Scenario:Sara - I Can Be Anything

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I Can Be Anything

While gutting fish for a feast at the beach house, Sara accidentally cuts her finger. Compared to herself, Elmott, Tyre, and Volenna seem so well suited to their assigned roles for this feast's preparation.

Sara: Look, Lyria! The ingredients are here!
Lyria: Wow... That's a lot of fish!
Kaz: Hahah! Thought I'd ask my fellow fishers for a favor, and they sure didn't hold back.
Tyre: What a fine feast this is going to be! Let us transport the food to the kitchen without delay!
On this Auguste vacation night...
The crew is preparing dinner at the beach house they've rented out.
Elmott: Holy smokes, this is one heck of a smorgasbord. I know we've got fast-growing kids with us; still feels like overkill though.
Volenna: I'll gut the fish. Elmott, can you handle the cooking?
Elmott: Yep, leave it to me! I'll make sure every morsel is scorched to a fine crisp.
Elmott: Seared, broiled, steamed, baked, or however you like your food, I'm your man!
Sara: Um... Volenna, is there anything Lyria and I can help with?
Volenna: Let's see... Why don't you two help me gut the fish?
Sara: Sure!
Lyria: Okay!
Despite the frantic pace in the kitchen, the liveliness more than makes up for it.
Sara: ...
Elmott: Hehe... Won't be a single scorch mark when I'm done... I'll take the time to roast you good!
Sara: (Elmott is continually adjusting the intensity of the flames depending on how well-cooked the food is...)
Tyre: Coming in with the vegetables! I'll place them on this side of the table!
Sara: (And Tyre heartily hauls in heavy crates of food that I couldn't hope to lift...)
Volenna: Considering how the cooking process goes, it's probably more efficient to prioritize the vegetables. Sara, Lyria, I'm leaving the fish to you two.
Sara: (While Volenna is looking at the big picture to decide who should do what...)
Sara: (They're each amazing in their own way...)
Sara: ...
Sara: (Meanwhile, I...)
Sara: (Sigh... I'm only putting myself down.)
Sara: (Best to just focus on what I can do!)
Sara: Ouch!
Lyria: Oh no! Did you cut your finger, Sara?
Sara: It's just a small cut! I'll go bandage it up.
Lyria: You do that! If it hurts too bad, then please take a break!
Sara: Thank you, Lyria.
Sara: Sigh...
Graphos: ...

I Can Be Anything: Scene 2

Sara and Tyre engage in a fava bean-shelling competition. While Sara loses out in speed, Elmott praises her for the exceptional neatness in which she does the job.

Sara: Um... Tyre, I finished preparing the fish for Elmott to cook. Is there anything you need help with?
Tyre: Well, I suppose I could use some assistance in peeling these fava beans.
The two begin shelling the large pile of fava beans before them.
Sara: Beans, beans...
Tyre: Oh my... Sara, are you hurt?
Sara: Ah, yes... I cut myself with a kitchen knife earlier, but it doesn't hurt anymore.
Tyre: There's a particularly effective healing salve that Lowain uses to stop bleeding. Maybe you can try it for yourself! Here!
Sara: Thank you.
Sara: Phew...
Tyre: Has fatigue overtaken you? Looking closely, I can see bags under your eyes.
Sara: No, that's not it... Ever since getting used to cooking, I was sure I'd never cut my hand again...
Tyre: It's simply part and parcel of the job. Even I... Nay, even Lowain hurts himself sometimes.
Sara: I didn't know that...
Tyre: That's what the salve earlier was for. In his words, "Can't whip up a gourmet meal without gettin' banged up a bit."
Tyre: He also said, "Put on some pain relief, and you're good to go in, like, no time flat. Get with the program, wahey!"
Sara: Teehee... That's funny.
Tyre: As you and I are still in training as cooks, let us tread the path toward chefdom together.
Tyre: The road is long and arduous, and our struggles will be many...
Tyre: Bearing that in mind, may our bean-shelling competition begin!
Sara: Wha?
Tyre: Whoever finishes up their pile first is the champion! Ready... go!
Sara: W-wait! That's no fair...
Seeing that Tyre already has a lead, Sara frantically resumes her bean-shelling.
And so the stacks of fava bean skins grow larger and larger.
Elmott: Looks like fun.
Tyre: I do not intend to lose!
Sara: Ah! I can't catch up...
Elmott: Tch... Drop your beans. We've got a winner.
Sara: Ngh...
Elmott: Way to go, Sara.
Sara: Huh?
Elmott: As the cook, I've gotta give Sara credit where credit's due. There's no damage to her beans, and look how neatly she's tossed her skins.
Sara: Oh... Now that you mention it...
Elmott: In your desperation, Tyre, you focused on speed and strength. Thing is, a little TLC goes a long way in food prep.
Tyre: Rgh! I have no words!
Elmott: I noticed you really upped your game halfway through, Sara. Figured it out as you went along, eh?
Sara: Um... I guess so. There's a certain method to removing the skin...
Elmott: I could tell you really got into it. That's what it's like to improve.
Sara: Oh...
Elmott: Being so conscious about it is proof that you're not used to the feeling yet.
Elmott: I learned to control the intensity of my flames when taking orders at a beach house one day. Just came to me naturally.
Elmott: Who woulda thought my noxious flames could serve a good purpose like this.
Sara: ...
Elmott: Tch, forget that last part. Anyhoo...
Elmott: Find something you can go all in on. That's basically the gist of what we tell the kids at Mysteria.
Elmott: I don't wanna be seen as shillin' for Mysteria though, so interpret that however you want.
Sara: Elmott...
Elmott: And Tyre, follow Sara's lead in peeling the remaining fava beans.
With those words, Elmott returns to the kitchen.
Tyre: Sara, if you would please offer me guidance in proper bean-shelling!
Sara: Ah, of course!

I Can Be Anything: Scene 3

Kaz guts blewfish with practiced hands as he looks back on all the kitchen skills his late wife taught him, remarking that there's no telling what's going to happen in life. Graphos is happy to watch over Sara, assuring her that one day she will find her true calling.

Fisherman: Hey, Kaz! Brought the thing you asked for!
Kaz: 'Preciate it! Just what I needed to make sashimi!
Volenna: A single fish in the crate... Is this a special fish?
Kaz: This one's a blewfish. It's got deadly poison in its organs, but it makes for one heck of a sashimi dish!
Placing the blewfish and knife on a chopping board, he puts his arms through tasuki sashes to hold up his long sleeves.
Kaz: First the mouth, then to peel off the skin...
With practiced hands, he inserts his knife and removes the blewfish's innards, revealing its white edible parts.
Kaz: All right, now to make sure I've taken out all the poison.
Fisherman: Never gets old seeing you doing this, Kaz! You handle those blewfish like a pro!
Kaz: Haha, my late wife taught me the ropes. I've been doing it so long now that it just comes naturally.
Kaz gradually does away with all the poisonous parts for his fisherman friend to discard.
Kaz: Okay, now to turn this into sashimi!
Next, he cuts the alabaster body of the blewfish into slices so thin that they're practically see-through.
Sara: Wow...
Kaz: Haha, this is quite different from the chopped fish with miso I made the other day.
Sara: So it was your wife that taught you your skills as a chef, I see.
Kaz: Yeah, she was really one of a kind. Made the little eatery she ran stand out.
Kaz: I picked up so many fancy, creative recipes from her ever since we got together.
Kaz: You wouldn't believe how bad I was when I first started out.
Kaz: In my old age, I can finally say I'm proud of my culinary skills.
Kaz: You just never know how life is gonna turn out.
Sara: That's a good point. There's no telling what lies ahead...
The scenery of Sable Island flashes through Sara's mind.
It was a place originally meant for her to be confined in for the entirety of her life.
Sara: Things can change...
Graphos: ...
Sara: Graphos?
Graphos: ...
Sara: I see...
Graphos—who has always watched over Sara—expresses joy at simply being by her side.
As long as life goes on, there is no telling what lies ahead. There is always the chance of something so profound happening that it can change your entire outlook on life.
Graphos is happy to continue watching over Sara until such a moment comes for her.
Sara: So you're worried for my sake too, huh...
Graphos: ...
Sara: Thank you, Graphos.
Comforted by the special bond she shares with the sand god, Sara breaks into a smile.

I Can Be Anything: Scene 4

Over dinner, Sara tells Volenna about the conclusion she's reached—that she's happy to take her time in finding something she truly enjoys. Thankful to everyone who's given her advice, Sara realizes she is not alone anymore as she gazes toward the future more optimistically.

Crew: Let's eat!
A sumptuous dinner begins for the crew.
Lyria: Teehee, I can't make up my mind on what to eat first.
Lyria: I see the sashimi's caught your attention, (Captain)! Let me get you a few slices!
Sara: Do you want some too, Volenna? I'll pass the dish to you.
Volenna: Oh, sure. Appreciate it.
Sara: Kaz was saying he learned how to make this from his wife.
Volenna: This is amazing... It's cut so thin that you can see right through it.
Sara: He had trouble making anything good at first, but through years and years of practice, he got good enough to call himself a chef.
Volenna: Yeah? From the look of this food, I believe it.
Sara: Haha. I wonder how it tastes. I can't wait to try a bite.
Volenna: Same here. Let's go for it.
Sara: Right!
Volenna: Mmm... It doesn't lose any texture despite being such a thin slice, yet it still seems to melt in your mouth...
Sara: I love it! Mm, I could go for more!
Volenna: As could I. It's a good thing there's plenty to go around.
Volenna: ...
Sara: Huh? Is something the matter, Volenna?
Volenna: I'm just happy to see you relieved of your worries.
Sara: Truth is... I haven't really found an answer yet.
Sara: I still don't know what it is I'm good at.
Sara: And I don't exactly have a clear vision for the future either. But...
Volenna: But?
Sara: I don't mind trying different things until I find something just right for me.
Volenna: That's a good attitude to have.
Sara: Thanks.
Sara: I got to talk with a lot of people about this.
Sara: I think everyone put themselves in my shoes to really see what I was thinking.
Sara: It's nice to know that I'm not alone.
Volenna: No, you certainly aren't.
Sara: So while I'm still hazy about my future, I know it's going to be okay.
Volenna: Hm... Even if it's hazy, I'm sure that deep in your heart, you have an image of what you want to be.
Sara: Um, for one thing, I want to be a protector like you, Volenna.
Sara: Also... I'd like to be an incredibly kind and caring person, like (Captain)...
Sara: That's not all... The image I have of my future self can change as I go to more places and meet more people.
Sara: I see the search for my true self as a sort of challenge.
Volenna: Fair enough. Take your time with it, and change yourself as you see fit.
Volenna: However things work out, I promise I'll always be by your side.
Volenna: I look forward to seeing how you evolve, Sara.
Sara: Really?
Volenna: Absolutely. Cooking and traveling with an ever-changing Sara... I'm sure it's going to be so much fun.
Sara: For me too. Thank you, Volenna.
Sara: No longer a captive on the island, the canary finds itself lost in the vastness of the skies.
Sara: Where should it go next? How should it fly?
Sara: Before long, the canary finds itself surrounded by fellow birds in flight.
Sara: Each has its own forte—some larger birds are leisurely gliding across the skies, while some are swimming on the water's surface.
Sara: Still uncertain of the best way to fly, the canary grows restless from seeing the other birds...
Sara: However, it eventually realizes that they're all reaching for the very same sky.
Sara: The canary knows that it isn't alone anymore.