Scenario:Helel ben Shalem - Rainy Beach Day

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Rainy Beach Day

Shalem takes her time studying everything about Auguste's beach, but the memories of her past remain clouded. (Captain) and company overhear locals talking about a nearby island that supposedly hasn't changed for centuries. It boasts a primeval forest that may jog Shalem's memory, so the crew heads for the island.

The Auguste Isles—is there any greater place to relax in all of Phantagrande?
For the crowds that have flocked to its beachfront for the summer, the answer is no.
But there's one frown among the sea of smiles—Shalem's. She walks along the shoreline, swiveling her head this way and that.
Shalem: Sigh...
Shalem: It's no use. This beach isn't triggering anything for me.
Shalem: I think I've seen this place before, but it's like my head is shrouded in fog...
Shalem: ...
Shalem plops down on the sand with a hard thud and observes the tourists splashing in the water.
Shalem: Over there is a family. That man and woman seem to be a pair. And that circle of people could be a group of friends...
Shalem: The adventurer... My former companions...
Shalem: Where was the final stop on their journey—
Vyrn: Heyooo! Shalem! We're back with shaved ice!
Shalem: Commendations are in order. I'll take the blue one.
Lyria: It's blue-soda flavored. Has anything sparked your memory yet?
Shalem: Munch, crunch... Noshing in the shlightesh.
Shalem: I thought revisiting a location would flip a switch.
Shalem: But of course it's never that simple. So much time has passed. Sands shift; plants come and go. It's possible I never came here at all.
Shalem: Well, that'll teach me to get my hopes up.
Vyrn: Ah, makes sense when you put it that way.
Vyrn: Still, it's way too early to call it quits. We overheard some islanders while we were in line.
Vyrn: Apparently there's this island out at sea that hasn't changed in forever. They say there's a primeval forest on it.
Shalem: A primeval forest?
Lyria: Yeah. I don't know if it's as old as the time of creation, but it probably feels different from the modernness of the beach.
Lyria: It'd be nice to get away from the crowds too. Why don't we find a small boat and sail out for a look?
Shalem: ...
Vyrn: Is that a no? You don't seem too thrilled.
Shalem: Hrrrnn...
Lyria: Shalem?
Shalem: Munch... My head is ringing...
Vyrn: Ouchies. That's what happens when you eat shaved ice too fast. So what I'm sayin' is you oughta stop eating and put that down till the pain goes away.
Lyria: Oh no! Should we go another day then?
Shalem: What an odd affliction. However, I must visit this primeval forest.
Shalem: (Captain). I command you to take responsibility and carry me.
Shalem: Hup.
Vyrn: Oh brother... If there's one thing that never fails, it's her laziness.
Lyria: Heehee... Come on! The dock is this way!

Rainy Beach Day: Scene 2

Upon reaching the primeval forest, Shalem is thrilled to find fruits and vegetation from her past. That giddiness doesn't last however—on closer inspection, it becomes clear that the things she thought she knew have changed over the course of history. As if to add insult to injury, a sudden downpour forces the crew to seek shelter in a cave.

A small rental boat carrying four passengers glides across the sea and eventually beaches on a quiet island.
The island's ecology certainly feels different, almost mystical in a way.
Shalem: Oho...
Lyria: This is the primeval forest the islanders mentioned. I've never seen anything like these plants before.
Vyrn: Loads of weird critters too. It all looks so ancient.
Shalem: Right. I'm not sure if the flora and fauna have survived since the time of creation, but the resemblance is uncanny.
Shalem: Oh?
Shalem: I know this fruit. Hard to bite into at first, but keep gnawing, and a sweet treat is your reward.
Shalem: This wild grass is made edible by boiling. Makes for a nice garnish too.
Shalem: As for that plant over there...
Lyria: Teehee. She's like a kid in a candy store.
Vyrn: Can you blame her? If I suddenly woke up hundreds of years in the future, I'd be happy to see stuff I recognize.
Lyria: It would be so nice if this island helps her regain her memories.
Shalem: (Captain) and retinue, you're in for a delight.
Shalem: Here, try this flower's nectar. It's amazingly sweet and nutritious like honey.
Lyria: Ooh... It looks so pretty too!
Vyrn: Yeah, no joke! Mind if I go first? My tummy's startin' to rumble.
Shalem: Go ahead. It'll whisk your hunger away.
Shalem: Coating the fruit in nectar makes for an out-of-this-world snack but sampling each edible separately works too.
Lyria: Wow, I'd love to try a yummy snack from the ancient days!
Shalem: Heheh. How the tables have turned. Now I am the educator instead of the one always being educated.
Shalem: Don't be shy with your questions. Feel free to ask with reverence. No need to thank me afterward by prostrating yourselves either.
Lyria: Hahaha. Thank you—
Vyrn: Bleeeagh!
Shalem: Hm?
Lyria: Vyrn!
Vyrn: Cough, cough... Pweh! What did I just eat?
Vyrn: This flower is spicier than a thousand peppers!
Shalem: What?
Lyria: Is it really? Let me try a little, Vyrn.
Lyria: Aaaah! Heeh heehh hooot!
Lyria: Gosh, that really is spicy. It's like my mouth is on fire...
Vyrn: Yikes... Maybe it just looks like the flower you knew, but it's actually different?
Shalem: Impossible...
Shalem: ...
Shalem: But if it's not a fluke, the fruit could also be...
Shalem returns bearing the fruit she'd found earlier. She mashes it against the corner of her mouth.
Unfortunately, the skin of the fruit proves too tough. It becomes clear to her that this isn't the fruit she once ate.
Vyrn: Hmm... So even though it looks the same on the outside, there's a bunch of differences.
Lyria: I'm sorry, Shalem. I guess it's not something from your time.
Shalem: ...
Shalem: Hmph. Don't I look like a fool. So much for being an educator.
Shalem: What can I possibly teach about a world I know nothing about?
Vyrn: Shalem...
Lyria: Uh-oh, it's starting to rain...
Vyrn: Dang, that summer shower came outta nowhere. Let's find some cover!
Shalem: Okay...

Rainy Beach Day: Scene 3

While sheltering from the rain inside a cave, Shalem discovers a worn hair clip. It turns out she'd once sought shelter with her travel buddies in this very cave back in her own time. The rain stops, and when Shalem steps out of the cave, the shining sun rays feel to her as if her old friends are saying hello.

(Captain) and company scurry into a nearby cave, taking shelter from the sudden downpour.
It falls in sheets and shows little sign of letting up anytime soon.
Shalem: Sigh... It's as if the seas and skies have swapped places.
Lyria: We got out of it just in time. Not that it would have been a big deal anyway since we're wearing bathing suits.
Shalem: True. This garment is quite comfortable. I may end up wearing it on a regular basis.
Vyrn: Hold on. You're plannin' on loungin' around the airship in that? Isn't that too... you know...
Shalem: What? Ohoho... Can't bring yourself to say the S-word?
Shalem: But aren't swimsuits designed for public exposure? You admitted as much yourself.
Lyria: Ahaha... I guess we sorta did...
Shalem: Checkmate.
Vyrn: Boy... She's got a way with words.
Vyrn: Trust me though, you don't wanna wear a swimsuit all the time. Just think of the skinned knees and elbows you'd get if you tripped.
Shalem: As if I were such a klutz. Who do you think I am?
Shalem: (Captain), wield your authority to make swimsuit-wearing compulsory. It's comfy to wear in the summer and trains fortitude in the winter.
Vyrn: Is that a joke? At least let us put some clothes on during the cold season, or else the whole crew'll get the sniffles—
Lyria: Achoo!
Shalem: Oh?
Lyria: Excuse me. My body's getting a little chilly—
Lyria: Choo!
Vyrn: You okay there? We'd better find a way to warm you up.
Shalem: (Captain), go gather wood and build a fire for Lyria.
Shalem: Meanwhile I'm going to go have a look over there—
Shalem: Oops.
Vyrn: Busted. Already took a spill in your swimsuit. That's gonna leave a mark.
Shalem: Hmph. There's something sticking out of the ground. A mortal must have discarded their trash here.
Shalem: This object is made of resin, which means it's synthetic?
Shalem: Its poor condition makes it difficult to identify—
Shalem: A hair clip?
Lyria: Do you know what it is, Shalem?
Shalem: It's a hair adornment from back then...
Shalem: From that journey...
Shalem: Sigh... It's as if the seas and skies have swapped places.
Shalem: This is all the adventurer's fault. The boy was right—we should've left earlier as he suggested.
Shalem: Foolish simpletons. Why are mortals so enamored with exploration?
Around the bonfire, sheepish smiles greet Shalem's blunt criticism.
The adventurer tries to explain their decision to stay, but the Dusk Speaker's attention has already shifted elsewhere.
Shalem: What are you doing, Priestess? I said I'm fine. You should focus on drying yourself off first.
Shalem: Of course I am. Unlike you mortals, I'm not enfeebled by a little water falling from the sky.
Shalem: Hey, are you listening to me?
The girl ignores Shalem and stands behind the Dusk Speaker. She wrings a towel and starts wiping down Shalem's soaked body.
Shalem reluctantly removes her hair clip and lets the girl work her magic with the towel. A smile crosses Shalem's face.
Shalem: Question, Adventurer.
Shalem: Even after arriving in these far away lands, do you still have no intention of ending your journey?
Shalem: I admit, accompanying you has influenced my perspective of mortal society for the better.
Shalem: But I can't guarantee if my master will accept you and your crew.
Crashing waves fill the following silence until the adventurer cuts in with hearty laughter.
One person joins the adventurer in guffawing, while someone else tries to put on a brave smile. Still another shrugs their shoulders.
Such unexpected responses stuns Shalem for a moment. She flings the hair clip at the adventurer with all her might.
Shalem: Simpletons, every single one. Nothing I say ever sinks into your skulls.
Shalem: So be it. This way I'll get to see the limits of what mortals are capable of.
Shalem: Heheh. Show me how you'll flail and flounder—
Shalem: ...!
Vyrn: Hellooo! Still with us?
Shalem: What am I doing here?
Lyria: You suddenly stopped talking, sat down, and stared off into space. Do you feel sick?
Shalem: No, I'm perfectly fine. And you?
Lyria: I'm okay. The dust in the cave must've tickled my nose.
Lyria: Um, what about that hair clip?
Shalem: Oh, this...
Vyrn: Hm? Check it out! The rain stopped!
Shalem: It's so blue...
The crew exits the cave and peers at the azure skies vacated of gray storm clouds.
In Shalem's mind, the breathtaking view is like receiving a message of encouragement from her past friends.
As the Dusk Speaker returns to the main island, she clutches the worn hair clip tightly and hopes to make more memories with her present friends.