Anzu Futaba/Lore

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Official Profile

This character does not have an official profile.




Special Cutscenes

This character does not have special holiday cutscenes.

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Easy Does It

(Captain) and company find Anzu sleeping in a castle. She's surprised that they go around helping people even though the Empire's after them, but she joins them for help with her predicament.

Anzu: Hmm... So that's why you left your hometown, huh, (Captain)?
(Captain) and company head for the exit of a castle as they chase away rabbits that are out of control.
Lyria: That's right! And we've had a lot of adventures with (Captain) since then!
Vyrn: Yeah, though we do get sidetracked here and there since we can't abandon people in trouble!
Anzu: So you help people... But don't you think you're being a little too nice?
Vyrn: Huh? How so?
Anzu: You're being chased by bad guys, right?
Anzu: I can't understand why you'd worry about helping others when you're already in enough danger as it is.
Vyrn: Say what? There's no need to put it like that!
Lyria: Exactly! Maybe we really don't have the leeway to help people out...
Lyria: But if someone's in trouble, we can't just abandon them!
Anzu: Don't get me wrong... I actually think that's pretty cool. I just can't imagine doing the same thing.
Anzu: I'm always so busy with my own stuff...
Anzu: And in the free time I do have, I just lay around at home.
Anzu: Huh? W-wait a minute!
Lyria: Are you all right? You look a little sick all of a sudden.
Anzu: It just occurred to me... Could it be that there's, like, totally no place I can call home in this world?
Lyria: Um... What do you mean?
Anzu: Well, it looks like it's going to be hard for me to return to my world any time soon...
Anzu: If I don't do something, I might never be able to laze around again... I might be in a real bind here.
Vyrn: Humph! Like we care! It's not like you understand people like us who go around helping others anyway, right?
Lyria: Um... You know, some of the missions from Siero do offer payment up front...
Anzu: ...
Anzu: You know, I'm starting to think it must have been fate for us to meet like this!
Anzu: I'm gonna join you on your journey, (Captain)!
  1. I guess we have no choice.
  2. You better do your part.

Choose: I guess we have no choice.
Anzu: Excuse me? You make it sound like I'm forcing myself on you...
Anzu: I-I mean, ahem... I really am in trouble, so I'd appreciate anything you can do to help.

Choose: You better do your part.
Anzu: U-uh, about that... How about we discuss that little issue later?
Continue 1
Anzu: I look forward to traveling with you, (Captain).
Anzu: I want every day to be a holiday. I work as little as I can get away with, so thanks in advance for your help with that as well!
Vyrn: Good grief... Looks like another pain in the neck.
Thus Anzu is welcomed to the crew by (Captain) and company.
And Vyrn's concerns turn out to be justified, because the crew soon finds that getting Anzu to work is a constant challenge.

Anzu's Aspirations

When Anzu hears the crew talking about the Jewel Resort, she has an idea and convinces them to take her there.

Vyrn: Man, that island really took me by surprise. Those monsters came out of nowhere!
Lyria: They sure did! But the city itself sure was pretty!
Anzu: Interesting... So there are all kinds of islands here, huh? I guess that's what it means to be in a fantasy world.
On the way to one of the islands, (Captain) and company are excitedly discussing all the islands they've visited.
Anzu: Oh, what about candy islands? Do those exist?
Lyria: Huh? Candy islands?
Anzu: Yeah. Y'know... Buildings made of candy and pastries, lollipops as far as the eye can see, that kind of thing.
Lyria: Wow! That would be amazing! I'd love to visit a candy island!
Anzu: Right? Hey, (Captain). Do you know if one exists?
Vyrn: Hmm... I've never heard of anything like that.
Anzu: I see... I guess the island of my dreams is too much to ask even of a fantasy world.
Lyria: Oh! But what about that one place? It definitely sparkled like a dream!
Anzu: Really? Which place was that?
Lyria: Um... What was it called again? The place where we met Therese and the others...
Vyrn: Huh? Oh, you mean the Jewel Resort? You know, the casino liner.
Anzu: A casino liner? Something like that really exists?
Vyrn: Yeah. Just like Lyria said, it's sparkly and elegant.
Anzu: A casino, huh? Wait, but that means...
Anzu: All righty! I have an idea!
Vyrn: Oh? What are you talking about all of a sudden?
Anzu: Hey, (Captain)! Can you take me to this casino liner place? I promise I'll make it worth your while!
Lyria: Huh? It's pretty unusual to see you so motivated about anything, Anzu-san.
Anzu: Hey, even I have my moments!
Vyrn: Hehe. Well, I say we take a trip to the casino liner if you're that excited about it! Are you up for it, (Captain)?

Anzu's Aspirations: Scene 2

Anzu puts her brainpower to use to go on a winning streak at the Jewel Resort, but a group of thugs decides to go after her for her winnings.

Dealer: Ngh... Do you wish to swap out any cards?
Anzu: Hehe... Of course.
A wave of ecstatic murmurs rushes through the crowd as the dealer flips the card.
Since they arrived at the Jewel Resort, Anzu has been raking in rupies hand over fist.
Lyria: You're amazing! Do you have a trick to winning like that, Anzu-san?
Anzu: Just don't play on the hands you know you can't win, but bet big on the ones you can. That's all!
Vyrn: You say it like it's so easy... But making that decision is the hard part!
Anzu: Hehehe... Well, you see, calculating is a bit of a specialty of mine.
Anzu: Gambling, counting cards... Math gives me a bit of an advantage with stuff like that.
Anzu: But I didn't think it'd go this well... Maybe gambling was what I was born to do!
Anzu: If I can keep winning like this, I might be able to make enough money to be lazy for the rest of my life!
Thug: Whoo! Damn, girlie, you look like you're making mad bank there!
Thug: You know, with all that money, I'm sure a sweetie like you would love to share some with us, right?
Anzu: Uh... Why, exactly?
Thug: You wanna play it smart, huh? Just shut up and give us the money, you little brat!
Vyrn: Whoa! He just busted out his sword! Watch out, Anzu!
Anzu: Ugh... What a pain. But I don't bend over to unreasonable demands!
Anzu: I'm always prepared to fight for the right to be lazy! All in the name of justice!

Anzu's Aspirations: Scene 3

(Captain) and company leave the casino liner in high spirits after Anzu wins big, but she's soon bummed out to learn that there's no way to use the rupies back home.

Anzu's winning streak continues until the owner of the casino liner finally comes to stop her.
(Captain) and company thus leave the casino liner in high spirits.
Anzu: Whoo! Now that's what I call a hard day's work! With any luck, I'll have earned enough to live it up from here on out!
Vyrn: Yeah, you took no prisoners in there! I didn't know you had skills like that!
Anzu: When it comes to making easy money, I'm always ready to go all-in.
Anzu: Let's see... So how much did I make? I hope it's like a hundred million yen.
Lyria: Uh... What's yen?
Anzu: Huh? Well, it's money for—Oh.
Vyrn: Hm? What are you talking about? Our currency is rupies.
Vyrn: Hmm... Is yen the currency for another skydom?
Anzu: Right... I guess I forgot that this is a fantasy world and all...
Anzu: Anyway! Is there anywhere I can exchange this money for yen? Dollars would be fine too!
Vyrn: Um... I've never heard of yen or dollars.
Anzu: No way... I made all this easy money, and I can't even use it back home? Well that sucks.
Lyria: Oh, I see. Yen and dollars are currencies in your world, then?
Lyria: Well, you know you can use those rupies in Phantagrande, right?
Anzu: ...
Anzu: Maybe I'll just stay in this world forever... Sigh... But I guess that's just wishful thinking. Boo.
Anzu has made a great fortune using her skills in the sky world.
But learning that she can't take her winnings home bursts her joyful little bubble.

Two's Better Than One

Anzu wakes up to the sight of the crew members—who are exhausted from a long drawn-out battle—being hauled back into the inn by agents. When word of the monsters encroaching upon the town arrives, Anzu and Kirari head out to greet them in kind.

(Captain) and company visit some mountains while on a mission.
They expect a simple fight with monsters in cooperation with the knights who protect the town, but the battle turns out to be harder than expected.
Green Monster: Piñappipipi...
Vyrn: There's another one! It's over there this time! Let's go after it!
Vyrn: Wha? That log just flew right at us!
Rackam: Pant... Wheeze... What's going on here? Do those things seriously use traps?
Agent: They do. The green monsters that have been showing up near the town lately are wickedly intelligent.
Katalina: Ugh! We've been fighting for three days straight. We'll keel over at this rate!
The combination of the enemies' cunningly laid traps and attacks is enough to prevent (Captain) and company from making it back to town.
But not everyone has it so rough.
Anzu: Mm... Mumble, mumble...
Kirari: Anzu-chan, you'll catch a cold sleeping in a place like this.
Anzu: Who cares? I'm just here as a benchwarmer anyway. I can always take a day off if I get sick.
Anzu, Kirari, and other members of the crew are on standby at a nearby inn just in case something happens in town.
Kirari: I'm surprised (Captain)-chan and the others aren't back yet.
Anzu: I'm sure they're fine. They're strong enough to take care of themselves.
Kirari: Hmm... But do you really think they're okay, Anzu-chan?
Anzu: Hmm... Yeah, I'm sure of it.
As Anzu and Kirari await (Captain)'s return, someone flings the inn door open with a bang.
Vyrn: Pant... Wheeze... Man, I'm beat.
Agent: Hey! Someone help carry these guys! There are still more coming!
Anzu: Huh? What's going on here?
Kirari: Everyone looks exhausted... Anzu-chan, go fetch a towel, would you? I'll go get some water.
Anzu: Oh... Sure. Good idea.
Katalina and (Captain) are soon dumped in the lobby in much the same state as Rackam.
Kirari: Well done, guys... Let me loosen your belts and wipe off all that sweat. There. Nice and clean.
Anzu: I guess I should probably help too.
Agent: Damn... I hoped we could take those things on with the help of some famous skyfarers, but I should have known better.
Anzu: (Captain) and the others are so exhausted they can't even move. What happened out there?
Agent: It was the green monsters...
Anzu: What? They set up traps? You mean like guerrilla warfare? Those green things learned how to do stuff like that?
Agent: Yep. And the results are right in front of you.
Fallen Skyfarers: ...
Kirari: Yeah, they're all out cold.
Kirari: I'll carry them to their rooms.
Kirari: All right... Here we go!
Kirari picks up (Captain) under one arm and Lyria under the other, and she carries them to their rooms.
Anzu: ...
Kirari and Anzu put the sleeping (Captain) in bed and loosen the captain's armor.
Kirari: Well done today, (Captain)-chan.
Anzu: There's such a thing as overdoing it, you know. You should take it easier like me once in a while.
The two gaze at (Captain)'s face with worry.
Monster's Roar: Piñaaa!
Kirari & Anzu: ...!
Vyrn: Pant... Wheeze... (Captain)! They've invaded the town! We need to get out there!
Vyrn is shocked when he sees that (Captain) shows no sign of waking up.
Anzu: Well, (Captain) and the others are obviously not going anywhere, so Kirari and I will help.
Vyrn: Yeah... Sorry about this, but you saw what happened to those of us who went hunting in the mountains. What else can be done?
Anzu: Well, us backup members are supposed to be the last line of defense, but I guess I'm up.
Kirari: Now let's bop us some mischief makers!
Vyrn: Heh-heh! Th-that's the spirit... Let's start by barricading ourselves in the inn and drawing them here.
Anzu: Steady on a minute. We've no idea how many of them there are. Digging in for a siege might end up backfiring.
Anzu: Besides, when I decided to try that in a game I played before, the enemy burned down my base, and it was totally game over. I have a better idea...
Anzu starts giving orders to the reserve crew members gathered there, but she's interrupted.
Anzu: Huh? Look at (Captain)...
Apparently sensing that the situation is becoming desperate, the still half-unconscious (Captain) groans.
Anzu: You just sleep, (Captain). You deserve to relax once in a while.
Anzu: Oh, and one more thing. It's hard to think straight when you're tired from not eating, so have one of my candies.
Anzu: You just leave the fighting to us backup members. We're the secret weapon after all.
Anzu presses one of her candies into (Captain)'s hand and then leaves the inn with Kirari.
Agent: Hey! Those skyfarers were our last resort, but they're of no use now! We're gonna have to wipe out those green monsters ourselves!
Agents: Yes, sir!
Anzu & Kirari: ...
Anzu and Kirari run past the agents as they raise their voices in defiance.
Anzu: There they are. Time to fire some warning shots.
Green Monster: Piñaaa!
Anzu hides in the shadows while taking aim at some of the green monsters rampaging through town.
Anzu: Bang!
Green Monster: Piña?
Anzu: Rustle...
Anzu and Kirari attack the green monsters and then quickly hide in the shadows.
Anzu: Hehehe... I've always been good at stealth segments in games too.
Anzu: This is too easy.
Kirari: As amazing as ever, Anzu-chan! So what's next?
Anzu: Hmm... Let's just try to buy enough time for (Captain) and the others to recover.
Kirari: Roger that! I'll do whatever I can to help them too!

Two's Better Than One: Scene 2

The two idols exchange heartfelt words during a brief respite from the battle. They get ready for round two as another horde of monsters approach.

Green Monster: Pi! Piña!
Anzu: Wheeze... Huff... I think it's clear here for now. I'm bushed.
Anzu pants as she watches the green monsters flee.
Kirari: Thanks, Anzu-chan.
Anzu: Wh... Huh?
Kirari: You're trying extra hard 'cause of how upset I was to see (Captain)-chan and the others like that earlier, right?
Anzu: Yeah, I guess so. I kind of consider your problems to be my problems.
Anzu: Plus (Captain) and the others have done so much for us. This still sucks though.
Kirari: Hehe... Thank you, Anzu-chan.
Anzu: It's no biggie. Still, I hope they show up soon.
Anzu: I could use a strategic break.
Green Monsters: Piñaaa!
Kirari: Ñaaa yourself! Looks like they're back! Stay sharp, Anzu-chan! Just a bit more!
Anzu: Tsk... Oh fine, whatever. But I expect about six months off once this is all done and settled!

Two's Better Than One: Scene 3

The girls realize what the monsters are fighting for when they spot one of them desperately wolfing down food. They perform a duet to instill peace between the villagers and the monsters. It backfires in a way, as the agents there turn their hostility toward Anzu and Kirari.

Anzu: Phew... It seems like that's it for now.
Kirari: Well done, Anzu-chan!
Anzu: You too. You were a big help back there.
Anzu: Wait. Do you hear that?
Kirari: Hmm... I wonder what could it be? Let's go take a look.
Green Monster: Munch... Munch, munch... Piña...
When the two idols go to investigate, they find a green monster devouring something in the shadows.
Anzu: It seems to be eating something.
Green Monster: Pi?
The green monster freezes, both of its arms loaded with food.
Kirari: You think it's hungry?
Green Monster: Pi... Piña...
Kirari: It's trembling. I almost feel sorry for it.
Anzu: Yeah...
Hey, little guy. You want one of my candies?
Green Monster: Piñappi! Piñappi!
The green monster takes the candy from Anzu's hand, offers a squeal of thanks, and then runs off.
Anzu: You know, the agent earlier was saying that those monsters are mega violent, but I'm not seeing it.
Kirari: Yeah... Maybe they aren't actually so bad after all.
Kirari: I wonder if there's any way to ask them what's going on...
Anzu: Hmm... I'm not sure about that. Still, if we find a way to calm them down, we'll be done here.
Anzu and Kirari find themselves puzzled about what the green monsters are actually trying to do.
There's a commotion in the town square before long.
Green Monster: Piña! Piña!
Townsperson 1: Give us back our vegetables, you boogers!
Green Monster: Pi... Piiiñaaa!
Townsperson 1: Damn! Hitting these things does nothing, and they can't hurt us either! We're wastin' our time here!
The townspeople and green monsters are involved in a vicious battle in the town square.
Kirari: They're all fighting! What should we do, Anzu-chan?
Anzu: ...!
The monsters have set up traps to corner the people, but they're actually after food.
Kirari wants to find a way to communicate with them even if they can't talk.
Anzu senses what her friend wants and tries to think of some way to help, but Kirari interrupts her.
Kirari: Hic...
Kirari: Sob...
Anzu: Kirari?
Kirari: Waaah! Just stop already!
Anzu: ...!
Monsters & People: ...?
Kirari's voice is powerful enough to shake the windows of the nearby buildings, and everyone turns to look at her.
Kirari: Sob... Hic... You guys, can't we all just get along? You know, be happy-happy?
Townsperson 1: Stop talkin' nonsense! These things have been all over our town like ants on chocolate!
Townsperson 2: Yeah! We can't just let them off the hook now!
Green Monsters: Piña! Piñaa!
Townsperson 1: Hey! They're rampaging again!
Kirari: I said stop!
Monsters & People: ...!
Townsperson 2: What is this? Why does the sound of her voice make me so sad? We're supposed to be mad...
Townsperson 1: Damn it! Snap out of it, you guys! Now's the time to fight! So fight!
Kirari's appeal quiets everyone down momentarily, but the fighting soon resumes. This cycle repeats itself.
Kirari: Hic... These people aren't listening to me at all.
Anzu: Maybe, but your voice seems to quieten them down for a second. It's almost like... Hmm...
Anzu: I think I have an idea. Kirari, listen up.
Mumble, mumble...
Kirari: Huh? Are we really gonna do that, Anzu-chan?
Anzu: Yep. It's not like the situation can get any worse. I say we give it a shot.
Anzu and Kirari start up a quick meeting right then and there.
The pointless battle between the people and green monsters continues as they talk.
Kirari: Yoo-hoo! We're An-Kira! And we're gonna sing for you!
Anzu: Huh? Are we really gonna sing?
Anzu: And An-Kira? Seriously? You've got some nerve abbreviating me!
Kirari: Wha?
Townsperson 1: Hey! What are they up to?
Everyone freezes as the idols suddenly start up a comedy act—and then quickly transition into a song.
As they listen to the music, the people and monsters alike look at each other in shock. No one seems to want to fight anymore.
Anzu: (Hehehe... Exactly as planned.)
Anzu: (If Kirari's screams alone were enough to sadden these people...)
Anzu: (Then the song we wrote is sure to hit home even harder!)
That comes as no surprise, however, as the song that the talented duo performs is one symbolizing their beautiful friendship.
Anzu: (The two of us might be polar opposites, but we've done just fine up until now.)
Anzu: (Looks like Kirari's into this too. So I'll show these people just what it means when I get serious once in a decade!)
Townsperson 2: You know, just listening to this somehow makes fighting seem ridiculous.
Green Monster: Piña...
Townsperson 1: You feel the same way, huh?
Agent: What's going on here? Why? Why aren't they attacking?
Kirari: Oh! Mr. Agent! Um... I think those green guys have a good reason for what they've been doing.
Anzu: Yeah, so why don't you guys try to have a talk before you go on wearing each other out?
Townsperson: Y-yeah... They look like they've calmed down quite a bit after all.
Townsperson: I'm not actually sure that they can even communicate, but we should at least try.
The townspeople timidly approach the green monsters and gesture at them as they try to reach a mutual understanding.
As Anzu and Kirari watch, they breathe a sigh of relief.
But the agents have something else in mind.
Green Monster: Piña?
Agent: Hehehe... Now that the fight's gone out of you, we can deal with all of you right here.
Anzu: Say what now?
Agent: And you better not try any more of your tricks from earlier.
The agent levels his sword at Anzu and Kirari.
Kirari: A-Anzu-chan...
Anzu: Hey... Would someone mind explaining what's going on here?
(Captain) awakens to the sound of Anzu and Kirari singing as everything suddenly gets brighter outside.
As (Captain) listens to the almost supernaturally loud singing, images of allies spring to the captain's mind.
The images are accompanied by memories of time spent with those allies, but the reverie doesn't last long.
The spell woven by the singing of Anzu and Kirari is suddenly interrupted by an unknown force.
(Captain) realizes that something has happened and starts eating the candy left by Anzu.
The sweet taste of the candy restores (Captain)'s tired body just enough for the captain to head out to help the two idols.

Uh-Huh, We Can Handle It

When Anzu points out that the agents are the ones behind this whole mess, they order the monsters to attack. Tensions continue to boil as (Captain) and company join the fight.

Agent: There's no point in resisting, you two. Just be good, and getting tied up is the worst you'll have to deal with.
Kirari: A-Anzu-chan...
Anzu: Huh? What's going on here?
(Captain) and company are in a village on a mission to hunt green monsters.
The reason for the monsters' attacks becomes clear, and it seems like the townspeople and monsters are about to find a way to coexist...
But the agents who were protecting the town suddenly stand before Anzu and Kirari with their swords raised.
Townsperson 1: Why are you guys doing this? The monsters aren't even a threat anymore!
Townsperson 2: Yeah! There's no reason to keep fighting!
The townspeople raise their voices against the agents.
Agent: Tsk! Why couldn't you two just mind your own business?
Kirari: B-but...
Anzu: Wait a second... You mean to say you agents are behind all this trouble?
Agent: ...!
Townsperson 1: S-say what?
Anzu: I actually smelled something fishy as soon as (Captain)-san and the others came back to the inn.
Kirari: Yeah, now that you mention it, it seems weird that the agents still seemed fine even though our friends were so exhausted.
Agent: Not another word out of you! Damn it!
All right, take 'em out, you guys!
Green Monsters: Pi?
Agent: Hey, you know what'll happen if you don't do as you're told!
Green Monsters: Pi... Piña!
Green Monsters: Piñaaa!
Anzu: Uh-oh...
The green monster leaps at Anzu, but (Captain) darts in just in time and blocks the attack.
Vyrn: Hey! Anzu! Kirari! Are you two okay?
Agent: It's you again!
Kirari: Nyowa! That was crazy awesome, (Captain)-chan!
Anzu: It took you long enough. So you're finally done with your nap, huh?
Agent: Argh! I'll just have to take out all of you!

Uh-Huh, We Can Handle It: Scene 2

By exposing the agents' plot to gain fame as champions who defeated monsters that even renowned skyfarers could not handle, Anzu woos the monsters to her side. With nothing left to lose, the agents begin attacking in full force.

Anzu: Yep, I think I see what you're up to.
Anzu: You guys hoped to increase your authority in town by defeating monsters that not even famous skyfarers could handle, right?
Agent: ...!
Anzu: But in the end you'd still just be working to protect the town anyway. You guys are silly.
Vyrn: Hmm... I can see why you guys would want a reputation like that, but that's no reason to orchestrate a giant plot.
Anzu: Yeah. You should have found a way to get what you wanted without doing so much work. You know, like unearned income.
Agent: What do you know about it? Just shut up already!
Hey! Get 'em, guys!
Anzu: There's no more need for that now.
I don't know what he said to threaten you guys, but from the looks of it, I'd say you can reach an understanding with the townspeople.
Green Monsters: Pi...
The green monsters take a few steps back in response to Anzu's words.
Agent: Tsk! This isn't over yet! We have more than enough strength to take on little girls and exhausted skyfarers!

Uh-Huh, We Can Handle It: Scene 3

The bound agents break free and run off with (Captain) as a hostage, but Anzu and Kirari save the day. Back in town, the now peaceful villagers and green monsters ask the two to sing their song again, ending the incident on a high note.

Agent 1: Argh!
Vyrn: Phew... That's it for those guys. Sorry we were so late to the party.
Anzu: You should be. I think you'll agree that I've earned myself a fifteen-year vacation.
Kirari: Ehehe. Well done, Anzu-chan.
(Captain) suspects that Anzu counted on her song waking up the rest of the crew so they could come help her.
(Captain) smiles bitterly and sits down, but Vyrn notices something.
Vyrn: Huh? Is there someone behind (Captain)?
Someone suddenly sneaks up from behind and locks (Captain)'s arms in a wrestling hold.
Agent 3: Hehehe... You're mine now, skyfarer.
Vyrn: Are you okay, (Captain)?
Hey, let our captain go, coward! How dare you sneak up on (Captain)?
Agent 3: Haha! Did you seriously expect me to just stand around and wait to get arrested? None of you move! And let my friends go! Now!
The agents drag (Captain) to the docks.
Vyrn: This sucks... We gotta help (Captain) before this gets any worse!
Anzu: Maybe they're planning to flee the island. Talk about annoying... These bozos really don't know when to give up.
Vyrn: Hey! How can you be so calm at a time like this?
Kirari: Ehehe. It's all good!
Anzu: Sigh... Looks like my vacation will have to wait a bit longer.
Agent 3: Down, dog! And don't try anything funny!
(Captain) is thrown onto the deck, hands bound with rope.
Agent 2: All right. Now let's get this bird into the sky...
Agent 2: Damn it! So much for our base of operations! Once we get away, you're gonna get it, skyfarer.
The airship carrying (Captain) lifts into the sky.
Agent 3: Hahaha! Looks like we managed to give that infamous crew the slip! Bunch of losers!
Agent 2: Yeah. Now all we gotta do is find another town or something to establish a new base in.
Agent 2: Wha? That was quite a jolt.
Agent 3: Hmm... Maybe a monster flew into a propeller or something. I'll go check it out...
Kirari: Nyowa!
The voice from behind sends a chill down the spines of the agents. They timidly turn around to face the menace.
Kirari: Ehehe... Now I've got you with my Kirari power!
Agent 2: Aahh! She's huge! And she's hangin' on to our ship!
As the agents panic, Anzu calls out to them from her position on top of Kirari's head.
Anzu: Just a piece of friendly advice... You'd be wise to cut power to the engines and surrender to us.
Anzu: Kirari, now's your chance. Grab (Captain).
Kirari: Roger! Come on home, (Captain)-chan!
Agent 2: Damn it! There goes our hostage! Now what?
Agent 3: Just forget the hostage! Shake off that giant! Full speed ahead! And steer as hard as you can to the left and right!
Anzu: Um... That doesn't sound like a very good idea.
Anxious to escape Kirari's hand, the helmsman gives the wheel a hard turn, but he succeeds only in throwing the ship off balance.
Though he struggles desperately to right the ship, it can't withstand the forces tearing at it and falls apart in midair.
Agents: Arrrgh!
Kirari: Whoopsie!
Kirari lifts her skirt and catches the plummeting agents.
Kirari: Ehehe... Now I've got all of you!
Anzu: Phew... I guess that's that. These guys were annoying to the bitter end!
The crew decides to bind the agents with rope and escort them to the nearest prison.
Vyrn: Man, I was pretty worried there for a second, but I'm sure glad we got to (Captain) in time!
Townsperson 1: Move it, you! We'll teach you to scheme in our town!
Agent 2: Damn...
The agents pass in front of (Captain) and company as they're dragged off.
Agent 3: Eep! It's that giant chick! Stop! Don't take me anywhere near her!
Anzu: Grr... Shut up!
Kirari: Ehehe... Sorry I gave you guys such a scare.
Anzu: There's nothing scary about you, Kirari. You're just a little odd, that's all. You know, like me.
Kirari: Anzu-chan...
Kirari: Thank you.
Meanwhile, in the town square...
Green Monsters: Piña...
The townspeople approach the green monsters, which are standing around with nothing better to do.
Townsperson 1: So you guys were victims too, huh?
Townsperson 2: Yeah, it really doesn't seem right to condemn them now. What should we do?
Townsperson 1: Well, they can use traps and are pretty smart...
Say, how would you guys like to try living and working in town?
Green Monsters: Piña! Piña!
Kirari: Oh... Hehe. Looks like they're all buddies now!
Anzu: Yeah. Nothing wrong with that, right? Green complexion and size shouldn't stand in the way of friendship.
Townsperson 1: Thank you. Thanks to you guys, it looks like we can reach an understanding with them.
Green Monsters: Piña!
The green monsters suddenly start waving their hands and feet at the idols.
Kirari: Huh? Are they trying to tell us something?
Townsperson 1: Yeah. I suspect that they want to hear the song you sang earlier one more time.
Townsperson 2: Hahaha. We'd actually like to hear it again too. I think it'll sound a bit different this time.
Kirari: Ehehe... Well, what do you think, Anzu-chan?
Anzu: What? After all that work, you're asking me to sing again?
Kirari: Yep! We can't stop until everyone's happy-happy!
Anzu: What? But I thought we were done working for the day...
Kirari: Tell you what. When we're done singing...
Anzu: Yeah?
Kirari: I'll give you some candy!
Anzu: Candy?
After their brief dialogue, the song of the two idols once again reverberates through the town.
Townsperson 1: Haha! I knew it! I couldn't tell while we were fighting, but this is actually a fun song!
Townsperson 2: Hey! You two girls are incredible!
Green Monsters: Piña! Piña!
Kirari: (Hehe... Looks like both our green friends and the townspeople are totally happy-happy!)
Anzu: (The song was a huge pain to write, but I guess it was worth it if people like it this much.)
The idols' song is met with a thunderous round of applause, and they smile at each other in response.
They're both relieved that the power of their song has brought the conflict to a peaceful close.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
杏、もう充電切れちゃった… My energy is wiped...
さぁ、杏を褒めろー! Now flatter me a little!
これで終わり?えっ? まだあるの? Are we done now? Huh? There's more?
ねぇねぇ、もっと杏を甘やかそうよ? Hey, hey, spoil me a little more!
はぁ…ラクしたい… Ahh... I wanna relax...
スタミナ温存大作戦でいこう! Energy saver mode! Go!
よし、もう帰ろう!帰っていいよね? Okay! We can go home now, right?
もうちょっとだけ働くかー Guess I'll work a bit more...
ねぇ、(主人公)飴ないかなー? Hey, got any candy, (Captain)?
(主人公)休憩しよ、休憩 Let's take a break already, (Captain).
