaway?
???: Hahaha! Hold that thought! It's time for liftoff! Here, let me take the wheel.
Rackam: Hey! Don't touch what isn't yours! You hear me?
???: Oh, it's fine. For me nothing's impossible! Bam! Full speed ahead!
Vyrn: Whoa! What in the world are you guys doing?
Lyria: Y-yikes! We're going so fast!
Rackam: Those are some darn fine piloting skills! Who is this girl?
Ruffian: Metera! There's nowhere in the sky you can hide from me! I'll find you! Mark my words!
???: Nobody likes a guy who can't take a hint either! See you later! Buh-bye!
Rackam: So you mind tellin' us who you are? And why those guys are after you?
???: Teehee... My, my, what an intense stare you're giving me... You interested in more than just my piloting?
Rackam: Don't be ridiculous! It's just... Have you even seen the way you're dressed?
???: Aww, you're blushing! How adorable! And, you know, you're not half bad looking yourself. Say... You have any plans tonight?
Rackam: Quit it! Stop screwing around and answer my questions!
Metera: So forceful! I'm Metera, and I bet you won't forget it.
Metera: Let's just say I'm a girl in her gorgeous prime! Good enough?
Metera: And is this your captain? What a cutie!
Metera: Let me see those pretty, honest eyes. I can tell you grab life by the horns...
Gran is the Main Character

Metera: But you're so easily flustered—I just wanna eat you up! Darling, if you weren't so young, I'd take you right on home with me!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Metera: If only you were a man! I bet you'd totally be my type... What a shame.
Lyria: Excuse me! Please stop flirting with (Captain)!
Metera: Oh, sorry! But you're so cute when you're jealous!
Metera: And I see you're dressed to kill... Do you think something sheer would look good on me?
Vyrn: Geez... We're playing right into the hands of Ms. Shameless here.
Metera: Gasp! Shut up! This sweet little thing talks? Come here!
Vyrn: Whoa! Stop! Keep your hands off me!
Metera: Wow! Look at your little wings! You can fly with those? How does that work?
Vyrn: Don't hug me! L-let go!
Metera: So squishy, but just the right amount of bounce! You'd make a great pillow!
Vyrn: Mmggghhh... I... can't... breathe...
As the night wears on, Metera targets each member of the crew in turn, and not one of them can get a word in edgewise.
Lyria: I'm so sleepy... I'm going to lay down for a bit...
Lyria: Aaah!
Rackam: Hey! What was that jolt just now?
Ruffian: I told you I'd find you! Meteraaa!
Rackam: Damn! Those guys came after us in an airship!
Metera: Some guys just never learn. Well, not to worry. I'll drop them a hint not even they can miss!
Rackam: Wha? By yourself? What can you possibly do? There's practically an army of 'em!
Metera: Oh, it's fine. For me, nothing's impossible!
Rackam: Don't be ridiculous! They managed to get behind us... We need to get out of here!
Metera: How sweet of you to worry about me! Thanks, hon!
Rackam: What're you—get away from the edge!
Metera: Mmm! The wind feels great today.
Metera: Aaah!
Vyrn: D-did she seriously fall off? We gotta help her!
Rackam: Damn it! I can't believe this!
Metera: Just kidding. Did I make you freak?
Lyria: Metera's... flying!
Rackam: Seriously? But I've heard that flight magic is one of the most advanced arts there is...
Ruffian: Gwahaha! Blow their ship to bits!
Metera: How lame can you get? A boorish attitude like that will never get you anywhere with the ladies.
Vyrn: Hey! What do you think you're doing?
Metera: Watch and learn! Actions speak faster than words!
With that, Metera draws a glowing bow and arrow, the likes of which the crew has never seen, and flies toward the enemy airship.
Flashes of red illuminate the darkness of the night as Metera fires off her shining arrows, every bit as graceful as a butterfly dancing on the wind.
Ruffian: Damn you, Meteraaaa! You'll pay for this!
Defeated by Metera's rain of scarlet arrows, the ruffians fly off at full speed.
Metera: Whew... All better. Sorry about that. Not exactly the kind of date I wanted to take you guys out on.
Vyrn: That was amazing! You sent them packing all by yourself with a shower of red arrows!
Vyrn: Say, what kind of weapon is that?
Metera: I'm glad you asked! This is a magic bow.
Metera: It's formed and powered entirely by my magic. As long as I have the juice, it can keep firing thousands and thousands of arrows!
Rackam: Your aim is something else too. Not to mention the magic it takes to fly and create your bow and arrows.
Rackam: And I already told you what I think of your piloting. So I ask again: just who the heck are you?
Lyria: Um... Are you a genius perhaps? Wow... I've never met a real live genius before!
Metera: Well, I've always had a knack for mastering anything I tried.
Metera: I just happen to really like this magic bow and flight magic! It's just... so liberating. It suits me, I guess!
Metera: And, well, partially due to my magic choices, I ended up butting heads with the traditionalists in my hometown.
Metera: There were plenty of other problems as well, but, long story short, I got sick of living in that village and flew on out of there!
Rackam: Aha! Now I'm starting to see the bigger picture. I honestly can't tell whether you're a prodigy or just some runaway kid...
Metera: Oh, I'm all grown up, but I am in fact a genius! Anyway, it looks like we're crewmates now, so I look forward to getting to know everyone better!
Rackam: Hey! You don't get to decide that! Right, (Captain)?
Metera: Now, now, don't be so uptight. Or are you fine with leaving a delicate lady all on her lonesome? Hm, hm, hm?
Metera: I've already made up my mind anyway. I think flying around with you weirdos will be a blast and a half. Sooo, yeah, I'm coming with!
  1. You're not coming with.
  2. What delicate lady? You?

Metera: It's totally fine! Come on! I'm practically invincible! You've got nothing to fear when you're with me! Okay? Yeah? Uh-huh?

Choose: You're not coming with.

Metera: Aww, come on, it'll be fuuun! You know you want me to stay. Just say it! Just say yes!
Go to "Continue 1"

Metera: Huh? Who else could it be? Are you refusing me even though I'm practically begging you?

Choose: What delicate lady? You?

Metera: I might act tough, but I'm really helpless and lonesome... Sniff...
Metera: Sniff... So please... let me stay with you... Even just for a few days...
Metera's plea is so overwhelming that (Captain)'s head absentmindedly nods yes.

Continue 1

Metera: Great! It's all settled then! Pleasure to meet you all. Whew... I'm beat. Time to get my beauty sleep.
Rackam: Stop! No one said you could go in there!
Lyria: Hahaha... It looks like Metera's going to liven things up around here.
Vyrn: Good grief... She sure seems to be flying high... in more ways than one.