Scenario:Abby - Bye-Bye, Bobo

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Bye-Bye, Bobo

After a series of misunderstandings, Bobo leaves the ship in a huff and escapes to the woods. A few days later, Abby and the crew go in search of him. Meanwhile, Bobo decides to forgive Abby, but before he can reunite with his friends, he is shot by an arrow.

Abby (Promo) not in crew

One curious day, (Captain) and company meet a small girl with a large axe and an even larger bear.
Bobo: Bobo! Bo! Bo! (Come on! Cut it out! Give me a break for a change!)
Abby: Nummy nummy num! You know you love how much this bug's squirming! Just eat it already!
Bobo: Bobo! (I told you! I'm a vegetarian!)
The crew makes peace between the girl and the bear. Then they introduce themselves and ask what all the rumpus was about.
Abby: Not that I owe you any answers, but the name's Abby. And this here's my help, Bobo.
Abby: We were about to have some nice lunch, but Bobo here's one picky son of a gun...
Abby: I gathered up a bunch of Bobo's favorite bugs, the liveliest ones I could find, but the stinker doesn't wanna eat 'em.
Abby: You feeling sick or something, Bobo? I'm worried about you...
Bobo: Bobo... (When are you gonna get a clue? There's just no way I can eat bugs.)
Quickly, the crew realizes that Abby and Bobo are not quite on the same page.
But when they say so to the girl, she is amazed.
Abby: Wow! You can speak Bobo, too?
Abby finds herself wishing to learn more about this curious band of people. So she asks them a favor.
Abby: So... You guys are travelers? How'd you like me and this big bug eater to come with you?
The crew is astonished by the sudden request. Gently, they warn the girl that they will be sailing into great danger.
But Abby only smiles.
Abby: But it sure sounds like fun!
Abby: And besides, no one can stand up to my axe or Bobo's punch. Fuzzy or not, we pack a wallop!
Bobo: Bobo! (We got this! We'll give 'em the old one-two!)
Hearing this, (Captain) sees that the odd pair is curious as cats, but brave as lions. So the captain lets them onto the ship.
They set sail and pass the days by...
Abby and Bobo are now crew aboard the same ship. Yet when they speak, it is plain that they are still far from being on the same page.
As on the day they are sent out to hunt monsters...
Monsters: Groooar!
Bobo: Bobo! (Gr... They've got the old numerical advantage. Abby! We best beat a retreat!)
Abby: What! You'd... really do that for us, Bobo?
Abby: All right, friend. I hear you, loud and clear!
Abby: Everybody, listen up! Bobo here says he's gonna play decoy—give us time to regroup and recharge. Quick, into the bushes!
Bobo: Bo? Bo! Bo! (Was the wind whispering to you? 'Cause I didn't say anything about being monster bait!)
Abby: You all, I know it's hard—but we've gotta respect his choice! Come on now!
Bobo: Boo! Booo! (Wait! Don't leave me!)
And the day they go out to relax on a sunny afternoon...
Bobo: Bobo... (Sigh... Got mud all over my favorite suit. Guess it's time for some weekend washing.)
Abby: What! No! Bobo! Say you're pulling my leg!
Abby: All right... I got you! I'm not about to leave a friend high and dry!
Abby: It's hot as all get out, and that coat of yours must be warmer than seven pairs of wool socks! Fine, I'll do it! I'll take this axe and shear it all off!
Bobo: Bo? Bo! Bo! (You've got an evil spirit whispering in your ear! Please! Just not my suit!)
Abby: I really don't wanna see you all... bare to the skies, Bobo... But I know! It's for your own good!
Bobo: Boo! Booo! (Nooo! Please, have mercy!)
It seems that no matter what they do⁠—and no matter where they stand⁠—Abby and Bobo cannot see eye to eye.
Then, one day, it comes. The final straw that breaks the bear's back.
Vyrn: Phew... Today's mission took a lot outta me.
Bobo: Bobo. (Same here. I sure could use a bear nap right now.)
Abby: What's that? You feeling sluggish, Bobo?
Abby: Well, I know just the thing to get you bright-eyed and bushy-tailed!
Abby: Ta-dah! A full course of the finest bugs a net can catch. They're deliciously nutritious! Snared 'em just for you, Bobo!
Bobo: ...
Vyrn: Bleh. These are the creepiest and crawliest bugs I've ever seen. Are you sure they're part of a healthy diet?
Abby: Aw, they're just squirming with energy! Anyhow, I met a few bug-eating folks at the tavern the other day, and they swore by their stomachs these were the best crawlers around!
Lyria: Aha... ha... I never noticed you talking to any bug-eaters...
Abby: All righty, Bobo! Kinda awkward doing this with all these people watching but... here comes the choo-choo train!
Bobo: Bo... (Just leave...)
Abby: Hm? Something wrong?
Bobo: Bobo! (Leave me alooone!)
Abby: Ow! Huh? What...
Lyria: Abby! Are you all right?
Abby: Y-yeah... What's come over you, Bobo?
Bobo: Bo! Boo! (Oh, this was a long time coming! You just had to keep poking the bear, didn't you? Day in and day out!)
Bobo: Bo! (Well, I'm through with this, and I'm through with you! So long, Abby!)
Abby: Bobo?
Vyrn: Sheesh. Why'd he up and leave like that?
Abby: Um, well...
Abby: I think he went for a walk. To empty out the old tank before we fill it up again, you know?
Abby: Yep! That's what it was! You know Bobo! Always marching off to the beat of his own drum!
Lyria: Are you sure? He looked really upset to me...
Abby: Nah, he was just getting a little antsy is all. Must've been raring to go on that walk!
Abby: Been a hot minute since he's been able to roam the woods. We should head back first and leave him to it!
Vyrn: Sounds good to me! But man, that bear sure knows how to make an exit.
Lyria: ...
  1. I'm worried.
  2. Everything will be all right.

Choose: I'm worried.

Lyria: So am I... But Abby's insisting that everything's fine. And we should believe her... right?
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: Everything will be all right.

Lyria: Yeah. Things will turn out okay... They just have to...

Continue 1

Abby: What do you two think you're doing? I'm starving! If you keep me any longer, my belly's gonna eat my backbone!
Lyria: C-coming! Let's go, (Captain)!
And so the crew leave the woods and return to their ship. But the entire time, Lyria and (Captain) feel a gnawing pit in their stomach that isn't hunger.
And as time passes and Bobo doesn't return, it only keeps growing and growing...
It grows through the night. Then it grows through the day. Then another night and another day. And, in the end, the pit of worry grows so big that it eats up every last member of the crew.
Abby: ...
Vyrn: Still no sign of that bear... Where's he trying to walk to—the moon?
Vyrn: Something had to have happened to him. It's been days!
Lyria: Oh... Maybe we really should have stopped Bobo from leaving...
Abby: Sniff... Sniffle... Waaah...
Lyria: Abby?
Vyrn: Is this the same girl that chops up monsters with a big grin on her face?
Abby: Sniff... Oh, Bobo... Where are you?
Lyria: Don't worry, Abby. Let's go look for Bobo together, okay?
Abby: Sniff... Do you think we'll find him?
  1. I'm sure we will.

Choose: I'm sure we will.

Abby: (Captain)... Sniff... Thank you.
Abby: We're coming for you, Bobo...
Meanwhile, in the forest, Bobo has gathered a great many vegetables.
He sits beneath a tree and begins to munch, sadly and thoughtfully.
Bobo: Bobo. (Maybe... I shouldn't have said I was through with her.)
Bobo: Bobo. (She means no harm—I know that... I've been with her since she was yea high.)
Bobo: Bobo. (She always gets hold of the wrong end of the stick, but her heart's in the right place. She tries her best for me.)
Bobo: Bobo. (Oh, Abby... I wonder what she's doing right now.)
A small, distant memory crawls up to Bobo and taps him on the shoulder.
Little Abby: Waaah....
Bobo: Bobo. (You know... Her patch may be missing a few vegetables...)
Bobo: Bobo. (But deep down, under all that mess, she's just a little girl who's afraid of being alone.)
Bobo: Bobo... (I'd bet my last cabbage she's scared and crying right now... Sigh...)
Bobo: Bo! (Home I go! Can't leave a friend high and dry, right?)
So Bobo stands and turns to go back to the Grandcypher, where a special friend is waiting for him.
But then...
Bobo: Bo? (What?)
Bobo: Bo... Bo? (An arrow? Was I... shot?)
Bobo: Bo... Bo... (It hurts... And it's so... dark...)
The pain grows greater, and Bobo's world grows darker.
His mind sinks into a pool of black. For just an instant, he sees reflected in it an image of Abby's crying face. Then, there is nothing.
Bobo: Bobo... (Abby...)
Bobo: ...