and you

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Event Story Gallery

Event duration: 08:00 UTC, June 13, 202417:00 JST, June 13, 2024 - 09:59 UTC, June 21, 202418:59 JST, June 21, 2024
Displayed time is based on your local machine's clock.

...and you. is an Anniversary Event to commemorate the 9th Anniversary of Granblue Fantasy.

This event is part of the Eternals series. Listed in order of premiere:

This event is connected to multiple event storylines and Fate Episodes. See Event Teaser Page for more details.

Good night and sweet dreams, little child
The moon's turned in, the boundary's far
May tomorrow be a better day

Go to sleep now, think of precious times
The bounds of memory, your mother's bosom
So distant now, your father's arms

Good night and sweet dreams, little child
The light of the stars, the red of the earth
Forget them tonight, the morning will come

To the cradle of sweet dreams,
To the guiding hand that holds,
How much longer until goodbye

Event Promotional Video

(Video is in Japanese. Unofficial English subtitles courtesy of granblue_en. For the original official video, see this link.)

For new players

  • Complete each chapter, quest, and raid boss; each awards Crystal ×50 on first-time completion.
  • Obtain as many Over Mastery RingsOver Mastery Rings as you reasonably can from badge, honor, and token rewards.
  • Earn trophies for additional Crystals.
  • Damascus Crystals are a good long-term investment given their scarcity outside of events. Obtaining all three (and the Damascus Grain) is recommended if AP/Elixir consumption is not a concern.
  • Complete the daily mission every day.
  • The total amount of tokens needed to empty the first 20 drawboxes for the maximum amount of Crystals, and every Golden Gift and Silver Gift, is 40678 tokens. This assumes the first four drawboxes are fully emptied and are not reset early.

Notable Rewards

* Can't be obtained again if it was obtained in the last run.

Trade Items

These items can only be obtained and traded once. Players who have already obtained these items in a previous event run will not receive additional items.

Item Where to Trade

Ex Mundus
Shop > Treasure Trade > Quest Items > Event/Other >
Exclusive Treasure > And You
Option 1 Option 2
Evoker Recruitment Set ×1
Choice of 1 Evoker
Need some advice?
Evoker Recruitment Set saves a ton of farming time and is great for new players!
...but remember New World Quartz is a limited material used for important things. Better for players who are willing to farm a bit more!
Item Where to Trade

Immaculate Soul
Shop > Treasure Trade > Quest Items > Event/Other >
Exclusive Treasure > And You
Acquired Items

Golden Gifts and Silver Gifts

  • One Golden Gift per drawbox can be obtained from drawboxes #1 through #4 of the token draw.
  • One Silver Gift per drawbox can be obtained from drawboxes #5 through #20 of the token draw.
  • Gifts can be used from the Tickets tab under Items in the supplies.
    • If you have item list filter categories disabled, the gifts will appear under the Other section.

Items Received from Gifts

Golden Gift
Sunlight Stone ×1
Damascus Ingot ×1
Damascus Grain ×1
Crystal ×1,000
Premium Draw Ticket ×3
Ruby Awakening Orb ×1
Sapphire Awakening Orb ×1
Citrine Awakening Orb ×1
Brimstone Earrings ×1
Permafrost Earrings ×1
Brickearth Earrings ×1
Jetstream Earrings ×1
Sunbeam Earrings ×1
Nightshade Earrings ×1
Gold Moon ×1
Silver Moon ×2
Bronze Moon ×3
Weapon Plus Mark ×5
Summon Plus Mark ×5
Lazuline Vessel ×3
Scarlet Vessel ×3
Half Elixir ×15
Soul Berry ×45
Silver Gift
Damascus Grain ×1
Shiva Anima ×3
Europa Anima ×3
Alexiel Anima ×3
Grimnir Anima ×3
Metatron Anima ×3
Avatar Anima ×3
Sephira Stone ×2
Flameborne Astra ×2
Aquaborne Astra ×2
Earthborne Astra ×2
Windborne Astra ×2
Lightborne Astra ×2
Darkborne Astra ×2
Justice Idean ×1
Hanged Man Idean ×1
Death Idean ×1
Temperance Idean ×1
Devil Idean ×1
Tower Idean ×1
Star Idean ×1
Moon Idean ×1
Sun Idean ×1
Judgement Idean ×1
Aurora Haze ×1
Chaotic Haze ×1
Lineage Ring ×1
Coronation Ring ×3

Choosing your free Evoker

Players deciding to pick the Evoker Recruitment Set should give careful consideration to which set they choose as not all Evokers were made equal. Check out a snippet of Umikin's FAQ page below for an idea of how each of these characters work and where they sit in the general recruitment priority.

These are my personal, subjective thoughts. Please use discretion when making a decision!

Evaluating Evokers at 4★

Most, if not all, Evokers are not particularly amazing at 4★ compared to other modern characters. The choice is up to the player and which element they would like to focus on or simply enjoy playing. Personally I would recommend getting all of your ATK Arcarum summons The Sun (SSR)
The Moon (SSR)
The Hanged Man (SSR)
Judgement (SSR)
The Star (SSR)
Death (SSR)
to 5★, or SSR at the bare minimum.

Players who are looking ahead may also want to consider which Evoker they want to 5★ uncap.

Not Used
Ewiyar (Grand) or Belial (Summer) is owned.
Otherwise one of least useful Evokers at 4★.


Character Priority Explanation

  • Functions essentially as an extra weapon due to his  The Hanged Man ReversedWhen Sub Ally:
    When all equipped weapons are different, 20% boost to Earth allies' ATKMultiplier: Perpetuity, 50% boost to DEF, and 10% boost to damage cap.
    At level 95:
    Also supplement Earth allies' damage (Damage cap: 20,000).
  • Currently still important for Omega Earth's base grid which limits the grid to only one of each weapon.
  • Loses value in Landslide Scepter Titan grids due to their conflicting passives, but he becomes an incredibly strong frontline unit at 5★.
  • Be sure to check out Advanced Grids for updated setups.

  • Considered core in Wind burst setups in purely for his backline passive  Judgement ReversedWhen Sub Ally:
    Refresh effect to Wind allies when not debuffed (Healing cap: 350).
    30% boost to Wind allies' ATKMultiplier: Perpetuity when debuffed.
    At level 95:
    Refresh effect upgraded to RevitalizeRecover HP each turn (Healing cap: 1000). Gain 10% Charge BoostInstantly boosts Charge Bar by 10%
    Strength: 10%
    if HP is full.
    effect (Healing cap: 1000).
    Also boost Wind allies' DEF by 30% when debuffed.
    when used with Belial (Summer) or Ewiyar (Grand).
  • Outside of this, He very rarely sees frontline use besides in Wind raid solo content and even then his spot in the frontline is fairly competitive with other supports.

  • Haaselia's main role is frontline as a charge bar battery for Kengo setups, but also serves as a strong backline support with  The Moon ReversedWhen Sub Ally:
    +2% boost to Water allies' ATKMultiplier: Unique per turn passed (Max: 20% at 10 turns).
    +4% boost to Water allies' DEF per turn passed (Max: 40% at 10 turns).
    At level 95:
    +3% boost to Water allies' ATKMultiplier: Unique per turn passed (Max: 30% at 10 turns).
    +5% boost to Water allies' DEF per turn passed (Max: 50% at 10 turns).
    +1000 Supplemental DMG effect to Water allies per turn passed (Max: 10,000 at 10 turns).

  • Can start the battle frontline as his backline-to-fontline support ability is arguably not very important.
  • Pairs well with skill damage focused grids and is used in OTK setups that aim to reduce Lockout.
  • Highly useful in any raids that require multiple Dispels like Siegfried (Raid)

  • Nier, or more specifically Nier's field  World of Death and LoveTransform the field into a world of death and love.
    (World of Death and LoveAll foes' and allies' ATK is boosted / Allies deal bonus DMG for one-foe attacks.
    Strength: 20% ATK Up / 30% Bonus Dark DMGMultiplier: UniqueDuration: 3 turnsField effect
    Local status effect
    to the field.)
    , can be used in some Dark burst or even off-element burst setups, though nowadays most elements have solid offensive buffers that she is not really needed as much.
  • Still serves as a decent backline support due to her  Death ReversedWhen MC's element is Dark:
    MC starts battle with Death Reversed (13 times)MC can withstand lethal DMG a set number of times when Nier is a sub ally and MC is not almost knocked out (Leaves 1 HP / Can't be removed)
    Duration: Indefinite
    When Sub Ally:
    Dark MC can withstand lethal damage until end of turn when MC is above 25% HP (Leaves 1 HP).
    (Death ReversedMC can withstand lethal DMG a set number of times when Nier is a sub ally and MC is not almost knocked out (Leaves 1 HP / Can't be removed)
    Duration: Indefinite
    lowers by 1 at end of turn upon taking lethal damage.)
    At level 95:
    Dark MC's buffs can't be removed.

  • Lobelia's main role was in skill damage focused team compositions. Due to how slow these setups typically were, he doesn't see use in many multiplayer raids anymore.
  • Nowadays, he's mostly used for his  Warbringer900% Earth damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,120,000).
    3-turn cut to Earth allies' skill cooldown.
    (Consumes 5 Magic CrestMagic is amplified (Can't be removed)
    At level 75:
    Damage increased to 1000%
    skill cooldown reduction in full auto or burst setups that can easily swap him in.

  • Ideally used with her  Domain Bonus AbilityEnd cooldown for  Indominus400%-500% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~480,000).
    Gain 10% ATK Up (Stackable / Max: 100%)ATK is boosted (Stackable / Can't be removed)
    Strength: 10% (Max: 100%)Multiplier: Unique StackableDuration: IndefiniteStacking: Single Target
    10% DEF Up (Stackable / Max: 100%)DEF is boosted (Stackable / Can't be removed)
    Strength: 10% (Max: 100%)Duration: IndefiniteStacking: Single Target
    Restore all allies' HP based on damage dealt (Healing cap: 2000) and remove 1 debuff.
    upon using charge attack.
    unlocked, Fire being able to reliably bring her in with characters like Ragazzo makes her pretty decent for full auto setups and will get even better with her 5★ and 4th skill unlocked later.

  • Geisenborger's biggest draw is his  The Star ReversedWhen Sub Ally:
    Cap Dark damage taken by Light allies at 10,000 per hit.
    At level 95:
    Light allies gain 2% DMG Cap Up (Stackable / Max: 10%)Maximum amount of DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted (Can't be removed)
    Strength: 2% (Max: 10%)Duration: Indefinite
    upon taking damage.
    which greatly helps your team survive in raids that deal high Dark damage, but realistically this passive is not used that much in current content.
  • He also can be completely immortal by continuously extending his  I'll Bet My SoulGain Impregnable FortressDebuffs will be nullified / Jammed effect / Can withstand lethal DMG (Leaves 1 HP) (Can't be removed) (Effect duration extends upon being targeted by a light ally's healing skill or buff skill)
    Strength: 40%-120%Duration: 5 turns
    (Will be knocked out when effect ends.)
    (Effect duration extends upon being targeted by a Light ally's healing skill or buff skill.)
    . His immortality can be abused by directing the enemies attacks at him with his own  DreadnoughtGain Substitute (All-Ally)Receives all attacks in place of allies
    (Includes all-ally attacks)
    Duration: 1 turn
    and Tank-and-Counter (3 times)Counters upon taking DMG
    Strength: 400%-500%Duration: 1 turn Counter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit.
    skill other substitute / hostility skills.

  • Previously core for Fire burst because of his teamwide 30% Bonus Fire DMGDeals bonus fire DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks
    Strength: 30%
    and 100% TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted
    Strength: 100%
    from  Renatian CreedAll allies gain 100% TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted
    Strength: 100%Duration: 4 turns
    and 30% Bonus Fire DMGDeals bonus fire DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks
    Strength: 30%Duration: 4 turnsStacking: A
    Inflict ShortedCharge bar is frozen
    Duration: 4 turns
    on all allies.
    (Consumes 100% of all allies' charge bar.)
    , but has been dropped due to its activation requirements.
  • Later, he becomes very core for his  Days of RedemptionAll Fire allies gain Flurry (2-hit)Normal attacks deal 2-hit DMG to random foes
    Duration: 1 turn
    and 100% / 20% Critical Hit Rate UpAttacks made with elemental superiority have a chance to deal boosted DMG
    Strength: 100% chance of dealing 20% more damage.Duration: 4 turns
    Activate  Renatian CreedAll allies gain 100% TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted
    Strength: 100%Duration: 4 turns
    and 30% Bonus Fire DMGDeals bonus fire DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks
    Strength: 30%Duration: 4 turnsStacking: A
    Inflict ShortedCharge bar is frozen
    Duration: 4 turns
    on all allies.
    (Consumes 100% of all allies' charge bar.)
    (Can only be used after  The Hierophant UprightWhen Switching to Main Ally:
    All Fire allies gain Blessed RadianceDEF is boosted / Damage dealt by one-foe attacks is partially absorbed to HP (Can't be removed)
    Strength: 50% DEF Up / 25% of damage dealt (Healing cap: 800)Duration: Indefinite
    (Can't be reactivated.)
    At level 95:
    Blessed RadianceDEF is boosted / Damage dealt by one-foe attacks is partially absorbed to HP (Can't be removed)
    Strength: 50% DEF Up / 25% of damage dealt (Healing cap: 800)Duration: Indefinite
    upgraded to Blessed Radiance+DEF is boosted / Damage dealt by one-foe attacks is partially absorbed to HP (Can't be removed)
    Strength: 100% DEF Up / 25% of damage dealt (Healing cap: 1600)Duration: Indefinite
    Also activate  Sun-Touched ParadiseBathe the battlefield in the blazing heat of the sun.
    (Sun-Touched ParadiseCan deal critical hits regardless of element / ATK is boosted / DEF is lowered
    Strength: 20% ATK Up / 25% DEF DownMultiplier: PerpetuityDuration: 8 turnsField effect
    Local status effect
    to the field.)
    (Can't be reactivated.)
    ability that activates that ability without its 100% charge bar requirement among other strong offensive buffs.
  • Competes with a backline slot with Michael, but can serve as a decent backline sustain support due to his  The Sun ReversedWhen Sub Ally:
    20% boost to Fire allies' healing specs.
    Remove 1 debuff from a Fire ally when that ally takes turn-based damage.
    At level 95:
    Fire allies also gain 10% ATK Up (Stackable / Max: 50%)ATK is boosted (Stackable / Can't be removed)
    Strength: 10% (Max: 50%)Multiplier: Unique StackableDuration: Indefinite
    and 10% DEF Up (Stackable / Max: 50%)DEF is boosted (Stackable / Can't be removed)
    Strength: 10% (Max: 50%)Duration: Indefinite
    when they take turn-based damage.

Maria Theresa
  • Maria is mostly used for her  Justice ReversedWhen Sub Ally:
    300% Water damage to all foes when a Water ally casts a buff-removing skill (Damage cap: ~480,000).
    Inflict 10% ATK Down (Stackable / Max: 30%)ATK is lowered (Stackable)
    Strength: 10% (Max: 30%)Base Accuracy: 90%Duration: 180 seconds
    and 10% DEF Down (Stackable / Max: 30%)DEF is lowered (Stackable)
    Strength: 10% (Max: 30%)Base Accuracy: 90%Duration: 180 seconds
    At level 95:
    Damage increased to 500%. Damage cap increased to ~720,000.
    Also inflict 10% Debuff Res. Down (Stackable / Max: 30%)Debuff resistance is lowered (Stackable)
    Strength: 10% (Max: 30%)Base Accuracy: 90%Duration: 180 seconds
    passive which characters that regularly dispel. Unfortunately, Water doesn't really have much use for this ability.
  • Once frontline, Maria turns into a very unique manual sustain character with the ability to set all of your frontline allies' HP to match an ally of your choice which can be used in some niche setups. This ability is cannot be used in full auto.

Rating Evoker's 5★ uncap & their 4th skill

Due to the amount of materials and time required to achieve this step of the Evoker process, it is important to remember these ratings are evaluating the group as a whole and does not take into account certain elemental bias players have. For example, a player who prefers playing Light over all other elements may consider Geisenborger before characters like Alanaan and Haaselia despite their meta relevance.

This table is rating the base 5★ uncap of the Evokers and their usage without their 4th skill.

Bonus Buffs
Usage UnchangedCharacter usage, or lack thereof, doesn't change between 4★ and Base 5★ uncap without their 4th skill.
Not much changes...
Ideally Evokers are uncapped with their 4th skill.

This table is rating the usage of Evokers' 4th skill.

Good Skill
(Niche Character)
Not Necessary
Not Used
For manual play ONLY.
Full Auto players will find no use in Caim's 4th skill.
Full Auto

New Character

Seofon (Event)

Site RatingThe character's overall rating out of 10. GrindingThe character's general efficiency in repeatedly clearing menial content with an emphasis on real-time speed.
GW Max Grade: SS
KG Max Grade: SS
Full AutoThe character's general performance in Full Auto parties.
GW Max Grade: SS
KG Max Grade: SS
High DifficultyThe character's capability relative to the game's most difficult content.
GW Max Grade: SS
KG Max Grade: SS
Last Update
GameWith 8.5 B B B 2023-03-17
Kamigame 8.5 B B C 2023-03-06

Seofon (Event) joins you after clearing Intermission II.

Simplified drop table

Difficulty Type Item Silver Gold Weapon Quartz Urn Grain
Very Hard Raid 0-7 1-7 0-1 -
Extreme Raid - 1-2 2-8 -
Impossible Raid - 2-4 3-8 -
Nightmare Solo 2-? 2-4 2-4
Proud Solo 1-? 2-? 1-?

Event Battles

Story Battles

0225_Day of Goodbye
Occurrences Notes
Ch. 2, Ep. 3
0304_Hello, Worlds
Occurrences Notes
0311_I'm Fine, Thank YOU
Occurrences Notes
Ch. 9, Ep. 4

Raid Battles

Lab of Death
Cost to Host: 0 AP (Up to 5 event raids daily), 20 AP (from 6th raid onward) Cost to Join: 1 EP Unlock: Clear Chapter 3
Lvl 30 Girl in the Sea of Tears Lv30 涙の海に浮かぶ少女
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Girl in the Sea of Tears 30 6,800,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Cries That Scatter TR 50%
Targets: All allies
Deals: Dark DMG (250%)
Effect: Buff Effect Removed (All allies)
  • Bonds That Burn TR 25%
Targets: Random allies
Deals: Dark DMG (13-hit / 100%)
Effect: DEF DownDEF is lowered
(All allies) (Debuffs only inflicted on allies that take DMG)
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50, Lost Seekers of Peach Spring ValleyRewards
Crystal ×10
, Honor ×200,000
Honor: Honor ×39,000 (solo)
Host: Dark Token ×8 Join: Dark Token ×15 MVP: Dark Token ×8
Chest 1 Chest 2 Chest 3 Chest 4
Very RareVerification needed. Uncommon Likely Likely
  • Wedge of Reason
Chest 5 Chest 6 Red
100% 100% -
  • Silver Badge
  • Gold Badge
  • Silver Badge
  • Gold Badge
Drop table last updated: 2018-04-04, all stated drop rates are estimates.
The game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff.
Echoing Screams
Cost to Host: 0 AP (Up to 5 event raids daily), 30 AP & Wedge of Reason ×3 (from 6th raid onward) Cost to Join: 3 EP or
2 EP at <50% HP.
Unlock: Clear Chapter 6
Lvl 50 Girl in the Sea of Tears Lv50 涙の海に浮かぶ少女
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Girl in the Sea of Tears 50 11,500,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Cries That Scatter TR 50%
Targets: All allies
Deals: Dark DMG (250%)
Effect: Buff Effect Removed (All allies)
  • Bonds That Burn TR 25%
Targets: Random allies
Deals: Dark DMG (13-hit / 100%)
Effect: DEF DownDEF is lowered
(All allies) (Debuffs only inflicted on allies that take DMG)
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50, Unhappily Ever AfterRewards
Crystal ×10
, Honor ×400,000
Honor: Honor ×87,625 (solo)
Host: Dark Token ×30 Join: Dark Token ×16 MVP: Dark Token ×18 2nd: Dark Token ×8 3rd: Dark Token ×4
Chest 1 Chest 2 Chest 3 Chest 4
Very RareVerification needed. Uncommon Likely Likely
Chest 5 Chest 6 Red
100% 100% -
  • Gold Badge
  • Gold Badge
Drop table last updated: 2018-04-04, all stated drop rates are estimates.
The game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff.

Enemies take 50% reduced damage from elements other than Light in these battles.

Girl in the Sea of Tears (Impossible)
Cost to Host: 0 AP (Up to 5 event raids daily), 40 AP & Wedge of Reason ×5 (from 6th raid onward) Cost to Join: Rank 101+, 3 EP or
2 EP at <50% HP.
Unlock: Rank 101+, Clear Ending
Lvl 100 Girl in the Sea of Tears Lv100 涙の海に浮かぶ少女
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Girl in the Sea of Tears 100 140,000,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Arms That Shatter TR 75%
Targets: One ally
Deals: Dark DMG (450%)
Effect: Strong ArmedCan't be healed
Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.
(One ally) / ATK UpATK is boosted
Duration: 3.5 turnsLocal status effectApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.
(Self) (Debuffs only inflicted on allies that take DMG)
  • Cries That Scatter TR 50%
Targets: All allies
Deals: Dark DMG (250%)
Effect: Buff Effect Removed / -50% Charge CutInstantly reduces Charge Bar by -50%
Strength: -50%
(All allies) (Debuffs only inflicted on allies that take DMG)
  • Bonds That Burn TR 25%
Targets: Random allies
Deals: Dark DMG (13-hit / 100%)
Effect: DEF DownDEF is lowered
(All allies) (Debuffs only inflicted on allies that take DMG)
  • 75% Trigger
Casts Arms That Shatter.
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Cries That Scatter.
  • 25% Trigger
Casts Bonds That Burn.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50 Honor: Honor ×485,400 (solo)
Host: Dark Token ×66 Join: Dark Token ×42 MVP: Dark Token ×36 2nd: Dark Token ×18 3rd: Dark Token ×10
Chest 1 Chest 2 Chest 3 Chest 4
Rare 100% 100% 100%
  • Silver Badge ×2
  • Silver Badge ×4
  • Gold Badge
  • Gold Badge ×2
Chest 5 Chest 6 Red
100% 100% -
  • Gold Badge
  • Gold Badge ×2
  • Gold Badge ×2
Drop table last updated: 2017-01-05, all stated drop rates are estimates.
The game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff.

World Re-Creation
Cost to Host: 0 AP (Up to 5 event raids daily), 20 AP (from 6th raid onward) Cost to Join: 1 EP Unlock: Clear Chapter 3
Lvl 30 Sword Saint in the Sea of Stars Lv30 星の海に立つ剣聖
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Sword Saint in the Sea of Stars 30 7,140,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Infinito Creare TR 50%
Targets: Random allies
Deals: Wind DMG (10-hit / 50%)
Effect: Tank-and-CounterCounters upon taking DMG
Duration: 1.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.
  • Raffica di Spade TR 25%
Targets: All allies
Deals: Wind DMG (300%)
Effect: DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted
Duration: 3.5 turnsLocal status effectApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.
/ Bonus Wind DMGDeals bonus Wind DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks
Duration: 3.5 turnsLocal status effectApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.
  • Espada Estrella TR 7%
Targets: Random allies
Deals: Wind DMG (7-hit / 150%)
Effect: Buff Effect Removed (All allies)
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Infinito Creare
  • 25% Trigger
Casts Raffica di Spade
  • 7% Trigger
Casts Espada Estrella
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50, Apostle of What Sits Beyond the BoundaryRewards
Crystal ×10
, Honor ×200,000
Honor: Honor ×39,000 (solo)
Host: Dark Token ×8 Join: Dark Token ×15 MVP: Dark Token ×8
Chest 1 Chest 2 Chest 3 Chest 4
Very RareVerification needed. Uncommon Likely Likely
  • Wedge of Reason
Chest 5 Chest 6 Red
100% 100% -
  • Silver Badge
  • Gold Badge
  • Silver Badge
  • Gold Badge
Drop table last updated: 2018-04-04, all stated drop rates are estimates.
The game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff.
Savior or Destroyer
Cost to Host: 0 AP (Up to 5 event raids daily), 30 AP & Wedge of Reason ×3 (from 6th raid onward) Cost to Join: 3 EP or
2 EP at <50% HP.
Unlock: Clear Chapter 6
Lvl 50 Sword Saint in the Sea of Stars Lv50 星の海に立つ剣聖
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Sword Saint in the Sea of Stars 50 12,075,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Infinito Creare TR 50%
Targets: Random allies
Deals: Wind DMG (10-hit / 50%)
Effect: Tank-and-CounterCounters upon taking DMG
Duration: 1.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.
  • Raffica di Spade TR 25%
Targets: All allies
Deals: Wind DMG (300%)
Effect: DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted
Duration: 3.5 turnsLocal status effectApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.
/ Bonus Wind DMGDeals bonus Wind DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks
Duration: 3.5 turnsLocal status effectApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.
  • Espada Estrella TR 7%
Targets: Random allies
Deals: Wind DMG (7-hit / 150%)
Effect: Buff Effect Removed (All allies)
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Infinito Creare
  • 25% Trigger
Casts Raffica di Spade
  • 7% Trigger
Casts Espada Estrella
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50, ProantagonistRewards
Crystal ×10
, Honor ×400,000
Honor: Honor ×87,625 (solo)
Host: Dark Token ×30 Join: Dark Token ×16 MVP: Dark Token ×18 2nd: Dark Token ×8 3rd: Dark Token ×4
Chest 1 Chest 2 Chest 3 Chest 4
Very RareVerification needed. Uncommon Likely Likely
Chest 5 Chest 6 Red
100% 100% -
  • Gold Badge
  • Gold Badge
Drop table last updated: 2018-04-04, all stated drop rates are estimates.
The game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff.

Enemies take 50% reduced damage from elements other than Fire in these battles.

Sword Saint in the Sea of Stars (Impossible)
Cost to Host: 0 AP (Up to 5 event raids daily), 40 AP & Wedge of Reason ×5 (from 6th raid onward) Cost to Join: Rank 101+, 3 EP or
2 EP at <50% HP.
Unlock: Rank 101+, Clear Ending
Lvl 100 Sword Saint in the Sea of Stars Lv100 星の海に立つ剣聖
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Sword Saint in the Sea of Stars 100 142,800,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Infinito Creare TR 75%
Targets: Random allies
Deals: Wind DMG (10-hit / 50%)
Effect: DEF UpDEF is boosted
Duration: 3.5 turnsLocal status effectApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.
/ Tank-and-CounterCounters upon taking DMG
Duration: 1.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.
  • Raffica di Spade TR 50%
Targets: All allies
Deals: Wind DMG (300%)
Effect: DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted
Duration: 3.5 turnsLocal status effectApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.
/ Bonus Wind DMGDeals bonus Wind DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks
Duration: 3.5 turnsLocal status effectApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.
  • Espada Estrella TR 50% 25%
Targets: Random allies
Deals: Wind DMG (7-hit / 150%)
Effect: Buff Effect Removed / BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss
(All allies) (Debuffs only inflicted on allies that take DMG)
  • 75% Trigger
Casts Infinito Creare.
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Raffica di Spade.
  • 25% Trigger
Casts Espada Estrella.
  • 7% Trigger
Casts Espada Estrella.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50 Honor: Honor ×485,400 (solo)
Host: Dark Token ×66 Join: Dark Token ×42 MVP: Dark Token ×36 2nd: Dark Token ×18 3rd: Dark Token ×10
Chest 1 Chest 2 Chest 3 Chest 4
Rare 100% 100% 100%
  • Silver Badge ×2
  • Silver Badge ×4
  • Gold Badge
  • Gold Badge ×2
Chest 5 Chest 6 Red
100% 100% -
  • Gold Badge
  • Gold Badge ×2
  • Gold Badge ×2
Drop table last updated: 2017-01-05, all stated drop rates are estimates.
The game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff.

Checkpoint of Fate
Cost to Host: 0 AP (Up to 5 event raids daily), 20 AP (from 6th raid onward) Cost to Join: 1 EP Unlock: Clear Ending
Lvl 30 Orologia Lv30 オロロジャイア
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Orologia 30 7,480,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Thales Aster TR 50%
Targets: All allies
Deals: Plain DMG (40% of max HP)
Effect: Buff Effect Removed (All allies)
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Thales Aster.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50, Wedge of Causality and TimeRewards
Crystal ×10
, Honor ×200,000
Honor: Honor ×42,400 (solo)
Host: Dark Token ×8 Join: Dark Token ×15 MVP: Dark Token ×8
Chest 1 Chest 2 Chest 3 Chest 4
Very RareVerification needed. Uncommon Likely Likely
  • Wedge of Reason
Chest 5 Chest 6 Red
100% 100% -
  • Silver Badge
  • Gold Badge
  • Silver Badge
  • Gold Badge
Drop table last updated: 2018-04-04, all stated drop rates are estimates.
The game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff.
Secret True Ending
Cost to Host: 0 AP (Up to 5 event raids daily), 30 AP & Wedge of Reason ×3 (from 6th raid onward) Cost to Join: 3 EP or
2 EP at <50% HP.
Unlock: Clear Chapter 6
Lvl 50 Orologia Lv50 オロロジャイア
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Orologia 50 12,650,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Melanleiv TR 75%
Targets: Random allies
Deals: Random-element DMG (12-hit / 50%)
Effect: PoisonedHP is lowered on every turn
/ BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss
(All allies) (Debuffs only inflicted on allies that take DMG)
  • Thales Aster TR 50%
Targets: All allies
Deals: Plain DMG (40% of max HP)
Effect: Buff Effect Removed (All allies)
  • 75% Trigger
Casts Melanleiv.
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Thales Aster.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50, How Do You Do?Rewards
Crystal ×10
, Honor ×400,000
Honor: Honor ×87,625 (solo)
Host: Dark Token ×30 Join: Dark Token ×16 MVP: Dark Token ×18 2nd: Dark Token ×8 3rd: Dark Token ×4
Chest 1 Chest 2 Chest 3 Chest 4
Very RareVerification needed. Uncommon Likely Likely
Chest 5 Chest 6 Red
100% 100% -
  • Gold Badge
  • Gold Badge
Drop table last updated: 2018-04-04, all stated drop rates are estimates.
The game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff.

Orologia (Impossible)
Cost to Host: 0 AP (Up to 5 event raids daily), 40 AP & Wedge of Reason ×5 (from 6th raid onward) Cost to Join: Rank 101+, 3 EP or
2 EP at <50% HP.
Unlock: Rank 101+, Clear Ending
Lvl 100 Orologia Lv100 オロロジャイア
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Orologia 100 145,600,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Melanleiv TR 75%
Targets: Random allies
Deals: Random-element DMG (12-hit / 50%)
Effect: PoisonedHP is lowered on every turn
/ BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss
(All allies) (Debuffs only inflicted on allies that take DMG)
  • Thales Aster TR 50%
Targets: All allies
Deals: Plain DMG (40% of max HP)
Effect: Buff Effect Removed (All allies)
  • Skelos Simeion TR 25%
Targets: All allies
Deals: Random-element DMG (250%)
Effect: Strong ArmedCan't be healed
/ Skill SealedCan't use skills
(All allies) (Debuffs only inflicted on allies that take DMG)
  • 75% Trigger
Casts Melanleiv.
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Thales Aster.
  • 25% Trigger
Casts Skelos Simeion.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50 Honor: Honor ×485,400 (solo)
Host: Dark Token ×66 Join: Dark Token ×42 MVP: Dark Token ×36 2nd: Dark Token ×18 3rd: Dark Token ×10
Chest 1 Chest 2 Chest 3 Chest 4
Rare 100% 100% 100%
  • Silver Badge ×2
  • Silver Badge ×4
  • Gold Badge
  • Gold Badge ×2
Chest 5 Chest 6 Red
100% 100% -
  • Gold Badge
  • Gold Badge ×2
  • Gold Badge ×2
Drop table last updated: 2017-01-05, all stated drop rates are estimates.
The game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff.

Solo Battles


Lost, Unfound
Cost to Host: 0 AP Unlock: May appear after hosting Very Hard (Raid), Extreme (Raid) or Impossible. Does not appear by clearing solo quests.
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Girl in the Sea of Tears 70 16,000,000 ◇◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Bonds That Burn TR 50% 25%
Targets: Random allies
Deals: Dark DMG (13-hit / 100%)
Effect: DEF Lowered (All allies) (Debuffs only inflicted on allies that take DMG)
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Bonds That Burn.
  • 25% Trigger
Casts Bonds That Burn.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Blue Sky Crystal, A Fatal Error Has OccurredRewards
Crystal ×50
Every clear: Dark Token ×100, Honor ×50,000
Chest 1 Chest 2 Chest 3 Chest 4
Extremely Rare Rare Rare Likely
Chest 5 Chest 6 Chest 7 Chest 8
100% 100% 100% 100%
  • Wedge of Reason
  • Silver Badge
  • Gold Badge
  • Gold Badge
Drop table last updated: 2017-11-01, all stated drop rates are estimates.
The game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff.


Good luck!
This solo content is intended as a challenge for experienced players.
It may be impractical to clear without specific characters, summons, or advanced weapons.
Please see the Strategy section for tips and suggestions!
Enemies take 50% reduced damage from elements other than Light in these battles.

No Door to Salvation
Cost to Host: 0 AP / 50 AP (after first clear) Unlock: Rank 150+, Clear Extreme (Solo)
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Girl in the Sea of Tears 150 175,000,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Cries That Scatter TR 75%
Targets: All allies
Deals: Dark DMG (250%)
Effect: Buff Effect Removed / Charge Bar -50% (All allies) (Debuffs only inflicted on allies that take DMG)
  • Bonds That Burn TR 50% 25%
Targets: Random allies
Deals: Dark DMG (13-hit / 100%)
Effect: DEF Lowered (All allies) (Debuffs only inflicted on allies that take DMG)
  • Upon entering Overdrive
Fills all charge diamonds.
  • 75% Trigger
Casts Cries That Scatter
  • 50% Trigger
Unleashes True Power.
Casts Bonds That Burn.
  • 25% Trigger
Unleashes True Power+.
Base charge diamonds: 2 → 1
Casts Bonds That Burn.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50, Blue Sky Crystal ×1, Dark Token ×200
Every clear: Dark Token ×21, Honor ×10,000
Wooden Silver Gold
  • Silver Badge
  • Gold Badge

Good luck!
This solo content is intended as a challenge for experienced players.
It may be impractical to clear without specific characters, summons, or advanced weapons.
Please see the Strategy section for tips and suggestions!
Enemies take 50% reduced damage from elements other than Fire in these battles.

Gazing into the Endless Blue
Cost to Host: 0 AP / 50 AP (after first clear) Unlock: Rank 150+, Clear Extreme (Solo)
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Sword Saint in the Sea of Stars 150 187,000,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Raffica di Spade TR 75%
Targets: All allies
Deals: Wind DMG (300%)
Effect: Double Attack Rate Boosted / ATK Boosted / Bonus Wind DMG / Supplemental DMG (Self)
  • Espada Estrella TR 50% 7%
Targets: Random allies
Deals: Wind DMG (7-hit / 150%)
Effect: Buff Effect Removed / Blinded / Strong Armed (All allies) (Debuffs only inflicted on allies that take DMG)
  • Raffica di Spade TR 25%
Targets: All allies
Deals: Wind DMG (300%)
Effect: Double Attack Rate Boosted / ATK Boosted / Bonus Wind DMG / Supplemental DMG (Self)
  • When boss has 8 or more debuffs
Casts Espada Estrella.
  • Upon entering Overdrive
Fills all charge diamonds.
  • 75% Trigger
Casts Raffica di Spade.
  • 50% Trigger
Unleashes True Power.
Casts Espada Estrella.
  • 25% Trigger
Unleashes True Power+.
Base charge diamonds: 2 → 1
Casts Raffica di Spade.
  • 7% Trigger
Casts Espada Estrella.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50, Blue Sky Crystal ×1, Dark Token ×200
Every clear: Dark Token ×21, Honor ×10,000
Wooden Silver Gold
  • Silver Badge
  • Gold Badge

Good luck!
This solo content is intended as a challenge for experienced players.
It may be impractical to clear without specific characters, summons, or advanced weapons.
Please see the Strategy section for tips and suggestions!

Planned Overflow
Cost to Host: 0 AP / 50 AP (after first clear) Unlock: Rank 150+, Clear Extreme (Solo)
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Orologia 150 104,000,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Melanleiv TR 75%
Targets: Random allies
Deals: Random-element DMG (12-hit / 50%)Effect: Poisoned / Blinded / Charmed / Burned / Charge Bar -30% (All allies) (Debuffs only inflicted on allies that take DMG)
  • Thales Aster TR 50%
Targets: All allies
Deals: Plain DMG (50% of max HP)
Effect: Debuff Effect Removed (All allies) / Debuff Effect Removed / HP Restored (Self)
  • Skelos Simeion TR 25%
Targets: All allies
Deals: Random-element DMG (300%)
Effect: Strong Armed / Skill Sealed / DEF Lowered (All allies) (Debuffs only inflicted on allies that take DMG)
  • Thales Aster TR 10%
Targets: All allies
Deals: Plain DMG (30% of max HP)Effect: Buff Effect Removed (All allies) / Debuff Effect Removed / Triple Attack Rate Boosted (Self)
Fills all charge diamonds.
  • 75% Trigger
Casts Melanleiv.
  • 50% Trigger
Unleashes True Power.
Casts Thales Aster.
Removes Unchallenged (50%)HP won't lower below 50% (Can't be removed)
Duration: IndefiniteLocal status effect
from self.
  • 25% Trigger
Unleashes True Power+.
Base charge diamonds: 2 → 1
Casts Skelos Simeion.
  • 10% Trigger
Casts Thales Aster.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50, Blue Sky Crystal ×1, Dark Token ×200
Every clear: Dark Token ×21, Honor ×10,000
Wooden Silver Gold
  • Silver Badge
  • Gold Badge

Daily Mission

  • Rewards of Daily Mission
    • Period: 08:00 UTC, June 13, 202417:00 JST, June 13, 202409:59 UTC, June 21, 202418:59 JST, June 21, 2024
    • Rewards: Crystal ×50, Dark Token ×150

Event Missions

Completing missions during the event earns rewards. The missions are as follows:

Mission Reward
Join 3 event raid backup requests Wedge of Reason ×3, Bow of Phantasmic Obsession
Join 5 event raid backup requests Wedge of Reason ×5, Bow of Phantasmic Obsession
Join 10 event raid backup requests Wedge of Reason ×7, Bow of Phantasmic Obsession
Join 15 event raid backup requests Wedge of Reason ×10, Bow of Phantasmic Obsession
Clear 3 Nightmare battles Dark Token ×200
Clear 5 Nightmare battles Dark Token ×300
Clear 10 Nightmare battles Dark Token ×500
Clear 15 Nightmare battles Dark Token ×1,000
Reset drawbox #1 Premium Draw Ticket ×1
Reset drawbox #2 Premium Draw Ticket ×1
Reset drawbox #3 Premium Draw Ticket ×1
Reset drawbox #4 Premium Draw Ticket ×1

Event Rewards

Token Drawbox

Event Token Drawbox
Name 1st 2nd 3rd4th5th-20th
Golden Gift1111--
Silver Gift----1-
Dark Quartz ×20111111
Chains of Twisted Fate444422
Treasure (Carried Over) Max 7 per event
Name 1st 2nd 3rd4th-10th5th-20th
Damascus Crystal---1--
Name 1st 2nd 3rd4th5th-20th
Coronation Ring111---
Lineage Ring111---
Name 1st 2nd 3rd4th5th-20th
Skill Jewel11111-
Skill Shard22222-
Archangel Weapon608090130130130
Angel Weapon608090130130130
Rare Weapon-----50
Name 1st 2nd 3rd4th5th-20th
Archangel Queen305060707070
Angel Queen508090130130130
Rare Summon-----50
Name 1st 2nd 3rd4th5th-20th
Half Elixir101520151510
Soul Berry202540252515
Name 1st 2nd 3rd4th5th-20th
Supreme Merit222444
Champion Merit444101010
Deluge Fragment11111-
Wasteland Fragment11111-
True Dark Anima22222-
Ater Centrum22222-
Gabriel Anima11111-
Uriel Anima11111-
Osiris Anima22222-
Name 1st 2nd 3rd4th5th-20th
Crystal ×205-----
Crystal ×15-10----
Crystal ×10--101010-
Rupies ×300178213293203--
Rupies ×100----205230
CP ×1080100130-2020
CP ×35---20--
Arcapoint ×2540-----
Arcapoint ×20-5050---
Arcapoint ×10---100100-
Total 610 800 1000 106710661052

Honor Rewards

Notable Honor Rewards
Honor Item
150,000 Steel Brick
200,000 Dark Quartz ×20
250,000 Premium Draw Ticket
450,000 Dark Quartz ×20
500,000 Damascus Crystal
800,000 Steel Brick
900,000 Dark Quartz ×20
1,000,000 Premium Draw Ticket
1,300,000 Sephira Stone ×1
1,400,000 Dark Quartz ×20
1,500,000 Damascus Crystal
1,800,000 Sephira Stone ×1
1,900,000 Dark Quartz ×20
2,000,000 Lineage Ring ×1
2,300,000 Sephira Stone ×1
2,400,000 Dark Quartz ×20
2,500,000 Damascus Crystal
2,800,000 Sephira Stone ×1
2,900,000 Dark Quartz ×20
3,000,000 Intricacy Ring ×1
3,600,000 Sephira Stone ×1
3,800,000 Dark Quartz ×20
4,000,000 Damascus Grain ×1
4,600,000 Sephira Stone ×1
4,800,000 Dark Quartz ×20
5,600,000 Sephira Stone ×1
5,800,000 Dark Quartz ×20
6,000,000 Horn of Bahamut ×1
7,000,000 Primeval Horn ×1
7,500,000 Golden Gift ×2
8,000,000 Meteorite ×1
9,000,000 Ultima Unit ×1
10,000,000 Tears of the Apocalypse ×1
11,000,000 Abyssal Wing ×5
12,000,000 Cunning Devil's Horn ×1

Badge Rewards

Battle Badge Rewards
Number Silver Gold
10 Half Elixir ×5 Wedge of Reason ×5
20 Tiamat Anima ×6 Champion Merit ×2
30 Soul Berry ×10 Supreme Merit ×1
40 Colossus Anima ×6 Blue Sky Crystal ×1
50 Half Elixir ×5 Coronation Ring ×1
60 Leviathan Anima ×6 Wedge of Reason ×5
70 Soul Berry ×10 Champion Merit ×2
80 Yggdrasil Anima ×6 Supreme Merit ×1
90 Half Elixir ×5 Dark Urn ×1
100 Luminiera Anima ×6 Coronation Ring ×1
110 Soul Berry ×10 Wedge of Reason ×5
120 Celeste Anima ×6 Champion Merit ×2
130 Half Elixir ×5 Supreme Merit ×1
140 Tiamat Omega Anima ×5 Blue Sky Crystal
150 Soul Berry ×10 Coronation Ring ×1
160 Colossus Omega Anima ×5 Wedge of Reason ×5
170 Half Elixir ×5 Champion Merit ×2
180 Leviathan Omega Anima ×5 Supreme Merit ×1
190 Soul Berry ×10 Dark Urn ×1
200 Yggdrasil Omega Anima ×5 Coronation Ring ×1
210 Half Elixir ×5 Wedge of Reason ×5
220 Luminiera Omega Anima ×5 Champion Merit ×2
230 Soul Berry ×10 Supreme Merit ×2
240 Celeste Omega Anima ×5 Blue Sky Crystal ×1
250 Full Elixir ×2 Legendary Merit ×1
260 Dark Crystal ×1 Wedge of Reason ×5
270 Soul Balm ×2 Champion Merit ×2
280 Avatar Anima ×1 Supreme Merit ×2
290 Full Elixir ×2 Dark Urn ×1
300 Coronation Ring ×1 Lineage Ring ×1


  English Title Japanese Title Step Description Reward Notes
Heir of the Blessed 神に見初められし血を継ぐ者 ★☆☆ Get 100,000 honors in And You
Sky Realm's Roots 世界の根幹に関わる者 ★★☆ Get 500,000 honors in And You
Bearer of Fate 空の命運の担い手 ★★★ Get 1,000,000 honors in And You Crystal ×50
Lost Seekers of Peach Spring Valley 失われし桃源郷を求める者 Defeat Girl in the Sea of Tears (Very Hard) in a raid battle you started Crystal ×10
Apostle of What Sits Beyond the Boundary 涯てに座する者の使徒 Defeat Sword Saint in the Sea of Stars (Very Hard) in a raid battle you started Crystal ×10
Wedge of Causality and Time 因果と時の流れを定義せし楔 Defeat Orologia (Very Hard) in a raid battle you started Crystal ×10
Unhappily Ever After Unhappily Ever After Defeat Girl in the Sea of Tears (Extreme) in a raid battle you started Crystal ×10
Proantagonist Proantagonist Defeat Sword Saint in the Sea of Stars (Extreme) in a raid battle you started Crystal ×10
How Do You Do? How do you do? Defeat Orologia (Extreme) in a raid battle you started Crystal ×10
Woo-Hoo! Onward We Go! すぐ行こうナウ行こう! ★☆☆ Clear And You raid battle 5 times
Too Cute to Handle! あまりの可愛さで眩しい! ★★☆ Clear And You raid battle 50 times
I Slice, I Dice, I Pilot Ships Nice! 結構なんでもできる! ★★★ Clear And You raid battle 200 times Crystal ×50
A Fatal Error Has Occurred 深刻なエラーが発生しました。 Defeat Girl in the Sea of Tears (Nightmare) Crystal ×50

Voiced Trailer

Japanese[1] EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation.






今回はね 潰えた可能性とか 涯ての謎とかをね


つまり主にバハムーの尻拭いですね~ いつもどうりね


『and you(アンドユー)』



Hello, everyone!

Can you hear me? How are you all doing today?

It's yours truly, wedge of the skies...

Controlling causality and the flow of time, equal in existence to the Six Dragons...

(Both) Orologia!

So, this time, I want to talk about...

Stuff like failed permutations and the mysteries of the boundary.

Basically, the usual: cleaning up Bahamut's mess!

Let's avoid speedrunning to destruction, okay?

Next time on Granblue Fantasy
...and you.

With that...


Event Teaser Page

Critical Junctures

Seeds of Redemption

A Tale of Kindled Bonds

Old Bond

Observation Targets


Six Dragons

Nectar & Shinsha



  • Orologia's appearance and voice in certain cutscenes differ based on the current gender of the Main Character.
  • In the Event Teaser Page, the "Current Trial Count" number changes depending on your progress in the event. Each number is not directly explained by the game, but has various possible meanings.[2]
Occurance Trial Count Possible Meanings/References
Before clearing Intermission I 2,017
  • The year Eternals characters received their 5★ uncap.
  • Debut year of What Makes the Sky Blue, the first event specifically made to commemorate Granblue Fantasy's anniversary.
  • Prime number.
After clearing Intermission I 5,153
  • Distance in light years to the first observed free-floating black hole.[3]
  • Prime number.
After clearing Intermission II 129,600
After clearing Ending 576,000,000
  • Maitreya, who in Buddhist tradition will come in 576 million years to redeem the world.[4]
  • 576 megapixels is the estimated resolution of the human eye if it were a digital camera.[5]
  • Chapter titles in this event are in 8-bit binary encoding.
Chapter Title Binary ASCII
1 ・│・・│・・・ 01001000 H
2 ・│・・││││ 01001111 O
3 ・│・│・│││ 01010111 W
4 ・│・・・・・│ 01000001 A
5 ・│・│・・│・ 01010010 R
6 ・│・・・│・│ 01000101 E
7 ・│・││・・│ 01011001 Y
8 ・│・・││││ 01001111 O
9 ・│・│・│・│ 01010101 U


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Locked Guide Notes
