Scenario:Golden Knight - The Toothless Beast

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The Toothless Beast

After disobeying the True King during the Great Wall incident, Alliah resigns as the Golden Knight to serve the Istavion Kingdom as its princess. One day she overhears her former subordinates, Anissida and Hailak, discussing rumors they've heard about her. When the topic of the Golden Knight's successor comes up, Alliah becomes emotional.

Of the seven major skydoms found in the Sky Realm, more than half fall under the control of the Istavion Kingdom.
The ruler of this powerful kingdom resides on the island of New Utopia in the Great Oarlyegrande Skydom.
Alliah: ...
Within the towering Utopia Z1 Palace stands a young princess, Alliah Istavion. Her shoulders are slumped; her eyes are trained on the floor.
In front of her is the imposing monarch of the Istavion Kingdom—her father, the True King.
True King: How have you fared as of late, Alliah?
Alliah: Your Majesty. I have not partaken in any civic duties to speak of. As for reestablishing my knowledge of the arts—
True King: Amend your manner of speech. The vestiges of your knightly tongue rears its head.
True King: You've neglected your duties as the royal daughter, tossing them aside to wave a blade around from dawn till dusk. I trust that will be corrected.
Alliah: Yes...
True King: Then make it so. Do not forget your role.
White Knight: ...
Ending the short conversation as abruptly as it started, the True King disappears down a corridor.
Alliah: He thinks I was just waving a blade around all day?
Alliah was once a part of the illustrious Seven Luminary Knights, loyally serving as the Golden Knight under the True King's command.
But during the height of the tumultuous events atop the Great Wall in Nalhegrande, she defied her father.
True King: I am shocked. Do you realize what you are doing?
Golden Knight: I beg forgiveness, Your Majesty.
Golden Knight: The Great Wall is far too great a threat.
Golden Knight: I have no regrets leaving this matter in the hands of those people.
True King: Hmm...
Alliah took refuge in Idelva in the aftermath of the Great Wall incident, but she ultimately returned to Istavion after several negotiations.
No longer does she brandish a sword or spear as the Golden Knight—her only obligation is to serve the kingdom as its princess.
Alliah: (In other words, I'm merely a display piece.)
Anissida: Hello, Your Royal Highness.
Alliah: Oh, it's you two.
Alliah turns to face Anissida and Hailak, two former subordinates from her time as the Golden Knight.
The two salute Alliah and continue to speak without breaking decorum.
Hailak: We regret to have not stayed in touch, Your Royal Highness.
Alliah: Yes, it has been a while since we last spoke to each other. Has anything changed as of late?
Anissida: No, ma'am. The army reports no issues at this time. Please be at ease.
Hailak: ...
Alliah: Oh... I see. That's good to hear, I suppose...
Hailak: Um, I hope I'm not overstepping my bounds, but may I inquire about your health?
Alliah: I'm doing perfectly fine after convalescing in Idelva. On the other hand...
Alliah: It's been so long since I last gripped the hilt of a sword that I fear I can no longer effectively wield one as a knight.
Hailak: ...
Alliah: What are you two doing now?
Hailak: We're mostly on guard duty until the next official assignment comes in.
Alliah recognizes that the two soldiers are stuck in bureaucratic limbo as a result of her vacated seat within the Luminaries.
Alliah: What an unfortunate staffing decision. First-class talents such as yourselves are wasted on guard duty.
Alliah: If the military is uncomfortable with your past ties to the Golden Knight, then I'll—
Anissida: We appreciate the kind gesture. However, this is not a matter for Your Royal Highness to be concerned with.
Anissida: This is a military affair. Rest assured it will be addressed through the proper channels.
Alliah: Ah, r-right... Very well. I understand.
Anissida: Thank you for your concern, ma'am.
Alliah: Of course. Carry on then.
Anissida and Hailak hold their salute until Alliah turns down a hallway and is out of sight.
They wait a few more seconds to make sure the princess is truly out of earshot.
Anissida: Phew... Can't get used to this politeness stuff.
Hailak: Man, I was sure she'd ask us how we were doing.
Hailak: But even after giving up the Luminary gig, she's still concerned about the military.
Anissida: Nah, she totally wanted to shoot the breeze with us. I could feel it.
Hailak: Really? Then why all the military stuff?
Anissida: Because she's a princess now, and we're just grunts.
Anissida: Doesn't matter if we used to serve under her. Getting too chummy raises a bunch of issues.
Hailak: I wouldn't say we were that close with her back then either...
Hailak: Frankly I'm surprised you even care about protocol.
Anissida: What's that supposed to mean?
Hailak: In any case, she hasn't talked as much since returning to the kingdom.
Hailak: I guess that's her way of settling into the princess job.
Anissida: His Majesty personally went to bring her home from Idelva. That must've been a huge shock.
Hailak: True... A part of her still wants to swing the sword, but her princess side is showing too.
Anissida: Yeah, maybe that's why rumors fly in the military, with some calling her names like "coward" or "the toothless beast."
Hailak: A disgusting show of disrespect... Who do they take Her Royal Highness for?
Anissida: Oh well, you know how it goes! People wanna talk when a big change happens.
Anissida: Besides, everyone's focused on who the next Golden Knight'll be.
Alliah: ...!
Hailak: You make it sound like all they have to do is pick someone's name out of a hat or something.
Hailak: It needs to be addressed though. Unlike the other Luminary seats, leaving the Golden Knight position in a state of uncertainty is a bad idea.
Anissida: Well, that's why people are talking. Aren't you curious too?
Hailak: Nope. As long as that person's worthy of His Majesty's recognition, I've got zero problems with the pick.
Hailak: So how long are we gonna stand here for?
Anissida: Just a bit longer. No one will miss us. There's plenty of guards to go around.
Hailak: Anissida, you ought to take work more seriously—
Anissida: You wanna know what I think? We're trapped in no-man's-land. No unit wants us.
Hailak: Alliah's busy with her royal duties. Getting us assigned to a new unit is on the back burner.
Hailak: Once the new Golden Knight is appointed, we'll be back in business. I'm fine with waiting.
Anissida: Eh, I'm thinking about leaving the military.
Hailak: What! You can't be serious...
Anissida: Does it look like I'm joking? I don't know if I have it in me to serve under a new superior officer...
Anissida: At times like this, I wish I were in Phantagrande or Nalhegrande.
Hailak: I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that. Come on—back to work, Anissida.
Anissida: H-hey! Stop pulling me!
Hailak drags Anissida away by her arm, and they return to their patrol.
Alliah: ...
As Alliah watches the two soldiers leave, she remembers her days as the Golden Knight.
She doesn't know it yet, but the repressed emotions inside her are starting to bubble to the surface.