Scenario:Camieux - Mustering Courage

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Mustering Courage

The party returns to the gun workshop where they first met Camieux and get a warm welcome from her parents. A ruffian barges into the workshop and falsely claims his gun went off by itself, but Camieux disproves his lie and works with (Captain) to drive him away.

In an effort to become braver, Camieux joins (Captain)'s skyfarer crew on their adventures.
(Captain) and company are in the area for a mission and decide to stop by the gunsmith's workshop... which also doubles as Camieux's parents' house.
Camieux: Hi, Da—I mean, Boss! I'm home!
Papa Gunsmith: Welcome back, Cammy! How've you been? Haven't caught a cold, have you?
Mama Gunsmith: Will you come on, dear? I'm sorry, (Captain). We haven't even had a chance to say hello.
Lyria: It's okay! Seeing Camieux and everyone so happy makes me happy too!
Mama Gunsmith: You're so sweet... I'm glad Camieux made such nice friends.
Camieux: Yes'm! They're all very good people, Mom!
Mama Gunsmith: Hee hee... Well, you just let us know if you ever need us to take a look at your guns!
Vyrn: Thanks! That sure takes a load off our shoulders!
As the group chats happily together, the door suddenly bursts open.
Camieux: Yeeep! H-hey, what's your problem!
Thug: I'll tell you what my problem is!
Camieux: Fwah?
Thug: You guys sold me a defective product. Look at the sloppy construction on this thing! It blew up on me as soon as I pulled the trigger!
Camieux: It b-blew up on you?
Papa Gunsmith: Very sorry to hear that. Which gun was it? I'd like to take a look if you don't mind.
Thug: Sure. It's this one.
Papa Gunsmith: Hrm. It exploded on its own, did it... Let's see...
Thug: Hey! What's the hold up? Where's my money?
Mama Gunsmith: Sir? You said the gun went off when you used it, correct?
Thug: Yeah! How many times you gonna make me repeat myself?
Papa Gunsmith: Is that so? That's odd. Both your hands look perfectly fine to me!
Camieux: Ah! He's right! If it exploded, you'd have burn marks all over, even if you were wearing gloves!
Thug: Shut up, you little shrimp!
Camieux: I-I won't shut up! Were you planning to extort us? You've got some nerve!
Thug: Okay, that's it! If you were smarter, you would've shut up and paid me!
Camieux: Whaaa! O-oh no! He's got a weapon!
Y-you're really gonna get it now!

Mustering Courage: Scene 2

Camieux drives away the ruffian, but criticizes herself for being so timid and not seeing through the ruffian's lie. She then discovers the man intruding in the warehouse, and is joined by (Captain) and the crew to send him packing.

Thug: You'll pay for this!
Camieux: And don't come back! Please!
Papa Gunsmith: Sigh... What a troublesome customer! Sorry about that, (Captain). Thanks for the help.
Lyria: I'm just glad you two didn't get hurt! Right, Camieux?
Camieux: Y-yeah!
Camieux: ...
Mama Gunsmith: Oh, look at the time! Why don't you have dinner with us?
Vyrn: Heheh! We're already here, so let's take her up on the offer, (Captain)!
When (Captain) and company finish eating, they realize Camieux's gone missing. The crew heads out to find her.
Camieux: Sigh...
Lyria: Camieux's over there in the shadows!
Vyrn: You're right! Hey, Camieux!
Camieux: Fwaah? Why, I oughta—
Oh... I didn't realize it was you, (Captain).
Vyrn: Are you feeling down in the dumps again? If you want to talk about it, we're all ears.
Camieux: Sob... Gosh darn it... I thought traveling with you guys was toughening me up...
Camieux: But when that gross jerk showed up, I couldn't say anything...
Lyria: Hmm... He did look pretty threatening. I don't blame you for being startled.
Camieux: It's not just that!
Camieux: If I had just stayed calm I would have seen through his lie about the gun exploding...
Camieux: But most of all, I'm ashamed that I didn't trust a product from our workshop...
Lyria: Hmm... But that's...
Camieux: Sigh...
That's when the sound of something shattering enters earshot.
Camieux: Yeep! W-what was that? I-it came from our warehouse!
Vyrn: Wait, Camieux! There she goes. Let's go after her, (Captain)!
Thug: Pft. They should have just shut their mouths and paid up. Let's see how they like it when I light up their gunpowder!
Camieux: You big jerk! Whaddaya think you're doin' in our warehouse?
Thug: Hah! If it isn't the scared little pipsqueak from earlier! What're you gonna do by yourself? Lookin' for a knuckle sandwich?
Camieux: Eep... I-if you wanna hit me, hit me! But I won't let you do anything to our warehouse!
Thug: Heh. I'll beat you to a pulp and make those annoying gunsmiths regret their decision to mess with me!
Camieux: I-I won't lose! Bring it on!
Lyria: Oh no! That bad guy from earlier is picking a fight with Camieux! Let's help her, (Captain)!

Mustering Courage: Scene 3

The party successfully stops the ruffian, and Camieux's parents see that their daughter has matured since becoming a skyfarer. Camieux continues her journey with (Captain) and company to become as brave and strong as she can be.

Camieux, (Captain), and the others stop the ruffian and hand him over to the town guards.
Papa Gunsmith: Thanks for the save, (Captain). Gonna have to look into getting the lock and door replaced though.
Vyrn: Heheh! You should thank Camieux. She took on that baddie all by herself!
Papa Gunsmith: You fought him alone, Camieux? That was dangerous! You should've called for help first!
Camieux: B-but I was worried someone at the workshop might get hurt! And with all the gunpowder in the warehouse...
Camieux: I figured if I could slow him down, you or (Captain) would take care of the rest.
Papa Gunsmith: But still... You need to take care of yourself too, Cammy...
Camieux: Dad...
Mama Gunsmith: Whew... That was a close call, but I'm glad to see you're safe, sweetie.
Camieux: Mom?
Mama Gunsmith: Hehe... Camieux, you used to clam up when you had trouble saying what you wanted to say.
Mama Gunsmith: I was worried about you, but you've finally learned to speak your mind to your father.
Camieux: Oh, Mom! That's right! I can finally say what's on my mind!
Camieux: Travelling with (Captain) has made me a lot braver!
Lyria: She gets startled a lot less now too!
Camieux: Yeeep! D-darn it, wh-wh-what was that noise?
Gunsmith Worker: Huh? Oh, it's just me. I just came to tell you that nothing was damaged in the warehouse.
Camieux: Hggh... Don't just swing the door open like that next time...
Camieux: I-I freaked out over nothing again... Stupid Camieux!
Mama Gunsmith: Sigh... Looks like she still has a long way to go. Take good care of her, (Captain)!
Camieux: Nggaagh! I-I'll do my best! I'm gonna become super tough... Just you wait!
Camieux steels herself, facing her fears for the sake of family and friends.
Her journey toward a bolder and braver future continues...