Scenario:Shiva - Purification

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As part of a mission, the crew receives Shiva's assistance in defeating a powerful monster whose soul is tainted. After the battle, they wash themselves by the riverside, where they run into a pair of siblings and play with them.

For the crew's next job, they visit a deserted village to exterminate the many monsters that have overrun it.
They make their way deep into the village, defeating wave after wave of monsters along the way, before finding the alpha.
Monster: Gwaaar!
Vyrn: Whoa... How's it still standing?
(Captain) struggles against the alpha, which gets back up no matter how many times it falls.
Lyria: ...!
Oh no, (Captain)!
Alerted by Lyria's yelp, the captain plunges the blade into the pouncing foe.
Monster: Gwoooh!
(Captain) quickly jumps back as a black mist spews forth from the alpha's wound.
Struck by an overwhelming headache, the captain falls to both knees.
Lyria: (Captain)! If this continues, we're going to—
Monster: Gwooaar!
Vyrn: Aw crud! I think we're done for!
Monster: Graaaah...
Shiva: My adherents, I have come in answer to your pleas for deliverance from danger.
Lyria: Shiva! (Captain)'s... (Captain) needs help!
Shiva: Ah. Afflicted by an unholy curse, I see.
Shiva wraps his flames around (Captain), who lies face down on the ground in agony.
The captain then slowly gets up, surprised to be feeling perfectly fine as the flames subside.
  1. Thank you.

Shiva: Granting salvation is my duty. No thanks needed.
Shiva turns his attention to the alpha, which continues to glare at the crew.
Shiva: That is nothing more than a cadaver—a shadow given form, a wellspring of impurity.
Shiva: If left alone, it will eventually contaminate the entire island, turning it into a barren wasteland.
Monster: Gwaaar!
Vyrn: Watch out! Nothing we do seems to faze it!
Shiva: There is no greater pain than that of a rotted soul. I shall perform a purification with my flames and liberate it from eternal suffering.
Shiva: May you return to the nothingness from whence you came.
Monster: Graaawr!
Engulfed by a raging inferno, the alpha loses its corporeal form as it lets out a deafening roar.
The fire eventually spreads throughout the entirety of the deserted village. (Captain) and company huddle together.
Monster: ...
Vyrn: S-so it's down for the count?
Shiva: I've purified and sent it off. The creature will suffer no more.
Shiva: The land itself is also no longer defiled. Things should be fine now.
Lyria: Thank goodness... I'm sure that's a huge relief for the island's residents too!
Vyrn: Phew, you saved our hides and then some! Thanks a ton, Shiva!
Shiva: I merely answered your call. May you continue your travels in earnest.
Lyria: Mm-hm! We'll be praying to you every day!
Vyrn: Uh, guys... Anyone else notice we're all covered in soot?
Lyria: You're right. Even our faces and hands are pitch-black...
Shiva: Though there is nothing to fear, it is best to rid yourself of the filth from that creature.
Shiva: I sense a source of water nearby. You'll want to wash yourselves there.
Vyrn: Yeah, we wouldn't wanna get this stuff all over the place... Let's go, (Captain)!
Shiva guides the crew to a river a short distance away from the village. They wash the soot off their bodies there.
Lyria: That's much better!
Vyrn: Whew! Nothing beats a nice bath after a tough job!
Vyrn: Anyhoo...
Shiva: Yes, Red Dragon?
Vyrn: Don't think I've ever seen you dressed like that before.
Shiva: A trace amount of impurity did splash on me after all. I simply changed into something suitable for a bath.
Vyrn: I'm surprised you had a change of clothes on ya.
Lyria: Yeah, that looks really comfortable!
Lyria: I should've brought my swimsuit and a change of clothes along too...
Vyrn: Ah, Lyria, there's still some soot stuck on your neck.
Lyria: Oh really? Hm, I can't see it myself...
Vyrn: No worries, I'll rub it off you!
Lyria: Wait, now that I have a better look, you still have soot on the back of your wings. It's my turn to rub it off you!
Vyrn: Yeah, I can't really see back there. Go for it, Lyria!
Shiva: ...
  1. What's up?

Shiva: Child of man, may I ask you to cleanse my back?
(Captain) grows wide-eyed at the unexpected request.
Shiva: This is something I learned from a conversation between my adherents a long time ago...
Shiva: But apparently, washing each other's backs is a sign of friendship among the children of man.
Shiva: As the red dragon suggests, it is impossible for us to see our own backs. That's why I'd like to ask you to take care of my back, (Captain).
Not seeing a trace of soot on Shiva's body, the captain is unsure how to respond.
When Shiva bends down before the captain, (Captain) decides to stop thinking too hard about it and scrubs the war god's back.
Shiva: Hm. So this is proof of friendship among the children of man, I see.
Shiva: Indeed, leaving yourself exposed like this would be too risky to try with someone you do not fully trust.
While scrubbing Shiva's back, (Captain) notices something that's flowed down the river to their feet.
Shiva: Hm? What could that be?
Vyrn: Looks like a reed ship to me!
Shiva: A reed ship?
Vyrn: Yep! You make 'em by tyin' reeds together. (Captain) loved playin' with the stuff as a kid!
???: Hey! You guys happen to see my boat around here by any chance?
Lyria: A boat? Um, do you mean this?
Lyria hands the reed boat to the boy who came from upstream. His expression eases into a smile.
Boy: That's it! Thanks for picking it up!
Shiva: Did you create that reed boat, child?
Boy: Mm-hm! Pretty awesome, don'tcha think?
Boy: They're pretty easy to make too! You just pluck some reeds from the ground and...
The boy gives a live demonstration before the crew.
Shiva: My, it's quite impressive what can be done with these tiny reeds.
Boy: Heheh! I'm the best in my village at makin' this stuff!
Boy: I've never seen you folks around here. You must be travelers?
Lyria: Mm-hm. We're—
Girl: Brother!
Before Lyria can continue, a girl runs in to tug on the boy's arm, eyeing the crew warily.
Girl: Didn't Mama tell you not to talk to strangers?
Boy: But... they picked up my boat, and they seem like nice people.
As the girl tries to get her brother away from everyone, Lyria crouches down to meet the girl at eye level.
Lyria: Um, I'm sorry for frightening you. We're skyfarers.
Lyria: And we came here on assignment to deal with naughty monsters!
Girl: Skyfarers... They mentioned you in the village...
Boy: Wait, you mean you guys beat all those scary monsters?
Boy: That's incredible! You guys are totally fire! Way too cool!
Shiva: Fire? Red Dragon, is he referring to our powers of flame?
Vyrn: Err... I'm pretty sure that's just another way of sayin' "awesome."
Shiva: So I see... The wordplay of the child of man never fails to fascinate me.
Seeing this exchange between Shiva and Vyrn, the girl finally opens her mouth.
Girl: Um... We don't get many visitors to our village, especially not younger ones.
Girl: If... If it's all right... I'd love to hear more about your adventures as skyfarers...
Boy: Yeah! I'd love to play with you guys some more!
Vyrn: Whoa! Stop pullin' on my tail!
Lyria: Oh no! Be careful now!
Girl: Sigh... There you go again, Brother...
(Captain) can't help but break a smile at the boy's playfulness.
  1. What a lively kid, huh.

Shiva: Indeed, a soulful child he is. I have no doubt he will be a boon to the island when he reaches adulthood.
Shiva: Though even as a child, he is not to be underestimated.
Shiva turns his attention to the small reed boat in his hand.
Shiva: He's already able to construct boats with the bare minimum of materials.
Shiva: For as long as I've observed the mortal world, the children of man have never ceased to surprise me with their wisdom.
Shiva: Despite all the advancements already made by their ancestors, the people of today keep finding new ways to innovate.
Shiva: That is why I appreciate the children of man. No matter the era, they do not rest on their laurels and are always eager to break new ground.
Shiva fiddles with the reed boat all the while, a sincere look of compassion in his eyes.
Vyrn: C'mon, you two! Come join in on the fun!
Vyrn's cheery voice calls out to them, breaking the silence.
Shiva: Hm, frolicking with them may help me better understand the children of man.
Shiva: Surely you have some experience playing by the riverside, my adherent. Teach me.
Boy: Hurry it up—while the sun's still up!
(Captain) gives in and joins the others with Shiva...
Playing as if they were all children again.