Scenario:Feather - Reckless Seeker

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Reckless Seeker

After taking Ghandagoza's words to heart, Feather spends the months following the Grandsky Rumble sparring with fighters from different dojos. None of the opponents he fights gives him the thrill he seeks. By chance one day, he runs into an elderly woman who throws out her back, and aids her by working the farm instead. Her grandson returns hurt and asks Feather to deliver a package in his place.

The Grandsky Rumble: a martial arts tournament between skilled fighters from all over Phantagrande.
It is here that Feather finally finds Ghandagoza, the martial artist that he has been chasing after.
The two exchange words through their fists. Feather then asks to become Ghandagoza's disciple, but the older man refuses.
Feather: Are my punches not up to your standards? If that's the problem, I'll train day and night until I can—
Ghandagoza: Not so fast!
Feather: Huh?
Ghandagoza: That's not the issue. It simply isn't in your best interest to become my disciple.
Feather: Why not? It's all I want!
Ghandagoza: Training under me would only narrow your horizons. It might even douse the flame that now blazes within you.
Ghandagoza: The fire that drives you to pursue your ideals.
Ghandagoza: I felt it in your fists, and so that is my answer!
Feather: You felt it in my fists?
Taking in Ghandagoza's advice, Feather decides to travel the endless skies in order to unlock his potential.
Ghandagoza: Keep fighting! Pit yourself against your rival and as many worthy adversaries as you can find in your quest for glory!
Ghandagoza: And if our paths should cross again as we journey across the skies, our fists will have much to tell one another!
Feather: Yeah! Yeeeeeah!
Many months have passed since the conclusion of the Grandsky Rumble.
Feather has traveled his way through various islands, stopping at every dojo he can find and requesting matches with their disciples.
Feather: Excuse meeeee!
Disciple: Hahaha! Lively one, aren't you? How can we help you?
Feather: Name's Feather! I've been challenging all the strongest fighters across the skies.
Feather: Which is why I'm here for the strongest person in your dojo! Please, would you let me fight them?
Disciple: So you're the infamous Feather that's been sparring with every dojo's best. Heard you're still on a victory streak.
Disciple: But not for long. I'll make you taste defeat!
The disciple fixes Feather with a piercing stare right before an irritated voice shouts from deeper inside the dojo.
Master's Voice: You fool!
Feather: Huh?
Disciple: Ah! M-Master...
Master: Do you not sense his strength? You have no chance of victory! Go back to training!
Disciple: Y-yes, Master!
Master: Feather, I apologize for my disciple's unbecoming behavior. It seems I haven't been strict enough.
Feather: Hahaha! Don't sweat it!
Feather: You're the master of this dojo, right?
Feather: Please! Would you cross fists with me?
Feather raises his clenched knuckles at the master and grins.
Master: Haha, I like that look in your eyes. I suppose it has been a while since I've had a blood-pumping match... Very well, let us fight!
Feather: Really? Thanks!
Feather: Woo-hoo! My fists are burning for some action!
The disciples all gather to watch, but the match ends in an instant, and Feather walks away with another victory.
Feather: I just wanna fight someone strong enough to make me feel alive!
Feather: But where am I gonna find someone like that? Gaaaahhhh!
Feather screams at the sky, frustrated that his efforts to become the ultimate fighter have met little progress.
As he gazes out into the rural landscape, his eyes catch sight of an elderly woman falling inside a muddy paddy field.
Feather: Hey, granny! You okay?
Old Woman: Ah...
Feather: Hold still! I'll help you out!
He dashes over, scoops the elderly woman into his arms, and sets her down onto solid ground.
Old Woman: Thanks, sonny. I must've hurt my back. Could've been in a spot of trouble without your help.
Feather: Oof, your back, huh? Could you lay down for a sec? I can massage the pain away!
Old Woman: Oh my... I'm not sure I can let a stranger do that for me.
Feather: Haha! But now we've met, so we're not strangers anymore! C'mon, don't be shy!
Unable to reject Feather's beaming smile, the elderly woman receives the offered massage.
Feather: I noticed there's nobody else around right now, but are you supposed to be plowing such a huge field by yourself?
Old Woman: My grandson usually helps, but today he left on an errand and hasn't come back yet.
Feather: Gotcha! I'll work the fields in his place then!
Old Woman: Now, now, I really couldn't impose on you to that extent.
Feather: Hehe, don't worry about it! Gotta watch out for each other in our times of need, right?
Feather: Plus this is the perfect chance for me to build up some core muscle!
Feather picks up a hoe, leaving no room for argument, and gets down to business.
Feather: All right! That's that!
Old Woman: You did the whole field by yourself? You're really something, sonny. Thank you so much.
Feather: Hey, you got anything else that needs doing while I'm still at it?
Old Woman: No, no, the rest of the chores are easy enough. The field was the only thing troubling me.
Old Woman: Come rest here. I've got tea and snacks ready for you.
Feather: Oh, I was starting to feel a little hungry too. Thanks, granny!
Feather: Munch, munch...
Feather: Wow! Whatever this is tastes super good!
Old Woman: They're baked from the sweet potatoes growing in that field there. Eat as much as you like.
Feather: Awesome!
As Feather chews away, he notices a young man limping in from the mountains.
???: Pant... Wheeze...
Feather: Huh? Is that guy hurt?
Old Woman: That's my grandson! He was fit as a fiddle this morning... What could've happened?
Uneasiness growing in the pit of his stomach, Feather rushes over to the man and grimaces upon noticing the blood staining his ankle.
Feather: Yikes, that's gotta hurt. Here, grab onto my shoulder!
Grandson: Th-thanks. Was attacked out there by monsters and took a beating, as you can see.
Feather: Most important thing is you're still alive to tell the tale!
Grandson: Haha, guess so. Who are you by the way?
Feather: I'm just a guy helping out your granny with the paddy field.
Grandson: Picked up my slack, huh? I really owe you one.
The elderly woman frets about as Feather brings her grandson home.
Old Woman: Oh dearie me, we need to get the doctor as soon as possible!
Feather: Granny, relax! He's fine for the most part. Nothing life-threatening, promise.
Old Woman: Are you sure? My heart just about stopped for a minute there.
Feather: I'm sure. Now where's that doctor?
Grandson: Wait! Hold on. Before that, can I ask you a favor?
Feather: What's up?
The young man holds up the sturdy package that was cradled in his arms.
Grandson: I was asked to deliver this before sunset, but I'm not going anywhere with this leg, so...
Feather: Haha! No problem, I'll do it for you!
Old Woman: You've been mighty kind, sonny. I don't know how we can ever repay you...
Feather: You don't have to do nothing! Anyone else would do the same in my shoes.
With the sun beginning to lower on the horizon, Feather makes for the inn that the package is meant to be delivered to.
A little while later, (Captain) and crew finish up a job.
They walk around looking for a place to eat and relax after a day's hard work.
Vyrn: This is pretty hard to choose, huh? Everything we pass smells so good.
Lyria: Mmm... It's like we're sampling every meal through the scents alone!
Randall: Ha! You guys sure have bottomless stomachs. Reminds me of a certain idiot we know.
Predator: Hehe, speaking of Feather, isn't that him over there?
Looking in the direction that Predator points to, the rest of the crew watches as Feather rushes by with a package under his arm.
Feather: Raaahhh!
Randall: I've got a bad feeling about this.
Predator: (Captain), should we stop him before he causes a scene?
Nodding in assent, (Captain) quickly leads the chase after their hasty friend.