Scenario:Laguna - To Be Fair

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To Be Fair

(Captain) and the crew join Laguna at her favorite bar after the duel with her sister. She tells them of her childhood battles with Nadia, and about the mysterious spear that matches her own in power, Wismar's Summation. Due to differing viewpoints on the use of their spears' respective powers, the two sisters had ceased their usual sparring, and hadn't seen each other in years.

Laguna and Nadia—it has been years since these sisters have met each other in person, yet their reunion ends in battle, and defeat for Laguna.
Curious about what has happened to sour their relationship, (Captain) and the crew join Laguna at a nearby bar to hear her story.
Laguna: Sorry to worry you all with that display. If everyone's got their drinks, I'd be happy to tell ya all about the two of us.
Laguna: First things first—Nadia and I are on good terms, so I would ask you not to worry about that.
Lyria: Really? That didn't look like the product of a friendly sibling rivalry to me...
Laguna: We're always battling like that. After all, we both love a good fight.
Laguna: It was even how we'd play as kids. We were at each other's throats every day.
Lyria: Really? Weapons in hand and all?
Laguna: Yep. Felt good to be able to do it again, honestly.
Vyrn: You've had that Omar's Odyssey spear for a while now, yeah? Didn't you always have the upper hand, then?
Laguna: Nadia's spear is also a real special one—very similar to him. It's called "Wismar's Summation."
Laguna peers at her beloved spear.
Vyrn: "Wismar's Summation"? So does her spear have the memories of a buncha battles stored in it too?
Laguna: Not quite. As per its name, Wismar's Summation actually turns the battles it sees into a series of calculations.
Laguna: It receives battle information from the user's five senses as "input" and uses this data to derive the optimal path to victory.
Laguna: As long as the input is accurate, the wielder can defeat even the strongest of warriors.
Laguna: Now this is just my opinion, but I think that if anything were able to counter the power of Omar's Odyssey, its gotta be Wismar's Summation.
Vyrn: Wh-whoa... Where are all of these crazy weapons even coming from?
Laguna: Our mother is an archaeological researcher specializing in ancient magic tools. Omar's Odyssey and Wismar's Summation are weapons she obtained as such.
Laguna: Apparently they are special relics referred to as artifacts, and they can be used to create the most powerful weapon of all.
Lyria: The most powerful weapon?
Laguna: Akin to the golems of the Erste Empire, she says.
Laguna: The device was made in the shape of a spear in order to efficiently collect battle data, allowing it to adjust the parameters of its equations on the fly.
Laguna: It would appear that the warriors who wielded these artifacts at the height of their use were relying on the information from their weapons to fight, just like us.
Laguna: Such warriors rose above the rest, commanding a kind of unstoppable power. For that reason, the artifacts were sealed away.
Laguna: Or at least, that's what is said to have happened...
Vyrn: If that's true, then these weapons are downright terrifying.
No version of Philosophia in crew

Go to "Continue 1"

Laguna: There's a good chance that the weapon that Sophi uses, Crypton, is also one of the artifacts. Seems it was designed for analysis and verification...

Continue 1

Laguna: Nadia and I have been able to hear the artifacts' voices from birth.
Laguna: Because of that, we were entrusted with the spears and with the task of continuing our mother's research...
Laguna: On the condition that we adhered to a certain command.
Lyria: A command? What was it?
Laguna: That we shouldn't use the power of the artifacts irrationally, lest we become like the warriors of old.
Laguna: For that reason, we as wielders must practice restraint.
Vyrn: Makes sense. I'm sure you wouldn't want to upset your mother by gettin' all power-hungry like that.
Laguna: That's why both Nadia and I strive to be very careful how we use our "partners."
Laguna: However...
Laguna's expression grows stern as she takes a sip of her milk.
Lyria: Did something happen?
Laguna: Well, as a kid, sometimes I would challenge the other kids, and even some adults, to a fight.
Laguna: As long as I used his powers, no one stood a chance against me.
Vyrn: I bet. Not even poison could do you in if you received some kind of memory where a previous wielder overcame it.
Laguna: All of my fights began to strike me as unfair.
Laguna: I've come to believe that if you don't win purely on the merits of your own power, then you're cheating.
Laguna: And when I tried to discuss how I felt with Nadia...
Nadia: What are you saying? You know that it is only you and I who are able to hear their voices.
Nadia: We're no different from someone gifted in magic fully utilizing that gift to fight. It's our special ability!
Laguna: Right, but at least for me, I fight for the fun of it.
Laguna: This is just my opinion, but fighting is no fun at all if it's not conducted on a fair playing field.
Nadia: Just speaking honestly here, but fighting is inherently unfair.
Nadia: And now you're saying we shouldn't be using the one thing that gives us the edge?
Nadia: You're speakin' nonsense, Laguna! You're no longer the kind of partner I want to spar with.
Laguna: Ever since then, Nadia and I ceased our regular bouts, and she even up and left the country for two years.
Lyria: So there was a falling out after all...
Laguna: Mm, I guess you could call it that.
Laguna adds that her mother had advised the girls to pick their fights accordingly.
Laguna: Nadia's now a bounty hunter and sends part of her earnings back to our parents.
Laguna: When they write some correspondence to thank her, they always make sure to send a letter to me as well. That's how we've been able to stay current with each other.
Laguna: But after we stopped meeting for our usual fights, I guess I started to feel lonely, as if there were a gaping hole in my chest.
Laguna: And that was before she even left the country for all that time...
Lyria: Laguna...
With a forlorn look in her eyes, Laguna takes another sip of her milk.

To Be Fair: Scene 2

Possessing powers of communication, Laguna's spear, Omar's Odyssey, becomes crestfallen when he hears his wielder describe the use of his powers as unfair. With a little bit of convincing from (Captain) and Vyrn, Laguna assures her partner that she will come to rely on him in battle more often.

Vyrn: Okay, I think I get what's goin' on between you two, but if that's how it is, then why'd she suddenly return to challenge you to a fight?
Laguna: Just my opinion, but...
Laguna: Nadia was probably hoping that my values had changed after journeying together with you all.
Laguna: If I'd acknowledged her point that fighting is inherently unfair, then I'd be willing to fight her just as we did all those years ago.
Lyria: But your way of thinking hasn't really changed, has it?
Laguna: Not at all. I would even go as far to say that the journey, and all of the encounters I had, only served to strengthen my conviction.
No version of Philosophia in crew

Go to "Continue 1"

Laguna: I remember a mistake I made when I first met Sophi... I couldn't be honest with her. I couldn't speak my feelings plainly.
Laguna: I realized that if you want to be faithful as a friend to someone, the worst thing you can do is hold back on sharing your convictions.
Laguna: If you expect to be able to help each other in a time of need, a certain level of mutual understanding must be met.
Laguna: This is just my opinion, but I think the reason that Sophi and I were able to become such good friends is because we are fair with each other—we grew unreserved in our communication.
Laguna: Fighting's much the same. With each contest, you bare your heart and soul for your opponent to see.
Go to "Continue 2"

Continue 1

Laguna: I've crossed blades with a number of folks until now, and all of the strongest had one thing in common—they all strove tirelessly to get where they are now.
Laguna: I wouldn't have known the value in that if I hadn't worked hard myself.
Laguna: Knowing that I can rely on him to make me practically invincible, I've decided that I don't want to simply rest on my laurels.
Laguna: This is just my humble opinion, but the most enjoyable fights are those fought without one side employing some undefeatable power.

Continue 2

Vyrn: I see what you mean. And it's definitely true that from the moment we met you, you had a keen sense of righteousness.
Laguna: I'm glad to hear you say that.
Laguna: And that's why the next time I face Nadia, I want to do so without the aid of—
Laguna: Wha!
Omar's Odyssey, which had been leaning against the table, suddenly falls onto (Captain).
Laguna: Hey, what's the big idea? Get away from (Captain)!
Laguna: Sorry, (Captain). Let me get him—
As Laguna attempts to lift the spear off of (Captain), she finds that he has made himself heavy, refusing to budge even a little.
Laguna: Why do ya want to give (Captain) a hard time? Come on, get off!
Laguna: Oh, what, don't want to fight with me now? Let's hear the reason. Out with it!
Vyrn: Um... Is she arguing with the spear?
Lyria: It looks like it...
Laguna: I'm sorry about this. He can get a bit cranky sometimes.
Laguna: He usually snaps out of it given enough time... Geez though, if you go making yourself that heavy you're gonna crush (Captain)!
As Laguna struggles to placate the spear, (Captain) and the others look at each other with wry smiles.
  1. I'm pretty sure I know why he's cranky.

Choose: I'm pretty sure I know why he's cranky.

Laguna: What? Really?
(Captain) nods and notes that it is likely because she referred to using the spear's power as a kind of cheating.
Laguna: I mean, his power really does defy all kinds of common sense. I'm not sure how it could be seen as anything but...
Vyrn: I get what you're saying, Laguna...
Vyrn: But isn't Omar's Odyssey your trusty partner, kinda like I am to (Captain)?
Vyrn: I mean, I don't have anywhere near the same level of awesome power... Heck, I can't even swing a sword around...
Vyrn: I never want to leave (Captain)'s side though. We fight together as partners!
Vyrn: Doesn't matter if one of the duo's really weak or really strong, partners got to stick together!
Vyrn: I think that's probably what Omar's Odyssey is feelin' right now.
Laguna: I see...
Laguna: You're probably right. On top of being partners, we're both really into the same thing at the end of the day.
Laguna: I live for the thrill of the fight, and he's probably chomping at the bit to see some more action for himself.
Laguna: It was mighty unfair of me to not even acknowledge that feeling... Of course he'd get pretty grumpy...
Laguna bows to the group while taking hold of Omar's Odyssey.
Laguna: I'm sorry. I know that you've always been telling me to take advantage of your powers more.
Laguna: I'll have to come up with more ways to let you savor the fight. At the very least, I'll stop saying that your powers are unfair.
Laguna: How's that sound? Will you continue to stand together with me in battle, partner?
His mood improved with this proposal, Omar's Odyssey returns to his original weight.
Laguna: Thank you.
Laguna: Let's find Nadia. I feel like I can give her a proper response now.
  1. I'm hoping you two can make up.

Choose: I'm hoping you two can make up.

Laguna: Yes. I never wished for any bad blood between us sisters.
The merriment at the bar continues late into the evening, with Laguna, (Captain) and the crew sharing all manner of stories.
As if to acknowledge her apology, Omar's Odyssey leans upon Laguna once more.

To Be Fair: Scene 3

The next day, Laguna summons Nadia for a rematch. Though Wismar's Summation is able to counter much of the onslaught from Omar's Odyssey, team Laguna earns an eventual victory thanks to their newfound cooperative method of combining their memories equally. Nadia is delighted to witness this moment of growth in her sister, and joins the crew at the bar to toast milk and ale.

The following day...
Nadia: I had a feeling I would find you here.
Laguna: I'm glad you came.
Nadia: I never thought you would resort to this method of summoning me after all this time.
Nadia presents two crossed branches tied with a thread.
The branches are meant to represent two spears crossed in battle. The sisters have used this secret symbol as a way to challenge each other.
Nadia: So, what are you getting at by calling me out here? I'd prefer not to have my time wasted with a dull fight like yesterday's.
Laguna: I've had time to think a few things over, so I decided to call you out for a rematch here.
Nadia: Oh?
Nadia slowly looks around the meadow where they stand.
Nadia: As children, we used to use this place as our own personal training ground.
Nadia: It feels like only yesterday—practicing with the spears from sunup to sundown...
Laguna: Indeed. It really takes me back.
Nadia: Perhaps we should cease with the mawkishness, though.
Nadia turns to directly face Laguna and readies Wismar's Summation.
Nadia: Shall we get started? Once again, just like old times.
Laguna: Yes.
Laguna takes Omar's Odyssey in hand and focuses a piercing gaze on her sister.
Laguna: Haaa!
Laguna: Hyah!
The memories of past battles pour into Laguna's consciousness as she launches a flurry of attacks, moving like a seasoned warrior.
Nadia: That won't work!
Nadia's spear is able to calculate every incoming strike, allowing her to deftly avoid each of her sister's blows.
Nadia: Good, I can tell that your meekness from yesterday has disappeared.
Laguna: I've decided to stop treating this guy's power as cheating.
Nadia: As you should. It isn't unfair in the slightest. He's a tool that you alone can take advantage of.
Nadia: Have you finally come to realize that fighting isn't a fair contest?
Laguna: No, and I stand by my principles of fighting fairly.
Nadia: Again with that drivel!
Laguna: Even I adhere to a set of unwavering principles, Nadia. Just like you.
Nadia: Then triumph over me! Prove that your principles are right and true!
Laguna: You asked for it!
The battle is fierce, with neither woman relenting for even a moment.
A mighty roar can be heard as spears clash, and both air and ground are torn asunder.
Though a single misstep would be fatal, the sisters wear only smiles on their faces.
Laguna: (This feeling... It's just like before. No matter what awesome power I may wield, I can't expect to win so easily against Nadia.)
Laguna: (It's thanks to her that I was even able to learn how to use him in the first place.)
Nadia: (Yes, now this is the Laguna I used to fight. It's as if I were facing one hundred foes with different combat styles all at once.)
Nadia: (But it's of little consequence—I've the experience of fighting countless opponents under my belt. And that has served to make her calculations all the more precise.)
Nadia: (It's not enough, Laguna... Did you gain nothing on your journey?)
Nadia: Haaa!
Laguna: Ugh!
Laguna is knocked to the ground by Nadia's counterattack.
Nadia: Is this is all you've got to show?
Laguna: Heh, not even.
Laguna: He and I have merely been utilizing this time to adjust. It's our first time doing this, after all.
Nadia: First time? What are you talking about?
Laguna: You'll see.
Laguna stands up and brandishes Omar's Odyssey once more.
Laguna: Just my opinion, but I don't think you can call yourself a real "partner" if all the shots being called are too one-sided.
Nadia: Wha!
Laguna's newly adopted fighting stance radiates a different energy from before.
Laguna: Together now, Omar's Odyssey!
Laguna: This time as true partners!
Nadia: (This strength... And those movements!)
Nadia: (I can't keep up with her... And my partner... She can't work out the best method to counter this...)
Laguna: Hyaaah!
Laguna: This ends here! Unparalleled power!
Nadia: Gah!
Laguna unleashes an invisible wave that spreads all around her. The force blasts Nadia high into the sky.
Upon falling back to the ground, Nadia loses her grip on Wismar's Summation.
Nadia: Urgh...
Nadia: ...!
Laguna stands between Nadia and her weapon. She points her Omar's Odyssey at her sister.
Laguna: Pant... pant...
I win.
Nadia: Heh, indeed you have. It is my loss.
Nadia: Heh... Hahaha!
Laguna: Nadia?
Nadia: Hahahahaha!
Laguna: Wha?
Nadia leaps to embrace her sister. They tumble down onto the grassy meadow.
Nadia: I knew you had it in ya, sis!
Laguna: N-Nadia! I don't mind the head pats, but you're putting a bit too much power into it...
Nadia: Ah, my bad. How's this?
After separating herself from Laguna, Nadia takes Wismar's Summation into her hands once more.
Nadia: You really surprised me back there. Where did you learn to move like that? Even my partner couldn't keep up.
Laguna: It's simple. I crossed his memories of battle with my own experience.
Laguna: Up until now, I was fighting only with the power of one. It was either the spear techniques I've acquired through my training, or with the memories he was showin' me, you know?
Laguna: By combining our strengths, we've come up with a new way to fight.
Nadia: I see. Your new tactics serve you well.
Laguna: It took me forever to devise a fair strategy...
Laguna: Until now, only one of us would exert control over the situation, but what we really needed to do was devise a way for us to work in tandem.
Laguna: I believe we've found a way to operate in a fair manner with each other.
Laguna: Makes it fair to you as well, Nadia.
Nadia: To me?
Laguna: You wanted to savor a battle with no holds barred, right?
Laguna: I couldn't give that to you as long as I believed the playing field was unfair.
Laguna: I hope I was able to give you what you wanted this time.
Nadia: Hehe, indeed you have. And the match is yours.
Nadia: Everyone possesses different ability. It would be rather difficult for two people to stand on truly even ground.
Nadia: And as we share in the will to fight, I believe that is perfectly acceptable.
Laguna: I can see that now.
Nadia: Still... What a display. I have much to consider about my tactics going forward.
Nadia lies down and raises Wismar's Summation above her, toward the sky.
Nadia: You know, Laguna, I really love to fight together with her.
Nadia: She usually tries to act cool and aloof after our battles, but I can tell by the tone of her voice that she was really happy to see something new this time.
Nadia: Is it the same between you and Omar's Odyssey?
Laguna: Yeah.
Laguna lies next to Nadia and hoists Omar's Odyssey above her.
Laguna: We've both always loved to experience new things, and with my recent journey, we were able to enjoy learning about new countries and cultures.
Nadia: I think I understand what you've gained from your journey.
Laguna: Mm-hm.
The sisters share a smile and clink the tips of their spears together.
After their battle, the pair make their way to the usual bar.
Nadia: Still drinking your milk, eh? No love gained for the suds?
Laguna: That's right. I'm afraid I'm unlikely to ever favor it as much as you, Nadia.
Nadia: I still remember your cute face after passing out the last time we came here.
Laguna: Please don't remind me. Even though it was my first time trying it, thinking about that day is still so embarrassing.
Nadia: All right, I'll stop. I've got plenty of stories to get to after all.
Laguna raises her mug of milk while Nadia hoists her glass of amber brew.
Nadia: Cheers to your victory today, Laguna!
Laguna: Cheers!
The sound of the toast echoes throughout the tavern as the sisters commence two years' worth of catching up.