Scenario:Anna - Remembering Grandmother

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Remembering Grandmother

Today marks the death of Anna's grandmother, so she has returned home with the crew to pray at the grave. Her grandmother was often strict, but they find a letter indicating that she only wanted Anna to become an independent woman. Deeply impressed, Anna returns to the ship in the clothes left to her by her grandmother.

Anna not in crew

(Captain) and company find themselves deep in a forest of twisted trees.
There they visit a witch rumored to know just about everything.
Nightmare: Welcome! Glad you're here!
Vyrn: Eek! A talking stuffed animal? Is this the witch?
Lyria: Wow! Talk about an adorable witch!
Anna: Um...
Anna: You guys are real, right?
Vyrn: Say what?
The shy witch, whose name is Anna, listens with wide-eyed fascination as (Captain) and company talk about their journey.
Anna: A different... island? You... crossed the sky to get here?
Lyria: Yes! We're traveling around on an airship! It's tough, but we're having tons of fun!
Anna: Oh... I've just been here, in this forest, for as long as I can remember...
Anna: Hearing your stories makes me a bit... jealous.
Anna: Nightmare and I have been living quietly in this forest ever since my grandma, who looked after me, passed away...
After hearing how she longs to travel the skies, (Captain) and company invite her to join their crew, and she nods timidly in response.
Anna: Thank you... (Captain), this means so much to me.
Anna: I've never been in an airship before... I promise to do my best.
Thus Anna joins the crew in its journey across the sky.
One day, the crew returned to the island where they first met Anna. It was a somber day, the anniversary of her grandma's death.
Anna prays quietly in front of her grandmother's grave.
Anna: I'm home, Grandma... I'm doing fine.
Anna: ...
Anna: Thank you, everyone. Thank you for bringing me here today.
Lyria: No problem. Are you done already?
Anna: Yes... Besides, Grandma hated it when people got all sad and gloomy.
Anna: She was smiling even when she passed away. It looked as if she had fallen asleep...
Vyrn: I hope you don't mind me asking, but what was your grandma like?
Anna: Well... She was a very distinguished witch.
Anna: She could cast so many spells and grant so many wishes... Everyone counted on her.
Anna: And... she raised me after I was abandoned in the forest.
Lyria: Oh... So her magic had quite an effect on yours!
Anna: Sure... But I'll never come anywhere close to her...
Anna: ...
Anna: Grandma's probably so disappointed in me right now.
Vyrn: Huh? What do you mean?
Anna: Well... Thanks to my personality, I just couldn't take over for her.
Lyria: Huh? You couldn't take over?
Anna: Everyone said I'm not reliable like her, so they stopped showing up with requests.
Anna: I'm no use to anyone... even though she taught me all her magic...
Vyrn: Hmm... You're probably overthinking this! She wouldn't be disappointed in you for something so silly!
Anna: No... She once told me that I need to be stronger.
Anna: She was probably worried to have me following in her footsteps.
Lyria: Of course not! Your magic has saved us so many times!
Lyria: So you don't have to think like that.
Anna: Ugh...
Nightmare: Hey! Watch it! You'll make us cry!
Lyria: Oh, Anna...
Anna: Thank you, Lyria. But I'm really okay.
Anna: Let's go over to my old house. I'd like to tidy it up a bit.
The crew decides to go with Anna to the house and help her with the cleaning.
Anna: Right, let's move on to the next room! Oh... I'm sorry to make you help me with the cleaning.
Lyria: No problem! We'll make this old house sparkle!
Vyrn: Yep! Leave these shelves to me!
Anna: Okay...
Nightmare: Don't you dare break anything!
Lyria: Ha-ha! Don't worry! We'll be careful!
Vyrn: Heh-heh! I can even fly up and get those hard-to-reach places!
Vyrn: Whoa! My wing's caught on the handle!
Lyria: Are you okay, Vyrn?
Vyrn: Ugh... I was so surprised that I knocked everything around...
Anna: It's okay. We can just put everything back...
Nightmare: What did I tell you!
Vyrn: My bad... I'll try to be more careful.
Vyrn: Huh? What's this giant box?
Anna: I'm not sure. I wonder what's in it...
Anna: Ah!
Lyria: Wow! These clothes are gorgeous! Are they your grandma's?
Anna: No... They were a present. She gave them to me back then...
Anna: She went and bought them in town, and she said they were suitable for a young woman like me.
Vyrn: Then why were they hidden on that shelf?
Anna: I was embarrassed. Clothes this flashy don't suit me at all...
Lyria: Anna! There's a letter at the bottom of this box!
Anna: What? This is my grandma's handwriting!
Vyrn: Really? What does it say?
Anna: It says... "Dear Anna..."
"Apparently you've matured into a woman, and you've finally taken the clothes from the box."
"I bet I was a bit of a nag in my old age."
"For that, I apologize."
"But I'm a witch, so I know that I'm not long for this world. That's why I want you to become your own woman."
"But just because I raised you as a witch, doesn't mean I want you to inherit my life. I hope you can lead a normal life."
"I'm always with you. If you're still sad about me, maybe you just haven't realized this."
Anna: Grandma...
Lyria: Sniff... She really cared about you.
Vyrn: Yeah... Turns out she wasn't looking for someone to continue her legacy after all.
Anna: A normal life...
Anna: Sniff... Sniff... Sob... Grandma! I'm sorry!
The crew leaves Anna in privacy and returns to the Grandcypher. She returns slightly later...
Anna: Sorry to keep you waiting!
Lyria: Wow! You look fantastic! Those clothes really suit you!
Vyrn: Heh-heh! The old lady certainly had great fashion sense!
Anna: Er... Well...
Nightmare: Thank you! I feel like we've been upgraded!
Anna: I've made my decision. I may not be powerful enough yet, but I'm going to become an amazing witch!
Anna: A witch who everyone can rely on... just like Grandma.
Lyria: If anyone can do it, it's you, Anna!
Vyrn: That's right! We already rely on you, you know!
Anna: Thanks! This outfit is making my arms chilly though...
Thus Anna returns to the sky with the crew, motivated by an even stronger desire to become a legendary witch.