Scenario:Elta - The Kind-Hearted Minstrel

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The Kind-Hearted Minstrel

(Captain) and company meet Elta the bard during a monster attack on a certain village. They invite him to join the crew because his solo journey to spread the joy of his songs to others is proving hard for him.

(Captain) and company stop at a certain island and meet a bard named Elta.
They decide to work with him to save a village from monster attacks.
Villager: Thank you all so much for helping us!
Villager: I know it's not much in the way of thanks, but I've prepared a meal for you all. Please help yourselves!
Lyria: Yay! Thank you! It all looks so delicious!
Elta: Agreed! And I can never make elaborate dishes like these when I'm traveling.
Lyria: Wow! I didn't know you could cook, Elta! Could you teach me sometime?
Elta: Sure thing. I'm not super talented at it or anything, but... Hmm?
Vyrn: What's the matter, Elta?
Child: ...
Elta: You there... what's wrong? You look kinda down. Oh! Are you hurt?
Child: Nah. It's just... It's not safe with all the monsters around, so I can't go outside and play... and I'm so bored.
Elta: I see... You want to run around and play outside, huh?
Child: Yeah... I just want to do something fun.
Elta: Something fun, huh? Oh, I know! Do you like to sing?
Child: I sure do!
Elta: Great! Well then, since we can't play outside, let's sing a song!
Elta: I'll show you how it's done first.
Elta: ...
Child: Wow! You're really good at singing, mister!
Elta: Heh-heh! Thanks! Now you try singing with me, okay?
Child: Sure thing!
Lyria: Wait! Please wait! I want to sing too!
Child: Whew... That was so much fun! Let's all sing again sometime, okay, mister? You too, lady!
Elta: Sure! See you later! Well... I'm sure glad I could make him smile.
Lyria: Hee-hee! Who wouldn't smile at your singing?
Elta: Thanks, Lyria. You know... I can't do much else besides sing and play my instrument, so compliments like that mean a lot to me.
Elta: The whole reason I became a bard was to try to make others happy.
Lyria: Wow! That's a wonderful thing to aspire to!
Elta: But things aren't working out so well... I'm always running into monsters during my travels, and I need an airship to go to other islands...
Elta: I just wish there was a way I could avoid being attacked all the time.
Vyrn: I see... Traveling alone must be tough when you've got monsters to worry about.
Lyria: I know! Would you be interested in joining our crew, Elta?
Vyrn: Good idea! That way he'd be able to visit all kinds of places! What do you think, (Captain)?
Elta: What? But... I mean, I appreciate the offer and all, but I'd just get in your way.
  1. I want to hear you sing more.
  2. I want to help fulfill your dream.

Choose: I want to hear you sing more.

Elta: Really? You like my singing that much?
Elta: As a bard, nothing could make me happier! I'll sing for you as many times as you want, (Captain)!
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: I want to help fulfill your dream.

Lyria: Exactly! If you want to make other people happy, then I want to help you too, Elta!
Elta: You guys! I don't know what to say... Ha-ha! I'm so happy to hear that!
Vyrn: Ha-ha! Aw... Elta, you look like you're about to cry.

Continue 1

Elta: Um... Since you guys feel that way, I'd be happy to join your crew!
Elta: I'm no good at fighting monsters, but I'll do anything you ask of me! I'll help wherever I can!
Lyria: Welcome aboard! Hee-hee! Looks like things will be a lot more fun on the airship from now on!
Vyrn: Hey, Elta! Why don't you celebrate with a song?
Elta: Very well! I'll sing with all my heart and soul.
Elta: ...
And so Elta decides to travel with (Captain) and company.
Though inept at fighting, Elta is a kindhearted soul. He will go on to spread happiness to many different people in many different places.